Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
Volume 20, Issue 10
Displaying 1-22 of 22 articles from this issue
  • A Consideration on the Size Composition of the Big-Eyed Tuna Caught by Pole and Line
    Misao HONMA, Tadao KAMIMURA
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 863-869
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The present paper deals with analysis of length frequency of the young big-eyed tuna caught by pole and line. Especially a relationship between the fishing localities and the discrepancy in the mean length which was evident in the same modal group has been discussed.
    1. Data used for the study are the measurement of body length obtained from numbers of samples and the pertaining information furnished by fishing boats at two ports during the period from June to July 1953.
    2. In the length frequency two dominant modes, A and B, were recognized not only throughout the samples (Fig. 2) but also in the mean value of each school from 1 to 17 examined nearly in the same period. These findings have led the writers to an assumption that modal group A may from an independent unit different from group B in regard with length frequency.
    3. As no uniformity in the length frequency has been found among the samples belonging to the same group (Table 1), correlation between the mean length of the groups and fishing locality has been examined, substituting the size composition sorted by fishing cruise for that by school of fish, because few data on the latter were available for this purpose.
    As a result it was found that the mean length of the fish in both groups A and B was small in the western area of the fishing grounds and tends to become greater as one goes east (Table 2, Fig. 3).
    4. The fact that the survey period fell on the months of June to July when the fish would be migrating northward (Fig. 3) seems to suggest that the easterly increase in the mean length may be attributable to different tendencies of the migrating behavior between the fish in the eastern area and those in the west. In other words, the fish of both groups A and B in the eastern area are supposed generally larger in size than those of the corresponding groups in the west, while all migrating nothward.
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  • Itsuo KUBO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 870-872
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    As to growth of Penaeus japonicus BATE, some contributions have been done by SENO (1910), KAJIYAMA (1933, '35), HIGURASHI (1937), and HUDINAGA (1942). Of them, the first and the third are dealing with the growth of the prawns cultured in a pond. The second deals with that of the animal of the Inland Sea of Japan. The last one is a work made on the growth of zoea- and mysis-stages of the creature by rearing with Skeletonema costatum. The growth rates known by SENO, HIGURASHI, and HUDINAGA are given in the Table 1. KAJIYAMA's conclusion is as follows: the larvae hatched out in late spring and early summer become about 3-6cm. in body-length without rostrum in early autumn. Those born in summer attain to length of 12.1 and 13.6cm. in male and female respectively in late June of the next year, and they go to spawning. It appears to be that the most of them measuring 15.1-18.2cm. in body-length in late fall close their life.
    In the present investigation, to trace the growth of the prawn, an analysis of size-frequency distribution is made basing on a material monthly taken by a prawn-net from waters, ca. 7-15m. deep, off Hatazawa, Chiba Pref. (Tokyo Bay). The results yield by the present study seems to be well in agreement in all respects with that derived from the scrutiny carried out by KAJIYAMA. It may be added herewith that the size of adult differs apparently by sex: female is decidedly larger than male as seen in the Fig. 1, B.
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  • Soukiti HUZITA
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 873-877
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    In this report is studied the effects of the various kinds and combinations of fertilizers on the reproduction of Cyclops hyalinus.
    1) In experiments I and II, ammonium sulphate, urea, nitrolime (each at the concentration of N-10ppm) or calcium superphosphate (P2O5-1.6ppm) is added to 0.5g. of dried soy refuse in 1L. of water. The obtained result has a tendency to check in the reproduction of Cyclops by influence of the poison action of chemical fertilizers and grown S pirogyra (Table 1, 2).
    2) In expeiment III (Table 3, 4) are observed the two pots, one being exposed to the sun light and the other shaded from it. There is difference in the colour and the pH of water, and the reproduction of Cyclops in the two pots. But the best reproduction is observed in the pots to which chemical fertilizers are added in concentration of N-22ppm plus P2O5-25ppm. This ratio of N/P2O5 is in agreement with the chemical composition of plankton.
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  • Koji NOZAWA, Yuriko NOZAWA
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 878-880
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    (1) The permeability of the cell of the laver (Porphyra tenera) to some nitrogenous compounds such as potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and urea was investigated by the method of plasmolysis critical concentration.
    The permeable coefficients estimated by the TRÖNDL's formula were 0.50 in the potassium nitrate, 0.62 in the ammonium nitrate, 0.64 in the ammonium sulfate and 0.58 in the urea.
    It was found that the permeability to the urea was not so great, but the penetration of this was ascertained by the cytochemical detection as minute granules within the cytoplasm.
    (2) After some mechanically injurious operations to the cells, such as mere pricks with a needle, if a piece of the injured Porphyra-frond was transfered from the higher osmotic medium to the lower one, some injured cells become into amoeboid shape, and the pseudo-podia like swellings attack the adjointing cells one after another, making a “plasmodium-like” radial figure. These figures were recognized with the naked eye as green spots on the same feature as the “perforating disease” previously reported by SUTO & UMEBAYASHI as a parasitic disease of the laver.
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  • On the Hemolysis in NaCl Solution (1)
    Kaname SAITO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 881-884
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    It was found that the red corpuscles of the teleosts studied increased their size, when the salt concentration of the hypotonic solution spproached the threshold concentration where the hemolysis of the corpuscle begins. In this case, the oval form of the natural red corpusele was deformed into the round one. In hypertonic (5%) NaCl solution, however, the dwindled red corpuscle appeared (Table 1).
    In contrast to other fishes; shark red corpuscle was found to become larger than the normal corpuscle even in the hypertonic solution. In the case of the sea water, fishes, the hemolysis of the red corpuscle took place at the higher concentrations compared to the case of the fresh water fishes.
    By estimating the dissolved hemoglobin in terms of the optical density, the hemolysis curve was easily obtained (Figs. 1 & 2).
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  • on the Hemolysis in NaCl Solution (2)
    Kaname SAITO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 885-887
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The red corpuscles of a few species of the sea water fishes were found to be more readily hemolysed than those of the fresh water fishes, when they were subjected to hemolysis in a series of hypotonic NaCl solution of various concentrations. Among the sea water fishes examined, the red corpuscles of shark, and other migratory fishes such as bonito and mackerel, were more labile* than those of the bottom fishes (Table 1 & Fig. 1).
    The relationships among hemoglobin, nonprotein-N content and the stability of red corpuscle were shown in Fig. 2: it was suggested that in the case of shark blood, the high content of non-protein-N compounds might bring about some effects to the stability of red corpuscle. In addition, it was found that the stability of the red corpuscle of the fish died in agony or stored after death diminished in course of storage (Table 2). Thus, it may be said that the stability of red corpuscles upon hemolysis might not be independent on the physiological state and the freshness of fish body.
    * In the present text the threshold salt concentration for hemolysis was conveniently used in terms of “resistance”, to compare the stability.
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  • The Seasonal Variations of the Weight and Constituent in the various Parts of Fish Body
    Hiroshi KAWATA, Takashi TAKAHASHI
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 888-890
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Investigations were made on cuttle-fish (Ommastrephes sloani paci ficus) caught from July to December, 1951.
    As to the weight ratio of each part to whole body, there were no remarkable change except the viscera which increased gradually toward the main fishing season. Of the chemical variations, a remarkable change was shown in the oil content of liver, which had a maximum content in October and November, contrasting with minimum contents of moisture and nitrogen in these periods.
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  • The Digetibility of Cuttle-Fish Meal
    Hiroshi KAWATA, Takashi TAKAHASHI
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 891-892
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    As one of the ways of utilization of cuttle-fish caught in summer, the cuttle-fish meal was prepared from the meat flayed by autolysis in the pretreatment. The digestibility of the Cuttle-fish meal was conpared with those of several commercial fish meals, and found to be far supetior to the sardine and herring meals, though inferior to the codfish meal.
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  • On Jelly Strength of Starch Pastes
    Yutaka SHIMIZU, Wataru SIMIDU
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 893-894
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The jelly strength of various kinds of starch which are widely used as an improving material of the jelly strength of kamaboko has been compared with one another. We have found that the potato starch paste containing about twice amount of water as much as it showed the maximum strength. And when it contained 1.0 to 1.5 times of water, its hardness was found to be identical with that of kamaboko.
    It was observed that there was much difference in their physical properties of the paste between both starch derived from grains and that from vegetable roots; the former showed to be brittle, while the latter to be stronger in the jelly strength.
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  • Improvement of Jelly Strength of Kamaboko with Starch (1)
    Yutaka SHIMIZU, Wataru SIMIDU
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 895-897
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The jelly strength of kamaboko has been found to be decreased by mixing water into its material, ground fish muscle, but this decrease has been even delayed with further addition of water, or rather turned to increase at 5 to 10 per cent of water. When various amounts of water were added to the materials containing different amounts of starch, the similar effects were observed, too; thus increasing water weakened the jelly strength of the products, but rather the re-rising of strength has been found in twice of water as much as starch. This tendency was observed more clearly in potato starch. And the hardness of these products having the said ratio of water seemed to be a matter of our taste.
    In the reinforcing-abilities of starch for kamaboko, both starch from flour or potato were proved to be practically equal, while the former seemed to us to be more sensitive for the water contents than the latter.
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  • Improvement of Jelly Strength of Kamaboko with Starch (2)
    Yutaka SHIMIZU, Tuneo IKEUTI, Wataru SIMIDU
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 898-901
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The enhancing effects of starch on the jelly strength of kamabokos made from lizard fish producing strong jelly and those of shark affording relatively weak one, have been compared.
    The jelly strength of non-starch kamaboko made from the latter was shifted by addition of water, but that of the former scarecely affected. When various amounts of starch were added to their ground muscles, the jelly strength of the products from lizard fish containing a small amount of water increased slightly with increasing starch, but in further addition of water rather decreased with increasing starch. It is probable that, although the strength of the products having a large amount of starch and a small amount of water was apparently intensive in strength owing to the hardness of starch paste, when a large amount of water was added, the own strength of fish muscle itself in place of starch paste should be shown. Lizard fish muscle having the higher jelly strength, therefore, seems to be decreased in its proper strength by the interference of starch paste.
    On the contrary, in the shark kamaboko which jelly strength largely depend upon the stiffness of starch paste, its strength was intensified with increasing addition of starch and decreased with increasing water.
    These facts seem to be attributable to the different content of soluble proteins in their fishes; lizard fish contains much soluble proteins and shark a less amount of them. Since ground lizard fish muscle may increase in amount of soluble proteins with increasing water, its strength would not be influenced so much by addition of starch and water, while in kamaboko from shark which may decrease in the concentration of soluble proteins in accordance with addition of water, its strength would be decreased and be influenced by starch paste with increasing water.
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  • Masamichi SAIKI, Shinji OKANO, Takajiro MORI
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 902-906
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The highest concentration of radioactivity was found in viscera with less in bone, skin and muscle, as shown in Fig. 1.
    With water or EDTA-Na solution, some amount of radioactive material was washed off from the raw meat effectively (Table 1).
    The radioactive materials contained in various organs of fishes were analyzed by the method shown in Fig. 2 (see also Table 2), and the results were summarized in Table 3 and 4.
    The active substance in fishes was proved to be chiefly consisted of the radioisotopes belongs to III group, whereas those belongs to IV group (Sr, Ca, etc.) was relatively little. Members of III group were further separated in A (Al, Fe, etc.) and B (Zn, Co, Ni, etc.) subgroups, and the latter fraction contained also considerable amount of radioactive materials.
    It is noticeable that Zn65 was detected in this III B group with the gamma-ray analysis.
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  • Distribution of Radioactivity in Various Tissues of Fish
    Keishi AMANO, Kinjiro YAMADA, Masamichi BITO, Akira TAKASE, Shoji TANA ...
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 907-915
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Radiochemical studies were made for 25 samples of fishes caught from the fishing ground including the area from longitudes 128° E to 162° E and from latitudes 3° N to 33° N during the season which covered from April 25th to July 7th 1954. It is noticed that the distribution of radioactivity varies widely as to the tissues of same fish sample. In general, liver, kidney, gall bladder and heart were found as the most contaminated parts in the tissues of the animal. Pyloric coeca, stomach and intestine were weaker in their radioactivity than the above organs; further the least activity was observed for skin, bone and muscle. However, the order of strength of radioactivity in these tissues is not always the same if the different kinds of fish are comparedwith ach other. For example, the most radioactive parts detected in dolphin were liver, gall bladder and heart (Table 3), while in albacore, heart was not higher in its radioactivity than otherorgans (Table 7)
    As the result of radiological examination of stomach contents of Okisawara (Cybiidae sp.) and dolphin, there was found no significant correlation between the radioactivity of stomach contents and that which observed in the tissues of the fish (Tables 2, 3). Even distribution of the activity was proved for the muscles which were taken from different parts of dolphin, big eyed tuna and yellow fin tuna (Tables 4, 5, 6). But dark muscle held always much highr radioactivity than white muscle of the same fish. Sometimes, over ten times of strength was recorded for dark muscle compared with white muscle (Tables 4 to 8).
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  • Group Separation of Radioactive Elements in Fish Tissues
    Kinjiro YAMADA, Harumi TOZAWA, Keishi AMANO, Akira TAKASE
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 916-920
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Group separation of radioactive elements in the individual tissue was carried out for several kinds of fish which had been rejected as highly radiologically contaminated at the time of landing. It has proved that the major part of radioactive elements contained in the tissues is represented by the Group III, which can be precipitated by H2S in ammonia alkaline solution.
    Because of the rare appearance of Group III-B in the sea water taken from contaminated zone near to Bikini Atoll, which has been already ascertained by the research members of “Shukotsu-Maru”, the presence of this type of elements (Group III-B) is quite characteristic for the contamination of these pelagic fish.
    In certain tissues examined, however, radioactivity was detected for both Group II and IV; the former is a fraction which can be precipitated with H2S in HCl solution and the latter can be obtained by addition, of H2SO4 and alchohol to the solution, from which the Group II was previously removed. Study on the radioactive substances belonging to these two groups is now in progress.
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  • Separation and Confirmation of Zn65 in the Muscle Tissue of a Skipjack
    Kinjiro YAMADA, Harumi TOZAWA, Keishi AMANO, Akira TAKASE
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 921-926
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Ashed sample of the muscle tissue of skipjack, which was caught by “Shunkotsu-Maru” on June 19th near Bikini Atoll was used for the present study. Ion exchanger method, using Dowex 50, was applied to separate radioactive elements with 0.2N HCl, 0.5% oxalic acid and 5% ammonium citrate (pH 3.53, 4.18, 4.60, 5.02, 5.63 and 6.42) as the eluents. Elution curve of the ashed muscle is shown in Fig. 1.
    Appreciable amounts of cathionic radioactive elements were separated by 0.5% oxalic and by 5% ammonium citrate at the pH of 4.18 and also anionic radioactive elements were obtained by 0.2N HCl. As the fraction, which can be withdrawn by ammonium citrate at pH 4.18, was proved the most active; further analysis was undertaken according to the scheme cited in Figs. 2 and 5. In addition to these chemical separation, absorption curve of this specimen with tin foil was examined simultaneously (Fig. 3) and thus the radioactive Zn65 was confirmed to be present in the fish muscle.
    Although it was difficult to detect radioactivity in rare-earth and alkaline-earth groups in the muscle tissue, attempts are being made for more precise examination.
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  • Thermal Bactericidal Effect of Certain Disinfectants by Two Steps Gradual Heat Sterilization
    Wataru SIMIDU, Saburo UENO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 927-929
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    In the heat sterilization of bacterial spores in the presence of some disinfectants, we found in the previous experiments that they were killed abruptly after a lag period. In the present experiments, this lag period was proved possible to be reduced in time when spores were previously exposed to the relatively lower temperature advancing to the principal heating. It should be easily understood that spores which survived in the preheating were more readily killed by further application of the more severe treatment than were untreated spores.
    The sterilizing power of Furaskin and vitamin K3 was shown to be most powerful, although penta chlor phenol was relatively less effective.
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  • Influence of Concentration of Disinfectant upon Thermal Bactericidal Effect for Spores of Bacillus mesentericus
    Wataru SIMIDU, Saburo UENO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 930-933
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    In the present paper we have studied how does the death rate of bacterial spores be affected by the variation of concentration of each tested disinfectants when the spores of Bacillus mesentericus are heat sterilized in the presence of these disinfectants.
    In all tests with disinfectants, the steep germicidal effect appeared after some times which was entirely similar to our previous papers, and in a certain case the death rate before or after the refraction point of death rate curve was accerelated, or in other case the lag period was reduced in time. But the concentration effect was found to be varied with the kind of disinfectant.
    The correlation between the relative mortality time, TR at each concentrations when the mortality time of the control be taken 100, and the relative concentration, CR of disinfectants when the concentratration 4.17mg./100ml. be taken 10 is expressed by the JORDAN and JAOOBS equation(6).
    where, n and A being some constants.
    The value of n calculated from this equation is relatively, small in Furaskin and pentachlor phenol, i.e., the rate changed with the concentration is relatively small. On the contrary, the n value is larger in vitamin K3, and the promotion of germicidal effect with increasing concentration is more extreme.
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  • Influence of Concentration of Disinfectant upon Thermal Bactericidal Effect for Spores of Bacillus mycoides
    Wataru SIMIDU, Saburo UENO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 934-936
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The same investigation as in the previous report1) has been made for the spores of Bacillus mycoides at the temperature of 84.5°C.
    The results were shown to be similar to the previous report, and the relation between the relative mortality time TR and the relative concentration CR agreed with the JORDAN and JACOBS formula2).
    But in this case, there have been found no difference of value of n among these tested disinfectants. However, the value of A of vitamin K3 was less than the others. From these results, vitamin K3 have been shown to have the most effective sterilizing power.
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  • Minoru AKIBA
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 937-940
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The variations in the amounts of bound water in several kinds of fish meat during the processing of marine food products, such as dried, salted and frozen foods, where the phenomenon of dehydration occurs during the processes, were observed using the methods of cobaltous chloride (Oyagi's) and of the vapour pressure measurement. The results obtained were discussed from the standpoint of the practice of food manufacture.
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  • Comparative Studies of Amino-Acid Contents in the Protein of the Ordinary and the Red Muscle of Fishes by Microbiological Assay
    Fumio MATSUURA, Shoji KONOSU, Ryozo OTA, Shinichi KATORI, Kiyoe TANAKA
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 941-945
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    By using microbiological methods, seventeen amino acids were determined in the protein prepared from four species of fish, Scomber japonicus, Seriola quinqueradiata, Parathunnussibi, and Katsuwonus vagans. The results obtained were tabulated in Table 3.
    Distribution of amino acids in the muscle protein of these fish seemed to be relatively uniform, irrespectively of species of fish and kind of muscle. It is noticeable that the content of amino acids in the protein of the superficial red muscle of fish, such as Parathunnus sibi and Katsuwonus vagans, which have the deep seated red mucsle too, agreed surprisingly with those of the ordinary muscle. However, between the deep seated red and the ordinary muscle of above two species, there seemed to be some differences, although very small, in content of several amino acids. This tendency was observed also, between the red and the ordinary muscle of Scomber japonicus and Seriola quinqueradiata, glycine, leucine, phenylalanine, and perhaps proline being prevailing in the red muscle, and aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine, lysine, and perhaps valine, serine, threonine, methionine, and tyrosine being prevailing in the ordinary muscle.
    From the nutritional point of view, the protein of these fish, both the red and the ordinary muscle, may be considered to be as rich as those of domestic animals in the essential amino acids.
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  • Preparation of Crystalline Myoglobin from the Red Muscle of Fishes
    Fumio MATSUURA, Kanehisa HASHIMOTO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 946-950
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    MMb crystals were obtained from the deep-seated red muscle (“Chiai”) of fishes, e. g., Parathunnus sibi, Thunnus orientalis and others, by the method of SCHMID5) (Fig. 1). The iron content was determined to be 0.334-0.335%, according to the DRABKIN's o-phenanthroline method7). In the present paper, the several derivatives of these Mb's were compared spectrophoto-metrically with those of the crystalline MMb prepared from horse heart in the same procedure. The millimolar extinction coefficients of these Mb's are tabulated in Table 2, together with the BOWEN's data on horse heart Mb9) and DE DUVE's data on human heart Mb10) for reference.
    Absorption maxima and minima of horse heart Mb derivatives appear very close with those of BOWEN, although the extinction coefficients of the former are generally lower than those of the latter ; this is mainly due to the difference of basis in calculating the Mb concentration, the coefficients in this investigation being calculated on the equivalent iron basis and those of BOWEN calculated in the other way (see the foot-note of Table 2).
    The absorption spectra of these fish MbO2 were located nearer the short wave-lengths than those of horse MbO2, and found to be present at the same wave-lengths as HbO2, prepared from the blood of immature Thunnus orientalis, and also at the almost same positions as HbO2 of higher vertebrates13) (Fig. 2). This fact goes against the usual conception that the absorption spectrum of MbO2 is shifted toward longer wave-length than that of Hb02. Further, it is remarkable that the β-maximum of MbO2 of fish is unusually higher than its α-maximum. Such a kind of absorption spectrum seems not yet to have been reported in vertebrate Mb and Hb.
    In the case of MbCO of fishes too, the similar specificity was observed, i. d., positions of the maxima and minima were far from those of horse MbCO, but at the same wave-lengths as those of HbCO from fish and higher vertebrates13) (Fig. 3).
    The other derivatives, such as reduced-, met-, cyanmet-Mb, and reduced pyridine-hemochromogen of fishes and horse are nearly identical each other in the absorption spectrum (Fig. 4).
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  • Preparation of Cytochrome c from the Red Muscle of Tunny-fish (I)
    Fumio MATSUURA, Shigehide YAMADA, Kanehisa HASHIMOTO
    1955 Volume 20 Issue 10 Pages 951-954
    Published: 1955
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Cytochrome c (Cyt) preparations contain _??_ about 0.34% iron were prepared from the deep-seated red muscle of tunny (Thunnus orientalis) according to the method of KEILIN and HARTREE 6), the iron being determined by DRABKIN's o-phenanthroline method11). “0.43% Fe” preparations were prepared by means of Amberlite IRC-50 after MARGOLIASH10), from the above-mentioned preparations (Table 1). At the same time, Cyt preparations were obtained from the heart muscle of horse for reference.
    The spectral characters of tunny and horse Cyt's were then investigated (Fig. 1 & Table2, 3). Both in the “0.34% Fe” and in the “0.43% Fe” preparation, there were no significant differences between the spectra of these species Cyt's; i.e., the absorption bands of these Cyt's appear at the same wave-lengths and their spectrophotometric constants are fairly close each other.
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