Design and Simulation of an Integrated Wireless Capacitive Sensors Array for Measuring Ventricular Pressure
:1. Introduction
2. Integrated Wireless System Description
2.1. Implantable LC Sensor Set
2.2. External Coil
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Capacitive Array
3.2. Inductive Coupling Link
3.2.1. Internal Dual-Layer Coil Model
3.3.2. External Coil
3.3.3. Magnetic Coupling Link Model
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Symbol | Structure 1 | Structure 2 |
Contact pressure | PTocuh | 5 mmHg | 40 mmHg |
Maximum operating pressure | PMax | 200 mmHg | 300 mmHg |
Lateral length of the diaphragm | a | 555 µm | 300 µm |
Thickness of the lower electrode | tElow | 2 µm | 2 µm |
Thickness of the top electrode | tEtop | 1 µm | 1 µm |
Thickness of the biocompatible film | tBio | 1.5 µm | 1.5 um |
Air gap | Wmax | 1.5 µm | 1.5 µm |
Oxide thickness | toxi | 0.2 µm | 0.2 µm |
Sensor capacitance at zero pressure | Cp0 | 1.9 pF | 0.51 pF |
Quantity | Symbol | Internal Coil | External Coil |
Internal diameter | Din | 2 mm | 2 mm |
External diameter | Dout | 2 cm | 8 cm |
Width of the metal lines | w | 160 µm | 700 µm |
Space between turns | s | 160 µm | 700 µm |
Thickness of the metal lines | h | 2 µm y 1 µm | 35 µm |
Number of turns | N | 28 each loop | 27 |
Length | l | 1.14 m | 1.7 m |
Operating frequency | fs | 13.56 MHz | |
Self-Inductance | L | 20.05 µH | 21.29 µH |
Electric resistance | R | 309 Ω | 4 Ω |
Quality factor | Q | 8 | 591 |
Load resistance | Rload | 3 kΩ | --- |
Radiation distance | X | 3.5 cm | |
Coupling coefficient | k | 0.054 | |
Mutual inductance | M | 2.5 µH | |
Power transmission efficiency | η | 90% |
Parameters | Lower Loop | Upper Loop | Binding |
Electrical resistance | 77 Ω | 158 Ω | 259 Ω |
Self-inductance | 6.68 µH | 6.68 µH | 21.12 µH |
Quality Factor | 17 | 8.3 | 9.1 |
Internal coupling factor 1 | 0.99 | ||
Internal mutual inductance 1 | 6.67 µH |
Model | Thickness (cm) | Conductivity (Sm−1) | Relative Permittivity | Wavelength (m) |
Dry skin | 0.5 | 0.23802 | 285.25 | 2.26 |
Wet skin | 0.38421 | 177.13 | 2.87 | |
Fat | 1 | 0.030354 | 11.827 | 11.11 |
Muscle | 2 | 0.62818 | 138.44 | 3.24 |
Parameters | Symbol | Value |
Resonance frequency | 13.56 MHz | |
Mutual inductance | 3.38 µH | |
Magnetic flux density | 150 µT | |
Coupling efficiency | 0.054 | |
Radiation distance | 3.5 cm | |
Power transmission efficiency | 90.7% |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Hernández-Sebastián, N.; Díaz-Alonso, D.; Renero-Carrillo, F.J.; Villa-Villaseñor, N.; Calleja-Arriaga, W. Design and Simulation of an Integrated Wireless Capacitive Sensors Array for Measuring Ventricular Pressure. Sensors 2018, 18, 2781.
Hernández-Sebastián N, Díaz-Alonso D, Renero-Carrillo FJ, Villa-Villaseñor N, Calleja-Arriaga W. Design and Simulation of an Integrated Wireless Capacitive Sensors Array for Measuring Ventricular Pressure. Sensors. 2018; 18(9):2781.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHernández-Sebastián, Natiely, Daniela Díaz-Alonso, Francisco Javier Renero-Carrillo, Noé Villa-Villaseñor, and Wilfrido Calleja-Arriaga. 2018. "Design and Simulation of an Integrated Wireless Capacitive Sensors Array for Measuring Ventricular Pressure" Sensors 18, no. 9: 2781.
APA StyleHernández-Sebastián, N., Díaz-Alonso, D., Renero-Carrillo, F. J., Villa-Villaseñor, N., & Calleja-Arriaga, W. (2018). Design and Simulation of an Integrated Wireless Capacitive Sensors Array for Measuring Ventricular Pressure. Sensors, 18(9), 2781.