Rocket Number Nine Take Off For The Planet Venus

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Rocket Number Nine Take off for the Planet Venus
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased
year 2020
first played February 6, 2020 (15 known performances)
run time Clock.png This unreleased song has only been played live,
and therefore has no definitive run time.
sung by John Linnell


  • Originally written by Sun Ra and performed alongside his "Myth Science Arkestra" for his album Interstellar Low Ways.
  • Since 2020, this song has been frequently and exclusively performed during the breakdown section of Particle Man. Linnell often replaces the titular "Rocket Number Nine" in the lyrics with "Triangle Man."

Song Themes

People (Imaginary), Shapes, Space, TMBG Remakes