A Perceptual Encryption-Based Image Communication System for Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Healthcare Cloud Services
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Screening
2.2. Perceptual Encryption Methods
3. Methods
3.1. Color-PE Methods
3.2. Grayscale-PE Methods
3.3. Proposed PE Method
4. Results
4.1. Encryption Analysis
4.1.1. Correlation Analysis
4.1.2. Histogram Analysis
4.1.3. Information Entropy Analysis
4.1.4. Jigsaw Puzzle Solver Attack
4.1.5. Robustness Analysis
4.1.6. Keyspace Analysis
4.1.7. Discussion
4.2. Compression Analysis
4.3. Classification Analysis
4.3.1. Dataset
4.3.2. Proposed Data Augmentation
4.3.3. Evaluation Metrics
4.3.4. Proposed Model
4.3.5. Analysis
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Methods | Plain Images | Conventional PE Images | Proposed PE Images | |||||||||
4 × 4 | 2 × 2 | |||||||||||
D | H | V | D | H | V | D | H | V | D | H | V | |
256 × 256 | ||||||||||||
5.1.09 | 0.90|0.85 | 0.90|0.83 | 0.94|0.88 | 0.68|0.04 | 0.81|−0.04 | 0.80|−0.03 | 0.67|−0.01 | 0.79|−0.02 | 0.80|−0.01 | 0.67|−0.05 | 0.78|0.02 | 0.80|0.05 |
5.1.10 | 0.82|0.64 | 0.91|0.78 | 0.86|0.66 | 0.62|0.04 | 0.78|0.03 | 0.78|−0.02 | 0.56|−0.08 | 0.74|0.05 | 0.73|−0.01 | 0.57|−0.02 | 0.73|0.02 | 0.70|0.00 |
5.1.11 | 0.89|0.83 | 0.96|0.88 | 0.94|0.91 | 0.75|0.03 | 0.86|−0.01 | 0.87|−0.04 | 0.75|−0.06 | 0.86|−0.02 | 0.87|0.07 | 0.75|−0.02 | 0.86|−0.02 | 0.86|0.02 |
5.1.12 | 0.94|0.89 | 0.96|0.92 | 0.97|0.93 | 0.74|0.03 | 0.86|−0.02 | 0.86|−0.04 | 0.73|0.01 | 0.85|−0.04 | 0.86|0.0 | 0.75|0.01 | 0.85|0.01 | 0.86|0.02 |
5.1.13 | 0.76|0.49 | 0.87|0.71 | 0.87|0.72 | 0.70|0.02 | 0.83|−0.05 | 0.84|0.04 | 0.67|−0.08 | 0.81|0.00 | 0.82|0.04 | 0.67|−0.04 | 0.81|0.00 | 0.80|−0.04 |
5.1.14 | 0.85|0.68 | 0.95|0.85 | 0.90|0.78 | 0.70|0.02 | 0.83|0.00 | 0.83|0.02 | 0.66|0.00 | 0.81|0.01 | 0.80|0.02 | 0.66|0.05 | 0.80|−0.02 | 0.80|0.05 |
512 × 512 | ||||||||||||
5.2.08 | 0.86|0.74 | 0.94|0.87 | 0.89|0.80 | 0.65|−0.01 | 0.80|0.01 | 0.80|−0.03 | 0.61|−0.01 | 0.78|0.04 | 0.76|0.01 | 0.61|0.00 | 0.77|−0.01 | 0.74|−0.01 |
5.2.09 | 0.80|0.60 | 0.90|0.74 | 0.86|0.68 | 0.71|0.00 | 0.84|0.00 | 0.84|0.01 | 0.69|0.00 | 0.82|−0.01 | 0.82|0.00 | 0.69|0.01 | 0.82|−0.01 | 0.81|0.01 |
5.2.10 | 0.90|0.82 | 0.94|0.89 | 0.93|0.86 | 0.70|−0.04 | 0.82|−0.02 | 0.82|−0.01 | 0.67|0.01 | 0.81|0.00 | 0.80|0.00 | 0.68|−0.01 | 0.80|0.01 | 0.80|0.04 |
7.1.01 | 0.91|0.82 | 0.96|0.91 | 0.92|0.84 | 0.72|0.03 | 0.84|−0.01 | 0.85|0.01 | 0.70|0.00 | 0.83|−0.02 | 0.83|−0.02 | 0.70|0.01 | 0.83|0.01 | 0.82|−0.02 |
7.1.05 | 0.89|0.81 | 0.94|0.89 | 0.91|0.83 | 0.71|0.01 | 0.83|−0.02 | 0.83|0.01 | 0.69|0.01 | 0.82|0.02 | 0.81|0.00 | 0.69|−0.01 | 0.82|0.00 | 0.80|0.02 |
7.1.10 | 0.93|0.86 | 0.96|0.93 | 0.95|0.88 | 0.72|−0.02 | 0.85|0.01 | 0.84|0.01 | 0.70|0.01 | 0.83|0.00 | 0.82|0.00 | 0.70|0.00 | 0.83|−0.03 | 0.81|−0.02 |
1024 × 1024 | ||||||||||||
5.3.01 | 0.97|0.93 | 0.98|0.95 | 0.98|0.96 | 0.75|−0.02 | 0.86|0.01 | 0.86|−0.01 | 0.74|0.01 | 0.85|−0.02 | 0.86|−0.01 | 0.74|0.00 | 0.85|0.01 | 0.85|−0.01 |
5.3.02 | 0.86|0.73 | 0.91|0.78 | 0.90|0.83 | 0.72|0.00 | 0.84|−0.01 | 0.84|0.00 | 0.71|0.01 | 0.83|0.00 | 0.84|0.01 | 0.71|0.00 | 0.83|0.01 | 0.83|0.00 |
7.2.01 | 0.95|0.93 | 0.96|0.94 | 0.95|0.94 | 0.76|0.00 | 0.87|−0.02 | 0.87|0.00 | 0.76|0.00 | 0.87|−0.01 | 0.87|0.00 | 0.76|0.00 | 0.87|0.00 | 0.87|0.00 |
Mean | 0.88|0.77 | 0.94|0.86 | 0.92|0.83 | 0.71|0.01 | 0.83|−0.01 | 0.84|−0.01 | 0.69|−0.01 | 0.82|0.00 | 0.82|0.01 | 0.69|0.00 | 0.82|0.00 | 0.81|0.01 |
Original Images | Conventional PE | Proposed PE | ||
4 × 4 | 2 × 2 | |||
256 × 256 | ||||
5.1.09 | 6.71|1.36 | 6.75|1.3 | 6.75|1.3 | 6.75|1.3 |
5.1.10 | 7.31|0.51 | 7.54|0.37 | 7.54|0.37 | 7.54|0.37 |
5.1.11 | 6.45|2.22 | 7.30|0.81 | 7.29|0.82 | 7.29|0.83 |
5.1.12 | 6.71|2.83 | 7.22|1.23 | 7.22|1.23 | 7.22|1.23 |
5.1.13 | 1.55|120.3 | 2.46|59.83 | 2.46|59.84 | 2.46|59.83 |
5.1.14 | 7.34|0.51 | 7.58|0.33 | 7.58|0.32 | 7.58|0.33 |
512 × 512 | ||||
5.2.08 | 7.20|12.00 | 7.26|11.48 | 7.26|11.48 | 7.26|11.47 |
5.2.09 | 6.99|17.74 | 7.58|5.63 | 7.58|5.62 | 7.58|5.63 |
5.2.10 | 5.71|47.61 | 5.78|42.09 | 5.78|42.1 | 5.78|42.08 |
7.1.01 | 6.03|46.32 | 6.56|35.97 | 6.56|35.96 | 6.56|35.95 |
7.1.05 | 6.56|22.38 | 7.24|11.68 | 7.23|11.69 | 7.24|11.68 |
7.1.10 | 5.91|47.97 | 6.60|28.09 | 6.60|28.1 | 6.60|28.11 |
1024 × 1024 | ||||
5.3.01 | 7.52|113.94 | 7.83|45.13 | 7.83|45.13 | 7.83|45.15 |
5.3.02 | 6.83|317.2 | 7.41|110.18 | 7.41|110.15 | 7.41|110.15 |
7.2.01 | 5.64|1156.51 | 6.58|494.9 | 6.58|494.89 | 6.58|494.87 |
Mean | 6.30|127.29 | 6.78|56.6 | 6.78|56.6 | 6.78|56.6 |
Methods (Block Size) | Dc | Lc | Nc |
Color-PE (16 × 16) | 0.01 | 0.12 | 0.11 |
Grayscale-PE (8 × 8) | 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.001 |
Proposed-PE (4 × 4) | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.05 |
Proposed-PE (2 × 2) | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.06 |
Noise Type | Conventional | Proposed | |
4 × 4 | 2 × 2 | ||
Salt and Pepper Noise | |||
0.05 | 0.78 | 0.78 | 0.78 |
0.025 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.87 |
0.0125 | 0.92 | 0.93 | 0.92 |
0.01 | 0.94 | 0.94 | 0.93 |
0.001 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 |
Gaussian Noise | |||
0.05 | 0.57 | 0.57 | 0.57 |
0.025 | 0.68 | 0.68 | 0.68 |
0.0125 | 0.77 | 0.77 | 0.77 |
0.01 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 0.8 |
0.001 | 0.96 | 0.96 | 0.96 |
[66] | [67] | [68] | [1] | Proposed |
83.7 | 84.4 | 85.0 | 87.0 | 89.52 |
Qf | Original | Conventional (8 × 8) | Conventional (4 × 4) | Conventional (2 × 2) | Proposed (4 × 4) | Proposed (2 × 2) | ||||||
Image Quality | Acc | Image Quality | Acc | Image Quality | Acc | Image Quality | Acc | Image Quality | Acc | Image Quality | Acc | |
− | 43.16|− | 89.52 | 43.16|− | 89.52 | 43.16|− | 89.52 | 43.16|− | 89.52 | 43.16|− | 89.52 | 43.16|− | 89.52 |
71 | 42.65|38.49 | 87.9 | 42.60|38.49 | 84.68 | 42.19|32.59 | 84.68 | 40.43|31.66 | 84.68 | 43.37|38.28 | 85.48 | 43.51|38.34 | 84.68 |
75 | 42.77|39.21 | 87.1 | 42.77|39.21 | 86.29 | 42.37|32.81 | 84.68 | 41.18|32.00 | 84.68 | 43.38|39.05 | 86.29 | 43.41|39.08 | 84.68 |
80 | 42.87|40.28 | 84.68 | 42.92|40.33 | 85.48 | 42.75|33.17 | 86.29 | 41.81|32.47 | 86.29 | 43.45|40.11 | 88.71 | 43.54|40.13 | 84.68 |
85 | 43.12|41.09 | 86.29 | 42.92|41.11 | 87.9 | 42.83|33.47 | 85.48 | 42.43|32.92 | 84.68 | 43.44|40.90 | 87.9 | 43.54|40.90 | 87.1 |
90 | 43.03|42.90 | 84.68 | 43.13|42.9 | 86.29 | 43.06|33.78 | 88.71 | 42.73|33.39 | 88.71 | 43.31|42.62 | 84.68 | 43.41|42.61 | 85.48 |
95 | 43.02|44.04 | 87.9 | 43.07|44.04 | 84.68 | 43.11|34.03 | 84.68 | 43.06|33.83 | 84.68 | 43.15|43.86 | 84.68 | 43.14|43.83 | 87.1 |
100 | 43.13|45.99 | 86.29 | 43.13|45.88 | 87.1 | 43.12|34.21 | 87.1 | 43.20|34.15 | 84.68 | 43.11|45.88 | 84.68 | 43.10|45.63 | 86.29 |
σ2 | 0.03|7.37 | 1.82 | 00.04|7.19 | 1.45 | 0.14|0.37 | 2.35 | 1.06|0.87 | 2.38 | 0.02|7.44 | 2.75 | 0.03|6.97 | 1.24 |
σ | 0.18|2.71 | 1.35 | 00.20|2.68 | 1.21 | 0.37|0.61 | 1.53 | 1.03|0.93 | 1.54 | 0.14|2.73 | 1.66 | 0.19|2.64 | 1.11 |
Qf. | Original | Conventional (8 × 8) | Conventional (4 × 4) | Conventional (2 × 2) | Proposed (4 × 4) | Proposed (2 × 2) | ||||||
SPE|SEN | Acc | SPE|SEN | Acc | SPE|SEN | Acc | SPE|SEN | Acc | SPE|SEN | Acc | SPE|SEN | Acc | |
− | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 | 0.87|0.92 | 89.52 |
71 | 0.87|0.89 | 87.9 | 0.81|0.89 | 84.68 | 0.87|0.82 | 84.68 | 0.79|0.90 | 84.68 | 0.87|0.84 | 85.48 | 0.76|0.94 | 84.68 |
75 | 0.84|0.90 | 87.1 | 0.81|0.92 | 86.29 | 0.81|0.89 | 84.68 | 0.77|0.92 | 84.68 | 0.81|0.92 | 86.29 | 0.76|0.94 | 84.68 |
80 | 0.79|0.90 | 84.68 | 0.79|0.92 | 85.48 | 0.82|0.90 | 86.29 | 0.81|0.92 | 86.29 | 0.85|0.92 | 88.71 | 0.82|0.87 | 84.68 |
85 | 0.79|0.94 | 86.29 | 0.87|0.89 | 87.9 | 0.85|0.85 | 85.48 | 0.84|0.85 | 84.68 | 0.85|0.90 | 87.9 | 0.81|0.94 | 87.1 |
90 | 0.82|0.87 | 84.68 | 0.77|0.95 | 86.29 | 0.87|0.90 | 88.71 | 0.90|0.87 | 88.71 | 0.79|0.90 | 84.68 | 0.84|0.87 | 85.48 |
95 | 0.85|0.90 | 87.9 | 0.79|0.90 | 84.68 | 0.85|0.84 | 84.68 | 0.79|0.90 | 84.68 | 0.84|0.85 | 84.68 | 0.82|0.92 | 87.1 |
100 | 0.76|0.90 | 86.29 | 0.90|0.84 | 87.1 | 0.76|0.85 | 87.1 | 0.81|0.89 | 84.68 | 0.85|0.84 | 84.68 | 0.79|0.94 | 86.29 |
σ2 × 100 | 0.17|0.04 | 1.82 | 0.22|0.11 | 1.45 | 0.15|0.13 | 2.35 | 0.2|0.07 | 2.38 | 0.08|0.13 | 2.75 | 0.14|0.09 | 1.24 |
σ | 0.04|0.02 | 1.35 | 0.05|0.03 | 1.21 | 0.04|0.04 | 1.53 | 0.04|0.03 | 1.54 | 0.03|0.04 | 1.66 | 0.04|0.03 | 1.11 |
[71] | Proposed Data Augmentation Method | |||||
Original | Conventional | Proposed | ||||
8 × 8 | 4 × 4 | 2 × 2 | 4 × 4 | 2 × 2 | ||
99.86 | 99.77 | 99.77 | 99.54 | 99.31 | 99.71 | 99.77 |
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Ahmad, I.; Shin, S. A Perceptual Encryption-Based Image Communication System for Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Healthcare Cloud Services. Electronics 2022, 11, 2514. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11162514
Ahmad I, Shin S. A Perceptual Encryption-Based Image Communication System for Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Healthcare Cloud Services. Electronics. 2022; 11(16):2514. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11162514
Chicago/Turabian StyleAhmad, Ijaz, and Seokjoo Shin. 2022. "A Perceptual Encryption-Based Image Communication System for Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Healthcare Cloud Services" Electronics 11, no. 16: 2514. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11162514
APA StyleAhmad, I., & Shin, S. (2022). A Perceptual Encryption-Based Image Communication System for Deep Learning-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Healthcare Cloud Services. Electronics, 11(16), 2514. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11162514