Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
Volume 60, Issue 5
Displaying 1-27 of 27 articles from this issue
  • Tsukasa Shimasaki, Kiyotaka Miake, Yasuyuki Tsukamasa, Masa-aki Sugiya ...
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 569-576
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Two types of smoked salmon in the Aw range above 0.93 and less than 0.96 (L-Aw type) and above 0.96 (H-Aw type) were prepared, sliced, vacuum-packed and then stored for 40, 30, and 5 days at 5, 10, and 20°C, respectively. Changes in sensory evaluation, and microbiological and chemical characteristics were investigated throughout the storage period. The overall sensory score and textural evaluation of the H-Aw type decreased faster than the L-Aw type at each storage temperature. Viable cell counts and VB-N values of the H-Aw type were larger than the L-Aw type at each temperature during the storage period. As for microflora in the H-Aw type, Enterobacteriaceae was significant in the middle period at 10°C, and was very common at 20°C after 2 days of storage. Lactobacillus finally dominated under the temperature conditions examined. In the L-Aw type, Streptococcus and Lactobacillus were predominant on the last day of storage at 20°C, and 10 and 5°C storage, respectively. These findings suggest that the storage temperature and Aw of smoked salmon are closely correlated to shelf-life, because a combination of storage temperature and Aw affected the viable cell counts and formation of microflora during the storage period and induced the changes of sensory evaluation and VB-N values.
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  • Yasuzumi Fujimori, Tadashi Tokai, Ko Matuda
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 577-583
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    This paper describes the modeling of a fish-capturing process on a gillnet by evaluating the diurnal activity of fish and behavior to the net. Diurnal activity was investigated in an outdoor experiment, and fish behavior to the net was studied at different light intensities in an indoor experiment with rainbow trout Oncorhyncus mykiss. The activity of rainbow trout is diurnally periodic, increasing rapidly before sunrise at dawn, and decreasing gradually after sunset at dusk in the outdoor experiment. The activity of rainbow trout is thought to depend not only on lignt intensity but also on the endogenous rhythm of the fish. The activity increased over 101 lx light intensity in the day-time indoor experiment. Fish seldom encounter the net under 102 lx, and the frequency of encounter to the net began to increase at 101 lx and saturated at 10-2 lx. The net encounter rate was thus estimated as a function of time. The encounter rate showed two remarkable peaks at dawn and dusk, which account for the mazume phenomenon of an increase in the catch of gillnets in the twilight.
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  • Izumi Sakurai
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 585-591
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    This paper examined the distribution and mortality rates of the sunray surf clam Mactra chinensis at 0-2 years old in Tomakomai, southwest Hokkaido. The distribution of each age group was observed at 9m parallel to the shoreline. The distributional pattern defined by Morisita's index Ið was contagious in each age group. The correlation between the density of the 0-year-old population and particle size of the sediment was significant. These results suggest that the distribution of this species is affected by the fluid conditions on the habitat at 0 years old. The age-specific mortality rates of 0-2 year olds were 89.2-97.8, 45.8-47.6, and 42.0%, respectively.
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  • Yoh-ichi Takahashi
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 593-598
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The influence of stocking density and food on hypermelanosis on the blind body side was investigated at the final phase of larval period in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Four stocking densities, 1, 000, 5, 000, 10, 000, and 30, 000 fish/m3 and two types of food, commercially produced artificial diet and Artemia nauplii, were tested. 27 days-old larvae (11.5mm in total length) accommodated in the 100l experimental tanks were reared under the above density and food conditions until age 42 days (about 20mm TL). Pigmentations on the blind and ocular body sides of harvested juveniles were classified into 4 types of coloration.
    Higher stocking density and the artificial diet reduced the occurrence of normally colored fish (% NC) on the blind side. Stocking densities appeared to have no effect on % NC on the ocular side, while feeding of Artemia nauplii resulted in a lower % NC. These results suggest that current methods of mass-production of seedling should be improved to prevent hypermelanosis of the blind body side in Japanese flounder.
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  • Kenjiro Yoneyama, Tatsuro Matsuoka, Gunzo Kawamura
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 599-603
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    An outdoor-tank angling experiment was conducted for wild and domestic groups of Tilapia mossambica to clarify the cause of different catchabilities of fish. A series of release-recapture trials was conducted, in which angled fish were counted for release and subsequent recapture; three times for the wild group and twice for the domestic group. Angling experiences of individuals were examined based on the marks after each series. Pellets taken by fish were weighed after the experiment to examine the potential relationship between feeding intensity and catchability. It was significant that wild fish angled in the first trial were hooked repeatedly in the subsequent trials, while domestic fish were hooked at random in any trial, demonstrating that catchability can be altered by rearing. In addition, the catchable wild individuals were hooked quickly and the uncatchable fish remained unhooked for a longer period in each trial. Large fish took more pellets but there was no correlation between fish size and catchability, implying that the hierarchy in feeding is not related to differences in catchability. Individual differences in the catchability were ruled by precaution behavior, which may change with culture conditions.
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  • Harumi Sakai, Kyoichi Kamiyama, Sang-Rin Jeon, Masaru Amio
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 605-610
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Seven populations from 3 species of corbiculid freshwater bivalves in Japan, Corbicula leana (triploid), C. sandai (diploid) and C. japonica (diploid) were electrophoretically analyzed at 12 isozyme coding loci. C. leana populations had monomorphically the same allele as the most (11 loci) or the second most (one loci) frequently observed allele of C. sandai at all loci analyized. The allelic displacement was seen at 6 loci between C. japonica and the other two species. It was supposed from the dendrogram of Nei's D value that the lacustrine C. sandai had first speciated from the brackish C. japonica and then the fluvial C. leana had derived from C. sandai through triploidization.
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  • Yoh-ichi Takahashi
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 611-615
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Otolith staining by alizarin complexon (ALC) was investigated to develop a new mass-marking method using oral administration in juveniles of the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fishes of about 50mm in total length (82 days after hatching) were accommodated in three 500l tanks, and were supplied artificial diets treated with ALC solutions (ALC diet) for 15 days. ALC concentrations were 100, 500, and 1, 000mg/kg diet. Fishes were sampled every 5 days during the 15 days of ALC diets and then every month. Otoliths (sagittae) were photomicroscopically observed under G-exited UV light. A clear fluorescent mark was found on the peripheral zone of otoliths dissected immediately after ALC diet treatment, irrespective of the concentration. Otoliths taken from fishes with 1, 000mg-15 days treatment were most clearly stained. Fluorescent marks were not found in ctenoid scales on the ocular body side of the same fish. the fluorescent marks on the otoliths were evidently retained for 119 days of post-treatment at all three concentrations. These results indicate that otolith marking by oral ALC administration is effective and practical as a mass-tagging method in juveniles of Japanese flounder.
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  • Chikara Kitajima, Yasuyuki Yamane, Seiichi Matsui
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 617-623
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The specific gravities of larvae and juveniles of the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus were measured in a series of saline solutions of different specific gravities. The specific gravity increased gradually from 1.022 to 1.028 in the egg and prelarval stages and markedly from 1.028 to 1.060 in the postlarval period. It remained nearly constant after the completion of metamorphosis. In the early postlarval period, a diet change in specific gravity was detected temporarily, viz, day-increase and night-decrease, which was induced by a photocycle. The specific gravity of larvae reduced with decreasing specific gravity of the ambient water.
    From these results, it is suggested that ontogenetic changes in the buoyancy of larvae and juveniles of the flounder control their habitat transition. However, it seems to be necessary for the larvae having negative buoyancy, even at the pelagic phase, to swim actively upwards to maintain position in the water column and migrate vertically.
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  • Noboru Murase, Miyuki Maegawa, Toshio Matsui, Masaharu Ohgai, Nobuyasu ...
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 625-630
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Growth and photosynthesis temperature characteristics of the sterile Ulva pertusa (sterile type) were studied and compared with the wild U. pertusa (wild type) collected from the low water mark at Tana in Yamaguchi Prefecture and at Shimoda in Shizuoka Prefecture. The sterile type and the wild type at the Tana site in summer were cultured at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35°C. The sterile type grew faster than the wild type from 20 to 30°C. Photosynthesis temperature relationships of both types were measured with two seasons. The photosynthetic rate, measured from 5 to 35°C every 5 using the same fronds, was higher in the sterile type than in the wild type at the Tana site in autumn over 25°C. The relative photosynthetic rate, expressed as values relative to that at 20°C, was also higher in the sterile type than in the wild type both at the Tana site and at the Shimoda site in summer over 25°C, while the respiratory rate from 10 to 35°C was lower in the sterile type than in the wild type at the Shimoda site in summer. These results indicate that the rapid growth of the sterile type from 20 to 30°Cis mainly caused by a high photosynthetic rate and a low respiratory rate.
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  • Hidemasa Miki, Jun-ichi Nishimoto, Tomoki Yamanaka
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 631-634
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    We have reported previously that the rate of lipid oxidation due to POV (peroxide value) decreases with temperature and increases with lipid content in fish muscle. In the present paper, we investigated the relation between myofibrillar-protein (Mf-P) denaturation and lipid oxidation in muscles of sardine under various conditions during storage at low temperatures (0, -5, and -20°C). The Mf-P denaturation in sardine muscle was determined by measuring Mf (Ca)-ATPase activity as an indicator; it occurred rapidly at an early stage where lipid oxidation was still in the induced period during storage. The rate of denaturation was independent of lipid content in the fish muscle.
    As a result, the relation between protein denaturation and lipid deterioration in fish muscle stored at low temperature was not recognized at an early stage of storage. Both phenomena appeared to occur independently.
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  • Shigeru Nakajima, Kunio Suetsuna, Takahide Tsuchiya
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 635-639
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    The fish oils rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were obtained from the fats and oils surrounding the eye of tuna. The effects of DHA on body composition and N balance in rats were investigated. The amount of experimental diet intake and the growth rate of rats fed a DHA oil diet (DHA oil group) were the same as those of rats fed a corn oil diet (corn oil group). The liver weight and the proportion of fat in the liver of the DHA oil group were lower than those of the corn oil group, while the N balance of the DHA oil group was higher than that of the corn oil group. Although the serum triglyceride and protein levels of both rat groups were the same, the serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and glucose levels of the DHA oil group were lower than those of the corn oil group. The activity of serum transaminase of the DHA oil group was lower than that of the corn oil group. This fish oil thus controlled the accumulation of fat in the liver and prevented the decrease of liver function.
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  • Toshio Takeuchi, Feng Zheng, Kenzo Yoseda, Jun Hirokawa, Takeshi Watan ...
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 641-652
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Two feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of rotifers enriched with different levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for larval cod Gadus macrocephalus.
    Rotifers containing different levels of DHA (0-3.1%) were prepared by the direct method in which triglycerides, methyl esters, Euglena and shark's egg (dried powder), each containing different amounts of DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), were emulsified. The larvae fed on rotifers containing more than 1.5% DHA showed high percentages of abnormal fish floating on the water surface together with high mortalities and hydrops in eyes and fins. These abnormalities and mortality were lowest in the fish fed the rotifers containing about 1% DHA. The larvae fed the rotifers containing 2% DHA also showed good growth performances. These fish contained 11μg/g vitamin E (VE) dry basis in the whole body, while other groups of fish had only a trace amount of VE. On the other hand, the DHA content in fish rapidly decreased from 0.6 to 0.1-0.2g/100g (wet basis) during 20 days after hatching in all groups of fish.
    It is inferred that a suitable level of DHA in rotifers for larval cod is approximately 1% and that co-existance of VE seems to be required for effective utilization of DHA.
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  • Yasuhiro Funatsu, Noboru Kato, Ken-ichi Arai
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 653-660
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Frozen surimi was chopped with 2.5% NaCl at pH 6.9 and 6.0. The salt-ground meats were then incubated at 25°C. During the setting, part of the salt-ground meat was solubilized into 0.80M NaCl solution. The content and subunit components of myofibrillar proteins in salt-soluble (S) and insoluble (P) fractions were investigated.
    In the early stage of setting, a large amount of myosin heavy chain (HC) and actin containing tropomyosin, together with a small amount of cross-linked myosin HC (HCn) and unidentified compo-nents (X1 and X2), constituted the S fraction from meats of both pHs. With the progress of setting, the decrease in salt-soluble protein from the meat of pH 6.0 was rather slower than that of pH 6.9. In addition, all subunit components including the large amount of myosin HC disappeared from the S fraction, and a concomitant accumulation of HCn at pH 6.9 (or HCn plus X1 at pH 6.0) together with all other components was observed in the P fraction.
    These results indicate that all protein components in the salt-ground meat were complexed to form the salt-insoluble protein fraction in the process of setting.
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  • Takako Aoki, Minori Matsukura, Katsutoshi Hokari, Naomichi Kunisaki
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 661-666
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    We investigated the effects of single and simultaneous administration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and sulfur-containing amino acids such as taurine (Tau), cysteic acid (CySH), and glutathione (GSH) on serum lipids of rats. The rats were divided into eight groups; control (not containing EPA, DHA, and sulfur-containing amino acids); group I (EPA); greup II (DHA); group III (EPA+DHA); group IV (Tau); group V (EPA+DHA+Tau); group VI (EPA+DHA+CySH); group VII (EPA+DHA+GSH). The animals were fed these diets for 2 weeks.
    Total serum cholesterol levels were significantly lowered in all groups, especially in group V, and phospholipid and triglyceride levels were also lowered in all groups, especially in groups V and VII.
    These results suggest that the simultaneous administration of EPA, DHA and sulfur-containing amino acids is more effective for lowering the serum lipid level than single administration of these substances.
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  • Akira Nomura, Yoshiaki Itoh, Satoshi Nishikawa, Atsushi Obatake
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 667-673
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
    Two-step heating (2S heating) is one of the processes used for strengthening kamaboko gel. The usefulness of 2S heating on meat pastes from various modori-inducing types of fish (Type I-IV) was examined.
    2S heating was carried out by heating at 40°C for various periods, and subsequently at 80°C for 20 min. The gel strength of 2S heated gels was compared with that of gel heated only at 80°C for 20 min to evaluate the effectiveness of 2S heating. 2S heating was not effective for the washed meat gels from Type IV, whose washed meat indicates modori-phenomenon at 40°C. The gel strength of the 2S heated gels decreased with heating time at 40°C, accompanied by degradation of myosin heavy chain.
    These results imply that the degradation of myosin heavy chain is responsible for gel disintegration and that the degraded product of myosin heavy chain does not contribute to the gel forming ability of the meat. The results also indicate that 2S heating (40→80°C) to strengthen the gel fails when the washed meat of fish Type IV is used.
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  • Tamao Noguchi, Keisuke Miyazawa, Takashi Matsui
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 675
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Tamao Noguchi
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 677-678
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Masato Nomura
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 679-680
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Takashi Matsui
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 681-682
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Keisuke Miyazawa
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 683-684
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Takuji Uchida, Yukihiko Matsuyama, Mineo Yamaguchi, Tsuneo Honjo
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 685-686
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Takafumi Arimoto, Hiroshi Inada, Masao Nemoto, Yoshihiro Inoue
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 687
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Yoshiki Matsushita, Yoshihiro Inoue, Anatoliy. I. Shevchenko
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 689-690
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Ju-Hee Lee, Masao Nemoto
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 691-692
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Tatsuro Matsuoka
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 693-694
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Frank. Chopin, Takafumi Arimoto
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 695-696
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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  • Takeshi Yamane
    1994 Volume 60 Issue 5 Pages 697-698
    Published: September 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: February 29, 2008
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