Glean (Song)

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Glean (Song)"

song name Glean
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Glean, Dial-A-Song (2015)
year 2015
run time 1:47
sung by Note.svg Instrumental


  • Tracking and mixing for this instrumental was completed on December 17, 2014.[1]
  • All instruments for this track were created using a Mellotron and Chamberlin, both very early forms of electro-mechanical keyboards. The Mellotron was previously used to play a horn section on "Reprehensible". John Flansburgh:
As for the sounds, the rhythm riff (both horns, combos, bass, and drums) are simply the first notes of the longer loops made for the Mellotron or Chamberlin. (They are ganged up along the keyboard, but don’t really have much relationship to each other. You’ll have a Dixieland band or a jazz combo or a solo rock and roll drum or a walking bass, all just playing five second riffs of kind of common clichés. Originally you were supposed to hold it down and let the loop play so it could do its “one-man band” thing, but by playing a sequence of short notes on different keys you get an instant disconnected audio collage effect.)
  • A visitor to in 2015 would hear a brief clip of this song before the track of the week would load.
  • This song contains a melody that resembles the "Hearing Aid" bridge ("More coffee for me, boss / 'Cause I'm not as messed up as I want to be"). According to Flansburgh, the similarity was not intended.
  • For the video, the visuals were done by Chris Smith and stars a chihuahua named Roger Kisvarday. The description also humorously states, "Many dog biscuits were injured in the making of this video."

Song Themes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Glean (Song) is currently ranked #775 out of 1034. (66 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.62)