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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 60
Volume 60, Number 1, January 2013
- Bin He
Editorial: Driving the future of engineering and medicine. 3 - Sean P. Fitzgibbon
, Trent W. Lewis
, David M. W. Powers
, Emma W. Whitham, John O. Willoughby, Kenneth J. Pope
Surface Laplacian of Central Scalp Electrical Signals is Insensitive to Muscle Contamination. 4-9 - Raviraj Nataraj, Musa L. Audu, Ronald J. Triolo
Center of Mass Acceleration Feedback Control of Standing Balance by Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation Against External Postural Perturbations. 10-19 - Marianna Meo
, Vicente Zarzoso, Olivier Meste
, Decebal Gabriel Latcu, Nadir Saoudi:
Spatial Variability of the 12-Lead Surface ECG as a Tool for Noninvasive Prediction of Catheter Ablation Outcome in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. 20-27 - Alexandra V. S. Fonseca, Rosana Almada Bassani
, Pedro Xavier de Oliveira
, José Wilson Magalhães Bassani:
Greater Cardiac Cell Excitation Efficiency With Rapidly Switching Multidirectional Electrical Stimulation. 28-34 - Anirban Mukhopadhyay
, Ujjwal Maulik
, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
An Interactive Approach to Multiobjective Clustering of Gene Expression Patterns. 35-41 - Fan Deng, Dajiang Zhu, Jinglei Lv
, Lei Guo, Tianming Liu:
FMRI Signal Analysis Using Empirical Mean Curve Decomposition. 42-54 - Mohammed Al-Rawhani, Danial Chitnis
, James Beeley, Steve Collins, David R. S. Cumming
Design and Implementation of a Wireless Capsule Suitable for Autofluorescence Intensity Detection in Biological Tissues. 55-62 - Rostom Mabrouk, François Dubeau, Layachi Bentabet:
Dynamic Cardiac PET Imaging: Extraction of Time-Activity Curves Using ICA and a Generalized Gaussian Distribution Model. 63-71 - Arash Salarian
, Pierre R. Burkhard, François J. G. Vingerhoets, Brigitte M. Jolles, Kamiar Aminian
A Novel Approach to Reducing Number of Sensing Units for Wearable Gait Analysis Systems. 72-77 - Hien M. Nguyen, Xi Peng
, Minh N. Do
, Zhi-Pei Liang:
Denoising MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data With Low-Rank Approximations. 78-89 - Joseph C. McBride, Xiaopeng Zhao
, T. Nichols, V. Vagnini, Nancy B. Munro, David T. R. Berry, Yang Jiang
Scalp EEG-Based Discrimination of Cognitive Deficits After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Event-Related Tsallis Entropy Analysis. 90-96 - Kevin T. Sweeney, Seán F. McLoone
, Tomás E. Ward
The Use of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition With Canonical Correlation Analysis as a Novel Artifact Removal Technique. 97-105 - Fabienne Porée
, Amar Kachenoura
, Guy Carrault, Renzo Dal Molin, Philippe Mabo, Alfredo Hernández:
Surface Electrocardiogram Reconstruction From Intracardiac Electrograms Using a Dynamic Time Delay Artificial Neural Network. 106-114 - Poay Hoon Lim, Ulas Bagci
, Li Bai:
Introducing Willmore Flow Into Level Set Segmentation of Spinal Vertebrae. 115-122 - Tuba Denkçeken
, Tayup Simsek, Gülgün Erdogan, Elif Pestereli, Seyda Karaveli, Deniz Özel
, Ugur Bilge
, Murat Canpolat
Elastic Light Single-Scattering Spectroscopy for the Detection of Cervical Precancerous Ex vivo. 123-127 - Gin-Shin Chen
, Hsin-Chih Liu, Yu-Cheng Lin, Yu-Li Lin:
Experimental Analysis of 1-3 Piezocomposites for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Transducer Applications. 128-134 - Michele Paradiso, Stefano Pietrosanti, Stefano Scalzi, Patrizio Tomei, Cristiano Maria Verrelli
Experimental Heart Rate Regulation in Cycle-Ergometer Exercises. 135-139 - Carmen C. Y. Poon, May D. Wang
, Paolo Bonato, David A. Fenstermacher:
Editorial: Special Issue on Health Informatics and Personalized Medicine. 143-146 - Shantanu Sarkar, Jodi Koehler:
A Dynamic Risk Score to Identify Increased Risk for Heart Failure Decompensation. 147-150 - Ching-Chuan Wei:
Developing an Effective Arterial Stiffness Monitoring System Using the Spring Constant Method and Photoplethysmography. 151-154 - Benoit Mariani, Mayté Castro Jiménez
, François J. G. Vingerhoets, Kamiar Aminian
On-Shoe Wearable Sensors for Gait and Turning Assessment of Patients With Parkinson's Disease. 155-158 - Charles-François Vincent Latchoumane
, In-Hye Kim, Hansem Sohn
, Jaeseung Jeong:
Dynamical Nonstationarity of Resting EEGs in Patients With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). 159-163 - Javier Escudero
, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, John P. Zajicek, Colin Green, James Shearer
, Stephen Pearson
Machine Learning-Based Method for Personalized and Cost-Effective Detection of Alzheimer's Disease. 164-168 - Xinjian Chen
, Ronald M. Summers, Jianhua Yao
Kidney Tumor Growth Prediction by Coupling Reaction-Diffusion and Biomechanical Model. 169-173 - James Y. Xu, Gregory J. Pottie, William J. Kaiser:
Enabling Large-Scale Ground-Truth Acquisition and System Evaluation in Wireless Health. 174-178 - GuoChen Peng, Mark F. Bocko
Non-Contact ECG Sensing Employing Gradiometer Electrodes. 179-183 - Kevin C. Tseng, Alice May-Kuen Wong
, Chien-Lung Hsu, Tsai-Hsuan Tsai, Chang-Mu Han, Ming-Ren Lee:
The iFit: An Integrated Physical Fitness Testing System to Evaluate the Degree of Physical Fitness of the Elderly. 184-188 - Eric S. Winokur, Maggie K. Delano, Charles G. Sodini:
A Wearable Cardiac Monitor for Long-Term Data Acquisition and Analysis. 189-192 - Lei A. Clifton
, David A. Clifton, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Peter J. Watkinson
, Lionel Tarassenko:
Gaussian Processes for Personalized e-Health Monitoring With Wearable Sensors. 193-197 - Bo Yu, Rosa H. M. Chan, Terrence S. T. Mak, Yihe Sun, Chi-Sang Poon:
On-Chip Systolic Networks for Real-Time Tracking of Pairwise Correlations Between Neurons in a Large-Scale Network. 198-202 - Jinseok Lee
, Bersain Alexander Reyes
, David D. McManus, Oscar Mathias, Ki H. Chon:
Atrial Fibrillation Detection Using an iPhone 4S. 203-206 - Bala G. Nair, Shu-Fang Newman, Gene N. Peterson, Howard A. Schwid:
Smart Anesthesia Manager™(SAM) - A Real-time Decision Support System for Anesthesia Care during Surgery. 207-210 - Celine Franco, Anthony Fleury, Pierre-Yves Gumery, Bruno Diot, Jacques Demongeot
, Nicolas Vuillerme
iBalance-ABF: A Smartphone-Based Audio-Biofeedback Balance System. 211-215 - Dario Salvi
, Marco Picone
, María Teresa Arredondo
, María Fernanda Cabrera-Umpiérrez
, Ángel Esteban, Sebastian Steger, Tito Poli:
Merging Person-Specific Bio-Markers for Predicting Oral Cancer Recurrence Through an Ontology. 216-220 - Zhilin Zhang, Tzyy-Ping Jung
, Scott Makeig, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Compressed Sensing of EEG for Wireless Telemonitoring With Low Energy Consumption and Inexpensive Hardware. 221-224 - Hung Cao
, Ling Gu, S. K. Mohanty, Jung-Chih Chiao
An Integrated μLED Optrode for Optogenetic Stimulation and Electrical Recording. 225-229 - Chenguang He, Xiaomao Fan, Ye Li:
Toward Ubiquitous Healthcare Services With a Novel Efficient Cloud Platform. 230-234 - Fabien Scalzo, David S. Liebeskind, Xiao Hu:
Reducing False Intracranial Pressure Alarms Using Morphological Waveform Features. 235-239 - Yongkweon Jeon, Joong-Ho Won, Sungroh Yoon:
Massively Parallel Energy Space Exploration for Uncluttered Visualization of Vascular Structures. 240-244 - Ki Moo Lim, Jae Won Jeon, Min-Soo Gyeong, Seung Bae Hong, Byung-Hoon Ko, Sang-Kon Bae, Kunsoo Shin, Eun Bo Shim:
Patient-Specific Identification of Optimal Ubiquitous Electrocardiogram (U-ECG) Placement Using a Three-Dimensional Model of Cardiac Electrophysiology. 245-249 - Girish Chitnis
, Teimour Maleki, Brian C. Samuels
, Louis B. Cantor, Babak Ziaie:
A Minimally Invasive Implantable Wireless Pressure Sensor for Continuous IOP Monitoring. 250-256
Volume 60, Number 2, February 2013
- Ji Zhang, Mingyue Ding, Fan Meng, Xuming Zhang:
Quantitative Evaluation of Two-Factor Analysis Applied to Hepatic Perfusion Study Using Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound. 259-267 - Ramin Pashaie, Ryan Falk:
Single Optical Fiber Probe for Fluorescence Detection and Optogenetic Stimulation. 268-280 - Cecilia Hughes, Olivier Rouvière
, Florence Mege-Lechevallier, Rémi Souchon, Rémy Prost:
Robust Alignment of Prostate Histology Slices With Quantified Accuracy. 281-291 - Adam Piórkowski
, Aleksander Kempny:
The Transesophageal Echocardiography Simulator Based on Computed Tomography Images. 292-299 - Zhilin Zhang, Tzyy-Ping Jung
, Scott Makeig, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Compressed Sensing for Energy-Efficient Wireless Telemonitoring of Noninvasive Fetal ECG Via Block Sparse Bayesian Learning. 300-309 - Mohammad I. Daoud
, Parvin Mousavi
, Farhad Imani, Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi
Tissue Classification Using Ultrasound-Induced Variations in Acoustic Backscattering Features. 310-320 - Hongbin Zhu, Matthew A. Barish
, Perry J. Pickhardt, Zhengrong Liang:
Haustral Fold Segmentation With Curvature-Guided Level Set Evolution. 321-331 - Salam Dhou
, Yuichi Motai
, Geoffrey D. Hugo:
Local Intensity Feature Tracking and Motion Modeling for Respiratory Signal Extraction in Cone Beam CT Projections. 332-342 - Ela Ostrovsky, Udi Zelig, Irina Gusakova, Samuel Ariad, Shaul Mordechai
, Ilana Nisky
, Joseph Kapilushnik:
Detection of Cancer Using Advanced Computerized Analysis of Infrared Spectra of Peripheral Blood. 343-353 - Evgeny Kirshin, Boris N. Oreshkin, Kevin Guangran Zhu, Milica Popovic, Mark Coates:
Microwave Radar and Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustics: Dual-Modality Approach for Breast Cancer Detection. 354-360 - Lixin Dong, Lian He, Yu Lin, Yu Shang, Guoqiang Yu:
Simultaneously Extracting Multiple Parameters via Fitting One Single Autocorrelation Function Curve in Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy. 361-368 - Sheng Chen, Kenji Suzuki
Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules by Means of "Virtual Dual-Energy" Radiography. 369-378 - Danilo De Lorenzo, Yoshihiko Koseki
, Elena De Momi
, Kiyoyuki Chinzei, Allison M. Okamura
Coaxial Needle Insertion Assistant With Enhanced Force Feedback. 379-389 - Jun Liu
, Clement Leung, Zhe Lu, Yu Sun
Quantitative Analysis of Locomotive Behavior of Human Sperm Head and Tail. 390-396 - Victor Sanchez:
Joint Source/Channel Coding for Prioritized Wireless Transmission of Multiple 3-D Regions of Interest in 3-D Medical Imaging Data. 397-405 - Andrea Facchinetti, Simone Del Favero
, Giovanni Sparacino, Claudio Cobelli:
An Online Failure Detection Method of the Glucose Sensor-Insulin Pump System: Improved Overnight Safety of Type-1 Diabetic Subjects. 406-416 - Moinuddin Bhuiyan, Eugene V. Malyarenko, Mircea A. Pantea, Fedar M. Seviaryn
, Roman Gr. Maev:
Advantages and Limitations of Using Matrix Pencil Method for the Modal Analysis of Medical Percussion Signals. 417-426 - Behzad Mirmahboub, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, Shahram Shirani:
Automatic Monocular System for Human Fall Detection Based on Variations in Silhouette Area. 427-436 - Lukás Smital
, Martin Vítek
, Jirí Kozumplík, Ivo Provazník
Adaptive Wavelet Wiener Filtering of ECG Signals. 437-445 - Xichuan Zhou
, Qin Li, Zhenglin Zhu, Han Zhao, Hao Tang, Yujie Feng:
Monitoring Epidemic Alert Levels by Analyzing Internet Search Volume. 446-452 - Roland K. Chen, Matthew W. Chastagner, Robert E. Dodde, Albert J. Shih
Electrosurgical Vessel Sealing Tissue Temperature: Experimental Measurement and Finite Element Modeling. 453-460 - Haiping Lu
, Yaozhang Pan, Bappaditya Mandal, How-Lung Eng, Cuntai Guan
, Derrick Wei Shih Chan
Quantifying Limb Movements in Epileptic Seizures Through Color-Based Video Analysis. 461-469 - Andy Bo Wu, Evgeniy Lebed, Marinko Sarunic
, Mirza Faisal Beg
Quantitative Evaluation of Transform Domains for Compressive Sampling-Based Recovery of Sparsely Sampled Volumetric OCT Images. 470-478 - Meijuan Yang
, Xuelong Li
, Baris Turkbey, Peter L. Choyke, Pingkun Yan
Prostate Segmentation in MR Images Using Discriminant Boundary Features. 479-488 - Yu-Hsuan Wu, Delia Arnaud-Cormos
, Maura Casciola, Jason M. Sanders, Philippe Leveque
, P. Thomas Vernier:
Moveable Wire Electrode Microchamber for Nanosecond Pulsed Electric-Field Delivery. 489-496 - Kuan Ee Brian Ooi, Margaret Lech, Nicholas B. Allen
Multichannel Weighted Speech Classification System for Prediction of Major Depression in Adolescents. 497-506 - Gregor Ochsner, Raffael Amacher
, Alois Amstutz, André Plass, Marianne Schmid Daners
, Hendrik Tevaearai, Stijn Vandenberghe
, Markus J. Wilhelm, Lino Guzzella:
A Novel Interface for Hybrid Mock Circulations to Evaluate Ventricular Assist Devices. 507-516 - Yuanzhi Cheng, Changyong Guo, Yadong Wang, Jing Bai, Shinichi Tamura:
Accuracy Limits for the Thickness Measurement of the Hip Joint Cartilage in 3-D MR Images: Simulation and Validation. 517-533 - Cristian-Cezar Postelnicu, Doru Talaba:
P300-Based Brain-Neuronal Computer Interaction for Spelling Applications. 534-543 - Ali R. Khan
, Lei Wang
, Mirza Faisal Beg
Multistructure Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Brain Registration. 544-553 - Surajit Panja
, Sourav Patra, Anirban Mukherjee
, Madhumita Basu
, Sanghamitra Sengupta, Pranab Kumar Dutta:
An Optimization-Based Design Framework for Steering Steady States and Improving Robustness of Glycolysis-Glycogenolysis Pathway. 554-561 - Elliott J. Rouse
, Robert D. Gregg
, Levi J. Hargrove, Jonathon W. Sensinger:
The Difference Between Stiffness and Quasi-Stiffness in the Context of Biomechanical Modeling. 562-568 - Jungsik Kim, Jung Kim:
Viscoelastic Characterization of Mouse Zona Pellucida. 569-575 - Joyce Lin, James P. Keener:
Ephaptic Coupling in Cardiac Myocytes. 576-582
Volume 60, Number 3, March 2013
- Bin He
Introduction to special section on grand challenges in engineering life sciences and medicine. 587-588 - Bin He
, Richard Baird, Robert J. Butera
, Aniruddha Datta, Steven George, Bruce Hecht, Alfred O. Hero III, Gianluca Lazzi, Raphael C. Lee
, Jie Liang, Michael R. Neuman, Grace C. Y. Peng, Eric J. Perreault
, Melur Ramasubramanian, May D. Wang
, John P. Wikswo, Guang-Zhong Yang, Yuan-Ting Zhang
Grand Challenges in Interfacing Engineering With Life Sciences and Medicine. 589-598 - Raphael C. Lee
Convolving Engineering and Medical Pedagogies for Training of Tomorrow's Health Care Professionals. 599-601 - P. Hunter Peckham, Kevin L. Kilgore
Challenges and Opportunities in Restoring Function After Paralysis. 602-609 - Matthew D. Johnson
, Hubert H. Lim
, Theoden I. Netoff
, Allison T. Connolly, Nessa Johnson
, Abhrajeet V. Roy
, Abbey Holt
, Kelvin O. Lim
, James R. Carey, Jerrold L. Vitek, Bin He
Neuromodulation for Brain Disorders: Challenges and Opportunities. 610-624 - Ying Hsu
, Andreas A. Linninger:
Quantitative Integration of Biological, Pharmacokinetic, and Medical Imaging Data for Organ-Wide Dose-Response Predictions. 625-632 - Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Yali Zheng, Wan-Hua Lin, Heye Zhang, Xiao-Lin Zhou:
Challenges and Opportunities in Cardiovascular Health Informatics. 633-642 - Dalin Tang, Chun Yang, Jie Zheng, Gador Canton, Richard G. Bach, Thomas S. Hatsukami, Liang Wang, Deshan Yang, Kristen Billiar, Chun Yuan:
Image-Based Modeling and Precision Medicine: Patient-Specific Carotid and Coronary Plaque Assessment and Predictions. 643-651 - Spyretta Golemati
, Aimilia Gastounioti
, Konstantina S. Nikita
Toward Novel Noninvasive and Low-Cost Markers for Predicting Strokes in Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis: The Role of Ultrasound Image Analysis. 652-658 - Anne Humeau-Heurtier, Emmanuelle Guerreschi, Pierre Abraham, Guillaume Mahé:
Relevance of Laser Doppler and Laser Speckle Techniques for Assessing Vascular Function: State of the Art and Future Trends. 659-666 - Scott C. Lenaghan
, Yongzhong Wang, Ning Xi, Toshio Fukuda, Tzyh Jong Tarn, William R. Hamel, Mingjun Zhang:
Grand Challenges in Bioengineered Nanorobotics for Cancer Therapy. 667-673 - Hani J. Marcus
, Dipankar Nandi, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Surgical Robotics Through a Keyhole: From Today's Translational Barriers to Tomorrow's "Disappearing" Robots. 674-681 - John P. Wikswo, Frank E. Block III, David E. Cliffel
, Cody R. Goodwin, Christina C. Marasco
, Dmitry A. Markov, David L. McLean, John A. McLean
, Jennifer R. McKenzie, Ronald S. Reiserer, Philip C. Samson, David K. Schaffer, Kevin T. Seale, Stacy D. Sherrod:
Engineering Challenges for Instrumenting and Controlling Integrated Organ-on-Chip Systems. 682-690 - Ibrahim T. Ozbolat, Yin Yu:
Bioprinting Toward Organ Fabrication: Challenges and Future Trends. 691-699 - Arthur G. Erdman, Daniel F. Keefe, Randall Schiestl:
Grand Challenge: Applying Regulatory Science and Big Data to Improve Medical Device Innovation. 700-706 - Alexander Golberg
, Martin L. Yarmush
Nonthermal Irreversible Electroporation: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges. 707-714 - Gregory L. Damhorst
, Nicholas N. Watkins
, Rashid Bashir:
Micro- and Nanotechnology for HIV/AIDS Diagnostics in Resource-Limited Settings. 715-726 - Leonardo Ricotti
, Arianna Menciassi:
Engineering Stem Cells For Future Medicine. 727-734 - Orla M. Doyle
, Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
, James Michael Harte
, Paul A. Tiffin
, Peter Tiño
, Vanessa Díaz-Zuccarini:
Bridging Paradigms: Hybrid Mechanistic-Discriminative Predictive Models. 735-742 - Alexander Wong, Akshaya Kumar Mishra, Paul W. Fieguth, David A. Clausi:
Sparse Reconstruction of Breast MRI Using Homotopic L0 Minimization in a Regional Sparsified Domain. 743-752 - L. Leon Chen, Radhika Madhavan, Benjamin I. Rapoport, William S. Anderson
Real-Time Brain Oscillation Detection and Phase-Locked Stimulation Using Autoregressive Spectral Estimation and Time-Series Forward Prediction. 753-762 - Tingbo Fan, Zhenbo Liu, Dong Zhang, Mengxing Tang:
Comparative Study of Lesions Created by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Using Sequential Discrete and Continuous Scanning Strategies. 763-769 - Younes Zerouali, Christophe L. Herry, Boutheina Jemel, Jean-Marc Lina:
Localization of Synchronous Cortical Neural Sources. 770-780 - Walid Atabany
, Brian McGovern, Kamyar Mehran, Rolando Berlinguer Palmini
, Patrick Degenaar
A Processing Platform for Optoelectronic/Optogenetic Retinal Prosthesis. 781-791 - Rahul R. Kaliki, Rahman Davoodi, Gerald E. Loeb
Evaluation of a Noninvasive Command Scheme for Upper-Limb Prostheses in a Virtual Reality Reach and Grasp Task. 792-802 - Celso T. N. Suzuki
, Jancarlo F. Gomes
, Alexandre X. Falcão
, João P. Papa, Sumie Hoshino-Shimizu:
Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Human Intestinal Parasites From Microscopy Images. 803-812 - Taha Jerbi, Valérie Burdin, Julien Leboucher, Eric Stindel, Christian Roux:
2-D-3-D Frequency Registration Using a Low-Dose Radiographic System for Knee Motion Estimation. 813-820 - Tiwalade Sobayo, Ananda S. Fine, Elizabeth Gunnar, Christine Kazlauskas, David P. Nicholls, David J. Mogul:
Synchrony Dynamics Across Brain Structures in Limbic Epilepsy Vary Between Initiation and Termination Phases of Seizures. 821-829 - Andrea Calisto, Massimiliano Galeano
, Salvatore Serrano
, Amedeo Calisto, Bruno Azzerboni
A New Approach for Investigating Intracranial Pressure Signal: Filtering and Morphological Features Extraction from Continuous Recording. 830-837 - Felix C. Huang, James L. Patton:
Augmented Dynamics and Motor Exploration as Training for Stroke. 838-844 - Xiaoyan Li, Aneesha K. Suresh
, Ping Zhou, William Zev Rymer:
Alterations in the Peak Amplitude Distribution of the Surface Electromyogram Poststroke. 845-852 - Taro Shibanoki, Keisuke Shima
, Toshio Tsuji
, Akira Otsuka, Takaaki Chin:
A Quasi-Optimal Channel Selection Method for Bioelectric Signal Classification Using a Partial Kullback-Leibler Information Measure. 853-861 - Zhe Luo, Junfeng Cai, Su Wang, Qiang Zhao, Terry M. Peters, Lixu Gu:
Magnetic Navigation for Thoracic Aortic Stent-graft Deployment Using Ultrasound Image Guidance. 862-871 - Anne Humeau-Heurtier, Guillaume Mahé, Sylvain Durand, Pierre Abraham:
Multiscale Entropy Study of Medical Laser Speckle Contrast Images. 872-879 - Clemente Cobos Sánchez
Comments on "Induction of Electric Field in Human Bodies Moving Near MRI: An Efficient BEM Computational Procedure". 880-881 - Mario Chiampi, Luca L. Zilberti
Reply to "Comments on Induction of an Electric Field in Human Bodies Moving Near MRI: An Efficient BEM Computational Procedure". 882-883
Volume 60, Number 4, April 2013
- Purang Abolmaesumi
, Gabor Fichtinger, Terry M. Peters, Ichiro Sakuma, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Introduction to Special Section on Surgical Robotics. 887-891 - Jason W. Motkoski, Fang Wei Yang, Shelly H. H. Lwu, Garnette R. Sutherland
Toward Robot-Assisted Neurosurgical Lasers. 892-898 - Mohammad Ali Tavallaei
, Yogesh Thakur, Syed Haider, Maria Drangova
A Magnetic-Resonance-Imaging-Compatible Remote Catheter Navigation System. 899-905 - Philip J. Swaney, Jessica Burgner
, Hunter B. Gilbert
, Robert J. Webster III:
A Flexure-Based Steerable Needle: High Curvature With Reduced Tissue Damage. 906-909 - Seong-Young Ko, Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena
Toward a Miniaturized Needle Steering System With Path Planning for Obstacle Avoidance. 910-917 - Roger E. Goldman, Andrea Bajo, Lara S. MacLachlan, Ryan B. Pickens, S. Duke Herrell, Nabil Simaan:
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Minimally Invasive Telerobotic Platform for Transurethral Surveillance and Intervention. 918-925 - Tyler D. Wortman, Jack M. Mondry, Shane Farritor, Dmitry Oleynikov
Single-Site Colectomy With Miniature In Vivo Robotic Platform. 926-929 - Cristian A. Castro, Adham Alqassis, Sara Smith, Thomas Ketterl, Yu Sun, Sharona Ross, Alexander Rosemurgy, Peter P. Savage, Richard D. Gitlin:
A Wireless Robot for Networked Laparoscopy. 930-936 - Won-Ho Shin, Dong-Soo Kwon:
Surgical Robot System for Single-Port Surgery With Novel Joint Mechanism. 937-944 - Stephen P. Woods, Timothy G. Constandinou
Wireless Capsule Endoscope for Targeted Drug Delivery: Mechanics and Design Considerations. 945-953 - Blake Hannaford, Jacob Rosen, Diana C. W. Friedman, Hawkeye H. I. King, Phillip Roan, Lei Cheng, Daniel Glozman, Ji Ma, Sina Nia Kosari, Lee White:
Raven-II: An Open Platform for Surgical Robotics Research. 954-959 - Nicolas Gerber
, Kate Alicia Gavaghan
, Brett J. Bell
, Tom M. Williamson, Christian Weisstanner
, Marco-Domenico Caversaccio, Stefan Weber
High-Accuracy Patient-to-Image Registration for the Facilitation of Image-Guided Robotic Microsurgery on the Head. 960-968 - Tom M. Williamson, Brett J. Bell
, Nicolas Gerber
, Lilibeth Salas, Philippe Zysset
, Marco Caversaccio, Stefan Weber
Estimation of Tool Pose Based on Force-Density Correlation During Robotic Drilling. 969-976 - Zhuohua Lin, Munenori Uemura
, Massimiliano Zecca
, Salvatore Sessa
, Hiroyuki Ishii, Morimasa Tomikawa, Makoto Hashizume, Atsuo Takanishi:
Objective Skill Evaluation for Laparoscopic Training Based on Motion Analysis. 977-985 - Elena De Momi
, Chiara Caborni, Francesco Cardinale
, Laura Castana
, Giuseppe Casaceli, Massimo Cossu
, Luca Antiga, Giancarlo Ferrigno
Automatic Trajectory Planner for StereoElectroEncephaloGraphy Procedures: A Retrospective Study. 986-993 - Karim Belharet
, David Folio
, Antoine Ferreira:
Simulation and Planning of a Magnetically Actuated Microrobot Navigating in the Arteries. 994-1001 - Orcun Goksel
, Kirill Sapchuk, William J. Morris, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Prostate Brachytherapy Training With Simulated Ultrasound and Fluoroscopy Images. 1002-1012 - Jonathan Boisvert, Guillaume Poirier, Louis Borgeat, Guy Godin:
Real-Time Blood Circulation and Bleeding Model for Surgical Training. 1013-1022 - John T. Moore
, Michael W. A. Chu, Bob Kiaii, Daniel Bainbridge
, Gerard Guiraudon, Chris Wedlake, Maria Currie, Martin Rajchl
, Rajni V. Patel
, Terry M. Peters:
A Navigation Platform for Guidance of Beating Heart Transapical Mitral Valve Repair. 1034-1040 - Benoit Rosa
, Mustafa Suphi Erden
, Tom Vercauteren
, Benoît Herman, Jérôme Szewczyk
, Guillaume Morel:
Building Large Mosaics of Confocal Edomicroscopic Images Using Visual Servoing. 1041-1049 - Max Allan, Sébastien Ourselin
, Steve Thompson, David J. Hawkes, John D. Kelly, Danail Stoyanov
Toward Detection and Localization of Instruments in Minimally Invasive Surgery. 1050-1058 - Mustafa Suphi Erden
, Benoit Rosa
, Jérôme Szewczyk
, Guillaume Morel:
Understanding Soft-Tissue Behavior for Application to Microlaparoscopic Surface Scan. 1059-1068 - Rui Shen, Irene Cheng, Anup Basu:
Cross-Scale Coefficient Selection for Volumetric Medical Image Fusion. 1069-1079 - Vikram Chandrasekaran, Ram Dantu, Srikanth Jonnada, Shanti Thiyagaraja, Kalyan Pathapati Subbu:
Cuffless Differential Blood Pressure Estimation Using Smart Phones. 1080-1089 - Amber L. Simpson, Jessica Burgner
, Courtenay L. Glisson, S. Duke Herrell, Burton Ma, Thomas S. Pheiffer, Robert J. Webster III, Michael I. Miga:
Comparison Study of Intraoperative Surface Acquisition Methods for Surgical Navigation. 1090-1099 - Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka
Simultaneous Design of FIR Filter Banks and Spatial Patterns for EEG Signal Classification. 1100-1110 - Ujjwal Maulik
, Anirban Mukhopadhyay
, Debasis Chakraborty
Gene-Expression-Based Cancer Subtypes Prediction Through Feature Selection and Transductive SVM. 1111-1117 - Kin Foon Kevin Wong, Jen J. Gong, Joseph F. Cotten, Ken Solt
, Emery N. Brown:
Assessing the Effects of Pharmacological Agents on Respiratory Dynamics Using Time-Series Modeling. 1118-1125 - Sunghan Kim, Robert B. Hamilton, Stacy Pineles, Marvin Bergsneider, Xiao Hu:
Noninvasive Intracranial Hypertension Detection Utilizing Semisupervised Learning. 1126-1133 - Amir Reza Sadri, Maryam Zekri
, Saeed Sadri, Niloofar Gheissari, Mojgan Mokhtari, Farzaneh Kolahdouzan:
Segmentation of Dermoscopy Images Using Wavelet Networks. 1134-1141 - Øyvind Aardal, Yoann Paichard, Sverre Brovoll, Tor Berger, Tor Sverre Lande
, Svein-Erik Hamran:
Physical Working Principles of Medical Radar. 1142-1149 - Haithem Babiker, L. Fernando Gonzalez, Felipe Albuquerque, Daniel Collins, Arius Elvikis, Christine M. Zwart, Breigh Roszelle, David H. Frakes:
An In Vitro Study of Pulsatile Fluid Dynamics in Intracranial Aneurysm Models Treated with Embolic Coils and Flow Diverters. 1150-1159 - Malunoud Hassan, Jérémy Terrien, Charles Muszynski, Asgeir Alexandersson
, Catherine Marque
, Brynjar Karlsson:
Better Pregnancy Monitoring Using Nonlinear Correlation Analysis of External Uterine Electromyography. 1160-1166
Volume 60, Number 5, May 2013
- Danial Shahmirzadi, Hugh A. Bruck
, Adam H. Hsieh
Quantifying the Interfibrillar Spacing and Fibrillar Orientation of the Aortic Extracellular Matrix Using Histology Image Processing: Toward Multiscale Modeling. 1171-1180 - Renhuan Yang
, Xu Li
, Aiguo Song, Bin He
, Ruqiang Yan
A 3-D Reconstruction Solution to Current Density Imaging Based on Acoustoelectric Effect by Deconvolution: A Simulation Study. 1181-1190 - Farhan Riaz
, Francisco Baldaque Silva, Mário Dinis-Ribeiro
, Miguel Tavares Coimbra
Impact of Visual Features on the Segmentation of Gastroenterology Images Using Normalized Cuts. 1191-1201 - Anke Van Campen, Friedl De Groote
, Ilse Jonkers
, Joris De Schutter
An Extended Dynamometer Setup to Improve the Accuracy of Knee Joint Moment Assessment. 1202-1208 - Elham Sharif
, Janice Kiely, Patrick Wraith, Richard Luxton:
The Dual Role of Paramagnetic Particles for Integrated Lysis and Measurement in a Rapid Immunoassay for Intracellular Proteins. 1209-1216 - Antonio R. Porras
, Gemma Piella
, Antonio Berruezo
, Corné Hoogendoorn
, David Andreu, Juan Fernandez-Armenta
, Marta Sitges, Alejandro F. Frangi
Interventional Endocardial Motion Estimation from Electroanatomical Mapping Data: Application to Scar Characterization. 1217-1224 - Jenna L. Gorlewicz, Santina Battaglia, Byron F. Smith, Gastone Ciuti
, Jason Gerding, Arianna Menciassi, Keith Obstein, Pietro Valdastri
, Robert J. Webster III:
Wireless Insufflation of the Gastrointestinal Tract. 1225-1233 - Giovani Guimaraes Rodrigues, U. S. Freitas
, Dounia Bounoiare, Luis Antonio Aguirre, Christophe Letellier
Leakage Estimation Using Kalman Filtering in Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation. 1234-1240 - George S. Papoutsoglou, Costas Balas:
Estimation of Neoplasia-Related Biological Parameters Through Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Optical Molecular Imaging Data. 1241-1249 - Aaron J. Young, Lauren H. Smith, Elliott J. Rouse
, Levi J. Hargrove:
Classification of Simultaneous Movements Using Surface EMG Pattern Recognition. 1250-1258 - Tiziano Binzoni, Anne Humeau-Heurtier
, Pierre Abraham, Guillaume Mahé:
Blood Perfusion Values of Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging and Laser Doppler Flowmetry: Is a Direct Comparison Possible? 1259-1265 - Paul Docherty
, Juliet E. Berkeley, Thomas Lotz, Lisa TeMorenga
, Liam M. Fisk, Geoffrey M. Shaw, Kirsten A. McAuley, Jim I. Mann, J. Geoffrey Chase:
Clinical Validation of the Quick Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity Test. 1266-1272 - Dorin Bibicu
, Luminita Moraru
Cardiac Cycle Phase Estimation in 2-D Echocardiographic Images Using an Artificial Neural Network. 1273-1279 - Yan Zhou, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis
, Peggy Lindner
, Ilya Timofeyev
, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
Spatiotemporal Smoothing as a Basis for Facial Tissue Tracking in Thermal Imaging. 1280-1289 - Zifang Huang, Mei-Ling Shyu, James M. Tien, Michael M. Vigoda, David J. Birnbach:
Prediction of Uterine Contractions Using Knowledge-Assisted Sequential Pattern Analysis. 1290-1297 - Xiaozhang Zhu
, Zhiqin Zhao, Jinguo Wang, Jian Song, Qing Huo Liu
Microwave-Induced Thermal Acoustic Tomography for Breast Tumor Based on Compressive Sensing. 1298-1307 - Sébastien Roujol
, Tamer A. Basha, Alex Tan, Varun Khanna, Raymond H. Chan, Mehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Hussein Rayatzadeh, Jaime L. Shaw, Mark E. Josephson, Reza Nezafat:
Improved Multimodality Data Fusion of Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI to Left Ventricular Voltage Maps in Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation. 1308-1317 - Chunfeng Yang, Régine Le Bouquin-Jeannès
, Jean-Jacques Bellanger, Huazhong Shu:
A New Strategy for Model Order Identification and Its Application to Transfer Entropy for EEG Signals Analysis. 1318-1327 - A. SalmanOgli, Ali Rostami:
Simulation of Tumor Targeting Enhancement by Amplifying of Targeted Nano-Biosensors Radiation Intensity. 1328-1335 - Ricardo T. Ribeiro, Rui Tato Marinho
, J. Miguel Sanches
Classification and Staging of Chronic Liver Disease From Multimodal Data. 1336-1344 - Mohammad Niknazar, Bertrand Rivet, Christian Jutten:
Fetal ECG Extraction by Extended State Kalman Filtering Based on Single-Channel Recordings. 1345-1352 - Aurélien Dumenil, Adrien Kaladji, Miguel Castro
, Simon Esneault, Antoine Lucas, Michel Rochette, Cemil Göksu, Pascal Haigron:
Finite-Element-Based Matching of Pre- and Intraoperative Data for Image-Guided Endovascular Aneurysm Repair. 1353-1362 - Waldir L. Roque, Katia Arcaro
, Angel Alberich-Bayarri
Mechanical Competence of Bone: A New Parameter to Grade Trabecular Bone Fragility From Tortuosity and Elasticity. 1363-1370 - Ivo Fridolin
, Deniss Karai, Sergei Kostin, Raimund Ubar
Accurate Dialysis Dose Evaluation and Extrapolation Algorithms During Online Optical Dialysis Monitoring. 1371-1377 - Christian Schmidt, Peadar F. Grant
, Madeleine M. Lowery
, Ursula van Rienen
Influence of Uncertainties in the Material Properties of Brain Tissue on the Probabilistic Volume of Tissue Activated. 1378-1387 - Jérémie Anquez, Elsa D. Angelini
, Gilles Grange, Isabelle Bloch:
Automatic Segmentation of Antenatal 3-D Ultrasound Images. 1388-1400 - Ali Shahidi Zandi, Reza Tafreshi, Manouchehr Javidan, Guy Albert Dumont
Predicting Epileptic Seizures in Scalp EEG Based on a Variational Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model of Zero-Crossing Intervals. 1401-1413 - Philip R. Troyk, Zhe Hu:
Simplified Design Equations for Class-E Neural Prosthesis Transmitters. 1414-1421 - Anthony M. Jarc, Max Berniker, Matthew C. Tresch:
FES Control of Isometric Forces in the Rat Hindlimb Using Many Muscles. 1422-1430 - Hadi Mansoor, Haishan Zeng
, Isabella T. Tai, Jianhua Zhao, Mu Chiao:
A Handheld Electromagnetically Actuated Fiber Optic Raster Scanner for Reflectance Confocal Imaging of Biological Tissues. 1431-1438 - Walid M. Abdelmoula
, Syed Mahmoud Shah, Ahmed S. Fahmy:
Segmentation of Choroidal Neovascularization in Fundus Fluorescein Angiograms. 1439-1445 - Mina Jafarpoor, Jia Li, Jacob K. White, Seward B. Rutkove
Optimizing Electrode Configuration for Electrical Impedance Measurements of Muscle via the Finite Element Method. 1446-1452 - Rasmus Krigslund, Strahinja Dosen
, Petar Popovski
, Jakob Lund Dideriksen
, Gert Frølund Pedersen
, Dario Farina:
A Novel Technology for Motion Capture Using Passive UHF RFID Tags. 1453-1457 - Mikko Kyrö, Kenichi Takizawa, Katsuyuki Haneda, Pertti Vainikainen:
Validation of Statistical Channel Models for 60 GHz Radio Systems in Hospital Environments. 1458-1462
Volume 60, Number 6, June 2013
- Yoshikazu Nakajima, Takeyoshi Dohi, Toshihiko Sasama, Yasuyuki Momoi, Nobuhiko Sugano, Yuichi Tamura, Sung-hwan Lim, Ichiro Sakuma, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Tsuyoshi Koyama, Kazuo Yonenobu, Satoru Ohashi, Masahiko Bessho, Isao Ohnishi:
Surgical Tool Alignment Guidance by Drawing Two Cross-Sectional Laser-Beam Planes. 1467-1476 - Zhiyuan Shen
, Naizhang Feng, Yi Shen, Chin-Hui Lee:
A Ridge Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach to Clutter Rejection for Ultrasound Color Flow Imaging. 1477-1487 - Tai Nguyen-Ky, Peng (Paul) Wen
, Yan Li
Consciousness and Depth of Anesthesia Assessment Based on Bayesian Analysis of EEG Signals. 1488-1498 - Dong Wei, Ying Sun
, Sim Heng Ong, Ping Chai, Lynette L. Teo, Adrian F. Low
A Comprehensive 3-D Framework for Automatic Quantification of Late Gadolinium Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images. 1499-1508 - Yogesh Nijsure, Wee Peng Tay
, Erry Gunawan, Fuxi Wen
, Zhang Yang, Yong Liang Guan
, Ai Ping Chua:
An Impulse Radio Ultrawideband System for Contactless Noninvasive Respiratory Monitoring. 1509-1517 - Haoyao Chen, Can Wang
, Yunjiang Lou:
Flocking Multiple Microparticles With Automatically Controlled Optical Tweezers: Solutions and Experiments. 1518-1527 - Bao C. Q. Truong, Hoang Duong Tuan, Ha Hoang Kha
, Hung T. Nguyen
Debye Parameter Extraction for Characterizing Interaction of Terahertz Radiation With Human Skin Tissue. 1528-1537 - C. C. Zazzarini, P. Patete, Guido Baroni
, Pietro Cerveri
Mechatronic Design of a Fully Integrated Camera for Mini-Invasive Surgery. 1538-1545 - Hyunna Lee, Bo Hyoung Kim, Jeongjin Lee, Se Hyung Kim, Yeong-Gil Shin, Tae-Gong Kim:
Fold-Preserving Electronic Cleansing Using a Reconstruction Model Integrating Material Fractions and Structural Responses. 1546-1555 - M. Arcan Erturk
, Paul A. Bottomley, AbdEl-Monem M. El-Sharkawy
Denoising MRI Using Spectral Subtraction. 1556-1562 - Erik J. Scheme, Bernard Hudgins, Kevin B. Englehart
Confidence-Based Rejection for Improved Pattern Recognition Myoelectric Control. 1563-1570 - Lior Turgeman, Dror Fixler
Photon Efficiency Optimization in Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Technique for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Systems. 1571-1579 - Rik Vullings
, Massimo Mischi
, S. Guid Oei, Jan W. M. Bergmans:
Novel Bayesian Vectorcardiographic Loop Alignment for Improved Monitoring of ECG and Fetal Movement. 1580-1588 - Feiniu Yuan, Kai-Hsiang Chuang
, Jimin Liu:
A Variational Surface Deformation and Subdivision-Based Modeling Framework for Noisy and Small $n$-Furcated Tube-Like Structures. 1589-1598 - Anup Das, Prathyush P. Menon, Jonathan G. Hardman
, Declan G. Bates:
Optimization of Mechanical Ventilator Settings for Pulmonary Disease States. 1599-1607 - Farhad Imani, Purang Abolmaesumi
, Mark Z. Wu, Andras Lasso, Everette Clif Burdette, Goutam Ghoshal, Tamas Heffter, Emery Williams, Paul Neubauer, Gabor Fichtinger, Parvin Mousavi
Ultrasound-Guided Characterization of Interstitial Ablated Tissue Using RF Time Series: Feasibility Study. 1608-1618 - Caitlin Schneider, Christopher Y. Nguan, Michelle Longpre, Robert Rohling, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Motion of the Kidney Between Preoperative and Intraoperative Positioning. 1619-1627 - Ying Wei, Debao Liu:
A Reconfigurable Digital Filterbank for Hearing-Aid Systems With a Variety of Sound Wave Decomposition Plans. 1628-1635 - Andrej Gams
, Tadej Petric
, Tadej Debevec
, Jan Babic
Effects of Robotic Knee Exoskeleton on Human Energy Expenditure. 1636-1644 - Kei Nishihara, Wataru Iwasaki
, Masaki Nakamura, Eiji Higurashi
, Tomoki Soh, Toshihiro Itoh, Hironao Okada, Ryutaro Maeda, Renshi Sawada:
Development of a Wireless Sensor for the Measurement of Chicken Blood Flow Using the Laser Doppler Blood Flow Meter Technique. 1645-1653 - Yazan Al-Ajam, Henry Lancashire
, C. Pendegrass, N. Kang, R. P. Dowling, S. J. G. Taylor, Gordon Blunn
The Use of a Bone-Anchored Device as a Hard-Wired Conduit for Transmitting EMG Signals From Implanted Muscle Electrodes. 1654-1659 - Joachim Behar, Julien Oster
, Qiao Li, Gari D. Clifford:
ECG Signal Quality During Arrhythmia and Its Application to False Alarm Reduction. 1660-1666 - Cheng Cheng, Jonn Kmech, Vivian K. Mushahwar
, Anastasia L. Elias
Development of Surrogate Spinal Cords for the Evaluation of Electrode Arrays Used in Intraspinal Implants. 1667-1676 - Suseela Somarajan, Summer Cassilly, Chibuike Obioha, L. Alan Bradshaw, William O. Richards:
Noninvasive Biomagnetic Detection of Isolated Ischemic Bowel Segments. 1677-1684 - Kaibao Nie, Leo Ling, Steven M. Bierer, Chris R. S. Kaneko, Albert F. Fuchs, Trey Oxford, Jay T. Rubinstein, James O. Phillips:
An Experimental Vestibular Neural Prosthesis: Design and Preliminary Results With Rhesus Monkeys Stimulated With Modulated Pulses. 1685-1692 - Yan-Li Zhang, Wanyu Liu, Isabelle E. Magnin, Yue-Min Zhu
Feature-Preserving Smoothing of Diffusion Weighted Images Using Nonstationarity Adaptive Filtering. 1693-1701 - Nicholas Perentos
, Rodney J. Croft
, Ray J. McKenzie, Irena Cosic
The Alpha Band of the Resting Electroencephalogram Under Pulsed and Continuous Radio Frequency Exposures. 1702-1710 - Asbjorn Klomp, Erwin de Vlugt, Carel G. M. Meskers
, Jurriaan H. De Groot
, J. Hans Arendzen, Frans C. T. van der Helm:
Reduction of the Linear Reflex Gain Explained From the M1-M2 Refractory Period. 1721-1727 - Chunwoo Kim, Doyoung Chang, Doru Petrisor, Gregory S. Chirikjian, Misop Han, Dan Stoianovici:
Ultrasound Probe and Needle-Guide Calibration for Robotic Ultrasound Scanning and Needle Targeting. 1728-1734 - Giuseppe Carluccio
, Danilo Erricolo
, Sukhoon Oh, Christopher M. Collins
An Approach to Rapid Calculation of Temperature Change in Tissue Using Spatial Filters to Approximate Effects of Thermal Conduction. 1735-1741 - Andy Tsai, Susan Connolly, Arthur Nedder, Frederic Shapiro:
Visualization and Analysis of the Deforming Piglet Femur and Hip Following Experimentally Induced Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head. 1742-1750 - Hao Zhou, Gürsel Alici
, Trung Duc Than, Weihua Li
Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Propulsion of a Spiral-Type Microrobot for Medical Use in Gastrointestinal Tract. 1751-1759 - Yuqian Li, Diana Maria Sima
, Sofie Van Cauter, Uwe Himmelreich
, Anca R. Croitor Sava, Yiming Pi, Yipeng Liu, Sabine Van Huffel:
Unsupervised Nosologic Imaging for Glioma Diagnosis. 1760-1763
Volume 60, Number 7, July 2013
- Medical and Biological Engineering in the Next 20 Years: The Promise and the Challenges. 1767-1775
- Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
, Isela Bonilla
, M. Rodriguez-Martinez, M. E. Sanchez-Briones
, E. Ruiz-Hernandez:
Closed-Loop Control of Renal Perfusion Pressure in Physiological Experiments. 1776-1784 - Dario Martelli
, Vito Monaco, Lorenzo Bassi Luciani, Silvestro Micera
Angular Momentum During Unexpected Multidirectional Perturbations Delivered While Walking. 1785-1795 - Raquel Bailón
, Nuria Garatachea
, Ignacio de la Iglesia, José Antonio Casajús
, Pablo Laguna
Influence of Running Stride Frequency in Heart Rate Variability Analysis During Treadmill Exercise Testing. 1796-1805 - Arkadiusz Miaskowski
, Bartosz Sawicki
Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia Modeling Based on Phantom Measurements and Realistic Breast Model. 1806-1813 - Mohamad Forouzanfar
, Saif Ahmad, Izmail Batkin, Hilmi R. Dajani, Voicu Z. Groza, Miodrag Bolic:
Coefficient-Free Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Pulse Transit Time-Cuff Pressure Dependence. 1814-1824 - Cristina Soguero-Ruíz
, Luis Lechuga-Suárez, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez
, Javier Ramos-López
, Óscar Barquero-Pérez
, Arcadi García-Alberola, José Luis Rojo-Álvarez
Ontology for Heart Rate Turbulence Domain From The Conceptual Model of SNOMED-CT. 1825-1833 - Jianhua Yao
, John Bliton, Ronald M. Summers:
Automatic Segmentation and Measurement of Pleural Effusions on CT. 1834-1840 - Brandon Miles, Ismail Ben Ayed, Max W. K. Law, Gregory J. Garvin
, Aaron Fenster, Shuo Li
Spine Image Fusion Via Graph Cuts. 1841-1850 - Qiangfeng Peter Lau, Mong-Li Lee
, Wynne Hsu
, Tien Yin Wong
Simultaneously Identifying All True Vessels From Segmented Retinal Images. 1851-1858 - Ervin Sejdic
, Catriona M. Steele
, Tom Chau:
Classification of Penetration-Aspiration Versus Healthy Swallows Using Dual-Axis Swallowing Accelerometry Signals in Dysphagic Subjects. 1859-1866 - Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Stephen Tiffany, Yogendra Patil
, Edward Sazonov
Monitoring of Cigarette Smoking Using Wearable Sensors and Support Vector Machines. 1867-1872 - Jeffrey Glaister, Robert Amelard
, Alexander Wong, David A. Clausi:
MSIM: Multistage Illumination Modeling of Dermatological Photographs for Illumination-Corrected Skin Lesion Analysis. 1873-1883 - Weibao Qiu, Yanyan Yu, Fu Keung Tsang, Hairong Zheng, Lei Sun
A Novel Modulated Excitation Imaging System for Microultrasound. 1884-1890 - Yenny Leal
, Luis González Abril
, Carol Lorencio
, Jorge Bondia
, Josep Vehí
Detection of Correct and Incorrect Measurements in Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems by Applying a Postprocessing Support Vector Machine. 1891-1899 - Saideh Ferdowsi, Saeid Sanei, Vahid Abolghasemi
, Judith Nottage
, Owen G. O'Daly:
Removing Ballistocardiogram Artifact From EEG Using Short- and Long-Term Linear Predictor. 1900-1911 - Marc Carmichael
, Dikai Liu
Estimating Physical Assistance Need Using a Musculoskeletal Model. 1912-1919 - Vincent Bonnet, Claudia Mazzà
, Philippe Fraisse, Aurelio Cappozzo:
Real-time Estimate of Body Kinematics During a Planar Squat Task Using a Single Inertial Measurement Unit. 1920-1926 - Greta S. P. Mok, Tao Sun
, Tzung-Chi Huang, Mang I Vai:
Interpolated Average CT for Attenuation Correction in PET - A Simulation Study. 1927-1934 - John Darby, Baihua Li, Nicholas Costen
, Ian Loram
, Emma F. Hodson-Tole
Estimating Skeletal Muscle Fascicle Curvature From B-Mode Ultrasound Image Sequences. 1935-1945 - Walter Karlen
, Srinivas Raman, John Mark Ansermino
, Guy Albert Dumont
Multiparameter Respiratory Rate Estimation From the Photoplethysmogram. 1946-1953 - Junhua Zhang, Liang Lv, Xinling Shi, Yuanyuan Wang, Fei Guo, Yufeng Zhang, Hongjian Li:
3-D Reconstruction of the Spine From Biplanar Radiographs Based on Contour Matching Using the Hough Transform. 1954-1964 - Liang Wu, Congying Wan, Supin Wang, Mingxi Wan:
Improvement of Electrolaryngeal Speech Quality Using a Supraglottal Voice Source With Compensation of Vocal Tract Characteristics. 1965-1974 - Samareh Samadi, Ladan Amini, Delphine Cosandier-Rimélé, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
, Christian Jutten:
Reference-Based Source Separation Method For Identification of Brain Regions Involved in a Reference State From Intracerebral EEG. 1983-1992 - Seung Bae Lee, Ming Yin, Joseph R. Manns, Maysam Ghovanloo:
A Wideband Dual-Antenna Receiver for Wireless Recording From Animals Behaving in Large Arenas. 1993-2004 - Akila Subasinghe Arachchige, Jagath Samarabandu, Joan Knoll
, Peter K. Rogan
Intensity Integrated Laplacian-Based Thickness Measurement for Detecting Human Metaphase Chromosome Centromere Location. 2005-2013 - Nadine-Michèle Lalonde, Yvan Petit
, Carl-Eric Aubin, Eric Wagnac, Pierre Jean Arnoux
Method to Geometrically Personalize a Detailed Finite-Element Model of the Spine. 2014-2021 - Xun Chen, Chen He, Z. Jane Wang, Martin J. McKeown
An IC-PLS Framework for Group Corticomuscular Coupling Analysis. 2022-2033 - Po Su, Jianhua Yang, Kongkuo Lu, Nam Yu, Stephen T. Wong, Zhong Xue
A Fast CT and CT-Fluoroscopy Registration Algorithm With Respiratory Motion Compensation for Image-Guided Lung Intervention. 2034-2041 - Samsoon Inayat
, Lawrence H. Pinto, John B. Troy:
Minimizing Cytosol Dilution in Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Experiments. 2042-2051 - Xiaoli Meng, Zhiqiang Zhang
, Jian-Kang Wu, Wai-Choong Wong
Hierarchical Information Fusion for Global Displacement Estimation in Microsensor Motion Capture. 2052-2063
Volume 60, Number 8, August 2013
- MirHojjat Seyedi
, Behailu Kibret
, Daniel T. H. Lai, Michael Faulkner
A Survey on Intrabody Communications for Body Area Network Applications. 2067-2079 - Guillaume Becq
, Philippe Kahane, Lorella Minotti, Stéphane Bonnet, Régis Guillemaud:
Classification of Epileptic Motor Manifestations and Detection of Tonic-Clonic Seizures With Acceleration Norm Entropy. 2080-2088 - Ajay Basavanhally
, Shridar Ganesan, Michael D. Feldman, Natalie Shih, Carolyn Mies, John Tomaszewski, Anant Madabhushi
Multi-Field-of-View Framework for Distinguishing Tumor Grade in ER+ Breast Cancer From Entire Histopathology Slides. 2089-2099 - Xiangqun Xu, Jinhai Geng, Gangjun Liu, Zhongping Chen:
Evaluation of Optical Coherence Tomography for the Measurement of the Effects of Activators and Anticoagulants on the Blood Coagulation In Vitro. 2100-2106 - Rebecca Bercich, Daniel R. Duffy, Pedro P. Irazoqui:
Far-Field RF Powering of Implantable Devices: Safety Considerations. 2107-2112 - A. Revert, Fabricio Garelli
, Jesús Picó
, Hernán De Battista
, Paolo Rossetti
, Josep Vehí
, Jorge Bondia
Safety Auxiliary Feedback Element for the Artificial Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes. 2113-2122 - Neethu Robinson, A. Prasad Vinod
, Kai Keng Ang
, Keng Peng Tee, Cuntai Guan
EEG-Based Classification of Fast and Slow Hand Movements Using Wavelet-CSP Algorithm. 2123-2132 - Shang-Lin Wu, Lun-De Liao
, Shao-Wei Lu, Wei-Ling Jiang, Shi-An Chen, Chin-Teng Lin
Controlling a Human-Computer Interface System With a Novel Classification Method that Uses Electrooculography Signals. 2133-2141 - Daniel Teichmann
, Jérôme Foussier, Jing Jia, Steffen Leonhardt
, Marian Walter
Noncontact Monitoring of Cardiorespiratory Activity by Electromagnetic Coupling. 2142-2152 - Sheryl R. Kane, Stuart F. Cogan, Julia Ehrlich, Timothy D. Plante, Douglas B. McCreery, Philip R. Troyk:
Electrical Performance of Penetrating Microelectrodes Chronically Implanted in Cat Cortex. 2153-2160 - Maya Briani, Giacomo Germani, Eugenio Iannone, Maurizio Moroni, Roberto Natalini
Design and Optimization of Reaction Chamber and Detection System in Dynamic Labs-on-Chip for Proteins Detection. 2161-2166 - Malay Bhattacharyya
, Manali Das, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay:
A New Approach for Combining Knowledge From Multiple Coexpression Networks of MicroRNAs. 2167-2173 - Raffael Amacher
, Gregor Ochsner, Antonio Ferreira, Stijn Vandenberghe
, Marianne Schmid Daners
A Robust Reference Signal Generator for Synchronized Ventricular Assist Devices. 2174-2183 - Cheryl D. Metcalf
, Rebecca Robinson, Adam J. Malpass, Tristan P. Bogle, Thomas A. Dell, Chris Harris, Sara H. Demain:
Markerless Motion Capture and Measurement of Hand Kinematics: Validation and Application to Home-Based Upper Limb Rehabilitation. 2184-2192 - Laurent Goffin
, Gaetan Bour, Fernand Martel, Stéphane Nicolau, Jacques Gangloff, Jean-Marc Egly, Bernard Bayle
Design and In Vivo Evaluation of a Robotized Needle Insertion System for Small Animals. 2193-2204 - Takamitsu Matsubara, Jun Morimoto:
Bilinear Modeling of EMG Signals to Extract User-Independent Features for Multiuser Myoelectric Interface. 2205-2213 - Zachary Morison, Michael Olsen, Gordon A. Higgins, Rad Zdero, Emil H. Schemitsch:
The Biomechanical Effect of Notch Size, Notch Location, and Femur Orientation on Hip Resurfacing Failure. 2214-2221 - Christopher R. von Jako, Yuval Zuk, Oded Zur, Pini Gilboa:
A Novel Accurate Minioptical Tracking System for Percutaneous Needle Placement. 2222-2225 - Eric Rombokas, Cara E. Stepp, Chelsey Chang, Mark Malhotra, Yoky Matsuoka:
Vibrotactile Sensory Substitution for Electromyographic Control of Object Manipulation. 2226-2232 - Fei He
, Stephen A. Billings, Hua-Liang Wei
, Ptolemaios G. Sarrigiannis
, Yifan Zhao
Spectral Analysis for Nonstationary and Nonlinear Systems: A Discrete-Time-Model-Based Approach. 2233-2241 - Umberto Barone, Roberto Merletti:
Design of a Portable, Intrinsically Safe Multichannel Acquisition System for High-Resolution, Real-Time Processing HD-sEMG. 2242-2252 - Leon Kanelovitch, Yaakov Itzchak, Arie Rundstein, Miri Sklair-Levy, Hedva Spitzer:
Biologically Derived Companding Algorithm for High Dynamic Range Mammography Images. 2253-2261 - Mathias M. Adankon, Najat Chihab, Jean Dansereau, Hubert Labelle, Farida Cheriet:
Scoliosis Follow-Up Using Noninvasive Trunk Surface Acquisition. 2262-2270 - Jwu-Sheng Hu, Kuan-Chun Sun, Chi-Yuan Cheng:
A Kinematic Human-Walking Model for the Normal-Gait-Speed Estimation Using Tri-Axial Acceleration Signals at Waist Location. 2271-2279 - Shun Chi Wu
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Matching Pursuit and Source Deflation for Sparse EEG/MEG Dipole Moment Estimation. 2280-2288 - Wojciech Samek, Frank C. Meinecke, Klaus-Robert Müller
Transferring Subspaces Between Subjects in Brain-Computer Interfacing. 2289-2298 - Qin Zhang, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe
, Christine Azevedo-Coste:
Evoked Electromyography-Based Closed-Loop Torque Control in Functional Electrical Stimulation. 2299-2307 - Xue Gou, Ho Chun Han, Songyu Hu, Anskar Y. H. Leung, Dong Sun
Applying Combined Optical Tweezers and Fluorescence Microscopy Technologies to Manipulate Cell Adhesions for Cell-to-Cell Interaction Study. 2308-2315 - Erik R. Larson, Marc D. Feldman, Jonathan W. Valvano, John A. Pearce:
Analysis of the Spatial Sensitivity of Conductance/Admittance Catheter Ventricular Volume Estimation. 2316-2324 - Trung Q. Le, Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam
, Bruce Allen Benjamin, Brek A. Wilkins, Ranga Komanduri:
Topology and Random-Walk Network Representation of Cardiac Dynamics for Localization of Myocardial Infarction. 2325-2331 - Toshimitsu Musha, Haruyasu Matsuzaki, Yohei Kobayashi, Yoshiwo Okamoto, Mieko Tanaka, Takashi Asada:
EEG Markers for Characterizing Anomalous Activities of Cerebral Neurons in NAT (Neuronal Activity Topography) Method. 2332-2338 - Fernando Otaviano Campos, Thomas Wiener, Anton J. Prassl
, Rodrigo Weber dos Santos
, Damian Sánchez-Quintana
, Helmut Ahammer
, Gernot Plank
, Ernst Hofer:
Electroanatomical Characterization of Atrial Microfibrosis in a Histologically Detailed Computer Model. 2339-2349 - Trung Q. Le, Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam
, Ranga Komanduri:
Real-Time Lumped Parameter Modeling of Cardiovascular Dynamics Using Electrocardiogram Signals: Toward Virtual Cardiovascular Instruments. 2350-2360 - Qiaoliang Li, Huisheng Zhang, Suwen Qi, Mingbo Qiu, Xin Chen
, Siping Chen, Tianfu Wang
Continuous Detection of Muscle Aspect Ratio Using Keypoint Tracking in Ultrasonography. 2361-2369
Volume 60, Number 9, September 2013
- Ayse Betül Oktay, Yusuf Sinan Akgul
Simultaneous Localization of Lumbar Vertebrae and Intervertebral Discs With SVM-Based MRF. 2375-2383 - Martin G. Roberts, James Graham, Hugh Devlin
Image Texture in Dental Panoramic Radiographs as a Potential Biomarker of Osteoporosis. 2384-2392 - Suhong Yu, Boris D. Van Veen, Ronald T. Wakai
Detection of T-Wave Alternans in Fetal Magnetocardiography Using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test. 2393-2400 - Qin Lin, Zhengrong Liang, Chaijie Duan, Jianhua Ma, Haifang Li, C. Roque, Jie Yang, Guangxiang Zhang
, Hongbing Lu, Xiaohai He:
Motion Correction for MR Cystography by an Image Processing Approach. 2401-2410 - Bingxiong Lin, Yu Sun, Xiaoning Qian:
Dense Surface Reconstruction With Shadows in MIS. 2411-2420 - Richard R. A. Syms, I. R. Young, M. M. Ahmad, S. D. Taylor-Robinson, Marc Rea
Magneto-Inductive Catheter Receiver for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2421-2431 - Diego Martín-Martínez, Pablo Casaseca-de-la-Higuera
, Marcos Martín-Fernández
, Carlos Alberola-López
Stochastic Modeling of the PPG Signal: A Synthesis-by-Analysis Approach With Applications. 2432-2441 - Samuel O. Oduneye, Mihaela Pop, Labonny Biswas, Sudip Ghate, Roey Flor, Venkat Ramanan, Jennifer Barry, Haydar Celik
, Eugene Crystal, Graham A. Wright:
Postinfarction Ventricular Tachycardia Substrate Characterization: A Comparison Between Late Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Voltage Mapping Using an MR-Guided Electrophysiology System. 2442-2449 - Ming-Lung Li, Lung-Cheng Lee, Yuh-Ren Cheng, Ching-Hua Kuo
, Yuan-Fang Chou, Yuh-Shyang Chen, Chih-Min Yao, Peir-Rong Chen, Chuan-Jen Hsu, Yu-Lin Song
, Chia-Fone Lee:
A Novel Aerosol-Mediated Drug Delivery System for Inner Ear Therapy: Intratympanic Aerosol Methylprednisolone Can Attenuate Acoustic Trauma. 2450-2460 - Hamid Ladjal, Jean-Luc Hanus
, Antoine Ferreira:
Micro-to-Nano Biomechanical Modeling for Assisted Biological Cell Injection. 2461-2471 - Santosh B. Katwal, John C. Gore, René Marois, Baxter P. Rogers
Unsupervised Spatiotemporal Analysis of FMRI Data Using Graph-Based Visualizations of Self-Organizing Maps. 2472-2483 - Linnéa Larsson, Marcus Nyström
, Martin Stridh
Detection of Saccades and Postsaccadic Oscillations in the Presence of Smooth Pursuit. 2484-2493 - Andrew E. Pollard, Roger C. Barr:
A New Approach for Resolution of Complex Tissue Impedance Spectra in Hearts. 2494-2503 - Arash Arami
, A. Vallet, Kamiar Aminian
Accurate Measurement of Concurrent Flexion-Extension and Internal-External Rotations in Smart Knee Prostheses. 2504-2510 - Yifei Lou
, Andrei Irimia, Patricio A. Vela
, Micah C. Chambers, John D. Van Horn, Paul M. Vespa, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Multimodal Deformable Registration of Traumatic Brain Injury MR Volumes via the Bhattacharyya Distance. 2511-2520 - Klaske van Heusden, John Mark Ansermino
, Kristian Soltesz
, Sara Khosravi
, Nicholas West
, Guy Albert Dumont
Quantification of the Variability in Response to Propofol Administration in Children. 2521-2529 - Soon Hyoung Pyo, Jeongjin Lee, Seongjin Park, Kyoung Won Kim, Yeong-Gil Shin, Bohyung Kim:
Physically Based Nonrigid Registration Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Application to Hepatic Metastasis Volume-Preserving Registration. 2530-2540 - Yizhai Zhang, Kuo Chen, Jingang Yi:
Rider Trunk and Bicycle Pose Estimation With Fusion of Force/Inertial Sensors. 2541-2551 - James D. Cezo, Eric Kramer, Kenneth D. Taylor, Virginia Ferguson, Mark E. Rentschler
Temperature Measurement Methods During Direct Heat Arterial Tissue Fusion. 2552-2558 - Jussi Nurminen, Samu Taulu
, Jukka Nenonen, Liisa Helle
, Juha Simola, Antti Ahonen:
Improving MEG Performance With Additional Tangential Sensors. 2559-2566 - Jessica Burgner
, Philip J. Swaney, Ray A. Lathrop, Kyle D. Weaver, Robert J. Webster III:
Debulking From Within: A Robotic Steerable Cannula for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation. 2567-2575 - Thomas Niederhauser, Andreas Haeberlin
, Thanks Marisa, M. Jungo, Josef Goette, Marcel Jacomet, Roger Abächerli
, Rolf Vogel:
Electrodes for Long-Term Esophageal Electrocardiography. 2576-2584 - Alessandro Cristoforetti
, Michela Masè
, Flavia Ravelli
A Fully Adaptive Multiresolution Algorithm for Atrial Arrhythmia Simulation on Anatomically Realistic Unstructured Meshes. 2585-2593 - Martijn Visscher, Joost J. Pouw, Joop van Baarlen, Joost M. Klaase, Bennie ten Haken:
Quantitative Analysis of Superparamagnetic Contrast Agent in Sentinel Lymph Nodes Using Ex Vivo Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. 2594-2602 - Tung-Ying Lee, Tzu-Shan Chang, Chen-Hao Wei, Shang-Hong Lai
, Kai-Che Liu, Hurng-Sheng Wu:
Automatic Distortion Correction of Endoscopic Images Captured With Wide-Angle Zoom Lens. 2603-2613 - Zhenghui Gu, Zhuliang Yu, Zhifang Shen, Yuanqing Li:
An Online Semi-supervised Brain-Computer Interface. 2614-2623 - L. Retelj
, Gorazd Pucihar, Damijan Miklavcic
Electroporation of Intracellular Liposomes Using Nanosecond Electric Pulses - A Theoretical Study. 2624-2635 - Hussam Al-Deen Ashab, Victoria A. Lessoway, Siavash Khallaghi, Alexis Cheng, Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi
An Augmented Reality System for Epidural Anesthesia (AREA): Prepuncture Identification of Vertebrae. 2636-2644 - Domen Novak, Ximena Omlin
, Rebecca Leins-Hess, Robert Riener
Predicting Targets of Human Reaching Motions Using Different Sensing Technologies. 2645-2654 - Doreen Lau
, Zhihao Chen
, Ju Teng Teo, Soon Huat Ng, Helmut Rumpel, Yong Lian
, Hui Yang, Pin Lin Kei
Intensity-Modulated Microbend Fiber Optic Sensor for Respiratory Monitoring and Gating During MRI. 2655-2662 - Omid Mohareri, Mahdi Ramezani
, Troy K. Adebar, Purang Abolmaesumi
, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Automatic Localization of the da Vinci Surgical Instrument Tips in 3-D Transrectal Ultrasound. 2663-2672
Volume 60, Number 10, October 2013
- Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao, Yubin Yang, Ying Zhang, Dong Wang:
Multimodal Sparse Representation-Based Classification for Lung Needle Biopsy Images. 2675-2685 - Janis Hofmanis, Olivier Caspary, Valérie Louis-Dorr, Radu Ranta
, Louis Maillard:
Denoising Depth EEG Signals During DBS Using Filtering and Subspace Decomposition. 2686-2695 - Pieter-Jan Kindermans, Hannes Verschore, Benjamin Schrauwen:
A Unified Probabilistic Approach to Improve Spelling in an Event-Related Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interface. 2696-2705 - Hossein Sadjadi, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad, Gabor Fichtinger:
Fusion of Electromagnetic Trackers to Improve Needle Deflection Estimation: Simulation Study. 2706-2715 - Choye Kim, Changhan Yoon, Jong-Ho Park, Yuhwa Lee, Won Hwa Kim, Jung Min Chang
, Byung Ihn Choi, Tai-Kyong Song
, Yang-Mo Yoo:
Evaluation of Ultrasound Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Bidirectional Pixel-Based Focusing: Preliminary Phantom and In Vivo Breast Study. 2716-2724 - Kian Jalaleddini, Robert E. Kearney
Subspace Identification of SISO Hammerstein Systems: Application to Stretch Reflex Identification. 2725-2734 - Indika B. Wanninayake, Prokar Dasgupta
, Lakmal D. Seneviratne
, Kaspar Althoefer:
Air-float Palpation Probe for Tissue Abnormality Identification During Minimally Invasive Surgery. 2735-2744 - Jason D. Miller, Mahyo Seyedali Beazer, Michael E. Hahn:
Myoelectric Walking Mode Classification for Transtibial Amputees. 2745-2750 - Andrew J. Casper, Dalong Liu, John R. Ballard, Emad S. Ebbini
Real-Time Implementation of a Dual-Mode Ultrasound Array System: In Vivo Results. 2751-2759 - John W. Kelly, Daniel P. Siewiorek
, Asim Smailagic, Wei Wang:
Automated Filtering of Common-Mode Artifacts in Multichannel Physiological Recordings. 2760-2770 - Luis J. Gomez
, Frantisek Cajko, Luis Hernandez-Garcia, Anthony Grbic, Eric Michielssen
Numerical Analysis and Design of Single-Source Multicoil TMS for Deep and Focused Brain Stimulation. 2771-2782 - Jinseok Lee
, Yunyoung Nam, David D. McManus, Ki H. Chon:
Time-Varying Coherence Function for Atrial Fibrillation Detection. 2783-2793 - Yipeng Liu, Maarten De Vos
, Ivan Gligorijevic, Vladimir Matic, Yuqian Li, Sabine Van Huffel:
Multi-structural Signal Recovery for Biomedical Compressive Sensing. 2794-2805 - Telmo Amaral, Stephen J. McKenna
, Katherine Robertson, Alastair M. Thompson:
Classification and Immunohistochemical Scoring of Breast Tissue Microarray Spots. 2806-2814 - Rahele Kafieh
, Hossein Rabbani
, Fedra Hajizadeh
, Mohammadreza Ommani:
An Accurate Multimodal 3-D Vessel Segmentation Method Based on Brightness Variations on OCT Layers and Curvelet Domain Fundus Image Analysis. 2815-2823 - Preben Kidmose
, David Looney, Michael Ungstrup, Mike Lind Rank, Danilo P. Mandic:
A Study of Evoked Potentials From Ear-EEG. 2824-2830 - Yosuke Kimura, Toshihisa Tanaka
, Hiroshi Higashi, Naoki Morikawa:
SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Using FSK-Modulated Visual Stimuli. 2831-2838 - Yaming Xu, Yoshikazu Nakajima:
A Two-Level Predictive Event-Related Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interface. 2839-2847 - Xian Huang
, Huanyu Cheng
, Kaile Chen, Yilin Zhang, Yihui Zhang
, Yuhao Liu, Chenqi Zhu, Shao-chi Ouyang, Gil-Woo Kong, Cunjiang Yu, Yonggang Huang, John A. Rogers:
Epidermal Impedance Sensing Sheets for Precision Hydration Assessment and Spatial Mapping. 2848-2857 - Premananda Indic, David Paydarfar, Riccardo Barbieri
Point Process Modeling of Interbreath Interval: A New Approach for the Assessment of Instability of Breathing in Neonates. 2858-2866 - Hien M. Nguyen, Gary H. Glover:
A Modified Generalized Series Approach: Application to Sparsely Sampled fMRI. 2867-2877 - Gerard de Haan, Vincent Jeanne:
Robust Pulse Rate From Chrominance-Based rPPG. 2878-2886 - Liangjia Zhu, Yi Gao, Vikram V. Appia, Anthony J. Yezzi, Chesnal D. Arepalli, Tracy L. Faber, Arthur E. Stillman, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Automatic Delineation of the Myocardial Wall From CT Images Via Shape Segmentation and Variational Region Growing. 2887-2895 - Mahesh B. Nagarajan, Paola Coan
, Markus B. Huber, Paul C. Diemoz
, Christian Glaser, Axel Wismüller:
Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Phase Contrast Imaging X-Ray Computed Tomography for Quantitative Characterization of ex vivo Human Patellar Cartilage. 2896-2903 - Imad Khaled, Salma Elmallah, Cheng Cheng, Walied A. Moussa, Vivian K. Mushahwar
, Anastasia L. Elias
A Flexible Base Electrode Array for Intraspinal Microstimulation. 2904-2913 - Eugene Zaydens, J. Andrew Taylor
, Michael A. Cohen, Uri T. Eden
Characterization and Modeling of Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Spiking. 2914-2924 - Erik E. Stone, Marjorie Skubic:
Unobtrusive, Continuous, In-Home Gait Measurement Using the Microsoft Kinect. 2925-2932 - Fang-Han Hsu, Edward R. Dougherty, Yidong Chen, Erchin Serpedin
Estimating Conditional Probabilities for the Detection of Unfavorable Copy Number Alterations in a Targeted Therapy. 2933-2942 - Xianzong Xie
, Loren Rieth
, Ryan Caldwell, Mohit Diwekar, Prashant Tathireddy, Rohit Sharma, Florian Solzbacher
Long-Term Bilayer Encapsulation Performance of Atomic Layer Deposited Al $_{\bf 2}$O$_{\bf 3}$ and Parylene C for Biomedical Implantable Devices. 2943-2951 - Yoshinobu Ebisawa, Kiyotaka Fukumoto:
Head-Free, Remote Eye-Gaze Detection System Based on Pupil-Corneal Reflection Method With Easy Calibration Using Two Stereo-Calibrated Video Cameras. 2952-2960 - Masa Ishijima:
Acquisition of DC Component of Biopotentials With Body Surface Electrodes. 2961-2966 - ChangYang Li, Xiuying Wang
, Stefan Eberl, Michael J. Fulham
, Yong Yin, Jinhu Chen, David Dagan Feng:
A Likelihood and Local Constraint Level Set Model for Liver Tumor Segmentation from CT Volumes. 2967-2977
Volume 60, Number 11, November 2013
- Bin He
, Todd P. Coleman
, Guy M. Genin
, Gary Glover, Xiaoping Hu
, Nessa Johnson
, Tianming Liu, Scott Makeig, Paul Sajda, Kaiming Ye:
Grand Challenges in Mapping the Human Brain: NSF Workshop Report. 2983-2992 - Quang-Thang Nguyen, Ronan Fablet, Dominique Pastor
Protein Interaction Hotspot Identification Using Sequence-Based Frequency-Derived Features. 2993-3002 - Kirti M. Yenkie, Urmila M. Diwekar
, Vibha Bhalerao:
Modeling the Superovulation Stage in In Vitro Fertilization. 3003-3008 - Colin J. Sutherland
, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad, Richard W. Sellens, Purang Abolmaesumi
, Parvin Mousavi
An Augmented Reality Haptic Training Simulator for Spinal Needle Procedures. 3009-3018 - Sang-Eun Song, Junichi Tokuda
, Kemal Tuncali, Clare M. Tempany, Elizabeth Zhang, Nobuhiko Hata:
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Motorized Needle Guide Template for MRI-Guided Targeted Prostate Biopsy. 3019-3027 - Nicole M. Bakker, Boris Lenseigne, Sander Schutte, Elsbeth B. M. Geukers, Pieter P. Jonker, Frans C. T. van der Helm, Huib J. Simonsz:
Accurate Gaze Direction Measurements With Free Head Movement for Strabismus Angle Estimation. 3028-3035 - Vincent Frans van Ravesteijn, Thierry N. Boellaard, Marije P. van der Paardt, Iwo Serlie, Margriet C. de Haan, Jaap Stoker
, Lucas J. van Vliet
, Frans M. Vos:
Electronic Cleansing for 24-H Limited Bowel Preparation CT Colonography Using Principal Curvature Flow. 3036-3045 - Gary To, Mohamed Mahfouz
Quaternionic Attitude Estimation for Robotic and Human Motion Tracking Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods With von Mises-Fisher and Nonuniform Densities Simulations. 3046-3059 - Hussnain Ali, Arthur P. Lobo, Philipos C. Loizou:
Design and Evaluation of a Personal Digital Assistant-based Research Platform for Cochlear Implants. 3060-3073 - Kalyana C. Veluvolu
, Sivanagaraja Tatinati
, Sun-Mog Hong, Wei Tech Ang:
Multistep Prediction of Physiological Tremor for Surgical Robotics Applications. 3074-3082 - Anthony G. Christodoulou
, Haosen Zhang, Bo Zhao
, T. Kevin Hitchens, Chien Ho
, Zhi-Pei Liang:
High-Resolution Cardiovascular MRI by Integrating Parallel Imaging With Low-Rankand Sparse Modeling. 3083-3092 - Bakary Diarra, Marc C. Robini, Piero Tortoli
, Christian Cachard, Hervé Liebgott
Design of Optimal 2-D Nongrid Sparse Arrays for Medical Ultrasound. 3093-3102 - Wei Mu
, Zhe Chen, Xiaoqian Dai, Jie Tian:
Noninvasive Estimation of the Input Function for Dynamic Mouse $^{\bf 18}$F-FDG MicroPET Studies. 3103-3112 - Kelly Sakaki, Hadi Esmaeilsabzali, Shabnam Massah, Gratien G. Prefontaine, Nikolai Dechev
, Robert D. Burke
, Edward J. Park:
Localized, Macromolecular Transport for Thin, Adherent, Single Cells Via an Automated, Single Cell Electroporation Biomanipulator. 3113-3123 - Corey B. Hart, William J. Rose:
Visual Feature Extraction From Voxel-Weighted Averaging of Stimulus Images in 2 fMRI Studies. 3124-3130 - Arnaud Barré, Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Brigitte M. Jolles, Nicolas Theumann, Kamiar Aminian
Soft Tissue Artifact Assessment During Treadmill Walking in Subjects With Total Knee Arthroplasty. 3131-3140 - Yifan Zhao
, Stephen A. Billings, Hua-Liang Wei
, Ptolemaios G. Sarrigiannis
A Parametric Method to Measure Time-Varying Linear and Nonlinear Causality With Applications to EEG Data. 3141-3148 - Eduardo Gil
, Pablo Laguna
, Juan Pablo Martínez
, Óscar Barquero-Pérez
, Arcadi García-Alberola, Leif Sörnmo:
Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis Based on Photoplethysmography. 3149-3155 - Yuanqing Li, Jiahui Pan
, Fei Wang, Zhuliang Yu:
A Hybrid BCI System Combining P300 and SSVEP and Its Application to Wheelchair Control. 3156-3166 - Maxim Zhadobov
, Guillaume Ferrand, Michel Luong, Yonis Soubere, Catherine Le Quement, Pierre-Henri Carton, Yves Piret, Ronan Sauleau
, Yves Le Drean:
Exposure System and Dosimetry for In Vitro Studies of Biocompatibility of Pulse-Modulated RF Signals of Ultrahigh Field MRI. 3167-3175 - Pedro Giassi Junior, Sérgio Okida, Maurício Gonçalves de Oliveira, Raimes Moraes
Validation of the Inverse Pulse Wave Transit Time Series as Surrogate of Systolic Blood Pressure in MVAR Modeling. 3176-3184 - Amir Sanati Nezhad, Muthukumaran Packirisamy, Rama B. Bhat, Anja Geitmann
In Vitro Study of Oscillatory Growth Dynamics of Camellia Pollen Tubes in Microfluidic Environment. 3185-3193 - Uyen T. V. Nguyen, Alauddin Bhuiyan, Laurence Anthony F. Park, Ryo Kawasaki
, Tien Yin Wong
, Jie Jin Wang, Paul Mitchell, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
An Automated Method for Retinal Arteriovenous Nicking Quantification From Color Fundus Images. 3194-3203 - Atiq Islam, Syed M. S. Reza, Khan M. Iftekharuddin:
Multifractal Texture Estimation for Detection and Segmentation of Brain Tumors. 3204-3215 - Mina Ranjbaran, Henrietta L. Galiana:
The Horizontal Angular Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex: A Nonlinear Mechanism for Context-Dependent Responses. 3216-3225 - Zhangli Chen, Guangshu Hu:
CHENFIT-AMP, A Nonlinear Fitting and Amplification Strategy for Cochlear Hearing Loss. 3226-3237 - Chad Sprouse, Ryan Mukherjee, Philippe Burlina:
Mitral Valve Closure Prediction With 3-D Personalized Anatomical Models and Anisotropic Hyperelastic Tissue Assumptions. 3238-3247 - Mijung Park, Marcel Nassar, Haris Vikalo:
Bayesian Active Learning for Drug Combinations. 3248-3255 - Fabian Lecron
, Jonathan Boisvert, Saïd Mahmoudi
, Hubert Labelle, Mohammed Benjelloun
Three-Dimensional Spine Model Reconstruction Using One-Class SVM Regularization. 3256-3264
Volume 60, Number 12, December 2013
- Jinhong Guo, Tze Sian Pui
, Yong-Ling Ban
, Abdur Rub Abdur Rahman, Yuejun Kang
Electrokinetic Analysis of Cell Translocation in Low-Cost Microfluidic Cytometry for Tumor Cell Detection and Enumeration. 3269-3275 - Alexander P. Reddington, Jacob T. Trueb, David S. Freedman, Ahmet Tuysuzoglu, George G. Daaboul, Carlos A. Lopez, W. Clem Karl
, John H. Connor
, Helen Fawcett, M. Selim Ünlü:
An Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor for Point of Care Viral Diagnostics. 3276-3283 - Adam M. Howell, Toshiki Kobayashi, Toshiki A. Hayes, K. Bo Foreman, Stacy J. Morris Bamberg:
Kinetic Gait Analysis Using a Low-Cost Insole. 3284-3290 - Richard Blakey
, Ismini Nakouti, Olga Korostynska
, Alex Mason
, Ahmed Al-Shamma'a:
Real-Time Monitoring of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Concentration Using a Novel Electromagnetic Sensors Microfluidic Cell Structure. 3291-3297 - Debashis Maji
, Soumen Das
Simulation and Feasibility Study of Flow Sensor on Flexible Polymer for Healthcare Application. 3298-3305 - Giorgio Bonmassar, Michael H. Lev:
Improved Sensing Pulses for Increased Human Head Depth Measurement Sensitivity With Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. 3306-3313 - Yuanjie Fan, Yuehong Yin:
Active and Progressive Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Using Multisource Information Fusion From EMG and Force-Position EPP. 3314-3321 - Ayman Ibaida
, Ibrahim Khalil
Wavelet-Based ECG Steganography for Protecting Patient Confidential Information in Point-of-Care Systems. 3322-3330 - Silvia Jiménez-Fernández
, Paula de Toledo
, Francisco del Pozo
Usability and Interoperability in Wireless Sensor Networks for Patient Telemonitoring in Chronic Disease Management. 3331-3339 - C. H. Tseng:
Coordinator Traffic Diffusion for Data-Intensive Zigbee Transmission in Real-time Electrocardiography Monitoring. 3340-3346 - Sudeb Das, Malay Kumar Kundu:
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Medical Image Fusion. 3347-3353 - Bijoy Laxmi Koley, Debangshu Dey:
Real-Time Adaptive Apnea and Hypopnea Event Detection Methodology for Portable Sleep Apnea Monitoring Devices. 3354-3363 - John H. Phan, Andrew N. Young, May Dongmei Wang
omniBiomarker: A Web-Based Application for Knowledge-Driven Biomarker Identification. 3364-3367 - Ivan Tomasic
, Sabina Frljak
, Roman Trobec:
Estimating the Universal Positions of Wireless Body Electrodes for Measuring Cardiac Electrical Activity. 3368-3374 - Weidong Zhou, Yinxia Liu, Qi Yuan
, Xueli Li:
Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Lacunarity and Bayesian Linear Discriminant Analysis in Intracranial EEG. 3375-3381 - Pencilla Lang
, Michael W. A. Chu, Daniel Bainbridge
, Gerard Guiraudon, Douglas L. Jones
, Terry M. Peters:
Surface-Based CT-TEE Registration of the Aortic Root. 3382-3390 - Ramon Pires
, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Jacques Wainer, Siome Goldenstein, Eduardo Valle
, Anderson Rocha:
Assessing the Need for Referral in Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection. 3391-3398 - Sofia-Maria Dima, Christos Panagiotou
, Evangelos B. Mazomenos
, James Rosengarten, Koushik Maharatna
, John V. Gialelis, Nick Curzen
, John M. Morgan:
On the Detection of Myocadial Scar Based on ECG/VCG Analysis. 3399-3409 - Lejun Gong, Ronggen Yang, Qin Yan, Xiao Sun:
Prioritization of Disease Susceptibility Genes Using LSM/SVD. 3410-3417 - Nianyin Zeng
, Zidong Wang
, Yurong Li, Min Du, Jie Cao
, Xiaohui Liu:
Time Series Modeling of Nano-Gold Immunochromatographic Assay via Expectation Maximization Algorithm. 3418-3424 - Jeong Hun Kim
, Inho Song, Seung Min Lee, Hoseok Choi
, Hangjin Byeon, Inyoung Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee:
An Electroplating-Free and Minimal Noise Polyimide Microelectrode for Recording Auditory Evoked Potentials From the Epicranius. 3425-3431 - Dong-Chan Cho, Whoi-Yul Kim:
Long-Range Gaze Tracking System for Large Movements. 3432-3440 - Shuai Wang, Tian Liu, Weiwei Chen, Pascal Spincemaille
, Cynthia Wisnieff, A. John Tsiouris, Wenzhen Zhu, Chu Pan, Lingyun Zhao, Yi Wang:
Noise Effects in Various Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Methods. 3441-3448 - Bradford J. Smith, Jason H. T. Bates:
Assessing the Progression of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in Mice. 3449-3457 - Richard R. A. Syms, I. R. Young, C. A. Wadsworth, S. D. Taylor-Robinson, Marc Rea
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Duodenoscope. 3458-3467 - Youssef Chahibi
, Massimiliano Pierobon
, Sang Ok Song, Ian F. Akyildiz:
A Molecular Communication System Model for Particulate Drug Delivery Systems. 3468-3483 - Mozziyar Etemadi, Philip Chung
, James Alex Heller, J. A. Liu, Larry Rand, Shuvo Roy:
Towards BirthAlert - A Clinical Device Intended for Early Preterm Birth Detection. 3484-3493 - Ishita Chen, Rowena E. Ong, Amber L. Simpson, Kay Sun, Reid Carleton Thompson, Michael I. Miga:
Integrating Retraction Modeling Into an Atlas-Based Framework for Brain Shift Prediction. 3494-3504 - Josep Solà, Martin Proença
, Damien Ferrario, Jacques-André Porchet, Abdessamad Falhi, Olivier Grossenbacher, Yves Allemann, Stefano F. Rimoldi, Claudio Sartori:
Noninvasive and Nonocclusive Blood Pressure Estimation Via a Chest Sensor. 3505-3513 - Ashirwad Joseph Chowriappa, Sarthak Salunke, Maxim Mokin, Peter Kan, Peter D. Scott:
3D Vascular Decomposition and Classification for Computer-Aided Detection. 3514-3523 - Ahmad Haidar, Malgorzata E. Wilinska, James A. Graveston, Roman Hovorka
Stochastic Virtual Population of Subjects With Type 1 Diabetes for the Assessment of Closed-Loop Glucose Controllers. 3524-3533 - A. C. Thompson, Scott A. Wade
, N. C. Pawsey, Paul R. Stoddart
Infrared Neural Stimulation: Influence of Stimulation Site Spacing and Repetition Rates on Heating. 3534-3541 - Mohammadmahdi R. Yousefi, Aniruddha Datta, Edward R. Dougherty:
Optimal Intervention in Markovian Gene Regulatory Networks With Random-Length Therapeutic Response to Antitumor Drug. 3542-3552

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