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Hair masks can help hydrate and strengthen hair. To use a hair mask effectively, you need to apply it correctly. Hair masks should be applied to slightly damp hair and worked in from root to tip. The amount of time you leave your mask on depends on the type of mask. Hair masks take some experimentation to find the right amount for you and your hair type.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Applying the Mask Thoroughly

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  1. Before applying your hair mask, wash your hair as you normally would. Then, pat your hair dry with a towel so it's damp. Do not blow dry your hair before applying a hair mask. Your hair should be slightly wet when you apply your mask.[1]
  2. It's easiest to apply a mask if you separate your wet hair into roughly three or four even sections. For example, try two sections on either side of your head, one in front, and one in back. Secure the sections with clips or hair ties and apply your mask to one section at a time.[2]
    • Longer and thicker hair may require more sections. You may need to split it into 4-8 sections of hair.
    • If you have very short hair, however, sections may be unnecessary.
    • Wear on old t-shirt or wrap yourself in a towel to avoid getting any product on your nice clothes.
  3. Start to massage the mask into your scalp. Then, work the mask downward to the tips of your hair. Try to disperse the mask evenly throughout your hair, using gentle massaging motions to apply the mask.[3]
    • Pay extra attention to your tips. Tips are often prone to dryness and need extra care.
  4. After applying the mask to your full head of hair, take a medium or wide-toothed comb. Comb through your hair once with the mask in place. This will ensure the mask is more evenly distributed throughout your hair.[4]
    • This may not work on all hair types. If you have curly hair, for example, you can comb through your hair just using your fingers or you can skip this step.
  5. After wearing your mask for the necessary timeframe, rinse it out in the shower. Then, apply conditioner as you normally would to rehydrate your hair.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Optimizing the Mask's Effects

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  1. Place the plastic shower cap over your hair after applying the mask. Next, wrap a hot towel around the shower cap. Leave it in place for 10 minutes. This will help the mask make more direct contact with your scalp, making it more effective overall.[5]
  2. How long you leave your mask on varies. If using a commercial mask, refer to the instructions manual. With a homemade mask, however, leave the mask in for different time periods depending on what you're trying to achieve.[6]
    • For protein treatments, leave the mask in place for 10 minutes.
    • For hydrating treatment, leave the mask in place for five to 10 minutes.
    • Coconut oil masks should be left on for at least 30 minutes.
    • Olaplex masks should be left on for at least 10 minutes, but work better if left on longer. Strive to leave an olaplex mask on for 30 minutes or more.
  3. If you're trying to treat very dry hair, sleep in your hair mask. Place a towel, shower cap, or other covering over your hair and let the mask sit in overnight. In the morning, rinse the mask out in the shower. Your hair should be left noticeably softer and more moisturized.[7]
  4. Your hair should not be noticeably greasier after using a hair mask. If you notice your hair becomes greasy after using a hair mask, you probably used too much product. Next time, cut down on the amount you used and see if this fixes the issue.[8]
    • If a hair mask makes your hair greasy even in small amounts, it may be the wrong hair mask for your hair type. Try using a mask designed for oily hair.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What is a keratin hair mask?
    Laura Martin
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist based in Milledgeville, Georgia. She has been working as a hair stylist since 2007, and began a career as a cosmetology teacher in 2013. She worked as a teacher at Arrojo Cosmetology School, teaching cosmetology practices, hairstyling, and hair color application. She also brought her cosmetology expertise to her work as a staff writer for fashion blog Style Noted, writing pieces related to hair and fashion. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Georgia College & State University, where she was also an English Teaching Fellow. Additionally, she received a BA in Creative Writing and Literature from New York University.
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Expert Answer
    A keratin mask is one that contains keratin protein, the protein that your hair is made of. It will strengthen your hair.
  • Question
    Do I put a hair mask on wet or dry hair?
    Laura Martin
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist based in Milledgeville, Georgia. She has been working as a hair stylist since 2007, and began a career as a cosmetology teacher in 2013. She worked as a teacher at Arrojo Cosmetology School, teaching cosmetology practices, hairstyling, and hair color application. She also brought her cosmetology expertise to her work as a staff writer for fashion blog Style Noted, writing pieces related to hair and fashion. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Georgia College & State University, where she was also an English Teaching Fellow. Additionally, she received a BA in Creative Writing and Literature from New York University.
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Expert Answer
    A mask should go on freshly-washed, damp hair. It won't absorb properly on dry hair or soaking wet hair.
  • Question
    When should I do a hair treatment?
    Laura Martin
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Laura Martin is a Licensed Cosmetologist based in Milledgeville, Georgia. She has been working as a hair stylist since 2007, and began a career as a cosmetology teacher in 2013. She worked as a teacher at Arrojo Cosmetology School, teaching cosmetology practices, hairstyling, and hair color application. She also brought her cosmetology expertise to her work as a staff writer for fashion blog Style Noted, writing pieces related to hair and fashion. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Georgia College & State University, where she was also an English Teaching Fellow. Additionally, she received a BA in Creative Writing and Literature from New York University.
    Laura Martin
    Licensed Cosmetologist
    Expert Answer
    After washing your hair is the best time to do a treatment. A weekend morning when you have time to let it process is ideal.
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About This Article

Michael Van den Abbeel
Co-authored by:
Professional Hair Stylist
This article was co-authored by Michael Van den Abbeel. Michael Van den Abbeel is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of Mosaic Hair Studio and Blowout Bar in Orlando, Florida. He has been cutting, styling, and coloring hair for over 17 years. Michael loves showing his clients how to wash and wear their hair easily and effortlessly. Mosaic Hair Studio and Blowout Bar is recognized as a Diamond Top Tier level Wella salon. This article has been viewed 372,987 times.
5 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: December 30, 2024
Views: 372,987
Categories: Hair Masks
Article SummaryX

Before you apply your hair mask, read the instructions carefully as many products need to be used in different ways. Then, wash and dry your hair with a towel before separating your hair into 2-3 sections so the mask is easier to rub in. When you apply the mask, begin at the roots and massage out towards your tips. To finish, comb your hair to ensure the mask is distributed evenly, leave the mask in for the necessary amount of time, and apply conditioner after you wash the mask out. To find out how to make your mask more effective, including why it's important to wear a shower cap, read on!

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