
Thriving Initiatives

Background image: Three students gathered in front of Wheeler Hall
Image credit:
Brandon Alexis Sanchez Mejia

Thriving means: 

  • Developing a holistic approach to serving so every member of our communities feel like they belong at Berkeley; and

  • Eliminating barriers to increase access to opportunities and advancement; and

  • Supporting  inclusive and culturally responsive practices that ensure wellness, development, and success; and

  • Our ethos honors specific knowledge, experience, and intersectional identities within communities.

To create the conditions for thriving, we as a campus must fulfill our responsibility of creating systems, policies and practices that center equity-based, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive values and approaches. 

While E&I serves as an anchor point for the Thriving Initiatives, the transformative work, the investment of resources, and the attention to lived experiences must manifest and be tended to by everyone on campus; this is an institution-wide commitment. Students, staff, administrators, and faculty all have a role to play–as advocates and practitioners.

Thriving Priorities

  • Enroll, retain, and graduate increased rates of first generation, low income, historically underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students
  • Make UC Berkeley people (student, staff, faculty, community) ready
  • Champion community-centered, liberatory, and engaged research and pedagogy
  • Advance transformative campus culture change
Cover for the Thriving Report with three students looking in the distance on Sproul Plaza

2024 Thriving Report

The 2024 Thriving Report provides a comprehensive overview of UC Berkeley's ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all students, faculty, and staff. This report highlights key initiatives, accomplishments, and future goals across the university's Thriving Initiatives, including those focused on African American, Latinx, Native American, and Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. It reflects the progress made over the past year and outlines our continued commitment to advancing equity and belonging at UC Berkeley.