Although Lolo, tries to be a sensational movie about poverty and its effects on the people who suffer it, such as crime, violence, coldness, and disinterest, but also love, mercy, and sacrifice, unfortunately, it just stays as a good movie due to the time in which it was made. Athié's work is pretty good, unfortunately, he made his film in a time in which the influence of the terrible quality Mexican films of the 70's and 80's was still beating, one can tell by the disastrous musical score and the incredibly old camera format, which is also due to the fact that there wasn't any kind of support for cinema; but still, Lolo is pretty well written and amazingly well acted, Roberto Sosa, is as always perfect in his role of a poor young man caught in between the pressures of a life of misery and a cruel society that will judge and punish him after making the mistake of fighting for survival in such a way that he uses crime as a way to escape his poverty; Lucha Villa, I don't think I need to say, and the same goes for Damián Alcázar and Alonso Echánove who make a great support cast that represents a society full of disinterest, coldness, and even cruelty. Lolo is overall a pretty decent film, but it's not meant to be seen by just anyone, it's a film that only true cinema lovers will enjoy.