Shockwave (WFC)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Shockwave" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Shockwave (disambiguation). |
- Shockwave is a Decepticon from the Aligned continuity family.
Shockwave was a member of the scientist caste in the industrial city of Kaon. In a reversal of the usual order, he was swayed by the ambitions of the former mining caste member turned gladiator Megatron. Serving as Megatron's "pet mad scientist" and second-in-command, he saw to the fighter's armament during his rise to prominence, all the while fantasizing on the prospect of mass producing such warriors. Thankfully, Megatron's more practical nature reined in Shockwave as the movement which became the Decepticons finally moved out of the shadows.
Shockwave naturally only serves his one true master: logic. He's willing to ignore petty squabbles and jabs at him, and will only do what he finds logical. Megatron is pleased by his dedication and his competence stemming from it, starkly contrasting with the egotistical and gloating Starscream. His passive nature to goings-on around him may paint him as apathetic, but whoever believes that is writing their death warrant. Shockwave is as brutal and fierce as any Decepticon warrior, and has the strength and durability to withstand everything from explosions to Autobot assault. He does not take well to attempts on his life or his experiments failing or being tampered with. Primus help you if you actually do break his seemingly eternal calm.
The Covenant of Primus
Shockwave emerged from the Well of All Sparks sometime during or prior to the Age of Wrath. Shockwave was among the earliest rebels to oppose their Quintesson "masters", and he rejected both the invaders and their puppet government. Shockwave's genius led him to be the first Cybertronian able to translate the Quintesson language.
Even after the fall of the Quintessons, Shockwave remained on the outskirts of Cybertronian civilization, never taking any official position with the government or its council, despite his brilliance. He eventually became a member of Megatron's Decepticons as war broke out against the Autobots. After the Ark departed, Megatron left Shockwave behind to oversee Cybertron in his stead.
Shockwave's brilliant but unhinged mind caused him to see other Cybertronians and society itself as a Petri dish for his experiments. He was responsible for creating a new underclass of Cybertronians known as the Forged, test subjects so mentally and physically damaged by his experiments that they forgot their original designations. Shockwave worked with his Insecticon swarms and also was responsible for creating the Dinobots. He restored the only remaining Space bridge on Cybertron, powering it to warp space and time in order to look back on Earth during the Cretaceous Era as inspiration for his experiments. Covenant of Primus
Aligned novels
Shockwave was a scientist who lived on the fringes of Cybertronian society, admitting to Orion Pax he knew little of Iacon. He was one of the scientists whose innovations allowed the mass production of stressed-crystal material used to build Crystal City. There he began his combiner experiments, creating Bruticus Maximus, whose lack of intelligence in combined form made him a danger to friend and foe, and he was put in stasis lock. Shockwave moved to Kaon, becoming a surgeon for the gladiators, where he met Megatronus. He continued his combination experiments with the three Insecticons, whom Megatronus bested in combat: it was in this match that the crowd chanted a shorter name for the gladiator, Megatron. Megatron recognized two things about Shockwave: that he was bereft of any morality or ethics, and that while he was his most loyal ally, he would turn on him one day.
During the Autobot-Decepticon war, Shockwave perfected his experiments with the Constructicons, creating a Devastator which was unleashed on Crystal City. Shockwave set up a laboratory in the ruins but was ordered to take command of the newly conquered city state Tarn. Autobot sympathizers became fodder for experiments, while Shockwave's forces conquered Vos. He quelled dissent in both cities by requesting Vos' Air Commanders photon missile strike Tarn, for which he claimed the Autobots were responsible, and then had a photon missile strike (of supposedly unknown origin) ordered on Vos, killing the Air Commanders whose true loyalty lay with Starscream.
When the Decepticons captured Trypticon Station, Shockwave oversaw two of Starscream's scientists ingest Dark Energon: the powerful result activated a security gyro-inhibitor charge which rendered Shockwave unconscious. Shockwave later subjected the two subjects to a deprivation study, and found it necessary to muzzle them as the duo agonized as a result of Dark Energon's absence in their bodies. Shockwave also used the Sparks of those killed in the capture to turn Trypticon into a Decepticon, able to spawn drones and Minicons in its corridors.
Shockwave remained on Cybertron in command of the Decepticons, while Megatron left with his elite soldiers on the Nemesis to pursue the Autobot Ark. Shockwave promised Megatron that Cybertron would remain as he left it, the notion of which Megatron chastised. He ordered Shockwave to rebuild Cybertron and enslave the remaining Autobots. Exodus
On Cybertron, Shockwave established his rule out of the remains of Iacon, building a massive Tower of Shockwave as his personal citadel. Although he employed Ratbat and other Decepticons ostensibly to patrol the city, in reality Shockwave preferred chaos in the streets to continue producing new variables for him to explore and exploit.
Shockwave eventually decided to seize the historian, Alpha Trion, and use him for his experiments. Shockwave recognized Alpha Trion as a Prime, one of the original Thirteen, and thought to use the old bot's systems to gain access to the Vector Sigma super-computer. However, Shockwave was unaware that his data-tracs had been remotely hacked by the Quintessons, who intended to use his work with Alpha Trion to instead repower the space bridge, allowing their invading army to arrive from Aquatron.
Shockwave recognized his mistake far too late, and General Tyrannicon led an army of Sharkticons to Cybertron. Despite his best efforts, even Devastator and Omega Supreme failed to defend Shockwave's rule. He hoped to loot the Hall of Records for weapons or artifacts, only to discover Alpha Trion had jettisoned them into space long before. Fortunately, the actions of Megatron across the galaxy on Aquatron ended the threat of the Sharkticons for him. Retribution
Cartoon continuity
IDW Aligned comics
Shockwave had been put in charge of a remote Decepticon base in the middle of the Sea of Rust, where he was to oversee a reportedly unlimited source of Energon, a potentially amazing advantage in the waning days of the war for Cybertron. Swoop had been dispatched to investigate this mysterious Energon-rich Decepticon base when he overheard a conversation between Shockwave and Starscream. Starscream was concerned that Shockwave's attentions were diverted away from the Energon discovery and was wasting his talents on examining the Insecticons he'd discovered and the "cosmic secrets" he had learned. Shockwave's Insecticon horde discovered Swoop's presence, and the Autobot was captured. Secrets
Predictably, the other members of Swoop's Autobot team, the Lightning Strike Coalition Force arrived in hopes of retrieving Swoop. Shockwave confronted the four and boasted that this action on their part was central to his plans. The Lightning Strike Coalition Force would make "perfect test subjects" for his experiments, Siege Mentality and as their leader, Grimlock, fought back, Shockwave thanked him for not alerting Optimus Prime of their whereabouts. The five would be fashioned into the ultimate weapon for the Decepticon cause! He then quickly fell Grimlock with surgeon-like precision, all the while gloating that the Coalition's absence from the front lines would allow the Decepticons to easily take Autobot City from Optimus Prime's control. Last Stand
Shockwave was waiting when Grimlock awoke, strung up in his laboratory. He explained that he had discovered ancient Transformers technology, a bridge that could traverse both space and time. This "space bridge" had offered him a glimpse of many worlds, but most relevantly Shockwave had seen into the past of a certain small blue planet where amazing and terrible creatures once stalked its lands. Fragmentation Beast Hunters #3 Having already experimented in recreating dinosaurs organically in the past, Shockwave went to work reconstructing the Dinobots in their image. Beast Hunters #4 As Shockwave's machinery took Grimlock apart, he told the Autobot that he and his team would be rebuilt into weapons for the Decepticons. Fragmentation As Grimlock was being reformed, through his pain he saw visions of the future, of being unwittingly unleashed by Starscream and ultimately taking his revenge on Shockwave. Shockwave quelled these visions by breaking into Grimlock's mind, reducing the once fiercely intelligent leader to nothing but a feral berserker. Fall
The events in Grimlock's vision came to pass nonetheless, and Shockwave was left battered by the Dinobot as they escaped from him. Rage of the Dinobots #4
After Optimus Prime and Megatron's group of warriors had left the planet, Shockwave remained behind and fashioned a new faction known as Forged. He commanded this group through Ser-Ket, a former Decepticon whom he had experimented on and granted a draconic Predacon altmode. Rage of the Dinobots #2 Ser-Ket reported to Shockwave after the Forged had captured Ultra Magnus, Rage of the Dinobots #1 an event that led to the Forged base being attacked by Grimlock's Dinobots, who killed Ser-Ket. Sending a remote-control avatar drone in time to witness the battle, Shockwave didn't think much of his underling's death, explaining to the Dinobots that she had overestimated her role in his machinations. Rage of the Dinobots #3 By strategic use of a force field and an EMP grenade, he defeated the Dinobots and brought them to one of his labs to finish what he had started by purging them of their sentience once and for all. As he began to work on Grimlock, however, the other Dinobots broke out of captivity and ripped his avatar to pieces. The real Shockwave then contacted them via hologram to let them know they had only destroyed one of many avatars in one of many labs, but one day they might come face to face with the real deal once again. Rage of the Dinobots #4
Prime cartoon
- Voice actor: David Sobolov (English), Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Liu Beichen (Chinese), Ja-hyeong Gu (Korean), Gergely Horváth-Töreki (Hungarian), Uli Krohm (German), Jorge Badillo (Latin American Spanish), Luis Vicente Ivars (Castilian Spanish), Jussi Wahlgren (Finnish, season 2), Osku Ärilä (Finnish, season 3), Jari Salo (Finnish, "Predacons Rising"), Bruno Bulté (French), Jean-Marc Delhausse (French, a few episodes in season 3), Maurizio Trombini (Italian), Mauro Castro (Brazilian Portuguese)
During the War for Cybertron, Shockwave cloned a small army of Predacons and had them micro-chipped so he could track them at all times. On Megatron's orders, he dispatched them to Earth to destroy the Autobots stationed there and secure any energon they could find. Project Predacon
While most of the population left Cybertron during the Great Exodus, Shockwave stayed behind. He spent his time building and scavenging technology, and managed to reverse-engineer space bridge technology. His efforts had come to fruition when Starscream, while delivering Energon to power the bridge, brought him an encrypted Autobot transmission along with two prisoners, Arcee and Cliffjumper. By using his own invention, the cortical psychic patch, on Arcee, Shockwave gained the codes to decrypt the transmission, revealing it to be a message from Optimus Prime calling the Autobots to Earth. He later found the two Autobots sabotaging the space bridge, and was buried in rubble during the ensuing fight. After he dug himself out, he followed them into the space bridge and was only stopped when Arcee hit his optical sensor. Caught inside the space bridge as it exploded, Out of the Past Shockwave found himself back on the abandoned planet Cybertron, blinded. He repaired his injuries and continued his experiment, using recovered CNA to clone a Predacon.
Years later, Shockwave detected the energy surge caused by the Omega Lock and went to investigate, encountering Knock Out who had come on an unrelated mission. Scattered Shockwave returned with him to Earth, where Megatron had created a fortress. Darkmount, NV Megatron appointed Shockwave his first lieutenant in charge of science. With Starscream's interrogation of Wheeljack failing to yield results, Shockwave attempted a cortical psychic patch, but was similarly unable to gain any information. The continuing failure to track down the scattered Autobots led Shockwave to reveal the fruits of his cloning work—a huge Predacon. Scattered Shockwave gave the creature a whiff of Wheeljack's energon before unleashing it, however it eventually returned empty-handed. Prey
When Darkmount came under attack, Shockwave suggested unleashing the Predacon, only for the beast to be defeated moments after it entered battle. Though Starscream took the opportunity to get some mocking in, Shockwave simply turned and jumped his way down the outside of the fortress before defeating the Autobots himself. The victory was short-lived, as once Optimus Prime turned up, the Autobots turned on their captor. Despite holding his own against them, Shockwave retreated through a GroundBridge once the citadel was destroyed. Rebellion
Shockwave then began retrieving Predacon remains from the clones previous sent to Earth, so that he could clone them again and form a new army of Predacons. Project Predacon When the Predacon returned safe and well to the Nemesis, Shockwave was content for Megatron to place it under Starscream's command. Chain of Command While he was retrieving Predacon remains in Texas, he was attacked by Smokescreen, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. Soundwave arrived through a GroundBridge to give Shockwave support, keeping Prime busy while Shockwave grappled with the other two Autobots. Though the fossil broke apart during Shockwave's fight, thanks to Soundwave a fraction of it was GroundBridged back to the Nemesis. Upon returning to the ship and at Megatron's urging, Shockwave opted to let Starscream retrieve further genetic material. Project Predacon
Shockwave's cloning process neared completion, but the revelation that the existing Predacon was intelligent resulted in the Decepticons rethinking the entire plan, as Predaking might turn against them. Shockwave agreed it was logical that they should use the Autobots to terminate the clones, however Starscream lured the Autobots to the off-site laboratory while he was still purging sensitive information from the computers. He retreated, and after the laboratory was destroyed, discovered that the Synthetic Energon they'd been storing in it had created Cybermatter. Evolution
Shockwave almost put out one of Starscream's eyes over the early arrival of the Autobots, but was talked out of it in time. The Decepticons decided to repair the Omega Lock as a launch mechanism, with Shockwave in charge of perfecting Synthetic Energon. When they realized that Ratchet would be helpful in perfecting the formula, Shockwave instructed Laserbeak to track Agent Fowler to find the Autobot base. Meanwhile, Shockwave himself took part in a raid on the Solaris particle collider. Minus One Unfortunately Ultra Magnus proved too much for Shockwave to handle, and he had to be rescued by Predaking.
Back on the Nemesis, he used a cortical psychic patch on Ratchet in an attempt to learn the completed Synth-En formula, but came up empty handed. As a result, the Decepticons had to switch tack and attempt to persuade Ratchet to help them. Persuasion While Ratchet was put to work on the Synthetic Energon formula, Shockwave was called away to oversee the completion of the Omega Lock. As a result, he was not there when Ratchet attempted to escape, but he was able to salvage the completed formula from the mess Ratchet left, and began the process of synthesizing enough to power the Omega Lock. Synthesis Shockwave's attempts to activate the Omega Lock were hampered by having to fight Ratchet and the other Autobots who turned up. Following Megatron's demise, he grabbed the protesting Starscream and the pair made a run for it. They escaped the warship in a lifepod, somewhere over Cybertron. Deadlock
Shockwave resumed his experiments, though he had to relocate his lab a number of times to avoid detection, and successfully created Darksteel and Skylynx. He was summoned when the two Predacons led Starscream to a Predacon burial ground uncovered by the upheaval of Cybertron's rebirth, however as they were gathering up the bones, they were witness to the unexpected return of Megatron. It turned out to be Unicron using Megatron's body, and after the dark god raised an army of undead Predacons, the horde's first act was to swarm the terrified Shockwave.
He somehow survived, and later approached Predaking and the other two Predacons as they fought each other, suggesting they might instead like to go fight Unicron, only to disappear as mysteriously as he appeared. Predacons Rising
Titan Prime comic
Tales of the Beast Hunters
Shockwave cloned Lazerback in a Hyperevolution Chamber, unaware his subject could hear everything he said. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 3 On awakening Ripclaw, Shockwave told the Predacon that Predaking was in danger from the Autobots. Ripclaw promptly took off out of the laboratory. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 8 Sometime later, Shockwave realized that the Predacons were as big a threat to the Decepticons as to the Autobots and decided to shut down the cloning project. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 11 He found Smokescreen sneaking around his laboratory Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 10 and came up with a new plan to blame the laboratory's destruction on the Autobots, hopefully causing Predaking to eliminate Prime's team. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 11 Smokescreen and Shockwave's battle caused some of the Predacons in nearby evolution vats to awaken, and Skystalker soon joined the conflict. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 12 Ultimately, Smokescreen escaped from Shockwave with several data discs in hand. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 13
Deciding to cut his losses and run, Shockwave enlisted Knock Out's help in packing up his laboratory. The pair took the last two remaining Hyperevolution Chambers with them to Cybertron. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 20
Full of Fire!
Shockwave revealed to Megatron that more Predacons had been cloned. The scientist dispatched five new Predacons with Predaking to test the Autobots and record data on the enemy's combat effectiveness. When all six were defeated, Megatron believed the data to be useless as the Autobots now knew the extent of the Predacon army, only for Shockwave to reveal that he had many more Predacons ready to go. Full of Fire!
Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Whereas most Transformers left Cybertron for Earth in pursuit of the Allspark, Shockwave remained behind. He acted as Megatron's steward over Cybertron, occupying his time by rebuilding his prisoners into weapons of war. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe
Precursor World
Warriors of the Seven Lights resembling multiple incarnations of Shockwave were members of the Purple Order. One listened through a screen as their commander Purple Wicked Convoy received word of the fall of the Blue Order and the threat of the interdimensional warlord Ultra Megatron Omega from the Primus Vanguard's eponymous supreme leader.
Another oversaw the containment of Megatron and his turncoat Straxus followers by the Order's Pretender Monster creations such that Wicked could propose an alliance. God Neptune comic 1
Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3)
- Voice actor: Steve Blum (English), Marc Alfos (French)
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Transformers: War for Cybertron - Decepticons (DS)
- Voice actor: Steve Blum (English), Marc Alfos (French)
Shockwave was at the Energon Purification zone when the Decepticons had used it for their stores of Energon. Shockwave challenged Megatron and his troops to a fight, saying if they beat him, he'd join their ranks. Shockwave was indeed defeated, and somewhat reluctantly joined the Decepticon ranks. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
- Voice actor: Steve Blum (English)
When Cybertron was beginning to shut down, Shockwave wanted to reboot it, but to do this, he needed an large energon supply. As he searched for one, he discovered an ancient technology in the Sea of Rust called Space Bridges. Using the observatories of the ancients that used to reside in the Sea of Rust, Shockwave began searching for new planets that he could suck the life out of, and found one rich in raw energy. He also began experimenting on several Insecticons which had started coming onto the planet's surface, and took three unusually intelligent Insecticons, Hardshell, Kickback and Sharpshot, under his command. He later used them to capture five Autobots, whom he gave new forms based on the large reptiles he saw on the planet.
After Megatron was killed during siege on Iacon, Starscream took command of the Decepticons. The two argued over the use of a lake of Energon near the Space Bridge tower, and though Shockwave attempted to convince him of its potential usefulness, Starscream simply wanted to drain the lake. When Cliffjumper and Jazz disrupted the fuel line leading to the tower, Shockwave unleashed an army of Insecticons upon them while he attempted to rectify the problem. He failed to do so, but luckily he had already built a replica tower in Kaon. Following Soundwave's resurrection of Megatron, Shockwave went to Kaon meet him and informed him of his discovery of the Space Bridge and the planet they could plunder. Megatron subsequently went to retrieve Trypticon's power core so that they could power a craft to get them there, while Shockwave went to finalize the completion of the tower.
Later, Starscream infiltrated Shockwave's facility and watched as Shockwave and his Insecticons tortured one of the Autobots he had experimented on, before he attempted to recruit Grimlock, which failed and resulted in the Autobot being freed. Shockwave decided to consider the breakout a test of Grimlock's new abilities, and monitored him closely as he fought his Insecticon minions, and proceeded to tear apart every one of them. Much later, Grimlock had attempted to attack Shockwave at the Space Bridge, but he was quickly restrained. Shockwave taunted Grimlock saying that he wouldn't create such a powerful weapon without a means to control it, calling him a pet, and contacted Megatron to let him know the tower was active and the portal was open. After Megatron assigned Shockwave to take charge of the Decepticons in his absence, Grimlock was enraged enough for him to transform into his Tyrannosaurus mode and attack Shockwave, tearing his left arm off and swallowing it before knocking him away with his tail. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Transformers On Your Street
Shockwave arrived on your street from space in jet mode. He fought Grimlock and landed a blow against him while you watched through your blinds. Grimlock retaliated by transforming into dinosaur mode, the sight of which sent Shockwave flying away. Transformers On Your Street
Hunt the Beasts online game
Shockwave infused protoforms with ancient PRedacon CNA to create powerful monstrous troops for the Decepticons. However, they proved uncontrollable, and broke free of their restraints. Shockwave sent out a transmission to Megatron to warn him that his Predacon experiments had escaped his lab despite his best efforts to contain them. As he explained that the beasts were heading towards Earth, he was overpowered by Predaking, bringing his transmission to an end. Hunt the Beasts
Transformers Prime: Beast Creator
When Shockwave left his technology unattended, you could use it to custom-create your own monstrous Predacon! Beast Creator
Transformers Prime: Decepticon Strike
Shockwave used his tank mode's impressive firepower to do battle against Optimus Prime in the middle of a lush tropical forest environment. Boasting that logic would prevail, Shockwave was nonetheless sent fleeing after sustaining too much damage at the hands of the Autobot leader. Shockwave later returned to aid Megatron in his own fight against Optimus, but the Decepticons were defeated once more, and sent fleeing. Decepticon Strike
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Prior to the launch of the Ark, Shockwave, Soundwave and Starscream were tasked to locate and bring the Dark Spark to Megatron. As the trio searched for the Dark Spark. When the trio arrived at the ruins of Crystal City, they were beset upon by the Insecticons. After the three had breached the ruins and beaten back the swarm, Shockwave followed the drones back to Hardshell, Kickback and Sharpshot, the three alphas of the swarm. Managing to defeat the three, Shockwave inducted them into the Decepticons.
Sending the Insecticons on patrol, Shockwave reunited with his allies in time to advance through the final layer of security around the Dark Spark. When they returned to the final vault after unsealing it, the Decepticons found that Sideswipe and Ironhide had already claimed the Dark Spark and fled. The Decepticons pursued the Autobots, managing to rig the Autobots' escape train with a bomb. Following, Shockwave was informed by Sharpshot that Ironhide, not Optimus Prime, had the Dark Spark. After claiming it, Shockwave, escorted by Sharpshot, made for Decepticon territory where they were found by the Combaticons, who further reinforced them. Through the power of Bruticus, the Decepticons managed to push through to Kaon where Shockwave gave the Dark Spark to Megatron.
Having taking Cliffjumper prisoner, Shockwave designed an experiment to use the Dark Spark to remove the Autobots' will to fight. Before this could be tested however, Optimus Prime freed Cliffjumper. Instead, the Dark Spark was used to control Terrorcons. Despite these reinforcements, Megatron failed to match Optimus Prime's experience with the Matrix of Leadership which managed to blast the Dark Spark out of Megatron, knocking him into stasis, Shockwave dragging his master away. Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Shockwave participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! That is, if he was ever released, but he never made it into the game. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Marie considered Shockwave among the coolest of the Decepticons. Splatoon
Commercial appearances
- Voice actor: Corey Burton (English)
Megatron left Shockwave to handle an unknown battle when he arrived. Shockwave instructed Soundwave to transform into boombox mode and play The Touch! After a while, Starscream asked about Shockwave's choice of songs and was told once he got a higher hit percentage than Shockwave then he could choose a soundtrack. GameStop's commercial for their Shockwave multiplayer exclusive
- Shockwave (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Series/number: 01 / #003
- Accessories: Two-piece laser cannon
- Part of the first wave of 2012 Generations Deluxe Class toys, Fall of Cybertron Shockwave transforms into a "Cybertronian mobile artillery" mode. The front center fuselage of the vehicle becomes a hand-held "laser cannon" that's modeled after the Sling Shock. It can be stored on a 5 mm port on his back, and undocumented in his instructions, can replace his hands by folding either one of them in, and tabbing the cannon onto the revealed wrist socket. As another undocumented feature, the cannon actually consists of two pieces, with a large Y-shaped muzzle that can be removed, revealing the sculpted ends of a triple-barreled gun. The muzzle stays on the cannon through friction and, depending on the quality control, can fit rather loosely and slide off if pointed downward. (A bit of double-stick tape wrapped around the end of one of the barrels will help it stay in place without permanent changes.) The muzzle part can also be stored on Shockwave's back, forming some sort of jet-pack exhaust.
- Shockwave features two examples of faux-parts: The undersides of his heels resemble the front end of the Y-shaped muzzle part, effectively serving as an extension of the muzzle in vehicle mode, whereas a fake replica of the top end of his head (including his signature "ear" panels) is sculpted on the top side of his vehicle mode (which ends up on the underside of his backpack in robot mode).
- The figure has a "dramatic reveal" feature, where pressing the chest into place causes the head to pop up. The clasp used to hold the spring-loaded piece in place is fairly strong, and requires a small amount of force to latch if the head isn't pressed down before moving the chest assembly. Depending on the individual quality of the figure, this can cause the latch to wear out, and the spring is strong enough that the head will push the whole assembly out of place in vehicle mode if not properly retracted. As such, care should be taken on this step of conversion.
- This toy was repurposed as Generation 1 Shockwave in IDW Publishing's Robots in Disguise comics. This mold was also redecoed/retooled into Fall of Cybertron Air Raid and BotCon 2014 Brimstone. His weapons were later reused for the Million Publishing mail-away exclusive Infiltrator Starscream.
- Shockwave (Deluxe Class, 2012-12-15)
- Japanese ID number: AM-29
- Accessories: "Bido" Arms Micron
- Part of the ninth wave of TakaraTomy Prime toys, Shockwave is a redeco/retool of his Fall of Cybertron toy, and is the only release of said toy in Japan. His wings have been retooled with additional 5mm posts and ports, and he has been redecoed to have a brighter, metallic shade of purple plastic. Additionally, he has brighter silver paint operations, and some of his other paint operations have been replaced with customer-applied stickers.
- Instead of his two-piece laser cannon, he now comes with an Arms Micron, Bido, who transforms from a robotic rhinoceros beetle into Shockwave's cannon and vehicle fuselage. Bido features numerous 5mm ports and posts for mounting, but can only be used as a hand-held cannon, and is unable to replace Shockwave's hand. Sorry.
Beast Hunters
- Shockwave (Voyager Class, 2013)
- Series/number: 02 / 003
- Accessories: Chest armor panel, 2 shoulder/foot armor panels
- Part of the second wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Voyager Class toys, Shockwave transforms into a Cybertronian tank. He features numerous 5mm ports, such as his shoulder-pads, right hand, and right forearm in robot mode, and his feet in vehicle mode. His rear treads are made of rubberized plastic, and the left tread unfurls to become a hose that attaches to the permanently attached "Hyperflux Cannon" that makes up his left forearm. By repeatedly pressing down on the trigger on top of the cannon, the barrel of the cannon spins while opening and closing, revealing more of its translucent red tip.
- For accessories, he comes with three "beast armor" pieces—a three-eyed chest-plate and two claw-shaped panels—that can be attached to Shockwave in both robot and vehicle modes, with the "claw" pieces attaching to his shoulders and feet via 5mm post. Be aware that these pieces have a tendency to attract dust and acquire a "faded" look. While this munge can be washed off, it likes to get in the creases and requires a bit of work.
- His instructions forget to mention that the "spike" panels on his tread backpack need to be swung up for robot show-accuracy, and that the treaded portions themselves are on telescoping joints, and need to be pulled apart and extended for tank mode. His instructions also include the eleventh chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.
- Shockwave's Lab (Multi-pack, 2013)
- Accessories: Lab Playset
- A redeco of the Beast Hunters Voyager Shockwave in brighter G1 coloring, this set depicts Shockwave's creation of Predaking, complete with a lab playset and a Cyberverse Commander Class Predaking in translucent and opaque blue. Despite what the stock images suggest, the fuchsia highlights were largely replaced with black on the actual figure.
- This set was exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con and Hasbro Toy Shop, and is considered the Thrilling 30 exclusive 02.
- Shockwave's Lab (Multi-pack, 2013)
- Accessories: Lab Playset
- Exclusive to Cybertron-Con, this Shockwave's Lab set is essentially unchanged from the San Diego Comic Con version, the only difference being that the Predaking figure is now in translucent and opaque orange.
- This set is considered the Thrilling 30 exclusive 06.
- Shockwave (Cyberverse Commander Class, 2013)
- Series/number: 03 / 007
- Accessories: Missile
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the third wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Series 3 Cyberverse Commander Class toys, Shockwave is a smaller-scale mold. His right hand is compatible with 3mm posts, and his left forearm is a "Hyperflux Cannon" that can launch its missile via pressure launch.
- Care must be taken on the legs' swivel joints: the construction between the lower side of the left leg's upper thighs is somewhat prone to warping due to it's very tight construction.
- This mold was later retooled to make Bludgeon.
- Bombshock & Shockwave (Commander Class 2-pack)
- Accessories: Missile
- A redeco of Shockwave in colors more reminiscent of his Generation 1 precursor, this version of Shockwave was only available as part of a "Predacons Rising" Commander Class 2-pack with Bombshock, which, as a second wave Predacons Rising release, was only available as a Target exclusive in the United States (and not in Canada, Australia or Europe), even though it was used in official advertising by BigW in Australia (who ultimately only stocked the wave 1 Optimus Prime vs Predaking two-pack).
- Curiously, like all Predacons Rising multi-packs featuring redecoed Cyberverse figures, this set doesn't identify the figures as Cyberverse products anywhere on the packaging.
- As shown by an official stock photo,[1] the packaging in its original presentation featured the name "Shockwave" in front of Bombshock, who is placed on the left, and "Bombshock" in front of Shockwave, who is placed on the right. By the time the two-pack hit stores, this was remedied by stickers with the correct names covering up the wrong ones. However, the side panels retain the old names and the "wrong" set of tech specs.[2]
- Autobot Command Center (2013)
- The Kre-O Autobot Command Center set comes with a Shockwave Kreon to put in the Autobot jail cell. He has a new deco based on Prime Shockwave.
- Shockwave (Battle Changer, 2015)
- Released as part of the second wave of Battle Changers, Shockwave is a massively built-up Kreon that transforms from robot to Cybertronic tank and back without removing any parts! His robot mode is based on Generation 1 Shockwave while his vehicle mode is based on Prime Shockwave.
- All of the 2015 Transformers Kre-O product was skipped by retailers in the US (at first), seeing release in Canada, Australia and various Asian markets. In late 2015, much of the line was finally released at discount in the US through TJ Maxx and Marshalls stores, including this set.
- Shockwave (Beast Hunters Elite Class, 2013)
- Shockwave transforms into a purple truck with a huge cannon on top. The figure's imposing cannon can be placed on either forearm and even includes a rubber hose! He includes an array of bladed weapons and 2 different types of projectile for his cannon.
- Like pretty much all Beast Hunters Construct-Bots, Shockwave never saw release in the United States.
Bot Shots
- Shockwave (2013)
- Series: 2
- Number: B003
- Known designers: Hisao Nishimoto (TakaraTomy)
- Fist strength: 645
- Blaster strength: 865
- Sword strength: 110
- Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 single-packs, this new mold Shockwave transforms from a robot with a cannon hand, into a tank. As a Jump Shot, he springs up when auto-transforming.
- Bumblebee / Shockwave / Skyquake (Multi-pack, 2013)
- Series: 2
- Number: BP003
- Fist strength: 710
- Blaster strength: 790
- Sword strength: 115
- Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 three-packs, this is a redeco of Jump Shot Shockwave in a lighter, more-bluish purple, with bronze details. He comes with Jump Shot Bumblebee and Super Bot Skyquake.
- Hunter Shockwave (2013-04-27)
- Japanese ID number: G13
- Accessories: Chest armor panel, 2 shoulder/foot armor panels
- Part of the first wave of Go! toys, Hunter Shockwave is a redeco of the Beast Hunters Voyager Class Shockwave toy cast in a darker, metallic shade of purple plastic. He features additional metallic blue paint applications. His armor pieces are now black.
Thrilling 30
- Shockwave (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
- Series / Number: 2 / #22
- Accessories: Collector's base
- A super-deformed Shockwave was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
- Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
- Series: 2
- Accessories: 5 collector's bases
- The same Shockwave figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Soundwave and an Insecticon.
- In the map of Cybertron from the "Binder of Revelation" included in Transformers Vault, Shockwave came from Tarn, which explains why he took control of it during the war.
- As noted above, Shockwave's model is usable in War for Cybertron multiplayer as the Retaliator-type chassis for Scientist-class characters. His parts are also available for Scientists in Fall of Cybertron, now classified as Defender-type components.
- Shockwave is usable in both the Autobot and Decepticon versions of the War for Cybertron games for the DS. He is used only for multiplayer, bonus missions and Arena mode in the Autobot version and used in Multiplayer, Arena mode, and campaign in the Decepticon version.
- In the Xbox 360/PS3 versions of War for Cybertron, Shockwave's left arm is his Plasma Cannon, but in the DS version, it's his right arm.
- The GameStop War for Cybertron commercial describes Shockwave as second-in-command of the Decepticons, and Starscream is never officially referred to as such.
- For said commercial, Shockwave was voiced by Corey Burton, voice actor of Generation 1 and Animated Shockwaves. He later lamented over a forum post that the performance was so rushed and the "gag" nature so out of character, that it hardly even sounded like him: "Two different sessions; and while they were awfully nice to work with, I have to say that the gag line was written and directed completely off-character. Since it was all supposed to be pretty "camp" anyway, and it had to be wedged-into a space that wasn't even there in the initial cut, I just went along with it. Figured it's just a silly bit of hype, that wasn't worth taking seriously enough to fuss over."
- The aforementioned commercial also indicates that Shockwave is evidently a fan of Stan Bush.
- According to his Transformers Hall of Fame bio, Shockwave's emotions sometimes get the better of him, leading to irrational behavior. He also hopes that one day his work will let him reformat all Cybertronians to a new form of existence and ideally become ruler of Cybertron in the process. Looks like Megatron's hunch wasn't far off...
- Although Shockwave is a Jet in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, he's a ground vehicle in the DS Version. This is most probably because the mission he is unlocked in features his Autobot counterpart, Grimlock, a Heavy Ground vehicle. Shockwave's increasable stats are, however, those of a Flying Vehicle.
- The Prime writers admitted that, not knowing what to do with the character, Shockwave was not going to survive his debut episode, before eventually coming up with a way to incorporate the character as a regular during the third season.
- In the Japanese dub of Prime, actor Kenta Miyake channels the unique personality of Shockwave from the Japanese dub of the original The Transformers cartoon in that he's a grizzled old man with a gravelly voice and a short temper. Unlike the Japanese Generation 1 Shockwave, this Shockwave has a new verbal tic in which he endlessly punctuates sentences by bellowing the word "Shock!"
Foreign names
- Japanese: Shockwave (ショックウェーブ Shokkuwēbu)
- Mandarin: Zhènbō (Taiwan, 震波, "Shockwave"), Zhèndàngbō (Mainland China, 震荡波, "Shockwave")
- Russian: Vzryvala (Взрывала, "Blaster")
See also
- ↑ Target listing for the Shockwave/Bombshock set, depicting the packaging with mixed up names.
- ↑ "Predacon Rising Bombshock and Shockwave found" thread at TFW2005, showing the stickers.