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Halfshell is a Predacon-allied Seacon from the Beast Era of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Heroes in a me! TURTLE POWER!

Halfshell (ハーフシェル Hāfusheru) leads the Space Pirate Seacon band in their quest for treasure across the cosmos. His primary goal: money. Secondary goal: money. Shrewd and calculating, he looks at everything in relation to how he can profit monetarily from it or how much something will end up costing him.

While many expect that this would make him a cold-sparked sort who'd sell out his teammates for a big enough profit, nothing could be further from the truth. Halfshell takes friendship seriously and is downright generous towards his friends, be they Maximal or Predacon. And if you have Halfshell for a friend, you've got one big bruiser on your side. Of course, his closest friends are his beloved Seacon crew, to the point where he finds himself drawn to tears if he thinks he's been letting them down lately (which is often). To his credit, the pirates genuinely love him, joining him in a big group cry-hug when this happens. Conversely, if something serious were to happen to them, he'd take any deal, manipulate any fool, and fight any foe to bring them back.

Halfshell combines with his fellow Seacons to form God Neptune.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars II cartoon

Voice actor: Kazuhiko Nishimatsu (Japanese)
Friend to all children.

After a period of embarrassments and failed plots, Halfshell led the Seacons to Gaia on their photon sailer, seeking Angolmois Energy that they could sell for wealth. Once they landed on the planet, they packed capsules with the Angolmois Energy from an underwater site near some ruins. When Scylla spotted Diver and Scuba spying on them, Halfshell went off to take care of the problem personally. After being fished up by Tasmania Kid and Bighorn, Halfshell chased the two into land and met Lio Convoy. Finding Lio Convoy unwilling to let the Seacons plunder the Angolmois Energy, the Seacon attacked the Maximals and eventually combined with his crew to form God Neptune. God Neptune became distracted when Diver and Scuba stole the Seacons' ship. After catching up to it, the Angolmois Energy within exploded as per the Maximals' plans, and God Neptune split into his components. Recovering at the bottom of the sea, Halfshell vowed revenge. The Space Pirate Seacons!

While repairing the damage to the ship, Halfshell and most of the Seacons saw the investigating Dirge and Thrust flying overhead. Not willing to trust any strangers on this planet, they shot at the jets. Halfshell ordered a combination, but they were impeded by Scylla's absence and the captain wondered where she had gone off to. When a band of Maximals came by, Halfshell had the Seacons merge into God Neptune, but Scylla was missing again and the combiner sans a leg took a tumble. When they finally found the errant squid, they combined and faced off against the Maximals, who eventually retreated. The combiner was about to give chase when Scylla disengaged yet again. At the end of the day, they realized that there were two factions vying for control of the planet and this conflict could help them get the parts they needed to repair their ship. The Tentacular Scuba To this goal, Halfshell and Megastorm made a deal: 1/8 of the Predacons' stock of Angolmois Energy per Maximal defeated, with 3/8 for Lio Convoy in particular. Megastorm didn't realize this would add up to 8/8 in the end and concocted a plot to take out both the Seacons and the Maximals with bombs hidden in the transmitters that would lure the Maximals into fights with the Seacons. Halfshell's opponent in particular was Scuba, but Dirge and Thrust's flubbing caused the bombs to go off prematurely and Halfshell lost Scuba in the confusion. At the end of the day, Halfshell still wasn't clear just what went on and just wrote off Megastorm, who received the brunt of the bombs' explosions, as clumsy. Megastorm's Reckoning

Spurred by Galvatron's insults about their incompetence, the Seacons set up a plot to destroy the Maximals through Bighorn's crush on Scylla. Luring and forcing the Maximals out to sea, where they had the advantage, the Seacons attacked. Halfshell dragged Lio Convoy underwater when he tried to rescue his comrades and the turtle delivered a brutal beating on the commander. Apache leapt to his commander's rescue and blasted Halfshell away. When the Maximals regrouped on a floating rock, the Seacons surrounded them and combined into God Neptune. However, thanks to Bigmos and Tonbot's surprise assistance, Lio Convoy was able to use his Lion Typhoon to defeat the combiner. Showdown in the Sea

The Predacons again tried to make a deal with Halfshell (a sheet of super death steel per Maximal) and the negotiator, Starscream was too clever to be swayed into a deal more favorable to the Seacons. Halfshell later came across a three-way battle between the Combatrons, the Jointrons, and two of his crew. To face off against the Jointrons' combined form, Tripledacus, Halfshell ordered the formation of God Neptune and the two combiners tussled till the Maximals arrived and forced God Neptune into the sea. Face the Setting Sun

Tired of their constant suffering on the planet, the Seacons planned to leave, but were in need of energy. Once this news reached the Maximals, Lio Convoy set up a meeting with Halfshell and offered them the needed energy if they left peacefully. Refusing the gift on behalf of his honor as a pirate, Halfshell proposed an alternative: A one-on-one duel with Lio Convoy. If the Maximal lost, the Seacons would get all of the Maximals' energy; if the Seacon lost, the pirates would leave. When the time of the duel came, Halfshell appeared as God Neptune, reasoning that he was still "one". The two fought till a blast from Megastorm interrupted and revealed a geyser of Angolmois Energy that forced the combiner to split up. Declaring the duel postponed, Halfshell ran off with the energy that Lio Convoy brought and used it to allow the photon sailer to leave Gaia. While on their way out of the Solar System, the photon sailer ran into a strange black void and was sucked in by its gravity. The Final Battle The void was covering Galvatron's ultimate weapon, the fortress planet Nemesis. Galvatron communicated with the Seacons and brainwashed them into serving him with the planet's evil energy, despite Halfshell's protestations. The Artificial Planet Nemesis

Sailing through space, the Seacons came across the Jointrons, and both teams fused into their respective combined forms. Their battle was interrupted by a mysterious spaceship that squarely collided with God Neptune and broke him up into the individual Seacons, who were sent flying off. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

When the Maximals were on their way to reach the rapidly approaching Nemesis, the Seacons served as its first line of defense and forced the Maximals to crash on a nearby asteroid. There, they fought the confused Maximals. When Lio Junior, Santon, and Skywarp combined to form Magnaboss, Halfshell ordered the Seacons' own combination in response and the two combined warriors battled. God Neptune gained the upper hand, but, with the other Maximals' help, Magnaboss was able to strike God Neptune with an Angolmois Ball, which knocked out the Seacons. Coming to, they regained their senses and Halfshell explained that the Nemesis's evil influence had made them aggressive and offered the Maximals the Seacons' energy after warning them to stay away from the artificial planet. The Seacons saw the Maximals off and Halfshell declared the asteroid their new spaceship while also hoping to settle his duel with Lio Convoy if the Maximal commander survived. Revenge of the Space Pirates

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

After the defeat of Unicron, Halfshell as part of God Neptune came to Cybertron. There, the combiner surfed on the photon sailer. Graduation Ceremony!!

Generations Selects Special Comic

Halfshell and the Space Pirates were joined by a new swabby, Lawbhammer. However, they were betrayed by Duncan and left adrift in space. Halfshell was broken and helpless, watching his loyal crew die all around him. Then, a messenger from a mysterious patron arrived and offered them the chance to survive. The messenger had a plan that they claimed would save Halfshell and his mates, but Halfshell would have to do exactly as he was told, and Lawbhammer would be held as collateral. God Neptune comic 2 All this was done on behalf of Primus, who had an elaborate plan to use the future to shape the future he wanted. Finale Prelude

Halfshell traveled back in time to the year 2020, where he met Turtler after his fellow Seacon's final battle with God Ginrai. Halfshell told an edited version of what happened to his Space Pirate crew, and recruited Turtler to help him collect the Angolmois Energy both leaders needed to restore their Seacons. Seacons comic 5

They next moved on to the Precursor World, where Halfshell came across Galvatron, who had been removed from his proper time and space by Primus. Halfshell and Turtler made a deal with the Emperor of Destruction — they would help him attain the power of the stars that Optimus Prime acquired in exchange for the Angolmois Energy contained within the Decepticon leader. After placing Galvatron in a conversion pod, the two Seacons used the Angolmois Energy to give Turtler a more powerful body. Seacons comic 1

Halfshell sent out the upgraded Turtler and his cloned Seacon drones to battle Optimus Prime over the Silver Matrix. He was impressed by Turtler's performance, but ultimately was more concerned with repairing his crew than Turtler's own success. Seacons comic 3 As he watched over the battle and his mates, Halfshell detected a surge in Angolmois Energy from Galvatron's pod, just as Optimus Prime harnessed more Star Power in his fight with King Poseidon. Seacons comic 4 Repairs were nearly finished on the Space Pirates, but Halfshell again noticed a surge from Galvatron when Optimus Prime tapped the Star Power in his fight with King Poseidon on the Blue Planet. Galvatron was coming around on his own, achieving his own upgrade. Seacons comic 5

The new Super Megatron that emerged from Galvatron devastated the Photon Sailer. Halfshell was severely injured as his vessel crashed down. Super Megatron comic 1 Despite his wounds, Halfshell survived and found his mates had been repaired as well. Super Megatron comic 2

Now on a quest to assemble the power of the Silver Matrix, Halfshell and the Space Pirate Seacons needed the seven Matrixes of the Primus Vanguard. Halfshell traveled to the White Planet and battled White Gallant Convoy for possession of his Matrix. When he succeeded, Halfshell reassembled his crew who had also acquired the Green, Red, Yellow, and Black Matrixes. With the power of five Matrixes at their command, the Space Pirates assembled to form God Neptune. God Neptune comic 1

God Neptune faced a gauntlet, fighting several Primus Vanguard commanders and bisecting White Gallant Convoy with his Neptune Sword before falling against Purple Wicked Convoy and the further-upgraded Megatron Omega. His crew broken and dying again, Halfshell desperately called out to Turtler for help. But Megatron Omega played a recording he had made as Galvatron, showing Turtler how Halfshell had looked down on him as a guinea pig for the Angolmois process that restored his crew. Turtler turned his back on Halfshell, and the pirate captain realized he had betrayed his code only to end up back where he started. To his surprise, the spirit of White Gallant Convoy reached out to Halfshell from the Neptune Sword. Convoy had entered the blade when it killed him, and he touched the spirit of Halfshell to learn the lengths he had gone to for his crew. White Galant Convoy lent his strength to Halfshell, who then interrupted Megatron Omega's attempt to wield the Star Power of the collected Matrixes. Halfshell bisected Megatron with his sword, and used the Star Power to restore the Space Pirates once again, reforming a fully charged God Neptune. God Neptune comic 2

Beast Wars II comic

BWII manga Halfshell.jpg

While the Seacons were stuck on Gaia thanks to being lost and their photon sailer running out of energy, Scylla fell in love with "Bighorn". Sympathizing with her needs as a woman, Halfshell made the crew put on an elaborate wedding for the squid. When Scylla rejected the real Bighorn and pulled her true crush, Scuba, to her. An angered Bighorn prompted Halfshell to step up and conclude that both Maximals were in love with Scylla and that the only way to resolve this would be for the two to fight for her love! This was interrupted when Galvatron's Predacons attacked the festivities; threatened, Halfshell called the Seacons to combine into God Neptune to fight back. The pirate combiner was quickly felled by Predacon firepower, but Bighorn, Scylla, and Scuba were able to send the attackers fleeing. After Scylla gave her goodbyes to her suitors, the Seacons left the planet. Realize the Forbidden Love!

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity


Halfshell trained in the Predacon army, but left due to not feeling that he truly belonged amongst its ranks. During a journey of self-discovery, he uncovered a calling to the life of piracy, and over several Stellar Cycles, assembled the Seacons. Together, they raided dozens of worlds, robbing them of their resources and riches. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

During Magmatron's astral voyage to the future, he observed Halfshell fighting Guiledart. Halfshell's impaled corpse was later seen on Cybertron's ruined surface in the presence of Shokaract. The Ascending #1


Transformers: Earth Wars


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Beast Wars

  • God Neptune (Multi-pack, 1998)
  • ID number: D-21
  • Release date: August ??, 1998
  • Accessories: "Neptune Sword", shell-shield
Beast Wars Halfshell is a redeco of the Generation 1 Seacon Snaptrap/Turtler, transforming into a mechanical tortoise. A lever on his back makes the large cannons over his beast mode head move back and forth in a "pom-pom" reciprocating motion. He forms the torso of the combined mode God Neptune, but since the mold uses the Scramble City-style of combination, he can use any limb-robot of similar construction. Halfshell lacks the large rifle from the original release of the mold, however.
A rarity among Beast Wars toys, Halfshell is one of the few that can accurately (and convincingly) stand on his hindlegs in beast mode with his head pointing forward like in the cartoon, though this does expose his robot head somewhat from behind, depending on the angle his beast mode head is positioned.
He was available only as part of the God Neptune gift set with his teammates Coelagon, Skyulle, Sea Phantom, and Terrormander, sold in the seventh wave of Beast Wars II product.
For unknown reasons, a great number of unboxed God Neptune sets—lacking most of their accessories, in this case, the sword, God Neptune's feet, hands and head, and oddly having no combiner pegs on his chest shield—ended up available on the secondary market. These went for considerably less than the "complete" releases, naturally.
This toy was also repurposed as Generation 1 Snaptrap's new body in the Club magazine comic arc Beast Wars Shattered Glass.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Seacons
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-318 Kingposeidon [sic] (GS & In)
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Snaptrap (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

Generations Selects

  • Godneptune [sic] (Multi-pack, 2020)
  • Hasbro ID number: TT-GS10
  • Release date: October 31, 2020
  • Accessories: 2 shell-cannons, sword, rifle, shell-shield
Generations Selects Halfshell is a redeco of Turtler from the same line, who himself is an extensive retool of Power of the Primes Voyager Class Terrorcon Hun-Gurrr, sharing the arms, thighs and many internal workings while replacing many parts, transforming from a robotic turtle to a robot. While the shell-cannons have lost the pom-pom action, they are now detachable at the base and can be hand-held thanks to using the nigh-universal 5 mm post attachment, plus they can accommodate C.O.M.B.A.T. System Fire Blast effects. Disappointingly, he's not really designed to allow non-awkward standing on his rear legs in turtle mode as he typically appears the anime.
He is able to form a torso mode for God Neptune or any Combiner Wars-style Combiner. His sword and rifle combine with his teammates' accessories to form God Neptune's "Neptune Sword" and "Neptune Cannon".
Halfshell was only available as part of the God Neptune giftset, a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan. The set was also sold through Hasbro Pulse and other online retailers in the U.S. and Canada.
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