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Poimenski seznam ameriških generalov.

Oscar Bergstrom Abbott - John Abizaid - Clyde Rush Abraham - Creighton Williams Abrams mlajši - Claude Mitchell Adams - Clayton Sinnot Adams - Emory Sherwood Adams - Paul De Witt Adams - Clarence Lionel Adcock - James A. Adkins - Julius Ochs Adler - Leo James Ahern - Spencer Ball Akin - James L. Alcorn - Clyde Charles Alexander - Edward Porter Alexander - George Murrell Alexander - William Alexander - Robert Alexander - James Raymond Alfonte - Terry de la Mesa Allan - Frank Albert Allen mlajši - George J. Allen - Harvey Clark Allen - John R. Allen - Leven Cooper Allen - Roderick R. Allen - Wayne Russell Allen - Randolph D. Alles - George R. Allin - Edward Mallory Almond - Kenneth George Althaus - John D. Altenburg mlajši - Jacob Ammen - James F. Amos - Wilhelm Arthur Andersen - Alexander Edward Anderson - John Benjamin Anderson - Jonathan Waverly Anderson - Joseph R. Anderson - Richard H. Anderson - Thomas McArthur Anderson - Frank Maxwell Andrews - Clift Andrus - Charles Morris Ankcorn - John Adams Appleton - Lewis Addison Armistead - Thomas Seely Arms - Clare Hibbs Armstrong - Donald Armstrong - John Armstrong - Archibald Vincent Arnold - Benedict Arnold - Calvert Hinton Arnold - Henry H. Arnold - William Howard Arnold - William Richard Arnold - John Caraway Arrowsmith - William Wallace Atterbury - Wayland Bixby Augur - Henry Spiese Aurand - William Woods Averell - Ray Longfellow Avery - Leonard Porter Ayres - Romeyn Beck Ayres -

Paul William Baade - Franklin Babcock - George Irving Back - George Maurice Badger - Carl Adolph Baehr - Joseph Augustus Baer - Harry Howard Baird - Henry Welles Baird - Frayne Baker - Walter Campbell Baker - Frank Dwight Baldwin - Geoffrey Prescott Baldwin - Antonio Rodriguez Balinas - Harvey Ball - Jesmond Dene Balmer - Carl Conrad Bank - Nathaniel Prentiss Banks - Henry Anson Barber mlajši - Russell Gilbert Barkalow - Harold Richards Barker - Ray Wehnes Barker - Francis Barlow - Gladeon Marcus Barnes - Harold Arthur Barnes - Julian Francis Barnes - Allison Joseph Barnett - George Barnett - James Washington Barnett - Charles Heyward Barnwell mlajši - David Goodwin Barr - Charles Joseph Barrett - William Andros Barron mlajši - Robert Hilliard Barrow - William A. Barstow - Charles Henry Barth mlajši - Raymond Oscar Barton - Joseph Edward Barzynski - Joseph Edward Bastion - Robert Marks Bathurst - Joseph Franklin Battley - James Ernest Baylis - Stanhope Bayne-Jones - George Corwin Beach mlajši - William Beall - Pierre Gustave Toutant de Beauregard - Rex Webb Beasly - Lewis C. Beebe - William Arthur Beiderlinden - Robert Sprague Beightler - Burwell Baxter Bell III. - James Franklin Bell - Marcus Brenneman Bell - Barnard E. Bee mlajši - Jay Leland Benedict - Thomas A. Benes - Donald V. Bennett - William Edward Bergin - John W. Bergman - Martin R. Berndt - Robert Ward Berry - William Weston Bessell mlajši - Frank S. Besson mlajši - James Albertus Bethea - Edward C. Betts - Thomas Jeffries Betts - Hubert Ward Beyette - David F. Bice - Carroll Owen Bickelhaupt - William Philips Biddle - Claude Vivian Birkhead - Hammond Davies Birks - David B. Birney - John Ter Bush Bissell - Ernest Aaron Bixby - Frederick Harry Black - Garland Cuzorte Black - Robert R. Blackman mlajši - Philip Guillou Blackmore - Francis Preston Blair mlajši - Harold Whittle Blakeley - David Hazen Blakelock - William Pinckney Bledsoe - Frederick Arthur Blesse - Raymond Whitcomb Bliss - Tasker Howard Bliss - Kenneth Thompson Blood - Roy Eugene Blount - Clifford Bluemel - Haydon Lemaire Boatner - Walter Putney Boatwright - Craig T. Boddington - John James Bohn - Charles F. Bolden mlajši - Alexander Russell Bolling - Charles Lawrence Bolte - Charles Hartwell Bonesteel - Milton Orme Boone - Donald Prentice Booth - William A. Borden - Solon Borland - Truman Everett Boudinot - Charles Francis Bowen - Frank Sayles Bowen mlajši - Frank Otto Bowman - Harwood Christian Bowman - Leonard Russell Boyd - Frederic William Boye - Karl Slaughter Bradford - William Brooks Bradford - James Lester Bradley - Joseph Sladen Bradley - Omar Nelson Bradley - Aaron Bradshaw mlajši - John Stewart Bragdon - Braxton Bragg - Lawrence O'Bryan Branch - Donald W. Brann - Gustav J. Braun mlajši - John C. Breckinridge - Lewis Brereton - Francis Bresnahan - Sereno Elmer Brett - Carlos Brewer - Edwin Dyson Bricker - Raymond Westcott Briggs - Francis G. Brink - James Francis Brittingham - Daniel Brodhead - Ronald Cornelius Brock - Edward Hale Brooks - Vincent Brooks - William Edward Brougher - Albert Eger Brown - Ames T. Brown - Charles Conrad Brown - Everett Ernest Brown - Homer Caffee Brown - Jacob Jennings Brown - Lloyd Davidson Brown - Philip Edward Brown - Robert Quinney Brown - Thoburn Kaye Brown - Wyburn Dwight Brown - Frederick William Browne - Albert Jesse Browning - Andrew Davis Bruce - Rapp Brush - Philip Gilstrap Bruton - Blackshear Morrison Bryan - William Bryden - Kenneth Buchanan - Oliver Boone Bucher - Simon Bolivar Buckner mlajši - Theodore Earl Buechler - Harold Roe Bull - Egbert Frank Bullene - Henry Tocitus Burgin - Nathaniel Alanson Burnell - Ray Lawrence Burnell - James Henry Burns - Ambrose Everett Burnside - Clarence Lemar Burpee - Withers A. Burress - Ernest Hill Burt - Charles Manly Busbee - Edwin Butcher - Benjamin Franklin Butler - Frederic Bates Butler - Richard Butler - Smedley Butler - Daniel Butterfield - Reginald William Buzzell - Clovis Ethelbert Byers - Joseph Wilson Byron -

William Lewis Cabell - Benjamin Franklin Caffey mlajši - Daniel Callaghan - Philip Edward Callagher - George Russell Callender - Frank Camm - Thomas James Camp - Arthur Griffith Campbell - Boniface Campbell - Levin Hicks Campbell mlajši - William Archibald Campbell - William Franklin Campbell - Edward Canby - Charles Draper William Canham - Ralph Julian Canine - Robert Milchrist Cannon - Paul Wyatt Caraway - Don Emerson Carleton - Gordon De L. Carrington - Percy James Carroll - Arthur Hazelton Carter - Ellerbe Winn Carter - William Vaulx Carter - James E. Cartwright - Joseph Carter Abbott - Homer Case - Rolland Webster Case - Hugh John Casey - Lewis Cass - John G. Castellaw - Clifton Bledsoe Cates - Thomas Benton Catron - William D. Catto - Adna R. Chaffee mlajši - Edwin William Chamberlain - Harry Dwight Chamberlin - Joshua Chamberlain - Stephen J. Chamberlin - William Earl Chambers - Rex Eugene Chandler - Willis McDonald Chapin - Elbridge Gerry Chapman mlajši - Leonard Fielding Chapman mlajši - William Curtis Chase - Raphael Saul Chavin - Henry Barlow Cheadle - Ferdinand Chesarek - Godfrey Cheshire - Gilbert Xavier Cheves - William Elbridge Chickering - Thomas Jonathan Jackson Christian - James George Christiansen - John Kay Christmas - William Canou Christy - John Huston Church - Thomas James Churchill - Bradford Grethen Chynoweth - Frank Sheldon Clark - Mark Wayne Clark - Wesley Kanne Clark - Bruce Cooper Clarke - Carter Weldon Clarke - Herbert Slayden Clarkson - Percy William Clarkson - Lucius du Bignon Clay - Powell Clayton - Patrick Cleburne - Joseph Pringle Cleland - Paul Bernard Clemens - Edgar Lewis Clewell - James Clinton - Ralph Waldo Coane - Nicholas Hamner Cobbs - Henry Clay Coburn mlajši - Francis Cockrell - James Arthur Code mlajši - John Will Coffey - William Henry Colbern - Albert Elbert Colburn - William Edward Cole - Ronald S. Coleman - Edgar Bergman Colladay - John Howell Collier - Harry John Collins - James Francis Collins - James Lawton Collins - Joseph Lawton Collins - Leroy Pierce Collins - Stewart Garfield Collins - Vivian Bramble Collins - Charles Frederick Colson - Roger Baldwin Colton - Ebenezer Lattimore Compere - Thomas L. Conant - Ludwig Shaner Conelly - John French Conkley - Donald Hilary Connolly - William Durward Connor - George Bryan Conrad - James T. Conway - Thomas Conway - Gilbert Richard Cook - John Cook - Elliot Duncan Cooke - Merian Caldwell Cooper - John Eubank Copeland - Clifford Lee Corbin - William Preston Corderman - Charles Harrison Corlett - Hugh Corth - Norman Daniel Cota - John Breitling Coulter - Edward Raab Covell - Leonard Covington - Christian B. Cowdrey - Miles Andrew Cowles - Albert Lyman Cox - Richard Ferguson Cox - Bantz John Craddock - Charles Frost Craig - Louis Aleck Craig - Malin Craig - James Kerr Crain - Kenneth Frank Cramer - Myron Cady Cramer - John Alden Crane - William Carey Crane - Joseph Alfred Cranston - David McLean Crawford - James Blanchard Crawford - Robert Walter Crawford - Roscoe Campbell Crawford - Robert William Crichlow mlajši - William Earl Crist - Willis Dale Crittenberger - James Cave Crockett - John M. Croley - Evans Read Crowell - Donald Cameron Cubbison - Albert L. Culbertson - Frank Lewis Culin mlajši - Joseph Michael Cummins - James Hutchings Cunningham - Julian Wallace Cunningham - Charles Clarence Curtis - James Washington Curtis - Samuel Curtis - Robert Everton Cushman mlajši - George Armstrong Custer - Elliott Carr Cutler - Lysander Cutler - Stuart Cutler -

Holmes Ely Dager - John Ernest Dahlquist - Josiah Toney Dalbey - Edmond Leo Daley - James Leo Dalton II. - Joseph Nicholas Dalton - Cornelius Martin Daly - Robert Melville Danford - Edward Courtney Bullock Danforth - Maurice Wiley Daniel - Clarence Hagbart Danielson - Wilmot Alfred Danielson - William Orlando Darby - Charles Lanier Dasher - Lester Amiel Daugherty - Garrison Holt Davidson - Addison Dimmitt Davis - Andrew B. Davis - Benjamin Oliver Davis mlajši - George Arthur Davis - Jack A. Davis - Jefferson C. Davis - John Fuller Davis - Leonard Louis Davis - Ray Davis - Thomas Jefferson Davis - Donald Angus Davision - Pete Dawkins - Ernst Joseph Dawley - Herbert Reynolds Dean - William Frishe Dean - John Russell Deane - William Richard Dear - Henry Dearborn - George Henry Decker - Pedro del Valle - Martin Dempsey - Guy Blair Denit - Eley Parker Denson - Frank Richard Denton - Jacob Loucks Devers - James Gasper Devine - John Matthew Devine - Ralph Godwin DeVoe - Calvin DeWitt mlajši - John Lesesne DeWitt - Wallace DeWitt - Robert C. Dickerson - Philemon Dickinson - LeGrande Albert Diller - Theodore Harwood Dillon - Brice Pursell Disque - Charles Edward Dissinger - Rollo Curtin Ditto - Thomas Pleasant Dockery - Jens Anderson Doe - William Henry Donaldson mlajši - Leo Donovan - Richard Donovan - Timothy E. Donovan - William Joseph Donovan - Henry Chessman Dooling - Jimmy Doolittle - Charles Richard Doran - Georges Frederic Doriot - Frank Dorn - Abner Doubleday - John Doughty - Sylvester DeWitt Downs mlajši - Jesse Cyrus Drain - Charles Chisholm Drake - William Henry Draper mlajši - Guy Humphrey Drewry - Hugh Aloysius Drum - Robinson Earl Duff - James Thomas Duke - Robert Leroy Dulaney - Walter Alexander Dumas - William Caldwell Dunckel - Joseph F. Dunford mlajši - George Clark Dunham - Wilbur Eugene Dunkelberg - Robert Horace Dunlop - Beverly Charles Dunn - Louis Lebèque Duportail -

John Macaulay Eager - William Willis Eagles - Ira Eaker - Jubal Anderson Early - Herbert Ludwell Earnest - Cladius Miller Easley - Roy Woodson Easley - Harold Eugene Eastwood - Ralph Parker Eaton - George Leland Eberle - Roger Weed Eckfeldt - Clyde Davis Eddleman - Manton Sprague Eddy - Glen Edgar Edgerton - James E. Edmonds - Harvey Edward - Heber L. Edwards - Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston - Robert Lawrence Eichelberger - Dwight David Eisenhower - Dabney Otey Elliott - George Frank Elliot - John Archer Elmore - Stanley Dunbar Embick - Ambrose Robert Emery - Francis Augustus Englehart - Paul Xavier English - Michael E. Ennis - Riley Finley Ennis - Sidney Erickson - Luis Raul Esteves - Edward Arthur Evans - Henry Cotheal Evans - Vernon Evans - Eugene O. Eversburg - Richard S. Ewell - George Senseny Eyster -

James Fleming Fagan - Leigh Cole Fairbank - Don Carlos Faith - Eugene Warren Fales - Archie Arrington Farmer - Francis William Farrell - Thomas Francis Farrell - Philip Ries Faymonville - Herman Feldman - Bonner Frank Fellers - Clarence Charles Fenn - Chauncey Lee Fenton - Claude Birkett Ferenbaugh - Charles Sabin Ferrin - Benjamin Greeley Ferris - Kendall Jordan Fielder - Thomas Dewees Finley - Irwing Andrews Fish - Burdette Mase Fitch - Philip Bracken Fleming - Raymond Hartwell Fleming - James F. Flock - Lester De Long Flory - George J. Flynn - Elbert Louis Ford - William Wallece Ford - Nathan Bedford Forrest III. - George Jacob Forser - George Burgess Forster mlajši - Ivan Leon Forster - John W. Foster - Guy O. Fort - Louis Joseph Fortier - Raymond Foster Fowler - Alonzo P. Fox - Leon Alexander Fox - Raymond C. Fox - Thomas Alexander Fraizier - Selby Harney Frank - Gustav Henry Franke - John Merryman Franklin - William B. Franklin - John Brandon Franks - Tommy Franks - Lloyd Ralston Fredendall - Robert Tryon Frederick - John C. Frémont - Charles Augustus French - James Luke Frink - Harold J. Fruchtnicht - James Clyde Fry - Ben Hebard Fuller - Horace Hayes Fuller - Howard Ellsworth Fuller - Walter Scott Fulton - Arnold John Funk - Frederick Funston - Theodore Leslie Futch -

Hugh J. Gaffey - Philip Stearns Gage - Charles Kenon Gailey mlajši - Ridgely Gaither - Jon A. Gallinetti - John Rogers Galvin - Richard Montgomery Gano - Peter Gansevoort - Robert Gibbins Gard - Emerson N. Gardner mlajši - Fulton Quintus Cincinnatus Gardner - John Henry Gardner - James A. Garfield - Creswell Garlington - Robert C. Garrett - William F. Garrison - Crump Garvin - Walter E. Gaskin - Lorenzo Dow Gasser - Horatio Gates - James Maurice Gavin - Hobart R. Gay - John W. Geary - Roy Geiger - Charles Peaslee George - Charles Hunter Gerhardt - Lee Saunders Gerow - Leonard Townsend Gerow - Timothy F. Ghormley - Lloyd H. Gibbons - Herbert Daskum Gibson - Harold Napoleon Gilbert - Frederick Gilbreath - William Hanson Gill - Morris Williams Gilland - Alvan Cullon Gillem mlajši - Alexander Garfield Gillespie - William Nelson Gillmore - Einar Bernard Gjelsteen - Alfred Robinson Glancy - John Glover - Kenneth J. Glueck mlajši - Stuart Chapin Godfrey - George Washington Goethals - Ralph Harvard Goldthwaite - John Forest Goodman - Andrew Jackson Goodpaster - John F. Goodman - William Moses Goodman - Alexander Oscar Gorder - John Brown Gordon - Frank Gorenc - Stanley Gorenc - Daniel Govan - Roy Charles Lemach Graham - Charles Harry Grahl - Gordon Granger - Ulysses Simpson Grant II. - Walter Schuyler Grant - Alfred M. Gray mlajši - Carl Raymond Gray mlajši - Thomas Jackson Grayson - George S. Greene - John Nesmith Greely - Joseph Andrew Green - Thomas Henry Green - Edward S. Greenbaum - Douglass Taft Greene - Nathanael Greene - Wallace Martin Greene mlajši - Frank Upton Greer - David McM. Gregg - Wallace C. Gregson - Walter Q. Gresham - William Middleton Grimes - George Wesley Griner mlajši - Oscar Woolverton Griswold - Homer McLaughlin Groninger - Charles Philip Gross - Leslie Richard Groves - Robert Walker Grow - Roy William Grower - William Rudolph Gruber - Alfred Maximillian Gruenther - George Grunert - Louis Francis Guerre - Allen W. Gullion - Matthew John Gunner - Augustus Milton Gurney - William E. Guthner - John Simpson Guthrie - Walter Gwynn -

Charles Christian Haffner mlajši - Michael W. Hagee - William Archer Hagins - David C. Hague - Alexander Meigs Haig mlajši - Oliver Lincoln Haines - Ralph E. Haines - Wade Hampton Haislip - Charles Philip Hall - Gene William Hall - Henry Wager Halleck - George Matthew Halloran - Milton Baldridge Halsey - Archelaus Lewis Hamblen - Alexander Hamilton - Winfield Scott Hancock - Edward Hand - Morris Clinton Handwerk - John W. Handy - Thomas Troy Handy - Harold Haney - Edward Hanlon mlajši - Warren Thomas Hannum - Francis Page Hardaway - Robert Morris Hardaway II. - Carl Adolphus Hardigg - Edwin Forrest Harding - Horace Harding - David P. Hardy - Rosswell Eric Hardy - Josiah Harmar - Ernst Nason Harmon - Arthur McKinley Harper - Joseph Eugene Harriman - Andrew L. Harris - Arthur Ringland Harris - Charles Spurgeon Harris - Charles Tillman Harris mlajši - Frederick Mixon Harris - Eugene Lynch Harrison - William Henry Harrison - William Kelly Harrison mlajši - Thomas L. Harrold - Charles Edward Hart - William Lee Hart - Russell Peter Hartle - Charles Dudley Hartman - George Eitle Hartman - Harlan Nelson Hartness - Robert Wilson Hasbrouck - Sherman Vitus Hasbrouck - William N. Haskell - Julian Sommerville Hatcher - David Nathaniel Hauseman - Hamilton S. Hawkins - Sion Boone Hawkins - Paul Ramsey Hawley - Alexander Travis Hawthorn - Frederic Lord Hayden - Philip Hayes - Rutherford B. Hayes - Thomas Jay Hayes - Bertram Francis Hayford - Loyal Moyer Haynes - George Price Hays - Harry Fouts Hazlett - Jack Whitehead Heard - Ralph Townsend Heard - Thomas Guerdon Hearn - William Heath - William Francis Heavey - Lawrence Hyskell Hedrick - Roy Cleveland Heflebower - Frank August Heileman - Stuart Heintzelman - David R. Heinz - Dennis J. Hejlik - Samuel T. Helland - Charles Gardiner Helmick - Raleigh Raymond Hendrix - Frank Andrew Henning mlajši - Guy Nelson Henninger - Guy Vernor Henry - Stephen Garrett Henry - John Knowles Herr - Thomas Wade Herren - Hugh Nathan Herrick - Charles Douglas Herron - Lewis Blaine Hershey - Kenner Fisher Hertford - Harcourt Hervey - William Hesketh - Walter Wood Hess mlajši - Hugh Bryan Hester - John Hutchinson Hester - Henry Heth - Charles Heywood - Hobart Hewett - Louis Emerson Hibbs - Daniel Webster Hickey mlajši - Doyle Overton Hickey - Thomas Francis Hickey - Gerald Joseph Higgins - Ambrose Powell Hill - Daniel Harvey Hill - Francis Hill - Milton Abram Hill - John Henry Hilldring - Charles Clark Hillman - Thomas C. Hindman - John Hamilton Hinds - Sidney Rae Hinds - Charles Hines - John Leonard Hines - Dale Durkee Hinman - Leland Stanford Hobbs - William Horace Hobson - Henry Irving Hodes - John Reed Hodge - Courtney Hicks Hodges - Fremont Byron Hodson - Hugh French Thomason Hoffmann - William Morris Hoge - Joseph Hooker - Lucius Roy Holbrook - Willard Ames Holbrook mlajši - Thomas Holcomb - William Henry Holcombe - Herbert Charles Holdrigde - Thomas Leroy Holland - Gordon Cloyd Hollar - Joseph Andrew Holly - Jonathan Lane Holman - Henry Benjamin Holmes mlajši - Julius Cecil Holmes - John Louis Homer - George Honnen - John Bell Hood - Andrew Daniel Hopping - George Anthony Horkan - Ralph Hospital - Michael A. Hough - Benjamin Chew Howard - Edwin Britain Howard - Oliver O. Howard - Robert Howe - William Francis Howe - George Pierce Howell mlajši - Reese Maughan Howell - Rene E. DeRussy Hoyle - Richard A. Huck - Clarence Ralph Huebner - Remi Paul Hueper - Benjamin Huger - Everett Strait Hughes - John Hendricken Hughes - Gary H. Hughey - John E. Hull - Jan C. Huly - Edgar Erskine Hume - Steven A. Hummer - Andrew A. Humphreys - Henry Jackson Hunt - George Bowditch Hunter - Charles Everett Hurdis - Patrick Jay Hurley - Thomas Dreux Hurley - Henry Hutchings mlajši - Joseph Carson Hutchison - James Francis Clark Hyde - Clyde Lloyd Hyssong -

John D. Imboden - Ralph Maxwell Immel - Harry Clyde Ingles - Willard Wadsworth Irvinc - Frederick Augustus Irving - Constant Louis Irwin - Stafford Le Roy Irwin - George Izard -

Andrew Jackson - Anthony L. Jackson - Carl B. Jensen - Harold Rufus Jackson - Stonewall Jackson - Fenton Stratton Jacobs - Sanderford Jarman - Henry Davis Jay - Lawrence C. Jaynes - Ephraim Franklin Jeffe - Reuben Ellis Jenkins - Dwight Frederick Johns - Bernard Alfred Johnson - Bushrod Johnson - Harold Keith Johnson - Harry Hubbard Johnson - James Harve Johnson - Neal Creighton Johnson - Robert Wood Johnson - Stephen T. Johnson - Albert Sidney Johnston - Joseph E. Johnston - Paul William Johnston - Alan Walter Jones - Albert Monmouth Jones - David Charles Jones - Edwin Whiting Jones - Henry Lawrence Cullem Jones - James Logan Jones mlajši - Lloyd E. Jones - Thomas H. Jones - Thomas S. Jones - William E. Jones - Thomas Jordan - George Alfred Joulwan - Keyton Ashe Joyce - John P. Jumper -

William Camillus Kabrich - Ronald T. Kadish - Johann de Kalb - Paul Vincent Kane - Charles Herbert Karlstad - Janis Karpinski - William Henry Kasten - William Benjamin Kean - Philip Kearny - Frank Augustus Keating - Charles Leslie Keerans mlajši - John Keliher - John F. Kelly - Paul Xavier Kelley - Richard L. Kelly - Clarence Howard Kells - Paul Boyle Kelly - Raymond Alexander Kelser - Paul Wilkins Kendall - Claudia Kennedy - John Thomas Kennedy - Albert Walton Kenner - Redmond Francis Kernan - Joseph Kerr - Francis Rusher Kerr - William Shaffer Key - Geoffrey Keyes - George Vernon Keyser - Abram Franklin Kibler - Homer Watson Kiefer - Charles Solomon Kilburn - Hugh Judson Kilpatrick - John Reed Kilpatrick - Allen Russell Kimball - Edgar King - Edward Postell King mlajši - Henry Lord Page King - Woods King - Allen Frederick Kingman - John J. Kingman - James Kirk - Norman Thomas Kirk - Henry Knox - William Signius Knudsen - Egmont Francis Koenig - Tadeusz Kosciuszko - Hans Kramer - Herman Frederick Kramer - Richard S. Kramlich - Leo Myron Kreber - Hayes Adlai Kroner - Walter Krueger - Charles C. Krulak - Mary Ann Krusa-Dossin - Wlodzimierz Krzyzanowski - Rudolph Charles Kuldell - Louis A. Kunzig - Guy Orth Kurtz - Emerick Kutschko - Harry Russell Kutz -

Jesse Amos Ladd - Laurence Knight Ladue - Richard M. Lake - Francis Henry Lanahan - Eugene Manuel Landrum - Arthur Willis Lane - James H. Lane - Walter P. Lane - John Walton Lang - Otto Frederick Lange - Charles Trueman Lanham - Thomas Bernard Larkin - William Edmund Larned - Timothy R. Larsen - Edward Haviland Lastayo - Walter Ernest Lauer - Herbert Joseph Lawes - Thompson Lawrence - Samuel Tilden Lawton - William Stevens Lawton - Walter G. Layman - Ben Lear - Ebenezer Learned - Edmond Harrison Leavey - Louis A. Ledbetter - Charles Lee - Fitzhugh Lee - John Clifford Hodges Lee - Light Horse Harry Lee - Raymond Eliot Lee - Robert E. Lee - Stephen D. Lee -William Carey Lee - William Henry Fitzhugh Lee - Paul E. Lefebvre - Barnwell Rhett Legge - Raymond Godfrey Lehman - Charles Royal Lehner - Michael R. Lehnert - John Archer Lejeune - John Stephan Lekson - Lyman Louis Lemnitzer - John M. Lentz - Emil Lenzer - John William Leonard - Archer Lynn Lerch - James Allan Lester - Burton Oliver Lewis - Henry Balding Lewis - James Malcom Lewis - John Earle Lewis - John Taylor Lewis - Joseph H. Lewis - Robert Henry Lewis - Thomas Edward Lewis - Hunter Liggett - Vicente Lim - Benjamin Lincoln - George Arthur Lincoln - Henning Linden - Malcolm Fraser Lindsey - Robert McGowan Littlejohn - Homer Litzenberg - William G. Livesay - Orlando Llenza - Fred Warde Llewellyn - Benjamin Curtis Lockwood mlajši - John A. Logan - Francis Vincent Logan - James Longstreet - James Thomas Loome - Harold Francis Loomis - Bradley M. Lott - Herbert Bernard Loper - Kenneth Prince Lord - Royal Bertrand Lord - Charles Ernest Loucks - Maxon Spafford Lough - Howard Kendall Loughry - Ralph Brundidge Lovett - Frank E. Lowe - Sumter de Leon Lowry mlajši - George Luberoff - John Porter Lucas - George Fairless Lull - Leroy Lutes - Albert Kuali Brickwood Lyman - Charles Bishop Lyman -

Arthur MacArthur mlajši - Douglas MacArthur - Jay Ward MacKelvie - Edward Elliot MacMorland - Hanford MacNider - Alexander Macomb - Robert Chauncey Macon - Ray Tyson Maddocks - Halley Grey Maddox - Louis Wilson Maddox - James Carre Magee - Robert Magnus - Bruce Magruder - Carter Bowie Magruder - John B. Magruder - Marshall Magruder - Hamilton Ewing Maguire - Frank C. Mahin - William Mahone - Pierre Mallett - Francis Bernard Mallon - Harry James Malony - Harold Chittenden Mandell - Frederick Willis Manley - Mahlon Dickerson Manson - Robert Victor Maraist - Francis Andrew March - William A. March - Trelawney E. Marchant - Shelley Uriah Marietta - Francis Marion - Ward Hale Maris - Edwin Hall Marks - James Preston Marley - William Lloyd Marlin - William Frederick Marquat - George Catlett Marshall - James Creel Marshall - Richard Jaquelin Marshall - Morrill Watson Marston - Clarence Ames Martin - Edward Martin - Joseph Ignatius Martin - Thomas Lyle Martin - Clyde Massey - Henry Jeffrey Matchett - Jerry Vrchlicky Matejka - John Mather - Lemuel Mathewson - James N. Mattis - Russell Lamonte Maxwell - Hugh Tullock Mayberry - John Blackwell Maynard - Jerry C. McAbee - Larry Benjamin McAfee - Duncan McArthur - Anthony Clement McAuliffe - Allan Clay McBride - Horace Logan McBride - Robert Bruce McBride mlajši - Edward Raynsford Warner McCabe - Frederick McCabe - William Alexander McCain - Dennis M. McCarthy - John J. McCarthy - Arthur John McChrystal - George B. McClellan - John Alexander McClernand - Mark McClure - Robert A. McClure - Robert Battey McClure - David McCoach mlajši - Mervin Gilbert McConnel - Frank Charles McConnell - Alexander McDowell McCook - Condon Carlton McCornack - Frank Ross McCoy - Samuel Lusker McCroskey - Benjamin McCulloch - Henry Eustace McCulloch - William Alexander McCulloch - Dennis Edward McCunniff - Robert Clarence McDonald - Alexander McDougall - Irvin McDowell - Rex McKinley McDowell - Andrew Jackson McFarland - Earl McFarland - Edward John McGaw - Eugene McGinley - Lachlan McIntosh - Andrew Frank McIntyre - Neal Henry McKay - John Lloyd McKee - Henry Ray McKenzie - Edward Brigham McKinley - Raymond S. McLain - Lafayette McLaws - John Eugene McMahon mlajši - Leo Thomas McMahon - William Claude McMahon - Joseph J. McMenamin - Evander McNair - Lesley James McNair - Warren Henry McNaught - Edwin Colyer McNeil - James B. McPherson - Raymond Eugene McQuillin - Dandridge McRae - Wilbur Reece McReynolds - Frank Johnson McSherry - Armistead Davis Mead - Frank Celestine Meade - George Meade - Lewis M. Means - Joseph V. Medina - Joseph Cowles Mehaffey - Harris Marcy Melasky - Pearson Menoher - Frank Dow Merrill - Raymond Franklin Metcafle - Earl Harrison Metzger - George Ralph Meyer - Henry John Dick Meyer - John C. Meyer - Vincent Meyer - Harry Frederick Meyers - Joseph Anthony Michela - Stanley Raymond Mickelsen - Gerald St. Claire Mickle - William Herschel Middleswart - John William Middleton - Troy Houston Middleton - Thomas Mifflin - Bryan Lee Milburn - Sherman Miles - William E. Miley - Frank William Millburn - Fred W. Miller - Geoffrey Miller - George Allen Miller - James Miller - Lehman Wellington Miller - Luther Deck Miller - Maurice Levi Miller - Troup Miller - Mark Milley - Charles Morton Milliken - John Millikin - Richard P. Mills - Robert Hilliard Mills - Robert E. Milstead mlajši - Hugh Meglone Milton II. - Butler Buchanan Miltonberger - Hugh Chapman Minton - William Lemuel Mitchell - Richard Eugene Mittelstaedt - Eric Spencer Molitor - Hammond McDougal Monroe - Robert Miller Montague - Richard Montgomery - Edward Montgomery - Orlando Clarendon Mood - Bryant Edward Moore - Cecil Ray Moore - Darrell L. Moore - George F. Moore - Hal Moore - James Edward Moore - Richard Curtis Moore - Thomas L. Moore mlajši - Richard Bartholomew Moran - Daniel Morgan - Hugh Jackson Morgan - John Hunt Morgan - William Henry Harrison Morris mlajši - James Edward Morrisette - William Joseph Morrissey - Marie-Joseph-Paul-Roch-Yves-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La Fayette - Raymond George Moses - William Moultrie - Verne Donald Mudge - Paul John Mueller - Peter Muhlenberg - James Irvin Muir - Walter Joseph Muller - Charles Love Mullins mlajši - Harlan Leslie Mumma - Carl Epting Mundy mlajši - Henry Dorsey F. Munnikhuysen - Edward Lyman Munson mlajši - John Bartlett Murphy - John Trott Murray - Maxwell Murray - Albert James Myer - Diller S. Myers - Donald Johnson Myers - Richard Bowman Myers -

Henry Morris Naglee - Gordon C. Nash - Richard F. Natonski - William A. Navas mlajši - Robert B. Neller - Otto Lauren Nelson mlajši - Wendell Cushing Neville - Arthur Seymor Nevis - Francis Kosier Newcomer - Paul Woolever Newgarden - Henry Carlton Newton - Robert Reese Neyland mlajši - Urban Niblo - Richard Ulysses Nicholas - Harold F. Nichols - Kenneth David Nichols - William Robert Nichols - Harold Albert Nisley - Daniel Noce - George Jacob Nold - Lauris Norstad -Thomas North - Charles Kilbourne Nulsen - William L. Nyland -

John Joseph O'Brian - Maxwell A. O'Brian - James A. O'Connor - John Wilson O'Daniel - Douglas V. O'Dell mlajši - William O'Dwyer - David Ayres Depue Ogden - Joseph James O'Hare - Homer Ray Oldfield - Lunsford Errett Oliver - Dawson Olmstead - George Hamden Olmsted - Edward A. O'Neal - Evarts Walton Opie - James Garesche Ord - Frederick Henry Osborn - Theodore Morrison Osborne - H. P. Osman - Russel Alger Osmun - Lester Smith Ostrander - Charles Douglas Yelverton Ostrom - Edward Stanley Ott - Alexander Mitchell Owens - Francis Hudson Oxx -

Peter Pace - George Harris Paine - Bruce Palmer - Charles Day Palmer - John M. Palmer - John McAuley Palmer - Williston Birkhimer Palmer - William Jackson Palmer - Frank A. Panter mlajši - R. David Papak - Robin Bernard Pape - Cortlandt Parker - Edwin Pearson Parker mlajši - George Catlett Marshall Parker mlajši - Floyd Lavinius Parks - Frank Huber Partridge - Richard Clare Partridge - Paul Clarence Paschal - Alexander McCarrell Patch - Joseph Dorst Patch - Randolph McCall Pate - John Paterson - Edwin Davies Patrick - Charles S. Patton - George Smith Patton mlajši - George Patton IV. - Willard Stewart Paul - John M. Paxton mlajši - Eugene G. Payne mlajši - Paul Everton Peabody - Madison Pearson - Howard Louis Peckham - Ernest Dichmann Peek - John C. Pemberton - Arthur William Pence - George Dunbar Pence - William Dorsey Pender - Joseph Henry Pendleton -Randolph Tucker Pendleton - Ralph McTyeire Pennell - Robert Meredith Perkins - Herbert Towle Perrin - Harry Pratt Perrine - Basil Harrison Perry - John J. Pershing - John C. Persons - Wilton Burton Persons - Virgil Lee Peterson - James Johnston Pettigrew - Philip B. Peyton - Joseph Vinvil Phelps - Joseph Leon Philips - Thomas Raphael Philips - Irving Joseph Philipson - Wallece Copeland Philoon - Edwin William Piburn - Lewis Andrew Pick - James Arthur Pickering - George Pickett - Clinton Albert Pierce - John Leonard Pierce - John Theodore Pierce - Albert Pierson - Albert Pike - Henry Church Pillsbury - Thomas Pinckney - Ewart Gladstone Plank - Leonidas Polk - James E. Polzin - Seth Pomeroy - Enoch Poor - Francis Horton Pope - George Van Wyck Pope - John Pope - John Andrew Porter - Ray Edison Porter - William Nichols Porter - Elwyn Donald Post - Martin Post - Waldo Charles Potter - Carroll A. Powell - Colin Powell - William Dan Powell - Don Forrester Pratt - Augustin Mitchell Prentiss - Sterling Price - Vernon Edwin Prichard - Fay Brink Prickett - Walter Evans Prosser - Kazimierz Pulaski - Chesty Puller - Ralph Pulsifer - Rufus Putnam - Israel Putnam -

Omar Heinrich Quade - Alfred Bixby Quinton mlajši -

Joseph W. Ralston - Rufus Stanley Ramey - Stephen Dodson Ramseur - Norman Foster Ramsey - Thomas Harry Ramsey - Edwin Hubert Randle - Marshall Guion Randol - Norman Randolph - Fred Wharton Rankin - Paul Lewis Ransom - John Paul Ratay - Isidor Schwaner Ravdin - George Windle Read mlajši - Joseph Louis Ready - Miles Reber - Milton A. Reckord - Walter Lawrence Reed - William Oliver Reeder - Michael R. Regner - Eugene Arthur Regnier - Stewart Elvin Reimel - Emil Fred Reinhardt - Stanley Eric Reinhart - David G. Reist - Eugene Reybold - Edward Reynolds - John F. Reynolds - Royal Reynolds - Russel Burton Reynolds - George William Rice - John Kirkland Rice - Roy Victor Richard - George Jacob Richards - Robert Charlwood Richardson mlajši - Duncan Grant Richart - Adam Richmond - Matthew Bunker Ridgway - Eugene Ware Ridings - Clarence Self Ridley - William Leonard Ritter - John Selden Roane - Walter M. Robertson - George M. Robeson - Mastin M. Robeson - Terry G. Robling - Keller E. Rockey - Robert E. Rodes - James S. Rodwell - Bernard William Rogers - Lowell W. Rooks - Theodore Roosevelt mlajši - Maurice Rose - William Rosecrans - Henry D. Russell - John Henry Russell mlajši - Albert Rust - Charles W. Ryder -

Ricardo Sanchez - Kevin M. Sandkuhler - John F. Sattler - Christian F. Schilt - Robert E. Schmidle mlajši - Harry Schmidt - William R. Schmidt - John Schofield - Peter Schoomaker - Carl Schurz - Philip Schuyler - Norman Schwarzkopf mlajši - Charles Lewis Scott - Winfield Scott - Edmund B. Sebree - John Sedgwick - Raphael Semmes - John Malchase David Shalikashvili - William F. Sharp - Robert M. Shea - Josef R. Sheetz - Hugh Shelton - Lemuel Cornick Shepherd mlajši - Philip Sheridan - William Tecumseh Sherman - Eric Ken Shinseki - Walter C. Short - David Monroe Shoup - Franklin C. Sibert - Daniel Sickles - Franz Sigel - Joshua W. Sill - Lindsay M. Silvester - William H. Simpson - John E. Sloan - Henry Warner Slocum - Albert C. Smith - Cyrus Rowlett Smith - Edmund Kirby Smith - Holland Smith - John P. Smith - Julian Smith - Ralph C. Smith - Walter Bedell Smith - William Farrar Smith - Alexander Smyth - Brehon B. Somervell - Carl Spaatz - Melvin G. Spiese - Joseph Spencer - Robert L. Spragins - Keith J. Stalder - David S. Stanley - Arthur St. Clair - John Stark - Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus Steuben - Isaac Stevens - Charles Stewart - James Stewart - Joseph W. Stilwell - John H. Stokes mlajši - Douglas M. Stone - Donald A. Stroh - George V. Strong - James Ewell Brown Stuart - Wilhelm D. Styer - John Sullivan - Daniel I. Sultan - Thomas Sumter - Richard K. Sutherland - George Sykes - Innis P. Swift -

Antonio Taguba - William B. Taliaferro - James Camp Tappan - George A. Taylor - Maxwell Davenport Taylor - Zachary Taylor - Henry Terrell mlajši - Thomas A. Terry - Sylvanus Thayer - Duane D. Thiessen - George Henry Thomas - John Thomas - Charles F. Thompson - Paul Tibbets - Benjamin F. Tracy - George J. Trautman III. - Isaac R. Trimble - Karl Truesdell - Lucian K. Truscott mlajši - Richard T. Tryon - Harry L. Twaddle -

Edward G. Usher III. -

Alfred Valenzuela - Alexander Archer Vandegrift - Earl Van Dorn - James Alward Van Fleet - Henry Van Rensselaer - Joseph Vance - Daniel Van Voorhis - John William Vessey mlajši - Carl Edward Vuono -

James S. Wadsworth - Jonathan M. Wainwright - Thomas D. Waldhauser - Albert W. Waldron - Fred L. Walker - Walton H.Walker - Fred C. Wallace - Lew Wallace - William S. Wallace - Littleton Waller - Artemas Ward - Orlando Ward - Joseph Warren - Gouverneur K. Warren - George Washington - Stand Watie - Edwin M. Watson - Leroy H. Watson - Anthony Wayne - William G. Weaver - Joseph F. Weber - Albert C. Wedemeyer - George Weedon - William Westmoreland - James Edward Wharton - Raymod A. Wheeler - Anthony White - Arthur A. White - Isaac D. White - Courtney Whitney - Francis B. Wilby - James Wilkinson - James L. Williams - Willie J. Williams - Cornell A. Wilson mlajši - Durward S. Wilson - Frances C. Wilson - Louis Hugh Wilson mlajši - Walter K. Wilson - Leonard F. Wing - John B. Wogan - Oliver Wolcott - John E. Wood - John S. Wood - Leonard Wood - Thomas J. Wood - Roscoe B. Woodruff - William Burnham Woods - John E. Wool - David Wooster - Horatio Wright - Ira T. Wyche - Willard G. Wyman -

Charles Elwood Yeager - Archibald Yell - Willard Young -

Jacob Zeilin - Richard C. Zilmer - Wayne C. Zimmerman - Anthony Zinni -

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