Wikidata:WikiProject Ships/Properties

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This page describes properties that are applicable to ships, boats, submarines and similar vessels.

Missing properties


See a list of candidate properties in:

Wikidata:WikiProject Ships/Properties missing.

Suggest, review, and comment on possible new properties at:


Properties to use


Ship types


Most ships must be instance of (P31) one or multiple ship types.

Ship types represent a variety of grouping, that may be functional, structural, historical... They may be very generic or very specific. Some examples:

See the current list of ship types.

Mandatory ship type properties


Ship types are items, defined by:


Other properties relevant to ship types:

  • ship types are primarily defined by the other types that they derive from (via subclass of (P279)).

Ship classes


Many larger ships are more or less arbitrarily assigned to classes [ ship class (Q559026) ] that share design, builder or manufacturing characteristics.

Ships are associated to ship classes using property vessel class (P289), leaving instance of (P31) to indicate ship type.

See the current list of ship classes and submarine classes.

One example:

Essential ship class properties


Mandatory ship class properties


See the latest list of all ships types, ship classes, submarine classes.

Individual ships



Essential ship properties


Mandatory ship properties


Significant events


Types of key event (ships) (Q14904124) to be used with significant event (P793) for individual ship instances:

Ship name prefixes


Many ships should be somehow related to one of another ship prefix (Q1501958).

The property to use for establishing that link still has to be identified.

See latest list of existing ship prefixes.