My Evil Twin

From This Might Be A Wiki
Drawing, from the Apollo 18 promo, representing the song

song name My Evil Twin
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Apollo 18, Flood + Apollo 18
year 1992
first played February 10, 1992 (17 known performances)
run time 2:37
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell harmonizes and sings "My twin"


  • "This is a collaboration between John Linnell and John Flansburgh, teaming up to form a songwriting team! It's unusual, it's controversial, but this is what happened." - John Linnell introducing the song, November 29, 2008
  • "I wrote a bunch of music. It was all MIDI, and I put it on a computer disc and gave it to John, and he wrote the melody and lyrics over top of it." - John Linnell, from In Their Own Words: Songwriters Talk About the Creative Process by Bill DeMain
  • Used as the theme to the segment "Evil Adam" on The Adam Carolla Show.

Song Themes

Aversion To Work, Body Parts, Criminal Activities, Denial, Evil, Friendship, Games, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Occupations, People (Imaginary), People (Real), Presidents, Reading, Recursion, Relatives, The Senses, Sleep, Traded Tracks, Transportation, Weather


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