MMb crystals were obtained from the deep-seated red muscle (“Chiai”) of fishes, e. g.,
Parathunnus sibi, Thunnus orientalis and others, by the method of S
CHMID5) (Fig. 1). The iron content was determined to be 0.334-0.335%, according to the D
RABKIN's o-phenanthroline method
7). In the present paper, the several derivatives of these Mb's were compared spectrophoto-metrically with those of the crystalline MMb prepared from horse heart in the same procedure. The millimolar extinction coefficients of these Mb's are tabulated in Table 2, together with the B
OWEN's data on horse heart Mb
9) and
UVE's data on human heart Mb
10) for reference.
Absorption maxima and minima of horse heart Mb derivatives appear very close with those of B
OWEN, although the extinction coefficients of the former are generally lower than those of the latter ; this is mainly due to the difference of basis in calculating the Mb concentration, the coefficients in this investigation being calculated on the equivalent iron basis and those of B
OWEN calculated in the other way (see the foot-note of Table 2).
The absorption spectra of these fish MbO
2 were located nearer the short wave-lengths than those of horse MbO
2, and found to be present at the same wave-lengths as HbO
2, prepared from the blood of immature
Thunnus orientalis, and also at the almost same positions as HbO
2 of higher vertebrates
13) (Fig. 2). This fact goes against the usual conception that the absorption spectrum of MbO
2 is shifted toward longer wave-length than that of Hb0
2. Further, it is remarkable that the β-maximum of MbO
2 of fish is unusually higher than its α-maximum. Such a kind of absorption spectrum seems not yet to have been reported in vertebrate Mb and Hb.
In the case of MbCO of fishes too, the similar specificity was observed, i. d., positions of the maxima and minima were far from those of horse MbCO, but at the same wave-lengths as those of HbCO from fish and higher vertebrates
13) (Fig. 3).
The other derivatives, such as reduced-, met-, cyanmet-Mb, and reduced pyridine-hemochromogen of fishes and horse are nearly identical each other in the absorption spectrum (Fig. 4).
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