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또 다른 이야기는 레아/키벨레와 연결되며, 프리기아의 케라이나이의 신화 기록가들은 사행천(멘데레스 강)의 원천을 설명할 때 그의 이야기를 전하였다.[2]
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같이 보기
[편집]- ↑ The folk of Celaenae held "that the Song of the Mother, an air for the flute, was composed by Marsyas", according to Pausanias (x.30.9).
- ↑ The river is linked to the figure of Marsyas by Herodotus (Histories, 7.26) and Xenophon (Anabasis, 1.2.8).
- ↑ Hyagnis (Greek: Ὑάγνις, gen.: Ὑάγνιδος, or Ἄγνις) was a mythical musician from Phrygia who was considered to be the inventor of the aulos. Hyagnis was also one of the three mythical Phrygian musicians (along with Marsyas and Olympus) to whom the Ancient Greeks attributed the invention of the Phrygian mode in music(see Anthi Dipla:2001 Archived 2011년 7월 21일 - 웨이백 머신).
외부 링크
[편집]- 위키미디어 공용에 마르시아스 관련 미디어 분류가 있습니다.