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Minimizing Stack Memory for Hard Real-Time Applications on Multicore Platforms with Partitioned Fixed-Priority or EDF Scheduling

Published: 11 May 2016 Publication History


Multicore processors are increasingly adopted in resource-constrained real-time embedded applications. In the development of such applications, efficient use of RAM memory is as important as the effective scheduling of software tasks. Preemption Threshold Scheduling (PTS) is a well-known technique for controlling the degree of preemption, possibly improving system schedulability, and to reduce system stack usage. In this paper, we consider partitioned multi-processor scheduling on a multicore processor with either Fixed-Priority or Earliest Deadline First scheduling algorithms with PTS and address the design optimization problem of mapping tasks to processor cores and assignment of task priorities and preemption thresholds with the optimization objective of minimizing system stack usage. We present both optimal solution techniques based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming and efficient heuristic algorithms that can achieve high-quality results. We perform extensive performance evaluations using both synthetic tasksets and industrial case studies.


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  1. Minimizing Stack Memory for Hard Real-Time Applications on Multicore Platforms with Partitioned Fixed-Priority or EDF Scheduling



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 21, Issue 3
      Special Section on New Physical Design Techniques for the Next Generation Integration Technology and Regular Papers
      July 2016
      434 pages
      • Editor:
      • Naehyuck Chang
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Journal Family

      Publication History

      Published: 11 May 2016
      Accepted: 01 November 2015
      Revised: 01 October 2015
      Received: 01 February 2015
      Published in TODAES Volume 21, Issue 3


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      Author Tags

      1. Multicore
      2. partitioned scheduling
      3. real-time scheduling


      • Research-article
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      • Refereed

      Funding Sources

      • National Science Foundation of China


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      • (2022)Schedulability analysis and stack size minimization for adaptive mixed criticality scheduling with semi-Clairvoyance and preemption thresholdsJournal of Systems Architecture10.1016/j.sysarc.2021.102383124(102383)Online publication date: Mar-2022
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