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ICRA 2013: Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5641-1
- Jawaad Bhatti, Pejman Iravani
, Andrew R. Plummer
, M. Necip Sahinkaya
Instantaneous control of a vertically hopping leg's total step-time. 1-6 - Xiaoxiang Yu
, Fumiya Iida
Minimalistic models of an energy efficient vertical hopping robot. 7-12 - Jun Zhang, Guangming Song
, Guifang Qiao, Zhen Li, Weiguo Wang, Aiguo Song:
A novel one-motor driven robot that jumps and walks. 13-19 - David Zarrouk
, Andrew O. Pullin, Nicholas J. Kohut, Ronald S. Fearing
STAR, a sprawl tuned autonomous robot. 20-25 - Je-Sung Koh
, Sun-Pil Jung, Minkyun Noh
, Seung-Won Kim
, Kyu-Jin Cho
Flea inspired catapult mechanism with active energy storage and release for small scale jumping robot. 26-31 - Evan Chang-Siu, Thomas Libby, Matthew Brown, Robert J. Full, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
A nonlinear feedback controller for aerial self-righting by a tailed robot. 32-39 - Simone Zandara, Pere Ridao
, David Ribas
, Angelos Mallios
, Albert Palomer:
Probabilistic surface matching for bathymetry based SLAM. 40-45 - Han-Pang Chiu, Stephen Williams, Frank Dellaert, Supun Samarasekera, Rakesh Kumar:
Robust vision-aided navigation using Sliding-Window Factor graphs. 46-53 - Hordur Johannsson, Michael Kaess
, Maurice F. Fallon, John J. Leonard:
Temporally scalable visual SLAM using a reduced pose graph. 54-61 - Pratik Agarwal, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Luciano Spinello, Cyrill Stachniss
, Wolfram Burgard
Robust map optimization using dynamic covariance scaling. 62-69 - José-Luis Blanco
, Javier González Jiménez, Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal:
Sparser Relative Bundle Adjustment (SRBA): Constant-time maintenance and local optimization of arbitrarily large maps. 70-77 - Devin K. Grady, Mark Moll
, Lydia E. Kavraki
Automated model approximation for robotic navigation with POMDPs. 78-84 - Li Zhang, Siwei Lyu, Jeff Trinkle:
A dynamic Bayesian approach to real-time estimation and filtering in grasp acquisition. 85-92 - Masahiro Kasuya, Masatoshi Seki, Kazuya Kawamura, Yo Kobayashi
, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Hiroshi Yokoi:
Robust grip force estimation under electric feedback using muscle stiffness and electromyography for powered prosthetic hand. 93-98 - Paul Hebert, Thomas Howard, Nicolas Hudson, Jeremy Ma, Joel W. Burdick:
The next best touch for model-based localization. 99-106 - Martí Sánchez-Fibla, Armin Duff, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
A sensorimotor account of visual and tactile integration for object categorization and grasping. 107-112 - Stanimir Dragiev, Marc Toussaint, Michael Gienger:
Uncertainty aware grasping and tactile exploration. 113-119 - Paul Hebert, Nicolas Hudson, Jeremy Ma, Joel W. Burdick:
Dual arm estimation for coordinated bimanual manipulation. 120-125 - Ching Lik Teo, Austin Myers, Cornelia Fermüller, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Embedding high-level information into low level vision: Efficient object search in clutter. 126-132 - Ondrej Miksik, Daniel Munoz, J. Andrew Bagnell, Martial Hebert:
Efficient temporal consistency for streaming video scene analysis. 133-139 - Tristram Southey, James J. Little:
3D spatial relationships for improving object detection. 140-147 - Thomas Morwald, Andreas Richtsfeld, Johann Prankl, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze:
Geometric data abstraction using B-splines for range image segmentation. 148-153 - Dov Katz, Moslem Kazemi, J. Andrew Bagnell, Anthony Stentz:
Clearing a pile of unknown objects using interactive perception. 154-161 - Ilya Lysenkov, Vincent Rabaud:
Pose estimation of rigid transparent objects in transparent clutter. 162-169 - Christian Lang, Sven Wachsmuth, Marc Hanheide
, Heiko Wersing:
Facial communicative signal interpretation in human-robot interaction by discriminative video subsequence selection. 170-177 - Pedro Neto
, Dário Pereira, J. Norberto Pires
, A. Paulo Moreira
Real-time and continuous hand gesture spotting: An approach based on artificial neural networks. 178-183 - Hamzah Z. Hossen Mamode, Paul Bremner, Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse:
Cooperative tabletop working for humans and humanoid robots: Group interaction with an avatar. 184-190 - Mohammad Norouzi, Jaime Valls Miró
, Gamini Dissanayake
A statistical approach for uncertain stability analysis of mobile robots. 191-196 - Milos Vasic, Aude Billard:
Safety issues in human-robot interactions. 197-204 - Karan Sharma
, Sami Haddadin
, Sebastian Minning, Johann Heindl, Tobias Bellmann, Sven Parusel, Tim Rokahr, Alin Albu-Schäffer
Evaluation of human safety in the DLR Robotic Motion Simulator using a crash test dummy. 205-212 - Xingchi He, Marcin Balicki, Peter Gehlbach, James Handa, Russell H. Taylor, Iulian Iordachita
A novel dual force sensing instrument with cooperative robotic assistant for vitreoretinal surgery. 213-218 - Philip J. Swaney, Jessica Burgner
, Ray A. Lathrop, Hunter B. Gilbert, Kyle D. Weaver, Robert J. Webster III:
Minimally-invasive intracerebral hemorrhage removal using an active cannula. 219-224 - Haoran Yu, Jin-Hui Shen, Karen M. Joos, Nabil Simaan:
Design, calibration and preliminary testing of a robotic telemanipulator for OCT guided retinal surgery. 225-231 - Andrea Bajo, Latif M. Dharamsi, James L. Netterville, C. Gaelyn Garrett, Nabil Simaan:
Robotic-assisted micro-surgery of the throat: The trans-nasal approach. 232-238 - Santosh Iyer, Thomas Looi, James M. Drake:
A single arm, single camera system for automated suturing. 239-244 - Ilana Nisky
, Michael H. Hsieh, Allison M. Okamura
A framework for analysis of surgeon arm posture variability in robot-assisted surgery. 245-251 - Oskar Wigström, Bengt Lennartson:
Sustainable production automation - energy optimization of robot cells. 252-257 - Aditya N. Das, Stephen Savoie:
Quasi-static evaluation of a modular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cell. 258-263 - Hao Tieng
, Haw Ching Yang, Min-Hsiung Hung, Fan-Tien Cheng
A novel virtual metrology scheme for predicting machining precision of machine tools. 264-269 - Christian Deters, Emanuele Lindo Secco
, Helge A. Wurdemann, Hak-Keung Lam
, Lakmal D. Seneviratne
, Kaspar Althoefer:
Model-free fuzzy tightening control for bolt/nut joint connections of wind turbine hubs. 270-276 - Samuel M. Felton, Michael Thomas Tolley, Cagdas D. Onal, Daniela Rus, Robert J. Wood:
Robot self-assembly by folding: A printed inchworm robot. 277-282 - Yin Zhao, Qianchuan Zhao
System identification for output-dependent bounded noises and its application in learning personalized thermal comfort model. 283-288 - Yangbo Long, David J. Cappelleri:
Linear control design, allocation, and implementation for the Omnicopter MAV. 289-294 - Markus Ryll, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
, Paolo Robuffo Giordano:
First flight tests for a quadrotor UAV with tilting propellers. 295-302 - Bernard Michini, Mark Cutler, Jonathan P. How
Scalable reward learning from demonstration. 303-308 - Christoph Hürzeler, Kostas Alexis, Roland Siegwart
Configurable real-time simulation suite for coaxial rotor UAVs. 309-316 - Atsushi Oosedo, Satoko Abiko, Atsushi Konno, Takuya Koizumi, Tatuya Furui, Masaru Uchiyama:
Development of a quad rotor tail-sitter VTOL UAV without control surfaces and experimental verification. 317-322 - Sankalp Arora, Sezal Jain, Sebastian A. Scherer
, Stephen Nuske, Lyle Chamberlain, Sanjiv Singh
Infrastructure-free shipdeck tracking for autonomous landing. 323-330 - Alphan Ulusoy, Michael Marrazzo, Konstantinos Oikonomopoulos, Ryan Hunter, Calin Belta
Temporal logic control for an autonomous quadrotor in a nondeterministic environment. 331-336 - Peyman Yadmellat, Alexander S. Shafer, Mehrdad R. Kermani:
Design and development of a safe robot manipulator using a new actuation concept. 337-342 - James Torres, Shinichiro Tsukahara, H. Harry Asada:
Maximizing output work of PZT stacks while gaining large displacement amplification. 343-348 - Alberto Rodriguez, Matthew T. Mason
Effector form design for 1DOF planar actuation. 349-356 - Kazuhito Wakana, Hiroaki Namari, Masashi Konyo
, Satoshi Tadokoro:
Pneumatic flexible hollow shaft actuator with high speed and long stroke motion. 357-363 - Tomokazu Takahashi, K. Nagato, Masato Suzuki, Seiji Aoyagi:
Flexible vacuum gripper with autonomous switchable valves. 364-369 - Ioannis Filippidis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Roadmaps using gradient extremal paths. 370-375 - Christoph Weinrich, Michael Volkhardt, Erik Einhorn, Horst-Michael Gross:
Prediction of human collision avoidance behavior by lifelong learning for socially compliant robot navigation. 376-381 - Gustavo Medeiros Freitas, Fernando C. Lizarralde
, Liu Hsu
, Marcel Bergerman:
Terrain model-based anticipative control for articulated vehicles with low bandwidth actuators. 382-389 - Asher Bender
, Stefan B. Williams
, Oscar Pizarro
Autonomous exploration of large-scale benthic environments. 390-396 - Sisir Karumanchi, Karl Iagnemma, Steve Scheding:
Mobility Erosion: High speed motion safety for mobile robots operating in off-road terrain. 397-402 - Yang Yang, Yi Sun
, Shugen Ma:
Paddle trajectory generation for accessing soft terrain by an ePaddle locomotion mechanism. 403-408 - Joshué Pérez, Jorge Godoy
, Jorge Villagra
, Enrique Onieva
Trajectory generator for autonomous vehicles in urban environments. 409-414 - Bradford Neuman, Maxim Likhachev:
Planning with approximate preferences and its application to disambiguating human intentions in navigation. 415-422 - Jerome Guzzi, Alessandro Giusti
, Luca Maria Gambardella
, Guy Theraulaz
, Gianni A. Di Caro
Human-friendly robot navigation in dynamic environments. 423-430 - Venkatraman Narayanan, Paul Vernaza, Maxim Likhachev, Steven M. LaValle:
Planning under topological constraints using beam-graphs. 431-437 - Dominique Hunziker, Mohanarajah Gajamohan, Markus Waibel, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Rapyuta: The RoboEarth Cloud Engine. 438-444 - Jennifer L. Cross
, Christopher P. Bartley, Emily Hamner, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
A visual robot-programming environment for multidisciplinary education. 445-452 - Sebastian Blumenthal, Herman Bruyninckx, Walter Nowak, Erwin Prassler:
A scene graph based shared 3D world model for robotic applications. 453-460 - Ulrike Thomas, Gerd Hirzinger, Bernhard Rumpe
, Christoph Schulze, Andreas Wortmann
A new skill based robot programming language using UML/P Statecharts. 461-466 - Hai Nguyen, Matei T. Ciocarlie, Kaijen Hsiao, Charles C. Kemp:
ROS commander (ROSCo): Behavior creation for home robots. 467-474 - Fabio Dalla Libera, Hiroshi Ishiguro:
ROSlink: Interfacing legacy systems with ROS. 475-481 - Safdar Zaman, Gerald Steinbauer, Johannes Maurer, Peter Lepej, Suzana Uran:
An integrated model-based diagnosis and repair architecture for ROS-based robot systems. 482-489 - Scott Heath, David Ball, Ruth Schulz, Janet Wiles
Communication between Lingodroids with different cognitive capabilities. 490-495 - Ren C. Luo, Yi-Wen Perng, Bo-Han Shih, Yun-Hsuan Tsai:
Cartesian position and force control with adaptive impedance/compliance capabilities for a humanoid robot arm. 496-501 - Jose Ramon Medina
, Dominik Sieber, Sandra Hirche:
Risk-sensitive interaction control in uncertain manipulation tasks. 502-507 - Dominic Lakatos, Florian Petit, Alin Albu-Schäffer
Nonlinear oscillations for cyclic movements in variable impedance actuated robotic arms. 508-515 - Lisha Chen, Manolo Garabini
, Matteo Laffranchi
, Navvab Kashiri
, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Antonio Bicchi, Darwin G. Caldwell
Optimal control for maximizing velocity of the CompAct™ compliant actuator. 516-522 - Alexandre Girard, Jean-Sébastien Plante:
Applied control of binary robots based on influence vectors. 523-529 - Sehyuk Yim, Metin Sitti
SoftCubes: Towards a soft modular matter. 530-536 - Stanton Wong, Jennifer Walter:
Deterministic distributed algorithm for self-reconfiguration of modular robots from arbitrary to straight chain configurations. 537-543 - Moises Pacheco, Mikael Moghadam, A. Magnusson, B. Silverman, Henrik Hautop Lund
, David Johan Christensen:
Fable: Design of a modular robotic playware platform. 544-550 - Zhong Li, Devin J. Balkcom, Aaron M. Dollar
Rigid 2D space-filling folds of unbroken linear chains. 551-557 - Ming Liu
, Bekir Tufan Alper, Roland Siegwart
An adaptive descriptor for uncalibrated omnidirectional images - towards scene reconstruction by trifocal tensor. 558-563 - Christian Siagian, Chin-Kai Chang, Laurent Itti:
Mobile robot navigation system in outdoor pedestrian environment using vision-based road recognition. 564-571 - Jason C. Derenick, Alberto Speranzon
, Robert Ghrist:
Homological sensing for mobile robot localization. 572-579 - Sunando Sengupta, Eric Greveson, Ali Shahrokni, Philip H. S. Torr:
Urban 3D semantic modelling using stereo vision. 580-585 - Martin J. Pearson, Charles W. Fox, J. Charles Sullivan, Tony J. Prescott
, Tony Pipe, Ben Mitchinson:
Simultaneous localisation and mapping on a multi-degree of freedom biomimetic whiskered robot. 586-592 - Bidan Huang, Sahar El-Khoury, Miao Li, Joanna J. Bryson
, Aude Billard:
Learning a real time grasping strategy. 593-600 - Renaud Detry, Carl Henrik Ek, Marianna Madry, Danica Kragic:
Learning a dictionary of prototypical grasp-predicting parts from grasping experience. 601-608 - David Fischinger, Markus Vincze, Yun Jiang:
Learning grasps for unknown objects in cluttered scenes. 609-616 - Katharina Hertkorn, Máximo A. Roa
, Christoph Borst:
Planning in-hand object manipulation with multifingered hands considering task constraints. 617-624 - Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon
, Véronique Perdereau, Fernando Torres Medina
Multi-fingered robotic hand planner for object reconfiguration through a rolling contact evolution model. 625-630 - Andrew Richardson, Edwin Olson:
Learning convolutional filters for interest point detection. 631-637 - Brian Peasley, Stan Birchfield:
Replacing Projective Data Association with Lucas-Kanade for KinectFusion. 638-645 - Bryan Willimon, Ian D. Walker, Stan Birchfield:
3D non-rigid deformable surface estimation without feature correspondence. 646-651 - Kai Welke, David Schiebener, Tamim Asfour
, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Gaze selection during manipulation tasks. 652-659 - Igi Ardiyanto
, Jun Miura
Visibility-based viewpoint planning for guard robot using skeletonization and geodesic motion model. 660-666 - Takuya Otani
, A. Iizuka, D. Takamoto, Hiromitsu Motohashi, Tatsuhiro Kishi, Przemyslaw Kryczka, Nobutsuna Endo, Lorenzo Jamone
, Kenji Hashimoto, Takamichi Takashima, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi:
New shank mechanism for humanoid robot mimicking human-like walking in horizontal and frontal plane. 667-672 - Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Stephen Morfey, Gustavo A. Medrano-Cerda, Zhibin Li, Darwin G. Caldwell
COMpliant huMANoid COMAN: Optimal joint stiffness tuning for modal frequency control. 673-678 - Kanako Miura, Eiichi Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Yui Endo, Fumio Kanehiro, Keiko Homma
, Isamu Kajitani, Yoshio Matsumoto, Takayuki Tanaka:
Humanoid robot as an evaluator of assistive devices. 679-685 - Kenji Hashimoto, Hiromitsu Motohashi, Takamichi Takashima, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi:
Shoes-wearable foot mechanism mimicking characteristics of human's foot arch and skin. 686-691 - Pyeong-Gook Jung, Gukchan Lim, Kyoungchul Kong:
A mobile motion capture system based on inertial sensors and smart shoes. 692-697 - Christos Bergeles
, Panagiotis Vartholomeos, Lei Qin
, Pierre E. Dupont
Closed-loop commutation control of an MRI-powered robot actuator. 698-703 - Yi Chen
, Jillian M. Oliveira, Ian W. Hunter:
Two-axis bend sensor design, kinematics and control for a continuum robotic endoscope. 704-710 - Marco Beccani, Christian Di Natali
, Mark E. Rentschler, Pietro Valdastri
Wireless tissue palpation: Proof of concept for a single degree of freedom. 711-717 - Benjamin L. Conrad
, Jinwoo Jung, Ryan S. Penning, Michael R. Zinn:
Interleaved continuum-rigid manipulation: An augmented approach for robotic minimally-invasive flexible catheter-based procedures. 718-724 - Edgar J. Lobaton
, Jinghua Fu, Luis G. Torres, Ron Alterovitz:
Continuous shape estimation of continuum robots using X-ray images. 725-732 - Hakan Almqvist, Martin Magnusson
, Todor Stoyanov
, Achim J. Lilienthal
Improving point-cloud accuracy from a moving platform in field operations. 733-738 - Teemu Kemppainen, Arto Visala:
Stereo vision based tree planting spot detection. 739-745 - Tin Lun Lam
, Jingyu Yan, Huihuan Qian, Yangsheng Xu:
Traction/braking force distribution algorithm for omni-directional all-wheel-independent-drive vehicles. 746-751 - Camilo Ordonez
, Nikhil Gupta, Oscar Chuy, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr.:
Momentum based traversal of mobility challenges for autonomous ground vehicles. 752-759 - Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano
Visualization of comprehensive work tendency using end-point frequency map for human-operated work machines. 760-765 - Scott Morton, Luke Scharber, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle for continuous flight: Conceptual overview and optimization. 766-771 - Bobby Hodgkinson, Doug Lipinski, Liqian Peng, Kamran Mohseni:
Cooperative control using data-driven feedback for mobile sensors. 772-777 - Jose Alfredo Guerrero, Juan-Antonio Escareño, Yasmina Bestaoui
Quad-rotor MAV trajectory planning in wind fields. 778-783 - Wesam H. Al-Sabban, Felipe Gonzalez
, Ryan N. Smith:
Wind-energy based path planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Markov Decision Processes. 784-789 - José Antonio Cobano
, David Alejo
, Santiago Vera, Guillermo Heredia
, Aníbal Ollero:
Multiple gliding UAV coordination for static soaring in real time applications. 790-795 - Hamid Reza Vejdani
, Jonathan W. Hurst:
Optimal passive dynamics for physical interaction: Throwing a mass. 796-801 - David Ball, Patrick Ross, James Wall, Ricky Chow:
A novel energy efficient controllable stiffness joint. 802-808 - Jesse A. Roll, Bo Cheng
, Xinyan Deng:
Design, fabrication, and experiments of an electromagnetic actuator for flapping wing micro air vehicles. 809-815 - Tianjiang Zheng, Isuru S. Godage, David T. Branson
, Rongjie Kang, Emanuele Guglielmino, Gustavo A. Medrano-Cerda, Darwin G. Caldwell
Octopus inspired walking robot: Design, control and experimental validation. 816-821 - Andrew J. Petruska
, Jake J. Abbott:
An omnidirectional electromagnet for remote manipulation. 822-827 - Hiroshi Kawano:
Hierarchical sub-task decomposition for reinforcement learning of multi-robot delivery mission. 828-835 - Hyunsoo Yang
, Dongjun Lee:
Cooperative grasping control of multiple mobile manipulators with obstacle avoidance. 836-841 - Matthew Turpin, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Concurrent assignment and planning of trajectories for large teams of interchangeable robots. 842-848 - Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Luciano C. A. Pimenta
, Carlos Andrey Maia
, Guilherme A. S. Pereira
Coordination of multiple fixed-wing UAVs traversing intersecting periodic paths. 849-854 - Ross A. Knepper, Todd Layton, John Romanishin, Daniela Rus:
IkeaBot: An autonomous multi-robot coordinated furniture assembly system. 855-862 - Jianing Chen, Melvin Gauci, Roderich Gross
A strategy for transporting tall objects with a swarm of miniature mobile robots. 863-869 - Corrado Guarino Lo Bianco
, Fabio Ghilardelli:
Techniques to preserve the stability of a trajectory scaling algorithm. 870-876 - Jonathan Coulombe, Ilian A. Bonev:
A new rotary hexapod for micropositioning. 877-880 - Dan Feldman, Stephanie Gil, Ross A. Knepper, Brian J. Julian, Daniela Rus:
K-robots clustering of moving sensors using coresets. 881-888 - Woojin Kim, Dong Jun Kwak, H. Jin Kim:
Joint detection and tracking of boundaries using cooperative mobile sensor networks. 889-894 - Hyongju Park
, Seth Hutchinson
Worst-case performance of a mobile sensor network under individual sensor failure. 895-900 - Ryan K. Williams, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Locally constrained connectivity control in mobile robot networks. 901-906 - Akiya Kamimura
, Kohji Tomita, Haruhisa Kurokawa:
Decentralized P2P Network Coordination with an Adaptive Transmission Cycle Decision mechanism and a simplified pulse-coupled oscillator. 907-913 - Asish Ghoshal, Dylan A. Shell:
Covering space with simple robots: From chains to random trees. 914-920 - Dongsik Chang, Wencen Wu, Donald R. Webster, Marc J. Weissburg
, Fumin Zhang
A bio-inspired plume tracking algorithm for mobile sensing swarms in turbulent flow. 921-926 - Chang-Young Kim, Dezhen Song, Jingang Yi:
Decentralized searching of multiple unknown and transient radio sources. 927-932 - Michalis Thanou, Yiannis (John) Stergiopoulos, Anthony Tzes
Distributed coverage using geodesic metric for non-convex environments. 933-938 - Joshua Mason Joseph, Alborz Geramifard, John W. Roberts, Jonathan P. How
, Nicholas Roy:
Reinforcement learning with misspecified model classes. 939-946 - Somayeh Bahrami, Mehrzad Namvar
, Farhad Aghili
Attitude control of satellites with delay in attitude measurement. 947-952 - Lorenzo Sabattini
, Cristian Secchi
, Cesare Fantuzzi
Collision avoidance using gyroscopic forces for cooperative Lagrangian dynamical systems. 953-958 - Daniel Montrallo Flickinger, Jedediyah Williams, Jeffrey C. Trinkle:
What's wrong with collision detection in multibody dynamics simulation? 959-964 - Luca Carlone:
A convergence analysis for pose graph optimization via Gauss-Newton methods. 965-972 - Matthew Tesch, Jeff G. Schneider, Howie Choset:
Expensive multiobjective optimization for robotics. 973-980 - Chanyeol Yoo, Robert Fitch
, Salah Sukkarieh
Provably-correct stochastic motion planning with safety constraints. 981-986 - Gero Bonow, Andreas Kroll:
Gas leak localization in industrial environments using a TDLAS-based remote gas sensor and autonomous mobile robot with the Tri-Max method. 987-992 - Jan Faigl
, Tomás Krajník
, Jan Chudoba, Libor Preucil, Martin Saska:
Low-cost embedded system for relative localization in robotic swarms. 993-998 - Liang-Ting Jiang, Joshua R. Smith:
A unified framework for grasping and shape acquisition via pretouch sensing. 999-1005 - Espen Knoop, Jonathan Rossiter:
Dual-mode compliant optical tactile sensor. 1006-1011 - Michael Strohmayr, H. Worn, Gerd Hirzinger:
The DLR artificial skin step I: Uniting sensitivity and collision tolerance. 1012-1018 - Dong-Hyuk Lee, Ui Kyum Kim, Hyungpil Moon, Jachoon Koo, Woon Jong Yoon, Hyouk Ryeol Choi:
Preliminary design of multi-axial contact force sensor for minimally invasive robotic surgery grasper. 1019-1024 - David M. Rosen
, Michael Kaess
, John J. Leonard:
Robust incremental online inference over sparse factor graphs: Beyond the Gaussian case. 1025-1032 - Sean Anderson, Timothy D. Barfoot:
Towards relative continuous-time SLAM. 1033-1040 - Lonnie T. Parker, Richard A. Coogle, Ayanna M. Howard:
Estimation-informed, resource-aware robot navigation for environmental monitoring applications. 1041-1046 - Felix Duvallet, Thomas Kollar, Anthony Stentz:
Imitation learning for natural language direction following through unknown environments. 1047-1053 - Georgios Floros, Benito van der Zander, Bastian Leibe
OpenStreetSLAM: Global vehicle localization using OpenStreetMaps. 1054-1059 - Jong Jin Park, Benjamin Kuipers:
Autonomous person pacing and following with Model Predictive Equilibrium Point Control. 1060-1067 - Ian M. Bullock, Thomas Feix, Aaron M. Dollar
Finding small, versatile sets of human grasps to span common objects. 1068-1075 - Yun Lin, Yu Sun:
Grasp mapping using locality preserving projections and kNN regression. 1076-1081 - Martin Hjelm, Carl Henrik Ek, Renaud Detry, Hedvig Kjellström, Danica Kragic:
Sparse summarization of robotic grasping data. 1082-1087 - Monica Malvezzi, Guido Gioioso, Gionata Salvietti
, Domenico Prattichizzo
, Antonio Bicchi:
SynGrasp: A MATLAB toolbox for grasp analysis of human and robotic hands. 1088-1093 - Christoforos I. Mavrogiannis
, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis
, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Sequential improvement of grasp based on sensitivity analysis. 1094-1099 - Florian T. Pokorny, Johannes A. Stork
, Danica Kragic:
Grasping objects with holes: A topological approach. 1100-1107 - Benjamin Choi, Çetin Meriçli, Joydeep Biswas
, Manuela M. Veloso:
Fast human detection for indoor mobile robots using depth images. 1108-1113 - Seong-Yong Koo, Dongheui Lee, Dong-Soo Kwon:
GMM-based 3D object representation and robust tracking in unconstructed dynamic environments. 1114-1121 - Karol Hausman, Ferenc Balint-Benczedi, Dejan Pangercic, Zoltan-Csaba Marton, Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada, Michael Beetz
Tracking-based interactive segmentation of textureless objects. 1122-1129 - John Schulman, Alex X. Lee, Jonathan Ho, Pieter Abbeel:
Tracking deformable objects with point clouds. 1130-1137 - David Held, Jesse Levinson, Sebastian Thrun:
Precision tracking with sparse 3D and dense color 2D data. 1138-1145 - Frank Moosmann, Christoph Stiller
Joint self-localization and tracking of generic objects in 3D range data. 1146-1152 - Ch. Schroeter, Steffen Müller, Michael Volkhardt, Erik Einhorn, Claire A. G. J. Huijnen, Herjan van den Heuvel, Andreas van Berlo, Andreas Bley, Horst-Michael Gross:
Realization and user evaluation of a companion robot for people with mild cognitive impairments. 1153-1159 - Michael T. Wolf, Christopher Assad, Matthew T. Vernacchia
, Joshua Fromm, Henna L. Jethani:
Gesture-based robot control with variable autonomy from the JPL BioSleeve. 1160-1165 - Camilo Perez Quintero
, Romeo Tatsambon Fomena, Azad Shademan, Nina Wolleb, Travis Dick, Martin Jägersand:
SEPO: Selecting by pointing as an intuitive human-robot command interface. 1166-1171 - Naouel Ayari, Abdelghani Chibani, Yacine Amirat:
Semantic management of human-robot interaction in ambient intelligence environments using N-ary ontologies. 1172-1179 - Jose Ramon Medina
, Martin Lawitzky, Adam Molin, Sandra Hirche:
Dynamic strategy selection for physical robotic assistance in partially known tasks. 1180-1186 - Akio Namiki
, Sakyo Matsushita, Takahiro Ozeki, Kenzo Nonami:
Hierarchical processing architecture for an air-hockey robot system. 1187-1192 - Jessica Burgner
, Hunter B. Gilbert, Robert J. Webster III:
On the computational design of concentric tube robots: Incorporating volume-based objectives. 1193-1198 - Tommaso Ranzani
, Michele Silvestri, A. Argiolas, Monica Vatteroni
, Arianna Menciassi:
A novel trocar-less, multi-point of view, magnetic actuated laparoscope. 1199-1204 - Mustafa Suphi Erden
, Benoit Rosa
, Jérôme Szewczyk
, Guillaume Morel:
Mechanical design of a distal scanner for confocal microlaparoscope: A conic solution. 1205-1212 - Antonio De Donno, Lucile Zorn, Philippe Zanne, Florent Nageotte, Michel de Mathelin:
Introducing STRAS: A new flexible robotic system for minimally invasive surgery. 1213-1220 - Chao He, Kevin C. Olds, Iulian Iordachita
, Russell H. Taylor:
A new ENT microsurgery robot: Error analysis and implementation. 1221-1227 - Sohrab Eslami, Gregory S. Fischer, Sang-Eun Song, Junichi Tokuda
, Nobuhiko Hata, Clare M. Tempany, Iulian Iordachita
Towards clinically optimized MRI-guided surgical manipulator for minimally invasive prostate percutaneous interventions: constructive design. 1228-1233 - Travis Deyle, Christopher J. Tralie, Matthew S. Reynolds, Charles C. Kemp:
In-hand radio frequency identification (RFID) for robotic manipulation. 1234-1241 - Alen Alempijevic
, Robert Fitch
, Nathan Kirchner:
Bootstrapping navigation and path planning using human positional traces. 1242-1247 - Anthony Pratkanis, Adam Eric Leeper, Kenneth Salisbury:
Replacing the office intern: An autonomous coffee run with a mobile manipulator. 1248-1253 - Matthew Derry, Brenna D. Argall:
Automated doorway detection for assistive shared-control wheelchairs. 1254-1259 - Richard Bormann, Florian Weisshardt, Georg Arbeiter, Jan Fischer:
Autonomous dirt detection for cleaning in office environments. 1260-1267 - Nichola Abdo, Henrik Kretzschmar, Luciano Spinello, Cyrill Stachniss
Learning manipulation actions from a few demonstrations. 1268-1275 - Susanne Petsch, Darius Burschka:
Path optimization for abstractly represented tasks with respect to efficient control. 1276-1281 - Alessandro Pieropan, Carl Henrik Ek, Hedvig Kjellström:
Functional object descriptors for human activity modeling. 1282-1289 - Bogdan Moldovan, Plinio Moreno
, Martijn van Otterlo:
On the use of probabilistic relational affordance models for sequential manipulation tasks in robotics. 1290-1295 - Tao Li, Kohei Nakajima, Rolf Pfeifer:
Online learning for behavior switching in a soft robotic arm. 1296-1302 - Kotaro Nagahama, Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Manipulation of multiple objects in close proximity based on visual hierarchical relationships. 1303-1310 - Norikazu Sugimoto, Jun Morimoto:
Off-line path integral reinforcement learning using stochastic robot dynamics approximated by sparse pseudo-input Gaussian processes: Application to humanoid robot motor learning in the real environment. 1311-1316 - Nakul Gopalan, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Jan Peters
Feedback error learning for rhythmic motor primitives. 1317-1322 - Sang Hyoung Lee, Gyung Nam Han, Il Hong Suh, Bum-Jae You:
Skill learning using temporal and spatial entropies for accurate skill acquisition. 1323-1330 - Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Peter Pastor, Ludovic Righetti
, Stefan Schaal:
Learning objective functions for manipulation. 1331-1336 - Jui-Jen Chou, Li-Shing Yang:
Innovative design of a claw-wheel transformable robot. 1337-1342 - Phillip Quin, Gavin Paul
, Alen Alempijevic
, Dikai Liu
, Gamini Dissanayake
Efficient neighbourhood-based information gain approach for exploration of complex 3D environments. 1343-1348 - Mahmoud Tavakoli
, Carlos Viegas
, Lino Marques
, J. Norberto Pires
, Anibal T. de Almeida
OmniClimber-II: An omnidirectional climbing robot with high maneuverability and flexibility to adapt to non-flat surfaces. 1349-1354 - James D. Dickson, Jigar Patel, Jonathan E. Clark:
Towards maneuverability in plane with a dynamic climbing platform. 1355-1361 - Takahiro Matsuno, Atsushi Kakogawa, Shugen Ma:
Development of a suction cup with a disc spring. 1362-1367 - Dong-Kyu Lee, Jae-Hung Han:
Flight controller design of a flapping-wing MAV in a magnetically levitated environment. 1368-1373 - Sawyer B. Fuller, Alexander Sands, Andreas Haggerty, Michael Karpelson, Robert J. Wood:
Estimating attitude and wind velocity using biomimetic sensors on a microrobotic bee. 1374-1380 - Zhi Ern Teoh, Robert J. Wood:
A flapping-wing microrobot with a differential angle-of-attack mechanism. 1381-1388 - Pakpong Chirarattananon
, Robert J. Wood:
Identification of flight aerodynamics for flapping-wing microrobots. 1389-1396 - Muhammad Azhar, Domenico Campolo
, Gih-Keong Lau, Lindsey L. Hines, Metin Sitti
Flapping wings via direct-driving by DC motors. 1397-1402 - Ville Liimatainen
, Mohamed Kharboutly, David Rostoucher, Michaël Gauthier
, Quan Zhou
Capillary self-alignment assisted hybrid robotic handling for ultra-thin die stacking. 1403-1408 - Hui Tang, Yangmin Li
, Xiao Xiao:
Development and assessment of a novel hydraulic displacement amplifier for piezo-actuated large stroke precision positioning. 1409-1414 - Qingsong Xu
Design and fabrication of a novel compliant rotary nanopositioning stage. 1415-1420 - Malte Bartenwerfer, Sergej Fatikow:
Robotic nanowire handling for prototypic NEMS devices. 1421-1426 - David J. Cappelleri, Zhenbo Fu:
Towards flexible, automated microassembly with caging micromanipulation. 1427-1432 - Zheng Gong, Brandon K. Chen, Jun Liu
, Yu Sun
Automated nanoprobing under scanning electron microscopy. 1433-1438 - Vasanthsekar Shekar, Matthew Campbell, Srinivas Akella
Towards automated optoelectrowetting on dielectric devices for multi-axis droplet manipulation. 1439-1445 - Mohamed Kharboutly, Michaël Gauthier
High speed closed loop control of a dielectrophoresis-based system. 1446-1451 - Simone Schürle, Mahmut Selman Sakar, Alessandro Meo, Jens Möller
, Bradley Kratochvil, Christopher S. Chen
, Viola Vogel, Bradley J. Nelson:
Three-dimensional, automated magnetic biomanipulation with subcellular resolution. 1452-1457 - John E. McInroy, John F. O'Brien, Anthony A. Allais:
Designing dynamics and control of isotropic Gough-Stewart micromanipulators. 1458-1464 - ChangSu Ha, Dongjun Lee:
Vision-based teleoperation of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. 1465-1470 - Ayoung Hong
, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
, Hyoung Il Son
A visual and force feedback for multi-robot teleoperation in outdoor environments: A preliminary result. 1471-1478 - Tian Xia, Simon Léonard, Isha Kandaswamy, Amy A. Blank, Louis L. Whitcomb
, Peter Kazanzides
Model-based telerobotic control with virtual fixtures for satellite servicing tasks. 1479-1484 - Xiaolei Hou
, Robert E. Mahony
, Felix Schill:
Representation of vehicle dynamics in haptic teleoperation of aerial robots. 1485-1491 - Amir Takhmar, Ilia G. Polushin, Rajni V. Patel
Frequency separation in projection-based force reflection algorithms for bilateral teleoperators. 1492-1497 - Bryan P. Ruddy
, Ian W. Hunter:
A compact direct-drive linear synchronous motor with muscle-like performance. 1498-1503 - Kohei Nakajima, Helmut Hauser
, Rongjie Kang, Emanuele Guglielmino, Darwin G. Caldwell
, Rolf Pfeifer:
Computing with a muscular-hydrostat system. 1504-1511 - Vikash Kumar, Zhe Xu, Emanuel Todorov:
Fast, strong and compliant pneumatic actuation for dexterous tendon-driven hands. 1512-1519 - Riichiro Tadakuma, Kenjiro Tadakuma, Minoru Takagi, Shotaro Onishi, Gaku Matsui, Kyohei Ioka, Yuichi Tsumaki, Mitsuru Higashimori, Makoto Kaneko:
The gear mechanism with passive rollers: The input mechanism to drive the omnidirectional gear and worm gearing. 1520-1527 - Masaaki Kumagai, Ralph L. Hollis:
Development and control of a three DOF spherical induction motor. 1528-1533 - Joseph Knuth, Prabir Barooah
Collaborative localization with heterogeneous inter-robot measurements by Riemannian optimization. 1534-1539 - Dimitrios G. Kottas, Stergios I. Roumeliotis:
Efficient and consistent vision-aided inertial navigation using line observations. 1540-1547 - Takato Saito, Yoji Kuroda:
Mobile robot localization using multiple observations based on place recognition and GPS. 1548-1553 - Z. J. Chong, Baoxing Qin, Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay, Marcelo H. Ang
, Emilio Frazzoli
, Daniela Rus:
Synthetic 2D LIDAR for precise vehicle localization in 3D urban environment. 1554-1559 - Faye Y. Wu, Nathan M. Robert, Dan D. Frey, Shaohui Foong
Enhanced magnetic localization with artificial neural network field models. 1560-1565 - Weiwei Wan
, Rui Fukui, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tomomasa Sato, Yasuo Kuniyoshi:
A new "grasping by caging" solution by using eigen-shapes and space mapping. 1566-1573 - Teesit Makapunyo, Thanathorn Phoka, Peam Pipattanasomporn, Nattee Niparnan, Attawith Sudsang:
Measurement framework of partial cage quality based on probabilistic motion planning. 1574-1579 - Yu Zheng
, Katsu Yamane:
Evaluation of grasp force efficiency considering hand configuration and using novel generalized penetration distance algorithm. 1580-1587 - Heinrich Krüger, A. Frank van der Stappen
Independent contact regions for local force closure grasps. 1588-1594 - Júlia Borràs Sol
, Aaron M. Dollar
A parallel robots framework to study precision grasping and dexterous manipulation. 1595-1601 - Barbara Bruno
, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
, Antonio Sgorbissa
, Tullio Vernazza, Renato Zaccaria:
Analysis of human behavior recognition algorithms based on acceleration data. 1602-1607 - Dan Song, Nikolaos Kyriazis, Iason Oikonomidis
, Chavdar Papazov, Antonis A. Argyros
, Darius Burschka, Danica Kragic:
Predicting human intention in visual observations of hand/object interactions. 1608-1615 - Gisele M. Simas, Rodrigo Andrade de Bem
, Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho
A 3D motion tracking method based on Nonparametric Belief Propagation. 1616-1622 - Kai-Chi Chan, Cheng-Kok Koh, C. S. George Lee:
A 3D-point-cloud feature for human-pose estimation. 1623-1628 - Katsu Yamane, Marcel Revfi, Tamim Asfour
Synthesizing object receiving motions of humanoid robots with human motion database. 1629-1636 - Shuuji Kajita, Futoshi Asano, Mitsuharu Morisawa, Kanako Miura, Kenji Kaneko, Fumio Kanehiro, Kazuhito Yokoi:
Vertical vibration suppression for a position controlled biped robot. 1637-1642 - Michele Vivian, Monica Reggiani
, Massimo Sartori
Experimentally-based optimization of contact parameters in dynamics simulation of humanoid robots. 1643-1648 - Seung-Joon Yi, Byoung-Tak Zhang, Dennis W. Hong, Daniel D. Lee:
Online learning of low dimensional strategies for high-level push recovery in bipedal humanoid robots. 1649-1655 - Felix Burget, Armin Hornung, Maren Bennewitz:
Whole-body motion planning for manipulation of articulated objects. 1656-1662 - Tatsuhiro Kishi, Takuya Kojima, Nobutsuna Endo, Matthieu Destephe, Takuya Otani, Lorenzo Jamone
, Przemyslaw Kryczka, Gabriele Trovato, Kenji Hashimoto, Sarah Cosentino, Atsuo Takanishi:
Impression survey of the emotion expression humanoid robot with mental model based dynamic emotions. 1663-1668 - Russell C. Jackson, Murat Cenk Cavusoglu
Needle path planning for autonomous robotic surgical suturing. 1669-1675 - Pierre Chatelain
, Alexandre Krupa, Maud Marchal:
Real-time needle detection and tracking using a visually servoed 3D ultrasound probe. 1676-1681 - Seyed Farokh Atashzar
, Iman Khalaji, Mahya Shahbazi, Ali Talasaz, Rajni V. Patel
, Michael D. Naish
Robot-assisted lung motion compensation during needle insertion. 1682-1687 - Gustaaf J. Vrooijink, Momen Abayazid
, Sarthak Misra:
Real-time three-dimensional flexible needle tracking using two-dimensional ultrasound. 1688-1693 - Thomas R. Wedlick, Denis J. Lin, Allison M. Okamura
Tissue fixation by suction increases the accuracy of robotic needle insertion. 1694-1699 - Zhenjiang Ni, Cécile Pacoret, Ryad Benosman, Stéphane Régnier:
2D high speed force feedback teleoperation of optical tweezers. 1700-1705 - Xue Gou, Hao Yang, Xiao Yan
, Yong Wang, Dong Sun
Dynamics analysis and automated control of cell chemotaxis movement using a robot-aided optical manipulation tool. 1706-1711 - Ratnesh Singh Sengar, Ashutosh Kumar Upadhyay
, D. N. Badodkar, R. K. Puri, Manjit Singh, M. G. R. Rajan, Vikram M. Gadre:
Development of a spot picker robot for proteomics applications. 1712-1717 - Ebubekir Avci
, Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen
, Kenichi Ohara, Masaru Kojima, Yasushi Mae, Tatsuo Arai:
Towards high-speed automated micromanipulation. 1718-1723 - Jun Liu
, Zheng Gong, Kathryn Tang, Zhe Lu, Yu Sun
Locating end-effector tips in automated micromanipulation. 1724-1729 - Malte Bartenwerfer, Volkmar Eichhorn, Sergej Fatikow, Marco Becker, Alexey Savenko, Izzet Yildiz, Peter Bøggild
Design of a micro-cartridge system for the robotic assembly of exchangeable AFM-probe tips. 1730-1735 - Dominik Honegger, Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen, Marc Pollefeys
An open source and open hardware embedded metric optical flow CMOS camera for indoor and outdoor applications. 1736-1741 - Guillaume Sabiron, Paul Chavent, Thibaut Raharijaona, Patrick Fabiani, Franck Ruffier:
Low-speed optic-flow sensor onboard an unmanned helicopter flying outside over fields. 1742-1749 - Tomoyuki Mori, Sebastian A. Scherer
First results in detecting and avoiding frontal obstacles from a monocular camera for micro unmanned aerial vehicles. 1750-1757 - Shaojie Shen
, Yash Mulgaonkar, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Vision-based state estimation for autonomous rotorcraft MAVs in complex environments. 1758-1764 - Stéphane Ross, Narek Melik-Barkhudarov, Kumar Shaurya Shankar
, Andreas Wendel, Debadeepta Dey, J. Andrew Bagnell, Martial Hebert:
Learning monocular reactive UAV control in cluttered natural environments. 1765-1772 - Sven Lange, Niko Sünderhauf
, Peter Protzel:
Incremental smoothing vs. filtering for sensor fusion on an indoor UAV. 1773-1778 - Dominik Maximilián Ramík
, Christophe Sabourin
, Kurosh Madani:
Autonomous knowledge acquisition based on active learning: Application to humanoid robots in indoor environment. 1779-1784 - Wooyoung Kwon, Il Hong Suh:
Proactive planning using a hybrid temporal influence diagram for human assistive robots. 1785-1791 - Joaquín Ballesteros
, Luis Merino
, Miguel Angel Trujillo, Antidio Viguria
, Aníbal Ollero:
Improving the efficiency of online POMDPs by using belief similarity measures. 1792-1798 - Jennifer L. Barry, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
A hierarchical approach to manipulation with diverse actions. 1799-1806 - Can Erdogan, Mike Stilman:
Planning in constraint space: Automated design of functional structures. 1807-1812 - Christopher Armbrust, Lisa Kiekbusch, Thorsten Ropertz, Karsten Berns:
Tool-assisted verification of behaviour networks. 1813-1820 - Lorenz Mösenlechner, Michael Beetz
Fast temporal projection using accurate physics-based geometric reasoning. 1821-1827 - Shervin Javdani, Matthew Klingensmith, J. Andrew Bagnell, Nancy S. Pollard
, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa:
Efficient touch based localization through submodularity. 1828-1835 - Pierre Cartade, Jean-Baptiste Braconnier, Roland Lenain, Benoît Thuilot:
Adaptive and predictive control of a mobile robots fleet: Application to off-road formation regulation. 1836-1842 - Thomas F. Dono, Timothy H. Chung:
Optimized transit planning and landing of aerial robotic swarms. 1843-1850 - Aamir Ahmad
, Tiago Pereira do Nascimento
, André Gustavo Scolari Conceição
, António Paulo Moreira
, Pedro U. Lima
Perception-driven multi-robot formation control. 1851-1856 - Paolo Stegagno
, Marco Cognetti
, Lorenzo Rosa, Pietro Peliti, Giuseppe Oriolo
Relative localization and identification in a heterogeneous multi-robot system. 1857-1864 - Antonio Leccese, Andrea Gasparri
, Attilio Priolo, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Giovanni Ulivi:
A swarm aggregation algorithm based on local interaction with actuator saturations and integrated obstacle avoidance. 1865-1870 - Dimitra Panagou, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Cooperative formation control of underactuated marine vehicles for target surveillance under sensing and communication constraints. 1871-1876 - Philip M. Dames
, Vijay Kumar:
Cooperative multi-target localization with noisy sensors. 1877-1883 - Richard Wang, Manuela M. Veloso, Srinivasan Seshan
Multi-robot information sharing for complementing limited perception: A case study of moving ball interception. 1884-1889 - Seung-Mok Lee, Hanguen Kim, Hyun Myung:
Cooperative coevolution-based model predictive control for multi-robot formation. 1890-1895 - Yuji Yamakawa, Akio Namiki
, Masatoshi Ishikawa
Dexterous manipulation of a rhythmic gymnastics ribbon with constant, high-speed motion of a high-speed manipulator. 1896-1901 - Martin Wahle, Burkhard Corves
On the effect of structural elasticity on the stability and performance of parallel manipulators. 1902-1907 - Boyin Ding
, Benjamin S. Cazzolato
, Steven Grainger, Richard M. Stanley, John J. Costi
Active preload control of a redundantly actuated Stewart platform for backlash prevention. 1908-1915 - Frederik Debrouwere, Wannes Van Loock, Goele Pipeleers
, Dinh Quoc Tran, Moritz Diehl, Joris De Schutter
, Jan Swevers:
Time-optimal path following for robots with trajectory jerk constraints using sequential convex programming. 1916-1921 - Peter Englert, Alexandros Paraschos, Jan Peters
, Marc Peter Deisenroth:
Model-based imitation learning by probabilistic trajectory matching. 1922-1927 - Jinoh Lee
, Pyung Hun Chang, Rodrigo S. Jamisola
Relative task prioritization for dual-arm with multiple, conflicting tasks: Derivation and experiments. 1928-1933 - Aldo-Jonathan Munoz-Vazquez
, Vicente Parra-Vega
, Anand Sanchez
, Octavio García
, Francisco José Ruiz Sanchez, Sergio Rosales:
Passive Velocity Field Control for contour tracking of robots with model-free controller. 1934-1940 - Wilm Decré
, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter
Extending the iTaSC Constraint-based Robot Task Specification Framework to Time-Independent Trajectories and User-Configurable Task Horizons. 1941-1948 - Luis Felipe da Cruz Figueredo
, Bruno Vilhena Adorno, João Yoshiyuki Ishihara
, Geovany Araujo Borges
Robust kinematic control of manipulator robots using dual quaternion representation. 1949-1955 - Jorge Armendariz, Vicente Parra-Vega
, Rodolfo García-Rodríguez, Shinichi Hirai
, Sergio Rosales, Felipe Alberto Machorro-Fernández:
Regressor-free tracking of robots with self-tuning PD-like control. 1956-1962 - Susanne Petsch, Darius Burschka:
Analysis of manipulator structures under joint-failure with respect to efficient control in task-specific contexts. 1963-1969 - Nikolaus Vahrenkamp, Tamim Asfour
, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Robot placement based on reachability inversion. 1970-1975 - Gerardo Jarquín, Gustavo Arechavaleta, Vicente Parra-Vega
Continuous kinematic control with terminal attractors for handling task transitions of redundant robots. 1976-1981 - Stefan Klare, Angelika Peer
Inverse kinematics for shape rendering interfaces. 1982-1987 - Apoorva Kapadia, Ian D. Walker:
Self-motion analysis of extensible continuum manipulators. 1988-1994 - Hamid Abdi, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Saeid Nahavandi:
A probabilistic approach for measuring the fault tolerance of robotic manipulators. 1995-2001 - Ryan K. Williams, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Topology-constrained flocking in locally interacting mobile networks. 2002-2007 - Micael S. Couceiro
, Rui P. Rocha
, Nuno M. Fonseca Ferreira
Fault-tolerance assessment of a Darwinian swarm exploration algorithm under communication constraints. 2008-2013 - Zhe Xu, Robert Fitch
, Salah Sukkarieh
Decentralised coordination of mobile robots for target tracking with learnt utility models. 2014-2020 - Igor Cizelj, Calin Belta
Control of noisy differential-drive vehicles from time-bounded temporal logic specifications. 2021-2026 - Morteza Azad, Roy Featherstone:
Balancing and hopping motion of a planar hopper with one actuator. 2027-2032 - Stefano Carpin, Timothy H. Chung, Brian M. Sadler
Theoretical foundations of high-speed robot team deployment. 2033-2040 - Minas V. Liarokapis
, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis
, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Quantifying anthropomorphism of robot hands. 2041-2046 - Raphael Deimel, Oliver Brock:
A compliant hand based on a novel pneumatic actuator. 2047-2053 - Tatsuya Seki, Tatsuhiro Nakamura, Ryu Kato
, Soichiro Morishita, Hiroshi Yokoi:
Development of five-finger multi-DoF myoelectric hands with a power allocation mechanism. 2054-2059 - Andrés S. Vázquez, Ismael Payo
, Raúl Fernández, Jonathan Becedas, Javier J. Jimenez:
Design parameters of flexible grippers for grasping. 2060-2066 - Daniel Aukes, Mark R. Cutkosky:
Simulation-based tools for evaluating underactuated hand designs. 2067-2073 - Monica Malvezzi, Domenico Prattichizzo
Evaluation of grasp stiffness in underactuated compliant hands. 2074-2079 - Anders Glent Buch, Dirk Kraft
, Joni-Kristian Kamarainen, Henrik Gordon Petersen
, Norbert Krüger
Pose estimation using local structure-specific shape and appearance context. 2080-2087 - Andrej Karpathy, Stephen D. Miller, Li Fei-Fei:
Object discovery in 3D scenes via shape analysis. 2088-2095 - Yuyin Sun, Liefeng Bo, Dieter Fox:
Attribute based object identification. 2096-2103 - Aitor Aldoma, Federico Tombari
, Johann Prankl, Andreas Richtsfeld, Luigi Di Stefano, Markus Vincze:
Multimodal cue integration through Hypotheses Verification for RGB-D object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation. 2104-2111 - Jan Fischer, Richard Bormann, Georg Arbeiter, Alexander Verl
A feature descriptor for texture-less object representation using 2D and 3D cues from RGB-D data. 2112-2117 - Alvaro Collet, Bo Xiong, Corina Gurau, Martial Hebert, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa:
Exploiting domain knowledge for Object Discovery. 2118-2125 - Simon Schulz, Florian Lier
, Ingo Lütkebohle, Sven Wachsmuth
Robot reality - A motion capture system that makes robots become human and vice versa. 2126-2133 - Michiel Joosse, Manja Lohse, Jorge Gallego Perez, Vanessa Evers:
What you do is who you are: The role of task context in perceived social robot personality. 2134-2139 - Mithun George Jacob, Yu-Ting Li, Juan P. Wachs:
Surgical instrument handling and retrieval in the operating room with a multimodal robotic assistant. 2140-2145 - Amir Haddadi, Elizabeth A. Croft
, Brian T. Gleeson, Karon E. MacLean
, Javier Adolfo Alcazar:
Analysis of task-based gestures in human-robot interaction. 2146-2152 - Peter Trautman, Jeremy Ma, Richard M. Murray
, Andreas Krause:
Robot navigation in dense human crowds: the case for cooperation. 2153-2160 - Stephen McKeague, Jindong Liu, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Hand and body association in crowded environments for human-robot interaction. 2161-2168 - Ruta Desai, Hartmut Geyer:
Muscle-reflex control of robust swing leg placement. 2169-2174 - Anindo Roy, Hermano Igo Krebs, Joseph E. Barton, Richard M. Macko, Larry W. Forrester:
Anklebot-assisted locomotor training after stroke: A novel deficit-adjusted control approach. 2175-2182 - Haoyong Yu
, Manolo S. T. A. Cruz, Gong Chen, Sunan Huang, Chi Zhu, Effie Chew, Yee Sien Ng
, Nitish V. Thakor
Mechanical design of a portable knee-ankle-foot robot. 2183-2188 - Chengkun Zhang, Sunil Kumar Agrawal:
Design of a passive transfemoral prosthesis using differential flatness theory. 2189-2193 - Nikos Karavas, Arash Ajoudani
, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Jody Alessandro Saglia, Antonio Bicchi, Darwin G. Caldwell
Tele-Impedance based stiffness and motion augmentation for a knee exoskeleton device. 2194-2200 - Juanjuan Zhang
, Chien Chern Cheah
, Steven H. Collins:
Stable human-robot interaction control for upper-limb rehabilitation robotics. 2201-2206 - Arun Das, James Servos, Steven Lake Waslander
3D scan registration using the Normal Distributions Transform with ground segmentation and point cloud clustering. 2207-2212 - Paul Foster, Zhenghong Sun, Jong Jin Park, Benjamin Kuipers:
VisAGGE: Visible angle grid for glass environments. 2213-2220 - Sören Schwertfeger
, Andreas Birk
Evaluation of map quality by matching and scoring high-level, topological map structures. 2221-2226 - Osian Haines, José Martínez-Carranza
, Andrew Calway:
Visual mapping using learned structural priors. 2227-2232 - Jari Saarinen, Henrik Andreasson, Todor Stoyanov
, Juha Ala-Luhtala, Achim J. Lilienthal
Normal Distributions Transform Occupancy Maps: Application to large-scale online 3D mapping. 2233-2238 - John G. Rogers III, Henrik I. Christensen
Robot planning with a semantic map. 2239-2244 - Jürgen Hess, Maximilian Beinhofer, Daniel Kuhner, Philipp Ruchti, Wolfram Burgard
Poisson-driven dirt maps for efficient robot cleaning. 2245-2250 - Christian Landsiedel, Roderick de Nijs, Kolja Kühnlenz, Dirk Wollherr
, Martin Buss:
Route description interpretation on automatically labeled robot maps. 2251-2256 - Ya Tian, Jie Zhang, Jindong Tan
Adaptive-frame-rate monocular vision and IMU fusion for robust indoor positioning. 2257-2262 - Lukás Polok, Marek Solony, Viorela Ila
, Pavel Smrz
, Pavel Zemcík
Efficient implementation for block matrix operations for nonlinear least squares problems in robotic applications. 2263-2269 - Nagasrikanth Kallakuri, Jani Even, Yoichi Morales Saiki, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Norihiro Hagita:
Probabilistic approach for building auditory maps with a mobile microphone array. 2270-2275 - Evan Herbst, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox:
RGB-D flow: Dense 3-D motion estimation using color and depth. 2276-2282 - Jeffrey A. Delmerico, David Baran, Philip David, Julian Ryde, Jason J. Corso
Ascending stairway modeling from dense depth imagery for traversability analysis. 2283-2290 - Sergio A. Mota Gutierrez, Jean-Bernard Hayet
, Salvador Ruiz-Correa
, Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltrán
, Carlos E. Zubieta-Rico:
Learning depth from appearance for fast one-shot 3-D map initialization in VSLAM systems. 2291-2296 - Hanzhang Hu, Daniel Munoz, J. Andrew Bagnell, Martial Hebert:
Efficient 3-D scene analysis from streaming data. 2297-2304 - Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti, Jizhong Xiao:
Fast visual odometry and mapping from RGB-D data. 2305-2310 - Stephen Vidas
, Peyman Moghadam
, Michael Bosse:
3D thermal mapping of building interiors using an RGB-D and thermal camera. 2311-2318 - Shuji Oishi
, Ryo Kurazume
, Yumi Iwashita, Tsutomu Hasegawa:
Colorization of 3D geometric model utilizing laser reflectivity. 2319-2326 - Matthias Nieuwenhuisen
, David Droeschel, Dirk Holz, Jörg Stückler, Alexander Berner, Jun Li, Reinhard Klein, Sven Behnke
Mobile bin picking with an anthropomorphic service robot. 2327-2334 - Victor Manuel Hernandez Bennetts, Achim J. Lilienthal
, Ali Abdul Khaliq, Victor Pomareda Sese, Marco Trincavelli:
Towards real-world gas distribution mapping and leak localization using a mobile robot with 3d and remote gas sensing capabilities. 2335-2340 - Samuel B. Schorr, Zhan Fan Quek, Robert Y. Romano, Ilana Nisky
, William R. Provancher, Allison M. Okamura
Sensory substitution via cutaneous skin stretch feedback. 2341-2346 - I. Gertler
, Y. Shapiro, Alon Wolf
A haptic surface scanning and machining parallel manipulator for registration-free bone resurfacing during arthroplasty. 2347-2352 - Fredrik Ryden, Howard Jay Chizeck:
A method for constraint-based six degree-of-freedom haptic interaction with streaming point clouds. 2353-2359 - Luca Muscari, Lucia Seminara, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
, Maurizio Valle
, Marco Capurro, Giorgio Cannata
Real-time reconstruction of contact shapes for large area robot skin. 2360-2366 - Garth Zeglin, Alberto Rodriguez, Matthew T. Mason
A simple and compliant force sensing palm for the MLab Simple Hand. 2367-2373 - Dangxiao Wang
, Cailing Yang, Yuru Zhang, Jing Xiao, Yongpan Dong, Tiange Wang:
A novel design of a wearable device for measuring force and torque in vascular surgery. 2374-2379 - Hanns Tappeiner, Roberta L. Klatzky, Patrick Rowe, Jorgen Pedersen, Ralph L. Hollis:
Bimanual haptic teleoperation for discovering and uncovering buried objects. 2380-2385 - Carlos Rossa
, José Lozada, Alain Micaelli:
Stable haptic interaction using passive and active actuators. 2386-2392 - Sammy Omari, Minh-Duc Hua, Guillaume Jacques Joseph Ducard, Tarek Hamel
Bilateral haptic teleoperation of VTOL UAVs. 2393-2399 - Avik De
, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Toward dynamical sensor management for reactive wall-following. 2400-2406 - Jory Denny, Kensen Shi, Nancy M. Amato:
Lazy Toggle PRM: A single-query approach to motion planning. 2407-2414 - Xiaodong Lan, Mac Schwager:
Planning periodic persistent monitoring trajectories for sensing robots in Gaussian Random Fields. 2415-2420 - Oktay Arslan, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
Use of relaxation methods in sampling-based algorithms for optimal motion planning. 2421-2428 - Gustavo Goretkin, Alejandro Perez, Robert Platt Jr., George Dimitri Konidaris:
Optimal sampling-based planning for linear-quadratic kinodynamic systems. 2429-2436 - Bryant Gipson, Mark Moll
, Lydia E. Kavraki
Resolution Independent Density Estimation for motion planning in high-dimensional spaces. 2437-2443 - Mike Phillips, Andrew Dornbush, Sachin Chitta, Maxim Likhachev:
Anytime incremental planning with E-Graphs. 2444-2451 - Mihail Pivtoraiko, Daniel Mellinger, Vijay Kumar:
Incremental micro-UAV motion replanning for exploring unknown environments. 2452-2458 - Yajia Zhang, Kris K. Hauser, Jingru Luo:
Unbiased, scalable sampling of closed kinematic chains. 2459-2464 - Vojtech Vonásek
, Martin Saska, Karel Kosnar
, Libor Preucil:
Global motion planning for modular robots with local motion primitives. 2465-2470 - Lionel Hertig, Dominik Schindler
, Michael Blösch, C. David Remy
, Roland Siegwart
Unified state estimation for a ballbot. 2471-2476 - Riccardo Incaini, Leonardo Sestini, Manolo Garabini
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Giorgio Grioli
, Antonio Bicchi:
Optimal control and design guidelines for soft jumping robots: Series elastic actuation and parallel elastic actuation in comparison. 2477-2484 - Werner Kraus
, Valentin Schmidt, Puneeth Rajendra, Andreas Pott
Load identification and compensation for a Cable-Driven parallel robot. 2485-2490 - Khalil Ibrahim
, Ahmed A. Ramadan, Mohamed Fanni, Yo Kobayashi
, Ahmed A. Abo-Ismail, Masakatsu G. Fujie:
Screw theory based-design and tracking control of an endoscopic parallel manipulator for laparoscopic surgery. 2491-2496 - Akihiko Murai
, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Biomechanical modeling of abdominal muscle system considering tendinous intersection and abdominal cavity's compressibility. 2497-2502 - Mingyen Ho, Jaydev P. Desai:
Modeling, characterization and control of antagonistic SMA springs for use in a neurosurgical robot. 2503-2508 - Inna Mikhailova:
Energy-based state-feedback control of systems with mechanical or virtual springs. 2509-2514 - Pratap Tokekar, Volkan Isler:
Sensor placement and selection for bearing sensors with bounded uncertainty. 2515-2520 - Halûk Bayram, H. Isil Bozma:
Multirobot communication network topology via centralized pairwise games. 2521-2526 - Jared Goerner, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Katia P. Sycara:
Energy efficient data collection with mobile robots in heterogeneous sensor networks. 2527-2533 - Daniel E. Lucani
, P. B. Sujit, João B. Sousa
Spare the mule, help your neighbors: Robot route planning for data retrieval on large scale sensor networks. 2534-2541 - Michael Blösch, Marco Hutter, Christian Gehring
, Mark A. Höpflinger, Roland Siegwart
Kinematic batch calibration for legged robots. 2542-2547 - David Zarrouk
, Ronald S. Fearing
Cost of locomotion of a dynamic hexapedal robot. 2548-2553 - Victor Barasuol
, Jonas Buchli, Claudio Semini
, Marco Frigerio, Edson R. de Pieri
, Darwin G. Caldwell
A reactive controller framework for quadrupedal locomotion on challenging terrain. 2554-2561 - Konstantinos Karydis, Ioannis Poulakakis, Herbert G. Tanner:
Probabilistic validation of a stochastic kinematic model for an eight-legged robot. 2562-2567 - Aaron M. Johnson
, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Toward a vocabulary of legged leaping. 2568-2575 - Eric D. Diller
, Joshua Giltinan
, Prakjit Jena, Metin Sitti
Three dimensional independent control of multiple magnetic microrobots. 2576-2581 - Nobuyuki Tanaka, Hiroki Ota
, Kazuhiro Fukumori, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano
Stamp-stiffness calibrated micro contact printing. 2582-2587 - Eric D. Diller
, Naicheng Zhang, Metin Sitti
Bonding methods for modular micro-robotic assemblies. 2588-2593 - Shota Fukada, Kazuhisa Onda, Hisataka Maruyama, Taisuke Masuda, Fumihito Arai:
3D fabrication and manipulation of hybrid nanorobots by laser. 2594-2599 - Andrew P. Sabelhaus
, Daniel Mirsky, L. Maxwell Hill, Nuno C. Martins, Sarah Bergbreiter:
TinyTeRP: A Tiny Terrestrial Robotic Platform with modular sensing. 2600-2605 - Hiromichi Suetani, Jun Morimoto:
Canonical correlation analysis for muscle synergies organized by sensory-motor interactions in musculoskeletal arm movements. 2606-2611 - Peter Pastor, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Jonathan Binney, Jonathan Kelly, Ludovic Righetti
, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Stefan Schaal:
Learning task error models for manipulation. 2612-2618 - Christopher F. Lehnert
, Gordon F. Wyeth
Locally Weighted Learning Model Predictive Control for nonlinear and time varying dynamics. 2619-2625 - Christian Daniel, Gerhard Neumann
, Oliver Kroemer, Jan Peters
Learning sequential motor tasks. 2626-2632 - Jen Jen Chung
, Nicholas R. J. Lawrance, Salah Sukkarieh
Gaussian processes for informative exploration in reinforcement learning. 2633-2639 - Skyler A. Dalley, Daniel A. Bennett, Michael Goldfarb:
Functional assessment of a Multigrasp Myoelectric prosthesis: An amputee case study. 2640-2644 - Joshua M. Caputo, Steven H. Collins:
An experimental robotic testbed for accelerated development of ankle prostheses. 2645-2650 - Hyunglae Lee, Neville Hogan:
Investigation of human ankle mechanical impedance during locomotion using a wearable ankle robot. 2651-2656 - Tomoyuki Noda
, Jun-ichiro Furukawa, Tatsuya Teramae, Sang-Ho Hyon, Jun Morimoto:
An electromyogram based force control coordinated in assistive interaction. 2657-2662 - Takao Watanabe, Tatsuya Tono, Yasutaka Nakashima, Kazuya Kawamura, Jim Inoue, Yoshifumi Kijima, Yuki Toyonaga, Tadahiko Yuji, Yuji Higashi, Toshiro Fujimoto, Masakatsu G. Fujie:
Analysis of interaction between therapist and hemiplegic patient for control of lateral pelvic motion during robotic gait training. 2663-2668 - Khalil Mustafa Ahmad Yousef
, Johnny Park, Avinash C. Kak:
An approach-path independent framework for place recognition and mobile robot localization in interior hallways. 2669-2676 - Michael Bosse, Robert Zlot:
Place recognition using keypoint voting in large 3D lidar datasets. 2677-2684 - Quanshi Zhang, Xuan Song
, Xiaowei Shao, Huijing Zhao, Ryosuke Shibasaki:
Unsupervised 3D category discovery and point labeling from a large urban environment. 2685-2692 - Gian Diego Tipaldi, Luciano Spinello, Wolfram Burgard
Geometrical FLIRT phrases for large scale place recognition in 2D range data. 2693-2698 - Arnold Kalmbach, Yogesh A. Girdhar
, Gregory Dudek:
Unsupervised environment recognition and modeling using sound sensing. 2699-2704 - Hong Liu, Zhuo Fu, Xiaofei Li:
A two-layer probabilistic model based on time-delay compensation for binaural sound localization. 2705-2712 - Peter Anderson
, Youssef Hunter, Bernhard Hengst:
An ICP inspired inverse sensor model with unknown data association. 2713-2718 - Eduardo Fernández-Moral, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas, Vicente Arévalo
, Javier González Jiménez:
Fast place recognition with plane-based maps. 2719-2724 - Rosario Aragues
, Carlos Sagüés, Youcef Mezouar
Feature-based map merging with dynamic consensus on information increments. 2725-2730 - Edward Johns
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Dynamic scene models for incremental, long-term, appearance-based localisation. 2731-2736 - Raymond R. Ma, Lael Odhner, Aaron M. Dollar
A modular, open-source 3D printed underactuated hand. 2737-2743 - Vinicio Tincani, Giorgio Grioli
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Manolo Garabini
, Simone Grechi, Gualtiero Fantoni
, Antonio Bicchi:
Implementation and control of the Velvet Fingers: A dexterous gripper with active surfaces. 2744-2750 - Matei T. Ciocarlie, Fernando Mier Hicks, Scott Stanford:
Kinetic and dimensional optimization for a tendon-driven gripper. 2751-2758 - Young June Shin, Keun-Ho Rew, Kyung-Soo Kim, Soohyun Kim:
Development of anthropomorphic robot hand with dual-mode twisting actuation and electromagnetic joint locking mechanism. 2759-2764 - Gianluca Palli
, Salvatore Pirozzi
An optical joint position sensor for anthropomorphic robot hands. 2765-2770 - Hiroyuki Yabugaki, Kenichi Ohara, Masaru Kojima, Yasushi Mae, Tamio Tanikawa, Tatsuo Arai:
Automated stable grasping with two-fingered microhand using micro force sensor. 2771-2776 - Masaru Takeuchi
, Masahiro Nakajima, Hirotaka Tajima, Toshio Fukuda:
Fabrication of thermoresponsive gel blocks using hysteresis towards cell assembly. 2777-2782 - Hiroki Kuriki, Yoko Yamanishi, Shinya Sakuma, Satoshi Akagi, Fumihito Arai:
Dispensing of mono-dispersed micro-bubbles for cell ablation. 2783-2788 - Sagar Chowdhury, Atul Thakur
, Chenlu Wang, Petr Svec, Wolfgang Losert, Satyandra K. Gupta:
Automated indirect manipulation of irregular shaped cells with Optical Tweezers for studying collective cell migration. 2789-2794 - Xiaolin Wang, Shuxun Chen, Chi-wing Kong, Ronald A. Li, Dong Sun
Automated laser-induced cell fusion based on microwell array. 2795-2800 - Haoyao Chen, Can Wang
, Dong Sun
Dynamics calibration of optically trapped cells with adaptive control technology. 2801-2806 - Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai
, Makoto Kaneko, Shinya Sakuma, Fumihito Arai:
Observability of cell stiffness in micro-channel method. 2807-2813 - Lawson L. S. Wong, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Manipulation-based active search for occluded objects. 2814-2819 - Hugh Cover, Sanjiban Choudhury, Sebastian A. Scherer
, Sanjiv Singh
Sparse Tangential Network (SPARTAN): Motion planning for micro aerial vehicles. 2820-2825 - Ming Xin, Mark A. Minor
Variable structure backstepping control via a hierarchical manifold set for graceful ground vehicle path following. 2826-2832 - Javier Alonso-Mora
, Martin Rufli, Roland Siegwart
, Paul A. Beardsley:
Collision avoidance for multiple agents with joint utility maximization. 2833-2838 - Liang He, Jur van den Berg:
Meso-scale planning for multi-agent navigation. 2839-2844 - Lachlan McCalman, Simon Timothy O'Callaghan, Fabio Ramos:
Multi-modal estimation with kernel embeddings for learning motion models. 2845-2852 - Haoyu Bai, David Hsu, Wee Sun Lee:
Planning how to learn. 2853-2859 - Andrea Censi
, Adam Nilsson, Richard M. Murray
Motion planning in observations space with learned diffeomorphism models. 2860-2867 - Andreas Orthey
, Marc Toussaint, Nikolay Jetchev:
Optimizing motion primitives to make symbolic models more predictive. 2868-2873 - Shokoofeh Pourmehr, Valiallah Monajjemi, Jens Wawerla, Richard T. Vaughan, Greg Mori:
A robust integrated system for selecting and commanding multiple mobile robots. 2874-2879 - Yunsu Bok, Dong-Geol Choi, In-So Kweon:
Generalized laser three-point algorithm for motion estimation of camera-laser fusion system. 2880-2887 - Jonas Nilsson, Jonas Fredriksson, Anders C. E. Ödblom:
Bundle adjustment using single-track vehicle model. 2888-2893 - Jwu-Sheng Hu, Chin-Yuan Tseng, Ming-yuan Chen, Kuan-Chun Sun:
IMU-assisted monocular visual odometry including the human walking model for wearable applications. 2894-2899 - Philipp Köhler, Christian Pascal Connette, Alexander Verl
Vehicle tracking using ultrasonic sensors & joined particle weighting. 2900-2905 - Michael Milford
, Adam Jacobson
Brain-inspired sensor fusion for navigating robots. 2906-2913 - Maxime Gautier, Sébastien Briot:
Dynamic parameter identification of a 6 DOF industrial robot using power model. 2914-2920 - Stéphane Caro
, Claire Dumas-Lecerf, Sébastien Garnier, Benoît Furet:
Workpiece placement optimization for machining operations with a KUKA KR270-2 robot. 2921-2926 - Friedrich Lange, Wieland Bertleff, Michael Suppa:
Force and trajectory control of industrial robots in stiff contact. 2927-2934 - Chao X. Guo, Stergios I. Roumeliotis:
IMU-RGBD camera 3D pose estimation and extrinsic calibration: Observability analysis and consistency improvement. 2935-2942 - Chao X. Guo, Stergios I. Roumeliotis:
An analytical least-squares solution to the line scan LIDAR-camera extrinsic calibration problem. 2943-2948 - Maxime Gautier, Anthony Jubien, Alexandre Janot
, Pierre-Philippe Robet:
Dynamic Identification of flexible joint manipulators with an efficient closed loop output error method based on motor torque output data. 2949-2955 - Alexandre Janot
, Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon, Maxime Gautier:
A Durbin-Wu-Hausman test for industrial robots identification. 2956-2961 - Stephen C. Martin, Louis L. Whitcomb
Preliminary experiments in comparative experimental identification of six degree-of-freedom coupled dynamic plant models for underwater robot vehicles. 2962-2969 - Jack Umenberger
, Ali Haydar Göktogan:
System identification and control of a small-scale paramotor. 2970-2976 - Alexander Kleiner, Andreas Kolling:
Guaranteed search with large teams of unmanned aerial vehicles. 2977-2983 - Hamido Hourani, Eckart Hauck, Sabina Jeschke:
Serendipity rendezvous as a mitigation of exploration's interruptibility for a team of robots. 2984-2991 - Yu Zhang, Lynne E. Parker
Multi-robot task scheduling. 2992-2998 - Cynthia R. Sung, Nora Ayanian, Daniela Rus:
Improving the performance of multi-robot systems by task switching. 2999-3006 - Lingzhi Luo, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Katia P. Sycara:
Distributed algorithm design for multi-robot task assignment with deadlines for tasks. 3007-3013 - Juan Camilo Gamboa Higuera, Gregory Dudek:
Fair subdivision of multi-robot tasks. 3014-3019 - Nathan F. Lepora
, Uriel Martinez-Hernandez
, Tony J. Prescott
Active touch for robust perception under position uncertainty. 3020-3025 - Thomas Grieve, John M. Hollerbach, Stephen A. Mascaro:
Fingernail image registration using Active Appearance Models. 3026-3033 - Hongwei Zhang, Saleh Ahmad
, Guangjun Liu:
Torque estimation technique of robotic joint with harmonic drive transmission. 3034-3039 - Yasemin Bekiroglu
, Dan Song, Lu Wang, Danica Kragic:
A probabilistic framework for task-oriented grasp stability assessment. 3040-3047 - Vivian Chu, Ian McMahon, Lorenzo Riano, Craig G. McDonald, Qin He, Jorge Martinez Perez-Tejada, Michael Arrigo, Naomi T. Fitter, John C. Nappo, Trevor Darrell, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker
Using robotic exploratory procedures to learn the meaning of haptic adjectives. 3048-3055 - Danfei Xu, Gerald E. Loeb
, Jeremy A. Fishel:
Tactile identification of objects using Bayesian exploration. 3056-3061 - Ambrose Chan, Elizabeth A. Croft
, James J. Little:
Modeling nonconvex workspace constraints from diverse demonstration sets for Constrained Manipulator Visual Servoing. 3062-3068 - Andrea Cherubini, Boris Grechanichenko, Fabien Spindler
, François Chaumette
Avoiding moving obstacles during visual navigation. 3069-3074 - Sina Radmard, David Meger
, Elizabeth A. Croft
, James J. Little:
Overcoming unknown occlusions in eye-in-hand visual search. 3075-3082 - J. Ernesto Solanes
, Leopoldo Armesto
, Josep Tornero, Vicent Girbés
Improving image-based visual servoing with reference features filtering. 3083-3088 - Akbar Assa, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi
Closed-loop uncertainty modeling for visual servoing. 3089-3094 - Deon George Sabatta, Roland Siegwart
Vision-based path following using the 1D trifocal tensor. 3095-3102 - Patrick M. Wensing
, David E. Orin:
Generation of dynamic humanoid behaviors through task-space control with conic optimization. 3103-3109 - Carlos Santacruz, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Reactive stepping strategies for bipedal walking based on neutral point and boundary condition optimization. 3110-3115 - Hongkai Dai, Russ Tedrake:
L2-gain optimization for robust bipedal walking on unknown terrain. 3116-3123 - Weiwei Huang, Junggon Kim, Christopher G. Atkeson:
Energy-based optimal step planning for humanoids. 3124-3129 - Miguel Oliveira, Vítor Matos, Cristina P. Santos
, Lino A. Costa
Multi-objective parameter CPG optimization for gait generation of a biped robot. 3130-3135 - Antonio El Khoury, Florent Lamiraux, Michel Taïx:
Optimal motion planning for humanoid robots. 3136-3141 - Iftikhar Ahmad, Abdelaziz Benallegue, AbdelHafid El Hadri
Sliding mode based attitude estimation for accelerated aerial vehicles using GPS/IMU measurements. 3142-3147 - Dinuka M. W. Abeywardena, Zhan Wang, Sarath Kodagoda
, Gamini Dissanayake
Visual-inertial fusion for quadrotor Micro Air Vehicles with improved scale observability. 3148-3153 - Lukasz Zwirello, Xuyang Li, Thomas Zwick
, Christian Ascher, Sebastian Werling, Gert F. Trommer:
Sensor data fusion in UWB-supported inertial navigation systems for indoor navigation. 3154-3159 - William Vega-Brown, Abraham Bachrach, Adam Bry, Jonathan Kelly, Nicholas Roy:
CELLO: A fast algorithm for Covariance Estimation. 3160-3167 - Guoquan P. Huang
, Stergios I. Roumeliotis:
Analytically-guided-sampling particle filter applied to range-only target tracking. 3168-3175 - Kevin Wyffels, Mark E. Campbell
Modeling and fusing negative information for dynamic extended multi-object tracking. 3176-3182 - Rehman S. Merali, Timothy D. Barfoot:
Occupancy grid mapping with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Gibbs sampling. 3183-3189 - Angela Faragasso
, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Antonio Paolillo
, Marilena Vendittelli
Vision-based corridor navigation for humanoid robots. 3190-3195 - Ayoung Kim, Ryan M. Eustice:
Perception-driven navigation: Active visual SLAM for robotic area coverage. 3196-3203 - Nuno Silva, Luca Baglivo, Alberto Vale
, Mariolino De Cecco
Four path following controllers for rhombic like vehicles. 3204-3211 - Edward Johns
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Feature Co-occurrence Maps: Appearance-based localisation throughout the day. 3212-3218 - Pierre Avanzini, Eric Royer, Benoît Thuilot, Jean-Pierre Dérutin:
Using monocular visual SLAM to manually convoy a fleet of automatic urban vehicles. 3219-3224 - Rainer Kümmerle, Michael Ruhnke, Bastian Steder, Cyrill Stachniss
, Wolfram Burgard
A navigation system for robots operating in crowded urban environments. 3225-3232 - Lawrence H. Erickson, Steven M. LaValle:
Toward the design and analysis of blind, bouncing robots. 3233-3238 - Hyunhwan Jeong, Joono Cheong
In-hand rolling motion planning using independent contact region (ICR) with guaranteed grasp quality margin. 3239-3244 - Dirk Buchholz, Marcus Futterlieb, Simon Winkelbach, Friedrich M. Wahl:
Efficient bin-picking and grasp planning based on depth data. 3245-3250 - Mitsuru Higashimori, Tomoyuki Inahara, Makoto Kaneko:
Dynamic nonprehensile shaping of a deformable object by using its gait-like behaviors. 3251-3256 - Matanya B. Horowitz, Joel W. Burdick:
Interactive non-prehensile manipulation for grasping via POMDPs. 3257-3264 - Yi Li, Jean-Philippe Saut, Julien Pettré, Anis Sahbani
, Philippe Bidaud, Franck Multon
Fast grasp planning by using cord geometry to find grasping points. 3265-3270 - Sha Ye, Kenji Suzuki, Yosuke Suzuki, Masatoshi Ishikawa
, Makoto Shimojo:
Robust robotic grasping using IR Net-Structure Proximity Sensor to handle objects with unknown position and attitude. 3271-3278 - Duncan W. Haldane, Kevin C. Peterson, Fernando Garcia Bermudez, Ronald S. Fearing
Animal-inspired design and aerodynamic stabilization of a hexapedal millirobot. 3279-3286 - Christian Gehring
, Stelian Coros
, Marco Hutter, Michael Blösch, Mark A. Hoepflinger, Roland Siegwart
Control of dynamic gaits for a quadrupedal robot. 3287-3292 - Mark A. Hoepflinger, Marco Hutter, Christian Gehring
, Michael Blösch, Roland Siegwart
Unsupervised identification and prediction of foothold robustness. 3293-3298 - Nicholas J. Kohut, Andrew O. Pullin, Duncan W. Haldane, David Zarrouk
, Ronald S. Fearing
Precise dynamic turning of a 10 cm legged robot on a low friction surface using a tail. 3299-3306 - Sangok Seok, Albert Wang, Meng Yee Chuah, David Otten, Jeffrey H. Lang, Sangbae Kim:
Design principles for highly efficient quadrupeds and implementation on the MIT Cheetah robot. 3307-3312 - Barkan Ugurlu
, Kana Kotaka, Tatsuo Narikiyo:
Actively-compliant locomotion control on rough terrain: Cyclic jumping and trotting experiments on a stiff-by-nature quadruped. 3313-3320 - Mostafa Ajallooeian, Soha Pouya, Alexander Sproewitz
, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Central Pattern Generators augmented with virtual model control for quadruped rough terrain locomotion. 3321-3328 - Mahdi Khoramshahi, Alexander Spröwitz
, Alexandre Tuleu, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Benefits of an active spine supported bounding locomotion with a small compliant quadruped robot. 3329-3334 - Bruce D. Miller, Jonathan E. Clark, Asa Darnell:
Running in the horizontal plane with a multi-modal dynamical robot. 3335-3341 - David Zarrouk
, Moshe Shoham:
Energy requirements of inchworm crawling on a flexible surface and comparison to earthworm crawling. 3342-3347 - Benny Gamus, Yizhar Or
Analysis of dynamic bipedal robot walking with stick-slip transitions. 3348-3355 - Magdo Bortole, Antonio J. del Ama
, Eduardo Rocon de Lima
, Juan C. Moreno
, Fernando J. Brunetti
, José Luis Pons:
A robotic exoskeleton for overground gait rehabilitation. 3356-3361 - Michael F. Wehner, Brendan Quinlivan, Patrick M. Aubin, Ernesto Martinez-Villalpando, Michael Baumann, Leia Stirling
, Kenneth G. Holt, Robert J. Wood, Conor J. Walsh:
A lightweight soft exosuit for gait assistance. 3362-3369 - Mohammad Esmaeili, Wayne Dailey, Etienne Burdet
, Domenico Campolo
Ergonomic design of a wrist exoskeleton and its effects on natural motor strategies during redundant tasks. 3370-3375 - Kebin Yuan, Shiqi Sun
, Zikang Wang, Qining Wang
, Long Wang
A fuzzy logic based terrain identification approach to prosthesis control using multi-sensor fusion. 3376-3381 - Jinglin Shen, Jingfu Jin, Nicholas R. Gans
A Multi-view camera-projector system for object detection and robot-human feedback. 3382-3388 - Timo Nachstedt, Florentin Wörgötter, Poramate Manoonpong
, Ryo Ariizumi
, Yuichi Ambe
, Fumitoshi Matsuno
Adaptive neural oscillators with synaptic plasticity for locomotion control of a snake-like robot with screw-drive mechanism. 3389-3395 - Christian I. Penaloza, Yasushi Mae, Kenichi Ohara, Tatsuo Arai:
BMI-based learning system for appliance control automation. 3396-3402 - Andrea Finke
, Nils Hachmeister, Hannes Riechmann, Helge J. Ritter:
Thought-controlled robots - Systems, studies and future challenges. 3403-3408 - Daniel Souto, Andrés Faiña
, Fernando López-Peña
, Richard J. Duro
Lappa: A new type of robot for underwater non-magnetic and complex hull cleaning. 3409-3414 - Anirban Mazumdar, Aaron Fittery, Wyatt Ubellacker, H. Harry Asada:
A ball-shaped underwater robot for direct inspection of nuclear reactors and other water-filled infrastructure. 3415-3422 - Byrel Mitchell, Eric Wilkening, Nina Mahmoudian:
Developing an underwater glider for educational purposes. 3423-3428 - Huayan Pu, Yi Sun
, Yang Yang, Shugen Ma, Zhenbang Gong:
Modeling of the oscillating-paddling gait for an ePaddle locomotion mechanism. 3429-3435 - Ryan N. Smith, Jonathan Kelly, Kimia Nazarzadeh
, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
An investigation on the accuracy of Regional Ocean Models through field trials. 3436-3442 - Takayuki Matsuno, Jian Huang
, Toshio Fukuda:
Fault detection algorithm for external thread fastening by robotic manipulator using linear support vector machine classifier. 3443-3450 - Kento Nishibori, Kenji Nishibori:
Automation of tying task on tie-dyeing of traditional craft by robots. 3451-3456 - Ali Sadeghi
, Alice Tonazzini, Liyana Popova, Barbara Mazzolai
Robotic mechanism for soil penetration inspired by plant root. 3457-3462 - David R. Thompson, Nathalie Cabrol, P. Michael Furlong, Craig Hardgrove, Kian Hsiang Low, Jeffrey Moersch, David Wettergreen
Adaptive sensing of time series with application to remote exploration. 3463-3468 - Iosif S. Paraskevas
, Evangelos G. Papadopoulos:
On the use of the center of percussion for space manipulators during impacts. 3469-3474 - Ken Ho, Thierry Peynot, Salah Sukkarieh
Traversability estimation for a planetary rover via experimental kernel learning in a Gaussian process framework. 3475-3482 - Tetsuya Kinugasa, Koji Yoshida, Takafumi Haji, Hisanori Amano, Ryota Hayashi, Masatsugu Iribe, Kenichi Tokuda:
Steerability of articulated multi-tracked vehicles by flexed posture moving on slippery surface. 3483-3488 - Nikola Trcka, Amit Surana:
Planning with process algebraic constraints: Application to multi-vehicle routing problem. 3489-3496 - Neil Mathew, Stephen L. Smith
, Steven Lake Waslander
A graph-based approach to multi-robot rendezvous for recharging in persistent tasks. 3497-3502 - Balajee Kannan, Victor Marmol, Jaime Bourne, M. Bernardine Dias:
The Autonomous Recharging Problem: Formulation and a market-based solution. 3503-3510 - Gianluca Antonelli
, Filippo Arrichiello
, Fabrizio Caccavale
, Alessandro Marino
Decentralized centroid and formation control for multi-robot systems. 3511-3516 - Eric Raboin, Petr Svec, Dana S. Nau, Satyandra K. Gupta:
Model-predictive target defense by team of unmanned surface vehicles operating in uncertain environments. 3517-3522 - Giuseppe De Maria, Ciro Natale, Salvatore Pirozzi
Slipping control through tactile sensing feedback. 3523-3528 - Peter Roberts, Dana D. Damian, Wanliang Shan, Tong Lu, Carmel Majidi
Soft-matter capacitive sensor for measuring shear and pressure deformation. 3529-3534 - Adria Colome
, Diego Pardo, Guillem Alenyà
, Carme Torras
External force estimation during compliant robot manipulation. 3535-3540 - Manuel Aiple
, Andre Schiele:
Pushing the limits of the CyberGrasp™ for haptic rendering. 3541-3546 - Jarmo Ilonen, Jeannette Bohg
, Ville Kyrki
Fusing visual and tactile sensing for 3-D object reconstruction while grasping. 3547-3554 - Qinghua Zhu, Naiqi Wu, Yan Qiao, MengChu Zhou:
Scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools to achieve the minimum cycle time. 3555-3560 - Yu-Hsuan Shih, Yi-Ting Huang, Fan-Tien Cheng
Preliminary study of advanced fault detection scheme. 3561-3566 - Adar Kalir:
Optimal allocation of testers to products with a queue time restriction in sort testing. 3567-3572 - Hesuan Hu, MengChu Zhou, ZhiWu Li:
A novel method to simplify supervisor for AMS based on Petri nets and inequality analysis. 3573-3579 - Maria Pia Fanti
, Giuliana Rotunno, Gabriella Stecco
, Walter Ukovich:
Production scheduling in a Steelmaking and Continuous Casting plant: A case study. 3580-3585 - René Wagner, Udo Frese
, Berthold Bäuml
3D modeling, distance and gradient computation for motion planning: A direct GPGPU approach. 3586-3592 - Jia Pan, Ioan Alexandru Sucan, Sachin Chitta, Dinesh Manocha:
Real-time collision detection and distance computation on point cloud sensor data. 3593-3599 - Pramod Abichandani, Hande Y. Benson
, Moshe Kam:
Robust communication connectivity for multi-robot path coordination using Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming: Formulation and feasibility analysis. 3600-3605 - Max Katsev, Jingjin Yu, Steven M. LaValle:
Efficient formation path planning on large graphs. 3606-3611 - Jingjin Yu, Steven M. LaValle:
Planning optimal paths for multiple robots on graphs. 3612-3617 - Kohei Mima, Makoto Honda, Takanori Miyoshi, Takashi Imamura, Masayuki Okabe, Faisal M. Yazadi, Kazuhiko Terashima:
Telemanipulation with a humanoid robot hand/arm between USA and Japan. 3618-3624 - Maxim Kristalny, Jang Ho Cho
On the stabilization of cooperative bilateral teleoperation systems with time delays. 3625-3630 - Jonathan Bohren, Chavdar Papazov, Darius Burschka, Kai Krieger, Sven Parusel, Sami Haddadin
, William L. Shepherdson, Gregory D. Hager, Louis L. Whitcomb
A pilot study in vision-based augmented telemanipulation for remote assembly over high-latency networks. 3631-3638 - Mahya Shahbazi, Seyed Farokh Atashzar
, Rajni V. Patel
A dual-user teleoperated system with Virtual Fixtures for robotic surgical training. 3639-3644 - Cristian Secchi
, Antonio Franchi
, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
, Paolo Robuffo Giordano:
Bilateral control of the degree of connectivity in multiple mobile-robot teleoperation. 3645-3652 - Henry Carrillo
, Oliver Birbach, Holger Täubig, Berthold Bäuml
, Udo Frese
, José A. Castellanos:
On task-oriented criteria for configurations selection in robot calibration. 3653-3659 - Ning Tan, Cédric Clévy
, Nicolas Chaillet:
Calibration of single-axis nanopositioning cell subjected to thermal disturbance. 3660-3665 - Liang Zhang, Weihai Chen, Jingmeng Liu, Xingming Wu:
Geometric parameter identification for spherical actuator calibration based on torque formula. 3666-3671 - Hang Dong, Sean Anderson, Timothy D. Barfoot:
Two-axis scanning lidar geometric calibration using intensity imagery and distortion mapping. 3672-3678 - Ashley Napier, Peter Corke
, Paul Newman:
Cross-calibration of push-broom 2D LIDARs and cameras in natural scenes. 3679-3684 - Peyman Moghadam
, Michael Bosse, Robert Zlot:
Line-based extrinsic calibration of range and image sensors. 3685-3691 - Michael Warren, David McKinnon, Ben Upcroft:
Online calibration of stereo rigs for long-term autonomy. 3692-3698 - Juan Carlos Arevalo, Xavier Carrillo, Manuel Cestari
, Daniel Sanz-Merodio
, Elena Garcia
System identification applied to contact modeling: An experimental investigation. 3699-3706 - Alexandr Klimchik
, Yier Wu, Claire Dumas-Lecerf, Stéphane Caro
, Benoît Furet, Anatoly Pashkevich:
Identification of geometrical and elastostatic parameters of heavy industrial robots. 3707-3714 - Anne Holladay, Jennifer L. Barry, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Object placement as inverse motion planning. 3715-3721 - Phongtharin Vinayavekhin, Shunsuke Kudoh, Jun Takamatsu, Yoshihiro Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Representation and mapping of dexterous manipulation through task primitives. 3722-3729 - Satoshi Makita
, Yusuke Maeda
Joint torque optimization for quasi-static graspless manipulation. 3730-3735 - Feng Guo, Huan Lin, Yan-Bin Jia
Squeeze grasping of deformable planar objects with segment contacts and stick/slip transitions. 3736-3741 - Kensuke Harada
, Kazuyuki Nagata, Tokuo Tsuji, Natsuki Yamanobe, Akira Nakamura, Yoshihiro Kawai:
Probabilistic approach for object bin picking approximated by cylinders. 3742-3747 - Christian Kerl, Jürgen Sturm, Daniel Cremers
Robust odometry estimation for RGB-D cameras. 3748-3754 - Michael Milford
, Ian W. Turner
, Peter Corke
Long exposure localization in darkness using consumer cameras. 3755-3761 - Colin McManus, Winston Churchill, Ashley Napier, Ben Davis, Paul Newman:
Distraction suppression for vision-based pose estimation at city scales. 3762-3769 - Laurent Kneip
, Paul Timothy Furgale, Roland Siegwart
Using multi-camera systems in robotics: Efficient solutions to the NPnP problem. 3770-3776 - Paul Ozog, Ryan M. Eustice:
On the importance of modeling camera calibration uncertainty in visual SLAM. 3777-3784 - Seo-Yeon Hwang, Jae-Bok Song:
Monocular vision-based global localization using position and orientation of ceiling features. 3785-3790 - Ananth Ranganathan, Shohei Matsumoto, David Ilstrup:
Towards illumination invariance for visual localization. 3791-3798 - Jin Han Lee, Guoxuan Zhang, Jongwoo Lim, Il Hong Suh:
Place recognition using straight lines for vision-based SLAM. 3799-3806 - Massimo Cefalo, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Marilena Vendittelli
Planning safe cyclic motions under repetitive task constraints. 3807-3812 - Edmond S. L. Ho
, Hubert P. H. Shum
Motion adaptation for humanoid robots in constrained environments. 3813-3818 - Heeseung Hong, D. Kim, Jong-Won Kim, JooHyung Oh, Hwa Soo Kim
A locomotive strategy for a stair-climbing mobile platform based on a new contact angle estimation. 3819-3824 - Joseph L. Nguyen, Nicholas R. J. Lawrance
, Robert Fitch
, Salah Sukkarieh
Energy-constrained motion planning for information gathering with autonomous aerial soaring. 3825-3831 - Martin Levihn, Jonathan Scholz, Mike Stilman:
Planning with movable obstacles in continuous environments with uncertain dynamics. 3832-3838 - Steven Gray, Sachin Chitta, Vijay Kumar, Maxim Likhachev:
A single planner for a composite task of approaching, opening and navigating through non-spring and spring-loaded doors. 3839-3846 - Daman Bareiss, Jur van den Berg:
Reciprocal collision avoidance for robots with linear dynamics using LQR-Obstacles. 3847-3853 - Cornelia Ferner, Glenn Wagner, Howie Choset:
ODrM* optimal multirobot path planning in low dimensional search spaces. 3854-3859 - Eugenia Papaleo, Loredana Zollo
, Luca Spedaliere, Eugenio Guglielmelli
Patient-tailored adaptive robotic system for upper-limb rehabilitation. 3860-3865 - Ragou Ady, Wael Bachta, Philippe Bidaud:
Analysis of cane-assisted walking through nonlinear optimization. 3866-3872 - Yasuhisa Hirata, Kota Kawamata, Kana Sasaki, Aya Kaisumi, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Éric Monacelli:
Regenerative brake control of cycling wheelchair with passive behavior. 3873-3879 - Federico Parietti, H. Harry Asada:
Dynamic analysis and state estimation for wearable robotic limbs subject to human-induced disturbances. 3880-3887 - Brian Edward Lawson, Amanda Huff Shultz, Michael Goldfarb:
Evaluation of a coordinated control system for a pair of powered transfemoral prostheses. 3888-3893 - Kai Xu, Dong Qiu:
Experimental design verification of a compliant shoulder exoskeleton. 3894-3901 - Jumpei Arata, Keiichi Ohmoto, Roger Gassert
, Olivier Lambercy, Hideo Fujimoto, Ikuo Wada:
A new hand exoskeleton device for rehabilitation using a three-layered sliding spring mechanism. 3902-3907 - Urs Keller
, Verena Klamroth-Marganska, Hubertus J. A. van Hedel
, Robert Riener
ChARMin: A robot for pediatric arm rehabilitation. 3908-3913 - Damiano Zanotto, Paul Stegall, Sunil Kumar Agrawal:
ALEX III: A novel robotic platform with 12 DOFs for human gait training. 3914-3919 - Suncheol Kwon, Yunjoo Kim, Jung Kim:
Movements stability analysis of SEMG-based elbow power assistance by Maximum finite time Lyapunov exponent. 3920-3925 - Markus Achtelik, Stephan Weiss, Margarita Chli
, Roland Siegwart
Path planning for motion dependent state estimation on micro aerial vehicles. 3926-3932 - Brian MacAllister, Jonathan Butzke, Aleksandr Kushleyev, Harsh Pandey, Maxim Likhachev:
Path planning for non-circular micro aerial vehicles in constrained environments. 3933-3940 - Daniel Briggs Wilson, Miguel Angel Trujillo Soto, Ali Haydar Göktogan, Salah Sukkarieh
Real-time rendezvous point selection for a nonholonomic vehicle. 3941-3946 - Sanjiban Choudhury, Sebastian A. Scherer
, Sanjiv Singh
RRT*-AR: Sampling-based alternate routes planning with applications to autonomous emergency landing of a helicopter. 3947-3952 - Timothy Stevens, Timothy H. Chung:
Autonomous search and counter-targeting using Levy search models. 3953-3960 - Myung Hwangbo, Takeo Kanade:
Maneuver-based autonomous navigation of a small fixed-wing UAV. 3961-3968 - Fabrizio Flacco, Alessandro De Luca
Optimal redundancy resolution with task scaling under hard bounds in the robot joint space. 3969-3975 - Zoe Doulgeri
, Leonidas Droukas
On rolling contact motion by robotic fingers via prescribed performance control. 3976-3981 - Christian Duriez
Control of elastic soft robots based on real-time finite element method. 3982-3987 - Tomas Menard, Giorgio Grioli
, Antonio Bicchi:
A real time robust observer for an Agonist-Antagonist Variable Stiffness Actuator. 3988-3993 - Samrat Bhattacharyya, Nabil Simaan:
Characterization of constraints in flexible unknown environments. 3994-3999 - Milad Geravand, Fabrizio Flacco, Alessandro De Luca
Human-robot physical interaction and collaboration using an industrial robot with a closed control architecture. 4000-4007 - Matthew Moses, Michael Dennis Mays Kutzer
, Hans Ma, Mehran Armand:
A continuum manipulator made of interlocking fibers. 4008-4015 - Jinglin Li, Jing Xiao:
Progressive generation of force-closure grasps for an n-section continuum manipulator. 4016-4022 - Byeonghun Na, Hyun-jin Choi, Kyoungchul Kong:
Design of a direct-driven linear actuator for development of a cheetaroid robot. 4023-4028 - Jian Zhang, Bo Cheng
, Jesse A. Roll, Xinyan Deng, Bin Yao:
Direct drive of flapping wings under resonance with instantaneous wing trajectory control. 4029-4034 - Bo Cheng
, Jesse A. Roll, Xinyan Deng:
Modeling and optimization of an electromagnetic actuator for flapping wing micro air vehicle. 4035-4041 - Antje Westenberger, Steffen Waldele, Balaganesh Dora, Bharanidhar Duraisamy, Marc M. Muntzinger, Klaus Dietmayer:
Multi-sensor fusion with out-of-sequence measurements for vehicle environment perception. 4042-4047 - Eduardo Arvelo, Eric Kim, Nuno C. Martins:
Maximal persistent surveillance under safety constraints. 4048-4053 - Anirudha Majumdar, Amir Ali Ahmadi, Russ Tedrake:
Control design along trajectories with sums of squares programming. 4054-4061 - Florian Shkurti, Gregory Dudek:
On the complexity of searching for an evader with a faster pursuer. 4062-4067 - Kangjin Kim, Georgios Fainekos
Minimal specification revision for weighted transition systems. 4068-4074 - Vasumathi Raman, Nir Piterman
, Hadas Kress-Gazit:
Provably correct continuous control for high-level robot behaviors with actions of arbitrary execution durations. 4075-4081 - Jason M. O'Kane
, Dylan A. Shell:
Automatic reduction of combinatorial filters. 4082-4089 - Chonhyon Park, Jia Pan, Dinesh Manocha:
Real-time optimization-based planning in dynamic environments using GPUs. 4090-4097 - Doron Shaharabani, Oren Salzman, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Dan Halperin:
Sparsification of motion-planning roadmaps by edge contraction. 4098-4105 - Andrew Dobson, Kostas E. Bekris:
Improving sparse roadmap spanners. 4106-4111 - Ross A. Knepper, Daniela Rus:
On the completeness of ensembles of motion planners for decentralized planning. 4112-4119 - Didier Devaurs
, Thierry Siméon, Juan Cortés:
Enhancing the transition-based RRT to deal with complex cost spaces. 4120-4125 - Georgios Papadopoulos, Hanna Kurniawati, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis:
Asymptotically optimal inspection planning using systems with differential constraints. 4126-4133 - Giancarlo Troni, Louis L. Whitcomb
Preliminary experimental evaluation of a Doppler-aided attitude estimator for improved Doppler navigation of underwater vehicles. 4134-4140 - Alessandro Marino
, Gianluca Antonelli
Experimental results of coordinated sampling/patrolling by autonomous underwater vehicles. 4141-4146 - Badri Ranganathan
, Kedar D. Dimble, James M. Faddy, James Sean Humbert:
Underwater navigation behaviors using Wide-Field Integration methods. 4147-4152 - Dylan Shinzaki, Chris Gage
, Sarah Y. Tang, Mark A. Moline, Barrett Wolfe
, Christopher G. Lowe, Christopher M. Clark:
A multi-AUV system for cooperative tracking and following of leopard sharks. 4153-4158 - Enric Galceran, Marc Carreras
Planning coverage paths on bathymetric maps for in-detail inspection of the ocean floor. 4159-4164 - Mei Yi Cheung, Joshua Leighton, Franz S. Hover:
Multi-armed bandit formulation for autonomous mobile acoustic relay adaptive positioning. 4165-4170 - Yu Zhao, Tiemin Li, Xiaowen Yu, Xiaoqiang Tang, Liping Wang:
Mobility analysis of a Sarrus Linkage-like 7-R single closed loop mechanism. 4171-4176 - Yuanqing Wu, Guanfeng Liu, Harald Löwe, Zexiang Li
Exponential submanifolds: A new kinematic model for mechanism analysis and synthesis. 4177-4182 - Hwi-Su Kim, Jae-Bok Song:
Low-cost robot arm with 3-DOF counterbalance mechanism. 4183-4188 - Marc-Antoine Lacasse, Genevieve Lachance, Julien Boisclair, Jeremie Ouellet, Clément Gosselin
On the design of a statically balanced serial robot using remote counterweights. 4189-4194 - Jurren Pen, Wouter Caarls
, Martijn Wisse
, Robert Babuska:
Evolutionary co-optimization of control and system parameters for a resonating robot arm. 4195-4202 - Antonio Morell, Mahmoud Tarokh, Leopoldo Acosta
Inverse kinematics solutions for serial robots using support vector regression. 4203-4208 - Dimitrios Kanoulas
, Marsette Vona:
Sparse surface modeling with curved patches. 4209-4215 - Nikolay Atanasov, Bharath Sankaran
, Jerome Le Ny, Thomas Koletschka, George J. Pappas
, Kostas Daniilidis:
Hypothesis testing framework for active object detection. 4216-4222 - Sean Ryan Fanello
, Carlo Ciliberto, Lorenzo Natale
, Giorgio Metta:
Weakly supervised strategies for natural object recognition in robotics. 4223-4229 - Wail Mustafa
, Nicolas Pugeault
, Norbert Krüger
Multi-view object recognition using view-point invariant shape relations and appearance information. 4230-4237 - Kester Duncan, Sudeep Sarkar
, Redwan Alqasemi, Rajiv V. Dubey:
Multi-scale superquadric fitting for efficient shape and pose recovery of unknown objects. 4238-4243 - Matthias Lutz, Dennis Stampfer, Christian Schlegel:
Probabilistic object recognition and pose estimation by fusing multiple algorithms. 4244-4249 - Rui Pimentel de Figueiredo
, Plinio Moreno
, Alexandre Bernardino
, José Santos-Victor
Multi-object detection and pose estimation in 3D point clouds: A fast grid-based Bayesian Filter. 4250-4255 - Yezhou Yang, Ching Lik Teo, Cornelia Fermüller, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Robots with language: Multi-label visual recognition using NLP. 4256-4262 - Ben Kehoe, Akihiro Matsukawa, Sal Candido, James Kuffner, Ken Goldberg
Cloud-based robot grasping with the google object recognition engine. 4263-4270 - Bryan Willimon, Ian D. Walker, Stan Birchfield:
A new approach to clothing classification using mid-level layers. 4271-4278 - Yuandong Sun, Ning Ding, Huihuan Qian, Yangsheng Xu:
A robot for classifying Chinese calligraphic types and styles. 4279-4284 - Martin Lawitzky, Melanie Kimmel, Peter Ritzer, Sandra Hirche:
Trajectory generation under the least action principle for physical human-robot cooperation. 4285-4290 - Ju-Hsuan Hua, Shao-Po Ma, Li-Chen Fu
Human awareness based robot performance learning in a social environment. 4291-4296 - Katrin Santner, Gerald Fritz, Lucas Paletta
, Heinz Mayer:
Visual recovery of saliency maps from human attention in 3D environments. 4297-4303 - Thomas Kollar, Vittorio Perera, Daniele Nardi
, Manuela M. Veloso:
Learning environmental knowledge from task-based human-robot dialog. 4304-4309 - Filippo Cavallo
, Michela Aquilano, Manuele Bonaccorsi, Raffaele Limosani, Alessandro Manzi, Maria Chiara Carrozza
, Paolo Dario:
On the design, development and experimentation of the ASTRO assistive robot integrated in smart environments. 4310-4315 - Chyi-Yeu Lin, Li-Chieh Cheng, Lien-Chieh Shen:
Oral mechanism design on face robot for lip-synchronized speech. 4316-4321 - Christian Emmerich, Arne Nordmann, Agnes Swadzba, Jochen J. Steil, Sebastian Wrede:
Assisted Gravity Compensation to cope with the complexity of kinesthetic teaching on redundant robots. 4322-4328 - Randy Gomez, Keisuke Nakamura, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Ui-Hyun Kim, Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Tatsuya Kawahara
Hands-free human-robot communication robust to speaker's radial position. 4329-4334 - Akansel Cosgun, Dinei A. F. Florêncio, Henrik I. Christensen
Autonomous person following for telepresence robots. 4335-4342 - Philine Donner, Alexander Mortl, Sandra Hirche, Martin Buss:
Human-robot cooperative object swinging. 4343-4349 - Heather Knight, Reid G. Simmons
Estimating human interest and attention via gaze analysis. 4350-4355 - Satoshi Miura
, Yo Kobayashi
, Kazuya Kawamura, Masatoshi Seki, Yasutaka Nakashima, Takehiko Noguchi, Yuki Yokoo, Masakatsu G. Fujie:
Brain activity measurement to evaluate hand-eye coordination for slave and endoscope in a surgical robot. 4356-4362 - Kim Mathiassen
, Diego Dall'Alba
, Riccardo Muradore
, Paolo Fiorini, Ole Jakob Elle:
Real-time biopsy needle tip estimation in 2D ultrasound images. 4363-4369 - Ana Luisa Trejos
, Rajni V. Patel
, Michael D. Naish
, Richard Malthaner, Christopher Schlachta:
The application of force sensing to skills assessment in Minimally Invasive Surgery. 4370-4375 - Alexander Hüntemann, Eric Demeester
, Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten
, Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter
Probabilistic approach to recognize local navigation plans by fusing past driving information with a personalized user model. 4376-4383 - Kirk A. Nichols, Allison M. Okamura
Autonomous robotic palpation: Machine learning techniques to identify hard inclusions in soft tissues. 4384-4389 - Robert Haslinger, Patrick Leyendecker, Ulrich Seibold:
A fiberoptic force-torque-sensor for minimally invasive robotic surgery. 4390-4395 - Veaceslav Arabagi, Andrew H. C. Gosline, Robert J. Wood, Pierre E. Dupont
Simultaneous soft sensing of tissue contact angle and force for millimeter-scale medical robots. 4396-4402 - Stephen Tully, George Kantor, Howie Choset:
Monocular feature-based periodic motion estimation for surgical guidance. 4403-4408 - Jason Pile, Nabil Simaan:
Characterization of friction and speed effects and methods for detection of cochlear implant electrode tip fold-over. 4409-4414 - Thomas C. Searle, Kaspar Althoefer, Lakmal D. Seneviratne
, Hongbin Liu
An optical curvature sensor for flexible manipulators. 4415-4420 - Hisataka Maruyama, Taisuke Masuda, Ayae Honda, Fumihito Arai:
Selective cell injection of fluorescence particle sensor encapsulated in fusogenic liposome using optical manipulation and control of surface potential using photochromic chemical. 4421-4426 - Mahta Khoshnam, Rajni V. Patel
A pseudo-rigid-body 3R model for a steerable ablation catheter. 4427-4432 - Ludovic Daler, Adam Klaptocz, Adrien Briod, Metin Sitti
, Dario Floreano:
A perching mechanism for flying robots using a fibre-based adhesive. 4433-4438 - Motoyasu Tanaka
, Hiroshi Kawai, Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang:
Development of an autonomous flying robot and its verification via flight control experiment. 4439-4444 - Arash Kalantari, Matthew Spenko
Design and experimental validation of HyTAQ, a Hybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotor. 4445-4450 - Alexis Lussier Desbiens, Morgan Pope, Forrest Berg, Zhi Ern Teoh, Julia Lee, Mark R. Cutkosky:
Efficient jumpgliding: Theory and design considerations. 4451-4458 - Paul E. I. Pounds
, Surya P. N. Singh:
Integrated electro-aeromechanical structures for low-cost, self-deploying environment sensors and disposable UAVs. 4459-4466 - Michael Shomin, Ralph L. Hollis:
Differentially flat trajectory generation for a dynamically stable mobile robot. 4467-4472 - Ning Sun, Yongchun Fang:
A partially saturated nonlinear controller for overhead cranes with experimental implementation. 4473-4478 - Mahta Khoshnam, Aaron Yurkewich
, Rajni V. Patel
Model-Based Force Control of a Steerable Ablation Catheter with a Custom-Designed Strain Sensor. 4479-4484 - Yiannis Karayiannidis
, Christian Smith, Francisco E. Vina, Petter Ögren, Danica Kragic:
Model-free robot manipulation of doors and drawers by means of fixed-grasps. 4485-4492 - Charles Freundlich, Philippos Mordohai, Michael M. Zavlanos:
A hybrid control approach to the Next-Best-View problem using stereo vision. 4493-4498 - Arash Ajoudani
, Marco Gabiccini, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Antonio Bicchi:
Human-like impedance and minimum effort control for natural and efficient manipulation. 4499-4505 - Shunli Xiao, Yangmin Li
Development of a large working range flexure-based 3-DOF micro-parallel manipulator driven by electromagnetic actuators. 4506-4511 - Thomas Lens, Oskar von Stryk:
Design and dynamics model of a lightweight series elastic tendon-driven robot arm. 4512-4518 - W. B. Lim, Song Huat Yeo, Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen
Design and analysis of a cable-driven manipulator with variable stiffness. 4519-4524 - Thibault Gayral, David Daney, Julien Ducarne:
Flexure joints modeling for micrometer accuracy of an active 6-PUS space telescope through experimental calibration. 4525-4530 - Hugo Grimmett, Rohan Paul, Rudolph Triebel
, Ingmar Posner:
Knowing when we don't know: Introspective classification for mission-critical decision making. 4531-4538 - Moritz Tenorth, Fernando De la Torre, Michael Beetz
Learning probability distributions over partially-ordered human everyday activities. 4539-4544 - Pyry Matikainen, P. Michael Furlong, Rahul Sukthankar, Martial Hebert:
Multi-armed recommendation bandits for selecting state machine policies for robotic systems. 4545-4551 - Giray Havur
, Kadir Haspalamutgil, Can Palaz, Esra Erdem
, Volkan Patoglu
A case study on the Tower of Hanoi challenge: Representation, reasoning and execution. 4552-4559 - Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Optimization in the now: Dynamic peephole optimization for hierarchical planning. 4560-4567 - Xu Chu Ding, Alessandro Pinto
, Amit Surana:
Strategic planning under uncertainties via constrained Markov Decision Processes. 4568-4575 - Taek-Hee Lee, Young J. Kim
GPU-based motion planning under uncertainties using POMDP. 4576-4581 - Timothy Bretl, Seth Hutchinson
Robust coverage by a mobile robot of a planar workspace. 4582-4587 - Scott C. Livingston, Pavithra Prabhakar, Alex B. Jose, Richard M. Murray
Patching task-level robot controllers based on a local μ-calculus formula. 4588-4595 - Kyel Ok, Sameer Ansari, Billy Gallagher, William Sica, Frank Dellaert, Mike Stilman:
Path planning with uncertainty: Voronoi Uncertainty Fields. 4596-4601 - David Samuel Jung, Peter P. Pott, Taavi Salumae, Maarja Kruusmaa
Flow-aided path following of an underwater robot. 4602-4607 - Mohammed-Redha Benachenhou, Christine Chevallereau
, Vincent Lebastard
, Frédéric Boyer:
Synthesis of an electric sensor based control for underwater multi-agents navigation in a file. 4608-4613 - Christopher J. McFarland, Louis L. Whitcomb
Comparative experimental evaluation of a new adaptive identifier for underwater vehicles. 4614-4620 - Stephen C. Martin, Louis L. Whitcomb
Preliminary experiments in fully actuated model based control with six degree-of-freedom coupled dynamical plant models for underwater vehicles. 4621-4628 - Seyed Reza Ahmadzadeh
, Petar Kormushev
, Darwin G. Caldwell
Autonomous robotic valve turning: A hierarchical learning approach. 4629-4634 - Jean-Pierre Merlet:
Kinematic analysis of the 4-3-1 and 3-2-1 wire-driven parallel crane. 4635-4640 - Nicolás Rojas, Federico Thomas:
The closure condition of the double banana and its application to robot position analysis. 4641-4646 - Ahmed Khamies El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner
, Peter Pott, Ralf Gundling, Markus L. R. Schwarz, Essam Badreddin:
Disturbance attenuation of a handheld parallel robot. 4647-4652 - Sébastien Briot, Philippe Martinet
Minimal representation for the control of Gough-Stewart platforms via leg observation considering a hidden robot model. 4653-4658 - Johann Lamaury, Marc Gouttefarde:
Control of a large redundantly actuated cable-suspended parallel robot. 4659-4664 - Ilya Tyapin, Geir Hovland:
Kinematic calibration method for a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine. 4665-4670 - Korbinian Schmid, Heiko Hirschmüller:
Stereo vision and IMU based real-time ego-motion and depth image computation on a handheld device. 4671-4678 - Guido C. H. E. de Croon, Stefano Nolfi:
ACT-CORNER: Active corner finding for optic flow determination. 4679-4684 - Paulo Drews Jr.
, Sidnei Carlos da Silva Filho, L. F. Marcolino, Pedro Núñez Trujillo
Fast and adaptive 3D change detection algorithm for autonomous robots based on Gaussian Mixture Models. 4685-4690 - Francisco Angel Moreno
, José-Luis Blanco
, Javier González Jiménez:
ERODE: An efficient and robust outlier detector and its application to stereovisual odometry. 4691-4697 - Shiyu Song, Manmohan Chandraker, Clark C. Guest:
Parallel, real-time monocular visual odometry. 4698-4705 - Michal Reinstein, Vladimir Kubelka, Karel Zimmermann
Terrain adaptive odometry for mobile skid-steer robots. 4706-4711 - Mingyang Li, Byung Hyung Kim
, Anastasios I. Mourikis:
Real-time motion tracking on a cellphone using inertial sensing and a rolling-shutter camera. 4712-4719 - Vitor Guizilini, Fabio Ramos:
Online self-supervised segmentation of dynamic objects. 4720-4727 - Lili Chen, Wei Wang, Alois C. Knoll
Global optimal data association for multiple people tracking. 4728-4734 - James Patrick Underwood, D. Gillsjo, Tim Bailey, Vsevolod Vlaskine:
Explicit 3D change detection using ray-tracing in spherical coordinates. 4735-4741 - Peter Morton, Bertrand Douillard, James Patrick Underwood:
Multi-sensor identity tracking with event graphs. 4742-4748 - Zhanpeng Shao, Youfu Li
A new descriptor for multiple 3D motion trajectories recognition. 4749-4754 - Tianyu Yang, Baopu Li, Chao Hu, Max Q.-H. Meng:
Adaptive visual tracking with reacquisition ability for arbitrary objects. 4755-4760 - Oliver Birbach, Udo Frese
A precise tracking algorithm based on raw detector responses and a physical motion model. 4761-4766 - Kaaren May, Nicholas Krouglicof:
Moving target detection for sense and avoid using regional phase correlation. 4767-4772 - Tim Assman, Pieter van Zutven, Henk Nijmeijer:
Qualitative validation of humanoid robot models through balance recovery side-stepping experiments. 4773-4778 - Yosuke Kobayashi, Mamoru Minami, Akira Yanou, Tomohide Maeba:
Dynamic Reconfiguration Manipulability analyses of humanoid bipedal walking. 4779-4784 - Frank B. Mathis, Ranjan Mukherjee:
Apex height control of a two-mass hopping robot. 4785-4790 - Maja Zorjan, Vincent Hugel:
Generalized humanoid leg inverse kinematics to deal with singularities. 4791-4796 - Hyungju Andy Park, C. S. George Lee:
Cooperative-Dual-Task-Space-based whole-body motion balancing for humanoid robots. 4797-4802 - Matthew J. Powell, Ayonga Hereid
, Aaron D. Ames
Speed regulation in 3D robotic walking through motion transitions between Human-Inspired partial hybrid zero dynamics. 4803-4810 - Lorenzo Jamone
, Bruno D. Damas
, José Santos-Victor
, Atsuo Takanishi:
Online learning of humanoid robot kinematics under switching tools contexts. 4811-4817 - Salman Faraji, Soha Pouya, Rico Moeckel, Auke Jan Ijspeert
Compliant and adaptive control of a planar monopod hopper in rough terrain. 4818-4825 - Chunbao Wang, Yohan Noh
, Mitsuhiro Tokumoto, Terunaga Chihara, Yusuke Matsuoka, Hiroyuki Ishii, Salvatore Sessa
, Massimiliano Zecca
, Atsuo Takanishi, Kazuyuki Hatake, Satoru Shoji:
Development of a human-like neurologic model to simulate the influences of diseases for neurologic examination training. 4826-4831 - Berk Gonenc, James Handa, Peter Gehlbach, Russell H. Taylor, Iulian Iordachita
A comparative study for robot assisted vitreoretinal surgery: Micron vs. the Steady-Hand Robot. 4832-4837 - Amanda Huff Shultz, Jason E. Mitchell, Don Truex, Brian Edward Lawson, Michael Goldfarb:
Preliminary evaluation of a walking controller for a powered ankle prosthesis. 4838-4843 - Chaoyang Shi, Masahiro Kojima, Carlos Tercero, Zoran Najdovski, Hirokatsu Kodama, Masahiro Nakajima, Seiichi Ikeda, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, Makoto Negoro:
In-vitro intravascular simulator with quantitative evaluation for surgical tools used in cerebral aneurysm surgery based on stress analysis. 4844-4849 - Nikhil Deshpande
, Leonardo S. Mattos
, Giacinto Barresi
, Andrea Brogni
, Giulio Dagnino
, Luca Guastini
, Giorgio Peretti, Darwin G. Caldwell
Imaging based metrics for performance assessment in laser phonomicrosurgery. 4850-4856 - Bert Willaert, Nele Famaey
, Peter Verbrugghe
, Dominiek Reynaerts
, Hendrik Van Brussel:
Design and in vivo validation of a force-measuring manipulator for MIS providing synchronized video, motion and force data. 4857-4862 - Yukari Saito, Toshio Takayama, Toru Omata, Hitoshi Shibuya, Masahiko Miura, Hiroshi Watanabe:
Remotely operated brachytherapy system for oral cancer. 4863-4868 - Nicholas C. von Sternberg, Atilla Kilicarslan, Nikhil V. Navkar, Zhigang Deng
, Karolos M. Grigoriadis
, Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Implementation of a force-feedback interface for robotic assisted interventions with real-time MRI guidance. 4869-4874 - Levin J. Sliker
, Madalyn D. Kern, Mark Rentschler:
Preliminary experimental results and modeling for a four degree of freedom automated traction measurement platform for quantitative evaluation of in vivo robotic capsule colonoscopy mobility effectiveness. 4875-4880 - Hunter B. Gilbert, Robert J. Webster III:
Can concentric tube robots follow the leader? 4881-4887 - Koushil Sreenath, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar:
Trajectory generation and control of a quadrotor with a cable-suspended load - A differentially-flat hybrid system. 4888-4895 - Ivana Palunko, Aleksandra Faust
, Patricio Cruz
, Lydia Tapia, Rafael Fierro:
A reinforcement learning approach towards autonomous suspended load manipulation using aerial robots. 4896-4901 - Aleksandra Faust
, Ivana Palunko, Patricio Cruz
, Rafael Fierro, Lydia Tapia:
Learning swing-free trajectories for UAVs with a suspended load. 4902-4909 - Jasper L. J. Scholten, Matteo Fumagalli
, Stefano Stramigioli
, Raffaella Carloni:
Interaction control of an UAV endowed with a manipulator. 4910-4915 - Antonio E. Jimenez-Cano
, Jesús Martín, Guillermo Heredia
, Aníbal Ollero, Raul Cano:
Control of an aerial robot with multi-link arm for assembly tasks. 4916-4921 - Christopher M. Korpela, Matko Orsag, Miles Pekala, Paul Y. Oh:
Dynamic stability of a mobile manipulating unmanned aerial vehicle. 4922-4927 - Shinya Kajikawa, Tasuku Ito, Hidenosuke Hase:
Stiffness control of variable stiffness joint using electromyography signals. 4928-4933 - Dominic Lakatos, Gianluca Garofalo
, Florian Petit, Christian Ott
, Alin Albu-Schäffer
Modal limit cycle control for variable stiffness actuated robots. 4934-4941 - Boren Li, Yuan F. Zheng, Hooshang Hemami, Da Che:
Human-like robotic handwriting and drawing. 4942-4947 - Federica Ferraguti, Cristian Secchi
, Cesare Fantuzzi
A tank-based approach to impedance control with variable stiffness. 4948-4953 - Yoshihiro Kuroki, Yusuke Kosaka, Taro Takahashi, Eiji Niwa, Hiroshi Kaminaga, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Cr-N alloy thin-film based torque sensors and joint torque servo systems for compliant robot control. 4954-4959 - Emmanouil Spyrakos-Papastavridis, Gustavo A. Medrano-Cerda, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Jian S. Dai
, Darwin G. Caldwell
Gravity compensation control of compliant joint systems with multiple drives. 4960-4966 - Ryo Saegusa, Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini
, Lorenzo Natale
Developmental action perception for manipulative interaction. 4967-4972 - Mehmet Remzi Dogar
, Michael C. Koval, Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa:
Object search by manipulation. 4973-4980 - Jivko Sinapov, Alexander Stoytchev:
Grounded object individuation by a humanoid robot. 4981-4988 - Tucker Hermans, James M. Rehg
, Aaron F. Bobick:
Decoupling behavior, perception, and control for autonomous learning of affordances. 4989-4996 - Mitesh Patel, Carl Henrik Ek, Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis A. Argyros
, Jaime Valls Miró
, Danica Kragic:
Language for learning complex human-object interactions. 4997-5002 - Dov Katz, Moslem Kazemi, J. Andrew Bagnell, Anthony Stentz:
Interactive segmentation, tracking, and kinematic modeling of unknown 3D articulated objects. 5003-5010 - Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Alphan Ulusoy, Calin Belta
, Emilio Frazzoli
, Daniela Rus:
Incremental synthesis of control policies for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with linear temporal logic specifications. 5011-5018 - Austin Jones, Mac Schwager, Calin Belta
A receding horizon algorithm for informative path planning with temporal logic constraints. 5019-5024 - Meng Guo, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Revising motion planning under Linear Temporal Logic specifications in partially known workspaces. 5025-5032 - Eric M. Wolff, Ufuk Topcu
, Richard M. Murray
Efficient reactive controller synthesis for a fragment of linear temporal logic. 5033-5040 - Sertac Karaman, Emilio Frazzoli
Sampling-based optimal motion planning for non-holonomic dynamical systems. 5041-5047 - Scott C. Livingston, Richard M. Murray
Just-in-time synthesis for reactive motion planning with temporal logic. 5048-5053 - Dustin J. Webb, Jur van den Berg:
Kinodynamic RRT*: Asymptotically optimal motion planning for robots with linear dynamics. 5054-5061 - Dmitry S. Yershov, Steven M. LaValle:
Simplicial Label Correcting Algorithms for continuous stochastic shortest path problems. 5062-5067 - Ryan Luna, Ioan Alexandru Sucan, Mark Moll
, Lydia E. Kavraki
Anytime solution optimization for sampling-based motion planning. 5068-5074 - Yu Zheng
, Katsu Yamane:
An efficient algorithm for the generalized distance measure. 5075-5081 - Petr Janousek, Jan Faigl
Speeding up coverage queries in 3D multi-goal path planning. 5082-5087 - Sam Ade Jacobs, Nicholas Stradford, Cesar Rodriguez, Shawna L. Thomas, Nancy M. Amato:
A scalable distributed RRT for motion planning. 5088-5095 - Michael Krieg
, Kamran Mohseni:
Optimal jetting velocity and nozzle considerations for a cephalopod inspired underwater thruster. 5096-5102 - Francesco Giorgio Serchi, Andrea Arienti
, Ilaria Baldoli, Cecilia Laschi
An elastic pulsed-jet thruster for Soft Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. 5103-5110 - Kaustubh Pathak, Max Pfingsthorn
, Heiko Bülow, Andreas Birk
Robust estimation of camera-tilt for iFMI based underwater photo-mapping using a calibrated monocular camera. 5111-5116 - Marek Doniec, Anqi Xu, Daniela Rus:
Robust real-time underwater digital video streaming using optical communication. 5117-5124 - Daegil Park, Kyungmin Kwak, Wan Kyun Chung, Jinhyun Kim:
Development of underwater distance sensor using EM wave attenuation. 5125-5130 - Eric Gilbertson, Brooks L. Reed, Joshua Leighton, Mei Yi Cheung, Franz S. Hover:
Experiments in dynamic control of autonomous marine vehicles using acoustic modems. 5131-5137 - David Rollinson, Howie Choset:
Gait-based compliant control for snake robots. 5138-5143 - Wu-Bin Cheng, Wen-Jun Zhang
Kinematics for continuum robot of the endoscope. 5144-5148 - Ryo Ariizumi
, Fumitoshi Matsuno
Dynamical analysis of sidewinding locomotion by a snake-like robot. 5149-5154 - Michael Sfakiotakis
, Asimina Kazakidi
, Nikolaos Pateromichelakis, Dimitris P. Tsakiris:
Octopus-inspired eight-arm robotic swimming by sculling movements. 5155-5161 - Chaohui Gong, Matthew J. Travers, Xiaozhou Fu, Howie Choset:
Extended gait equation for sidewinding. 5162-5167 - Florian Enner, David Rollinson, Howie Choset:
Motion estimation of snake robots in straight pipes. 5168-5173 - Ross L. Hatton, Ross A. Knepper, Howie Choset, David Rollinson, Chaohui Gong, Enric Galceran:
Snakes on a plan: Toward combining planning and control. 5174-5181 - Yuichi Taguchi, Yong-Dian Jian, Srikumar Ramalingam, Chen Feng
Point-plane SLAM for hand-held 3D sensors. 5182-5189 - Gijs Dubbelman, Brett Browning:
Closed-form Online Pose-chain SLAM. 5190-5197 - Niko Sünderhauf
, Peter Protzel:
Switchable constraints vs. max-mixture models vs. RRR - A comparison of three approaches to robust pose graph SLAM. 5198-5203 - Chi Hay Tong, Timothy D. Barfoot:
Gaussian Process Gauss-Newton for 3D laser-based Visual Odometry. 5204-5211 - Oliver Heirich
, Patrick Robertson, Thomas Strang:
RailSLAM - Localization of rail vehicles and mapping of geometric railway tracks. 5212-5219 - Alexander Cunningham, Vadim Indelman, Frank Dellaert:
DDF-SAM 2.0: Consistent distributed smoothing and mapping. 5220-5227 - Christian Forster, Deon George Sabatta, Roland Siegwart
, Davide Scaramuzza
RFID-based hybrid metric-topological SLAM for GPS-denied environments. 5228-5234 - Maximilian Beinhofer, Henrik Kretzschmar, Wolfram Burgard
Deploying artificial landmarks to foster data association in simultaneous localization and mapping. 5235-5240 - Manikandan Bakthavatchalam, François Chaumette
, Éric Marchand
Photometric moments: New promising candidates for visual servoing. 5241-5246 - Don Joven Agravante, Jordi Pagès, François Chaumette
Visual servoing for the REEM humanoid robot's upper body. 5253-5258 - Kai Wang, Yunhui Liu, Luyang Li:
Vision-based tracking control of nonholonomic mobile robots without position measurement. 5265-5270 - Aurelien Yeremou Tamtsia, Omar Tahri, Youcef Mezouar
, H. Djalo, Emmanuel Tonyé:
New results in images moments-based visual servoing. 5271-5276 - Liam O'Sullivan, Peter Corke
, Robert E. Mahony
Image-based visual navigation for mobile robots. 5277-5283 - Rok Vuga, Matjaz Ogrinc, Andrej Gams
, Tadej Petric
, Norikazu Sugimoto, Ales Ude
, Jun Morimoto:
Motion capture and reinforcement learning of dynamically stable humanoid movement primitives. 5284-5290 - Christian W. Rempis:
A neural network to capture demonstrated motions on a humanoid robot to rapidly create complex central pattern generators as reusable neural building blocks. 5291-5296 - Qilong Yuan, I-Ming Chen
, Ang Wei Sin:
Method to calibrate the skeleton model using orientation sensors. 5297-5302 - Derek Lura, Matthew Wernke, Stephanie Carey, Redwan Alqasemi, Rajiv V. Dubey:
Inverse kinematics of a bilateral robotic human upper body model based on motion analysis data. 5303-5308 - Yigit Mengüç, Yong-Lae Park, Ernesto Martinez-Villalpando, Patrick M. Aubin, Miriam Zisook, Leia Stirling
, Robert J. Wood, Conor J. Walsh:
Soft wearable motion sensing suit for lower limb biomechanics measurements. 5309-5316 - Jose Oviedo-Barriga, Oscar Eleno Carbajal-Espinosa, Luis Enrique González Jiménez
, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Robust tracking of bio-inspired references for a biped robot using geometric algebra and sliding modes. 5317-5322 - Alejandro González
, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe
, Philippe Fraisse:
Online identification and visualization of the statically equivalent serial chain via constrained Kalman filter. 5323-5328 - Luka Peternel
, Jan Babic
Humanoid robot posture-control learning in real-time based on human sensorimotor learning ability. 5329-5334 - Fatma Zeynep Temel
, Ayse Ecem Bezer, Serhat Yesilyurt
Navigation of mini swimmers in channel networks with magnetic fields. 5335-5340 - Ryan J. Murphy, Matthew Moses, Michael Dennis Mays Kutzer
, Gregory S. Chirikjian, Mehran Armand:
Constrained workspace generation for snake-like manipulators with applications to minimally invasive surgery. 5341-5347 - Katie M. Popek, Arthur W. Mahoney, Jake J. Abbott:
Localization method for a magnetic capsule endoscope propelled by a rotating magnetic dipole field. 5348-5353 - Marco Salerno, R. Rizzo, Edoardo Sinibaldi, Arianna Menciassi:
Force calculation for localized magnetic driven capsule endoscopes. 5354-5359 - Brian C. Becker, Cameron N. Riviere
Real-time retinal vessel mapping and localization for intraocular surgery. 5360-5365 - Arthur W. Mahoney, Samuel E. Wright, Jake J. Abbott:
Managing the attractive magnetic force between an untethered magnetically actuated tool and a rotating permanent magnet. 5366-5371 - Nathan D. Nelson, Jessica Delacenserie, Jake J. Abbott:
An empirical study of the role of magnetic, geometric, and tissue properties on the turning radius of magnetically driven screws. 5372-5377 - Petros Giataganas
, Valentina Vitiello, Vasiliki Simaiaki, Edoardo Lopez, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Cooperative in situ microscopic scanning and simultaneous tissue surface reconstruction using a compliant robotic manipulator. 5378-5383 - Gustavo A. Puerto Souza, Gian Luca Mariottini:
Toward long-term and accurate Augmented-Reality display for minimally-invasive surgery. 5384-5389 - Edoardo Lopez, Ka-Wai Kwok
, Christopher J. Payne
, Petros Giataganas
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Implicit Active Constraints for robot-assisted arthroscopy. 5390-5395 - Yann Ameho, Fabien Niel, François Defay, Jean-Marc Biannic, Caroline Bérard:
Adaptive control for quadrotors. 5396-5401 - Prasad Hemakumara, Salah Sukkarieh
UAV parameter estimation with multi-output local and global Gaussian Process approximations. 5402-5408 - Girish Chowdhary
, Tongbin Wu, Mark Cutler, Jonathan P. How
Rapid transfer of controllers between UAVs using learning-based adaptive control. 5409-5416 - Kostas Alexis, Christoph Hürzeler, Roland Siegwart
Hybrid modeling and control of a coaxial unmanned rotorcraft interacting with its environment through contact. 5417-5424 - Christos Papachristos, Kostas Alexis, Anthony Tzes
Model predictive hovering-translation control of an unmanned Tri-TiltRotor. 5425-5432 - Sébastien Briot, Wisama Khalil:
Recursive symbolic calculation of the dynamic model of flexible parallel robots. 5433-5438 - Gangyuan Jing, Hadas Kress-Gazit:
Improving the continuous execution of reactive LTL-based controllers. 5439-5445 - Christian Herrmann, Klaus Schilling
Improving patient comfort using model predictive control in robot-assisted radiotherapy. 5446-5452 - Alexandra Wimmer, Bastian Deutschmann, Bernhard Kübler, Christian Rink, Gerd Hirzinger:
Spine-kinematics with constraint guidance for robot supported MIS-instruments. 5453-5460 - Farhad Aghili
Pre- and post-grasping robot motion planning to capture and stabilize a tumbling/drifting free-floater with uncertain dynamics. 5461-5468 - Carlos Casarez, Ivan Penskiy, Sarah Bergbreiter:
Using an inertial tail for rapid turns on a miniature legged robot. 5469-5474 - Valter Böhm, Klaus Zimmermann:
Vibration-driven mobile robots based on single actuated tensegrity structures. 5475-5480 - Ross E. Allen, Marco Pavone, Christopher McQuin, Issa A. D. Nesnas, Julie C. Castillo-Rogez, Tam-Nguyen Nguyen, Jeffrey A. Hoffman:
Internally-actuated rovers for all-access surface mobility: Theory and experimentation. 5481-5488 - Paul M. Moubarak, Pinhas Ben-Tzvi, Zhou Ma, Eric J. Alvarez:
An active coupling mechanism with three modes of operation for modular mobile robotics. 5489-5494 - Ohmi Fuchiwaki
, Manabu Yatsurugi, Arato Ogawa:
Design of an integrated 3DoF inner position sensor and 2DoF feedforward control for a 3DoF precision inchworm mechanism. 5495-5501 - Edward B. Steager, Blaine Zern, Mahmut Selman Sakar, Vladimir Muzykantov, Vijay Kumar:
Assessment of protein binding with magnetic microrobots in fluid. 5502-5507 - Islam S. M. Khalil
, Marc P. Pichel, Bart A. Reefman, Ozlem Sardan Sukas, Leon Abelmann
, Sarthak Misra:
Control of magnetotactic bacterium in a micro-fabricated maze. 5508-5513 - Wuming Jing, Nicholas Pagano, David J. Cappelleri:
A tumbling magnetic microrobot with flexible operating modes. 5514-5519 - Hugo Salmon
, Laurent Couraud, Gilgueng Hwang
Swimming property characterizations of Magnetic Polarizable microrobots. 5520-5526 - Islam S. M. Khalil, Frank van den Brink, Ozlem Sardan Sukas, Sarthak Misra:
Microassembly using a cluster of paramagnetic microparticles. 5527-5532 - Javier V. Gómez, Alberto Vale
, Filipe Valente, João Ferreira, Santiago Garrido
, Luis Moreno
Fast Marching in motion planning for rhombic like vehicles operating in ITER. 5533-5538 - Michael Brunner, Bernd Brüggemann, Dirk Schulz
Hierarchical rough terrain motion planning using an optimal sampling-based method. 5539-5544 - Stefan Loibl, Daniel Meyer-Delius, Patrick Pfaff:
Probabilistic time-dependent models for mobile robot path planning in changing environments. 5545-5550 - Dmitry S. Yershov, Paul Vernaza, Steven M. LaValle:
Continuous planning with winding constraints using optimal heuristic-driven front propagation. 5551-5556 - Melissa M. Tanner, Joel W. Burdick, Issa A. D. Nesnas:
Online motion planning for tethered robots in extreme terrain. 5557-5564 - Pengcheng Wang, Pratul K. Singh, Jingang Yi:
Dynamic model-aided localization of underwater autonomous gliders. 5565-5570 - Jnaneshwar Das, Julio B. J. Harvey, Frederic Py, Harshvardhan Vathsangam, Rishi Graham, Kanna Rajan, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Hierarchical probabilistic regression for AUV-based adaptive sampling of marine phenomena. 5571-5578 - Jorge M. Soares
, A. Pedro Aguiar
, António Manuel Santos Pascoal
, Alcherio Martinoli
Joint ASV/AUV range-based formation control: Theory and experimental results. 5579-5585 - Gabriele Ferri
, Vladimir Djapic:
Adaptive mission planning for cooperative autonomous maritime vehicles. 5586-5592 - Geoffrey A. Hollinger, Arvind Pereira, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Learning uncertainty models for reliable operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. 5593-5599 - Takeshi Aoki, Hideaki Yamato, Mizuki Shimaoka, Satoshi Mitsumori:
Study of Omni-directional all terrain mobile robot with globular metal spring wheel. 5606-5611 - Dae-Young Lee, Gwang-Pil Jung, Min-Ki Sin, Sung-Hoon Ahn, Kyu-Jin Cho
Deformable wheel robot based on origami structure. 5612-5617 - Takeshi Takaki, Tadayoshi Aoyama
, Idaku Ishii
Development of inverted pendulum robot capable of climbing stairs using planetary wheel mechanism. 5618-5624 - Yoo-Seok Kim, Gwang-Pil Jung, Haan Kim, Kyu-Jin Cho
, Chong-Nam Chu:
Wheel transformer: A miniaturized terrain adaptive robot with passively transformed wheels. 5625-5630 - Christopher Y. Brown, Dana E. Vogtmann, Sarah Bergbreiter:
Efficiency and effectiveness analysis of a new direct drive miniature quadruped robot. 5631-5637 - Mehdi Benallegue
, Jean-Paul Laumond, Alain Berthoz:
Contribution of actuated head and trunk to passive walkers stabilization. 5638-5643 - Ludo C. Visser, Stefano Stramigioli
, Raffaella Carloni:
Control strategy for energy-efficient bipedal walking with variable leg stiffness. 5644-5649 - J. G. Ketelaar, Ludo C. Visser, Stefano Stramigioli
, Raffaella Carloni:
Controller design for a bipedal walking robot using variable stiffness actuators. 5650-5655 - Giulia Piovan, Katie Byl:
Two-element control for the active SLIP model. 5656-5662 - Masataka Ohshima, Fumihiko Asano:
Underactuated bipedal walking with knees that generates measurable period of double-limb support. 5663-5668 - Fumihiko Asano, Xuan Xiao:
Role of deceleration effect in efficient and fast convergent gait generation. 5669-5674 - Cenk Oguz Saglam, Katie Byl:
Stability and gait transition of the five-link biped on stochastically rough terrain using a discrete set of sliding mode controllers. 5675-5682 - Chang B. Joo, Joo H. Kim
Balancing of legged mechanism with multiple segments. 5683-5688 - Safwan Choudhury, Dana Kulic
Gait generation via the Foot Placement Estimator for 3D bipedal robots. 5689-5695 - Aamir Ahmad
, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Pedro U. Lima
, Wolfram Burgard
Cooperative robot localization and target tracking based on least squares minimization. 5696-5701 - Diluka Moratuwage
, Ba-Ngu Vo
, Danwei Wang:
Collaborative Multi-vehicle SLAM with moving object tracking. 5702-5708 - Mingyang Li, Anastasios I. Mourikis:
3-D motion estimation and online temporal calibration for camera-IMU systems. 5709-5716 - Maxime Meilland, Andrew I. Comport:
Super-resolution 3D tracking and mapping. 5717-5723 - Thomas Whelan, Hordur Johannsson, Michael Kaess
, John J. Leonard, John McDonald
Robust real-time visual odometry for dense RGB-D mapping. 5724-5731 - Rahul Kumar Namdev, K. Madhava Krishna, C. V. Jawahar
Multibody VSLAM with relative scale solution for curvilinear motion reconstruction. 5732-5739 - Germán Ros, Julio Guerrero
, Angel Domingo Sappa, Daniel Ponsa
, Antonio Manuel López Peña
VSLAM pose initialization via Lie groups and Lie algebras optimization. 5740-5747 - Nicholas Carlevaris-Bianco, Ryan M. Eustice:
Generic factor-based node marginalization and edge sparsification for pose-graph SLAM. 5748-5755 - Carol Martínez
, Thomas Richardson
, Pascual Campoy Cervera
Towards Autonomous Air-to-Air Refuelling for UAVs using visual information. 5756-5762 - Laurent Burlion, Henry de Plinval:
Keeping a ground point in the camera field of view of a landing UAV. 5763-5768 - Steven J. Mills
, Nabil Aouf
, Luis Mejías
Image Based Visual Servo control for Fixed Wing UAVs tracking linear infrastructure in wind. 5769-5774 - Wen Li, Dezhen Song:
Automatic bird species detection using periodicity of salient extremities. 5775-5780 - Gontje C. Claasen, Philippe Martin
, Knut Graichen
Error growth due to noise during occlusions in inertially-aided tracking systems. 5781-5787 - Tianxiang Bai, Youfu Li
, Zhanpeng Shao:
Learning appearance manifolds with structured sparse representation for robust visual tracking. 5788-5793 - Paul M. Loschak
, Laura J. Brattain, Robert D. Howe:
Automated pointing of cardiac imaging catheters. 5794-5799 - Omid Mohareri, Septimiu E. Salcudean
, Christopher Y. Nguan:
Asymmetric force feedback control framework for teleoperated robot-assisted surgery. 5800-5806 - Nastaran Aghakhani, Milad Geravand, Navid Shahriari, Marilena Vendittelli
, Giuseppe Oriolo
Task control with remote center of motion constraint for minimally invasive robotic surgery. 5807-5812 - Ran Xu, Ali Asadian, Anish S. Naidu
, Rajni V. Patel
Position control of concentric-tube continuum robots using a modified Jacobian-based approach. 5813-5818 - George P. Moustris
, Andreas I. Mantelos, Costas S. Tzafestas
Shared control for motion compensation in robotic beating heart surgery. 5819-5824 - Meaghan Bowthorpe, Mahdi Tavakoli
, Harald Becher, Robert D. Howe:
Smith predictor based control in teleoperated image-guided beating-heart surgery. 5825-5830 - Riccardo Secoli
, Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena
Closed-loop 3D motion modeling and control of a steerable needle for soft tissue surgery. 5831-5836 - Andrea Bajo, Ryan B. Pickens, S. Duke Herrell, Nabil Simaan:
Constrained motion control of multisegment continuum robots for transurethral bladder resection and surveillance. 5837-5842 - Momen Abayazid
, Marco Kemp, Sarthak Misra:
3D flexible needle steering in soft-tissue phantoms using Fiber Bragg Grating sensors. 5843-5849 - Rafael Mosberger, Henrik Andreasson:
An inexpensive monocular vision system for tracking humans in industrial environments. 5850-5857 - Nicola Maria Ceriani, Giovanni Buizza Avanzini, Andrea Maria Zanchettin
, Luca Bascetta
, Paolo Rocco
Optimal placement of spots in distributed proximity sensors for safe human-robot interaction. 5858-5863

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