Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Eustache Le Sueur

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Eustache Le Sueur (Q1378723)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q1378723 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image label collection inventory number location catalog code owned by inception RKDimages ID Joconde work ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID (deprecated) Art UK artwork ID
Casrmelite in extasy Château d'Aulteribe
Centre des monuments nationaux
AUL1959001213 Château d'Aulteribe 17th century
Jésus au desert servi par les anges Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 803.6.1 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 17th century 00000075303
The Sacrifice of Manoah Musée des Augustins 2004 1 47
159 (Ro)
D 1805 7
reserves of Musée des Augustins 1626 05620000393
Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8493
MR 2721
Room 908 French State 1635 No/unknown value
Ludwig IX. der Heilige (angeblich) Bavarian State Painting Collections WAF 491 Alte Pinakothek 17th century
Marine Gods Paying Homage to Love J. Paul Getty Museum 72.PA.21 Getty Center 1630s
Der hl. Bruno untersucht eine Zeichnung der Thermen des Diocletian, dem zukünftigen Platz der Kartäuser von Rom Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8047
MR 2032
Room 910 French State 17th century 000PE001776 20440629
A Bacchanal Musées Nationaux Récupération
Munich Central Collecting Point
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée de Tessé
MNR 34
Munich Central Collecting Point
Musée de Tessé
Volumnia und Veturia vor Coriolan Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1983-79
RF 1983 79
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1638
Diana entdeckt die Schwangerschaft Callistos Musée Magnin 1938 F 963 Musée Magnin Maurice Magnin 1638 50110000951
The Rape of Tamar Metropolitan Museum of Art 1984.342 Metropolitan Museum of Art Siegfried Aram 1640
Bacchus and Ariadne Museum of Fine Arts Boston 68.764 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 1640
Presentation of the Virgin Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1777 Hermitage Museum 1641
Portrait de Guillaume Albert Musée d'art et d'archéologie de Guéret 2008.0.198 Musée d'art et d'archéologie de Guéret 1641
Die Bundeslade (Zug aus dem Tempel) Führermuseum 3656 Führermuseum 1642
Christ on the Cross with the Magdalen, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist National Gallery NG6548 National Gallery 1643 christ-on-the-cross-with-the-magdalen-the-virgin-mary-and-saint-john-the-evangelist-114465
Saint Pierre ressuscite la veuve Tabitha Art Gallery of Ontario 59/31 Art Gallery of Ontario 1640s
Christ Healing the Blind Man Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
Tallard collection
Sanssouci Picture Gallery
Frederick II of Prussia 1645
Death of St Bruno Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8045
MR 2030
Room 910 French State 1645 000PE001800
Der Traum des heiligen Bruno Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8030
MR 2016
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001804
Saint Bruno in prayer Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8027
MR 2013
Room 910 French State 1645 302136 000PE001767
Der hl. Bruno fährt in den Himmel auf Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8046
MR 2031
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001801
Der hl. Bruno lässt das Kloster errichten Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8035
MR 2020
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 000PE001794
Young Man with a Sword Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art 1966.11 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art 1645
Christi Himmelfahrt Groninger Museum 1934.0165 Groninger Museum 17th century
Cupid Ordering Mercury to Announce his Power to the Universe Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1988-49 Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 00000104558
Die Liebe empfängt die Geschenke von Diana, Apollon und Merkur Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1988-48
RF 1988 48
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 00000104557
Die Liebe, von ihrer Mutter zurechtgewiesen, flüchtet sich in Ceres' Arme Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1988-47
RF 1988 47
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 00000104556
Venus präsentiert Jupiter, Juno, Neptun und Amphitrite die Liebe Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1988-46
RF 1988 46
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 00000104555
Geburt Armors Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1988-45
RF 1988 45
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 00000104554
Ankunft des hl. Bruno in Rom Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8040
MR 2025
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001796
Ankunft des hl. Bruno in Grenoble beim hl. Hugo Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8033
MR 2018
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001810
Der hl. Bruno veranlasst seine Schüler und Freunde die Welt zu verlassen Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8029
MR 2015
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001809
Der hl. Bruno und seine Begleiter verteilen vor der Abfahrt nach Grenoble ihre Habe an die Armen Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8031
MR 2017
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 000PE001807
The Muse Terpsichore Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8060
MR 2050
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001806
Reise zum Kloster Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8034
MR 2019
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 000PE001805
Der hl. Bruno nimmt die Mönchskleidung Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8036
MR 2021
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001803
Der hl. Bruno lehrt Theologie in Reims Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8028
MR 2014
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001802
St Bruno Appearing to Comte Roger Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8044
MR 2029
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001799
Der hl. Bruno lehnt den Bischofssitz in Reggio ab, den ihm Urban II anbietet Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8041
MR 2026
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001798
Der hl. Bruno im Gebet in seinem Oratorium Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8042
MR 2027
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s 000PE001797
Der hl. Bruno erhält eine Nachricht des Papstes Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8039
MR 2024
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001795
Der hl. Bruno gibt mehreren Personen das Habit Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8038
MR 2023
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001793
Papst Viktor III bestätigt die Errichtung der Kartause Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8037
MR 2022
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001792
Venus präsentiert Jupiter die Liebe Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8051
MR 2059
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001791
Ganymede abducted by Jupiter Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8062
MR 2045
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001790 20440621
Die Liebe, von ihrer Mutter zurechtgewiesen, flüchtet sich in Ceres' Arme Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8052
MR 2056
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001789
Diane, Apollon und Merkur zollen der Liebe Tribut Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8053
MR 2057
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001788
Phaéton bittet Apollon den Sonnenwagen zu fahren Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8056
MR 2037
Louvre storage (depot) Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001787
Die Liebe raubt Jupiter den Blitz Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8055
MR 2046
Louvre storage (depot) Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001786
Cupid orders Mercury, messenger of the Gods, to announce the Power of Love to the Universe Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8054
MR 2058
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001785
The Muse Calliope Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8061
MR 2048
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001784
Geburt Armors Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8050
MR 2054
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001783
The Muse Urania Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8059
MR 2049
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1640s 000PE001779
Der hl. Bruno hilft bei der Predigt des Raymond Diocres Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8024
MR 2010
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001770
Tod des Raymond Diocres Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8025
MR 2011
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001769
Raymond Diocres antwortet nach seinem Tod Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8026
MR 2012
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001768
Widmung einer Kirche Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8049
MR 2034
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001766
Plan of the Charterhouse of Paris held by two angels Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8048
MR 2033
Room 910 French State 1640s 000PE001765
Treffen des hl. Bruno mit Dem Grafen Roger von Sizilien Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8043
MR 2028
Louvre storage (depot) French State 1640s
Caligula depositing the Ashes of his Mother and Brother in the Tomb of his Ancestors Royal Collection RCIN 404983 Hampton Court Palace 1647
L'Ange Raphaël révèle sa véritable nature à Tobie et à sa famille et s'élève au ciel Museum of Grenoble MG 181 Museum of Grenoble 1647
Alexander and his Doctor National Gallery NG6576 National Gallery 17th century alexander-and-his-doctor-114259
Joseph Seeking His Brothers Eskenazi Museum of Art 68.6 Eskenazi Museum of Art François Heim 1648
L'Ange du Seigneur apparaît dans le désert à Agar Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes
INV 8013
Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes French State 1640s
17th century
Landscape with Moses Saved from the Nile Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1251 Hermitage Museum 1649
Darius Hystaspis Opens the Tomb of Nitocry Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1242 Hermitage Museum 1649
Saint Paul preaching at Ephesus National Gallery NG6299 National Gallery 1649 saint-paul-preaching-at-ephesus-115220
The Preaching of St Paul at Ephesus Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8020
MR 2040
Room 908 French State 1649 00000106569 20440644
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha Bavarian State Painting Collections WAF 492 Alte Pinakothek François-Michel Harenc de Presle 1650
St. Bruno in Prayer Gemäldegalerie 466 Gemäldegalerie
Berlin Palace
Frederick William III of Prussia 1650 02558558
La première nuit des noces de Tobie Musée Fabre 825.1.143 Musée Fabre 303
François-Xavier Fabre 1650
Meekness (Douceur or Mansuétude) Art Institute of Chicago 1974.233 Art Institute of Chicago 1650
Jakob schickt seinen Sohn Joseph seine Brüder in Sichem zu suchen Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8014
MR 2055
Louvre storage (depot) French State 17th century 000PE001813
A Gathering of Friends Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8063
MR 2720
Room 829 French State 17th century 000PE001811 20440627
Die Rückkehr des Tobias Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1938-78
RF 1938 78
Room 911 French State 17th century 000PE001782
Kreuzabnahme Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8017
MR 2042
Room 908 French State 17th century 000PE001780 20440640
Jesus carrying his cross Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8016
MR 2041
Room 908 French State 17th century 000PE001775 20440641
Der englische Gruß Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8015
MR 2038
Room 908 French State 17th century 000PE001773 20440645
The Annunciation Toledo Museum of Art 1952.63 Toledo Museum of Art 1650
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Barber Institute of Fine Arts 58.7 Barber Institute of Fine Arts 1650 solomon-and-the-queen-of-sheba-33098
Justice Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 44.2018.1.1 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 1650
Portrait d'homme Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1999 14 Room 913 French State 17th century
Saint Bruno fait connstruire la grande Chartreuse Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 327 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 476 17th century 000PE018975
Apparition of Christ to Mary Magdalene Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Museum of Grenoble
INV 8018
MR 2044
DG 2000-5-1
Museum of Grenoble French State 1651 000PE001774 20440639
Virgin and Child with Saint Joseph Chrysler Museum of Art 71.675 Chrysler Museum of Art 1651
Melpomene, Erato and Polyhymnia Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8058
MR 2051
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1650s 000PE001808 20440623
Die Astasius vorgeführten heiligen Gervasius und Protasius verweigern das Opfer für Jupiter Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8019
MR 2039
Room 913 French State 1652 000PE001772
Präsentation im Tempel Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille 225 Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille 1652 000PE014797 20440189
Clio, Euterpe and Thalia Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8057
MR 2047
Room 911 Nicolas Lambert de Thorigny 1650s
000PE001781 20440622
Hercules fighting Cacus Palace Museum in Wilanów Wil.1045 Palace Museum in Wilanów 1653
Allegory of Magnificence Dayton Art Institute 1961.88 Dayton Art Institute 1654
Saint Louis soignant les malades Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours 1793-1-3 Tours 1654
Saint Sébastien secouru par Irène Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours 1793-1-2 Tours 1654
Apparition of the Virgin with Saint Agnes and Saint Thecla to Saint Martin Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8022
MR 2035
Room 908 French State 17th century 000PE001777 20440646
Der hl. Bruno und seine Begleiter verteilen ihre Habe an die Armen Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8032
MR 2036
Louvre storage (depot) French State 17th century 000PE001812
Die Messe des hl. Martin Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 8023
MR 2043
Louvre storage (depot) Charles-Claude Flahaut de la Billaderie 17th century 000PE001778
Hl. Maria Magdalena im Gebet Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 951 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 477 17th century 000PE018970
Alms Musée d'art et d'histoire de Narbonne 859.2.2 Musée d'art et d'histoire de Narbonne 17th century 04450000327
Jésus chez Marthe et Marie Musée Granet 860.1.194 Musée Granet 17th century 08940004651
Martyrium der hll. Gervais und Protais Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
A 193 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon French State 18th century
Sleeping Venus Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 1977.10 Legion of Honor
Marriage of Tobias and Sarah National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.268 MNW National Museum in Warsaw
The Madonna and Child
Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen CAT 13 55 173 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen 000PE021030
Le martyre de saint Laurent
Poliphile s'agenouille devant la reine Eleutherilide Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen 1867.3 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen 07290020342
Opfer Manués Musée Ingres Bourdelle MI.867.10 Musée Ingres Bourdelle
Uranie Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux Bx E 465
Bx M 6621
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux
Sainte Famille Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux Bx E 483 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux
End of automatically generated list.