Computer Science ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6A): 41-44.
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WANG Xiao-yuan, ZHANG Wen-tao
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[1]朱杰.美国NSA全球监听和网络窃密行径深度揭秘 看山姆大叔如何玩转“全球监听”[J].中国信息安全,2014(6):80-87. [2]Risk Based Security.Data Breach Quick-View:An Executice’s Guide to 2013 Data Breach Trends[OL]. [3]范荣.从黄宇间谍窃密案谈加强保密管理对策[J].保密工作,2016(5):40-42. [4]赵飞.智能手机泄密风险分析及安全保密技术方案[J].电子技术与软件工程,2017(2):216. [5]ROESSLER M.How to find hidden cameras[OL]. [6]TRUONG K N,PATEL S N,SUMMET J W,et al.Preventing camera recording by designing a capture-resistant environment[C]∥Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing.Tokyo,Berlin-Heidelberg:Springer,2005. [7]GROSGES T.Retro-reflection of glass beads for traffic road stripe paints[J].Optical Materials,2008,30(10):1549-1554. [8]YAMADA T,GOHSHI S,ECHIZEN I.Countermeasure of reshooting prevention against attack with infrared-cut filter[C]∥Proc.of IPSJ Symposium on Computer Security(CSS).2010. [9]MAHDAVI M,MAHDAVI H,FARSI F.System and method for video recording device detection:US,20120128330 [EB/OL].(2012-05-24) [2012-11-15]. [10]FUJIKAWA M,AKIMOTO J,ODA F,et al.Study of Countermeasures for Content Leaks by Video Recording[C]∥2011 Sixth International Conference on Availability,Reliability and Security.2011. [11]GURI M,HASSON O,KEDMA G,et al.An Optical Covert-Channel to Leak Data through an Air-Gap[OL]. [12]HUANG H C,FANG W C.Metadata-based image watermar-king for copyright protection[J].Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory,2010,18(4):436-445. [13]JUNG E H,CHO S Y.A robust digital watermarking system adopting 2d barcode against digital piracy on p2p network[J].IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,2006,6(10):263. [14]PIEC M,RAUBER A.Real-Time Screen Watermarking Using Overlaying Layer[C]∥Ninth International Conference on Availability.2014. [15]耿振民,王衍江.一种防止对屏幕拍照的反泄密方法:CN 103390141 A[P].2013. [16]张文豪,吴怀宇.基于摄像头检测的防盗拍系统开发和算法研究[J].电子设计工程,2013,21(18):48-52. [17]汪嘉恒,程雨诗,徐文渊.基于辐射特征的隐藏摄像头检测技术[J].工业控制计算机,2017,30(2):50-52. [18]汪嘉恒.面向防拍摄的摄像检测技术[D].杭州:浙江大学,2017. [19]褚晶辉,田叶,苏育挺.基于频率约束的相机与屏幕通信隐写算法[J].激光与光电子学进展,2018,55:051003. [20]四种屏幕防拍照、截屏、打印等数据泄露水印解决方案[OL]. [21]防范屏幕拍照泄密不再束手无策[OL]. [22]吴海涛,詹永照.数字水印技术综述[J].软件导刊,2015,14(8):45-49. [23]吴亚坤,邸春红.数字水印技术综述[J].辽宁大学学报(自然科学版),2010,37(3):202-206. [24]马颖颖.数字水印攻击方法的一些研究[D].杭州:杭州电子科技大学,2011. [25]李彦冬.基于卷积神经网络的计算机视觉关键技术研究[D].成都:电子科技大学,2017. [26]杨益平,闵啸.基于计算机视觉的手势识别人机交互技术[J].电子技术与软件工程,2018(12):138-139. |
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[3] | GAN Chuang, WU Gui-xing, ZHAN Qing-yuan, WANG Peng-kun, PENG Zhi-lei. Multi-scale Gated Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Action Recognition [J]. Computer Science, 2022, 49(1): 181-186. |
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[5] | ZHANG Kai-hua, FAN Jia-qing, LIU Qing-shan. Advances on Visual Object Tracking in Past Decade [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(3): 40-49. |
[6] | LI Ya-ze, LIU Hong-zhe. Object Detection Based on Neighbour Feature Fusion [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(12): 264-268. |
[7] | CHENG Ming, MA Pei, HE Ru-han. Clothing Image Sets Classification Based on Manifold Structure Neural Network [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(11A): 391-395. |
[8] | CHEN Hao-nan, LEI Yin-jie, WANG Hao. Lightweight Lane Detection Model Based on Row-column Decoupled Sampling [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(11A): 416-419. |
[9] | XIE Hai-ping, LI Gao-yuan, YANG Hai-tao, ZHAO Hong-li. Classification Research of Remote Sensing Image Based on Super Resolution Reconstruction [J]. Computer Science, 2021, 48(11A): 424-428. |
[10] | HE Xin, XU Juan, JIN Ying-ying. Action-related Network:Towards Modeling Complete Changeable Action [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(9): 123-128. |
[11] | LI Ze-wen, LI Zi-ming, FEI Tian-lu, WANG Rui-lin and XIE Zai-peng. Face Image Restoration Based on Residual Generative Adversarial Network [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(6A): 230-236. |
[12] | ZHANG Peng, SONG Yi-fan, ZONG Li-bo, LIU Li-bo. Advances in 3D Object Detection:A Brief Survey [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(4): 94-102. |
[13] | MIAO Yi, ZHAO Zeng-shun, YANG Yu-lu, XU Ning, YANG Hao-ran, SUN Qian. Survey of Image Captioning Methods [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(12): 149-160. |
[14] | LI Huang, WANG Xiao-li, XIANG Xin-guang. Scene Text Detection Based on Triple Segmentation [J]. Computer Science, 2020, 47(11): 142-147. |
[15] | LIU Jian, JIN Ze-qun. Facial Expression Transfer Method Based on Deep Learning [J]. Computer Science, 2019, 46(6A): 250-253. |