- Most Haunted is a British paranormal reality television series. Following complaints, the broadcast regulator, Ofcom, ruled that it was an entertainment show, not a legitimate investigation into the paranormal, and "should not be taken seriously". Most Haunted was first shown on Living TV between 2002 and 2010. However, it has since been revived on TV and online, via an official mobile app and YouTube Channel. Presented by Yvette Fielding, the programme investigates purported paranormal activity in a range of locations, mainly within the United Kingdom. The series was produced by Antix Productions. After four years off-air, Fielding and Karl Beattie, the producer of the programme, confirmed that, following a successful online episode, Most Haunted would be returning to screens in August 2014, aired by Really. In July 2019, KBeattie announced that Really TV would no longer be broadcasting any new episodes of Most Haunted. However, repeats of previous series on Really TV will continue to air occasionally on the channel. Most Haunted new episodes, live events, and new extra content, including outtakes and behind the scenes material, will continue to be produced, and these will now air on the official Most Haunted YouTube channel to an international audience. A new channel is being sought by Antix Productions to air the new series. However, until this channel is found, all new material from Most Haunted will now be available on its YouTube channel. Over 300 episodes of the programme have been broadcast to date. (en)
- Hemsökta hus (originaltitel Most Haunted) är en brittisk tv-serie inspelad sedan 2002. Serien är producerad av programledaren och hennes man . Mediet Derek Acorah besöker tillsammans med Yvette påstått hemsökta platser i Storbritannien. I Sverige har Hemsökta hus visats på TV4 Plus. I september 2005 publicerade Daily Mirror en intervju med TV-seriens deltagande parapsykolog, , i vilken han hävdar att många incidenter med mediet Acorah har sopats under mattan och att den skeptiska ansats han själv var tänkt att tillföra programmet var som bortblåst. Programmet handlar inte, enligt O'Keeffe, om äkta mediumskap. O'Keeffe hade också tagit Acorah på bar gärning med fusk samt gillrat en fälla för honom genom att ge en medlem av produktionsteamet ett påhittat namn – Kreed Kafer, ett anagram för "Derek Faker" – som Acorah sedan använde i programmet. Intervjun utlöste en våg av rykten och påståenden bland TV-seriens anhängare om O'Keefes syften med sina uttalanden och andra hävdade att han felciterats rakt igenom. I en radiointervju han gjorde strax efter att Daily Mirror-intervjun publicerats menar dock O'Keeffe att han inte felciterats i artikeln. (sv)
- Most Haunted is a British paranormal reality television series. Following complaints, the broadcast regulator, Ofcom, ruled that it was an entertainment show, not a legitimate investigation into the paranormal, and "should not be taken seriously". After four years off-air, Fielding and Karl Beattie, the producer of the programme, confirmed that, following a successful online episode, Most Haunted would be returning to screens in August 2014, aired by Really. Over 300 episodes of the programme have been broadcast to date. (en)
- Hemsökta hus (originaltitel Most Haunted) är en brittisk tv-serie inspelad sedan 2002. Serien är producerad av programledaren och hennes man . Mediet Derek Acorah besöker tillsammans med Yvette påstått hemsökta platser i Storbritannien. I Sverige har Hemsökta hus visats på TV4 Plus. (sv)