United Nations
From Transformers Wiki
The United Nations, often abbreviated to the UN, is an international organisation on Earth which counts almost all nations as members. Its stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in various areas, such as international law, social progress, human rights, achievement of world peace and the resolvement of global security issues, and dealings with the Transformers. The UN possesses a Security Council, charged with the maintenance of international peace and security, and it is led by a Secretary-General.
The UN is headquartered in New York City, USA, with other bases in Geneva, Switzerland; Vienna, Austria; and Nairobi, Kenya.
Some people are paranoid that the United Nations will create a one-world government. And according to cartoon writers, they're right!
Generation 1 continuity family
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
After the initial Decepticon threat was repulsed, all the world's governments worked together to help the Autobots return to Cybertron. This was presumably a UN operation. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3
The theft of an experimental Soviet air force jet caused US-USSR tensions to flare up, and the UN Security Council called an emergency session to discuss the matter. Prime Target
Japanese cartoon continuity
In the year 2004, the United Nations assisted the Autobots in their Scramble City project. Robotmasters
The Headmasters cartoon
Following the routing of Scorponok's forces, the Earth was left in a mess. The United Nations held a summit to discuss how to run the clean-up operation, with Spike Witwicky and Arcee attending. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)
Victory cartoon
The UN had a monitoring station in Antarctica, which tried to catalogue a sudden increase in seismic disturbances before it was destroyed by an avalanche. The Autobots went to investigate and found the cause was a Decepticon drilling operation. Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle
Marvel Story Books
Megatron took millions of humans hostage and blackmailed the world with threats of killing them. The United Nations held an emergency meeting but was unsure how to respond to the threat. Battle for Earth
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
The UN gave Cobra Island, stronghold of murderous terrorist organization Cobra, status as a sovereign nation because... look, they just did, alright?
Transformers Comic-Magazin
The Autobots have a liaison officer stationed at the UN. He takes and forwards emergency calls personally. The Energon Trap
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
After the Decepticons occupied Las Vegas, the United Nations, for fear of civilian casualties, ordered the Autobots to stay out. Hardwired
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Cobra's first public attack was on the United Nations Headquarters during a summit. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1
2005 IDW continuity
The UN had a peace-keeping spy organisation, S.H.I.E.L.D.. They worked in conjunction with the Avengers during the conflict between Latveria and Symkaria spurred by the Decepticons. Man and Machine, Part One
Megatron's assault on Earth started in New York, displacing the United Nations. Partway into the conflict, the UN was reconvening at Versailles and the US military was worried about what they might decide to do, which they were right to be as the UN delegates decided New York needed to be nuked out! All Hail Megatron #5 All Hail Megatron #6 What the UN didn't realise was Megatron had not only expected this, it was part of his plan to reshape the Decepticons and he'd replaced their bomber with a deep-cover agent. All Hail Megatron #11 Lucky the Autobots stopped it all, eh?
In the aftermath of the war, the UN had Skywatch made into an international organization rather than a solely American one. The Man of Steel Er, apparently.
The President likened the Council of Worlds to the United Nations, noting that humans could barely solve their problems on a planetary level without getting involved in the cosmic community. To Walk Among the Chosen Being owed a favour by the Security Council, The Life of Sideswipe she proposed to the United Nations that Marissa Faireborn be appointed as Earth's ambassador to the Cybertronian Council of Worlds. They approved. Origin Myths
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
After the Decepticons had aligned themselves with Cobra, the group attacked the United Nations to bully Earth's leaders into submission. Though the Serpentress made a dramatic entrance and had a powerful opening statement, the larger battle happening outside led the UN to be quickly forgotten. Expelled from the Garden
Dreamwave Energon comic
On March 22, 2015, Optimus Prime and the Secretary General ratified the Cybercord Treaty between Earth and Cybertron. Multiplicity
Cybertron cartoon
U.S. President Gabriella Constanza made confusing, jargon-ridden promises at the UN. Collapse
Live-action film series
Director Galloway noted that Optimus Prime's transmissions into space had not been vetted by anyone at the White House, the United Nations, or any other Earth organization that the Autobots were in contact with. Revenge of the Fallen (novel)
After the Decepticons attacked Washington, D.C., Sentinel Prime gave the United Nations a message saying that the Decepticons had only come for Earth's resources but would attack if the Autobots were not exiled from Earth immediately. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (film) The UN voted to keep the Autobots but the US government somehow overrode them and exiled them anyways. Dark of the Moon (novel)
- According to Jim Sorenson in the Beast Wars: Uprising continuity, following a period of destructive battles on Earth, the UN asked all Cybertronians to leave. Though the small nation of Sierra Gordo offered amnesty for any Autobots who wanted to remain on Earth, the Decepticons made sure they regretted it.[1]
External links
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