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Megatron (WFC)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Megatron (disambiguation), Megatronus (disambiguation).
Megatron is the Decepticon leader from the Aligned continuity family.
"That's the funny thing about heroes—they need to win every time. The villain only needs to win once."

The awesomely powerful Megatron is, in many ways, a fallen hero. He rose up from the oppressed lower working castes of Kaon to become a champion in the region's illegal deathmatches, cast aside his designation of D-16 and took the legendary name Megatronus[1] as his own. He called for an end to Cybertron's decrepit caste system and told the downtrodden that freedom of self-determination was the right of all sentient beings!

But absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Megatron's Decepticon revolution, like many such movements, ended up becoming a whole new tyranny. Powerful, charismatic, violent, and full of rage for any who would stand in the way of his ambition and drive, Megatron brought Cybertron past the brink of destruction. Now he and his former brother-in-arms Optimus Prime fight on other worlds. Megatron will never forgive Optimus for "betraying" him, stealing from the Council the rank of Prime which was rightfully his. He has reserved for his old friend the greatest honor possible: glorious death at his hands.

Megatron has been gone for three years, but now he's returned. He's brought the monstrous Dark Energon to Earth, and quite possibly left his sanity in space. Though he's made a few mistakes, he does not intend to make them again!

Good and evil fade away. History shall judge me... victorious.Megatron rejects all moral judgement on his actions, Cybertron Adventures, The Ending Begins
I... am the Dominator, I... am the Destroyer, I am Megatron!Megatron, Transformers: War for Cybertron



The Covenant of Primus


D-16 was born during the Age of Wrath. The Quintesson occupation of Cybertron had neutered the ritual of ascending from the Well of All Sparks to the point where newly born Cybertronians would emerge without names or developed personalities. After a brief but tantalizing glimpse at Cybertron's sun, D-16 was sent to work in the mines underneath Kaon. He took his name from the sector in which he worked, and eventually befriended some of the other nameless workers who had been dealt similar hands by the Quintessons. One Cybertronian in particular served as a sounding board for D-16's earliest sociological musings[Who?]. From this nameless bot, D-16 realized the importance of a proper name. By the time that the Quintessons had been routed from Cybertron, D-16 was already craving more out of life.

During the Age of Rust, Kaon became the home of a growing industry: gladiatorial combat. Megatron became intrigued by the violent duels held between miners, and so he entered the gladiatorial arena. D-16 drew upon the old stories of the Thirteen that the miners told one another, and decided on "Megatronus" as a suitable moniker; hoping that Cybertron's "fallen" society could eventually be restored. Megatronus thrived in the gladiator pits, seeing it as a way to escape the oppression of the caste system.

Megatronus was quickly becoming a visionary, a warrior, and a politician. He began addressing his audience of fans about the possibility of social change, even revolution -- which some of his loyal cadre of followers would see as a sign to attack the bloated Cybertronian government which kept the miners oppressed. Megatronus would have his name shortened by the crowds into Megatron. Eventually, Megatron and his allies stood before the Council to address their concerns, but the Council sidestepped Megatron and presented the title of Prime to one of his less extreme advisors, the archivist Orion Pax. As Pax rose to become Optimus Prime, Megatron rejected his former friend and began open warfare in the streets of Cybertron. These two leaders and their factions, the Autobots and Decepticons, began the Great War that shook the rust from Cybertron's society, for good or ill.The Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

"Alright! What's the square root of pi?! What's the capital of Sierre Leone?! What's... awww, this 'ask questions later' thing doesn't work at all."

D-16 named himself after the sector of the mine where he performed demolition operations. Exodus At the end of the Age of Wrath, he was one of the many Cybertronians who Sentinel Prime called to arms, and aided in the war effort that successfully overthrew the cruel Quintesson regime. As time went by, D-16 eventually forgot about this event, as did many other Cybertronians.

At some point after Cybertron's Golden Age, a group of Sharkticons foresaw him as the being who would one day lead them to freedom. They managed to carve an image of him on a cave wall before they were executed. Retribution

D-16 eventually turned to gladiatorial combat to escape from the drudgery of his duties. As a gladiator, in killing others he began to appreciate the value of life, and in between matches he became something of an intellectual, debating the castes with other miners. After bosses requested he lose a few fights, D-16 killed them and took over Kaon and Slaughter City. After murdering one boss in front of his employees, D-16 declared himself Megatronus, whom he considered the greatest of the Thirteen. After hearing his preaching on the Communication Grid against the Guilds of Cybertron, the concerned Sentinel Prime sent Bumper and Fastback to investigate. Megatronus killed them, believing two lives were worthless compared to the millions doomed by the castes Sentinel created.

After a victorious battle with the Insecticons, in which the crowd redubbed him Megatron, the gladiator was contacted by the Iaconian records monitor Orion Pax, and they began exchanging their ideas in intense but friendly philosophical discussions. Megatron encouraged Orion to learn self-defense and invited him to visit Kaon, which he did to a warm welcome from Megatron (and from none of his gladiators). By this point Megatron was planning to call his movement the Decepticons, and he had begun sending his followers on a search for artifacts of the Primes, as their discovery would be signs their cause was just. His followers began bombing Cybertron, and Megatron distanced himself from their extremism to gain credibility. Orion and his mentor Alpha Trion believed him, but the latter was well aware Megatron might have gained a taste for violence after the attention it earned him. Soon enough, Megatron accepted the gift of a kidnapped Sentinel Prime from Starscream.

Megatron misinterprets the phrase "ad hominem attack".

Alpha Trion organized a hearing for Orion and Megatron with the High Council. They protested involvement in Sentinel's disappearance. When confronted with the phrase "Decepticon", Megatron denied any knowledge of it but accepted his followers' term wholeheartedly, stating deception was necessary sometimes for the corrupt to see the truth. When Halogen revealed Megatron's followers had been trying to locate the Matrix of Leadership, he declared that Orion should become the Prime that he desperately wanted to lead Cybertron into the new Golden Age, and find it. Incensed, Megatron killed Halogen, and when Optimus prevented the Elite Guard from attacking Megatron, the ungrateful gladiator declared Optimus had fallen into the trap of power the High Council had given him. He declared Optimus was no longer his brother (though he would continue to refer to him as such privately), and that the Matrix would be his.

In the subsequent war with Optimus's Autobots, the Decepticons took control of eighty-five percent of the planet. Wherever Starscream's Seekers aided, they were victorious. Megatron was initially merciful to neutrals, but he let Shockwave take control of Tarn and torture Autobot sympathizers there. When the Praxians, a progressive city-state who were disappointed with the direction Megatron took, allied with the Autobots, Megatron decided he would no longer try to convert followers and launched the first genocide of the war, slaughtering all in Nova Cronum who would not submit to the Decepticons as they attacked.

As the war dragged into a siege of Iacon, Soundwave's spying bore fruit as he discovered Dark Energon, the essence of Unicron, was aboard Trypticon. Megatron forgave Starscream for hiding its existence from him, acknowledging its potentially dangerous nature. To ensure loyalty, Megatron's gladiators stormed the Station slaughtering and maiming Starscream's scientists. He forced Starscream to pick two test subjects to be Darkened, and following an astonishingly successful result, Megatron absorbed some, invigorating him. Soon Darkened Decepticons appeared on the battlefield, but it proved to be an inefficient resource and they would have to flee if a battle was prolonged. Megatron needed more, and even Starscream's activation of the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge didn't provide enough. Megatron felt he would kill all the Decepticons before he was deprived of Dark Energon and turn rabid.

Fortunately, Soundwave revealed the existence of the Plasma Energy Chamber within Teletraan-1, which required the Code Keys of Power and Justice to activate it. Starscream recovered the Key of Power, while Megatron and his best soldiers searched for the Key of Justice below the High Council Tower. Sentinel Prime emerged, to Megatron's surprise. Sentinel confronted him about Bumper and Fastback, and the two dueled. Megatron disarmed and sliced open Sentinel, revealing the Key of Justice within. Starscream made a grab for it, exposing that he had released Sentinel to kill Megatron and take leadership for himself. After fighting Starscream to a standstill, Megatron pardoned him as he found him a better soldier than would-be example, and used the Keys to open Teletraan-1: which activated Omega Supreme to fly the Chamber to safety.

The Seekers shot Omega Supreme out of the air, causing him to crash. Optimus's Autobots arrived to fight the Decepticons, but the more they killed them the more Dark Energon left their bodies and empowered Megatron. He was able to knee Omega Supreme and turn him on his back, tearing the Chamber out of his chest. Using the Chamber, Megatron poisoned the core of Cybertron and Darkened the entire planet. But then the core stopped producing Dark Energon, and Megatron learnt Optimus had gone to the core and received the Matrix. As the Autobots attempted to flee Cybertron via the last space bridge, Megatron used Trypticon to fire on their ships, and used his and Orion's old frequency to criticize Optimus for fleeing. He added he never believed in individual freedom for every Cybertronian, only the illusion of freedom that he as leader would provide and that the Guilds did not. Optimus responded that Megatron had turned his soldiers into addicts and they would turn on him, and used the Eight Track to board, sabotage and crash Trypticon.

As the Autobots left on the completed Ark, the Decepticons fully invaded Iacon. Megatron ordered Trypticon to transform into the Nemesis, boarding it with Starscream, Soundwave, Lugnut and other elite soldiers, leaving Shockwave in charge. He used his old frequency once again to warn Optimus that he would hound him through the stars and finally kill him for the Matrix. He explained they were still brothers, as they were bonded for life despite their enmity. Optimus was just glad his hunt would get him off Cybertron. The two ships entered the last space bridge together, and when the Ark emerged, the Nemesis was gone. Exodus

Megatron's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic "Transformers: War for Cybertron."

The Nemesis eventually emerged from the Space Bridge, close to the lost colony world of Velocitron. The Autobots had already visited the planet and departed, but Megatron's sleeper agent Makeshift had ignited political tensions and sparked a civil war between Override's loyalists and Ransack's cadre of political malcontents. He was directed by Hightail to Ransack. Megatron found Ransack's obsession with speed extremely irritating, but allowed him to pledge his allegiance to the Decepticon cause. Ransack's Decepticons continued their war on Velocitron while the rest of Megatron's forces boarded the Nemesis, tracking the Ark's energy signature.

Megatron's forces tracked the Ark to on the planet Junkion, and began attacking both the Autobots and the native Junkions. Amid the chaos, Megatron reunited with one of his long-lost comrades, the marooned Decepticon Axer. Axer presented his commander with the Requiem Blaster, which he had scavenged from the core of Junkion. Megatron ordered the gun to be attached to the hull of the Nemesis. The mayhem had also awakened the ancient Transformer Cannonspring, who reunited with several other Cybertronians and combined into the mighty Nexus Prime, who held off both the Decepticon advance and the newly arriving Star Seekers. As the planet tore itself apart, Megatron duelled with Optimus Prime, who wielded the Cyber Caliber. Although Optimus Prime gained the upper hand, he suddenly received a vision regarding the AllSpark's location. Prime fell back to the Ark and retreated. Since the Requiem Blaster ran the risk of catastrophically overheating, Megatron ordered his troops to jettison the artifact before it could do so. Megatron ordered his troops to follow the Ark off of Junkion and back into deep space. Exiles

At some point during the voyage, Megatron changed his alternate mode to that of a Cybertronian spacecraft.

While searching for the trail of the Ark on the outskirts of the Orion Arm, Megatron ran across the Star Seekers again, who had set a trap for the Decepticons. To take down the Nemesis, the pirates salvaged the abandoned Requiem Blaster and grafted it to their ship. Megatron and the Star Seeker Thundertron dueled while their ships exchanged fire. Megatron eventually managed to gain the upper hand after exploiting the Requiem Blaster's cripplingly high energy intake, and forced Thundertron's forces into a retreat. Megatron reunited with his treacherous subordinate Axer, who claimed to have gleaned knowledge about the Ark's whereabouts during his time spent with the pirates. Megatron considered this, and then sent him to be tortured, just to make sure he was telling the truth.

The Nemesis eventually caught up with the real Ark over the planet Aquatron and opened fire. The Autobots retaliated by deploying Superion, who carved a trail of destruction through the Nemesis's engine bay until the combiner met Megatron. The Decepticon leader attacked Superion, and the two fought. Megatron was able to gain the upper hand and fired his fusion cannon at Superion, blowing the combiner apart and sending his components flying out the ship's hangar.

Before the Autobots could try and ram the Nemesis, the Aquatronian native known only as "the Curator" intervened by cutting power to both ships. The Curator scolded the Cybertronians for bringing their war to a neutral planet, but invited Megatron and his Decepticons to the planet's surface to negotiate a possible peace treaty between the two factions. Once the Autobots and Decepticons both agreed to a temporary ceasefire, the Curator revealed that he was a Quintesson, and that Aquatron was a member of the Quintesson Co-Prosperity Sphere. Megatron decided to play along with his captors until he could find a way to escape. That night, Megatron was visited by the Curator, who promised Megatron his own Decepticon Matrix... if he backstabbed Optimus Prime and destroyed the Autobot leader's own Matrix.

The next morning, Megatron convened with Optimus outside the negotiation hall, only to reveal that he had brought along six Vehicons with him to kill Optimus. The two began fighting, until Skywarp detonated a bomb outside, which caused the Pavilion to start flooding. Optimus switched off his Matrix and helped Megatron to escape, but on the surface they encountered Tyrannicon and his Sharkticon flotilla, who arrested all the Cybertronians present. The defeated Autobots and Decepticons were rounded up into a prison ship headed for the city of Hydratron; Megatron spent most of the voyage loudly and angrily criticizing Optimus Prime's leadership. When the prisoners were transferred to a train, Megatron ran afoul of several Sharkticons, who managed to subdue him long enough for him to be loaded onto the train and shipped to Hydratron's Hall of Justice.

Inside the Quintesson's kangaroo court, Optimus Prime was put on trial for public mayhem, treason, and galactic blasphemy. Optimus Prime's brainwashed troops corroborated the Quintesson prosector's line of inquiry. However, Megatron himself came to Optimus's defense, asserting that the Quintessons did not create the Transformers as they so claimed. The trial had also jogged Megatron's memories; he remembered fighting in the war that routed the aliens from Cybertron and vowed that he'd gladly do it again. The Quintesson judges found them innocent, and so sentenced the two leaders to banishment. Whoever killed the other leader in combat would be allowed to leave Aquatron unmolested. The two leaders battled, unaware that the Quintessons were harvesting the energy they exerted to power a space bridge to Cybertron. When the Quintessons had enough, they dumped both of them into a Pirahnacon pit. Optimus and Megatron managed to escape the Pirahnacons with the help of Optimus's Matrix, and escaped into the subterranean tunnels beneath Hydratron.

The duo eventually encountered the Gamekeeper, who was guarding the carvings that the Sharkticon rebels had created. The Gamekeeper taunted them, and revealed that the Quintessons were staging another invasion of Cybertron as they spoke. Megatron tore out the monster's eyes and eventually killed him. The Decepticon leader was intrigued by the carvings, although Optimus was skeptical of their veracity. The two eventually discovered Xeros, who was manipulating his Sharkticon servants with a decoy Matrix. Believing it to be the Decepciton Matrix he was promised, Megatron grabbed it and shoved it into his chest.

The decoy Matrix turned out to be the Sharkticon Matrix of Leadership, and as it re-forged his body Megatron realized that Aquatron was one of the 200 lost colony planets after all- and a planet that had never been able to overthrow the Quintessons. Now sporting Sharkticon features, Megatron called the Sharkticons to his command and ordered them to devour Xeros. Megatron overpowered Optimus and threw him down a nearby elevator shaft. He then contacted Starscream aboard the stranded Nemesis, and ordered his Decepticons to make room for Sharkticon reinforcements aboard the ship.

Before long, Megatron set off to the bottom of Hydratron, to kill the Curator once and for all. He ran into trouble along the way; the city itself began transforming into a giant jellyfish-like creature, which attempted to devour him. Megatron was ale to break free of its tentacles and swim to the bottom of the lakebed, where Optimus Prime and a Leviacon were already confronting the Curator. Hundreds of Sharkticons swarmed the Curator's fortified command bubble but were unable to break through. The fracas was compounded by the arrival of Tyrannicon, who had come back to Aquatron through the Space Bridge to figure out why his soldiers had rebelled. Megatron, now calling himself "The First of the Many" offered Tyrannicon a place in his new empire, although Tyrannicon refused. Instead, the two battled one another for control of the Matrix, with the Tyrannicon triumphant. Tyrannicon stole the Matrix from Megatron, who collapsed and reverted to his old self. When Optimus managed to destroy the entire underground complex, he also rescued Megatron, and with the Leviacon's help the two leaders returned to the surface, where they reunited with their respective crews.

On their way off the planet, Optimus mused that one day Megatron might understand that the two of them were much stronger as a united force. Retribution

Ask Vector Prime

In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Megatron lead his Decepticons in an attack on the Autobot stronghold at Tyger Pax to obtain the AllSpark from the Well of All Sparks. After fighting off Rodimus and Springer, Megatron found himself under fire from Bumblebee, until Starscream managed to shoot the young Autobot down.

Searching for Barricade, and executing Autobots that had failed to retreat, Megatron, while boasting his victory, saw the AllSpark be launched into space. Though he had failed to gain the AllSpark, Megatron found himself to be close to a badly damaged Bumblebee, who made a point of gloating to Megatron about the Autobots's victory. Grabbing the young mecha by the neck, Megatron, tired of Bumblebee's talking, crushed the Autobot's voice box.

Deciding that Optimus Prime didn't need another martyr, Megatron left Bumblebee alive to remind others that he could take and spare lives as he wished. Satisfied with his work, Megatron retreated with what was left of his Decepticons. Bumblebee at Tyger Pax

IDW Aligned comics

From Shockwave's lab in the Sea of Rust, Shockwave and a captured Grimlock watched a feed of Megatron spearheading an attack on Autobot City. Last Stand Fragmentation

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Sean Long (English, BotCon 2011 "Shadowzone" script reading), Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese), Fu Chong (Chinese), Alexander Kovrizhnykh (Russian), Juan Carlos Lozano (Spain-Spanish), Robert Dubois (French), Ja-hyeong Gu (Korean), Antonio Fuochi (Italian), Ferenc Borbiczki (Hungarian), Hans-Jürgen Wolf (German), Gerardo Vásquez (Latin American Spanish), Antônio Moreno (Brazilian Portuguese), Guilherme Lopes ("Predacons Rising", internal monologue), Paweł Szczesny (Polish), Arto Nieminen (Finnish), Johan Hedenberg (Swedish), Yeong-jun Si (Korean, "Predacons Rising")
"I'm a fox!" "I'm a hound doooog!"

In the waning years of the Golden Age of Cybertron, Megatronus (who named himself after one of the original thirteen Primes) was a gladiator who fought in the Kaon arena. Observing a disparity in freedom among the classes of his race, and that the ruling class was corrupt and all-powerful, Megatron turned rhetorician, trying to effect change. In drawing attention to this inequity, he inspired a Hall of Records clerk named Orion Pax, and the two joined forces to end corruption and bring equality to the masses. One Shall Rise, Part 3 Orion and Megatronus became close allies, almost like brothers. Masters & Students

Things were very red in those days.

Megatronus shortened his name to Megatron before he and Orion Pax appeared before the High Council. Megatron threatened the council, promising to overthrow them and instate himself as the next Prime—a declaration of hostility that shocked Orion, and moved him to an impassioned speech in favour of autonomy that successfully swayed the council where Megatron had failed. Jealous, Megatron left the council and Orion behind and assembled his followers—including perennial loyalist Soundwave and scheming second-in-command Starscream—into an army he would name "Decepticons", beginning the war for Cybertron and vowing to find the Matrix of Leadership which was denied to him by the council. One Shall Rise, Part 3

The war saw Megatron successfully take the city of Kaon, which contained the very arena he fought in as a gladiator, as the Decepticon capital. Orion Pax, Part 1 During a battle at Tyger Pax, Megatron crushed the Autobot Bumblebee's voice box when the scout refused to break under interrogation. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 Furthermore, Megatron's wartime achievements were not limited to those achieved through might: he also created the deadly cybonic plague which wiped out millions Sick Mind and found a way to weaponize Tox-En which he used to wipe out an entire unit in front of a horrified Bulkhead. Toxicity It was through similarly poisonous means that Megatron came closest to seizing victory in the war's final stages, infecting the Core of Cybertron itself. In purifying the core, Orion was granted the Matrix Megatron had long-sought, becoming Optimus Prime. One Shall Rise, Part 3 After his assassin Skyquake failed to kill Optimus at the Battle of Technahar, Masters & Students Megatron became obsessed with the Autobot leader and decided that destroying him was his right alone. Darkness Rising, Part 4 Megatron had his lead scientist Shockwave send an army of Predacons to Earth to lay waste to any Autobot forces on the planet and secure any and all energon deposits. Project Predacon

We can relate. We're just like this with our BotCon toys.

Eventually, the war left Cybertron in ruin and forced the whole Transformer race to exile into space. Orion Pax, Part 2 Megatron would not leave the planet unguarded and placed a few Insecticon guards in stasis on the planet, should the enemy return. Orion Pax, Part 3 In time, Megatron and his army arrived on Earth, establishing mines to collect the Energon that the planet had been seeded with during the war. Stronger, Faster He also had some of his best warriors, such as Skyquake to guard deposits not ready to mine. Masters & Students After some early conflicts on the planet, Megatron withdrew to space to search for more troops, leaving Starscream in charge. Darkness Rising, Part 1 Searching the void for three years, Megatron found something better than mere warriors: he discovered a new source of Dark Energon, the "blood of Unicron", with which he could reanimate fallen Transformers as an army of the undead. Darkness Rising, Part 2 Returning to Earth, Darkness Rising, Part 1 and resuming command of the Decepticons, Megatron tested the Dark Energon on the deceased Autobot Cliffjumper, reviving him as a zombie "Terrorcon" that slaughtered several Decepticon Miners, but which posed no threat to Megatron himself. Unfortunately for Megatron, this partial reactivation of Cliffjumper's lifesigns drew Optimus Prime's Autobots to the Decepticons' mining operations. Deciding it was not yet time for a confrontation with Prime, Megatron withdrew aboard the Nemesis and continued to brood over the Dark Energon.

Megatron, you fool! Rave glowsticks aren't candy!
Megatron's inability to control the zombie Cliffjumper convinced him that he needed to integrate the Dark Energon into his own body in order to control the undead legions he planned to create. Darkness Rising, Part 2 Thrusting a shard of the material into his spark, he was filled with its power, feeling as though he was connected to Unicron's very thoughts. Requiring a test run for his new power, Megatron headed to the site of an ancient Cybertronian battle on Earth, one full of the remains of fallen warriors, where he was confronted by Optimus and Ratchet. Using Dark Energon to raise the dead Transformers as Terrorcons, Megatron successfully found he had complete control of the undead horde, and send them against the two Autobots.
I chew scenery while the zombies chew you.
Darkness Rising, Part 3 While Optimus and Ratchet fought their way through the Terrorcons, Megatron flew off before they could reach him, satisfied with his test results and ready put his plan into action—to open a space bridge to Cybertron and use Dark Energon to revive all the dead. Darkness Rising, Part 4 Despite the Autobots' best efforts to damage the Nemesis and prevent the bridge from opening, Megatron succeeded in his plans, and then had his showdown with Optimus Prime atop the bridge itself as he waited for the Terrorcon legions to pass through to Earth. While the two old foes battled, the other Autobots sabotaged the bridge, causing it to explode and destroy both the Terrorcon army and seemingly Megatron himself. Darkness Rising, Part 5
Well, it's better than just being a head I suppose.

The Autobots were not so lucky, however: the Dark Energon in his spark allowed Megatron to survive the explosion, but just barely. When Starscream found his leader floating in space, he tore the Dark Energon from his body in the hope that he would expire, but was caught in the act by Soundwave's Deployer, Laserbeak, and forced to take Megatron back to the Nemesis, where he was placed in stasis in the sick bay. Masters & Students

Starscream was content to leave Megatron in this state to recover or expire as fate saw fit, but the crew of the Nemesis disagreed, and voted to bring in the Decepticon medic Knock Out to help heal their wounded leader. But the discovery of an Energon Harvester forced them to push off Megatron's recovery. Deus ex Machina Even with Knock Out's expertise, it seemed unlikely that Megatron would recover, but his assistant Breakdown gave his body a good buffing nonetheless, and Starscream approved, as it meant their ex-leader would look his best for the memorial service. Speed Metal

Hey, you really are uglier from this angle!
When Optimus Prime was infected by cybonic plague, Arcee and Bumblebee boarded the Nemesis to search for an antidote. While they failed to find one in the database, the two Autobots did discover Megatron in stasis, and Bumblebee mind-linked with the Decepticon leader via a cortical psychic patch to try and pluck the cure from his sleeping brain. Bumblebee found himself within Megatron's mind, which took the form of Kaon, where the Decepticon's subconscious was spending its time killing endless visions of Optimus Primes. Unfortunately, Bumblebee's intrusion only caused Megatron to become aware of his situation when he found he was unable to kill Bumblebee. Learning what had befallen Optimus, Megatron initially refused to give up the cure until Bumblebee convinced him that he would gain greater satisfaction from finishing his enemy off with his own two hands. Megatron offered the cure in exchange for Bumblebee's help in escaping his mental prison, but Bumblebee double-crossed him, withdrawing from his mind as soon as the cure was in Autobot hands. At the last moment, Megatron was able to effect his own escape, leaping into Bumblebee's mind along with him. Sick Mind
Recalling the sliver of Dark Energon Starscream had removed from his body, Megatron took full control of Bumblebee's body a short time later and used the GroundBridge to return to the ancient battlefield where he had raised his original Terrorcons, recovering the Dark Energon shard he had used to do so. He returned to the Autobot base, where he dealt with Ratchet and Raf before again GroundBridging to the Nemesis and using the Dark Energon to restore his body and return his mind to it. Storming out of the Nemesis to find Starscream, Megatron snatched his subordinate out of the air in the middle of a battle with Optimus Prime and took him back for his punishment. Out of His Head

Despite his treason, Megatron decided not to terminate Starscream, viewing him as no real threat and taking perverse amusement in his repeated failures. Rock Bottom Instead, Megatron proceeded to beat Starscream only to near death, then had him placed in the infirmary, occasionally visiting to gloat. Shadowzone

When Breakdown was captured by the humans of MECH, Megatron refuted Starscream's suggestion that they rescue him, announcing that if Breakdown had allowed himself to be captured by those weaker than him, then he deserved whatever he got. Operation: Breakdown Breakdown did manage to escape, however, and in his wounded pride, volunteered to recover a polarity gauntlet for Megatron in order to prove his worth. Megatron was disappointed when his minion returned without the gauntlet, but was placated by the revelation that he had instead brought back Airachnid. Metal Attraction

Discovering that Starscream was still attempting to mine energon for his personal use without his knowledge, Megatron determined that the amusement had come to an end. Taking him to the mine in question, Megatron revealed that he had been aware of Starscream's previous transgressions the whole time thanks to Soundwave, and was about to execute his groveling lieutenant when Jack Darby and Arcee walked in. Seeing red at the sight of the Autobot and her pet, Megatron opened fire on them, giving Starscream time to escape, an act that only increased Megatron's rage. Unfortunately, Megatron's carelessness with his shots ultimately brought the mine down on top of them all, with Megatron being completely pinned by rubble. Jack happened upon the Decepticon leader with a mining drill, and Megatron, knowing that the human would not help him, instead urged Jack to finish him off. Jack refused, saying that wasn't what Optimus would do, and left, but the opening he had created allowed Megatron to begin his escape. After finally extricating himself, Megatron came upon Starscream trying to keep a large rock from crushing him. Starscream insisted that he had come to rescue Megatron, and begged the Decepticon leader to spare him, and Megatron acquiesced with a smirk. Rock Bottom

Though Megatron allowed Starscream to live and continue as his second-in-command, he was furious to learn from Airachnid that Starscream had kept the location of the Harbinger from him. He ordered Starscream to lead Airachnid to the crash site and retrieve an experimental weapon that was inside. Much to Megatron's fury, Airachnid returned not only without the weapon, but with the news that Starscream had been captured by the Autobots as well. Partners

"Steroids?" "Yup." "Ah."

When a formula for Synthetic Energon was transferred from a Cybertronian data cylinder into the mind of the Autobot Bulkhead, Optimus Prime petitioned Megatron for the return of the cylinder so they could extract the formula, after which they would willingly hand it over. Megatron briefly considered the proposal, but instead sent Knock Out and Breakdown to capture Bulkhead and dared Prime to fight for the cylinder. When his Vehicon troops were defeated, Megatron simply crushed the device and took flight. T.M.I. The synthetic energon formula helped the Autobots counter Megatron's next tactic: causing the Autobots to burn through their energon supplies at an accelerated rate by leading them on wild goose chases. Juiced up on the "SynthEn", Ratchet attacked Megatron and Knock Out while they were surveying an energon mine, and sent the Decepticon leader flying with one punch. Unfortunately for Ratchet, Megatron swiftly recovered and subdued the Autobot medic with ease. Stronger, Faster

Damnit, jet mode! Hold still so we can screencap you!
Convinced by Dark Energon-induced visions that an impending prophecy detailed his own destiny, Megatron stepped up the Decepticons' work in constructing a new space bridge so they could obtain more Dark Energon. When they located the last component they needed, Megatron went in personally, grievously wounding Raf with a blast of Dark Energon on the way and creating an unintended distraction that allowed him to make off with the power source he needed. Soon after, Megatron lured Optimus Prime to a volcano he had seen in his visions, and during their battle, it erupted with Dark Energon, imbuing Megatron with the power he needed to fell Prime. One Shall Fall
Look, Prime! Look at the fireworks! Aren't they splendid?!
The intervention of the other Autobots saved Prime's life, but this was of little concern to Megatron, who now had all the Dark Energon he needed and set his miners to work gathering it up. When Soundwave detected a spark-beat coming from within the Earth, Megatron felt it pounding through his brain and realized what his visions had meant: the lifeforce of Unicron himself dwelt within Earth. Leaving Airachnid in command, Megatron flew into the volcano to address Unicron, but did not receive the power he had hoped the chaos-bringer would bestow on him, instead receiving Unicron's displeasure at the fact that Optimus Prime still lived. One Shall Rise, Part 1

Spurned, Megatron instead went to the aid of Optimus and his Autobots, who were under attack from Unicron's stone avatars. He offered Optimus his services—he intended to lead them to Unicron's real form so that Optimus could use the Matrix of Leadership on the Chaos God. While the Autobots returned to base, Megatron kept the giant stone Unicrons busy, and Prime eventually accepted Megatron's offer. On arrival in the Autobot base, Megatron encountered a couple of humans he recognized, Raf and Jack, as well as a new loud one. Megatron was first to step through the GroundBridge into the Earth's core, and as the Autobots followed, he warned them that Unicron already knew they were there. One Shall Rise, Part 2

"Just this once, we work together! Mortal enemies working together for the common good!" "Be quiet!"

Despite the persistent influence of Unicron, Megatron led the Autobots through Unicron's insides, even helping them fight off anti-bots. The Dark Energon he was imbued with allowed him to enter Unicron's spark chamber with Optimus, though at that point Unicron's influence became so great that the Chaos God was able to commandeer his body. After Optimus unleashed the power of the Matrix, apparently extinguishing Unicron's spark, Megatron went to kill Optimus, only to discover his foe had lost his memory and now believed himself to be Orion Pax. Megatron convinced Optimus that the other Autobots were enemies, and the pair returned to the Nemesis, where Megatron introduced "Orion Pax" to his men. One Shall Rise, Part 3

"Megatron, what happened? Where did you go wrong?"
"Uh, watch Revenge of the Sith. I know I'm not in it, but it pretty much sums it all up."

Megatron wasted no time in spinning a tale of Autobot warlord Ratchet and the destruction of Cybertron, and put Orion Pax to work decoding data from the Iacon archives for a project of the same name. Though aware that at some point Orion would find out the truth, Megatron made all precautions to make sure that didn't happen before Orion finished his work. Knock Out was ordered to set up Orion's work station a mere few inches away from the Energon storage vault.

During Orion's decoding, the archivist noted several references to Starscream as being Megatron's second in command. As part of his deception, Megatron claimed Starscream to be dead, and ordered Soundwave to carefully remove Arcee from the ship with a GroundBridge. Arachnid offered to destroy the bike bot herself, but Megatron feared that Orion would become weary of their activity's should he bare witness to an Autobot's destruction. Orion Pax, Part 1 Megatron attempted to cover for a surprise visit by Starscream when he managed to sneak aboard the ship. Orion asked why Megatron lied, but the con leader stated that Starscream as "dead" to their cause for joining the Autobots. However, Starscream's visit caused Orion to uncover the truth and find out that he was, in fact, Optimus Prime, the so-called leader of the Autobot "invaders". Soundwave notified Megatron of Orion finding information on Optimus Prime, and Megatron realized that harsher methods would be necessary to complete Project Iacon. Orion Pax, Part 2

Do you see what's in your teeth NOW?!

Megatron payed Orion a visit to expose Orion's findings. Orion demanded to know the full truth, but Megatron refused, causing Orion to delete his findings. Fortunately, Soundwave had recorded his findings, and the data was saved. Soundwave also informed Megatron of the activity at the space bridge and went there to find that the Autobots had taken control of it, and that one of their traps on Cybertron was activated. Megatron ordered the guards to watch Orion while he went out and threatened to kill the archivist if he had not completed the project. Megatron realized that the Autobots must have been searching for a way to restore Orion to Optimus. Megatron arrived at the space bridge and defeated the trio of Autobots present, and waited for Arcee to return from the open space bridge with the Matrix in her possession. When Orion had overpowered his guards and came to attack Megatron, Orion declared his loyalty to the Autobots, pulled out his blades, and attacked Megatron. The amnesiac Autobot was no match for him. While the Decepticon leader was subsequently kept busy by Arcee, Jack returned the Matrix to Orion, who regained his memory and left with the Autobots, leaving Megatron screaming furiously at his failure. Orion Pax, Part 3

Now I have The Touch.

Following the first of the artifact coordinates left by Orion, Megatron and his men unearthed the Spark Extractor. While Megatron was bringing it back through the GroundBridge, it was taken from him by Bumblebee. He then ordered Knock Out and Breakdown to retrieve another artifact before Bulkhead and Bumblebee did. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 Megatron was pleased when Knock Out returned with a force field generator, quickly demonstrating the object's power with a cannon-blast. Megatron himself joined the mission to get the third artifact, and managed to secure the Forge of Solus Prime by holding a prone Bulkhead hostage. Unfortunately, he discovered that the Forge wouldn't work without the power of a Prime behind it. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2

When Dreadwing arrived on Earth, Megatron filled him in on what had happened to his brother Skyquake, but warned him not to seek revenge on his own. When Dreadwing did anyway, Megatron figured that would be the last they saw of him, although he was glad that Dreadwing both survived and learned his lesson. Loose Cannons

"You do know that you'll be splattered across the ceiling after this screencap, right?"

Reminded of Airachnid's past treachery, Megatron tasked Dreadwing with ridding them of her. Dreadwing not only failed, but returned minus Breakdown, much to Megatron's disgust. Megatron responded to Airachnid's later communication by attempting to get rid of her himself. Although she set an Insecticon on him, the mighty Megatron eventually prevailed against it. The fight took all of his strength, and he was subsequently surrounded by Autobots. With Dreadwing's help, he escaped and made Dreadwing his new second-in-command. Crossfire

Megatron responded to reports of Starscream on the ship and found not one but four Starscreams on the bridge. After attempting to appeal to their treacherous nature, he took advantage of a diversion to offline three of them before the fourth escaped. The diversion turned out to be a mass Insecticon attack, but after a fight, the Insecticons suddenly stopped and announced they were loyal to him. Then the Nemesis crashed. Armada Megatron got the ship moving again using Dark Energon, but when it exhibited its own intelligence and refused to follow his orders, he tried to shut it down, only to be put into stasis lock. He only awoke when the kids reversed the energon flow. Flying Mind

As Knock Out prepared to go and try to find the first of the four relics which the ship had found the location of, Megatron instructed him to take an Insecticon as muscle. Tunnel Vision Megatron then sent Dreadwing to Antarctica to find the relic there Triangulation and then sent Hardshell and three other Insecticons to a volcanic area at the equator, Toxicity before sending Soundwave to find the last relic.

He was impressed with the Resonance Blaster Soundwave found, but less so with Dreadwing and Knock Out, the latter of whom returned looking like he'd been run over by a train. After they found a grenade implanted in Laserbeak, Megatron set Soundwave back to work decoding the Iacon database. Triage His rage over Hardshell's failure was mollified when the Insecticon claimed to have offlined Bulkhead, but when they later got a call from Wheeljack revealing Bulkhead was still alive, Megatron demanded Hardshell bring him Wheeljack's spark as a substitute. Instead Hardshell's corpse was brought back before him, and Megatron was shocked to learn a human girl was responsible. Hurt

Soundwave, please arrange our guest a carwash.

After sending Knock Out to investigate Breakdown's signal coming back online, Megatron expressed distaste at the Breakdown/Silas hybrid who was brought to the ship. Nevertheless, he allowed "Cylas" the opportunity to prove himself worthy of a place in the Decepticon ranks by supplying them with a Project Damocles satellite. Though the initial results were promising, he sent Cylas to terminate Raf when the boy's hacking threatened to railroad their plans. When Cylas failed to do so and the satellite was stopped, Megatron called him back, and handed the former MECH commander over to Knock Out for dissection. The Human Factor

Looks like Sari told Megatron where babies come from.

When Soundwave decoded another set of Iacon relic coordinates, Megatron initiated a decoy relic beacon to give them the advantage over the Autobots, and went to fetch the latest relic with a team. Though hoping it would be a Decepticon weapon, Megatron was stunned when it turned out to be the Star Saber. When he was unable to extract the sword, he had the Decepticons chip away a chunk of the mountain to be hauled away by the Nemesis in an effort to ensure it did not fall in Optimus's hands. Unfortunately, the arrival of a new Autobot delayed them long enough that the other Autobots discovered the deception. Optimus quickly managed to get hold of the sword despite Megatron's best efforts, and as the Autobot leader unleashed the sword's power, Megatron was forced to retreat in his ship, noting it was now the Decepticons' darkest hour. Legacy

Coming up with a new plan to combat the Star Saber, Megatron took Dreadwing through the space bridge to Cybertron, and broke into Liege Maximo's tomb. After having Knock Out graft the Prime's arm onto Megatron, he was finally able to use the Forge of Solus Prime to forge a Dark Star Saber with some of his Dark Energon. Once Soundwave decrypted a new set of coordinates, he got the opportunity to test it on Arcee and Smokescreen when the pair found the first Omega Key, whom he swept aside with ease. With new-found confidence, Megatron challenged Prime to a duel, and though his new sword cleaved right through the Star Saber, Megatron was unable to stop the Autobots from getting away with the Omega Key. Alpha/Omega Gloating of his destruction of the Star Saber, he allowed Knock Out the opportunity to retrieve the next relic. Upon his return with another Omega Key, Megatron was intrigued by the relic, believing it to be part of a larger piece, and put the doctor to work analyzing it. He was less impressed with Dreadwing who returned empty handed from his mission, and asserted that they needed to locate the Autobot base to recover their relics. Then Soundwave decrypted the final part of the Iacon databse, revealing Smokescreen to be relevant to their search. Hard Knocks

Because we haven't seen this before.

After they extracted the Omega Key from Smokescreen, Megatron had Knock Out perform a cortical psychic patch procedure on the Autobot to learn their purpose. After discovering that all four could be used to revitalize Cybertron, he left Knock Out to find out where the Autobot base was, Megatron went to place the Omega Key in storage. However Smokescreen escaped and snatched it out of his grasp and made off with the other key as well. Though Megatron and his men gave pursuit as the Autobot jumped off their ship, Smokescreen got away. The Decepticon leader told Dreadwing they would need to locate the Autobot base quickly to retrieve the other keys, only to find Starscream on the bridge, with all four of the Omega Keys as a peace offering. Inside Job Intending to find what Starscream really planned, Megatron had himself plugged into the rogue Decepticon with a psychic patch. Despite most of Starscream's memories turning out to be incriminating, he was eventually convinced to allow Starscream to rejoin the Decepticon ranks. Patch

Megatron attempted to stress to Dreadwing that the Decepticons needed to be united. Unfortunately Dreadwing was more interested in slagging Starscream, and Megatron had to blow a hole through him. Once the location of the Omega Lock was established, Megatron took the Keys to Cybertron to find it. He and his men were attacked by the Autobots, who got away with the Keys while Megatron was otherwise occupied with the spark extractor. With some help from Starscream, Megatron got hold of the Autobots' human friends to use as a bargaining chip to secure the return of the Keys. Regeneration


Once he had the Keys back, Megatron had the lock activated and revealed that he intended to use it on both Cybertron and Earth so he'd have two worlds to rule, starting with Earth. Shockingly, this news resulted in Optimus slicing Megatron's sword arm off before destroying the Omega Lock. Though the Autobots escaped, Megatron would have the last laugh, as he knew the location of their base and used the Omega Lock to create a fortress there before Optimus destroyed it. If he could not conquer Cybertron, he could at least conquer Earth. From the Nemesis, he and his men attacked and destroyed the Autobot base as their first act of aggression. Darkest Hour

As the Decepticons were unable to find any corpses in the rubble, Megatron ordered worldwide surveillance, and even got an opportunity to test his new citadel's fusion cannons on some foolishly attacking humans. After having his original right arm reattached to replace the one Prime severed, Megatron contacted Agent Fowler, claiming to want to co-exist peacefully with humanity. With the continuing failure of Starscream to get any information out of the captive Wheeljack, Megatron sent Knock Out to Cybertron to search for the relics lost during the Omega Lock battle. He was pleased when Knock Out returned with the long lost Shockwave. Darkmount, NV Megatron appointed Shockwave his first lieutenant in charge of science. With failures mounting, including an aborted attempt by Starscream to track down the Autobots by freeing Wheeljack with a tracking device attached, Megatron's anger grew, leading Shockwave to bring to Earth a Predacon he had cloned. Scattered The beast was dispatched, but to Megatron's disappointment it returned empty-handed. Prey

"Right here - go on, right in the chest!"

Megatron was furious when Starscream scattered their troops in pursuit of phantom Autobot signals, shortly before Darkmount itself was attacked. The Decepticon leader cut short Ultra Magnus's attempt to assault the fusion cannon control room, and ordered the Autobots executed. Before this could be done, Optimus Prime turned up, comprehensively beating up Megatron and throwing him into the fusion cannon power core. Despite his protests, the other Decepticons dragged Megatron back to the Nemesis before the Autobots brought the citadel crashing to the ground. Rebellion

Instead the Decepticons turned their attentions to cloning, with Megatron ordering the creation of more Predacons. Project Predacon When the existing Predacon returned, Megatron ordered Starscream to take command of it. He later dispatched the beast and his first lieutenant to Scotland when a team searching for fossils there failed to report in. Chain of Command Megatron was displeased when it turned out Starscream had lost the Apex Armor, and was even less impressed when Starscream caused damage to the communications dish. Knock Out, at least, did not disappoint the Decepticon leader when he returned with another Predacon fossil. Plus One After some near-missteps in gathering the fossils required, Megatron hinted Shockwave should restrict himself to working in the laboratory in future. Project Predacon

Megatron discovered that Knock Out and Starscream had been experimenting with Synthetic Energon and had accidentally created a zombie-like plague. After the situation resulted in Airachnid being freed and the loss of the Insecticons, Megatron gave Knock Out orders to turn all of his experiments over to Shockwave, and reserved a special punishment for Starscream. Thirst

During a visit to Shockwave's off-site laboratory, Megatron was shocked to learn that the Predacon could transform and was intelligent enough to speak. Though Predaking affirmed he was loyal to Megatron, the Decepticon leader suspected that once Predaking discovered that the Predacons were superior to ordinary Decepticons, he would turn against them. The Decepticons quickly realized they'd need to terminate Shockwave's cloning process, and Starscream came up with a plan to pin it on the Autobots which succeeded splendidly. In the aftermath of the explosion, the Decepticons discovered that the Synthetic Energon stored in the lab had created Cybermatter. Evolution

With this discovery in mind, Megatron put Shockwave in charge of perfecting the Synthetic Energon formula, however they quickly realized that the Omega Lock would need to be repaired to allow for its targeted delivery, and that Ratchet would be needed to complete the formula. Megatron told Shockwave he had decided that Earth and Cybertron were two halves of the same coin, and he intended to rule both. As the Autobots continued to interfere in their plans, Megatron had Predaking take part in protecting the Vehicons, though he insisted it be done with the Predacon in beast mode. Minus One

After the Decepticons captured Ratchet and failed to extract the information they needed via cortical psychic patch, Megatron turned on the charm. Once he showed Ratchet the Omega Lock they'd reconstructed, the Autobot reluctantly agreed to help them. Persuasion Despite several missteps which he encouraged his men to correct, Megatron was pleased when the Synth-En formula was perfected, and promptly rewarded Ratchet by giving the Autobot to Predaking as a chew toy. Unfortunately Ratchet turned Predaking against him, and Megatron found himself facing the Predacon in combat. With some help from Starscream, Megatron defeated Predaking and expelled him from the ship, however the Decepticons then found their warship under attack from the Autobots. Synthesis

Megatron killed by... Bumblebee!? It could happen... ONLY ON THE HUUUUB!

Megatron intercepted Optimus Prime, damaging the Autobot's jet pack, and proceeded to duel with his foe atop the Omega Lock, all the while giving orders to Shockwave to prepare the Lock for firing. When Bumblebee attempted to pass Optimus the Star Saber, Megatron blasted the scout, killing him. He prepared to finish off Optimus as well, but Bumblebee was restored by the Omega Lock and ran Megatron through with the Star Saber. Megatron's lifeless body fell from the Omega Lock and plummeted Earthward. Deadlock

Seriously, how are you not Galvatron?

Megatron's body lay at the bottom of the ocean until it was revived and restructured by Unicron. Megatron found himself a prisoner in his own body, tortured by his new master and unable to do anything other than observe. Unicron returned to Cybertron, intending to destroy the planet and end Primus. Megatron tricked him into fighting Predaking, reasoning that if their shared body was damaged enough, Unicron would leave it; however, Unicron managed to beat Predaking and raised an army of Predacon Terrorcons with which to attack Cybertron's core. Megatron was only finally freed when Optimus tricked Unicron, drawing the dark god's anti-spark into a suitable container. Though Starscream believed Megatron would once again lead the Decepticons, Megatron had tasted oppression and no longer wished to inflict it, declaring the Decepticon movement dead and flying off. Predacons Rising

I may look like I need a bath now, but it’s better than getting thrown into Cybertron’s core screaming.

Titan Prime comic

The kiddy-friendly comics have Megatron giving piggy-back rides.

Under Megatron's leadership, the Decepticons conquered many city states including Kalis, Tarn, and Vos. When the time came to strike against Iacon, Megatron led a five-con team in under the cover of darkness to bomb the Iacon Energon Refinery. They had barely planted the first bomb when they were spotted and fired on. After the other three Decepticons were shot down, Megatron gave Soundwave a bomb and set about causing a distraction while his second-in-command went to plant it. When Soundwave was also shot down, Megatron flew into action, helping up the rest of his team and carrying Soundwave as they retreated under the cover of an exploding bomb. War Story

With a new plan, Megatron took Starscream to attack the NS Yamal, a Russian icebreaker near Antarctica. He intended to use a static lance to cause the ship's reactors to meltdown exposing energon deposits beneath the ice. Unfortunately Optimus got wind of the plan and came storming in. As Megatron detailed his plan during their one-on-one fight, Optimus took possession of the lance. Megatron attempted to take it back, only for Optimus to hit him with it. Ice Breaker

Megatron works part-time at the Autobot Hotel providing alarm calls.

Megatron and Soundwave somehow slipped some code into Invasionauts II to hypnotize Raf into opening the GroundBridge so they could send Vehicons through. Tinker, Tailor, Gamer, Spy! Irritated at Starscream's failure to end the Autobot problem, Megatron demanded his subordinate try and lure the Autobots into a trap instead for fruitlessly searching for them. All the President's 'Bots!

Now infuriated at his army being constantly bested by the Autobots, Megatron took the Nemesis to the Erta Ale volcano where he had his troops fight in a series of deathmatches to apply the principle of survival of the fittest. He forced Starscream to fight Fearstorm, and when Starscream won, seemed happy enough to let his lieutenant return to the ship. Megatron's Law After Bulkhead destroyed an energon store, Megatron had him captured and taken aboard the warship, where the Autobot was placed in the newly developed Ultra Prison. Megatron sneeringly informed Bulkhead that the prison would slowly wipe his mind, but it was Megatron who got the raw end of the deal when the Nemesis was badly damaged during the inevitable Autobot rescue. The Battle for Bulkhead

Intending to show the pitiful humans that their independence was only temporary, Megatron attempted to stage a media circus in which he destroyed the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately only Bumblebee and Optimus turned up, and though Megatron tried his best to wreck the statue, Optimus caused more damage to it in the process of defeating him than he did himself. Protecting the Lady

Leaving Starscream in charge of the Nemesis, Megatron returned to find it practically destroyed. He was met by Starscream, who told him the apparent course of events; some random Vehicon created an unauthorised Predacon clone, which ran amok, before Starscream bravely killed it. Starscream also had totally not faked video footage to prove it! Despite the Vehicon's protests, Megatron executed him. Starscream's Beast


Megatron occasionally takes time out from conquering the universe to...answer fan mail? He also sometimes seems confused about which multiverse he hails from, as he claimed he attacked Sentinel Mega-Mouth #1 and also explained why he wore a cowl in Dark of the Moon. Mega-Mouth #4 He also said he survived Dark of the Moon, after some fan asked how Megatron could be answering fan mail. Mega-Mouth #5

Tales of the Beast Hunters

After Soundwave intercepted a message pointing to a derelict starship containing weapons in the asteroid belt, Megatron and Predaking headed out to find it. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 2 They got there and found Bumblebee and Wheeljack about to make off with the weapons. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 4 After Optimus Prime joined the battle, Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 5 the ship began to explode, and Megatron plunged through the floor along with tons of debris. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 6

Injured, Megatron lay beneath the wreckage in the ship, using his damaged comms to monitor events on Earth. Finally his groping hands found an ancient weapon, which used the surrounding debris to repair and rebuild him. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 22 He returned to Earth and blasted the top off a mountain, Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 23 intending to make a preemptive strike against the Predacons. The Predacons promptly flew up to engage him in combat. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 24

Full of Fire!

Disgruntled at the lack of progress in Predacon cloning, Megatron complained to Shockwave, who revealed that the cloning had already borne fruit. Megatron was pleased, though not so much when Predaking and the five new Predacons returned having been defeated by the Autobots. He believed that the Autobots now knew the extent of the Predacon army, however Shockwave was quick to reveal that there were a whole lot more Predacon clones ready to go. Full of Fire!

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Once an idealistic young miner, Megatron was forced into the gladiatorial ring, which eventually lead him to become the brutal and ruthless leader of the Decepticons. He once crushed the Autobot Bumper's legs with his tank mode. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Though Megatron was nowhere to be seen, a statue of him was erected on the reborn Cybertron. Pilot (Part 1) After Cyclonus's Decepticon cell had taken over the High Council, they began making preparations for Megatron's return, either unaware of, or unwilling to believe, the former gladiator renouncing conquest. Freedom Fighters

As he had "helped save the universe from Starscream, Megatron, and Dark Energon," Bumblebee refused to be defeated by Bisk. More than Meets the Eye Fixit once thought a map looked like Megatron's face. W.W.O.D.? During their battle, Drift mistook Megatronus for Megatron. Battlegrounds, Part 2 Megatron was "light years away" by the time Soundwave managed to escape the Shadowzone. Portals

As the High Council's plans neared completion, they genetically engineered a quartet of Activator Mini-Cons to help free Soundwave from the Shadowzone, with the intent that the communication chief summon Megatron so he could lead the Decepticons back to glory. The Bee Team thwarted Soundwave, however. Upon confronting the High Council, the Decepticons combined into Galvatronus who decided that the Decepticon Empire would be reborn and thriving for whenever Megatron returned. Collateral Damage Freedom Fighters

2015 Robots in Disguise books

An Energon thief came to Megatron's attention and joined the Decepticon army as Deadlock. Drift's Samurai Showdown

Commercial appearances

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English)
  • During the war on Cybertron, Megatron had to briefly leave the battlefield, and left Shockwave in charge. Shockwave took the opportunity to order Soundwave to transform into his boombox mode and play "The Touch" while he blasted Autobots. Gamestop Exclusive TV spot
  • Megatron, Dan, and Pinkie Pie sang a collaborative group song while the scene quickly shifted between a variety of strange alternate universes. The Hub summer promo 2011
Megatron is on the right
One wonders where exactly the other Care Bear came from.
  • Megatron declared the Hub his in a commercial for a marathon of Prime season 1 and 2, Darkest Hour promo doing certain Hub-focused jokes and gags before the commercial breaks during the marathon. One such segment showed his home movies, during which reminisced on how young he looked back then and mocked Soundwave's dated choice of alt mode. In other commercials for the marathon, it is revealed that out of all the radio transmissions in the universe, the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic theme is his favorite song, Megatron's Favorite Song and that he has been working on new transformations, demonstrating his ability to transform into Funshine Bear, a Care Bear, much to his humiliation. Megatron Transforms into a Care Bear Also during the marathon; he commented on how his favorite reason that transformers were superior to humans was that transformers didn't need bathroom breaks. He also commented that the one thing he doesn't get about Autobots is their continuation of transforming into land-based vehicles (not complaining, just observing). He also expressed bewilderment over the way Americans elect their leader through democratic means, rather than just killing off the competition like he would do. He also apologized to ALF for pre-empting his show, allowing the program to air at a later date under his regime. The only humans that Megatron admitted to liking were those that cower before him and Dan, due to his anger.
  • Despite Megatron's might, Raf judged him inferior to Time Warner Cable's ability to transmit Transformers: Prime on laptop, tablet and smartphone computers, as demonstrated by a device which switched between all three forms. Time Warner Cable: Competiton
  • While lounging around the Nemesis, Megatron answered questions about his personal life, took requests from fans, and offered advice to the disillusioned and directionless. He shot down one girl who asked him to the prom, told a guy that the best way to get noticed by chicks is to transform into a jet, suggested that pound cake is the most superior of all baked desserts, and revealed that his ideal form of relaxation involves drawing Rainbow Dash fanart. Ask Megatron
  • Megatron narrated A Visit from St. Nicholas for his troops, which was interrupted by three Vehicons discussing the stirring practices of mice. Megatron threatened to put them on the naughty list. 30-Second Holiday Special: "Decepticon Holidays: Naughty List" Megatron shouted down several Vehicons singing about figgy pudding. 30-Second Holiday Special: "Decepticon Holidays: Pudding" An Insecticon had direct orders from Megatron to send whoever decorated the Nemesis in holiday lights to the North Pole. 30-Second Holiday Special: "Decepticon Holidays: Holiday Schmoliday"


Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English), Oliviero Corbetta (Italian), Juan Carlos Lozano (Spanish), Bruno Carna (French), Jacek Jasiński (Polish)
He wants the whooole wooorld, in his hand!

During the early war on Cybertron, Megatron found reference to an energy source called Dark Energon, which had impressive potential as a weapon, and became determined to claim it for himself. One of the few places it was made was in a station in orbit around Cybertron, guarded by a politically neutral force led by Starscream. With this knowledge, he took a ship and launched an assault on the station.

The ship was badly damaged in the attack, and so he ordered Barricade and Brawl, piloting it, to ram the station. He and many of his soldiers survived the impact and escaped the core's detonation. They were then confronted by Starscream, who informed them that they would not allow them to take what he had guarded for ten thousand years. After surviving a trap of sentry guns, Megatron, Barricade, and Brawl were reinforced by more of Megatron's troops, and set out on their way to find the station's Dark Energon stores and claim them for the war effort. They encountered significant resistance, but managed to shoot their way through, with directional aid from Soundwave. Barricade noted that the station itself seemed quite primitive; Megatron noted it was very old, and that he intended to modernize it. At one point, the Seeker Jetfire confronted Megatron nonviolently, asking him to give up his quest, as Dark Energon would result in only horror, death, and destruction, to which Megatron sneered, "You say that as if it were a bad thing."

At last we meet, my punching bag.

Along their way to the Dark Energon, they found that a large portion of the station had been blasted clean off, the debris field traversable but sparse enough to allow easy viewing of Cybertron itself. Soundwave soon found records indicating that a small amount of Dark Energon lost containment and was the sole cause of the destruction, underscoring Megatron's desire for it. When Barricade asked how he expected to control it when no other had, Megatron said that such power was only for the strong, that he was the strongest, and not to question him again.

When they finally reached the storage chamber, and Megatron averted Starscream's destruction of it, he calmly entered into a container full of raw Dark Energon, while Starscream watched and gloated at his imminent destruction...only for him to walk out, not only unscathed, but crackling with power, which he further bestowed upon Barricade and Brawl. A single blast of Dark Energon was enough to destroy an entire company of station security forces, the last line of defense between Megatron and Starscream and his companions.

Jetfire again tried to warn Megatron about the dangers of Dark Energon, but Starscream interrupted, asking to join the Decepticon leader. Megatron asked what Starscream could offer that he could not simply take. Starscream revealed the station's supply of Dark Energon was almost spent, and he knew how to manufacture more—and as luck would have it, there was a dormant Geosynchronous Energon Bridge which could be used to power it. Jetfire retreated to inform Zeta Prime; Megatron let him go, seeming pleased by the notion of letting the Autobots tremble in advance of their actions, and sent Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp to activate the bridge.

Megatron repeatedly mocked what he perceived as Starscream's slowness in his simple mission, but the Seeker did what he said he could. With a steady supply of Dark Energon, Megatron launched an attack on Iacon City, intending to take a device called the Omega Key and use it to enter the Core of Cybertron. This time, he took Breakdown and Soundwave with him. The trio took the less-guarded way in—which, since the Autobots were not complete fools (as even Megatron would admit), still had significant military presence. During the attack, Starscream noted that Dark Energon was proving every bit as potent as Megatron had promised. Breakdown let Megatron know of his misgivings about the Sky Commander; Megatron admitted he was treacherous and untrustworthy, but he had useful talents, and his cunning and ambition was intriguing.

The Omega Key had been taken from its normal resting place, however, by Autobot leader Zeta Prime, and so Megatron took his squad on an assault on Zeta's headquarters. They met Brawl, leading an attack on the doors to Zeta Prime's armory, along the way. Even Megatron's touch of Dark Energon could not breach the vault doors, however, and so he called in Dark Energon Bombers. When they were shot down, Brawl suggested they take out the Autobots' air defense guns, after which bombers were called in again; Megatron's troops then held off a massive assault from what seemed like the entire Autobot army while waiting for the bombing run to finally arrive.

Zeta Prime, you might be more egotistical than me. I mean really, a huge holographic version of you and smaller holograms doing what you can't do without your pointy stick thing?

After the vault doors were breached, they reached Zeta Prime himself, who had constructed several layers of security while he waited. An invincible energy field protected him, while he could drop portions of the ceiling with pistons to crush anything beneath them, and construct endless holographic clones of himself outfitted for melee combat, which Megatron personally found nauseating. However, his defenses were not without flaw: periodically, the power core would need to disperse waste heat, and Megatron's team survived long enough to destroy it during this stage. Zeta fell, buried under the wreckage of his own defenses, and Megatron took the device he'd carried...which started to make electronic chirping noises. Zeta, with dark humor, noted that the device was not the Omega Key. It merely activated the Key, which would come to them...

Searching for the Key in the skies aboard another ship, Megatron, with Soundwave and Breakdown at the controls, were abruptly confronted by a massive ship, Omega Supreme, who knocked them out of the sky, causing them to crash back in Iacon. There, they played a cat-and-mouse campaign in a desperate attempt to survive the enormous Autobot's vast firepower, though Soundwave noted that the weaponry they bore had little chance of penetrating Omega Supreme's armor. Megatron, for his part, at least contrived to appear unafraid, claiming that if it came to a real fight, the brute wouldn't stand a chance against Megatron's intellect. However, Omega's attacks drove them underground and left them unable to immediately transmit counter to Starscream, who declared Megatron dead and announced he was taking control. Even when they re-established contact, Starscream's aerial forces only briefly distracted Omega, who dispensed large numbers of troops, sucked up Decepticons with a tractor beam, fired weapons of mass destruction, and mined the roads Megatron and his squad were using.

"I challenge you to a thumb wrestling competition!"
"That's a thumb!?"

Soundwave, however, had come up with a suggestion—there were weapons emplacements higher up that had the ability to damage Omega Supreme. Taking them from the Autobots was a battle in and of itself, but nothing compared to the fight against Omega Supreme, who could unload entire squadrons of Aerialbots. Nonetheless, Megatron's boldness and tactical acumen finally shot Omega Supreme out of the sky.

I stand on your crotch!

Gloating, Megatron found that the behemoth was still not defeated, and indeed was drawing power from Cybertron itself to repair his systems, making him stronger, if anything. However, by corrupting the energon batteries with which he was using to feed himself with Dark Energon charges, they were able to weaken him to the point where they could finally blast away his last defenses and brought him to heel. With Omega Supreme defeated, Megatron went underground, directly to the Core, and corrupted it with a massive infusion of Dark Energon, finally bringing Cybertron itself more completely under his control.

At this point, Megatron was clearly convinced, and for good reason, that he'd won, making propaganda broadcasts extolling his greatness and how he had taken away the Autobots' burdens of "liberty" and "choice". When Starscream was defeated and the Decagon retaken, however, he realized the Autobots were not yet going to roll over for him, and sent a distress signal from Zeta Prime, whom he had kept alive in the Kaon prison camp, in order to provoke a rescue attempt from the Autobots. His old acquaintance Optimus took the bait, and Megatron confronted him, telling him that the war could be over tomorrow if Optimus took the Autobots and left. Optimus refused, so Megatron consigned him and his team to the prisons. When they managed to stage a mass breakout, an enraged Megatron ordered his troops to prevent their escape at any cost, to the point of tearing apart portions of Kaon.

This was not enough, however, and they escaped, journeying to the Core, where they kickstarted the cleansing of Megatron's corruption. Doing so, however, would take the Core millions of years of shutdown, rendering Cybertron uninhabitable. Whether Megatron knew this or not, when he saw the Autobots leaving after Optimus's refusal of his earlier offer, he apparently took offense. His earlier plans of renovating Starscream's station had come to fruition; now, it mounted a powerful superweapon, capable of destroying entire structures in one shot. He had it fire upon the Autobot transports as they left. When a team of Aerialbots attempted to disable or destroy it, he called Jetfire, now one of them, and taunted him about his past. He further mocked them when they destroyed the plasma coolant system without apparently having accounted for backups. Finally, during the attack he came into possession of information on Optimus Prime's location, and ordered Trypticon—the name of the weapon, for it was actually a Cybertronian—to fire upon it.

Trypticon, however, was forced into his natural form and defeated after he crash-landed on Cybertron. Megatron's reaction to this went unrecorded. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Simple enough... OH GOD BULLETS.

Megatron was the Decepticon Leader during the final days of the Great War. After capturing an Autobot facility, and killing a cadet, Megatron revealed his plan to his troops. Megatron intended to conquer Trypticon Space Station, which had the means and power to manufacture Dark Energon: a variant of Energon which greatly increased the stamina and strength of its host. Megatron fought his way through the station to its commander, the Autobot Starscream. Upon Starscream's defeat, Starscream offered his services and the Dark Energon if he was spared. Megatron agreed, and Starscream joined the Decepticons.

After a test run of the Dark Energon in Kaon Prison, Soundwave deduced the element would only kill the host, but Starscream was able to find a way to fix it. Megatron then decided the time was right, and led his army to the inner levels of Cybertron. He was able to activate the uplink to channel energy from the Core of Cybertron itself to Trypticon Station, but he needed the Omega Key to access it once it was shut down with a firewall.

Megatron learned through a recording from Laserbeak that Autobot Leader Zeta Prime had the Omega Key in his possession and had holed up deep within Iacon. Megatron led a full-scale assault on the city, totally devastating Iacon, until he found Zeta Prime at last. After a hard battle, Zeta fell, and Megatron obtained the Omega Key. However, immediately upon taking it, alarms went off, and Iacon itself was shaking. Zeta Prime, despite being mortally wounded, laughed at Megatron's face, saying the Omega Key was only the key to the true key: the city-sized Autobot Omega Supreme.

Omega immediately attacked the victorious Decepticons, and quickly decimated their presence in Iacon, save for Megatron's team and a few others. By this point, Megatron was absolutely furious at Starscream: Megatron declared it was he who led them to Omega Supreme and the devastating onslaught he carried out. Starscream bitterly retorted even if Megatron killed him, Omega Supreme would still be out for his blood, helping nothing whatsoever. Megatron angrily let it go for the time being, and led his army to battle. His troops' confidence beginning to falter, Megatron declared they would either be kicking themselves for not acting for the rest of their lives, or heroes in a historic event. His men followed him to battle Omega, and the titan fell. Megatron was free to corrupt the Core of Cybertron with Dark Energon, and obtain near-supremacy of Cybertron.

That kind of went downhill when the new Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, extinguished the Dark Energon and destroyed Trypticon Space Station, didn't it? War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English), Oliviero Corbetta (Italian)

Early in the war, when the Autobots learned of the existence of the orbiting superweapon Trypticon, Megatron sent waves of Decepticon forces to keep them from discovering more about it. Megatron, happy to see the destruction Trypticon was creating, ordered Starscream and Skywarp at gunpoint to return to Trypticon and clean up after it, while he took his troops into battle to scour the area for Autobots to kill. Few Autobots other than the medic, Ratchet, were spared Megatron's initial assault.

When Megatron found out that Starscream had left his post at Trypticon, Megatron grew angry. But the Autobots had infiltrated the Datacore, so Megatron focused his efforts there instead. Bumblebee was captured, and information useful for the taking of Iacon was pulled from his mind. Megatron assigned Skywarp the task of the initial Iacon assault. The traitorous Starscream returned to Megatron's focus, and the Air Commander was ordered to infiltrate the Core of Cybertron to reactivate the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge. But Starscream took too long, discovering Megatron had already reached the Core by the time he arrived. In a foul mood, Megatron would test Starscream's loyalty by putting him on the Iacon assault's front lines.

The assault went as planned, and Iacon crumbled. As Barricade and Starscream reached an empty Council Chamber, Megatron alerted them to the evacuation of the surviving Autobots. Three Autobot ships positioned themselves to escape, and so Megatron ordered Thundercracker and Skywarp to take them down.

Though Iacon fell, the Trypticon orbiting superweapon was destroyed by the Autobots... but not before Megatron ripped the datacore from its brain so as to salvage its information on Dark Energon. Megatron was pleased. Despite his loss, he still had the upper hand. Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English)
Seriously, Soundwave, where is my fusion cannon?! It was in your remodeling designs, for crying out loud...

When Cybertron had begun to die following the Core's shutdown, Megatron blamed Optimus Prime, as he was the one who had ruined his plans for the planet. Megatron launched an attack on Iacon in order to destroy the Ark and get revenge. While commanding the battle from beneath one of his Warp Cannons, he sent Starscream, Onslaught and Brawl to capture Optimus and bring him before him. As Megatron executed two Autobots before his Optimus's eyes, Optimus pleaded that they only wanted to leave Cybertron, but Megatron wasn't going to allow him. As the Warp Cannon prepared to destroy both the Ark, and the Decepticon leader to do the same to the Autobot leader, the newly awakened Metroplex tore the roof off of the building they were in. Refusing to retreat, Megatron fired at the colossus, only to be pulverized by the giant Autobot's fist.

Due to Megatron's death, Starscream took control of the Decepticons and proceeded to run the organization into the ground by wasting resources and his failure to inspire the troops. Unhappy with the change in management, Soundwave salvaged what was left of Megatron, rebuilt him into a new form in his Kaon laboratory, and reactivated him with a Dark Energon infusion. After awakening, Megatron was enraged to see that Starscream was in control, and then proceeded to crash Starscream's coronation ceremony. Slaughtering the Seeker's loyalists, Megatron turned on Starscream and drove him off. Shockwave arrived to inform him of the space bridge technology he had discovered and an energy-rich planet for them to plunder, and they required a suitable power source for a transport to take them.

Due to Starscream's self-indulgence, the Decepticons's energon supply was dwindling, forcing Megatron to find more power. He decided to retrieve the power core from the fallen Trypticon and while doing so, he happily "reintroduced" himself to the Autobots. After arriving at Trypticon's crash site, he realized the beast was still alive and had Soundwave revitalize him. Megatron didn't know or care whether or not Trypticon was still sentient or not, but told the beast that since he had failed him, he would be rebuilt to Megatron's liking. Megatron then told Soundwave to initiate the "Nemesis Protocol" and permanently lock Trypticon in his alternate form: a transport ship which they would use to traverse the Space Bridge.

The Nemesis was quickly completed and the Space Bridge opened, and Megatron decided to leave Shockwave in charge of Cybertron in his absence. However, one of Shockwave's experiments destroyed the tower, which reduced the time they have to reach the Space Bridge before it closed. Sending in Soundwave to lead his forces on the Ark, Megatron confronted Optimus and the two fought. Megatron prepared a devastating blow to his enemy with a cannon, only for Bumblebee to take the shot for Optimus. Their battle reignited, the two leaders traded blows with swords, causing heavy damage to one another. But before a final blow could be delivered by either one of them, the Ark crumbled under the Space Bridge's force, and while Megatron shouted in anger, both ships were drawn through. Fall of Cybertron

Megatron also appears in the game's 'Escalation' mode. He fights alongside Shockwave, Soundwave, and Starscream, on the 'Oblivion' map. He is the team's Tank.

Transformers: Prime - The Game

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Bruno Carna (French), Juan Carlos Lozano (Castilian Spanish)
I think I'll force a servant of Unicron about ten times my size to serve me. That won't go horribly wrong at all.

Megatron was present when the Decepticons were hauling in an asteroid rich with Dark Energon heading toward Earth. When the Autobots came to stop them, he decided to take matters into his own hands by going toe-to-toe with Optimus again. After they exchanged some wedding vows and got to dancing, the asteroid exploded and interrupted their fight. Megatron managed to survive by flying away, witnessing his enemies fall to Earth. Swiftly, Megatron commanded Starscream to organize a scouting team to retrieve the fallen Autobots.

Megatron was present when Optimus awoke to fight Thunderwing. Megatron commenced an attack on the Autobot with the Nemesis, but once the Autobot escaped, he quickly turned his attention to the giant in the asteroid. After an analysis by Knock Out, Megatron reasoned with the herald of Unicron by promising all of his missing components being returned to him if and only if he swore his undying allegiance to him. As such, Megatron and Starscream arrived at one location to retrieve a component while Dreadwing parted to another. While on their mission, Megatron and Starscream managed to run into their old pals Optimus & Bulkhead. Starscream took his fight to the bulk, leaving Megatron to battle his old foe once again. Megatron was somewhat defeated, but managed to retrieve the component.

Megatron witnessed Starscream attach the component to Thunderwing, and the two were surprised when Thunderwing continued to serve Unicron, even after their deal. Thunderwing attempted to destroy Megatron before making his escape, but he used Starscream as protection. Throwing his commander on the ground like scrap, he pursued Thunderwing only to meet with the Autobots again. Megatron managed to make sport of Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead, but his third and final battle with Optimus resulted in his ultimate defeat. He vengefully tried to stab Optimus when offered mercy, only to be left open and seemingly destroyed by a blast from the arriving Thunderwing. Transformers: Prime - The Game

Transformers Online

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers Online

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Rise of the Dark Spark (console), Rise of the Dark Spark (3DS)

Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

Megatron and his Eradicons infiltrated the Autobots' headquarters. They then used Scraplets to discombobulate the base's systems. Bulkhead then came along, removed the Scraplets from the headquarters' systems, and defeated Megatron. Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

Transformers Prime: Terrorcon Defense

Megatron threw wave after wave of Vehicons at the Autobots in the hopes of amassing massive amounts of Dark Energon, before launching an assault on the Autobot headquarters. He was defeated by Optimus Prime and Arcee. Terrorcon Defense

Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Megatron and his Decepticons built an Energon Drain weapon, which would render them unstopable if left unopposed. Optimus Prime and his Autobots intervened, and destroyed the weapon. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Transformers Prime: Decepticon Strike

After the bulk of his troops, and many Vehicons had faced off against Optimus Prime, Megatron took on the Autobot leader himself. Megatron had access to a personal forcefield and powerful energy blasts throughout the battle, and would alternate between his robot and vehicle mode to fight both on the ground and above it. The stack the odds even more in his favor, Megatron was assisted by some of his troops, including Airachnid, Breakdown and Shockwave. Despite all of this, Optimus managed to defeat Megatron, and he was sent fleeing, proclaiming that Optimus had only succeeded in winning a small battle that was part of a greater war. Decepticon Strike

Transformers Universe

Went from shark-face to scowl-face
Voice actor: Frank Welker (English)

At some point during the Autobot-Decepticon war, Optimus Prime went missing. Megatron and his Decepticons searched the universe for the Autobot leader, but met heavy resistance from the Autobots, who fought to keep their leader's location a secret.

He appears in-game only as a hologram displayed in the Leviathan, Switchblade's ship. Transformers Universe

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Megatron (WFC) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character available as a reward in the "Cybertron Episode 1" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics


Main article: Megatron (WFC)/toys



Too fast for screen caps.
Green With Evil.
It's like War for Cybertron and Animated were put in a blender.
  • Megatron's model is usable in War for Cybertron multiplayer as the Destroyer-type chassis for Soldier-class characters. His parts are also available in Fall of Cybertron, now classified as Gunner-type components for Titan-class characters.
  • Megatron's designation as an energon miner was "D-16".[2] Megatron's original Japanese ID number was "16". Takara would eventually change the numbering system using a "D" to denote Destrons. So Megatron's Japanese ID number could retroactively be considered "D-16".
  • According to the packing bio for the Cybertronian Megatron toy, Megatron often changes his alternate mode. This was probably written in an attempt to explain why he goes from turning into a tank in the video games to turning into a jet in the cartoon.
    • The Prime staff used the rationale that Megatron, unlike other Decepticons, would not scan an Earth mode out of disgust at humans.[3]
  • In War for Cybertron, Megatron has multiple glitches when controlled by the computer, among them shrinking (quite hilariously), losing his Fusion Cannon, and having his Tank mode cannon stick straight up (also humorous). He may be the most glitchy character in the game.
  • Prime Megatron takes visual cues from both Generation 1 Megatron—the ever-famous buckethead and lower legs resembling a pistol's handgrip—and "Movie series" Megatron—the sharp angles and bits on his shoulders, two-toed feet, a demonic-looking face with sharp shark-like teeth, and even a Cybertronian jet mode. The G1 reference goes further with Welker's casting, but with a darker tone leaning more towards Hugo Weaving's portrayal as a movieverse cue (Welker would later deepen this tone for Age of Extinction and The Last Knight).
  • Megatron's body parts are available to use in the Hub website's Vector Sigma Bot Builder online game. Normally, you cannot configure a generic 'bot using all Megatron parts, but you can see what one would look like at right through the magic of Photoshop.
  • A running gag in the advertisements shows that the Decepticon Lord is actually a brony in secret. Soundwave is the only one who knows, and seems to share his leader's taste for My Little Pony.
  • A note in the "Autobits" edition of Darkmount, NV states that he enjoys online cat videos.
  • Megatron had concept art made for him for the Robots in Disguise cartoon.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Megatron (メガトロン Megatoron), Megatronus (メガトロナス Megatoronasu)
  • Mandarin: Megaton (Taiwan, 密卡登 Mìkǎdēng), Wēi Zhèn Tīan (China, 威震天, lit. "Extremely Prestigious" or "Heaven-shaking Might")


  1. Megatron was an abbreviation, so it'd be easier for the masses to chant his name; Transformers: Exodus, Chapter 3
  2. War for Cybertron timeline.
  3. BotCon 2010 Transformers Prime Panel Coverage
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