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Priceline is an American company that specializes in finding discounted rates on hotels, rental cars, flights, and cruises. You can use Priceline to browse and book vacation packages all over the globe. If you need to contact Priceline, simply dial their number, initiate the chat, or draft an email, and you can easily get in touch with an associate.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Contacting by Phone

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  1. You can easily reach Priceline over the phone to help you with general customer service-related concerns or if you want to make a reservation over the phone. Contact Priceline via phone if you need assistance with things like changing or canceling your tickets, travel advisory information, or baggage limits and fees.[1]
    • You can also dial this number if you have questions related to your reservation, final bill, or special requests.
    • Additionally, 1 (800) PRICELINE also connects you to a customer service line.[2]
  2. When you make the call, the automatic recording service firsts asks you provide your callback information. Type in your number using the keypad, or say each digit aloud. Then, you’ll redirect to an associate.[3]
    • This way, the Priceline associate can reconnect with you right away if you lose service or the call drops.
    • If the call disconnects and you don’t have a callback number listed, you may have to explain the situation again to another associate.
  3. If you have a flight, rental car, or hotel reserved, you’ll need the Trip Number of the reservation when you call. You can find this number on a confirmation email or by signing into your account.[4]
    • For instance, locate your Trip Number if calling to change your rental car package.
  4. After you provide your callback number, the line automatically connects with the first available Priceline associate. They will ask you for your Trip Number and to describe your question or concern. Politely and respectfully discuss the situation, and the associate can help.
    • For example, say something like, "Hi there. I have a charge on my account but I never finalized the reservation. Can you remove the charge?"
  5. Priceline is mainly based in the U.S. and Canada, though you can make reservations all across the globe. If you are a citizen of another country or visiting abroad, visit the customer support page. Look over the list of phone numbers to determine the correct number to call. The list is organized by region and country.[5]
    • For example, if you are calling from the U.K, dial 020 7136 8462. In addition, dial 069 5170 9665 if calling from Germany.
    • If you are calling from a country not listed on this site, call +1 212 444 0022.
    • If you made a reservation through Priceline Europe, you can call their partner Active Hotels at +44-20-861-8007.[6]
  6. Priceline associates are staffed all day every day, and they do not close for holidays. As a result, they can instantly help you with any of your traveling concerns.[7]
    • For instance, if you can’t find your hotel reservation on Christmas Eve, that’s okay! Call Priceline and they can locate the check-in date and time.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Chatting Online with a Priceline Associate

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  1. You can initiate a chat from either a computer or mobile device by visiting Priceline's Help Page. Priceline’s customer service team is available via chat service for any question or concern you may have. You can chat with Priceline 24/7.
    • For instance, chat with them if you want to mention a room preference or need help changing your flight.[8]
  2. Before you contact an agent, provide them with your first and last name and email address in the respective boxes on the chat link. Then, indicate whether your question or concern is about flights, hotels, packages, profile, cars, or other. Mention if it is regarding an existing reservation, and type a brief sentence or 2 regarding how Priceline can help you.
    • For instance, you can select “Cars” and type, “Hello, there seems to be a price discrepancy between the charge on my card and my confirmation. This is in reference to my rental car scheduled for 8/22.”
  3. As you type your responses to the Priceline associate, use polite, respectful language. Give them as much detail as you can so they can help you to the best of their abilities. This way, you can get the best service possible.[9]
    • For instance, it is helpful to give the associate your Trip Number and date of reservation.
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  • If you do not provide thorough information to the customer service associate (such as Trip Number), they may not be able to answer your questions or concerns.

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About This Article

Stef Katz
Co-authored by:
Travel Agent
This article was co-authored by Stef Katz. Stef Katz is a Travel Agent and the Founder of The Travel Superhero. She has helped clients enjoy convenience, access, personal attention, and ease in their travel planning for 6 years. Stef specializes in elevated social travel and finds ways to bring peace of mind to her travelers with open communication, genuine care, and professional support. She holds an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts from Miami Dade College and a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing from the University of Florida, as well as numerous certifications with destinations, tour companies, and cruise lines in the travel industry. This article has been viewed 58,480 times.
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Updated: February 16, 2025
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