Wikidata:VikiProje Taksonomisi

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy and the translation is 95% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
CladeCore eudicots
Scientific name of genus[14][15]
L. (1753)
Type species[14]
Rosa cinnamomea
L. (1753)
Ball Python
SpeciesP. regius
Scientific name of species[18][17]
Python regius
(Shaw, 1802)
Range map
IUCN conservation status[19]
Near Threatened

Bu VikiProje Taksonomi'nin amacı, Vikiveri'deki biyolojik adlandırma ve sınıflandırma kurallarını derleyerek burada yer alan bilgileri Wikimedia katılımcılarına (Wikimedia aynı zamanda kendini ve Vikipedileri, Vikitürleri ve Vikiveri'nin kendisini de içerir) sunmaktır.

Taksonomik bilgiler, Dünya biyotası hakkında öğrenilen her yeni bilgi ile sürekli olarak değişir. Bazen bu bilgiler tartışmalara da yol açabilir. Sonuç olarak yaşamda evrensel olarak kabul edilmiş tekil bir sınıflandırma yoktur. Taksonomik bilgileri kullananlar için en zorluk çıkaran durumlardan birisi aynı türün birden fazla adı olmasıdır. Çoğu taksonomi veritabanı size kendi tercihi olan tür adını (ör. kendilerine göre "kabul edilen" adlandırma) ve o türün "doğru" sınıflandırmasını sunar. Vikiveri'nin birden fazla kaynaktan aldığı bilgiyi sunması, bu kaynakların da türün kabul edilen adında ortak fikre ulaşamaması, Vikiveri'nin tarafsız bakış açısını bozmamak adına türün tüm alternatif adlandırmalarını barındırabilecek şekilde yer vermeye çalışır. Aynı zamanda Vikiveri alternatif sınıflandırmalar için de birden fazla ebeveyn taksonu girilebilecek şekilde alternatif sınıflandırma seçenekleri sunar.

Amaç, herhangi birine ayrıcalık tanımadan, anında türler için Vikiveri girdi katmanı ekleyerek, kimse için kafa karışıklılığı yaratmadan birden fazla sınıflandırmayı sunmaktır. Birden fazla adı olan bir tür için taksonomik olmayan veriler (tür dağılımı, ortalama vücut kütlesi, kuluçka boyutu vb. gibi) hangi Vikiveri maddesine eklenebilir? Aynı türe ilişkin veriler, farklı Vikiveri adlarında sinonimlere eklenmişse, tüm bu veriler nasıl bir araya getirilebilir? Bu aynı zamanda bir Vikipedi maddesindeki takson kutu verilerinin tamamını, tek bir Vikiveri ögesinden getirerek oluşturulabilmesinden bahsedemeyeceğimiz anlamına gelir.

Katılımcılar için aşağıda Vikiveri ögelerine özellikler ve diğer taksonomik olmayan verileri (ör. bir türün vücut büyüklüğü) nasıl ekleyebilecekleri hakkında bir kılavuz sunuyoruz. Bunun yanı sıra, takson eklerken taksonların Vikiveri modellemesini yansıtacak ve projenin güvenilir kaynaklarla desteklenlenmesini sağlayacak kurallara da yer veriyoruz. Ayrıca "bu türün sınıflandırması nedir?", "bu türün tüm alternatif isimleri nelerdir?" ve "bu tür hakkında ne biliyoruz?" gibi sıkça sorulan soruları yanıtlamaya yardımcı olacak araçlar da sağlıyoruz.

Genel olarak, her taksonun kendi ögesi vardır: Türün Exiliboa placata (Q606) yanı sıra monotipik cinsi Exiliboa (Q13231734) de dahil. Ayrıca, her bir (önemli/kayda değer) taksonomik bakış açısı, tarihsel olanlar da dahil saklanabilir. Örnek olarak bakınız: Cactaceae (Q14560).

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Wikidata:WikiProject Taxonomy/Participants bu projenin seslenilebilecek tüm katılımcıların listesini içerir. Seslenmek için {{Ping project|Taxonomy}} kodunu kullanabilirsiniz. Adınızı listeye ekleyerek dahil olabilirsiniz.

Alt sayfalar


InsectsPlantsArachnidsCrustaceansMolluscsFungiFishesReptilesWormsAnnelidsMyriapodsCnidariansBirdsSpongesAmphibiansEchinodermsMammalsBryozoansProkaryotesVirusesRotifersAlgaeTrilobitesUnknown: 5,208 (0.3%)
  •   Insects: 872,027 (50.0%)
  •   Plants: 432,635 (24.8%)
  •   Arachnids: 76,363 (4.4%)
  •   Crustaceans: 66,305 (3.8%)
  •   Molluscs: 57,000 (3.3%)
  •   Fungi: 51,875 (3.0%)
  •   Fishes: 34,416 (2.0%)
  •   Reptiles: 23,737 (1.4%)
  •   Worms: 23,172 (1.3%)
  •   Annelids: 13,981 (0.8%)
  •   Myriapods: 13,214 (0.8%)
  •   Cnidarians: 12,848 (0.7%)
  •   Birds: 11,528 (0.7%)
  •   Sponges: 8,913 (0.5%)
  •   Amphibians: 8,280 (0.5%)
  •   Echinoderms: 7,790 (0.4%)
  •   Mammals: 7,410 (0.4%)
  •   Bryozoans: 6,059 (0.3%)
  •   Prokaryotes: 3,835 (0.2%)
  •   Viruses: 2,925 (0.2%)
  •   Rotifers: 2,491 (0.1%)
  •   Algae: 977 (0.1%)
  •   Trilobites: 153 (0.0%)
  •   Unknown: 5,208 (0.3%)

<span id="Count_of_taxon name (P225)_and_parent taxon (P171)_(2017-01-04)">

taxon name (P225) ve parent taxon (P171) sayısı (0-01-2017)

Özellikler ve niteleyiciler


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Her ögede (bir taksonla ilgili) bulunması gereken özellikler

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: taxon (Q16521) (or a subclass: monotypic taxon (Q310890), fossil taxon (Q23038290), clade (Q713623))Exiliboa <instance of> monotypic taxon-
taxon nameP225Stringscientific name: correct scientific name of a taxon (according to the reference given)house cat <taxon name> Felis silvestris catus-
taxon rankP105Itemtaxonomic rank: level in a taxonomic hierarchyFelis silvestris <taxon rank> species-
parent taxonP171Itemtaxon: closest parent taxon of the taxon in questionhouse cat <parent taxon> Felis silvestris-

Not: Sabitlenmiş kısıtlama ihlallerini önlemek için, botlar bu özellikleri yalnızca şu durumlarda içe aktarmalıdır:

Tercihsel özellikler

Listenin tamamı Special:WhatLinksHere/Q18609040 (Wikidata property related to taxa) adresinde de görüntülenebilir.


property does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
IUCN conservation statusP141Itemconservation status and International Union for Conservation of Nature: conservation status assigned by the International Union for Conservation of NatureBald Eagle <IUCN conservation status> Least Concern-
taxon range map imageP181Commons media filerange, habitat and map: range map of a taxonCeratotherium simum <taxon range map image> Mapa distribuicao original white rhino.png-
endemic toP183Itemendemism and endemic species: sole location or habitat type where the taxon livesCheckered pupfish <endemic to> Mexico-
taxonomic typeP427Itemnomenclatural type: type genus or species: [in zoology:] nominal genus or species that is the name-bearing type of this nominal family or genus (or family-group ranked taxon or subgenus) [in botany unofficial]Drosophilidae <taxonomic type> Drosophila-
botanist author abbreviationP428External identifierstandard form (official abbreviation) of a personal name for use in an author citation (only for names of algae, fungi and plants)Carl Linnaeus <botanist author abbreviation> L.-
author citation (zoology)P835Stringauthor citation: short form of the name used after a taxon this person has authoredCarl Linnaeus <author citation (zoology)> Linnaeus-
basionymP566Itembasionym: the legitimate, previously published name on which a new combination or name at new rank is basedBrowningia candelaris <basionym> Cereus candelaris-
basionym ofP12766Itembasionym: taxon item of which this taxon name is a basionym (original name, for botanical and similar items) - inverse property of basionym (P566)Cereus candelaris <basionym of> Browningia candelarisbasionym
original combinationP1403Itemprotonym: for animals: the combination (binomen or trinomen) where the species-group name used in this taxon name was first publishedlion <original combination> Felis leoprotonym of
replaced synonym (for nom. nov.)P694Itemreplaced synonym: previously published name on which a replacement name (avowed substitute, nomen novum) is basedAgave duplicata <replaced synonym (for nom. nov.)> Bravoa geminiflorareplaced synonym of
replaced synonym ofP12764Itemreplaced synonym: taxon item which replaced this taxon name (now only a synonym) - inverse property of replaced synonym (for nom. nov.) (P694)Bravoa geminiflora <replaced synonym of> Agave duplicatareplaced synonym (for nom. nov.)
taxon synonymP1420Itemsynonym: name listed as synonym of this item's taxon nameOreocereus hempelianus <taxon synonym> Borzicactus hempelianus var. weingartianus-
taxon synonym ofP12763Itemsynonym: name considered a preferred name, of which this item's taxon name is a synonymBorzicactus hempelianus var. weingartianus <taxon synonym of> Oreocereus hempelianustaxon synonym
code of nomenclatureP944Itemthe code that governs the scientific name of this taxonanimal <code of nomenclature> International Code of Zoological Nomenclature-
temporal range startP523Itemthe start of a process or appearance of a life form or geological unit relative to the geologic time scaleTrilobita <temporal range start> Cambrian Stage 3-
temporal range endP524Itemthe end of a process such as a geological unit or extinction of a life form relative to the geologic time scaleTrilobita <temporal range end> Changhsingian-
hybrid ofP1531Itemhybrid: parent of this hybrid breed or cultivarMagnolia × soulangeana <hybrid of> Magnolia denudata-
named afterP138Itemeponym, memorial society and namesakes: entity or event that inspired the subject's name, or namesake (in at least one language). Qualifier "applies to name" (P5168) can be used to indicate which oneIomys horsfieldii <named after> Thomas Horsfield-
taxon common nameP1843Monolingual textcommon name: common or vernacular name of a biological taxonHouse Sparrow <taxon common name> House Sparrow-
this zoological name is coordinate withP2743ItemPrinciple of Coordination: links coordinate zoological namesAedes <this zoological name is coordinate with> Aedes-
ICTV virus genome compositionP4628ItemInternational Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses: classification of viruses of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses by the molecular composition of the virus genome (DNA, RNA, double or single stranded and translational polarity)Ferak orthoferavirus <ICTV virus genome composition> negative-sense single strand RNA virus-
extinction dateP8556Point in timedate that a species or language is thought to have gone extinctRaphus cucullatus <extinction date> -


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property does not exist. Use "id=new" if it's to be created.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
IUCN taxon IDP627External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database; source for conservation status (P141)Bald Eagle <IUCN taxon ID> 106003365-
NCBI taxonomy IDP685External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Taxonomy Database by the National Center for Biotechnology Informationhuman <NCBI taxonomy ID> 9606-
BHL page IDP687External identifierBiodiversity Heritage Library: identifier for a page in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)Canna indica <BHL page ID> 358022-
ITIS TSNP815External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Integrated Taxonomic Information Systemoceanic whitetip shark <ITIS TSN> 160330-
Encyclopedia of Life IDP830External item reference numberNicrophorus americanus <Encyclopedia of Life ID> 1044544-
BioLib taxon IDP838External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the biological encyclopedia BioLibEscobaria <BioLib taxon ID> 105586-
Fossilworks taxon IDP842External identifieridentifier for an animal, plant, or microorganism in the Fossilworks databasePantolambda <Fossilworks taxon ID> 40565-
GBIF taxon IDP846External identifiertaxon identifier in GBIFtailed tailless bat <GBIF taxon ID> 5963040-
WoRMS-ID for taxaP850External identifieridentifier in the World Register of Marine SpeciesFucus vesiculosus <WoRMS-ID for taxa> 145548-
FishBase species IDP938External identifieridentifier for a species in FishBaseharlequin catshark <FishBase species ID> 5918-
MSW IDP959External identifieridentifier from Mammal Species of the World databaseChinchilla <MSW ID> 13400130-
Tropicos IDP960External identifieridentifier for a taxon name in the Tropicos databasePoliothyrsis <Tropicos ID> 40013483-
IPNI author IDP586External identifiernumerical identifier for a person in the International Plant Names IndexCarl Linnaeus <IPNI author ID> 12653-1-
IPNI plant IDP961External identifiernumerical identifier for a plant name in the International Plant Names IndexCarex aphylla <IPNI plant ID> 298593-1-
MycoBank taxon name IDP962External identifieridentifier per MycoBank - a database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of fungiHaematomma <MycoBank taxon name ID> 2196-
Plant List ID (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)P1070External identifieridentifier in The Plant List database from the Royal Botanic Gardens, KewAmorphophallus titanum <Plant List ID (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)> kew-8323-
AlgaeBase URLP1348URLURL for a taxon in AlgaeBase.orgValonia <AlgaeBase URL>
Index Fungorum taxon IDP1391External identifierIndex Fungorum: identifier for a fungus taxon in Index FungorumCantharellus <Index Fungorum taxon ID> 17236-
GRIN URLP1421URLGRIN Taxonomy for Plants: URL for a taxon in the GRIN websitemaize <GRIN URL>
Flora of North America taxon IDP1727External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Flora of North America databaseOrchidaceae <Flora of North America taxon ID> 10638-
Flora of China IDP1747External identifieridentifier for a taxon in Flora of China (English-language revision of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae)Orchidaceae <Flora of China ID> 10638-
VASCAN IDP1745External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Database of Vascular Plants of CanadaPicea mariana <VASCAN ID> 7174-
ZooBank ID for name or actP1746External identifieridentifier for a name or nomenclatural act at ZooBankAmargastegos <ZooBank ID for name or act> FB0A73A0-E464-4919-8307-80DCCB14FB16-
Watson & Dallwitz family IDP1761External identifierfamilyID in Watson & Dallwitz: The families of flowering plantsCaryophyllaceae <Watson & Dallwitz family ID> caryophy-
USDA PLANTS IDP1772External identifieridentifier in the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS DatabasePseudotsuga menziesii <USDA PLANTS ID> PSME-
GrassBase IDP1832External identifieridentifier in GrassBase - The Online World Grass Floramaize <GrassBase ID> imp10873-
Fauna Europaea IDP1895External identifieridentifier for a taxon in Fauna Europaeaanimal <Fauna Europaea ID> 1-
Dyntaxa IDP1939External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Swedish Taxonomic DatabaseCaeciliusidae <Dyntaxa ID> 2000976- IDP1940External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the databaseAraucaria bidwillii < ID> ar/Araucaria_bidwillii-
LPSN URLP1991URLLPSN: URL for the website List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)Chloroflexia <LPSN URL>
Plazi IDP1992External identifieridentifier for a taxon treatment at Plazi.orgAnochetus grandidieri <Plazi ID> 31F96F41-E3E0-02BD-8898-5A4F3A20E45A-
Avibase taxon IDP2026External identifieridentifier for a species, subspecies, or genus in the global bird database AvibaseHouse Sparrow <Avibase taxon ID> 240E33900CE34D44-
African Plant Database IDP2036External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de Genève's African Plant Database of scientific namesCucumis africanus <African Plant Database ID> 26054-
CITES Species+ IDP2040External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Species+ database (CITES)Uroplatus sikorae <CITES Species+ ID> 5541-
Xeno-canto species IDP2426External identifieridentifier of a bird species in the Xeno-canto databaseCommon Blackbird <Xeno-canto species ID> Turdus-merula-
Panarctic Flora IDP2434External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Panarctic FloraSaxifraga rivularis <Panarctic Flora ID> 500727-
Species Profile and Threats Database IDP2455External identifieridentifier from Species Profile and Threats Database managed by Australian Government Department of the EnvironmentAlbert's Lyrebird <Species Profile and Threats Database ID> 652-
BugGuide taxon IDP2464External identifieridentifier in BugGuide.netDanaus plexippus <BugGuide taxon ID> 540-
New Zealand Organisms Register IDP2752External identifieridentifier for a taxon names in the New Zealand Organisms RegisterBrachyglottis bidwillii <New Zealand Organisms Register ID> 799a26fa-5c77-48a1-ab41-7661b7df996a-
Index Hepaticarum IDP2794External identifieridentifier in the Index Hepaticarum, a nomenclatural databaseAdelanthus <Index Hepaticarum ID> 30665-
Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas Code (archived)P2809External identifieridentifier for a pollen or spore in the Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas, managed by the Australian National UniversityAcanthus ebracteatus <Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas Code (archived)> 271-1-3-
ARKive ID (archived)P2833External identifieridentifier for a taxon, in the ARKive databaseHeteropoda davidbowie <ARKive ID (archived)> david-bowie-spider/heteropoda-davidbowie-
BacDive IDP2946External identifieridentifier for a microorganism, in the BacDive databaseMycoplasma hominis <BacDive ID> 8607-
EPPO CodeP3031External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the EPPO Global DatabaseCydia pomonella <EPPO Code> CARPPO-
ButMoth IDP3060External identifieridentifier for a butterfly or moth genus in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Butterflies and Moths of the World' databaseAbriesa <ButMoth ID> 46.0-
LepIndex IDP3064External identifierThe Global Lepidoptera Names Index: identifier for a Lepidoptera taxon, in the UK Natural History Museum's 'Global Lepidoptera Names Index'Kallima inachus <LepIndex ID> 158466.0-
Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID (old version)P3088External identifierCatalogue of Life in Taiwan: identifier (name code) for a taxon in the Catalogue of Life in TaiwanNorops sagrei <Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID (old version)> 421738-
Internet Bird Collection species IDP3099External identifieridentifier for a species of bird, in the Internet Bird Collection databaseWhite-tipped Quetzal <Internet Bird Collection species ID> white-tipped-quetzal-pharomachrus-fulgidus-
Flora of Australia ID (old)P3100External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Flora of Australia OnlineAcacia pruinocarpa <Flora of Australia ID (old)> 41037-
FloraBase IDP3101External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Government of Western Australia's FloraBase databaseBanksia epica <FloraBase ID> 10798-
Plantarium IDP3102External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Plantarium databaseSalvia splendens <Plantarium ID> 33541-
NSW Flora IDP3130External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the NSW Flora OnlineCydia pomonella <NSW Flora ID> CARPPO-
iNaturalist taxon IDP3151External identifieridentifier in iNaturalistPanamanian golden frog <iNaturalist taxon ID> 21723-
TAXREF IDP3186External identifieridentifier for a biological taxon in TAXREF, the national taxonomic reference for fauna, flora and Fungi of metropolitan France and overseas developed by the National Museum of Natural HistoryAlpine newt <TAXREF ID> 444430-
NBN System KeyP3240External identifieridentifier of a taxon in the National Biodiversity Network (UK)Quercus robur <NBN System Key> NBNSYS0000003845-
World Spider Catalog IDP3288External identifieridentifier of a taxon in the World Spider CatalogAraneus diadematus <World Spider Catalog ID>
Vlinderstichting IDP3322External identifieridentifier for lepidoptera species in the vlinderstichting databaseGold Spangle <Vlinderstichting ID> 874-
Butterflies and Moths of North America IDP3398External identifieridentifier for taxa in the "Butterflies and Moths of North America" databaseBattus philenor <Butterflies and Moths of North America ID> species/Battus-philenor-
Nederlands Soortenregister IDP3405External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Nederlands Soortenregister, a database of taxa in the Netherlands by Naturalis Biodiversity CenterAbortiporus biennis <Nederlands Soortenregister ID> 125960-
Calflora IDP3420External identifieridentifier for a taxon in CalfloraArctomecon californica <Calflora ID> 9285-
eBird taxon IDP3444External identifieridentifier for a species or subspecies, in the eBird databasePandion haliaetus carolinensis <eBird taxon ID> osprey1-
EURING numberP3459External identifieridentifier for a species or subspecies, in the EURING databaseBarnacle Goose <EURING number> 1670-
WCSPF IDP3591External identifieridentifier of a plant taxon, in the World Checklist of Selected Plant FamiliesLilium <WCSPF ID> 280381-
Araneae spider IDP3594External identifieridentifier for a taxon in araneae.nmbe.chEnoplognatha bryjai <Araneae spider ID> 5190-
BOLD Systems taxon IDP3606External identifieridentifier for a taxon in boldsystems.orgParotis laceritalis <BOLD Systems taxon ID> 286001-
Wildflowers of Israel IDP3746External identifieridentifier of a taxon in the Wildflowers of Israel databaseCitrus medica <Wildflowers of Israel ID> 797-
ADW taxon IDP4024External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Animal Diversity Web databaseBison bison <ADW taxon ID> Bison_bison-
PalDat plant IDP4122External identifieridentifier for a plant species in the Palynological Database (PalDat) for pollen of the University of ViennaAmbrosina bassii <PalDat plant ID> Ambrosina_bassii-
Titan IDP4125External identifieridentifier for a taxon (Cerambycidae) in the Titan databaseAbyarachryson signaticolle <Titan ID> 3493-
CNPS IDP4194External identifieridentifier in the California Native Plant Society databaseAstragalus lentiginosus var. antonius <CNPS ID> 1578-
PfaF IDP4301External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Plants For A Future database of uses of plants and their partsCastanea sativa <PfaF ID> Castanea+sativa-
FOIH taxon IDP4311External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable HeritageAbies amabilis <FOIH taxon ID> 496-
ABA bird IDP4526External identifieridentifier for a bird taxon, issued by the American Birding AssociationTrumpeter Swan <ABA bird ID> -
BTO five-letter codeP4567External identifieridentifier for a bird species, issued by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)Long-tailed Tit <BTO five-letter code> LOTTI-
Guide to North American Birds IDP4715External identifieridentifier for a bird taxon in the Guide to North American Birds on the National Audubon Society websitemagnificent frigatebird <Guide to North American Birds ID> magnificent-frigatebird-
uBio IDP4728External identifieridentifier for a taxon, in the uBio 'Namebank' databaseLiolaemus atacamensis <uBio ID> 197279-
Ecocrop IDP4753External identifieridentifier of a plant used as an agricultural crop in the Ecocrop databaseAnanas comosus <Ecocrop ID> 402-
MONA IDP4758External identifieridentifier for a Lepidoptera species, in the Hodges List (i.e. the "Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico", with subsequent revisions)Stigmella gossypii <MONA ID> 0076-
BTO Birds of Britain IDP4798External identifieridentifier for a bird species or sub-species in the BTO Birds of Britain/ BirdFacts databaseEuropean Shag <BTO Birds of Britain ID> bob800-
Fauna Europaea New IDP4807External identifieridentifier for a taxon at the Fauna Europaea portal launched end of 2016Lepidoptera <Fauna Europaea New ID> b64a743d-0469-4571-9ed4-061779300ac0-
Phasmida Species File ID (old version)P4855External identifieridentifier for a Phasmida taxon, in the Phasmida SpeciesFile websiteAsprenas <Phasmida Species File ID (old version)> 1000561-
CONABIO IDP4902External identifieridentifier for a taxon, issued by the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (aka CONABIO), a Federal Agency of the Mexican GovernmentPersea schiedeana <CONABIO ID> 28790ANGIO-
Amphibians of India IDP5003External identifieridentifier for a species of amphibian in the Amphibians of India databaseRhacophorus rhodopus <Amphibians of India ID> 499-
AmphibiaWeb Species IDP5036External identifieridentifier for a species, in the AmphibiaWeb databaseNasikabatrachus bhupathi <AmphibiaWeb Species ID> 86671-
Plants of the World Online IDP5037External identifieridentifier of a (vascular) plant name in the Plants of the World online databaseVeronica chamaedrys <Plants of the World Online ID>
IRMNG IDP5055External identifieridentifier of a scientific name, in the Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG) databaseAdalia bipunctata <IRMNG ID> 10453115-
GONIAT taxon IDP5216External identifieridentifier for a taxon, in the GONIAT databaseBisatoceras akiyoshiense <GONIAT taxon ID> tax00000000000000000000000005550-
Tree of Life Web Project IDP5221External identifieridentifier in the Tree of Life Web ProjectCentrolenidae <Tree of Life Web Project ID> 16952-
BirdLife taxon IDP5257External identifieridentifier for an avian taxon, in the BirdLife factsheet databaseChalk-browed Mockingbird <BirdLife taxon ID> 22711035-
AntWeb IDP5299External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the AntWeb databaseHaidomyrmex <AntWeb ID> Haidomyrmex-
Amphibian Species of the World IDP5354External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the Amphibian Species of the World databaseRococo toad <Amphibian Species of the World ID> Anura/Bufonidae/Rhinella/Rhinella-schneideri-
Tierstimmenarchiv IDP5397External identifieridentifier for a species in the Animal Sound Archive BerlinGadus morhua <Tierstimmenarchiv ID> 7142-
The Reptile Database IDP5473External identifieridentifier for all living reptile species in The Reptile DatabasePachycalamus brevis <The Reptile Database ID> genus=Pachycalamus&species=brevis-
Global Invasive Species Database IDP5626External identifieridentifier for a taxon in the IUCN's Global Invasive Species DatabaseMallard <Global Invasive Species Database ID> 1241-
Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet IDP5698External identifieridentifier for a taxon datasheet in the Invasive Species Compendium, produced by the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience InternationalIsometrus maculatus <Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID> 78223-
Lepidoptera of Belgium IDP5862External identifieridentifier in the Catalogue of Lepidoptera of BelgiumPieris rapae <Lepidoptera of Belgium ID> 4558-
VicFlora IDP5945External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian 'Flora of Victoria' databaseAbutilon <VicFlora ID> 16df739c-a163-4993-afaa-58c658e97329-
NT Flora IDP5953External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in the Northern Territory (Australia) 'NT Flora' databaseLysiphyllum cunninghamii <NT Flora ID> 23552-
APNI IDP5984External identifieridentifier for a plant, in the Australian Plant Name indexBanksia aculeata <APNI ID> 106328-
Center for Biological Diversity IDP6003External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the Center for Biological Diversity websiteFlorida panther <Center for Biological Diversity ID> mammals/Florida_panther-
SeaLifeBase IDP6018External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the SeaLifeBase websiteloggerhead sea turtle <SeaLifeBase ID> 67017-
ECOS IDP6030External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the United States' 'Environmental Conservation Online System' websiteGorgeted Wood Quail <ECOS ID> 5954-
CMS IDP6033External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the 'Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals' websiteEskimo Curlew <CMS ID> numenius-borealis-
Plant Finder ID (Missouri Botanical Garden)P6034External identifieridentifier for a taxon in Plant Finder, on the Missouri Botanical Garden websiteBeaucarnea recurvata <Plant Finder ID (Missouri Botanical Garden)> 282253-
C.V. Starr Virtual Herbarium IDP6035External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the Steere Herbarium websiteAnnona montana <C.V. Starr Virtual Herbarium ID> 67605-
Wild Herps IDP6036External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the Wild Herps websitecommon snapping turtle <Wild Herps ID> C.serpentina-
Australian Faunal Directory IDP6039External identifieridentifier for a taxon on the Australian Faunal Directory websiteThylogale billardierii <Australian Faunal Directory ID> Thylogale_billardierii
BirdLife Australia IDP6040External identifieridentifier for a species on the BirdLife Australia websiteAustralian King Parrot <BirdLife Australia ID> australian-king-parrot-
Flora of Australia ID (new)P6756External identifieridentifier for a plant taxon, in an Australian Commonwealth databaseBoronia serrulata <Flora of Australia ID (new)> Boronia serrulata-
eBiodiversity IDP6864External identifiereBiodiversity: identifier for a taxon in the Estonian eBiodiversity portalBaltic herring <eBiodiversity ID> 113904-
ATRF IDP6904External identifierAustralian Tropical Rainforest Plants: identifier for a plant taxon, in the Australian Tropical Rainforest plants databaseAbrus precatorius <ATRF ID> Abrus_precatorius-
World Flora Online IDP7715External identifieridentifier for a plant in World Flora Onlinecommon sunflower <World Flora Online ID> wfo-0000088131-
Australian Fungi IDP9076External identifieridentifier for a taxon (a fungus), in the Australian 'Fungi' databaseAbrothallus parmeliarum <Australian Fungi ID> 60018871-
Australian Lichen IDP9093External identifieridentifier for a taxon (a lichen), in the Australian Lichen databaseAmandinea montana <Australian Lichen ID> 30016393-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
taxon authorP405Itemtaxon author: the author(s) that (optionally) may be cited with the scientific nameBoletus illudens <taxon author> Charles Horton Peck-
ex taxon authorP697Itemperson(s) whom the author(s) of a name credited for the idea, followed in an author citation by "ex" (via P405)Magnoliales <ex taxon author> Antoine Laurent de Jussieu-
year of publication of scientific name for taxonP574Point in timeyear when this taxon was formally described (for animals); year when this taxon name was formally established (for plants)Boletus illudens <year of publication of scientific name for taxon> 1898-
incertae sedisP678Itemincertae sedis: taksonun incertae sedis olarak sıralananları işaretlemek için parent taxon (P171) niteleyicisiCyclocorus <parent taxon> Colubridae
<incertae sedis> subfamily
nomenclatural statusP1135Itemtaxon name (P225) için ilgili adlandırma kurallarına göre adın durumunu işaretleme niteleyicisiCactaceae <taxon name> Cactaceae
<nomenclatural status> nomen conservandum
original spellingP1353Stringspelling: taxon name (P225) için adın orijinal yazımını işaretleme niteleyicisiAloe steffanieana <taxon name> Aloe steffanieana
<original spelling> Aloe steffaniana
gender of a scientific name of a genusP2433Itemgrammatical gender: taxon name (P225) için cinsin cinsiyetini işaretleme niteleyicisiCyclops <taxon name> Cyclops
<gender of a scientific name of a genus> masculine

Bağlantılı özellikler

Benzer ögeler

Yorum talepleri

Araçlar ve bakım


  1. Reveal System of Classification,
  2. Robert Folger Thorne and James L. Reveal, "An updated classification of the class Magnoliopsida (“Angiospermae”)", The Botanical Review, vol. 73, 2, , doi: 10.1663/0006-8101(2007)73[67:AUCOTC]2.0.CO;2
  3. George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker, Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita, London: unknown, , doi: 10.5962/BHL.TITLE.747
  4. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 161, 2, , doi: 10.1111/J.1095-8339.2009.00996.X
  5. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 141, 4, , doi: 10.1046/J.1095-8339.2003.T01-1-00158.X
  6. Arthur Cronquist, An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants,
  7. Adolf Engler and Ernst Friedrich Gilg, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, 9th edition,
  8. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, "An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants", Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 85, 4, , doi: 10.2307/2992015
  9. Armen Takhtajan, Flowering Plants, 2nd edition, Saint Petersburg: Komarov Botanical Institute, , ISBN 978-1-4020-9608-2, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9609-9
  10. Richard Wettstein, Handbuch der Systematischen Botanik,
  11. James L. Reveal, "Summary of recent systems of angiosperm classification", Kew Bulletin, vol. 66, 1, , doi: 10.1007/S12225-011-9259-Y
  12. Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV", Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, 1, , doi: 10.1111/BOJ.12385
  13. Michael A. Ruggiero, Dennis P. Gordon, Thomas M. Orrell, Nicolas Bailly, Thierry Bourgoin, Richard C. Brusca, Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Michael D. Guiry and Paul Kirk, "A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms", PLOS One, vol. 10, 4, , doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0119248, PubMed ID: 25923521 , PubMed Central ID: 4418965 , Creative Commons CC0 License
  14. 14.0 14.1 Carl Linnaeus, Species Plantarum, vol. 1,
  15. Carl Linnaeus, Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales, secundum numerum figuram, situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationis partium, 5th edition, , doi: 10.5962/BHL.TITLE.746
  16. Robert Alexander Pyron, Frank T. Burbrink and John J. Wiens, "A phylogeny and revised classification of Squamata, including 4161 species of lizards and snakes", BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 13, 1, , doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-93, PubMed ID: 23627680 , PubMed Central ID: 3682911 , Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
  17. 17.0 17.1 Wulf D. Schleip and Mark O'Shea, "Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution", ZooKeys, vol. 66, 66, , doi: 10.3897/ZOOKEYS.66.683, PubMed ID: 21594030 , PubMed Central ID: 3088416 , Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
  18. 18.0 18.1 Peter Uetz (eds.), The Reptile Database,
  19. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2,


1. {{Taxonomy properties}}

2. Deneysel Taksonkutu şablonu (sayfanın üst kısmında örnekler görülebilir):


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