Monday, July 30, 2018

The Fishing Fleet Departure 07/30/2018

The fishing fleet departed this morning with high hopes and a beautiful sunrise.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Full Moon tonight!


The Full Moon rise tonight will occur at 20:49 and should be visible on the GLA cam, Bayfront Cam, Hillside Cam and Harborcam.

Walter J McCarthy Jr departed Duluth 07/27/2018

Jeffery the Gull here!   What a great sunrise, I often stop by just to enjoy the sun coming up over the lake.

There goes the Walter J McCarthy Jr.  A good old 1000 footer capable of carrying 78000 tons of sardines.   Too bad it's still being used to haul rocks, seems like a waste.

Well, I'm off to the landfill for a snack before things get rolling at Bayfront Park for the Weekend.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Two Harbors Sunset - by Christian Dalbec

This beautiful image was taken by Christian Dalbec of the sunset with the Edgar B Speer at the Two Harbors ore docks.
You can see more of Christians outstanding work at:

Edwin H Gott departed Two Harbors 07/25/2018

Edwin H Gott departed Two Harbors this morning.

Jeffery the Gull's Song!

Jeff the gull here! -- I have a great voice, unlike those big boat horns.

American Mariner arrived Duluth 07/24/2018

American Mariner arrived Duluth Tuesday evening.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Weather Station Update

Here is a photo of our new weather station placed atop of the canalcam and bridgecam at the Visitor Center in Canal Park.
The Duluth Shipping Canal Weather Station can be accessed from the link in the left column of this page and is connected to Weather Underground.

CSL ST LAURENT departed Duluth 07/22/2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

John J Boland arrived Duluth 07/21/2018

Paul R Tregurtha departed Duluth 07/21/2018

New Weather Station installed!


I have installed a weather station atop the pole that holds the canal cam and bridge cam at the Marine Museum in Canal Park.  The weather data is transmitted wirelessly to a receiver and loaded up to Weather Underground.

There is a weather station graphic on the left-hand column of this website that links to our station on Weather Underground.

I still need to install a range extender to strengthen the wireless signal, but it seems to we working OK now.


CSL ST LAURENT arrived Duluth 07/21/2018

CSL ST LAURENT arrived Duluth this morning.

Large Graphic painted below pilothouse.

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth 07/21/2018

Paul R Tregurtha arrived Duluth early this morning to load coal.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Frontenac arrived Superior 07/18/2018

Algoma Navigator departed Two Harbors 07/18/2018

Edwin H Gott arrived Two Harbors 07/18/2018

The adventures of Jeffery the Gull

So, what do you think? I spotted this shiny medallion with my new set of binoculars.
There was this muscle guy over on the Park Point beach wearing it.  I knew it would be hard to get it off his neck, so, I waited until he and his girlfriend laid down on their beach towels. It was hot so he took it off and put it in one of his sandals.  I very slowly snuck up behind them.  I don't think he recognized me with my sunglasses on.

At the right moment, a kicked over his drink and in the disturbance, I was able to grab this really cool shiny thing. It was so neat. As I flew a 360 circle around the couple, he threw a sandal at me -- so much fun, I love shiny things and life in Duluth.

Have a great day! - Jeffery the Gull

Monday, July 16, 2018

Presque Isle arrived Two Harbors 07/16/2018

Jeffery the Gull - Jackpot!

Monday mornings in Canal Park are fantastic during the summer. If you get there before the garbage man does, the trash cans are full and there is plenty of fast food for breakfast.

I really appreciate the city for putting these trash cans in. It is the first place I stop for breakfast.  (DQ Fan Food is the best!)

Life a great! -- Your friend -- Jeff the Gull

Federal Asahi arrived Duluth 07/16/2018

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Edgar B Speer arrived Duluth 07/15/2018

Edgar B Speer arrived Duluth this evening to load iron pellet

Fraserborg arrived Duluth 071518

The world according to Jeffery the Gull

What a great day yesterday. Lot's of people from around the state came to feed the gulls at Bayfront Park, it was the Taste of Duluth Festival.  Fantastic. There was plenty of food for all, I especially like the caramel corn and hot dogs.

People watching is one of my favorite pastimes, and if you pretend to be limping a bit, they feel sorry for you and throw even more food. I learned that trick from watching my friends.

I also picked up this swell pair of binoculars.  While I have good eyesight, with these, I can spot a dead fish over on Park Point without even leaving my perch.

I just love summer in Duluth, it is so much fun. Yesterday I grabbed someone's parking receipt right out of the machine just for kicks.  They loved it and everyone had a good laugh, especially the kids.

Well, gotta get ready for today. I hope to find a fish sandwich with some spicy Italian tarter sauce.  I should be able to spot them with the help of my new binoculars.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Eemsborg arrived Duluth 07/13/2018

CSL Niagara arrived Duluth 07/13/2018

CSL Niagara arrived Duluth this afternoon

Manitoulin departed Duluth 07/13/2018

Manitoulin departed Duluth this morning

Life according to Jeffery the Gull!

So, I picked up this cool hat over at Bayfront when it blew off a guys head.  Everyone seemed to get a kick out of it.  Hillarious!  I seem to blend in with the crowds now and more people share their snacks than ever before. I'm going to teach my buddies this little disguise trick, it works every time.

Mantoulin arrived Duluth 07/12/2018

Mantoulin arrived Duluth Thursday to load iron pellets

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jeffery the Gull!

Jeff the Gull here!
So, when I was over at the canal this morning, I noticed almost everyone had these boxes around their necks and kept pointing them at each other.  I'm not sure what they do, but, I figured if I picked one up and put it around my neck I could blend in with the crowd and get a bit closer to the food.

If you happened to be over by the canal and lost a camera, most homeowner policies will cover it.  I may play around with it a bit more to see what it does and than drop it back off when I get a chance.

Your friend, Jeff

Burns Harbor departed and Indiana Harbor arrived Superior 07/12/2018

Edwin H Gott arrived Two Harbors 07/12/2018

Lake Lightning

Lightning over Lake Superior!

From Hillside Cam

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The World according the Jeff the Gull

Hi Ya All,

Jeffery the Gull here.   So, when I was up at the Duluth Airshow this weekend I saw those cool looking Thunderbird Pilots using these dark glasses.   Since it seemed to attract a lot of girls, I thought I would give it a try.

I found this pair near a dumpster in Canal Park.  One of the lenses is cracked but not a big deal, I don't use them when I'm flying anyway.  If I stand on the break wall and just look cool, I get a lot of attention and more snacks.

I am so smart and good-looking, there should be a movie about me --- call it Top Gun or something.

HON.JAMES L.OBERSTAR - Two Harbors - by Christian Dalbec

Another great drone shot of the HON.JAMES L.OBERSTAR at Two Harbors.
You can view more of Christian's fantastic work  at:

Presque Isle departed Two Harbors 07/11/2018

Mesabi Miner departed Duluth 07/11/2018

Mesabi Miner departed Duluth early this morning.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Frontenac arrived Duluth 07/10/2018

The World according to Jeffery the Gull!

Jeff the Gull!
Ok,  now that Dennis, my assistant, cleaned off the webcam lens, I can see my reflection even better than before.  I always knew I was good looking, but, I have to say, I am better looking than even I could have imagined.   I would guess that the National Audubon Society will be looking me up soon for a few photos.

Don't worry, I won't forget you guys when I am famous!

Whitefish Bay departed Two Harbors 07/10/2018

Mesabi Miner arrived Duluth 07/09/2018

Monday, July 9, 2018

Philip R Clarke arrived Duluth 07/09/2018

Jeffery the Gull!

The Seaman!

Sculpture located on Barkers Island in Superior Wisconsin!

John Frank Leino

Sculptor: William Bradford Frost 

Assisted by: Debra Anunti

American Century departed Duluth 07/09/2018

Edgar B Speer arrived Two Harbors 07/09/2018

Algoma Compass departed Two Harbors 07/09/2018

Algoma Compass departed Two Harbors this morning.

Spider Check

I removed the spider webs and cleaned the glass on most the cams today.  I'm sure they will be back in a few days.  -- That time of year!

Camera outage

Update: 7/9/2018 09:00 -- Service Canal Cam and Bridge Cam restored.  Outage due to technical issues.

Update: 7/9/2018  07:00  -- I will be checking into the internet outage at the Marine Museum this morning.  In the meantime, Pier B will be zoomed into the canal.

Update: 7/8/2018 - 19:00  -- Still no progress on the internet outage at the Marine Museum.  I will go down tomorrow and see what I can do.

Update: 7/8/2018 - 13:00   Internet problems at the Marine Museum is still causing the camera outage to persist.

The Canal cam and Bridge cam are down this morning. Hopefully not too long.

JOYCE L.VANENKEVORT departed Duluth 07/09/2018

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Super Gulls!

Jeffery the Gull here --- I had an awesome experience yesterday. I took a quick flight over the hill to check out the dumpsters at the landfill and on the way, I noticed a strange flock of large gulls at the airport in Duluth.
They were man-eating gulls for sure.  I say them open their mouths and men climbed in and off they went. Incredible.  There were thousands of people clapping and watching -- how strange.
After flying together in a flock, they landed and seemed to spit out the guys, I suppose they tasted like rubber.
The whole thing was way cool and I sure hope they stop back some day.
Here is a picture to prove that the strange birds exist.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Jeffery the Gull!

Hi folks, Jeffery the Gull here with you.  What a great 5th Fest yesterday.  Lot's of people around enjoying the day.  I and a buddy found a really full dumpster and hung around it all day.   Wonderful food -- watermelon, hot dogs, cookie pieces and best of all -- pizza.

We were stuffing ourselves when a couple guys came with a big white truck and stole our food right out from under us.  Well, I guess they have families to feed too.  No big deal, we spent the rest of the day at Bayfront, just enjoying the music and people watching.

Algoma Discovery departed Two Harbors 07/04/18

Fifth Fest Fireworks 07/05/18 Time lapse

Fireworks from the Hillside Cam

James R Barker arrived Duluth 07/05/2018

James R Barker arrived Duluth Thurday evening to load iron pellets.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

GLA Cam back on

GLA Cam back on

Camera Operations Tonight!


We currently have 6 cameras sharing the same 6-8MB upload capability to the internet.
The cams are:
Pier B
Wisconsin Point

Cameras usually take 2MB each.

In order to make the most bandwidth available to the cams that will be viewing the fireworks and Bayfront activities, I will be turning GLA, Bayfront and Wisconsin Point cams off. This will double the available bandwidth to PierB, Harborcam, and Hillside.
 I will also be tilting harborcam up a bit.

The GLA Bayfront and Wisconsin Point cams will be going off shortly after the James R Barker arrived at about 19:00. These cams will be turned on after the fireworks.

Hillside and Pier B will be on manual control for the evening to preserve bandwidth.

All other cams will be operating as normal.

More adjustments may be made on the fly if needed.


Great Republic arrived Duluth 07/05/2018

Great Republic arrived Duluth this morning.

"Fifth" Fest Fireworks Tonight

Fireworks will go off tonight at 10:10 PM. Hillside cam should be the best view followed by the Harborcam.

Harbor Symphony #1

Ted Pellman from WDSE-TV made a great video called Harbor Symphony #1- It can be found at  There's also a link from the  WDSE-TV Facebook page. --- Enjoy!!!

Algoma Discovery arrived Two Harbors 04/07/2018

Jeffery the Gull - Comments

Hi folks, Jeffery here with ya!
With some experimenting, I have found that a slight "temporary" modification to some local signs can increase food giving up to 25%.
I have gotta be the smartest gull on the lakes.

Jeffery the Gull!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Superior Wisconsin Fireworks 07/04/2018

Superior Fireworks

The Superior Fireworks actually turned out very nice.
I will post a video in a bit!

Jeffery the Gull!

From Jeffery the Gull,

So, just my luck, dinner is canceled for today. Well, better to be safe than sorry.  Don't worry about me, I'm going to spruce my feathers up a bit after the rain and finish off an old rotten herring I spotted over on the break wall.

I need to watch my weight anyway -- until tomorrow!

I really am the best-looking gull on the lakes, don't you think!

Fourth Fest Postponed!

Due to inclement weather, the Fourth Fest Celebration has been postponed to Thursday, July 5. Doors open at 4PM, music headliner Savannah Conley at 8:45PM, fireworks display at 10:10PM.

For more info please visit

Jeffery the Gull!

Yahoo! it's the 4th of July!
Hi folks - Jeffery the gull here.

Well, the big day has finally arrived when the humans around here gather in Bayfront Park for a chance buy all kinds of food to feed us gulls.

I invite all my friends from as far away as Two Harbors to join me for supper. Here are some good ways to get the humans to feed us:

  1. Fly up from behind small children and scare them a bit -- the popcorn scatters and everyone has a good laugh.
  2. Land and walk in front of a person with food squawking as you go.  The person thinks you are starving and always throws you food.
  3. Find a person sitting on a bench eating. land directly in front of them and stare directly into their eyes.  They feel guilty and throw you some food.
  4. In a coordinated flight pattern, fly close enough to just steal the food out of their hand.  They seem to like it and go and get more.
  5. Sit on a railing and wait for someone to take a selfie. They usually put their food down and give you a chance to steal it.
  6. If all else fails, a sure thing is to fake a broken wing and drag along the ground a bit.  the people feel sorry and throw you the best of their food.  Ha! what fun.

Just a few tips for my friends.

Have a good 4th and make sure a gull isn't flying overhead, we live up here ya know. Last year I had a close call with a bottle rocket, singed a few feathers.

Jeffery the gull

America The Beautiful!

July 4th Camera Operation:
Fireworks: Scheduled to go off at 22:10 Wednesday.  (depending on the weather)
The best view will be from the Hillside cam.  I will be using it to pan the FourthFest activities in Bayfront Park and the Harbor in general.

If the internet starts getting bogged down, I will temporarily disconnect some cameras that use the same internet feed.

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

So much to be thankful for!

Stewart J Cort departed, Burns Harbor arrived Superior 07/03/2018

Stewart J Cort departed, Burns Harbor arrived Superior Tuesday evening.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cedarglen departed Duluth 07/03/2018

Cedarglen departed Duluth this evening

Tim Dool departed, Stewart J Cort arrived Superior 07/03/18

Tim Dool departed, Stewart J Cort arrived Superior this morning.

A note from Jeffery

Hi Folks, Jeffery the Gull here.  My (human) friend Sylvia who lives in Germany, sent Den, the old guy that runs this site for me,  a note the other day.  Here it is.

Hi Den,

it's a funny story about me and the seagulls. I have been living near Hamburg, Germany's biggest port, for more than 50 years now and there are many herring gulls around in this area but I never went wild about them.

This abruptly changed when I discovered your great harbor cams in 2017 - much too late.
I was sitting there in front of my laptop, soaking in one of those fantastic Duluth sunrises and then fate took its course. One of these awesome birds popped in right into my heart.

So that's my gull story and I think you should know...I somehow can't live without them and the ships coming into Duluth anymore.
Jeffery is a perfect name for this handsome guy!

Thanks again for all you do for me.

Sylvia from Germany

Sylvia made this nice collage of me -- aren't I handsome! 

American Integrity arrived Two Harbors 07/03/2018

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Jeffery the Gull -- Comments

Hay folks, there goes the Vista Fleet -- I love the fresh fish fillets when I can steal a few bits off the upper deck when no one is looking!

Alpena arrived Duluth 07/01/18

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