- Kimberly Lynn „Kim“ Burdette (geborene Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal) (* 6. Februar 1976 in Houston, Texas) ist eine ehemalige US-amerikanische Turnerin. Sie war Weltmeisterin und Olympia-Dritte. Derzeit arbeitet sie als Trainerin und ist Miteigentümerin des Trainings- und Ausbildungszentrums Texas Dreams Gymnastics in Coppell, Texas. (de)
- Kim Zmeskal (Houston, Texas, 1976ko otsailaren 6a) Estatu Batuetako gimnasta artistikoa da, 1991n eta 1992an munduko hainbat probatan txapeldun izan zena hiru aldiz. (eu)
- Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal Burdette (née Zmeskal on February 6, 1976) is an American retired artistic gymnast turned gymnastics coach and the 1991 World All-Around champion. A member of the silver medal-winning U.S. team from the 1991 World Championships (the first team medal ever won by the U.S. women at a world championships), she was the first American woman to ever win the all-around title at the World Championships, as well as the first to win a world championship medal of any color in the all-around. A three-time United States national all-around champion (1990–92), Zmeskal is also the 1992 world champion on both balance beam and floor exercise, and was a member of the bronze medal-winning U.S. team at the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, the first U.S. team medal won at a fully attended Olympic Games. She also posted the highest optional all-around score in the qualification round in Barcelona. Known for her explosive power and tumbling on vault and floor, Zmeskal is regarded as one of the greatest female gymnasts of all time and arguably the best in the world during the early 1990s. Her all-around win also sparked the beginning of a dynasty of American dominance in women's gymnastics (since 1992, six American women have won world all-around titles, and 12 of the last 19 all-around world championship titles (including 10 of the last 12) were won by an American) and the reemergence of power and athleticism in the sport. She currently coaches gymnastics and owns Texas Dreams Gymnastics in Coppell, Texas and annually hosts the Kim Zmeskal’s Texas Prime Meet. Notably, Zmeskal has coached (USA National/ World/ Olympic Team Members/ Alternates; NCAA student/athletes): Ragan Smith, Emma Malabuyo, Bailie Key, Chelsea Davis, Sydney Barros, Peyton Ernst, Kiana Winston, Kennedy Baker, Ariana Guerra, Nica Hults, Tiffany Tolnay, Reagan Campbell, Macy Toronjo, Brittany Magee, Claire Boyce, Madison Cindric, Grace Quinn, Kiya Johnson, KJ Johnson, Kaylee Cole, Chloe Widner, Dare Maxwell, Meghan Blair, Nikki Felley, Pua Hall, Kelsey Aucoin, Nikki Page, Rachel Riley, Anna Fjordholm, Tove Fjordholm, Jordan Moore, Liz Green, Cassidy Keelen, Abi Walker, Rebecca Leach, Bella Salcedo, Caroline Herry, Momo Iwai, Taylor Ingle, Annie Beard, Kyleigh Kidd (diving). Zmeskal is mother to sons, Ryder (born May 2, 2005) and Koda (born July 17, 2006) and daughter Riven Belle (born February 10, 2010). (en)
- Kim Zmeskal (Houston, Texas, 6 de febrero de 1976) es una gimnasta artística estadounidense, tres veces campeona mundial en diferentes pruebas en 1991 y 1992. (es)
- Kimberley Lyn Zmeskal Burdette dite Kim Zmeskal, née le 6 février 1976 à Houston (Texas), est une gymnaste artistique américaine. Elle entre à l'International Gymnastics Hall of Fame en 2012. (fr)
- Kim Zmeskal Burdette (nome di nascita: Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal; Houston, 6 febbraio 1976) è un'allenatrice di ginnastica artistica ed ex ginnasta statunitense. È stata la prima ginnasta statunitense ad aver vinto un titolo mondiale e anche la prima a diventare tre volte campionessa nazionale consecutivamente. Ha vinto una medaglia di bronzo olimpica a squadre a Barcellona 1992. Sposata con Chris Burdette, dirigono insieme la "Texas Dreams Gymnastics" ed hanno allenato ginnaste di livello internazionale come Ragan Smith, Bailie Key ed . (it)
- Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal Burdette (Houston, 6 de fevereiro de 1976) é uma ex-ginasta norte-americana que competiu em provas de ginástica artística durante a década de noventa. Kim é conhecida em seu país como a primeira estadunidense a vencer um concurso geral em um Campeonato Mundial, feito este realizado na edição de 1991. (pt)
- Kim Zmeskal, född 6 februari 1976 i Houston, Texas, är en amerikansk gymnast. Zmeskal tog OS-brons i lagmångkampen i samband med de olympiska gymnastiktävlingarna 1992 i Barcelona. (sv)
- Ким Змескал (англ. Kim Zmeskal, род. 6 февраля 1976) — американская гимнастка, неоднократная чемпионка мира по спортивной гимнастике. Бронзовая медалистка Олимпийских игр 1992 года (в составе женской команды США по спортивной гимнастике). До неё (в 1991 году) никто из американских гимнастов не побеждал на чемпионате мира в абсолютном первенстве. (ru)
- Кім Змескал (англ. Kim Zmeskal, 6 лютого 1976) — американська гімнастка, олімпійська медалістка. (uk)
- Kimberly Lynn „Kim“ Burdette (geborene Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal) (* 6. Februar 1976 in Houston, Texas) ist eine ehemalige US-amerikanische Turnerin. Sie war Weltmeisterin und Olympia-Dritte. Derzeit arbeitet sie als Trainerin und ist Miteigentümerin des Trainings- und Ausbildungszentrums Texas Dreams Gymnastics in Coppell, Texas. (de)
- Kim Zmeskal (Houston, Texas, 1976ko otsailaren 6a) Estatu Batuetako gimnasta artistikoa da, 1991n eta 1992an munduko hainbat probatan txapeldun izan zena hiru aldiz. (eu)
- Kim Zmeskal (Houston, Texas, 6 de febrero de 1976) es una gimnasta artística estadounidense, tres veces campeona mundial en diferentes pruebas en 1991 y 1992. (es)
- Kimberley Lyn Zmeskal Burdette dite Kim Zmeskal, née le 6 février 1976 à Houston (Texas), est une gymnaste artistique américaine. Elle entre à l'International Gymnastics Hall of Fame en 2012. (fr)
- Kim Zmeskal Burdette (nome di nascita: Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal; Houston, 6 febbraio 1976) è un'allenatrice di ginnastica artistica ed ex ginnasta statunitense. È stata la prima ginnasta statunitense ad aver vinto un titolo mondiale e anche la prima a diventare tre volte campionessa nazionale consecutivamente. Ha vinto una medaglia di bronzo olimpica a squadre a Barcellona 1992. Sposata con Chris Burdette, dirigono insieme la "Texas Dreams Gymnastics" ed hanno allenato ginnaste di livello internazionale come Ragan Smith, Bailie Key ed . (it)
- Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal Burdette (Houston, 6 de fevereiro de 1976) é uma ex-ginasta norte-americana que competiu em provas de ginástica artística durante a década de noventa. Kim é conhecida em seu país como a primeira estadunidense a vencer um concurso geral em um Campeonato Mundial, feito este realizado na edição de 1991. (pt)
- Kim Zmeskal, född 6 februari 1976 i Houston, Texas, är en amerikansk gymnast. Zmeskal tog OS-brons i lagmångkampen i samband med de olympiska gymnastiktävlingarna 1992 i Barcelona. (sv)
- Ким Змескал (англ. Kim Zmeskal, род. 6 февраля 1976) — американская гимнастка, неоднократная чемпионка мира по спортивной гимнастике. Бронзовая медалистка Олимпийских игр 1992 года (в составе женской команды США по спортивной гимнастике). До неё (в 1991 году) никто из американских гимнастов не побеждал на чемпионате мира в абсолютном первенстве. (ru)
- Кім Змескал (англ. Kim Zmeskal, 6 лютого 1976) — американська гімнастка, олімпійська медалістка. (uk)
- Kimberly Lynn Zmeskal Burdette (née Zmeskal on February 6, 1976) is an American retired artistic gymnast turned gymnastics coach and the 1991 World All-Around champion. A member of the silver medal-winning U.S. team from the 1991 World Championships (the first team medal ever won by the U.S. women at a world championships), she was the first American woman to ever win the all-around title at the World Championships, as well as the first to win a world championship medal of any color in the all-around. A three-time United States national all-around champion (1990–92), Zmeskal is also the 1992 world champion on both balance beam and floor exercise, and was a member of the bronze medal-winning U.S. team at the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, the first U.S. team medal won at a f (en)