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Important Update
IJNS is not currently accepting new submissions. Due to a lack of institutional staff, the journal is unable to take on new submissions at this time. We are closing new submissions to focus on volume 9, issues 1 and 3. We apologize for any inconvenience.Mission
The mission of the International Journal of Nuclear Security is to share and promote research and best practices in all areas of nuclear security. It provides an open-access, multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion. The journal encourages diversity in theoretical foundations, research methods, and approaches, asking contributors to analyze and include implications for policy and practice.
IJNS was launched in 2015 to fill the need for an open, international, scholarly discussion about nuclear security issues and insights among scholars, students, practitioners, and experts from academia, government, industry, and the private sector—as well as from the intelligence, military, and law enforcement communities.
IJNS invites submissions that focus on global education and training in nuclear security. Topics of interest include:
- Curriculum development programs in nuclear security at academic institutions
- Continuing education programs, such as professional development courses and training, at academic or other institutions
- Preventing and/or delimiting insider and outsider threats
- Reports and scholarly investigations on pedagogical initiatives for nuclear security, including alternative/complementary teaching methods (tabletop exercises, case studies, etc.)
- Issues/barriers/problems (and proposed solutions) in international education for nuclear security
- Discussion of grant development and funding scenarios related to education in nuclear security
NOTE: IJNS is not currently accepting new submissions.
Please see the IJNS website for general submission rules: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns/policies.html#whatcansubmit
In addition, please follow the style guide for submissions on the IJNS website: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns/styleguide.html
To submit an article, authors need to create an account on the IJNS website: http://trace.tennessee.edu/ijns. After creating an account, authors should navigate to the “Submit Article” tab on the left side of the screen (seventh tab down or first blue tab). CONTACT: ijns@tennessee.edu
The mission of this open access, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal is to share and promote research and best practices in all areas of nuclear security.
IJNS publishes technical and policy-related articles, book reviews, news about conferences, seminars, and other events relevant to nuclear security, as well as descriptions of new educational programs or courses in nuclear security. See our Aims and Scope for more details.
Contact us: ijns@tennessee.edu
Current Issue: Volume 9, Number 3 (2024) International Journal of Nuclear Security–Nuclear Security Women 2024 Special Issue
Front Matter
IJNS–NSW 2024 Special Issue Title Pages
Rachel Brooks
Statement of Diversity and Inclusion
Rachel Brooks
Letter from the Nuclear Security Women Editors
Kathleen Doty and Lindsey K. Gehrig
Letter from the IJNS Editors
Rachel Brooks and Ashley A. Humphrey
Rachel Brooks
Fortifying Nuclear Security: Cultivating Vigilance Culture Among Personnel for Enhanced Prevention and Response
Sabariah Kader Ibrahim and Sonia Naz
Enhancing Nuclear and Radiological Security in Polarized Times: Safeguarding Against Extremist Insider Threats
Jessica Baweja, Madelyn Dunning, and Keithan Rogers
Investigation of Radiation Absorption Behavior of Banana Leaves and Onion: A Cost-Effective Way of Radiation Protection
Arpita Datta, Alpana Goel, and Shreya Singh
Liberalizing the Nuclear Energy Sector: Small Modular Reactors, Net-Zeros, and Perceptions in India
Hely Desai
Vision of Nuclear Power Deployment in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Focus on Small Modular Reactors and the Regional Experience of Central Argentina de Elementos Modulares
Alejandra Loreto Alfaro, Florencia Rentería, and Camila Araujo
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: The First Gender Champion
Muhammed Ali Alkış and Océane Van Geluwe
Women in Nuclear Security: The United Arab Emirates Story
Mohamad Z. Zineddin
The Role of Human Security in Addressing the Inclusion of Women: Nuclear Security and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Jordan and Egypt
Yara Shaban and Jasmine Auda
Empowering Voices: The Unsung Role of Women in Establishing and Sustaining the Pelindaba Treaty for an African Nuclear Weapon–Free Zone
Heba Fathy Elkomey, Alejandra Loreto Alfaro, Dennis Balami, Adeline Yuego, miriam Yartey, and Geraldine Okoye