A Dynamic Surface Gateway Placement Scheme for Mobile Underwater Networks †
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Background
3.1. Design Challenges
3.1.1. Long Propagation Delays
3.1.2. Sensor Node Mobility
3.1.3. Energy Constraints
3.2. IMM
- Uniform motion: movement in a straight line at constant velocity, modeled by a Kalman filter.
- Maneuver: coordinated turn at a constant rate of turn and constant speed, modeled by an extended Kalman filter.
4. PADP Algorithm Description
4.1. Network Architecture
- Sinks: control stations on the shore or aboard a boat, directly connected to all surface gateways through radio communication.
- Surface gateways: hybrid nodes associated with buoys, which communicate with underwater sensor nodes using acoustic communication and sinks via radio communication.
- Underwater sensor nodes: ordinary sensor nodes organized in layers at various depths to collect environmental information and forward it to surface gateways.
4.2. Problem Statement
4.3. Assumptions
- The studied underwater sensor nodes moving patterns are relative moving patterns to surface gateway.
- Underwater sensor nodes are organized in a layered structure and only nodes in Layer 1 can communicate with surface gateways.
- Localization and synchronization services are available so that an underwater sensor node is always able to estimate its current location.
- Gateways and sensor nodes share a common transmission range d.
4.4. Problem Formulation
4.4.1. Definition
4.4.2. Objective Function 1: Coverage
4.4.3. Constraints
- Budget limit: constrains the number of available gateways. It is assumed that the budget is pre-defined and does not change. Hence, the number of gateways will not increase during the optimization procedure. Considering the budget permits N gateways:
- Maximum allowable travel distance: PADP assumes that gateways are relatively static locations for the duration of a deployment. However, in each redeployment, gateways can actively move to a position where they are needed. For this purpose, each surface gateway q possesses a maximum allowable travel distance for redeployment. This constraint is imposed to conserve power consumption. Because each gateway assumes an initial position and must expend energy to relocate to new positions it is assumed that a gateway is aware of its battery so that it can reduce the power needed to return to shore or a boat to be recharged. The maximum allowable travel distance for redeployment is denoted , while is the initial position of gateway q, so that:
- Minimum coverage: considers the virtual nodes of Figure 3, these are not real sensor nodes, i.e., only m sensor nodes exist at any specific time. To ensure the desired number of sensor nodes are covered at any time, a minimum coverage is assigned, so that:
- Connectivity constraint: sensor nodes in Layer 1 are clustered during surface gateway deployment to guarantee the connectivity of these sensor nodes. A cluster consists of a group of connected sensor nodes, but members of a cluster are not connected to the sensor nodes of any other cluster. Connectivity requires that there must be at least one sensor node in each cluster covered by the surface gateways. Letting represent the cluster , this constraint may be expressed as:
4.5. Clustering Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Operations of disjoint-set data structure. |
Clustering algorithm:
UNION(x, y):
LINK(x, y):
FIND-CLUSTER(x) with path compression:
4.6. Linearization
4.7. Objective Function 2: Reduce Average End-To-End Delay
4.8. Initial Deployment
5. Performance Evaluation
5.1. Simulation Settings
5.2. Results and Analysis
5.2.1. Dynamic vs. Static
5.2.2. Impact of Transmission Range
5.2.3. Impact of Minimum Coverage
5.2.4. Impact of Maximum Travel Distance
5.2.5. Impact of Tracking Accuracy
5.2.6. Minimize Average End-To-End Delay
5.2.7. Impact of Monitoring Interval
5.2.8. Impact of Mobility Pattern
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value |
d | 80 m | 200 m | |
N | 6 s | 5 | |
N(,) | N(,) | ||
N(,) | N(1,) | ||
N(1,) | N(3,) | ||
v | N(1,) m/s | M | 100,000 |
0.1 s | 0.1 s | ||
3.1 kbps | 40 bytes |
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Liu, J.; Guan, W.; Han, G.; Cui, J.-H.; Fiondella, L.; Al-Bzoor, M. A Dynamic Surface Gateway Placement Scheme for Mobile Underwater Networks. Sensors 2019, 19, 1993. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19091993
Liu J, Guan W, Han G, Cui J-H, Fiondella L, Al-Bzoor M. A Dynamic Surface Gateway Placement Scheme for Mobile Underwater Networks. Sensors. 2019; 19(9):1993. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19091993
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Jun, Wenxue Guan, Guangjie Han, Jun-Hong Cui, Lance Fiondella, and Manal Al-Bzoor. 2019. "A Dynamic Surface Gateway Placement Scheme for Mobile Underwater Networks" Sensors 19, no. 9: 1993. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19091993
APA StyleLiu, J., Guan, W., Han, G., Cui, J.-H., Fiondella, L., & Al-Bzoor, M. (2019). A Dynamic Surface Gateway Placement Scheme for Mobile Underwater Networks. Sensors, 19(9), 1993. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19091993