- Attempts to form a government in Spain followed the inconclusive Spanish general election of 20 December 2015, which failed to deliver an overall majority for any political party. As a result, the previous People's Party (PP) cabinet headed by Mariano Rajoy was formed to remain in a caretaker capacity until the election of a new government. After a series of inconclusive inter-party negotiations, leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) Pedro Sánchez tried and failed to pass an investiture vote on 2–4 March. Subsequently, a political impasse set in as King Felipe VI could not find a new candidate to nominate with sufficient parliamentary support. As a result, a snap election was held on 26 June. The second election also proved inconclusive, and a failed investiture attempt by Rajoy on 31 August raised the prospect of a third election. On 1 October, a party rebellion resulted in Sánchez being ousted as leader of the PSOE and the latter voting to allow the formation of a PP minority government. This materialized on 29 October when the PSOE abstained in Rajoy's second investiture bid, thus ending the political deadlock after 313 days without an operational government. (en)
- Hiszpański kryzys rządowy – trwający od grudnia 2015 do końca października 2016 okres, podczas którego politycy wybrani do Kongresu Deputowanych (niższej izby hiszpańskiego parlamentu) nie byli w stanie utworzyć większości rządowej. W tym czasie obowiązki premiera wykonywał dotychczasowy premier Mariano Rajoy na podstawie art. 101 ust. 2 konstytucji Hiszpanii. (pl)