Currently, the WikiEditor UI used by ProofreadPage requires context switches and long wait times when editing pages one after another inside a book. eis.js is a userscript/gadget developed by the Italian Wikisource to allow users to edit pages in sequence without having to wait for page reloads and saves. It does this by asynchronously calling the Wikimedia API to perform various actions such as previewing, saving and moving between pages. Being able to integrate the features offered by edit-in-sequence (eis.js) will alow a larger audience to use the features offered by edit-in-sequence and benefit from the speed improvements that provides over normal sequential editing.
General roadmap:
- Implement feature flag (and enable it on Beta Wikisource)
- Implement major UI elements
- Save
- Page status
- Page navigation
- Preview
- Edit Summary
- Save and navigate
- Figure out Openseadragon implementation
- Enable as BetaFeature, work on feedback/nice to have features