Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
Volume 44, Issue 2
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
  • Distribution of Hydrocarbon-oxidizing Bacteria in the Oil-polluted Areas Caused by the Mizushima Oil Refinery Accident
    Hiroaki FUJISAWA, Masatada MURAKAMI, Takehiko MANABE
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 91-104
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    A large amount of heavy oil (grade C) which was estimated at 7500 to 9500 kl, was spilt on December 18 of 1974 from the Mizushima Oil Refinery in Okayama Prefecture into the Straits of Bisan (Bisan Seto). Accordingly the eastern parts of the Seto Inland Sea were widely polluted by the spilt oil, and various fisheries were extremely damaged there.
    The distributions of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in Bisan Seto were investigated for one year, for the purpose of assessing bacteriological self-purification of the areas following this accident. The results obtained can be summarized as follows.
    The populations of heterotrophic bacteria, hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria Groups A and B per ml of seawater in Bisan Seto, were respectively 102 to 105 (average 3.0×104), 100 to 105 (4.3×103) and 100 to 104 (6.6×102), and then their populations per g of bottom sediments were 104 to 106 (8.9×105), 103 to 106 (2.9×105) and 103 to 105 (5.0×104). The population density of hydrocarbon oxidizers Group A was higher than that of Group B in both seawater and bottom sediments of surveyed areas. These densities estimated in the present report were compared with those of Tokyo Bay observed by SEKI using the same hydrocarbon but in a different medium. And it was found that the density of hydrocarbon oxidizers (Group B) in seawater of Bisan Seto was approximately 1000 times as much as that of Tokyo Bay, whereas the density of heterotrophic bacteria enumerated by the same method was similar in both areas. The ratio of the number of hydrocarbon oxidizers (Group B) in bottom sediments of Bisan Seto to that of heterotrophic bacteria was, like in the case of Torrey Canyon Disaster investigated by GUNKEL, higher than the ratio of other areas unaffected by accidental oil spills.
    On the basis of these and other results, it may be said that these hydrocarbon oxidizers contribute to decomposing oil pollutants in these oil-polluted areas.
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  • Geographical Variations in Fork Length and Scale Pattern in 4 Year-Old Group
    Toyomi TAKAHASHI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 105-116
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    For the purpose of elucidating the stock system of fish group chiefly composed of 4 year-old fish found around the area of the Ayan in the summers of 1971-1973, fork lengths and scale patterns of 4 year-old fish taken from the different areas in the northern part of the Okhotsk Sea were examined. It was confirmed that the mean fork length of 4 year-old fish around the area of the Ayan was consistently about 1 cm smaller than that of the eastern area of the Okhotsk. Scale patterns also differ considerably among areas and they are divided roughly into the two types of Tauisk and Ayan. The results of analyzing the ratio of distance among the annuli and the fork length estimated at the 1st annulus formation indicate that these two 4 year-old groups with the different scale patterns had lived under different circumstances after the first year of life. However, these fish groups are not always isolated from each othe through the stages in development. Comparison of scale ratio Ri/fork length relationships shows that fish group in the area of the Ayan in 1973 is mixture, which arose during the third year of life, of fish with the different scale pattern of Tauisk and Ayan types.
    Otherwise, it was found that the fish with the specific values of scale ratio r2/r3 could be used as an indicator of presence of fish appeared around the area of the Ayan in each year.
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  • Kenji NAKAJLMA, Syuzo EGUSA
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 117-120
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Kudoa pericardialis n. sp. (Myxosporidea: Chloromyxidae) was described from the pericardial cavity of cultured yellowtails, Seriola quinqueradiata TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, in farms in Ajiro Bay, Shizuoka prefecture. Trophozoites were elliptical, oval or irregular and were free in the cavity or enveloped with membraneous tissues proliferated on the surface of the heart and the cavity wall. Spores were quadrilateral in polar view and were characterized by the four elongated polar capsules. The existence of the polar plate and the polar lid was demonstrated with the scanning electron microscope.
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  • Underwater calls of the Japanese marine drum fishes (Sciaenidae)
    Akira TAKEMURA, Toru TAKITA, Kazuhiro MIZUE
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 121-125
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The underwater calls of the Japanese marine drum fishes, Koichi (Nibea albiflora) and Shiroguchi (Argyrosomus argentatus), living in Ariake Sound have been studied. The underwater calls of these fishes are a grating sound consisting of a train of pulses. The call was higher in Koichi than in Shiroguchi and in males than in females. The calls are produced by cramping the drumming muscle against the body axis and by rubbing this muscle with the peritoneum. The call produced is resonated and amplified by the swim-bladder connected with the drumming muscle before it is emitted into the sea water. These marine drum fishes live in Ariake Sound throughout the year. The chorus could be heard from early May to the middle of September and the sound-production was connected with the reproduction of these species. The most noisy period was, however, July and August following the spawning peak. These fishes began to emit their calls before sunset and the sound level of the chorus attained its maximum after sunset. No calls were heard from mindnight to noon. The duration of the chorus attained its maximum in August and gradually decreased again thereafter. It was in no way related to tide.
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  • Purpose and Method of Measurement
    Tooru YONEMORI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 127-130
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    In order to measure swimming power of fishes, apparatus were contrived, and experiments were carried out using a mechanical approach. In this method, both towing and drag power of the fish are required together at the same time; but it is defective in that the drag power cannot be measured. To cover up this defect, fish are to be loaded with such heavy weight that swimming speed may be reduced below 1 m/s. Then, drag power requirement becomes negligibly small, and the rate of towing power increases. From these considerations, towing power output may be regarded as a virtual swimming power. Now, towing power of fishes is being measured under changeable conditions of various environmental factors; and investigation will be developed by using values of towing power as indicies of fish response against environmental stimuli. Besides, the results can also be used as a “feedback” factor for design of subsequent studies; and it will contribute to the improvement in our measuring technique.
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  • Mikio OGURI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 131-134
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The hepatosomatic index (liver weight/body weight×100, HSI) of holocephalian fish was examined, using two species, ratfish, Hydrolagus colliei, and rabbitfish, Chimaera monstrosa. Compared with HSI in teleostean fishes, the index was remarkably high in these holocephalian fishes. It was 16.96±0.66% in ratfish (14 specimens, body weight: 360-1405 g). In rabbitfish, 52 specimens having wide range of body weight (12.5-1918 g) were available. Therefore, HSI was calculated in fishes divided into the following three groups; A group (31 specimens, 12.5-88 g), B group (5 specimens, 118-168 g), and C group (16 specimens, 222-1918 g). In small fishes of group A, HSI was 4.34±0.19%. However, the liver weight increased conspicuously in the specimens of group B (HSI: 11.06±1.15%), and finally liver weight attained a level of about 16% of body weight in the specimens of group C (HSI: 15.91±0.34%). Microscopically the liver tissue of specimens in groups B and C strongly resembles adipose tissue, owing to the tremendous accumulation of fat droplets in hepatic cells.
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  • Hiroshi KAWAUCHI, Tuneo SASAKI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 135-137
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Ahnfeltia paradoxa was found to contain an alkaloid, C10H15NO, as one of the predominant components in the alcoholic extract. The compound was isolated by ion exchange chromatography.
    The alkaloid was analyzed by means of nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, ultraviolet, and mass spectrometry. Its chemical structure was confirmed to be p-(2-dimethylamino) ethyl-phenol (hordenine), which has also been isolated from malt germ and Mexican cacti, by comparison with the authentic sample.
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  • Jacques PATROIS, Hubert J. CECCALDI, Tetsuo ANDO, Akio KANAZAWA, Shin- ...
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 139-141
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    After the injection of sodium acetate-1-14C into some prawns, Penaeus japonicus, the de novo lipid synthesis and the distribution of radioactive lipids in tissues such as the muscle, integument, eyestalk, hepatopancreas, and remains were investigated in association with the molting stages.
    The incorporation of acetate-14C into the lipids was high at stage C1-C2 and low at stages D1' and D1''-D2'''. Throughout the molting cycle, nearly half of the radioactive lipid was distributed in the remains. In the muscle, eyestalk, integument, and remains, radioactive lipids were present mainly as polar lipids in every stage. In the case of the hepatopancreas, rather large amounts of neutral lipids were present besides the polar lipids, and the ratio of polar to neutral lipids reached a minimum at stage D1'.
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  • Changes in Ca2+ and EDTA-ATPases
    Absar ul HASNAIN, Ikuo KIMURA, Ken-ichi ARAI, Tsutomu YASUI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 143-147
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Ca2+- and EDTA-ATPase of actomyosins from several fish species and rabbit were assayed during digestion with trypsin. In typical experiments, the initial activation as well as the inactivation with increasing trypsin concentration were confined to the shorter durations. During digestion, Ca2+- ATPase of heat denatured samples of bigeye tuna and carp actomyosins showed patterns which were identical with those of their respective fresh preparations.
    A higher initial activation was a general feature of the tuna actomyosins, if the assay of Ca2+- ATPase was performed in 60mM KCl. The initial activation of tilapia actomyosin Ca2+- ATPase was of a lesser extent, whereas it was absent from carp, yellowtail and flatfish actomyosins. At the higher KCl concentration (500mM) in the ATPase assay, the response of Ca2+- ATPase was altogether monophasic i.e. devoid of any initial activation even in the case of rabbit actomyosin. EDTA-ATPase pattern of actomyosin digestion by trypsin closely resembled the pattern of Ca2+- ATPase at the higher KCl concentration.
    The activation of myosin Ca2+- ATPase of tuna species occurred to a lesser extent than that of actomyosin ATPase, and the reversal of the order of stability observed in case of actomyosin ATPase of tilapia and skipjack tuna was no longer noted. In the light of published work, the reasons for these discrepancies have been discussed.
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  • Existence of Metallothionein-like Protein in Carp Hepatopancreas
    Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO, Tomochika ISHII, Shizunori IKEDA
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 149-153
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The present study was undertaken to determine the appearance of copper-bound metallothionein in the hepatopancreas of carp kept in an 0.1 ppm copper solution for 2 weeks.
    The hepatic soluble fractions from control and copper-exposed fish were gel-filtrated on a Sephadex G-75 column, and the following results were obtained. 1) Copper as well as zinc was eluted in two fractions and most of the copper appeared in the second fraction (F-2) in the control. 2) Copper and free SH-group contents in F-2 from copper-exposed fish significantly increased as compared to those from control fish. 3) By incubation of the soluble fraction with p-chloro-mercuribenzoic acid it was shown that copper, zinc and free SH-groups were diminished in F-2 from copper-exposed fish. 4) When the soluble fractions from control and copper-exposed fish were incubated with copper, incorporation of the additive copper into F-2 was much higher in the copper-exposed fish than the control. In addition, the zinc in F-2 was replaced by copper and the free SH-groups in this fraction disappeared. 5) The molecular weight of F-2 was estimated to be about 10, 000 by gel-filtration on Sephadex G-75.
    These findings indicate that, in carp hepatopancreas, copper induces the synthesis of a copper-binding protein which can be identified as a metallothionein-like protein.
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  • Factors for Variation of Concentration of Trace Element
    Toshiaki ISHII, Hamaji SUZUKI, Taku KOYANAGI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 155-162
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    As one part of our radioecological studies one the marine environment, the concentrations of stable isotopes such as Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb and Cs in marine organisms were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy and neutron activation analysis, and the environmental and biological factors controlling the concentrations of stable elements were examined.
    Only small differences of concentration were observed among the species of marine fishes, but marine invertebrate and algae showed species specificity. For the iron family elements different concentration factors were obtained. Values in the muscles of marine fishes were in the range of 103 for Fe, 9×10 for Co, and 10 for Ni. A regional variation was found for Cu and Zn, whose highest values were observed in the samples collected at the seashore of Mizuki in Ibaraki prefecture. The distribution of trace elements in each algal body was not homogeneous; for almost all trace elements the concentrations tended to increase with the distance from the growing tip. Trace elements for lamina in the organs of Sargassum showed the highest values, where Fe in particular was concentrated twenty times as much as in the receptacle. Little variation withe growth of marine algae was observed in the case of the trace elements other than Fe; the Fe concentration tended to decrease with growth. Seasonal variation was observed for Fe, Co, and Zn in Sargassum. These elements reached their highest values in March and thereafter decreased gradually, whereas Mn and alkali metals did not show any apparent seasonal variation.
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  • Masamichi BITO
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 163-169
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Using dorsal meats from 29 skipjacks which were frozen on board after the catch, the effect of various factors such as pH and ATP of frozen meat, upon the amount of free drip on thawing at 5°C or 20°C, the expressible drip by pressing at 10kg/cm2 and cooking drip by cooking at 100°C was examined.
    The amount of free drip decreased more sharply with an increase in pH when meat was thawed at 20°C than when thawed at 5°C. Also, the expressible drip decreased with the increase in pH of both frozen and thawed meat. The cooking drip of thawed meat showed little change up to a pH of ca. 5.8 but then decreased almost linearly with increasing pH. The salt-soluble protein of meat thawed at 20°C showed a positive correlation with the pH of frozen or thawed meat.
    The K value (freshness estimation index) and ATP of frozen meat did not correlate with the amount of free drip, but the K value showed positive correlation with expressible drip. In the frozen meat with high ATP levels, remarkable contraction in meat during thawing (thaw-rigor) did not occur and in fact there was little drip when the drop in the meat pH was slight during the thawing.
    These findings clearly show that the control of pH in frozen and thawed meat is a important factor in determining the water-holding properties of frozen skipjack meat.
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  • Tsuyoshi MURAMATSU, Hiromichi KAKIUCHI
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 171-174
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Proteolytic properties of extracts from the hepatopancreas of shrimp, Parahaliporus sibogae (De Man), were investigated by using casein, hemoglobin, and collagen as substrates.
    From the results obtained in this experiment, it is suggested that the rough skin of fishermen's hands which is observed to result from the process of breaking off the shrimp heads is most probably caused by proteolytic enzymes from the hepatopancreas of the shrimp.
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  • Takahide TSUCHIYA, Noboru YAMADA, Juichiro J. MATSUMOTO
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 175-179
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Isolation of myosin from the obliquely striated muscle of squid mantle was studied by comparing the various conventional isolation methods used for the vertebrate and invertebrate muscles. A method suitable to the squid myosin is proposed. The purity of each obtained preparation was checked by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The myosin preparations obtained by the conventional methods did not give any band corresponding to the myosin heavy chain, but those less than 14×104 in molecular weight were not free from contaminating proteins such as paramyosin and actin.
    The myosin preparation obtained by the proposed method showed an electrophoretic profile with a heavy chain band (18-20×104
    ) and two light chain bands (1.2 and 1.5×104) of myosin with a faint band of paramyosin (10×104) in 7.5% gel.
    The tryptic digestion of the squid myosin shows that it is less resistant than fish myosins, and much less than rabbit myosin. The difficulties in obtaining an intact heavy chain during the isolation procedures were attributed to the fragility of the squid myosin molecule and to the possibility of high catheptic activity in the squid muscle.
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  • Takahide TSUCHIYA, Noboru YAMADA, Juichiro J. MATSUMOTO
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 181-184
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Myosin of the obliquely striated mantle muscle of squid, Ommastrephes sloani pacificus, was isolated by the authors' method and its physico-chemical properties were studied. On ultracentrifugation, the myosin was found to be monodisperse but its sedimentation coefficient, S ??, w, was 8.0 S, a higher value than those of the myosins of rabbit, fish, and some invertebrates. The intrinsic viscosity was 2.18 dl/g, which was comparable with those of other myosins. The amino acid composition did not show many differences except for Val and Arg, while the ratio of free SH-group content to total Cys/2 was to some extent lower in squid myosin than in myosins from other sources. The squid myosin appeared to have more S-S bridges in a molecule than do the myosins of fish and frog. The precipitate of squid myosin at ionic strength 0.05 showed, under an electron microscope, dumbbell shaped filaments with a shape and size similar to those of the myosins from other sources. Like the smooth muscle myosin, the squid myosin showed a tendency to aggregate with each other in a head to head arrangement. Though its sedimentation coefficient, S ??, w, was higher, the overall data indicates that the squid myosin molecule has size and shape comparable with the myosins from other sources.
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  • Shinya ISHIO, Jiann Chu CHEN, Tomoki YANO
    1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 185-192
    Published: February 25, 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The average diameters of chromosomes in nuclei of Gyrodinium sp. clearly increased from 0.47 μm at late anaphase to 1.81 μm at last interphase. Electron microscopic autoradiography was used, after the application of thymidine-3H to the resting cells of this dinoflagellate, and DNA synthetic sites were found to be limited to the margins of these chromosomes. Ultrastructures of these sites revealed that there are no membranous structures, but numerous paired granular strings connecting the bases of chromonemata with the nucleogranules. Thus, it was interpreted that the increase in chromosome diameter during the period from the late anaphase to the last interphase of Gyrodinium sp. was attributable to the incorporation of nucleogranules, which accompany DNA synthesis, into the bases of chromonemata coiling in these chromosomes.
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  • 1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 196a
    Published: 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: April 22, 2008
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  • 1978 Volume 44 Issue 2 Pages 196b
    Published: 1978
    Released on J-STAGE: April 22, 2008
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