Paalanen, Esteri, 1886-1976

Paasche, Hans, 1881-1920

Paavo-Kallio, Esa, 1858-1936

Paavolainen, Olavi, 1903-1964

Pace, Tom, 1929-2008

Pacheco, C.

See: Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935

Pacheco, José, 1885-1934

Pacheco, Manuel Antonio Alonso y

See: Alonso, Manuel A. (Manuel Antonio), 1822-1889

Pacific Coast Borax Company

Packard, A. S. (Alpheus Spring), 1839-1905

Packard, E. P. W. (Elizabeth Parsons Ware), 1816-1897

Packard, Francis R. (Francis Randolph), 1870-1950

Packard, Frank L. (Frank Lucius), 1877-1942

Packard, Robert L. (Robert Lewis), 1928-

Packard, Vance, 1914-1996

Packard, Winthrop, 1862-1943

Pack, Charles Lathrop, 1857-1937

Packe, Christopher, active 1670-1711

Packeny, Elsa Maria

See: Asenijeff, Elsa, 1867-1941

Packer, George Nichols

Packer, Thomas

Padday, C. M. (Charles Murray), 1868-1954

Paddock, B. B. (Buckley B.), 1844-1922

Paden, Clifton

See: Emerson, John, 1874-1956

Paes, Domingos, active 16th century

Paetzke, Roy

Páez, Pedro Pedraza y

See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-

Páez, Ramón

Paganino, Rodrigo, 1835-1863

Page, Brenda

Page, Brett

Page, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1840-

Page, Charles Grafton, 1812-1868

Page, Curtis Hidden, 1870-1946

Page du Pratz, Le

See: Le Page du Pratz, -1775

Page, Elizabeth Fry, 1865-1943

Page, Gerald W., 1939-

Page, Gertrude, 1872-1922

Page, Jesse

Page, Leigh, 1884-1952

Page, Lucie (Lucie Elizabeth)

Page, Mann, Mrs.

See: Forrester, Izola L. (Izola Louise), 1878-1944

Page Renouf, P. Le (Peter)

See: Renouf, P. Le Page (Peter Le Page), 1822-1897

Page-Roberts, F.

Page, Samuel, 1574-1630

Page, Stanton

See: Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857-1929

Paget, Arthur, 1851-1928

Paget, Francis Edward, 1806-1882

Paget, Harold, 1876-

Paget, H. M. (Henry Marriott), 1857-1936

Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922

Paget, Sidney, 1860-1908

Paget, Stephen, 1855-1926

Paget, Violet

See: Lee, Vernon, 1856-1935

Paget, Walter, 1863-1935

Pagé, Victor Wilfred, 1885-1947

Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918

Paglinawan, Mamerto

Pahl, Gretchen Graf

Pailleron, Edouard, 1834-1899

Paillottet, Prosper, 1804-1878

Pain, Arthur Wellesley Odell

See: Ainslie, Arthur, 1871?-1940

Pain, Barry, 1864-1928

Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861-1937

Paine, Dorothy C. (Dorothy Charlotte)

Paine, Harriet E. (Harriet Eliza), 1845-1910

Paine, John Knowles, 1839-1906

Paine, Ralph Delahaye, 1871-1925

Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809

Paine, Thomas (Spirit), 1737-1809

Paine, W. L. (Walter Lionel), -1915

Painter, F. V. N. (Franklin Verzelius Newton), 1852-1931

Painters and Sculptors Gallery Association

See: Grand Central Art Galleries

Painter, William, 1540?-1594

Painter, William A.

Paiva de Andrada, Joaquim Carlos, 1846-1928

Päivärinta, Jaakko, 1847-1902

Päivärinta, Pietari, 1827-1913

Päiviö, Aku, 1879-1956

Pajari, M., 1900-1972

Pakarinen, Weikko, 1884-1930

Pákh, Albert, 1823-1867

Pakiser, L. C. (Louis Charles), 1919-

Pakkala, Hanna, 1864-1950

Pakkala, Teuvo, 1862-1925

Palacios, Alfredo L. (Alfredo Lorenzo), 1878-1965

Palacios, Pedro Bonifacio

See: Almafuerte, 1854-1917

Palacio Valdés, Armando, 1853-1938

Palacio, Vicente Riva

See: Riva Palacio, Vicente, 1832-1896

Palaeopolitanus, Franciscus

See: More, Henry, 1614-1687

Palais, Rudolph

Palamas, Costis

See: Palamas, Kostes, 1859-1943

Palamas, Kostes, 1859-1943

Palamenghi-Crispi, Tommaso, 1861-

Palante, Georges, 1862-1925

Palaprat, Jean, 1650-1721

Palat, général (Barthélemy-Edmond)

See: Lehautcourt, Pierre, 1852-1931

Palazzeschi, Aldo, 1885-1974

Palen, Lewis Stanton, 1876-

Paleologue, Jean de, 1855-

Paley, William, 1743-1805

Pálffy, Albert, 1820-1897

Palgrave, Francis Turner, 1824-1897

Palgrave, Mary E.

Palha, Francisco, 1826-1890

  • Lacerda, Francisco José Pereira Palha Faría de
  • Musa Velha (Portuguese) (as Author)

Pallander, Gunnar

See: Suolahti, Gunnar, 1876-1933

Pallen, Joseph

Palles, Alexandros, 1851-1935

Palliser, Bury, Mrs., 1805-1878

Pallme, Ignaz, 1806-1877

Palma, Angélica, 1883-1935

Palma, Rafael, 1874-1939

Palma, Ricardo, 1833-1919

Palm, Emil

Palmén, Hjalmar F.

Palmén, J. A. (Johan Axel), 1845-1919

Palmer, Abram Smythe

Palmer, Alice Freeman, 1855-1902

Palmer, A. N. (Austin Norman), 1859-1927

Palmer, Arthur H. (Arthur Hubbell), 1859-1918

Palmer, A. W. (Arthur Worrall), 1861-1915

Palmer, Don, 1922-

Palmer, Edward, 1842-1899

Palmer, Edward Henry, 1840-1882

Palmer, Frank Nelson

Palmer, Frederick, 1873-1958

Palmer, Frederick C.

Palmer, Frederick Danby

Palmér, Fritiof, 1879-1916

Palmer, George Herbert, 1842-1933

Palmer, G. H. (George Henry), 1871-

Palmer, Harold E., 1877-1949

Palmer, Herbert E. (Herbert Edward), 1880-1961

Palmer, Jewett, 1840-

Palmer, Joel, 1810-1881

Palmer, John, 1885-1944

Palmer, Josephine Ludlow

Palmer, Julius A. (Julius Auboineau), 1840-1899

Palmer, Lloyd

Palmer, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1868-

Palmer, Mary Stanley Bunce

See: Shindler, Mary Dana, 1810-1883

Palmer, Ray, 1910-1977

Palmer, Robert Stafford Arthur, 1888-1916

Palmer, Samuel M.

Palmer, Sutton, 1854-1933

Palmer, William Scott, 1848-

Palmer, William T., 1877-1954

Palmieri, Luigi, 1807-1896

Palmlöf, Rauha Anna

See: Virvatuli, Annikki, 1884-1940

Palm, Maria

Palmqvist, Per, 1815-1887

Palola, Eino, 1885-1951

Pálsson, Ólafur

See: Ólafur Pálsson, 1814-1876

Paltock, Robert, 1697-1767

Paltsits, Victor Hugo, 1867-1952

Panache, Madame, 1790?-1881


See: Bāṇa‏

Panchadasi, Swami

See: Atkinson, William Walker, 1862-1932

Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844

Pancoast, Morris Hall, 1877-1963

Pandiá Calógeras, João

See: Calógeras, João Pandiá, 1870-1934

P. and O.

See: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company

Pangalos, Alexandros

Pangborn, Edgar, 1909-1976

Pangloss, docteur

See: Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri, 1736-1794

Panin, Ivan, 1855-1942

Panizza, Oskar, 1853-1921

Panizzi, Anthony, Sir, 1797-1879

Pankhurst, Emmeline, 1858-1928

Pankhurst, E. Sylvia (Estelle Sylvia), 1882-1960

Pannekoek, Anton, 1873-1960

Pannemaker, François, 1822-1900

Panshin, Alexei, 1940-

Pansy, 1841-1930

Panting, J. Harwood, (James Harwood)

Panton, J. E. (Jane Ellen), 1847-1923

Panzacchi, Enrico, 1840-1904

Panzini, Alfredo, 1863-1939

Paoli, Xavier, 1835-


See: Baowenglaoren

Papadiamandopoulos, Ioannis

See: Moréas, Jean, 1856-1910

Papadiamantes, Alexandros, 1851-1911

Papadopoli Aldobrandini, Nicolò, 1841-1922

Papadopoulou, Arsinoe, 1853-1943

Papantoniou, Ch.

Papantoniou, Zacharias L., 1877-1940

Papareschi, Cosimo

See: Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837

Pape, Eric, 1870-1938

Papé, Frank Cheyne, 1878-1972

Pape, Frederic L.

See: Pape, Eric, 1870-1938

Pap, Gyula, 1843-1931

Papin, Denis, 1647-1714

Papini, Giovanni, 1881-1956

Papot, Bénédict

Paque, Oliver, 1846-1908


See: Montes, Francisco, 1805-1851


See: Grautoff, Ferdinand Heinrich, 1871-1935

Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Paradijs, Cornelis

See: Eeden, Frederik van, 1860-1932

Paradís, Catalina Albert y

See: Català, Víctor, 1869-1966


Parallax, 1816-1884

Paramananda, Swami, 1884-1940

Paraske, Larin

See: Larin Paraske, 1833-1904

Paraskena, Nikitina

See: Larin Paraske, 1833-1904

Paravey, Charles Hippolyte, chevalier de, 1787-1871

Parcerisa, F. J. (Francisco Javier)

  • Boada, Francisco Javier Parcerisa y
  • Córdoba (Spanish) (as Illustrator)

Pardee, R. G. (Richard Gay), 1811-1869

Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de, 1852-1921

Pardo de Tavera, T. H. (Trinidad Hermenegildo), 1857-1925

Pardoe, Miss (Julia), 1804?-1862

Pardon, George Frederick, 1824-1884

Parducci, Amos, 1877-1949

Paredes, M. Rigoberto (Manuel Rigoberto), 1870-1950

Paredes y Babila, Quintin, 1884-1973

Pares, Bernard, 1867-1949

Pareto, Vilfredo, 1848-1923

Paris, A.

Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin, 1839-1903

Parish, John Carl, 1881-1939

Parish, Woodbine, Sir, 1796-1882

Paris, John, 1889-1976?

  • Ashton-Gwatkin, Frank Trelawny Arthur
  • Kimono (English) (as Author)

Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856

Paris, Marguerite, 1852-1917

Paris, Paulin, 1800-1881

Parke, Caroline Dale

See: Snedeker, Caroline Dale, 1871-1956

Parker, A. A. (Amos Andrew), 1791-1893

Parker, A. M. (Alberta M.)

Parker, Arthur C. (Arthur Caswell), 1881-1955

Parker, Barry, 1867-1947

Parker, Charlotte Tiffany

Parker, Cornelia Stratton, 1885-1972

Parker, De Witt H. (De Witt Henry), 1885-1949

Parker, Dorothy, 1893-1967

Parker, Edward Harper, 1849-1926

Parker, Eric, 1870-1955

Parker, Ezra Knight, 1832-

Parker, F. H. M. (Francis Henry Mervyn), 1873-1911

Parker, Frances

Parker, Francis J. (Francis Jewett), 1825-1909

Parker, Francis W. (Francis Wayland), 1837-1902

Parker, Frank (Illustrator)

Parker, George, Earl of Macclesfield

See: Macclesfield, George Parker, Earl of, 1697?-1764

Parker, Gilbert, 1862-1932

Parker, Gray

Parker, H. (Henry), 1849-

Parker, Hugh Frazier

Parker, J. Gordon (James Gordon), 1869-1948

Parker, John Henry, 1806-1884

Parker, John H. (John Henry), 1866-1942

Parker, Joseph, 1830-1902

Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 1856-1940

Parker, Lester Shepard, 1860-1925

Parker, Lewis

Parker, Lottie Blair

Parker, Louis Napoleon, 1852-1944

Parker, M. Prendergast

Parke, Robert, active 1588

Parker, Richard Green, 1798-1869

Parkerson, James

Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860

Parker, T. Jeffery (Thomas Jeffery), 1850-1897

Parker, W.

Parker, Watson, 1924-2013

Parker, William Kitchen, 1823-1890

Parker, William Riley, 1906-1968

Parkes, Fanny

See: Parlby, Fanny Parkes, 1794-1875

Parkes, William Theodore, -1908

Parkhill, Forbes, 1892-1974

Parkhouse, Hannah

See: Cowley, Hannah, 1743-1809

Parkhurst, Daniel Burleigh

Parkhurst, Harry L. V., 1876-1962

Parkhurst, Winthrop

Parkin, George R. (George Robert), 1846-1922

Parkinson, James, 1755-1824

Parkinson, John, 1567-1650

Parkinson, Richard, 1797-1858

Parkinson, William, active 1883-1895

Park, James Allan, 1763-1838

Park, John Ranicar, 1778-1847

Park, Julian, 1888-1965

Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893

Parkman, Mary Rosetta, 1875-1941

Park, Marmaduke

Park, Mungo, 1771-1806

Park, Philip Ryder, 1870-

Park, Robert Ezra, 1864-1944

Park, Roswell, 1852-1914

Parks, Elizabeth Robins

See: Robins, Elizabeth, 1862-1952

Parks, Harry

See: Parkhurst, Harry L. V., 1876-1962

Parkyn, Ernest Albert, 1857-

Parkyns Macmahon, Joseph

See: Macmahon, Joseph Parkyns

Parlby, Fanny Parkes, 1794-1875

Parlette, Ralph Albert, 1870-1930

Parley, Peter

See: Martin, William, 1801-1867

Parloa, Maria, 1843-1909

Parlow, Kathleen, 1890-1963

Parma, Giovanni da

See: Giovanni, da Parma, 1208?-1289

Parmanen, Eino Into, 1879-1943

Parma, Salimbene da

See: Salimbene, da Parma, 1221-1287

Parmele, Mary Platt, 1843-1911

Pärnänen, Niilo

See: Karila, Olli, 1897-1936

Parnell, Katharine Wood

See: O'Shea, Kitty, 1845-1921

Parnell, Reginald

Parnell, Thomas, 1679-1718

Pärn, J., 1843-1916

Parny, Évariste, 1753-1814

Parreira, Carlos, 1890-1950

Parren, Kalliroe, 1859-1940

Parresiastes, Philophilus

See: More, Henry, 1614-1687

Parr, Harriet

See: Lee, Holme, 1828-1900

Parrhesiastes, Phililcrines

See: More, Henry, 1614-1687

Parris, David C.

Parrish, Anne, 1888-1957

Parrish, Dillwyn, 1894-1941

Parrish, Maxfield, 1870-1966

Parrish, Randall, 1858-1923

Parrish, Thomas C. (Thomas Clarkson), 1846-1899

Parr, Louisa, 1848?-1903

Parrott, Edward, 1863-1921

Parry, Albert William, 1874-1950

Parry, C. Hubert H. (Charles Hubert Hastings), 1848-1918

Parry, D. H.

Parry, Edward Abbott, Sir, 1863-1943

Parry, Edwin F., 1860-1935

Parry, Hubert

See: Parry, C. Hubert H. (Charles Hubert Hastings), 1848-1918

Parry, William Edward, Sir, 1790-1855

Parsons, Alfred, 1847-1920

Parsons, A. W.

Parsons, Benjamin, 1797-1855

Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941

Parsons, Eugene, 1855-

Parsons, Frances Theodora, 1861-1952

Parsons, Francis, 1871-1937

Parsons, Francis M.

Parsons, Frank, 1854-1908

Parsons, Frank Alvah, 1868-1930

Parsons, James, 1705-1770

Parsons, John Denham, 1861-1936

Parsons, Mary Elizabeth, 1859-1947

Parsons, Philip B.

Parsons, Samuel Browne, 1819-1906

Parsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932

Pärssinen, Hilja

See: Liinamaa-Pärssinen, Hilja, 1876-1935

Partala, I.

Partington, Charles Frederick, -1857?

Partington, S. W.

Partington, T. C.

Partio, Tahvo, 1879-1947

Parton, James, 1822-1891

Parton, Mary Field

Parton, Sara Payson Willis

See: Fern, Fanny, 1811-1872

Partridge, Anthony

See: Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips), 1866-1946

Partridge, Bellamy, 1877-1960

Partridge, Bernard, 1861-1945

Partridge & Co. (London, England)

See: S. W. Partridge & Co. (London, England)

Partridge, Dora de Houghton

See: Carrington, Dora de Houghton, 1893-1932

Partridge, Ethel Mary

See: Mairet, Ethel, 1872-1952

Partridge, G. E. (George Everett), 1870-

Pasagiannes, Kostes G., 1872-1933

Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662

Pascal, Teodoro, 1857-1937

Pascal, Théophile, 1860-1909

Pascarella, Cesare, 1858-1940

Pascoais, Teixeira de, 1877-1952

Pascoli, Giovanni, 1855-1912

Pascual, Andrés

Pasdermadjian, G.

See: Garo, Armen, 1872-1923

Paske, C. T. (Charles Thomas)

Pasley, T. H.

Pasquier, Etienne, 1529-1615

Pasquier, Étienne-Denis, duc, 1767-1862


See: McLaughlin, J. Fairfax (James Fairfax), 1839-1903

Passard, François-Lubin

See: Le Gai, Eugène, 1817-

Passerano, Gian Francesco Galleani Napione, conte di Cocconato

See: Galleani Napione, Gian Francesco, 1748-1830

Passer, Arnold von der, 1851-1917

Passfield, Beatrice Potter Webb, Baroness

See: Webb, Beatrice, 1858-1943

Passfield, Sidney James Webb, Baron

See: Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947

Passos, A. A. Soares de (Antonio Augusto Soares), 1826-1860

  • De Passos, A. A. Soares (Antonio Augusto Soares)
  • Soares de Passos, A. A. (Antonio Augusto)
  • Poesias (Portuguese) (as Author)

Passos, John Dos

See: Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970

Passos, John R. Dos (John Randolph)

See: Dos Passos, John R. (John Randolph), 1844-1917

Passos, José

Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895

Paston, George, 1860-1936

Pastor, J. Alvarez

Pastor, Tony

See: Old Sleuth, 1839?-1898

Pasture, Henry De La, Mrs.

See: De La Pasture, Henry, Mrs., 1866-1945

Paszkowski, Józef, 1817-1861

Patajoki, Selma, 1888-1960

Pataky, László, 1857-1912


Patch, Edith M. (Edith Marion), 1876-

Patchin, Frank Gee, 1861-1925

Paternoster, G. Sidney, 1866-1925

Paterson, A. B. (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941

Paterson, Banjo

See: Paterson, A. B. (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941

Paterson, Betty, 1894-1970

Paterson, Caroline

Paterson, Helen

See: Allingham, Helen Paterson, 1848-1926

Paterson, James, 1823-1894

Paterson, Josephine G.

Paterson, Peter

See: Bertram, James Glass, 1824-1892

Paterson-Smyth, J. (John)

See: Smyth, J. Paterson (John Paterson), 1852-1932

Pater, Walter, 1839-1894

Pätiälä, Fredrik Joel, 1863-1898


See: Moch, Gaston, 1859-1935

Patmore, Coventry, 1823-1896

Patmore, P. G. (Peter George), 1786-1855

Paton, A. A. (Andrew Archibald), 1811-1874

Paton, Henry

Paton, James, 1843-1906

Paton, J. Noël (Joseph Noël), Sir, 1821-1901

Paton, John Gibson, 1824-1907

Paton, Raymond

Pato, Raimundo António de Bulhão, 1829-1912

Patot, Simon Tyssot de

See: Tyssot de Patot, Simon, 1655-1738

Patrat, Joseph, 1732-1801

Patri, Angelo, 1876-1965

Patrício, António, 1878-1930

Patrício, Ladislau, 1883-1967

Patrick, C. Vincent

Patrick, James

Patrick, Mary Mills, 1850-1940

Patrick, Saint, 373?-463?


See: Toland, John, 1670-1722

Patrika, A. B.

Patriot, Columbian

See: Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728-1814

Pattee, Elsie Dodge, 1876-1975

Pattee, Fred Lewis, 1863-1950

Pattee, George K. (George Kynett), 1879-1926

Patten, Gilbert

See: Standish, Burt L., 1866-1945

Patten, Simon N. (Simon Nelson), 1852-1922

Patten, William, 1868-1936


See: Tailhade, Laurent, 1854-1919

Patterson, Alexander

Patterson, C. Perry (Caleb Perry), 1880-1971

Patterson, Eleanor Stuart

See: Stuart, Eleanor, 1876-1920

Patterson, H. DeF.

Patterson, Henry W.

Patterson, Howard, 1856-1916

Patterson, J. G

Patterson, J. H. (John Henry), 1867-1947

Patterson, John

Patterson, Joseph Medill, 1879-1946

Patterson, Mabel

Patterson, Malcolm, 1873-1941

Patterson, Robert, 1829-1885

Patterson, Sterling

Patterson, Virginia Sharpe, 1841-1913

Patteson, S. Louise (Susanna Louise), 1853-1922

Pattie, James O. (James Ohio), 1804?-1850?

Pattison, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady Dilke

See: Dilke, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady, 1840-1904

Pattison, Mark, 1813-1884

Patton, Carl S. (Carl Safford), 1866-1939

Patton, David R.

Patton, Francis L. (Francis Landey), 1843-1932

Patton, William, 1798-1879

Pattullo, George, 1879-1967

Pauanne, F. S. Eljas (Frans Sulo Eljas)

See: Partio, Tahvo, 1879-1947

Paukkunen, Jussi

See: Alkio, Santeri, 1862-1930

Paul, Adolf, 1863-1943

Paul, Adrien

Paulaharju, Samuli, 1875-1944

Paula, José Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de

See: Goya, Francisco, 1746-1828

Paul, Alexander (Instructor in feather dyeing)

Paula Martínez de la Rosa Berdejo y Gómez y Arroyó, Francisco de

See: Martínez de la Rosa, Francisco, 1787-1862

Paul, Cedar, 1880-1972

Paul, C. Kegan (Charles Kegan), 1828-1902

Paulding, Hiram, 1797-1878

Paulding, James Kirke, 1778-1860

Paul, Eden, 1865-1944

Paul, Evelyn, 1883-1963

Paul, Ford

See: Piper, Anna W. Ford

Paul, Frank R. (Frank Rudolph), 1884-1963

Paul, Herbert W. (Herbert Woodfield), 1853-1935

Pauli, E. Corinne

Pauli, Reinhold, 1823-1882

Paulist Fathers

Paul, Jean

See: Jean Paul, 1763-1825

Paul, John Dean, Sir, 1775-1852

Paul, L.

  • Code (English) (as Author)

Paull, George A., Mrs., 1859-1895

Paull, H. B., Mrs., 1812-1888

Paullin, Charles Oscar, 1869?-1944

Paullin, Theodore

Paull, Irving S.

Paulli, Simon, 1603-1680

Paul, of Aegina

See: Paulus, Aegineta, 625?-690?

Paulsen, Johannes, 1847-1916

Paulson, Arvid

Paulton, Edward A. (Edward Antonio), 1866-1939

Paulton, Harry, 1842-1917

Paulus, Aegineta, 625?-690?

Paul, William, 1678-1716

Pausanias, active approximately 150-175

Pauthier, G. (Guillaume), 1801-1873

Pauw, De

See: De Pauw

Pavet de Courteille, Abel, 1821-1889

Pavie, Théodore, 1811-1896

Pavlova, Anna, 1881-1931

  • Dandré, Anna Pavlova
  • Павлова, Анна
  • The Dance (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)

Pax, Paulette, 1887-1942

Paxson, Frederic L. (Frederic Logan), 1877-1948

Paxson, Susan

Paxton, J. D. (John D.), 1784-1868

Payen, J.-F. (Jean-François), 1800-1870

Payen-Payne, de V. (Vinchelés Payen-Payne)

See: V. Payen-Payne, de (Vinchelés Payen-Payne), 1866-1945

Payer, Julius, 1841-1915

Paye, Robert

See: Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952

Payne, A. G. (Arthur Gay), 1840-1894

Payne, Anne Maria Mitchell

See: Mitchell, Anne M., 1847-1929

Payne, Bruce Ryburn, 1874-1937

Payne, Buckner Harrison

See: Ariel, 1799-1883

Payne, Cecilia H.

See: Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 1900-1979

Payne, Daniel Alexander, 1811-1893

Payne, Dutton

Payne, F. M.

See: English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902

Payne, Francis Loring

Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, Sir, 1848-1916

Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 1900-1979

Payne, George Henry, 1876-1945

Payne, Harry Thom, 1844-

Payne, Henry Neville, active 1672-1710, -1710?

Payne, J. H.

Payne, J. L. (John Lambert), 1859-1939

Payne, John, 1842-1916

Payne, Joseph Frank, 1840-1910

Payne, Paul L., 1921-1992

Payne-Townshend, Charlotte Frances

See: Shaw, Charlotte Frances, 1857-1943

Payne, William H.

Payne, William Harold, 1836-1907

Payne, William Morton, 1858-1919

Payn, James, 1830-1898

Payno, Manuel, 1810-1894

Paynter, Mrs.

Payró, Roberto Jorge, 1867-1928

Payson, George, 1824-1893

Payson, Howard

See: Goldfrap, John Henry, 1879-1917

Payson, William Farquhar, 1876-1939

Paz, Magdeleine Legendre, Mme.

See: Marx, Magdeleine, 1889-1973

P. B. St.

See: St., P. B.

P., E.

See: Palm, Emil

Peabody, Andrew P. (Andrew Preston), 1811-1893

Peabody, Eddie, 1901?-1970

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894

Peabody, Francis Greenwood, 1847-1936

Peabody, Frederick William, 1862-1938

Peabody, Josephine Preston, 1874-1922

Peabody, Mark, Mrs.

See: Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller, 1831-1885

Peabody, Mary T. (Mary Tyler)

See: Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody, 1806-1887

Peabody, Robert Swain, 1845-1917

Peachey, Emma

Peacocke, Isabel M. (Isabel Maud), 1881-1973

  • Cluett, Isabel M. (Isabel Maud)
  • Piccaninnies (English) (as Author)

Peacock, Ralph, 1868-1946

Peacock, Thomas Love, 1785-1866

Peacock, Virginia Tatnall, 1873-1918

Peacock, Wilbur S., 1911-1979

Peake, Charles H.

Peake, Harold, 1867-1946

Peake, Harvey

Peake, Helena

Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860

Peano, Giuseppe, 1858-1932

Pearce, A.

Pearce, Charles Edward, -1924

Pearce, Ernest Harold, 1865-1930

Pearce, J. H. (Joseph Henry), 1856-

Pearce, Joseph

Pearce, William Peter, 1867-

Peard, Frances Mary, 1835-1923

Pearl, W. A. (William Armour), 1893-

Pearn, V. A. (Violet A.)

Pears, Charles, 1873-1958

Pearse, Alfred, 1855-1933

Pears, Edwin, 1835-1919

Pearse, Ebenezer

Pearse, Henry H. S., 1844-1905

Pearse, Lolbran

Pearse, Mark Guy, 1842-1930

Pearse, Susan Beatrice, 1878-1980

Pears, James Roberts


Pearson, A. Cyril (Arthur Cyril), 1838-1916

Pearson, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1824-1906

Pearson, Edmund Lester, 1880-1937

Pearson, Edwin

Pearson, Elizabeth Ware

Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens), 1818-1900

Pearson, Francis B. (Francis Bail), 1853-1938

Pearson, George

Pearson, Leonard, 1868-1909

Pearson, Martin

See: Wollheim, Donald A., 1914-1990

Pearson, Paul M. (Paul Martin), 1871-1938

Pearson, P. H. (Peter Henry), 1864-1940

Pearson, Richard, 1765-1836

Pearson, T. Gilbert (Thomas Gilbert), 1873-1943

Peary, Josephine Diebitsch, 1863-1955

Peary, Marie Ahnighito, 1893-1978

Peary, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), 1856-1920

Pease, Alfred E. (Alfred Edward), Sir, 1857-1939

Pease, Bessie Collins

See: Gutmann, Bessie Pease, 1876-1960

Pease, Edward R. (Edward Reynolds), 1857-1955

Pease, Howard, 1863-1928

Pease, M. C.

Pease, Zeph. W. (Zephaniah Walter), 1861-1933

Peat, Harold Reginald, 1893-1960

Peattie, Donald Culross, 1898-1964

Peattie, Edward

Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, 1862-1935

Peck, Anne Merriman, 1884-1976

Peck, Annie S. (Annie Smith), 1850-1935

Peck, Clara Elsene, 1883-

Peck, Ellen Mary Hayes

Peck, George W. (George Wilbur), 1840-1916

Peckham, E. G. (Elizabeth Gifford), 1854-

Peckham, George W. (George Williams), 1845-1914

Peck, Harry Thurston, 1856-1914

Peck, H. J. (Henry Jarvis), 1880-1964

Peck, John Lord

Peck, John Mason, 1789-1858

Peck, Robert Morris, 1839-1909

Peck, Rufus H., 1839?-

Peck, Thomas

Peck, Wesley Hamilton, 1863-1943

Pedasculus, Paulus Purgantius

See: Stevens, George Alexander, 1710-1784?

Peddie, James Anderson

Pedersen, Knut

See: Hamsun, Knut, 1859-1952

Pederson, Con, 1934-

Pederson, John

Pedler, Margaret, -1948

Pedley, Ethel C., 1860?-1898

Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-

  • Azar y Azpe, P. de
  • Azpe, P. de Azar y
  • Páez, Pedro Pedraza y
  • El crimen y el castigo (Spanish) (as Translator)

Pedrero, Mariano

Peeke, Hewson L. (Hewson Lindsley), 1861-1942

Peek, Hedley, 1858-1904

Peel, C. S., Mrs., 1868-1934

Peel, C. V. A. (Charles Victor Alexander), 1869-1931

Peel, Dorothy Constance Bayliff

See: Peel, C. S., Mrs., 1868-1934

Peele, John (John R.)

Peele, W. J. (William Joseph), 1855-1919

Peel, Lawrence, Sir, 1799-1884

Peel, Robert

  • Oxford (English) (as Author)

Peel, Sidney Cornwallis, 1870-1938

Peel, W. H.


Peerless Orchestra (Edison studio ensemble)

Peers, E. Allison (Edgar Allison), 1891-1952

Peery, R. B. (Rufus Benton), 1868-

Peeters, Petrus Gerardus, 1829-1887

Peet, Stephen D. (Stephen Denison), 1831-1914

Peet, T. Eric (Thomas Eric), 1882-1934

Pegge, Samuel, 1704-1796

Pegg, J. G. Broughton

Pegler, Ernest Charles

Pegram, Fred, 1870-1937

Péguy, Charles, 1873-1914

Peignot, Gabriel, 1767-1849

Peiper, C. R. S. (Carl Rudolph Samuel), 1798-1879


See: Pierce, William J., 1829-

Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders), 1839-1914

Peirce, Earl

Peirce, Fay, 1836-

Peirce, Frances E.

Peirce, Thomas Mitchell, 1864-

Peire Raimon, of Toulouse, 1180?-1225?

Peirson, Charles Lawrence, 1834-

Pei, Songzhi, 372-451

  • 裴松之
  • 三國志 (Chinese) (as Commentator)

Peixoto, Rocha

See: Rocha Peixoto, 1866-1909

Peixotto, Ernest C., 1869-1940

Peixotto, Jessica B. (Jessica Blanche), 1864-1941

Pekander, V.

Pekár, Gyula, 1867-1937

Pekari, Ida, 1894-1986

Péladan, Joséphin, 1859-1918

Pelayo, Marcelino Menéndez y

See: Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 1856-1912

Pelcher, Anthony, 1897-1981

Pelham, Camden

Pelham, Mary

See: Kilner, Dorothy, 1755-1836

Pélissier, Georges, 1865-1931

Pélissier, Léon-G., 1863-1912

Pelkie, J. W.

See: Palmer, Ray, 1910-1977

Pelkonen, Lauri

Pelletier, Madeleine, 1874-1939

Pelley, William Dudley, 1890-1965

Pellicer, José Luis, 1842-1901

Pellico, Silvio, 1789-1854

Pelloquet, Th. (Théodore)

See: Bernard, Frédéric, 1820-1868

Pellow, J. D. C.

Pell, Stephen H. P.

Peltolainen, K.

Pelton, Agnes, 1881-1961

Peltonen, Ester

Peltonen, Vihtori

See: Linnankoski, Johannes, 1869-1913

Pelton, Mabell Shippie Clarke

See: Smith, Mabell S. C. (Mabell Shippie Clarke), 1864-1942

Pember, Phoebe Yates, 1823-1913

Pember Reeves, Mrs., 1865-1953

Pember Reeves, William

See: Reeves, William Pember, 1857-1932

Pemberton, Henry, 1694-1771

Pemberton, Max, 1863-1950

Pemberton, Murdock, 1888-1982

Pemberton, T. Edgar (Thomas Edgar), 1849-1905

Pemble, William, 1592?-1623


See: Hewby, John Petch, 1835-1896

Pembroke, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of, 1561-1621

Pembroke, Nora

See: Norah, 1826-1898

Pemmon, Frank

Pena, Carlos María de, 1852-1918

Pence Davis, Anne

See: Davis, Anne Pence

Pendexter, Hugh, 1875-1940

Pendleton, Louis, 1861-1939

Pen-drag-on, Anser

See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835

Pène du Bois, Henri, 1858-1906

Penfeather, Amabel

See: Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894

Penfield, Edward, 1866-1925

Penfield, Frederic Courtland, 1855-1922

Pengilly, Mary Huestis

Penguin, Owen

See: Whitehead, Charles, 1804-1862

Peng, Zunsi, jin shi 1737

  • 彭遵泗
  • 蜀碧 (Chinese) (as Author)

Penick, Edwin A. (Edwin Anderson), 1887-1959

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company

Penlington, John Newton, Mrs.

See: Kincaid, Zoë, 1878-1944

Pennanen, Ain'Elisabet, 1881-1945

Penn, Arthur

See: Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929

Penn, Aunt

See: Huntington, Faye, 1838-1923

Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855-1936

Pennell, Henry Cholmondeley

See: Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. (Henry), 1837-1915

Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926

Pennell, Robert F., 1850-1905

Pennell, Shawn

Pennell, T. L. (Theodore Leighton), 1867-1912

Penney, Norman, 1858-1933

Penniman, James Hosmer, 1860-1931

Penning, L. (Louwrens), 1854-1927

Pennington, James W. C., 1809-1870

Pennington, Patience

See: Pringle, Elizabeth W. Allston (Elizabeth Waties Allston), 1845-1921

Pennington, Penelope, 1757-1827

Penn, Richard, 1784-1863

Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau

Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Committee Appointed to Investigate the Railroad Riots in July, 1877


See: Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813

Pennsylvania Prison Society

Penn, W. E. (William Evander), 1832-1895

Penn, William, 1644-1718

Penny, F. E. (Fanny Emily), -1939

Pennypacker, Morton, 1872-1956

Penny, Prudence

See: Malek, Leona A. (Leona Alford), 1878-1951

Penny, Virginia, 1826-

Penrose, Charles B. (Charles Bingham), 1862-1925

Penrose, Charles W. (Charles William), 1832-1925

Penrose, Francis, 1718-1798

Penrose, Margaret

Penstone, Constance

Pentin, Herbert, 1873-1965

Pentlarge, Georgiana

See: Ashe, Elizabeth, 1885-1974

Penttilä, Aarni, 1899-1971

Peple, Edward, 1869-1924

Peploe, J. B., Mrs. (Annie)

See: Webb, J. B., Mrs. (Annie), 1806-1880

Pepper-box, Peter

See: Fessenden, Thomas Green, 1771-1837

Pepper, Charles M. (Charles Melville), 1859-1930

Pepperell, William

Pepper, John Henry, 1821-1900

Pepper, William, 1843-1898

Pepwell, Henry, -1540?

Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703

Pequeño, Diego

Pequignot, Mary Boland

See: Boland, Mary A., 1852-1942

Pérard, Victor Semon, 1870-1957

Perathoner, Marcello

Perce, Elbert, 1831-1869

Perceval, Victor, 1835-1887

Pércheiro, D. A. Gomes

Perch, Philemon

See: Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 1822-1898

Percival, Andrew

Percival, G. H.

Percival, Harold

Percival, John, 1834-1918

Percival, Kate

Percival, Nelson

See: Rymer, James Malcolm, 1814?-1884

Percoto, Caterina, 1812-1887

Percy, Alan Ian, Duke of Northumberland

See: Northumberland, Alan Ian Percy, Duke of, 1880-1930

Percy-Groves, J.

See: Groves, J. Percy (John Percy)

Percy, Stephen

See: Cundall, Joseph, 1818-1895

Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811

Percy, Walter Seymour, 1867-

Perdue, H. Avis (Hannah Avis), 1858-

Perdue, Mitzi

Pereda, José María de, 1833-1906

Peregrijn, Lukas

See: Alberdingk Thijm, J. A. (Josephus Albertus), 1820-1889

Peregrinus, Petrus

See: Pierre, de Maricourt, active 13th century

Peregriny, Elek

Pereira, Alberto Feliciano Marques

Pereira da Silva, J. M. (João Manuel)

See: Silva, J. M. Pereira da (João Manuel Pereira), 1817-1898

Pereira da Silva, Manuel Joaquim

Pereira de Sampaio, José

See: Sampaio Bruno, 1857-1915

Pereira, Eduardo C. N. (Eduardo Clemente Nunes), 1887-

Pereira, Félix Alves, 1865-1936

Pereira, F. M. Esteves

Pereira Franco Monteiro, João

Pereira, Gabriel, 1847-1911

Pereira Rabelo, Manuel

See: Rabelo, Manuel Pereira

Perelaer, M. T. H. (Michael Theophile Hubert), 1831-1901

Perera, Arthur A.

Pérès, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), -1840

Perés, Ramón D. (Ramón Domingo), 1863-1956

Perestrello, Josephina Pinto Carneiro

See: Pinto Carneiro Perestrello, Josephina

Peretz, Isaac Loeb, 1852?-1915

Perey, Lucien, 1825-1914

Perez, Bernard, 1836-1903

Pérez Bonalde, Juan Antonio, 1846-1892

  • Poemas (Spanish) (as Translator)

Pérez de Ayala, Ramón, 1880-1962

Pérez de Hita, Ginés, 1544?-1619?

Pérez Escrich, Enrique, 1829-1897

Pérez Galdós, Benito, 1843-1920

Pérez Gomar, G. (Gregorio), 1834-1885

Pérez, Javier Nieves de Viana y

See: Viana, Javier de, 1868-1926

Pérez, Jean M., 1833-1914

Pérez, Joachim de, 1759-1822?

Pérez, José Gestoso y

See: Gestoso y Pérez, José, 1852-1917

Pérez, José Julián Martí y

See: Martí, José, 1853-1895

Pérez, Juan Pío, 1798-1859

Pérez, Miguel Agustin

Perez, Modesto, 1878-

Pérez Triana, Santiago, 1858-1916

Pérez Zúñiga, Juan, 1860-

Perfall, Anton von, 1853-1912

Pergaud, Louis, 1882-1915

Perić, Živojin, 1868-1953

Périers, Bonaventure Des

See: Des Périers, Bonaventure, 1500?-1544?

Perin, Florence Hobart, 1869-

Peritch, Jivoin

See: Perić, Živojin, 1868-1953

Perkins, Charlotte Anna

See: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935

Perkins, Edna Brush, 1880-1930

Perkins, Evora Bucknum

Perkins, Frank H., 1854-

Perkins, Frederick Orville

Perkins, George, 1844-1926

Perkins, George H. (George Henry), 1844-1933

Perkins, Henry, 1803-1889

Perkins, Kate Elizabeth

See: Glass, Charles Wilder, Mrs., 1874-

Perkins, Lucy Fitch, 1865-1937

Perkins, Nathan, 1748-1838

Perkins, Thomas, Rev., 1842-1907

Perk, Jacques Fabrice Herman, 1859-1881

Perk, M. A.

Perley, M. V. B.

Perlman, Selig, 1888-1959

Pérochon, Ernest, 1885-1942

Perodi, Emma, 1850-1918

Perowne, John

Perram, Annie Frances

Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703

Perrault, Claude, 1613-1688

Perret, P.-M. (Paul-Michel), 1861-1893

Perrett, Galen J., 1875-1949

Perrett, G. B. (George Burr)

Perrie, George W.

Perrier, Edmond, 1844-1921

Perri, Leslie, 1920-1970

Perrin, Alice, 1867-1934

Perrine, Henry E.

Perring, Mrs.

Perrin, William Gordon, 1874-

Perris, G. H. (George Herbert), 1866-1920

Perrodil, Édouard de, 1860-1931

Perron, Dr. (Nicolas), 1798-1876

Perrot, Georges, 1832-1914

Perrot, Jane Cholmeley Leigh

See: Leigh Perrot, Jane Cholmeley, 1746-1836

Perry, Arthur Latham, 1830-1905

Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954

Perry, Edward Baxter, 1855-1924

Perry, Edward Wilkin

Perry, F. M. (Frances Melville)

Perry, Heather

See: Perry, Herry, 1893-1962

Perry, Herry, 1893-1962

Perry, John, 1850-1920

Perry, Lawrence, 1875-1954

Perry, L. Day, 1887-1955

Perry, Lilla Cabot

Perryman, F. M., 1836-

Perry, Nora, 1831-1896

Perry, Ralph Barton, 1876-1957

Perry, Stella G. S. (Stella George Stern), 1877-1956

Perry, Thomas Sergeant, 1845-1928

Perry, William B.

See: Brown, William Perry, 1847-1923

Persifle, abbé

See: Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', 1704-1771

Persio, Ascanio


Persius, Paul

See: Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835

Persky, Serge, 1870-1938

Persons, Helen M.

Persse, Isabella Augusta

See: Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932

Pert, Camille, 1865-1952

Pertwee, Roland, 1885-1963

Perugini, Mark Edward, 1876?-1948

Perutz, Leo, 1882-1957

Peruzzi, E. M.

Peschges, John H.

Peschkau, Emil, 1856-1930

Peshkov, Alexey Maximiovich

See: Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936

Pessanha, Camilo Almeida, 1867-1926

Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935

Pestels de Lévis de Tubières-Grimoard, Anne-Claude-Philippe de, comte de Caylus

See: Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe, comte de, 1692-1765

Petaja, Emil, 1915-2000

Petano y Mazariegos, Gorgonio

Petelei, István, 1852-1910

Peter A. Juley & Son

Peterborough, Bishop of (William Connor Magee)

See: Magee, William Connor, 1822-1891

Peter, Charles

Peter, Grace Dunlop

Peter I, Emperor of Russia, 1672-1725

Peter, Johanna, 1845-1935

Peterkin, Alexander, 1780-1846

Peterkin, Julia, 1880-1961

Peterman, Alexander L.

Peter Martyr, of Angleria

See: Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526

Peter, Robert, 1805-1894

Peters, August, 1817-1864

Peters, Charles, active 1880-1907

Peters, De Witt C. (De Witt Clinton), -1876

Peters, Emil

Petersen, Carl Olof, 1881-1939

Petersen, Diane

Petersen, Julius, 1878-1941

Petersen, Louis Christian, 1878-

Petersen, Marie, 1816-1859

Petersham, Maud, 1890-1971

Petersham, Miska, 1888-1960

Peters, Iva Lowther, 1876-1961

Peters, John P. (John Punnett), 1852-1921

Peters, Lulu Hunt, 1873-1930

Peters, Madison Clinton, 1859-1918

Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm, 1867-1942

Peterson & Brothers

See: T.B. Peterson & Brothers (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Peterson, Charles J. (Charles Jacobs), 1819-1887

Peterson, Daniel K.

Peterson, D. E. (Dennis E.), 1906-

Peterson, Don

Peterson, Frederick, 1859-1938

Peterson, Hannah Mary (Bouvier)

Peterson, Harold L. (Harold Leslie), 1922-1978

Peterson, Henry, 1818-1891

Peterson, John Victor

Peterson, Margaret, 1883-1933

Peterson, Maud Howard

Peterson, P. D. (Purl Dewey), 1900-1967

Peterson, Robert, active 1576-1606

Peterson, Spiro

Peterson, Steven R.

Peterson, William, 1856-1921

Peters, Phillis

See: Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784

Peters, Samuel, 1735-1826

Peterssen, Hjalmar Eilif Emanuel, 1852-1928

Peters, Stephen

Petheram, John, 1809-1858

Petherbridge, Margaret

See: Farrar, Margaret Petherbridge, 1897-1984

Petherick, Horace, 1839-1919

Petherick, Rosa C., 1871-1931

Pethybridge, J. Ley

Petit, Jules Le

See: Le Petit, Jules, 1845-1915

Petitmangin, H. (Henri), 1872-1937


See: Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre, 1859-1923

Petitt, Maud

Pet Milk Company

Pet Milk Company. Home Economics Department

Petőfi, Sándor, 1823-1849

Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374


See: Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374

Petrauskas, Mikas, 1873-1937

Petrelius, K. A.

Petre, Maude Dominica, 1863-1942

Petrezselyem, Mihály

See: Petersham, Miska, 1888-1960

Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), 1853-1942


Petronilla, Maria Stella

See: Ungern-Sternberg, Maria Stella Petronilla, Baroness, 1773-1843

Petronius Arbiter, 20-66

Petrovics, Alexander

See: Petőfi, Sándor, 1823-1849

Petrovics, Elek, 1873-1945

Petrovic, Walter D., 1960-

Petrovitch, Woislav M., 1885?-1934

Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando, 1816-1890

Petrucci, Raphaël, 1872-1917

Petrunkevitch, Alexander, 1875-1964

Petrus, Peregrinus

See: Pierre, de Maricourt, active 13th century

Petrus, Sarnensis, -1218

Pettee, Florence Mae, 1888-

Pettie, John, 1839-1893

Pettigrew, James Bell, 1834-1908

Pettis, George H., 1834-

Pettit, Henry, 1842-1921

Pettit, H. M.

Pett, Phineas, 1570-1647

Pett-Ridge, W. (William)

See: Ridge, W. Pett (William Pett), 1859-1930

Petty, George W.

Petty, William, Sir, 1623-1687

Petzold, E.

Peyer, Julius

See: Payer, Julius, 1841-1915

Peyrère, Isaac de la

See: La Peyrère, Isaac de, 1594-1676

Peyser, Ethel R. (Ethel Rose), 1887-1961

Peyser, Herbert F. (Herbert Francis), 1886-1953

Peyton, A. Conway

Peyton, Green, 1907-1968

Peyton, J. Lewis (John Lewis), 1824-1896

Pfaundler von Hadermur, Leopold, 1839-1920

Pfeifer, Herman, 1879-1931

Pfeiffer, Charles F., 1919-1976

Pfeiffer, F. W.

Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858

Pfeiffer, Sara, 1829-1913

Pfeil, Johann Gottlob Benjamin, 1732-1800

Pfemfert, Alexandra Ramm

See: Ramm, Alexandra, 1883-1963

Pfister, Albert, 1839-1907

Pfister, Kurt, 1895-1951

Pfleiderer, Otto, 1839-1908

Pfungst, Oskar, 1874-1933


Phalen, Peter

Pharaon, Florian, 1827-1887


See: Leipoldt, C. Louis (Christiaan Louis), 1880-1947

Phelan, A. B.

Phelan, Charlotte Elizabeth

See: Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846

Phelan, Earl W., 1900-1993

Phelan, Michael J.

Phelan, T.

Pheleg Van Trusedale

See: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn), 1850-1891

Phelips, Vivian, 1860-

Phelps, A. H.

Phelps, Edith M., 1881-1980

Phelps, Elizabeth Steward

See: North, Leigh, -1920

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart

See: Trusta, H., 1815-1852

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 1844-1911

Phelps, Lillian

Phelps, S. B., Mrs.

See: Griswold, F. Burge (Frances Burge), 1826-1900

Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943


See: Firdawsi

Phermpos, Panagiotes I., 1851-1932

Phifer, Charles Lincoln, 1860-1931

Philadelphia. Board of health

Philadelphia & Boston Face Brick Co.

Philadelphia Brigade Association

Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons

Philaeretus, Ignatius

See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802


See: Forbes, Robert, 1708-1775

Philalethes, Alazonomastix

See: More, Henry, 1614-1687

Philalethes, Polytopiensis

See: Landi, Ortensio, 1512?-1553?


See: Penn, William, 1644-1718


See: Carlile, Richard, 1790-1843

Philatelic Society (London, England)

Philbrick, John D. (John Dudley), 1818-1886


See: Morton, Sarah Wentworth, 1759-1846

Philip, Alex

Philip, Alexander

Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson, 1770-1847

Philippe, Charles-Louis, 1874-1909

Philippine Islands. Commission of Independence

Philippines. Bureau of Education

Philippoteaux, Paul, 1846-1923

Philips, F. C. (Francis Charles), 1849-1921

Philips, J. (John)

See: Phillips, John, 1631-1706

Philipson-Radersma, J.

Philips, Samuel, 1823-1892

Philip, Uncle

See: Hawks, Francis L. (Francis Lister), 1798-1866

Phillimore, Joseph, 1751?-1831

Phillimore, Lucy

Phillip, Arthur, 1738-1814

Phillipps, Evelyn March, -1915

Phillipps, L. March (Lisle March), 1863-1917

Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872

Phillipps-Wolley, Clive, 1854-1918

Phillips, A.

Phillips, Abraham

See: Tromka, Abram, 1896-1954

Phillips, Alexander M. (Alexander Moore), 1907-1991

Phillips, Carleton J.

Phillips, Chester Arthur, 1882-1976

Phillips, Claude, Sir, 1846-1924

Phillips, Coles, 1880-1927

Phillips, David Graham, 1867-1911

Phillips, Dorothy Una Clough

See: Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, 1891-1967

Phillips, E.

Phillips, E. C. (Edith Caroline)

Phillips, Elizabeth J. Magie

See: Magie, Lizzie, 1866-1948

Phillips, Ernest George, 1880-

Phillips, Ethel Calvert, 1882-1947

Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1878-1951

Phillips, E. W. (Emma Watts)

Phillips, Forbes, 1866-1917

Phillips, Frances L.

Phillips, Gary L.

Phillips, George S. (George Searle), 1815-1889

Phillips, Henry Albert, 1880-1951

Phillips, Henry Wallace, 1869-1930

Phillips, Hugh, 1886-

Phillips, John, 1631-1706

Phillips, John C. (John Charles), 1876-1938

Phillips, Leroy, 1870-

Phillips, Mary Elizabeth, 1857-1945

Phillips, Michael J., 1877?-1932

Phillips, Morris, 1834-1904

Phillips, Percy

Phillips, Philip

Phillips, R.

Phillips, Rog, 1909-1965

Phillips, Roland Ashford

Phillips, R. (Richard), Sir, 1767-1840

Phillips, Samuel, 1814-1854

Phillips, Stephen, 1864-1915

Phillips, Theodore Clifford

Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1877-1934

Phillips, Vic

Phillips, W. Brooks

Phillips, W. B. (Wesley Briggs)

Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884

Phillott, D. C. (Douglas Craven), 1860-1930

Phillpotts, Eden, 1862-1960

Phillpotts, Henry, 1778-1869

Phillpotts, J. Surtees (James Surtees), 1839-1930



See: Penn, William, 1644-1718


Philo-Huff-Lash, Bentivolio

See: Lilly, William, 1602-1681

Philomuso, Apolonio

See: Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792


See: Hutchinson, Thomas, 1711-1780


See: Forbes, Robert, 1708-1775

Philpot, J. C. (Joseph Charles), 1802-1869

Philpot, J. H., Mrs.

Philpotts, Henry

See: Phillpotts, Henry, 1778-1869

Philp, Robert Kemp, 1819-1882

Philps, Arthur Carlton

See: Carlton, 1881-1942

Phin, John, 1830-1913

Phipps, Edward James

Phipps, Helen

Phipps, Ramsay Weston, 1838-1923

Phiquepal-d'Arusmont, Frances Wright

See: Wright, Frances, 1795-1852

Phisterer, Frederick, 1836-1909


See: Browne, Hablot Knight, 1815-1882

Phlores, Kostas

Phoebus, Gaston, Count of Foix

See: Gaston III Phoebus, count of Foix, 1331-1391

Phoutrides, Aristides E. (Aristides Evangelus), 1887-1923

Phul, Ruth von

See: Von Phul, Ruth, 1904-1986

Physick, Edward Harold

See: Visiak, E. H. (Edward Harold), 1878-1972

Physick, N. W. (Nino William), 1890-1946

Physiologus, Philotheus

See: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703

Piat, Clodius, 1854-1918

Picabia, Francis, 1879-1953

Picard, Charlotte-Adelaïde Dard

See: Dard, Charlotte-Adelaïde

Picard, Emile, 1856-1941

Picard, G. (Georges), 1857-

Picard, L.-B. (Louis-Benoît), 1769-1828

Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973

Piccini, Giulio

See: Jarro, 1849-1915

Picciotto, M. H.


See: Gaines, Helen Fouché, 1888-1940

Piccoli, Raffaello, 1886-1933

Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius

See: Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464

Pichatty de Croislainte

Pichel, Irving, 1891-1954

Pichon, S. (Stephen), 1857-1933

Pichot, Amédée, 1795-1877

Pickard-Cambridge, Arthur Wallace, Sir, 1873-1952

Pickard-Cambridge, Octavius, 1828-1917

Pickard, Samuel T. (Samuel Thomas), 1828-1915

Picken, Mary Brooks

See: Wells, Jane Warren, 1886-1981

Pickens, William, 1881-1954

Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1846-1919

Pickering, James E.

Pickering, Theodosia

See: Garrison, Theodosia Pickering, 1874-1944

Pickert, Charles

Pickett, Albert James, 1810-1858

Pickett, La Salle Corbell, 1848-1931

Pickett, Thomas Edward, 1841-1913

Pick, Harry

Pick, Otto, 1887-1940

  • Novotný, Oldrich
  • Hymnen (German) (as Translator)
  • Kreuzwege (German) (as Translator)

Pickthall, Marjorie L. C. (Marjorie Lowry Christie), 1883-1922

Pickthall, Marmaduke William, 1875-1936

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco, 1470-1533

Picón, Jacinto Octavio, 1852-1923

Picot, Emile, 1844-1918

Picot, Henry Philip, 1857-1937

Picq, Charles Jean Jacques Joseph Ardant du

See: Ardant du Picq, Charles Jean Jacques Joseph, 1821-1870

Pictaviensis, Gulielmus

See: Gulielmus, Pictaviensis, 1020?-1090?

Picton, Harold W. (Harold Williams), 1867-

Picton, J. Allanson (James Allanson), 1832-1910

Pictorial Photographers of America

Pidal, María Goyri de Menéndez

See: Goyri, María, 1873-1955?

Pidal, Ramón Menéndez

See: Menéndez Pidal, Ramón, 1869-1968

Pidgeon, Henry

Pidgin, Charles Felton, 1844-1923

Pieck, A. F., 1865-1925

Piedagnel, Alexandre, 1831-1903

Pie Filling Institute

Piemontese, Alessio

See: Alessio, Piemontese, 1471?-

Pienaar, E. C. (Eduard Christiaan), 1882-1949

Pienaar, F. F. (Filippus Fourie), 1877-1948

Piepers, J. Clant van der Mijll-

See: Clant van der Mijll-Piepers, J., 1842-1923

Pier, Arthur Stanwood, 1874-1966

Pierce, Bessie Louise, 1888-1974

Pierce, Ella N.

Pierce, F. E. (Frederick Erastus), 1878-1935

Pierce, Frances E.

See: Peirce, Frances E.

Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869

Pierce, Frank Richardson, 1881-1966

Pierce, Henry M. (Henry Miller), 1831-1902

Pierce, Henry Niles, 1820-1899

Pierce, H. Winthrop (Herman Winthrop), 1850-

Pierce, Paul, 1866-

Pierce, Ray Vaughn, 1840-1914

Pierce, Ruth

Pierce, Thomas Mitchell

See: Peirce, Thomas Mitchell, 1864-

Pierce, William J., 1829-

Piercy, Willis Duff

Pier, Garrett Chatfield, 1875-1943


Pierné, Gabriel, 1863-1937

Pierotti, Ermete

Pierpont, James, 1822-1893

Pierrebourg, Marguerite Thomas-Galline Aimery de, baronne

See: Ferval, Claude, 1856-1943

Pierre, de Maricourt, active 13th century

Pierre, de Vaulx-Cernay

See: Petrus, Sarnensis, -1218

Pierre, Paul

Pierrugues, P. (Pierre)

Pierson, Arthur T. (Arthur Tappan), 1837-1911

Pierson, Charles W. (Charles Wheeler), 1864-1934

Pierson, Clara Dillingham

Pierson, Cornelia Tuthill

See: Tuthill, Cornelia L. (Cornelia Louisa), 1820-1870

Pierson, Emily Catharine

See: Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens), 1818-1900

Pierson, Hamilton W. (Hamilton Wilcox), 1817-1888

Pierson, Helen Wall

Pierson, Henry Hugo, 1815-1873

Pierson, William Whatley, Jr., 1890-1966

Piesse, G. W. Septimus (George William Septimus), 1820-1882

Pieters, Sophia

Pietikäinen, Abraham, 1848-1910

Pietilä, Fredrika, 1837-1888

Pietilä, Väinö, 1888-1917

Pietrat, J. C. (John Claudius)

See: Pitrat, John Claudius

Pietrocòla-Rossetti, T. (Teodorico)

Pietrowski, Rufin

See: Piotrowski, Rufin, 1806-1872

Pietsch, Ludwig, 1824-1911

Piffard, Harold, 1867-1938

Pigafetta, Antonio, 1480?-1534?

Pigault-Lebrun, 1753-1835

Piggott, Francis Taylor, 1852-1925

Piirinen, E., 1869-1949

Piirinen, Hanna, 1881-1955

Pike, Albert, 1809-1891

Pike, G. Holden (Godfrey Holden), 1836-

Pike, H. Lee M. (Henry Lee Mitchell), 1865-

Pike, James, 1834-1867

Pike, Jay Scott, 1924-2015

Pike, Joseph, 1883-1956

Pike, Richard

Pike, Warburton, 1861-1915

Pike, William Henry

See: Paque, Oliver, 1846-1908

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779-1813

Pilastre, Édouard, 1838-1910

Piles, A. Fortia de (Alphonse Fortia), comte

See: Fortia de Piles, A. (Alphonse), comte de, 1758-1826

Pilger, Wouter F., 1942-2006

Pillai, T. Ramakrishna (Thottakadu Ramakrishna)

See: Ramakrishna Pillai, T. (Thottakadu), 1854-

Pille, Marcel

Pilles, A. Fortia de (Alphonse Fortia), comte

See: Fortia de Piles, A. (Alphonse), comte de, 1758-1826

Pilling, James Constantine, 1846-1895

Pilling, William, 1834-

Pillot, Eugene, 1886-1966

Pilniak, Boris, 1894-1937

Pilsbry, Elizabeth

Pilsbry, Henry Augustus, 1862-1957

Pimenta, Alfredo, 1882-1950

Pimentel, Alberto, 1849-1925

Pimiä, Ilmari, 1897-1989

Pina, Albert de

See: dePina, Albert, -1957

Pina, Rui de, 1440-1521

Pinchard, Elizabeth Sibthorpe

Pinchback, Nathan Eugene

See: Toomer, Jean, 1894-1967

Pinches, Theophilus G. (Theophilus Goldridge), 1856-1934

Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946

Pindar, 518? BC-438? BC

Pindar, Paul

See: Akerman, John Yonge, 1806-1873

Pindar, Peter

See: Daniel, George, 1789-1864

Pine Coffin, John, 1778-1830

Pineda, Carlos de

Pine, Frank Woodworth, 1869-

Pine, John, 1690-1756

Pinelli, Bartolomeo, 1781-1835

Pinero, Arthur Wing, 1855-1934

Pinetti, Giuseppe, 1750-1800

Pinetti, Herman

Piñeyro, Enrique, 1839-1911


  • 評花主人
  • 九尾狐 (Chinese) (as Author)

Pinheiro Chagas, Manuel Joaquim

See: Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro, 1842-1895

Pinillos, Carmen Torres Calderón de

See: Calderón de Pinillos, Carmen Torres, 1909-1943

Pink, Alfred

Pinkerton, A. Frank

Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884

Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826

Pinkerton, Percy, 1855-1946

Pinkham, Lydia Estes, 1819-1883

Pink, M. Alderton (Maurice Alderton)

Pinkney, lieutenant-colonel (Ninian), 1776-1825

Pinner, Felix, 1880-1942

Pinney, Laura Ann Young, 1849-

Pinnock, William, 1782-1843

Pinski, David, 1872-1959

Pintner, Rudolf, 1884-1942

Pinto, Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa, 1846-1900

Pinto Carneiro Perestrello, Josephina

Pinto da Rocha, -1930

Pinto, José Nicolau de Massuelos, 1770-1825

Pinto, Silva

See: Silva Pinto, Antonio da, 1848-1911

Pinwell, George John, 1842-1875

Pio II, Pope

See: Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464

Pio, Louis, 1841-1894

Pioneer Auto Museum (Murdo, S.D.)

Piot, René, 1866-1934

Piotrowski, Antoni, 1853-1924

Piotrowski, Rufin, 1806-1872

Pious, Robert S. (Robert Savon), 1908-1983

Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821

Piper, Anna W. Ford

Piper, H. Beam, 1904-1964

Piper, Hugh

Piper, John J., -1869

Piper, Margaret Rebecca

See: Chalmers, Margaret Piper, 1880-

Piper, Paul

See: Eaton, Seymour, 1859-1916

Piper, Towry

Piper, Watty, pseud.

Pippet, Gabriel, 1880-1962

Pippins, Cyrus

See: Harlan, Byron G., 1861-1936

Piquer, Andres, 1711-1772

Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778

Pirenne, Henri, 1862-1935

Pires, Ernesto, 1857-1884

Pirkis, Catherine Louisa, 1839-1910

Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824

Piron, A.

Pirro, André, 1869-1943

Pirsson, Louis V. (Louis Valentine), 1860-1919

Pisa, Alberto

  • Rome (English) (as Illustrator)

Pisan, Christine de

See: Christine, de Pisan, 1364?-1431?

Pisani-Dossi, Alberto

See: Dossi, Carlo, 1849-1910

Pisano, Leonardo

See: Fibonacci, Leonardo, 1170?-1240?

Pisa, Rusticiano da

See: Rusticiano, da Pisa


Piso, Lucius M. (Lucius Manlius)

See: Ware, William, 1797-1852

Pispa, Hanna

Pissarro, Esther, 1870-1951

Pissarro, Lucien, 1863-1944

Pissin, Raimund, 1878-

Pistorius, Fritz, 1864-1932

Pisuisse, Jean-Louis, 1880-1927

Pitcairn, W. D.

Pit, Carry (de Haan) van Bruggen

See: Bruggen, Carry van, 1881-1932

Pitcher, William J. C., 1858-1925

Pitkänen, Ari, 1876-1938

Pitkin, Thomas M., 1901-1988

Pitman, C. M.

  • Rowing (English) (as Contributor)

Pitman, Emma Raymond

Pitman, James Hall, 1896-

Pitman, Norman Hinsdale, 1876-1925

Pitman, Rosie M. M.

Pitman & Sons

See: Isaac Pitman & Sons

Pitollet, Camille, 1874-1964

Pitou, Louis Ange, 1767-1846

Pitrat, John Claudius

Pitray, Olga de, 1835-1920?

Pitrè, Giuseppe, 1841-1916

Pittenger, Lemuel Arthur, 1873-1953

Pittenger, William, 1840-1904

Pittock, M. A., Mrs.

Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane-Fox, 1827-1900

Pitt-Rivers, George Henry Lane Fox, 1890-1966

Pittsburgh. Carnegie Library

See: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Pitts, Herbert

Pitts, John Linwood, 1836-1917

Pitts, J. R. S. (James Robert Soda), 1832-1920

Pitts, Thomas

See: Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707

Pitt, William, 1759-1806

Pitz, Henry C. (Henry Clarence), 1895-1976

Pius a Sp. Sancto (Pius a Spiritu Sancto)

Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464

Pivert de Senancour, Etienne

See: Senancour, Etienne Pivert de, 1770-1846

Plaatje, Sol. T. (Solomon Tshekisho), 1876-1932

Plaatsman, D. P.

Placentius, Jean-Leo, -1550?

Place, Pierre Simon, marquis de La

See: Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827

Plagnolles, George Scott de

See: Scott, Georges, 1873-1943

Plaisted, E. (Elenore)

See: Abbott, Elenore Plaisted, 1876-1935

Planas i Font, Claudi, 1869-1931

Planché, J. R. (James Robinson), 1796-1880

Planché, Matilda Anne

See: Mackarness, Henry S., Mrs., 1826-1881

Planck, Max, 1858-1947

Planck, Willy, 1870-1956

Plancy, J.-A.-S. Collin de (Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin)

See: Collin de Plancy, J.-A.-S. (Jacques-Albin-Simon), 1794-1881

Plank, George, 1882-1965

Plan, Pierre-Paul, 1870-1951

Planta, Joseph, 1744-1827

Plaskett, J. S. (John Stanley), 1865-1941

Plate, Ludwig, 1862-1937

Platnauer, Maurice

Plato, 427? BC-347? BC

Platoon Commander

See: Mills, Arthur, 1887-1955

Plato (spurious and doubtful works), 427? BC-347? BC


See: Northup, Solomon, 1808-1863?

Platt, de Cancarnaux

Platt, Dwight R., 1931-

Platt, Edward

See: Trent, Paul, 1872-1946

Platter, Thomas, 1499-1582

Plattes, Gabriel, 1600?-1644

Platt, George Washington, 1875-

Plattis, Maria Majocchi

See: Jolanda, 1864-1917

Platt, James, 1861?-1910?

Platt, Mary Schauffler, 1868-1954

Platt, Rutherford Hayes, 1894-1975

Platts, A. Monmouth

See: Berkeley, Anthony, 1893-1971

Plattsburgh Barracks (N.Y.)

Platts, I.

See: Platts, John, 1775-1837

Platts, John, 1775-1837

Platts, John T. (John Thompson), 1830-1904

Platt, William, 1867-

Platt, William, Mrs.

Platz, Josephine Lawrence

See: Lawrence, Josephine, 1897?-1978

Plauchut, Edmond, 1824-1909

Plautus, Titus Maccius, 254 BC-184 BC

Playfair, George

Playfair, John, 1748-1819

Playfair, Nigel, 1874-1934

Playfair, R. Lambert (Robert Lambert), Sir, 1828-1899

Playfair, William, 1759-1823

Playtner, H. R.

Plehn, Auguste

See: Augusti, Brigitte, 1839-1930

Plehn, M. C.

Pleiades Club

Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich, 1856-1918

Pleon, Harry

Plesner, Augusta

Pletsch, Oscar, 1830-1888

Pliny, the Elder, 24?-79

Pliny, the Younger, 61-112?

Ploetz, Carl, 1819-1881

Ploetz, Karl Julius

See: Ploetz, Carl, 1819-1881

Plomer, Henry R. (Henry Robert), 1856-1928

Plongeon, Alice D. Le (Alice Dixon)

See: Le Plongeon, Alice D. (Alice Dixon), 1851-1910

Plongeon, Augustus Le

See: Le Plongeon, Augustus, 1826-1908

Plotinus, 205?-270

Ploucquet, Herrmann

Plouffe, Simon, 1956-

Ploughshare, John V.

See: Hazard, Willis P. (Willis Pope), 1825-1913

Pluim, Teunis

Plumb, Albert Hale, 1863-

Plumer of Messines, Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, Viscount, 1857-1932

Plumer, William S. (William Swan), 1802-1880

Plummer, Albert

Plummer, Alfred, 1841-1926

Plummer, Charles, 1851-1927

Plummer, Edward M. (Edward Marwick)

Plummer, Henry Merrihew, 1865-1928

Plumptre, Anne, 1760-1818

Plumptre, E. H. (Edward Hayes), 1821-1891

Plunket, Emmeline M. (Emmeline Mary), 1835-

Plunket, Ierne L. (Ierne Lifford), 1885-1970

Plunkett, Edward John Moreton Drax, Baron Dunsany

See: Dunsany, Lord, 1878-1957

Plunkett, Elizabeth Gunning

See: Gunning, Miss (Elizabeth), 1769-1823

Plunkett, Horace Curzon, Sir, 1854-1932

Plunkitt, George Washington, 1842-1924

Plüschow, Gunther, 1886-1931

Plutarch, 46-120?

Plymley, Peter

See: Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845

Plymouth Cordage Company

Plympton, George W. (George Washington), 1827-1907

Pneu Michelin (Firm)

Poblete, Pascual Hicaro, 1857-1921

Po, Chü-i

See: Bai, Juyi, 772-846

Pocklington, Kathryn

Pocock, Guy Noel, 1880-1955

Pocock, Lena Margaret

See: Ashwell, Lena, 1872-1957

Pocock, Noel

Pocock, Roger, 1865-1941

Pocock, Ruby Mildred

See: Ayres, Ruby M. (Ruby Mildred), 1883-1955

P & O Company

See: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company

P. O'D.

See: Donovan, Peter, 1884-

Podmaniczky, Frigyes, báró, 1824-1907

Podmore, Frank, 1856-1910

Podwil, Jerome, 1938-

Poe, Clarence Hamilton, 1881-1964

Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849

Poel, Betsy van der

Poel, William, 1852-1934

Poëpe, Claude de la

See: Expilly, Charles, 1814-1886

Poer, John Patrick Le

See: Le Poer, John Patrick

Poffenberger, Albert T. (Albert Theodore), 1885-1977

Pogány, Willy, 1882-1955

Poggi, Tito

Pogson, Frank Lubecki, -1910

Po, Guo

See: Guo, Pu, 276-324

Pohjanen, K.

See: Nordlund, Carl Ferdinand, 1820-1905

Pohjanpää, Lauri Henrik, 1889-1962

Pohle, Joseph, 1852-1922

Pohl, Frederik, 1919-2013

Pohlhammer, Franz

Pohl, Johann Christoph, 1705-1780

Pohl, Rudolf, 1879-

Poignand, Jules

See: Montjoyeux, 1851-

Poincaré, Henri, 1854-1912

Poincaré, Lucien, 1862-1920

Poincaré, Raymond, 1860-1934

Poindexter, M. E.

Poinsatte, Charles R.

Point, Mittie Frances Clarke

See: Miller, Alex. McVeigh, Mrs., 1850-1937

Poirson, V. A., 1859-1893

Poisson, Jeanne Antoinette, marquise de Pompadour

See: Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de, 1721-1764

Poissonnier-Desperrières, Antoine, 1722-1793

Pokagon, Simon, 1830-1899

Polak, Leo, 1880-1941

Poland, Addison B.

Poldermans, D. A. (Daniël Adrianus), 1877-1939

Pole Evans, I. B. (Illtyd Buller), 1879-1968

Polemes, Ioannes, 1862-1924

Polén, Rietrik, 1823-1884

Polese Santarnecchi, Enrico, 1873-1937

Polevoi, P. (Petr), 1839-1902

Polgár, Gyula

Polidori, John William, 1795-1821

Polier, Pauline

See: Montolieu, Isabelle de, 1751-1832

Poling, Daniel A. (Daniel Alfred), 1884-1968

Poli, Oscar de (Philippe François Joseph), 1838-1908

Politovskii, Evgenii Sigizmundovich, 1874-1905


See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-

Polkinghorne, M. I. R. (Mabel Irene Rutherford)

Polkinghorne, R. K. (Ruby Kathleen)

Polk, James K. (James Knox), 1795-1849

Polko, Elise, 1823-1899

Pollak, Emil

Pollard, A. F. (Albert Frederick), 1869-1948

Pollard, Alfred W. (Alfred William), 1859-1944

Pollard, Alice

Pollard, Edward B., 1864-1927

Pollard, Eliza F., 1840-1911

Pollard, John

See: Browne, Howard, 1907-1999

Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892

Pollard, Percival, 1869-1911

Pollen, Arthur Joseph Hungerford, 1866-1937

Pollen, John, 1848-1923

Pollen, John Hungerford, 1820-1902

Pollen, Maria Margaret, -1919

Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von, 1692-1775

Pollock, Channing, 1880-1946

Pollock, David, -1932

Pollock, Enid Mary Blyton

See: Blyton, Enid, 1897-1968

Pollock, Frank Lillie, 1876-1957

Pollock, Horatio M. (Horatio Milo), 1868-1950

Pollock, John, 1878-1963

Pollock, Walter Herries, 1850-1926

Pollyen, Howard D.

Polly, Jean Armour

Polo, Marco, 1254-1324

Polson, Alice

Polti, Georges, 1867-1946

Pólya, Tibor, 1886-1937


Polylas, Iakovos, 1826-1898


See: Barrett, Eaton Stannard, 1786-1820

Pomeranus, Johann

See: Bugenhagen, Johann, 1485-1558

Pomeroy, Sarah Gertrude, 1882-

Pomés, Ramón

Pomfret, John, 1667-1702

Pommer, Hans

See: Bugenhagen, Johann, 1485-1558

Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de, 1721-1764

Pompéia, Raul, 1863-1895

Pompery, Edouard de, 1812-1895

Pompignan, Jean-Jacques Lefranc, marquis de, 1709-1784

Pompilj, Guido, 1854-1910

Ponce de León, Luis

See: León, Luis de, 1527-1591

Ponchielli, Amilcare, 1834-1886

Pond, Gideon H. (Gideon Hollister), 1810-1878

Ponleví, Perpetus

See: Mier, Eduardo de, 1829-1914

Pons, A. J., 1829-1884

Pons de l'Hérault, André, 1772-1853

Ponslevi, Perpetus

See: Mier, Eduardo de, 1829-1914

Ponsonby, Arthur Ponsonby, Baron, 1871-1946

Ponsonby, Dorothea, 1876-1963

Ponsonby, Frederick, 1867-1935

Ponsonby, Frederick Cavendish, 1783-1838

Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871

Pontifex, Dudley David, 1855-1934

Pontini, Antonio, 1832-1918

Pont-Jest, René de, 1830-1904

Pontmartin, Armand, comte de, 1811-1890

Pontoppidan, Henrik, 1857-1943

Poole, Bertram W. H. (Bertram William Henry), 1880-1957

Poole, Edward Stanley, 1830-1867

Poole, Ernest, 1880-1950

Poole, Frederick V.

Poole, Hester M. (Hester Martha), 1833-1932

Poole, John, 1786?-1872

Poole, Reginald Lane, 1857-1939

Poole, Sophia Lane, 1804-1891

Poole, Stanley Lane

See: Lane-Poole, Stanley, 1854-1931

Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894

Pool, Maria Louise, 1841-1898

Poor, Agnes Blake, 1842-1922

Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887

Poore, Dudley, 1893-1982

Poore, George Vivian, 1843-1904

Poore, Henry Rankin, 1859-1940

Poot, Linke

See: Döblin, Alfred, 1878-1957

Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744

Pope, Allan Melvill, 1879-

Pope, Bertha Clark

Pope, G. D.

Pope, George W. (George Whitfield), 1867-

Pope, Hugh, 1869-1946

Pope, Joseph, Sir, 1854-1926

Pope, Laura Spencer Portor

See: Portor, Laura Spencer, 1872-1957

Popenoe, Paul, 1888-1979

Pope, R. Martin (Robert Martin), 1865-1944

Pope, Saxton T. (Saxton Temple), 1875-1926

Popini, Alexander, 1878-1962


See: Brown, Charles Brockden, 1771-1810

Popovici-Bănățeanu, Ion, 1869-1893

Popov, Vladimir Evgrafovich

See: Vladimirov, V.

Poppius, Abraham, 1793-1866

Poquelin de Molière, Jean Baptiste

See: Molière, 1622-1673

Porati, R. A.

Porchat, J. Jacques (Jean Jacques), 1800-1884

Porcher, Marion Johnstone

See: Ford, Marion Johnstone

Porchester, Lord

See: Carnarvon, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, Earl of, 1866-1923

Porcupine, Peter

See: Cobbett, William, 1763-1835

Pordage, Samuel, 1633-1691?

Porges, Arthur, 1915-2006

Porphyry, 234?-305?

Porrúa, José María de Pereda y Sánchez

See: Pereda, José María de, 1833-1906

Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615

Portch, Julian, -1865

Porte, John Fielder

Portela, Marcos da

See: Lamas Carvajal, Valentín, 1849-1906

Porter, Alan

Porter, Anna Maria, 1778-1832

Porter, Cabell Breckinridge, 1881-

Porter, Charles T. (Charles Talbot), 1826-1910

Porter, Charles W., III (Charles Wesley), 1904-1987

Porter, Charlotte (Charlotte Endymion), 1857-1942

Porter, Countee LeRoy

See: Cullen, Countee, 1903-1946

Porter, Dorothy

See: Wesley, Dorothy Porter, 1905-1995

Porter, Edwin H.

Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920

Porter, Elizabeth Cannon, 1885-

Porterfield, Allen Wilson, 1877-1952

Porter, Frank Thorpe, 1801-1882

Porter, Harold Everett

See: Hall, Holworthy, 1887-1936

Porter, Henry, M. D.

Porter, Horace, 1863-

Porter, James A., 1836-1897

Porter, Jane, 1776-1850

Porter, J. Hampden (John Hampden), 1837-1908

Porter, John (Writer on the Fylde of Lancashire)

Porter, Katherine Anne, 1890-1980

Porter, Linn Boyd

See: Ross, Albert, 1851-1916

Porter, Linn Boyd, 1851-1916

Porter-Lowe, H. T. (Helen Tracy)

See: Lowe-Porter, H. T. (Helen Tracy), 1876-1963

Porter, Mark

See: Leckie, Robert, 1920-2001

Porter, Mary F.

Porter, Mary Harriet, 1846-1929

Porter, Noah, 1811-1892

Porter, Peter A. (Peter Augustus), 1853-1925

Porter, Rebecca N. (Rebecca Newman), 1883-

Porter, Robert P. (Robert Percival), 1852-1917

Porter, Rufus, 1792-1884

Porter, Sara Lindsay Coleman, 1868-1959

  • Coleman, Sara Lindsay
  • Porter, William Sydney, Mrs.
  • Wind of destiny (English) (as Author)

Porter, Steve, 1864-1936

Porter, Thomas C. (Thomas Conrad), 1822-1901

Porter, William Sidney

See: Henry, O., 1862-1910

Porter, William Sydney, Mrs.

See: Porter, Sara Lindsay Coleman, 1868-1959

Portillo, Andrés

Porto, António Francisco Ferreira da Silva, 1817-1890

Portor, Laura Spencer, 1872-1957


Pory, John, 1572-1636

Posadilla, Ginés de

See: Fernández de Moratín, Leandro, 1760-1828

Posenaer, Maria, 1874-1956

Posidio, Saint

See: Possidius, Saint, active 370-437

Posselt, E. A. (Emanuel Anthony), 1858-1921

Possidius, Saint, active 370-437

Post, Albert S.

Post and Tribune Company (Detroit, Mich.)

Post, Augustus, 1873-1952

Post, Charles Johnson, 1873-1956

Post, Christian Frederick, 1710?-1785

Post, C. W. H. van der (Christiaan Willem Hendrik)

See: Van der Post, C. W. H. (Christiaan Willem Hendrik), 1856-1914

Postel, Karl

See: Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864

Post, Emily, 1872-1960

Post, Evan Merritt

Post, Frederick

See: Post, Christian Frederick, 1710?-1785

Postif, Louis, 1887-1942

Postl, Karl Anton

See: Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864

Post, Louis F. (Louis Freeland), 1849-1928

Post, Melville Davisson, 1869-1930

Postnikov, Fedor Alexis, 1872-

Poston, Charles D. (Charles Debrille), 1825-1902

Post, Waldron Kintzing, 1868-1955

Potamian, Brother, 1837-1917

Potapenko, I. N. (Ignatii Nicholaevich), 1856-1929

Potgieter, E. J. (Everhardus Johannes), 1808-1875

Potocka, Apolonia Helena de

See: Massalska, Apolonia Helena, 1763-1815

Potter, Alfred Claghorn, 1867-1940

Potter, Alonzo, 1800-1865

Potter, Austin, 1842-1913

Potter, Beatrice

See: Webb, Beatrice, 1858-1943

Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943

Potter, Burton Willis, 1843-1927

Potter, David

See: Barron, Edward, 1874-1962

Potter, Elizabeth Gray

Potter, Ellis Wellington, 1920-1981

Potter, Harry Spafford, 1873-1940

Potter, Henry Austin, 1869-

Potter, I. J.

Potter, Israel, 1744-1826?

Potter, John Hasloch, 1847-1935

Potter, Mabel

See: Daggett, Mabel Potter, 1871-1927

Potter, Margaret Horton, 1881-1911

Potter, Michael Cresse, 1858-

Potter, Miriam Clark, 1886-1965

Potter, Olave M. (Olave Muriel)

Potter, Robert, 1831-1908

Pott, F. L. Hawks (Francis Lister Hawks), 1864-1947

Pottier, Edmond, 1855-1934

Pottier, Madeleine

See: Morel, Jacques, 1867-1949

Potti, Kalle, 1871-1935

Pott, Joseph Holden, 1758-1847

Potts, Eugenia Dunlap, 1840-1912

Potts, J. Manning (James Manning), 1895-

Potts, Merlin K., 1915-

Potts, Thomas, active 1612-1618

Potts, William Sherman, 1876-1930

Poucher, E. A.

Pouchet, G. (Georges), 1833-1894

Pouget, Emile, 1860-1931

Pouget, Isidore, 1863-1933

Pouget, Jean-François-Albert du, marquis de Nadaillac

See: Nadaillac, Jean-François-Albert du Pouget, marquis de, 1818-1904

Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802

Poulbot, Francisque, 1879-1946

Poulet-Malassis, Auguste, 1825-1878

Poulsen, Ellen Kruuse

Poulsen, Frederik, 1876-1950

Poulson, Zachariah, 1761-1844

Poulsson, Emilie, 1853-1939

Poulsson, Laura E. (Laura Elizabeth), 1851-

Poulton, Edward Bagnall, Sir, 1856-1943

Poulton, Peter, 1914-1972

Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972

Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964

Pousão, Francisco Nunes, 1830-

Poussin, A., 1894-1953

Poussin, Nicolas, 1594?-1665

Pouvillon, Emile, 1840-1906

Povius, Bartholomaeus

See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802

Powdermaker, Florence, 1894-1966

Powell, Alma Webster Hall, 1874?-1930

Powell, A. M.

See: Morgan, Alfred Powell, 1889-1972

Powell, Baden, 1796-1860

Powell, Cicely Margaret Pryor

See: Binyon, Cicely, 1876-1962

Powell, David Franklin, 1847-1906

Powell, E. Alexander (Edward Alexander), 1879-1957

Powell, Frank

See: Powell, David Franklin, 1847-1906

Powell, F. York (Frederick York), 1850-1904

Powell, G. H. (George Herbert), 1856-1924

Powell, Ida Madeleine

See: Black, Madeleine, 1873-

Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902

Powell, Lyman P. (Lyman Pierson), 1866-1946

Powell, Minna K.

Powell, Van

Powell, William Robert, 1876-

Powell, Willis J.

Powelson, Amy Therese, Mrs.

Powelson, Benjamin F.

Power, D'Arcy, Sir, 1855-1941

Power, Edward S.

Power, Effie, 1873-1969

Power, Eileen, 1889-1940

Power, John, 1820-1872

Power, Margaret

See: Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of, 1789-1849

Power, Philip Bennett, 1822-1899

Power, P. (Patrick), 1862-1951

Powers, George Whitefield, 1834-1903

Powers, Lee L.

Powers, Leland Todd, 1857-1920

Powers, Lillian Delger

Powers, Mabel

Powers, Melvin, 1922-

Powers, Paul S. (Paul Sylvester), 1905-1971

Powers, Richard M., 1921-1996

Powers, Susan Rugeley

See: Rugeley-Powers, Susan

Power, Tyrone, 1797-1841

Power, William Grattan Tyrone

See: Power, Tyrone, 1797-1841

Power, William Henry, Sir, 1842-1916

Powys, John Cowper, 1872-1963

Poynter, Edward John, 1836-1919

Poynter, E. Frances (Eleanor Frances)

Poyntz, Albany

Poyser, Arthur

Pozzi, Ernesto, 1843-1904

Pozzi-Escot, M. Emm. (Marius Emmanuel), 1880-

Pozzo, Andrea, 1642-1709

P. P.

Prado, Guillermo Núñez de

See: Núñez de Prado, Guillermo, 1874-

Praed, Campbell, Mrs., 1851-1935

Praed, Winthrop Mackworth, 1802-1839

Praeger, Ferdinand, 1815-1891

Praeger, R. Lloyd (Robert Lloyd), 1865-1953

Praga, Emilio, 1839-1875

Praga, Marco, 1862-1929

Prager, Mathilde

See: Holm, Erich, 1844-1921

Prager, Max, 1854-1910

Prakashananda, Swami, 1874-1927

Prall, Dorothea

  • Laments (English) (as Translator)

Prance, Gerald

Prantner, Ferdinand, 1817-1871

Prasse, E. A.

Prat, Du, abbé

See: Barrin, Jean, 1640?-1718

Prater, Ernest

Prats, Santiago Rusiñol y

See: Rusiñol, Santiago, 1861-1931

Pratt, A. E. (Antwerp Edgar), 1852-1924

Pratt, Agnes Rothery

See: Rothery, Agnes, 1888-1954

Pratt, Ambrose, 1874-1944

Pratt, Anna Bronson Alcott, 1831-1893

Pratt-Chadwick, Mara L. (Mara Louise), 1857-1921

Pratt, Cornelia Atwood

See: Comer, Cornelia A. P. (Cornelia Atwood Pratt), 1865-1929

Pratt, Edwin A., 1854-1922

Pratt, E. J. (Edwin John), 1882-1964

Pratt, Ella Farman, 1837-1907

Pratt, Fletcher, 1897-1956

Pratt Food Company

Pratt, Henry

Pratt, Ida A. (Ida Augusta), 1872?-

Pratt, J. G.

Pratt, Julie C.

Pratt, Louis W.

Pratt, Lucy

Pratt, Mara L. (Mara Louise)

See: Pratt-Chadwick, Mara L. (Mara Louise), 1857-1921

Pratt, Orson, 1811-1881

Pratt, O. S., 1835-

Pratt, Parley P. (Parley Parker), 1807-1857

Pratt, Parley P. (Parley Parker), 1837-1897

Pratt, Philo

Pratt, Samuel, 1659?-1723

Pratt, Theodore, 1901-1969

Pratt, Walter Merriam, 1880-1973

Pratt, William Edwin

Pratz, Le Page du

See: Le Page du Pratz, -1775

Pray, Leon Luther, 1882-

Preble, George Henry, 1816-1885

Preece, Llewellyn

Preetorius, Emil, 1883-1973

Prelini, Charles

Prell, August, 1856-1926

Premananda Bharati, Baba, 1857-1914

Premier Quartet

See: American Quartet

Premio-Real, comte de, 1840-1888

Prendergast, Maurice, 1858-1924

Prendergast, Paul

See: Leigh, Percival, 1813-1889

Prentice, Amy

Prentice, E. Parmalee (Ezra Parmalee), 1863-1955

Prentice, Harry

Prentice, Sartell, 1867-1937

Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878

Prentiss, George Lewis, 1816-1903

Prentout, Henri, 1867-1933

Presber, Rudolf, 1868-1935

Prescott, D. Clint

Prescott, Della R.

Prescott, Emily

Prescott, Harriet Elizabeth

See: Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott, 1835-1921

Prescott, Paul J.

See: Irons, Lettie Artley

Prescott, Thomas H., 1810-1865

Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859

President's Own United States Marine Band

See: United States Marine Band

Presland, John, 1885-1975

Presno, Odd de

See: De Presno, Odd, 1944-

Pressensé, E. de, Mme., 1826-1901

Press, Muriel A. C.

Prestage, Edgar, 1869-1951

Preston, Alice Bolam

Preston, Charles F.

See: Alger, Horatio, Jr., 1832-1899

Preston, Effa E. (Effa Estelle), 1884-1975

Preston, Frank W., 1896-1989

Preston, H. W. (Harriet Waters), 1836-1911

Preston, Jack, 1888-

Preston, James M., 1873-1962

Preston, Laura, 1846-

Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897

Preston, May Wilson, 1873-1949

Preston, Paul

See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854

Preston, R. M. P. (Richard Martin Peter), 1884-1965

Preston, Sydney Herman, 1858-1931

Preston, Thomas

Preston, William C.

Prest, Thomas Peckett, 1810-1859

Pretor, Alfred, 1840-1908

Pretty, Francis

Prettyman, H. E.

See: Pretyman, Herbert Edward, 1863-1891

Pretyman, Herbert Edward, 1863-1891

Preuss, Arthur, 1871-1934

Prévost, abbé, 1697-1763

Prevost, Francis, 1862-1949

Prévost, Marcel, 1862-1941

Prewett, Frank, 1893-1962

Prewitt, Taylor

Preyer, William T., 1841-1897

Prezio, Victor, 1924-1976

Price-Brown, John, 1844-1938

Price, Clair

Price, Con, 1869-1958

Price, Derek J. de Solla (Derek John de Solla), 1922-1983

Price, Edith Ballinger, 1897-1997

Price, E. Hoffmann, 1898-1988

Price, Eleanor C. (Eleanor Catherine), -1933

Price, Ellen

See: Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887

Price, Emily

See: Post, Emily, 1872-1960

Price, Garrett, 1896-1979

Price, George McCready, 1870-1963

Price, Gertrude Isobel

See: Warden, Gertrude, 1859-1925

Price, Hattie Longstreet

Price, Hereward Thimbleby, 1880-1964

Price, Julius M. (Julius Mendes), 1857-1924

Price, Lucien, 1883-1964

Priceman, James

See: Kirkland, Winifred Margaretta, 1872-1943

Price, Margaret Evans, 1888-1973

Price, Norman, 1877-1951

Price, Richard, 1723-1791

Price, Sarah Frances, 1849-1903

Price, William H., 1931-

Prichard-Agnetti, Mary

See: Agnetti, Mary Prichard, 1870-1948

Prichard, H. A. (Harold Arthur), 1871-1947

Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh

See: Hesketh-Prichard, H. (Hesketh), 1876-1922

Prichard, J. (John), 1796-1875

Prichard, J. V.

Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 1884-1969

Prichard, K. (Kate)

Prichard, Sarah J. (Sarah Johnson), 1830-1909

Prichard, T. J. Llewelyn (Thomas Jeffery Llewelyn), 1790-1862

Prickard, A. O. (Arthur Octavius), 1843-1939

Pridden, W. (William), 1810-

Priddy, Al

See: Brown, Frederic Kenyon, 1882-1970

Pride, Alexander

Prideaux, S. T. (Sarah Treverbian), 1853-1933

Pridham, Caroline

Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984

Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804

Priestley, Joseph, 1768-1833

Priestley, L. A. M.

See: McCracken, Elizabeth, 1876-

Priest, William

Prieto, A. Blanco

See: Blanco Prieto, A., -1892

Prieto, Guillermo, 1818-1897

Prime, Nathaniel S. (Nathaniel Scudder), 1785-1856

Prime, Samuel Irenæus, 1812-1885

Prime-Stevenson, Edward, 1858-1942

Primrose, Archibald Philip, Earl of Rosebery

See: Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of, 1847-1929

Prince, Carlos, 1836-1919

Prince de Beaumont, Madame Le (Jeanne-Marie)

See: Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie, 1711-1780

Prince Edward Island Railway

Prince, Frederick Henry, 1859-1953

Prince, Jane

Prince, John Dyneley, 1868-1945

Prince, Magdalene, 1870-1936

Prince, Mary, 1788?-1833

Prince, Morton, 1854-1929

Prince, Nancy, 1799-1856?

Prince, Samuel Henry

Prince, Val R.

Prince, Walter Franklin, 1863-1934

Prindle, Edwin J. (Edwin Jay), 1868-1942

Prindle, Frances Carruth, 1867-

Pringle, Allen

Pringle, Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey), 1838-1911

Pringle, Elizabeth W. Allston (Elizabeth Waties Allston), 1845-1921

Pringle, George Charles Fraser, 1873-1949

Pringle, J. (John), 1877-1948

Pringle, John, Sir, 1707-1782

Pringle, Mary Poague

Prinzing, Friedrich, 1859-1938

Prior, Samuel, Capt.

See: Galt, John, 1779-1839

Prison Society of Philadelphia

See: Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons

Pritanio, Lamindo

See: Muratori, Lodovico Antonio, 1672-1750

Pritchard, David

Pritchard, J. V. (Joseph Vila)

See: Prichard, J. V.

Pritchard, Myron T. (Myron Thomas), 1853-1935

Pritchard, Sarah J. (Sarah Johnson)

See: Prichard, Sarah J. (Sarah Johnson), 1830-1909

Pritchett, R. T. (Robert Taylor), 1828-1907

Prittie, Edwin John, 1879-1963

Prittwitz, M. von (Moritz), 1795-1885

Privat d'Anglemont, A. (Alexandre), 1815-1859

Privat, Edmond, 1889-1962

Privy Council (Great Britain)

See: Great Britain. Privy Council

Probst, Ferdinand

Proby, Elizabeth Emma

See: Hamilton, Elizabeth Emma Proby, Lady, 1821-1900

Procacci, Giovanni, 1836-1887

Proclus, 412-485


Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825-1864

Procter, Bryan Waller

See: Cornwall, Barry, 1787-1874

Procter, H. R. (Henry Richardson), 1848-1927

Procter, John, 1849-1911

Proctor, Everitt

See: Montgomery, Rutherford G. (Rutherford George), 1896-1985

Proctor, H. G. (Harry George)

Proctor, Mary, 1862-1957

Proctor, Richard A. (Richard Anthony), 1837-1888

Proctor, Warren

Prodgers, C. H. (Cecil Herbert), -1924

Proença, Raul Sangreman, 1884-1941

Proetz, Erma Perham

See: Taylor, Mary Lee, 1891-1944

Proffatt, John, 1845-1879

Profichet, Julienne

Project Gutenberg

Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf, 1795-1876

Proper, Lucy Susan

See: Thompson, L. S. (Lucy S.), 1813-1881

Propertius, Sextus

Prophet, Lucy S.

See: Thompson, L. S. (Lucy S.), 1813-1881

Propper, Lucy S.

See: Thompson, L. S. (Lucy S.), 1813-1881


See: Rolfe, Frederick, 1860-1913

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. Connecticut (Diocese)

See: Episcopal Church. Diocese of Connecticut

Protheroe, Ernest

Prothero, John K. (John Keith), 1869-1962

Prothero, Rowland E. (Rowland Edmund), Baron Ernle, 1851-1937


See: Whyte, Adam Gowens, 1875-1950

Proudfit, Fairfax T. (Fairfax Throckmorton)

Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865

Proulx, Annie, 1935-

Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922

Prout, Ebenezer, 1835-1909

Prout, Victor

Prouty, Olive Higgins, 1882-1974

Provincial Board of Health of Ontario

Provost, Charles Hope

Provost, Maxime

Prudential Insurance Company of America

Prudentius, 348-

Prudhomme, Sully

See: Sully Prudhomme, 1839-1907

Prüfer, Johannes, 1882-1947

Prunas, Paolo

Prus, Bolesław, 1847-1912

Prussia (Germany). Armee. Grosser Generalstab. Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung II

Pruszynska, Angela

Prutsman, Christian Miller

Pryde, Anthony

Pryde, David, 1834-1907

Prydz, Alvilde, 1848-1922

Pryer, William Stephen

Pryor, Elizabeth Brown

Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice, 1830-1912

Pryse, Gerald Spencer, 1882-1956


See: Longinus, active 1st century

Psichari, Ernest, 1883-1914

Psicharis, Ioannis, 1854-1929


Ptolemy, 100?-170?

Puansen, Antonio Florentino

Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County

Public Library of the City of Boston

See: Boston Public Library

Publio Virgilio Marón

See: Virgil, 70 BC-19 BC

Puccini, Giacomo, 1858-1924

Puchesse, Gustave Baguenault de

See: Baguenault de Puchesse, Gustave, comte, 1843-1922

Puckett, G. A.

Pückler-Muskau, Hermann, Fürst von, 1785-1871

Puckner, William August, 1864-

Puddefoot, William George, 1842-1925

Puddicombe, Anne Adaliza

See: Raine, Allen, 1836-1908

Puffer, Ethel D.

See: Howes, Ethel Puffer, 1872-1950

Puffer, Joseph Adams, 1872-

Pughe, G. R. G. (George Richard Gould), -1918?

Pugh, George

Pugh, Jennie

Pugh, J. Howard (John Howard), 1827-1905

Pugh, Mabel, 1891-1986

Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, 1812-1852

Puig i Ferreter, Joan, 1882-1956

Puigserver, Bartomeu Pou i

See: Pou i Puigserver, Bartomeu, 1727-1802

Puig y Valls, Rafael

Puiseux, P. (Pierre Henri), 1855-1928

Pujo, Alice, 1869-1953

Pulci, Luigi, 1432-1484

Pulgar, Fernando del, 1436?-1492

Puliga, Henriette Consuelo Sansom, contessa di

See: Brada, 1850-1938

Pulitzer, Ralph, 1879-1939

Pulkkinen, Asko

Pulkkinen, Kaarlo, 1878-1932

Pulkkinen, Salomo, 1873-1952

Pullan, Leighton, 1865-1940

Pulle, A. A. (August Adriaan), 1878-1955

Pullen-Burry, B. (Bessie), 1858-1937

Puller, Edwin Seward, 1870-

Pulleyne, Douglas, Mrs.

Pulsifer, William Edmond, 1852-

Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius, 1814-1897

Pulteney, William, 1729-1805

Pumpurs, Andrejs, 1841-1902

Punahou School

Punchard, Constance Holme

See: Holme, Constance, 1880-1955

Punch, Rosalind Mae Guggenheim

See: Burr, Jane, 1882?-1958

Punjab official

See: Bellew, H. W. (Henry Walter), 1834-1892

Punnett, Reginald Crundall, 1875-1967

Punshon, E. R. (Ernest Robertson), 1872-1956

Punshon, William Morley, 1824-1881

Pupin, Michael, 1858-1935

Purcell, Dick

Purcell, Edward

See: FitzGerald, Edward, 1809-1883

Purcell, Edward B.

Purcell, Martha C. Grassham, Mrs., 1867-

Purchas, Henry Thomas, 1860-1921

Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626

Purdom, Tom, 1936-

Purdon, K. F. (Katherine Frances), 1852-1920

Purey-Cust, Arthur P. (Arthur Perceval), 1828-

Purgantius Pedasculus, Paulus

See: Stevens, George Alexander, 1710-1784?

Purgstall, Joseph Hammer, Freiherr von

See: Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph, Freiherr von, 1774-1856

Pürnendu Narayana Sinha

Purney, Thomas, 1695-1727?

Puro, H.

Purrmann, Karl, 1877-

Purves, David Laing, 1838-1873

Purves, George Tybout, 1852-1901

Purvis, Clement

See: Fox, Gardner F. (Gardner Francis), 1911-1986

Pusey, E. B. (Edward Bouverie), 1800-1882

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837

Pu, Songling, 1640-1715

Pusse Palma, G. (Georg)

See: Busse-Palma, Georg, 1876-1915

Püterschein, Hermann

See: Dwiggins, W. A. (William Addison), 1880-1956

Puteus, Padre Andreas

See: Pozzo, Andrea, 1642-1709

Putlitz, Gustav Heinrich Gans, Edler Herr von und zu, 1821-1890

Putman, J. Harold (John Harold), 1866-1940

Putnam, Allen, 1802-1887

Putnam, Amelia Earhart

See: Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937

Putnam, Arthur Lee

See: Alger, Horatio, Jr., 1832-1899

Putnam, David Binney, 1913-1992

Putnam, Eleanor, 1856-1886

Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930

Putnam, George Palmer, 1887-1950

Putnam, G. R. (George Rockwell), 1865-

Putnam, Harriet, 1862-

Putnam, Kenneth

See: Tenn, William, 1920-2010

Putnam, Mary Lowell, 1810-1898

Putnam, Nina Wilcox, 1888-1962

Putnam, Ruth, 1856-1931

Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox), 1877-1930

Putro, Sakari, 1856-1931

Puttenham, George, 1529-1590

Puttkamer, Marie Madeleine Günther, Freifrau von

See: Marie Madeleine, 1881-1944


See: Juqizi, active 17th century

Puycousin, Édouard de

See: Nerval, Gérard de, 1808-1855

Puy, William Atherton Du

See: DuPuy, William Atherton, 1876-1941

Pycraft, W. P. (William Plane), 1868-1942

Pycroft, James, 1813-1895

Pye, Charles, 1777-1864

Pye, Henry James, 1745-1813

Pye, James Henry

See: Pye, Henry James, 1745-1813

Pyke, Rafford

See: Peck, Harry Thurston, 1856-1914

Pyke, William T. (William Thomas)

Pyle, Ellen Bernard Thompson, 1876-1936

Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945

Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911

Pyle, Joseph Gilpin, 1853-

Pyle, Katharine, 1863-1938

Pyles, V. E. (Virgil Evans), 1891-1965

Pyle, Walter L. (Walter Lytle), 1871-1921

Pyle, William Henry, 1875-1946

Pylkkänen, Hilma, 1865-1947

Pym, Horace N.

Pyrker, János László, 1772-1847

Pyrnelle, Louise Clarke, 1850-1907

Pythagoras, 570? BC-495? BC

Pyykkönen, Otto, 1898-1970

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