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description: complex mixture of sodium estrone sulfate and sodium equilin sulfate derived synthetically from estrone and equilin from horse urine
Useful links:
See also

This Item conflated multiple distinct concepts, including:

  • conjugated estrogens (a mixture of chemical compounds)
  • sodium estrone sulfate (a component of the mixture)
  • sodium equilin sulfate (a component of the mixture)
  • Premarin (a pharmaceutical product that has the mixture of chemical compounds as the active ingredient)

To clean it up, I have moved data to the appropriate Items:

I also merged Q72461339 into this Item (Q4118295) because it was a duplicate Item about conjugated estrogens.

One bit of data I couldn't deal with is Reaxys registry number 3835414 because I don't have access to this database. I don't know which of the four Items it would be best attached to. Data4chem (talk) 22:09, 16 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]