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Seznam generalov Kopenske vojske ZDA

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Seznam generalov Kopenske vojske ZDA.

Harold Robert Aaron
Joseph Carter Abbott
Joseph Carter Abbott
Joseph Carter Abbott
John Joseph Abercrombie
John Abizaid
John Abizaid
John Abizaid
Creighton Williams Abrams mlajši
Creighton Williams Abrams mlajši
Creighton Williams
Abrams mlajši

John Nelson Abrams
Paul DeWitt Adams
Emory Sherwood Adams
Julius Ochs Adler
Fred C Ainsworth.jpg
Fred C Ainsworth.jpg
Frederick Crayton Ainsworth (1852-1934)
Barton Stone Alexander
Keith B. Alexander
Keith B. Alexander
Keith B. Alexander
Robert Alexander
Robert Allen
Robert Allen
Edward Almond
John D. Altenburg
Benjamin Alvord mlajši
Benjamin Alvord mlajši
Benjamin Alvord
Adelbert Ames
Jacob Ammen
Robert Anderson
Rodney O. Anderson
Thomas M. Anderson
Christopher Columbus Andrews
Christopher Columbus Andrews
Christopher Columbus Andrews
Frank Maxwell Andrews
Henry H. Arnold
Henry H. Arnold
Henry Harley Arnold
John C. Arrowsmith
Robert Arter
Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Alan Arthur
William W. Atterbury
Christopher C. Augur
Christopher C. Augur
Christopher C. Augur
Lloyd J. Austin
William W. Averell
Romeyn B. Ayres
Romeyn B. Ayres
Romeyn B. Ayres
Orville E. Babcock
Orville E. Babcock
Orville E. Babcock
Rick Baccus
John Bahnsen
Charles Justin Bailey
Joseph Bailey
Absalom Baird
Joe N. Ballard
Harry Hill Bandholtz
Eldon Bargewell
Ray Barker
Francis C. Barlow
Francis C. Barlow
Francis C. Barlow
John W. Barlow
James Barnes
William Farquhar Barry
William Farquhar Barry
William Farquhar Barry
William A. Barstow
Raymond O. Barton
John Coalter Bates
John Batiste
Thomas H. Bayly
Dwight E. Beach
Lansing Hoskins Beach
Julius W. Becton mlajši
William W. Belknap
William W. Belknap
William W. Belknap
James Franklin Bell
James Franklin Bell
James Franklin Bell
Burwell B. Bell III.
Donald V. Bennett
Jacob Benton
Frank S. Besson mlajši
Henry H. Bingham
William E. Birkhimer
David B. Birney
David B. Birney
David B. Birney
William Herbert Bixby
Scott C. Black
Scott C. Black
Scott C. Black
William Murray Black
Francis Preston Blair mlajši
Francis Preston Blair mlajši
Francis Preston Blair mlajši
George S. Blanchard
Tasker Howard Bliss
Tasker Howard Bliss
Tasker Howard Bliss
H. Steven Blum
Asa P. Blunt
James G. Blunt
James G. Blunt

James G. Blunt
Daniel P. Bolger
Daniel P. Bolger
Daniel P. Bolger
Charles L. Bolte
Charles L. Bolte
Charles L. Bolte
Charles H. Bonesteel III.
John Parker Boyd
William G. Boykin
William G. Boykin
William G. Boykin
Jeremiah Boyle
Hugh Brady
Omar Nelson Bradley
Patrick Henry Brady
David A. Bramlett
William H. Brandenburg
Joseph K. Bratton
Lewis H. Brereton
George Brett
Brice Disque
John R. Brooke
Harry W. Brooks mlajši
Edward H. Brooks
Leo A. Brooks mlajši
Leo A. Brooks starejši
Vincent K. Brooks
Vincent K. Brooks
Vincent K. Brooks
Jere Brower
Bryan D. Brown
Bryan D. Brown
Bryan D. Brown
Jacob Jennings Brown
Jacob Jennings Brown
Jacob Jennings Brown
Joseph W. Brown
Preston Brown
Arthur E. Brown mlajši
Bryan D. Brown
John M. Brown III.
Lytle Brown
Robert Mark Brown
Albert Bryant mlajši
Simon Bolivar Buckner mlajši
Don Carlos Buell
John Buford
Robert Lee Bullard
Omar Bundy
Edwin H. Burba mlajši
Stephen G. Burbridge
Ronald L. Burgess mlajši
Ambrose Burnside
Jonathan Burton
Richard Busteed
Benjamin Franklin Butler
Matthew Butler
Richard Butler
William Orlando Butler
Daniel Butterfield
Kevin P. Byrnes
Sheridan Cadoria
Sheridan Cadoria
Sherian Cadoria
George Cadwalader
John C. Caldwell
William B. Caldwell
Charles C. Campbell
Donald M. Campbell mlajši
James L. Campbell
Kevin T. Campbell
Edward Canby
Charles D. W. Canham
Ralph Canine
Eugene Asa Carr
Samuel S. Carroll
Joseph C. Carter
Marshall Carter
Samuel P. Carter
George William Casey Jr
George William Casey Jr
George William Casey mlajši
George William Casey starejši
Hugh John Casey
Silas Casey
Lewis Cass
William F. Cassidy
Frederick Walker Castle
Richard E. Cavazos
Richard E. Cavazos
Richard E. Cavazos
Adna Romanza Chaffee
Adna Romanza Chaffee mlajši
John Loomis Chamberlain
Joshua Chamberlain
Harry Dwight Chamberlin
Claire Lee Chennault
Ferdinand Chesarek
Ferdinand Chesarek
Ferdinand Joseph Chesarek
Peter W. Chiarelli
Peter W. Chiarelli
Peter W. Chiarelli
Marlborough Churchill
Mark Wayne Clark
Robert T. Clark
Wesley Clark
Wesley Clark
Wesley Kanne Clark
Bruce C. Clarke
Carter Clarke
Frederick J. Clarke
Lucius D. Clay
John Clem
John G. Coburn
Richard A. Cody
John Coffee
Harry J. Collins
James F. Collins
Joseph Lawton Collins
Joseph Lawton Collins
Joseph Lawton Collins
Fox Conner
Patrick Edward Connor
Theodore J. Conway
John Cook
Philip St. George Cooke
Nathan Abraham Cooper
Preston Corderman
Juan Cesar Cordero Davila
Charles H. Corlett
John T. Corley
Joseph M. Cosumano
Norman Cota
Darius N. Couch
Garrison B. Coverdale
Leonard Covington
Jacob Dolson Cox
Bantz J. Craddock
Bantz J. Craddock
Bantz John Craddock
Malin Craighill
Malin Craighill
Malin Craighill
William Price Craighill
Samuel W. Crawford
Willis D. Crittenberger
Thomas Leonidas Crittenden
Thomas Leonidas Crittenden
Thomas Leonidas Crittenden
Thomas Turpin Crittenden
George Crook
Jesse Cross
William W. Crouch
Benedict Crowell
William Crozier
Charles Cruft
James P. Cullen
George Washington Cullum
John F. Curry
Newton Martin Curtis
Samuel Curtis
George Armstrong Custer
George Armstrong Custer
George Armstrong Custer
Lysander Cutler
Aaron S. Daggett
John E. Dahlquist
Napoleon J.T. Dana
William Orlando Darby
John Davidson
Phillip Davidson
William Richardson Davie
Benjamin O. Davis starejši
George Whitefield Davis
Jefferson C. Davis
John J. Davis
Michael S. Davison
Pete Dawkins
Keith Dayton
John L. DeWitt
William F. Dean
John R. Deane mlajši
Henry Dearborn
Henry Dearborn
Henry Dearborn
George Henry Decker
James Monroe Deems
Richard Delafield
Martin Dempsey
Martin Dempsey
Martin Dempsey
William E. DePuy
Charles Devens
Jacob L. Devers
Jacob L. Devers
Jacob L. Devers
Thomas Devin
Thomas Devin
Thomas Devin
Joel Dewey
Joseph T. Dickman
George Dietzler
John Adams Dix
Henry Doctor mlajši
Francis Dodd
Grenville M. Dodge
Larry J. Dodgen
Welborn G. Dolvin
William Joseph Donovan
Charles Doolittle
James Harold Doolittle
James Harold Doolittle
James Harold Doolittle
Abner Doubleday
John Doughty
Wayne A. Downing
Wayne A. Downing
Wayne A. Downing
James L. Dozier
William Henry Draper mlajši
Hugh Aloysius Drum
Ann E. Dunwoody
Ann E. Dunwoody
Ann E. Dunwoody
Alexander Brydie Dyer
Paul Eaton
Clyde D. Eddleman
Clyde D. Eddleman
Clyde D. Eddleman
Manton S. Eddy
Manton S. Eddy
Manton S. Eddy
Clarence Ransom Edwards
Charles B. Eichelberger
Robert Lawrence Eichelberger
Dwight David Eisenhower
Dwight David Eisenhower
Dwight David Eisenhower
John Eisenhower
Alfred W. Ellet
Larry R. Ellis
Henry E. Emerson
Delos Carleton Emmons
William H. Emory
William H. Emory
William H. Emory
Luis R. Esteves
Kenneth L. Farmer mlajši
Elon J. Farnsworth
Thomas Farrell
Barbara Fast
George Fay
James Fechet
Bonner Fellers
Joseph Fil
Alva R. Fitch
Charles Lane Fitzhugh
Robert B. Flowers
Robert F. Foley
Pat Foote
Nathan Bedford Forrest III.
John W. Foss
Hugh F. Foster mlajši
John W. Foster
Benjamin Delahauf Foulois
William B. Franklin
William B. Franklin
William B. Franklin
Frederick M. Franks mlajši
Tommy Franks
Tommy Franks
Tommy Franks
Lloyd Fredendall
Robert T. Frederick
Paul L. Freeman mlajši
James E. Freeze
John Frelinghuysen
John C. Frémont
William H. French
William H. French
William H. French
Kathryn Frost
James Barnet Fry
John Fugh
Frederick Funston
Hugh Joseph Gaffey
Edmund P. Gaines
John Galvin
John Galvin
John Rogers Galvin
William Gamble
Alonzo Garcelon
John D. Gardner
John Lane Gardner
James Garfield
James Garfield
James Abram Garfield
Jay Garner
William F. Garrison
James M. Gavin
Hobart R. Gay
John W. Geary
Charles H. Gerhardt
Leonard T. Gerow
George W. Getty
John Gibbon
Charles Champion Gilbert
George Lewis Gillespie mlajši
George Washington Goethals
Andrew Jackson Goodpaster
George Henry Gordon
Paul F. Gorman
Willis A. Gorman
Charles K. Graham
Daniel O. Graham
William Montrose Graham mlajši
David E. Grange mlajši
David L. Grange
Gordon Granger
Robert S. Granger
David Norvell Walker Grant
Frederick Dent Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant III.
William S. Graves
Joseph A. Green
Francis Vinton Greene
George S. Greene
David McMurtrie Gregg
William C. Gribble mlajši
Benjamin Grierson
Benjamin S. Griffin
Benjamin S. Griffin
Benjamin S. Griffin
Ronald H. Griffith
Oscar Griswold
William Grose
Cuvier Grover
Leslie Richard Groves
Edmund L. Gruber
Alfred Maximilian Gruenther
George Grunert
John R. Guthrie
Franklin L. Hagenbeck
Alexander Meigs Haig mlajši
Ralph E. Haines mlajši
Peter Conover Hains
Wade H. Haislip
Irving Hale
Charles P. Hall
Henry Halleck
Henry Halleck
Henry Wager Halleck
Carter F. Ham
Carter F. Ham
Carter F. Ham
Barksdale Hamlett
Wade Hampton I.
Winfield Scott Hancock
Winfield Scott Hancock
Winfield Scott Hancock
Thomas T. Handy
Thomas T. Handy
Thomas T. Handy
James Harbord
Paul D. Harkins
Josiah Harmar
William S. Harney
Joseph H. Harper
Robert Goodloe Harper
Ben Harrell
Hugh P. Harris
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
William H. Harrison
William H. Harrison
William Henry Harrison
Charles E. Hart
William W. Hartzog
Henry J. Hatch
Julian Hatcher
Hamilton S. Hawkins
John Parker Hawkins
Rush Hawkins
Rutherford Hayes
Rutherford Hayes
Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Webb Hayes
Alexander Hays
Anna Mae Hays
William Hays
William Babcock Hazen
William Babcock Hazen
William Babcock Hazen
Thomas F. Healy
David Porter Heap
Leonard D. Heaton
Albert Francis Hegenberger
Elvin R. Heiberg III.
Samuel P. Heintzelman
Stuart Heintzelman
Rolland V. Heiser
Frank Helmick
James R. Helmly
John Henderson
John W. Hendrix
John J. Hennessey
Guy Vernon Henry mlajši
Thomas W. Herren
Lewis Blaine Hershey
Hugh B. Hester
David Hicks
James T. Hill
John Leonard Hines
Ethan A. Hitchcock
Henry I. Hodes
John R. Hodge
Courtney Hodges
William M. Hoge
Elizabeth P. Hoisington
Lucius Roy Holbrook
Joseph Holt
Russel L. Honoré
Jay W. Hood
Joseph Hooker
Aubrey Hornsby
Benjamin Chew Howard
Oliver O. Howard
Albion P. Howe
Hamilton H. Howze
Clarence R. Huebner
John E. Hull
Henry Jackson Hunt
David Hunter
Ebenezer Huntington
Jedediah Huntington
Joseph R. Inge
Emerson C. Itschner
George Izard
Galen B. Jackman
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Charles Douglas Jackson
Edgar Jadwin
Thomas Jesup
Dean Johnson
Harold Keith Johnson
Hugh Samuel Johnson
Rodney L. Johnson
George M. Jones
George Joulwan
George Joulwan
George Alfred Joulwan
Thomas L. Kane
Janis Karpinski
Janis Karpinski
Janis Karpinski
Jack Keane
Stephen W. Kearny
Philip Kearny
Donald R. Keith
William L. Kenly
Claudia Kennedy
Claudia J. Kennedy
Claudia J. Kennedy
Claudia J. Kennedy
George Kenney
Jacob Ford Kent
Paul J. Kern
William F. Kernan
William F. Kernan
William F. Kernan
Otto Kerner mlajši
Joseph Kerr
Walter T. Kerwin mlajši
Geoffrey Keyes
Charles E. Kilbourne
Kevin C. Kiley
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Mark Kimmitt
Robert M. Kimmitt
Charles King
Edward P. King
Rufus King
Dan Christie Kingman
Robert C. Kingston
Robert C. Kingston
Robert C. Kingston
Henry Knox
Henry Knox
Henry Knox
William A. Knowlton
William S. Knudsen
Oscar Koch
Samuel W. Koster
Frederick Kroesen
Walter Krueger
Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski
Frank Purdy Lahm
Joseph Lane
Charles T. Lanham
Leon J. LaPorte
Henry Ware Lawton
Henry Ware Lawton
Henry Ware Lawton
George E. Leach
Benjamin Lear
James H. Ledlie
Fitzhugh Lee
John C. H. Lee
Henry Lee III.
William C. Lee
John Stephan Lekson
Lyman L. Lemnitzer
Lyman L. Lemnitzer
Lyman Louis Lemnitzer
Charles Frederick Leonard mlajši
William J. Lennox mlajši
Hunter Liggett
Charles Lindbergh
James J. Lindsay
William J. Livsey
James Lloyd
Edward Lawrence Logan
John A. Logan
John A. Logan
John A. Logan
Eli Long
Gustavus Loomis
John P. Lucas
Gary E. Luck
William Ludlow
Douglas E. Lute
Douglas E. Lute
Douglas E. Lute
Nathaniel Lyon
William Haines Lytle
Arthur MacArthur mlajši
Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
Ranald S. Mackenzie
Hanford MacNider
Peyton C. March
Peyton C. March
Peyton C. March
Raymond S. McLain
Alexander Macomb
Alexander Macomb
Alexander Macomb mlajši
Robert C. Macon
David M. Maddox
Carter B. Magruder
Fred K. Mahaffey
Joseph K. Mansfield
Mahlon Dickerson Manson
Michael D. Maples
Peyton C. March
Peyton C. March
Peyton Conway March
Randolph B. Marcy
William Miranda Marín
Edward Murphy Markham
William F. Marquat
George C. Marshall
George C. Marshall
George Catlett Marshall
Richard Marshall
William Louis Marshall
Gilman Marston
Charles Henry Martin
George R. Mather
Joseph Mauborgne
Timothy Maude
Russell Maxwell
Duncan McArthur
Anthony McAuliffe
Barry McCaffrey
George A. McCall
Joseph A. McChristian
Stanley McChrystal
Stanley McChrystal
Stanley McChrystal
George B. McClellan
George B. McClellan
George B. McClellan
John Alexander McClernand
John Alexander McClernand
John Alexander McClernand
Alexander McDowell McCook
Anson G. McCook
Anson G. McCook
Anson G. McCook
Edward M. McCook
Edward M. McCook
Edward M. McCook
Edwin Stanton McCook
Frank Ross McCoy
Irvin McDowell
Irvin McDowell
Irvin McDowell
Thomas McInerney
Frank McIntyre
David D. McKiernan
David D. McKiernan
David D. McKiernan
John P. McLaren
Lesley J. McNair
Joseph T. McNarney
Dan K. McNeill
Dan K. McNeill
Dan K. McNeill
James B. McPherson
George Meade
George Meade
George Meade
Montgomery C. Meigs
Montgomery C. Meigs
Montgomery C. Meigs
Richard King Mellon
Guy S. Meloy mlajši
Louis C. Menetrey
Charles T. Menoher
Paul E. Menoher
Solomon Meredith
Solomon Meredith
Solomon Meredith
Frank Merrill
Jack N. Merritt
Wesley Merritt
Thomas F. Metz
Charles R. Meyer
John H. Michaelis
Stanley R. Mickelsen
Troy H. Middleton
Frank W. Milburn
Frank T. Mildren
Nelson A. Miles
Henry A. Miley mlajši
Geoffrey D. Miller
James Miller
John Franklin Miller
Thomas DeWitt Milling
Robert H. Milroy
Robert H. Milroy
Robert H. Milroy
Billy Mitchell
Thomas Moonlight
Thomas Moonlight
Thomas Moonlight
George F. Moore
Hal Moore
James Edward Moore
James Shanahan
John Moore
George W. Morell
George W. Morgan
George W. Morgan
George W. Morgan
John W. Morris
De Lesseps Story Morrison
Gershom Mott
Gershom Mott
Gershom Mott
James A. Mulligan
Albert J. Myer
Albert J. Myer
Albert J. Myer
Henry Morris Naglee
William L. Nash
William A. Navas mlajši
Otto L. Nelson mlajši
William »Bull« Nelson
General John Neville
John Newton
John Newton
John Newton
Robert Neyland
Kenneth Nichols
Dennis E. Nolan
Wallace H. Nutting
Andrew P. O'Meara
John W. O'Daniel
Raymond T. Odiero
Raymond T. Odiero
Raymond T. Odierno
William Eldridge Odom
Richard James Oglesby
Richard James Oglesby
Richard James Oglesby
George H. Olmsted
Richard O'Meara
Emerson Opdycke
Emerson Opdycke
Emerson Opdycke
Edward Ord
Edward Ord
Edward Ord
Elwell S. Otis
Elwell S. Otis
Elwell Stephen Otis
Glenn K. Otis
Ira C. Owens
William Pagonis
Joseph T. Palastra mlajši
Bruce Palmer
Bruce Palmer
Bruce Palmer mlajši
Charles D. Palmer
Innis N. Palmer
Innis N. Palmer
Innis N. Palmer
John McAuley Palmer
John M. Palmer
Williston B. Palmer
Harold Parfitt
John Parke
John Parke
John Parke
James Parker
Theodore W. Parker
Alexander Patch
Alexander Patch
Alexander Patch
Edwin D. Patrick
Mason Patrick
Robert Patterson
George Patton IV.
George S. Patton
George S. Patton
George S. Patton
Gabriel Rene Paul
James Peake
J. H. Binford Peay III.
J. H. Binford Peay III.
J. H. Binford Peay III.
William R. Peers
Alexander Cummings McWhorter Pennington mlajši
Galusha Pennypacker
John Pershing
John Pershing
John Pershing
David Petraeus
David Petraeus
David Petraeus
John W. Phelps
Lewis A. Pick
Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce
Coral Wong Pietch
Coral Wong Pietch
Coral Wong Pietch
Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike
Zebulon Pike
Thomas Pinckney
Dana J.H. Pittard
Alfred Pleasonton
Alfred Pleasonton
Alfred Pleasonton
James H. Polk
Gale Pollock
Gale Pollock
Gale Pollock
George Pomutz
John Pope
Fitz John Porter
Fitz John Porter
Fitz John Porter
Horace Porter
Horace Porter
Horace Porter
Ray E. Porter
Robert W. Porter mlajši
William E. Potts
Colin Powell
Colin Powell
Colin Powell
Herbert B. Powell
Don Pratt
Richard Henry Pratt
Benjamin Prentiss
Benjamin Prentiss
Benjamin Prentiss
John A. Quitman
George Morton Randall
John Aaron Rawlins
John Aaron Rawlins
John Aaron Rawlins
Milton Reckord
Raymond F. Rees
Charles Reidpath
Jesse L. Reno
Eugene Reybold
John F. Reynolds
Joseph J. Reynolds
Rufus N. Rhodes
Virgil A. Richard
Robert C. Richardson mlajši
William R. Richardson
William R. Richardson
William R. Richardson
James B. Ricketts
James B. Ricketts
James B. Ricketts
Glenn K. Rieth
John M. Riggs
Bennett C. Riley
Eleazer Wheelock Ripley
James Wolfe Ripley
Robert W. RisCassi
Henry Martyn Robert
Benjamin S. Roberts
Benjamin S. Roberts
Benjamin S. Roberts
George M. Robeson
Augustine Warner Robins
Fred D. Robinson mlajši
John C. Robinson
Roscoe Robinson mlajši
Isaac P. Rodman
Antonio Rodríguez Balinas
David M. Rodriguez
David M. Rodriguez
David M. Rodriguez
Bernard W. Rogers
Bernard W. Rogers
Bernard William Rogers
Charles Calvin Rogers
Theodore Roosevelt mlajši
Theodore Roosevelt mlajši
Theodore Roosevelt mlajši
Maurice Rose
William Rosecrans
William Rosecrans
William Rosecrans
Jimmy D. Ross
William Trent Rossell
Thomas L. Rosser
William B. Rosson
Lovell Rousseau
Edward Rowny
Kenneth Claiborne Royall
John Wilson Ruckman
James Earl Rudder
Clark L. Ruffner
Thomas H. Ruger
Benjamin Piatt Runkle
Jeremiah McLain Rusk
Jeremiah McLain Rusk
Jeremiah McLain Rusk
Thomas Jefferson Rusk
Charles W. Ryder
Doland Ryder
Doland Ryder
Donald J. Ryder
Delos Bennett Sackett
Crosbie E. Saint
Felix Salm-Salm
Edward S. Salomon
Frederick C. Salomon
Leon E. Salomon
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez
Alfred A. Sanelli
Rufus Saxton
Curtis Scaparrotti
Robert C. Schenck
Julian Larcombe Schley
Jeffrey J. Schloesser
Albin F. Schoepf
John Schofield
John Schofield
John Schofield
Eric Schoomaker
Peter J. Schoomaker
Peter J. Schoomaker
Peter Jan Schoomaker
Carl Schurz
Carl Schurz
Carl Schurz
Cortlandt V.R. Schuyler
Walter S. Schuyler
Theodore Schwan
Thomas A. Schwartz
Norman Schwarzkopf
Norman Schwarzkopf
Norman Schwarzkopf mlajši
Norman Schwarzkopf starejši
Robert Kingston Scott
Robert Kingston Scott
Robert Kingston Scott
Winfield Scott
John Sedgwick
John Sedgwick
John Sedgwick
Robert W. Sennewald
Sidney Shachnow
William Rufus Shafter
John Shalikashvili
John Shalikashvili
John Malchase David Shalikashvili
Henry H. Shelton
Henry H. Shelton
Henry H. Shelton
Hugh Shelton
Philip Sheridan
Philip Sheridan
Philip Sheridan
Thomas W. Sherman
William Tecumseh Sherman
William Tecumseh Sherman
William Tecumseh Sherman
James Shields
James Shields
James Shields
Eric Shinseki
Eric Shinseki
Eric Ken Shinseki
Robert M. Shoemaker
Walter Short
Walter Short
Walter Short
Henry Hastings Sibley
Daniel Sickles
Franz Sigel
Joshua W. Sill
George S. Simonds
William H. Simpson
William H. Simpson
William Hood Simpson
John K. Singlaub
Robert Sink
Henry Gene Skeen
Henry Warner Slocum
C. R. Smith
Charles Ferguson Smith
Edwin P. Smith
Jacob H. Smith
Samuel Smith
Thomas Kilby Smith
Walter Bedell Smith
William Farrar Smith
Alexander Smyth
Brehon B. Somervell
Edward Soriano
Harry E. Soyster
Carl Andrew Spaatz
Carl Andrew Spaatz
Carl Andrew Spaatz
Felix L. Sparks
Ellis Spear
Gary D. Speer
Gary D. Speer
Gary D. Speer
Michael Spiglemire
Berton E. Spivy mlajši
George Owen Squier
George J. Stannard
Donn A. Starry
Ralph Francis Stearley
William M. Steele
Hazard Stevens
Robert L. Stewart
Joseph Stilwell
Richard G. Stilwell
Carl Stiner
Charles Pomeroy Stone
George Stoneman
Abel Streight
John Stricker
Carl A. Strock
George Veazey Strong
Albert Stubblebine
Samuel D. Sturgis starejši
Samuel D. Sturgis mlajši
Thomas Crook Sullivan
Daniel Isom Sultan
Samuel S. Sumner
Richard K. Sutherland
Leif J. Sverdrup
Guy C. Swan III.
Charles H. Swannack mlajši
Thomas William Sweeny
George Sykes
Charles Albert Symroski
Antonio M. Taguba
Antonio M. Taguba
Antonio M. Taguba
George A. Taylor
Harry Taylor
James Taylor mlajši
Maxwell D. Taylor
Maxwell D. Taylor
Maxwell Davenport Taylor
Richard R. Taylor
Telford Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Alfred Terry
Sylvanus Thayer
George Henry Thomas
George Henry Thomas
George Henry Thomas
Lorenzo Thomas
Edmund R. Thompson
Richard H. Thompson
John L. Throckmorton
James D. Thurman
Maxwell R. Thurman
John C. Tidball
John H. Tilelli mlajši
Clarence L. Tinker
Alfred Thomas Archimedes Torbert
Benjamin F. Tracy
William F. Train
Régis de Trobriand
Arthur Trudeau
Louis W. Truman
Lucian Truscott
Michael S. Tucker
Reuben Henry Tucker III.
William H. Tunner
William H. Tunner
William H. Tunner
Ivan Turchaninov
Abraham J. Turner
Thomas R. Turner II.
William G.T. Tuttle mlajši
David E. Twiggs
Daniel Tyler
George V. Underwood mlajši
Emory Upton
David P. Valcourt
Alfred Valenzuela
Paul E. Vallely
Horatio P. Van Cleve
Ralph Van Deman
William Vandever
William Vandever
William Vandever
James Van Fleet
Joseph Vance
John Vessey mlajši
John Vessey mlajši
John William Vessey mlajši
John Vines
Carl Edward Vuono
Carl Edward Vuono
Carl Edward Vuono
James S. Wadsworth
Arthur L. Wagner
Louis C. Wagner mlajši
Robert W. Wagner
Robert W. Wagner
Robert W. Wagner
Charles S. Wainwright
Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright IV.
Edwin Walker
George J. Walker
Kenneth Walker
Sam S. Walker
Walton Walker
Lew Wallace
W. H. L. Wallace
William S. Wallace
William S. Wallace
William S. Wallace
Calvin Waller
Vernon A. Walters
Orlando Ward
William E. Ward
William E. Ward
William E. Ward
Keith L. Ware
James M. Warner
Volney F. Warner
Gouverneur K. Warren
John K. Waters
Anthony Wayne
Gregory L. Wayt
Alexander S. Webb
Albert Coady Wedemeyer
Philip C. Wehle
George W. Weightman
Sidney T. Weinstein
Godfrey Weitzel
William Wells
William C. Westmoreland
William C. Westmoreland
William Childs Westmoreland
Oscar Westover
Frederick C. Weyand
Frederick C. Weyand
Frederick Carlton Weyand
Frank Wheaton
Loyd Wheaton
Earle Wheeler
Earle Wheeler
Earle Gilmore Wheeler
Joseph Wheeler
Raymond Albert Wheeler
R. Steven Whitcomb
Isaac D. White
Thomas E. White
Courtney Whitney
Frank Wiercinski
William H. Wilbur
Francis Bowditch Wilby
James Wilkinson
Orlando B. Willcox
William P. Sanders
Alpheus S. Williams
Arthur E. Williams
James A. Williams
August Willich
Charles Willoughby
James H. Wilson
John Moulder Wilson
Johnnie E. Wilson
Robert Wilson
Samuel V. Wilson
Walter K. Wilson mlajši
Edwin B. Winans
James Winchester
William H. Winder
Blanton C. Winship
Frederick F. Woerner mlajši
Walter Wojdakowski
Robert E. Wood
Robert J. Wood
Daniel Phineas Woodbury
Alfred Alexander Woodhull
Carle Augustus Woodruff
William Burnham Woods
John E. Wool
James K. Woolnough
Horatio Wright
Willard G. Wyman
William P. Yarborough
James C. Yarbrough
Walter H. Yates mlajši
Archibald Yell
Richard Whitehead Young
Melvin Zais
Matthew A. Zimmerman
Samuel K. Zook

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