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Linha 1 (MTS)

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Linha 1
Inauguração:  30 de abril de 2007 (Corroios - Cova da Piedade)
26 de novembro de 2008 (Cova da Piedade - Cacilhas)
Estações  13
Extensão:  7,15 km
Urban head station Pier
Urban station on track
25 de Abril
+ Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
Urban station on track + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
+ Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
Urban station on track
S. J. Baptista
Urban station on track
Urban station on track
Bento Gonçalves
Urban station on track
Cova da Piedade
Unknown route-map component "uÜSTr"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnsRP2"
× acesso IC20
Unknown route-map component "RP2s" Unknown route-map component "uhSTRa@g" Unknown route-map component "RP2ens"
∥ acesso IC20
Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Urban straight track + Unknown route-map component "lhSTR(r)" + Unknown route-map component "lhKRZh(l)(g)"
Unknown route-map component "hLGD-Ra" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
(viaduto comum)
Unknown route-map component "RP2l" Unknown route-map component "uhSKRZ-G2(Rr)" Unknown route-map component "hRP2owRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP4ens"
Unknown route-map component "uhSKRZ-G4(Rr)" + Unknown route-map component "lhKRZh(l)(f)"
Unknown route-map component "hRP2eowRP4"
× Av. Hq. Barbeitos
Unknown route-map component "uhSTRe@f"
Unknown route-map component "RP1" + Unknown route-map component "RP2l" + Unknown route-map component "RP4+l"
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP4"
∥ Av. 23 Julho
Unknown route-map component "d" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "d" Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
∥ Av. 23 Julho = EN10
Urban station on track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Parque da Paz
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2ensRP2"
├ R. M.ª Lamas
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2xRP2"
× R. M. Noronha ∥ Av. 23 Julho = EN10
Urban station on track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
António Gedeão
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2enRP2"
├ R. Álamos
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2esRP2"
├ R. J. C. Melo
Unknown route-map component "RP4" Urban station on track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Laranjeiro∥ R. 38
Unknown route-map component "RP4q" + Unknown route-map component "RP2n"
Unknown route-map component "RP4q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP4+r" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× R. Borges Rego
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2" + Unknown route-map component "RP4l"
× Pç. Lopes Graça ├ R. D. Duarte
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP4"
∥ Av. 23 Julho = EN10
Unknown route-map component "RP4xRP4"
Unknown route-map component "RP4q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP4ens" + Unknown route-map component "RP4q" + Unknown route-map component "RP4"
∥ Av. 23 Julho = EN10 × R. M. Portugal
Unknown route-map component "RP4" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
Unknown route-map component "uSTR+GRZq"
Unknown route-map component "RP4" + Unknown route-map component "GRZq"
∥ R. Artur Semedo ⇡ALMSXL
Unknown route-map component "RP2" + Unknown route-map component "RP4rf"
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP4"
∥ Av. 25 Abril = EN10
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
∥ R. Luís Piçarra
Urban station on track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Santo Amaro
Unknown route-map component "uSKRZ-G4h" Unknown route-map component "RP2uhRP4"
× Av. Aresenal Alfeite
Unknown route-map component "RP2+l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
× R. C. Povo
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnsRP2" Urban station on track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Casa do Povo
Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
× R. C. Povo
Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP4ens" + Unknown route-map component "RP4"
├ R. Leiria ∥ Av. 25 Abril = EN10
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP4l"
├ Av. 25 Abril = EN10
Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "lNATl" + Unknown route-map component "lNATr" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "d"
× jardim
Unknown route-map component "RP2sewRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnsRP2"
× R. Lisboa
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnsRP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
┤ Av. V. Milhaços
Unknown route-map component "RP2enRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnRP2"
∥∥ R. Mário Castrim
Unknown route-map component "RP2oW2(Rr)" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2oW2(Ll)"
Unknown route-map component "RP2S1l" + Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2l" + Unknown route-map component "RP2yRP4q"
∥ R. Estação ×├ R. Mário Castrim
Continuation backward
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "RP2S1+r"
Unknown route-map component "+c" + Unknown route-map component "uvSHI2gl-"
Linha do SulCampolide A
Unknown route-map component "XBHF-L"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "RP2" + Unknown route-map component "XPLTq"
Unknown route-map component "+c" + Unknown route-map component "uvKBHFe"
Continuation forward
Linha do SulTunes

A Linha 1 do Metro Sul do Tejo liga Cacilhas a Corroios, numa extensão aproximada de sete quilómetros. O seu troço inicial entre Corroios e Cova da Piedade foi inaugurado a 30 de abril de 2007, entrando ao serviço da população a 1 de maio de 2007. A 26 de novembro de 2008, foi inaugurado ao público o troço até Cacilhas.

Cacilhas Terminal Rodoviário | Carris Metropolitana
25 de Abril | Carris Metropolitana
Gil Vicente | Carris Metropolitana
São João Baptista | Carris Metropolitana
Almada | Carris Metropolitana
Bento Gonçalves
Cova da Piedade | Carris Metropolitana
Parque da Paz | Carris Metropolitana
António Gedeão | Carris Metropolitana
Laranjeiro | Carris Metropolitana
Santo Amaro | Carris Metropolitana
Casa do Povo | Carris Metropolitana
Corroios Terminal Rodoviário | Carris Metropolitana[1]


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