Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
:1. Introduction
Research Contributions of This Work
2. Sensor Technology
2.1. In-Vehicle Sensors
Applications for In-Vehicle Sensors
2.2. In Road Sensors
2.3. Discussion about Key Sensors
2.4. Interconnection Technologies for ITS
2.4.1. Access Technologies for V2V Communications
2.4.2. Access Technologies for V2I Communications
3. Taxonomy of ITS Applications
3.1. Safety Category
3.2. Traffic Management Category
3.3. Diagnostic Category
3.4. Environment Category
3.5. User Category
3.6. Assistance Category
4. Case Study Scenario
5. Challenges and Opportunities
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Category of Sensors | Description | Example |
Safety | Form the basis of safety systems and focus on recognizing accident hazards and events almost in real-time. | Micro-mechanical oscillators, speed sensors, cameras, radars and laser beams, inertial sensors, ultrasonic sensors, proximity sensors, night vision sensors, haptic. |
Diagnostic | Focus on gathering data for providing real-time information about status and performance of the vehicle for detecting any malfunction of the vehicle. | Position sensor, chemical sensors, temperature sensors, gas composition sensors, pressure sensor, airbag sensor. |
Traffic | Monitor the traffic conditions in specific zones, gathering data that improves the traffic management. | Cameras, radars, ultrasonic, proximity. |
Assistance | Responsible for gathering data that provide support for comfort and convenience applications. | Gas composition sensor, humidity sensors, temperature sensors, position sensors, torque sensors, image sensors, rain sensors, fogging prevention sensors, distance sensors. |
Environment | Monitor the environment conditions, offering drivers and passengers alert and warning services that are used to enhance their trips. | Pressure sensors, temperature sensors, distance sensors, cameras, weather conditions. |
User | Focus on gathering data that support the detection of abnormal health conditions and behavior of the driver that can deteriorate the driver’s performance. | Cameras, thermistors, Electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors, Electroencephalogram (EEG). sensors, heart rate sensor. |
Category | Sensor Type | Application and Use |
Intrusive | Pneumatic road tube. | Used for keeping track of the number of vehicles, vehicle classification and vehicle count. |
Inductive Loop Detector (ILD). | Used for detection vehicle’s movement, presence, count and occupancy. The signals generated are recorded in a device at the roadside. | |
Magnetic sensors. | Used for detection of presence of vehicle, identifying stopped and moving vehicles. | |
Piezoelectric. | Classification of vehicles, count vehicles and measuring vehicle’s weight and speed. | |
Non-intrusive | Video cameras. | Detection of vehicles across several lanes and can classify vehicles by their length and report vehicle presence, flow rate, occupancy, and speed for each class. |
Radar sensors. | Vehicular volume and speed measurement, detection of direction of motion of vehicle and used by applications for managing traffic lights. | |
Infrared. | Application for speed measurement, vehicle length, volume, and lane occupancy. | |
Ultrasonic. | Tracking the number of vehicles, vehicle’s presence, and occupancy. | |
Acoustic array sensors | Used in the development of applications for measuring vehicle’s passage, presence, and speed. | |
Road surface condition sensors | Used to collect information on weather conditions such as the surface temperature, dew point, water film height, the road conditions and grip. | |
RFID (Radio-frequency identification) | Used to track vehicles mainly for toll management. |
Data Rate | Application Domain | Protocols and Communication Networks |
Less than 10 Kb/s | Control data used for driving and passenger monitoring. | Local Interconnect Network (LIN), Time-Triggered Light Weight Protocol (TTP/A). |
10–25 Kb/s | General data (temperature, humidity, sound level, among others) not related to diagnostic or critical information. | Controller Area Network-Bus (CAN-B), J1850. |
125 Kb/s–1 Mb/s | Transmission of information related to powertrain and chassis. | Controller Area Network-Bus (CAN-B). |
Higher than 1 Mb/s | Multimedia and infotainment applications. | Media Oriented System Transport (MOST), Digital Data Bus, Bluetooth, FlexRay, ZigBee, WiFi and Ultra-wideband (UWB). |
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Guerrero-Ibáñez, J.; Zeadally, S.; Contreras-Castillo, J. Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Sensors 2018, 18, 1212.
Guerrero-Ibáñez J, Zeadally S, Contreras-Castillo J. Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Sensors. 2018; 18(4):1212.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuerrero-Ibáñez, Juan, Sherali Zeadally, and Juan Contreras-Castillo. 2018. "Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems" Sensors 18, no. 4: 1212.
APA StyleGuerrero-Ibáñez, J., Zeadally, S., & Contreras-Castillo, J. (2018). Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Sensors, 18(4), 1212.