IrisDenseNet: Robust Iris Segmentation Using Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks in the Images by Visible Light and Near-Infrared Light Camera Sensors
:1. Introduction
Why Is Iris Segmentation Important?
2. Related Work
2.1. Iris Circular Boundary Detection without Eyelid and Eyelash Detection
2.2. Iris Circular Boundary Detection with Eyelid and Eyelash Detection
2.3. Active Contours for Iris Segmentation
2.4. Region Growing/Watershed-Based Iris Segmentation Methods
2.5. CNN for Iris Segmentation
3. Contribution
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- IrisDenseNet is an end-to-end segmentation network that uses the complete image without prior pre-processing or other conventional image processing techniques with the best information gradient flow, which prevents the network from overfitting and vanishing gradient problem.
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- This study clarifies the power of dense connectivity with a visual difference between the output feature maps from the convolutional layers for dense connectivity and normal connectivity.
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- IrisDenseNet is tested with noisy iris challenge evaluation part-II (NICE-II) and various other datasets, which include both visible light and NIR light environments of both color and greyscale images.
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- IrisDenseNet is more robust for accurately segmenting the high-frequency areas such as the eyelashes and ghost region present in the iris area.
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- To achieve fair comparisons with other studies, our trained IrisDenseNet models with the algorithms are made publicly available through [47].
4. Proposed Method
4.1. Overview of the Proposed Architecture
4.2. Iris Segmentation Using IrisDenseNet
4.2.1. IrisDenseNet Dense Encoder
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- DenseNet is using 3 dense blocks for CIFAR and SVHN datasets and 4 dense blocks for ImageNet classification whereas IrisDenseNet uses 5 dense blocks for each dataset.
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- In DenseNet, all dense blocks have four convolutional layers [56], whereas IrisDenseNet has two convolutional layers in the first two dense blocks and 3 convolutional layers for the remaining dense blocks.
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- In IrisDenseNet, the pooling indices after each dense block are directly fed to the respective decoder block for the reverse operation of sampling.
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- In DenseNet, fully connected layers are used for classification purpose, but in order to make the IrisDenseNet fully convolutional, the fully connected layers are not used.
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- In DenseNet, the global average pooling is used in the end of the network whereas in IrisDenseNet, global average pooling is not used to maintain the feature map for decoder operation.
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- It substantially reduces the vanishing gradient problem in CNNs, which increases the network stability.
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- Dense connectivity in the encoder strengthens the features flowing through the network.
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- It encourages the feature to be reused due to direct connectivity, so the learned features are much stronger than those of normal connectivity.
4.2.2. IrisDenseNet Decoder
5. Experimental Results
5.1. Experimental Data and Environment
5.2. Data Augmentation
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- Cropping and resizing with interpolation
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- Flipping the images only in horizontal direction
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- Horizontal translation
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- Vertical translation
5.3. IrisDenseNet Training
5.4. Testing of IrisDenseNet for Iris Segmentation
5.4.1. Result of Excessive Data Augmentation
5.4.2. Iris Segmentation Results Obtained by the Proposed Method
5.4.3. Comparison of the Proposed Method with Previous Methods
5.4.4. Iris Segmentation Error with Other Open Databases
6. Discussion and Analysis
6.1. Power of Dense Connectivity
6.2. Comparison of Segmentation Results (IrisDenseNet vs. SegNet)
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- The segmentation results obtained by IrisDenseNet dense features show a thinner and finer iris boundary as compared to SegNet, which substantially reduces the error rate for the proposed method, as shown in Figure 21a,b.
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- IrisDenseNet is more robust for the detection of the pupil boundary as compared to SegNet, as shown in Figure 22a,b.
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- IrisDenseNet is more robust for the ghost region in the iris area as compared to SegNet, as shown in Figure 23a,b.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | Methods | Strength | Weakness |
Iris circular boundary detection without eyelid and eyelash detection | Iris localization by circular HT [17,22,24] | These methods show a good estimation of the iris region in ideal cases | These types of methods are not very accurate for non-ideal cases or visible light environments |
Integro-differential operator [18] | |||
Iris localization by gradient on iris-sclera boundary points [19] | A new idea to use a gradient to locate iris boundary | The gradient is affected by eyelashes and true iris boundary is not found | |
The two-stage method with circular moving window [20] | Pupil based on dark color approximated simply by probability | Calculating gradient in a search way is time-consuming | |
Radial suppression-based edge detection and thresholding [21] | Radial suppression makes the case simpler for the iris edges | In non-ideal cases, the edges are not fine to estimate the boundaries | |
Adaptive thresholding and first derivative-based iris localization [23] | Simple way to obtain the boundary based on the gray level in ideal cases | One threshold cannot guarantee good results in all cases | |
Iris circular boundary detection with eyelid and eyelash detection | Two-circular edge detector assisted with AdaBoost eye detector [26] | Closed eye, eyelash and eyelid detection is executed to reduce error | The method is affected by pupil/eyelid detection error |
Curve fitting and color clustering [27] | Upper and lower eyelid detections are performed to reduce the error | The empirical threshold is set for eyelid and eyelash detection, and still true boundary is not found | |
Graph-cut-based approach for iris segmentation [28] | Eyelashes are removed using Markov random field to reduce error | A separate method for each eyelash, pupil, iris detection is time-consuming | |
Rotated ellipse fitting method combined with occlusion detection [29] | Ellipse fitting gives a good approximation for the iris with reduced error | Still, the iris and other boundaries are considered as circular | |
Three model fusion-based method assisted with Daugman’s method [30] | Simple integral derivative as a base for iris boundaries is a quite simple way | High-score fitting is sensitive in ideal cases, and can be disturbed by similar RGB pixels in the image | |
Active contour-based methods | Geodesic active contours, Chan–Vese and new pressure force active contours [31,32,33,34] | These methods iteratively approximate the true boundaries in non-ideal situations | In these methods, many iterations are required for accuracy, which takes much processing time |
Region growing and watershed methods | Region growing with integro-differential constellation [35] | Both iris and non-iris regions are identified along with reflection removal to reduce error | The rough boundary is found first and then a boundary refinement process is performed separately |
Region growing with binary integrated intensity curve-based method [36] | Eyelash and eyelid detection is performed along with iris segmentation | The region growing process starts with the pupil circle, so the case of visible light images where the pupil is not clear can cause errors | |
Watershed BIRD with seed selection [37] | Limbus boundary detection is performed to separate sclera, eyelashes, and eyelid pixels from iris | Watershed transform shares the disadvantage of over-segmentation, so circle fitting is used further | |
Deep-learning-based methods | HCNNs and MFCNs [44] | This approach shows the lower error than existing methods for non-ideal cases | The similar parts to iris regions can be incorrectly detected as iris points |
Two-stage iris segmentation method using deep learning and modified HT [45] | Better accuracy due to CNN, which is just applied inside the ROI defined in the first stage | Millions of 21 × 21 images are needed for CNN training and pre-processing required to improve the image | |
IrisDenseNet for iris segmentation (Proposed Method) | Accurately find the iris boundaries without pre-processing with better information gradient flow. With robustness for high-frequency areas such as eyelashes and ghost regions | Due to dense connectivity, the mini-batch size should be kept low owing to more time required for training |
Block | Name/Size | No. of Filters | Output Feature Map Size (Width × Height × Number of Channel) |
Dense Block-1 | Conv-1_1*/3 × 3 × 3 | 64 | 300 × 400 × 64 |
Conv-1_2*/3 × 3 × 64 | 64 | ||
Cat-1 | - | 300 × 400 × 128 | |
Transition layer-1 | B-Conv-1/1 × 1 | 64 | 300 × 400 × 64 |
Pool-1/2 × 2 | - | 150 × 200 × 64 | |
Dense Block-2 | Conv-2_1*/3 × 3 × 64 | 128 | 150 × 200 × 128 |
Conv-2_2*/3 × 3 × 128 | 128 | ||
Cat-2 | - | 150 × 200 × 256 | |
Transition layer-2 | B-Conv-2/1 × 1 | 128 | 150 × 200 × 128 |
Pool-2/2 × 2 | - | 75 × 100 × 128 | |
Dense Block-3 | Conv-3_1*/3 × 3 × 128 | 256 | 75 × 100 × 256 |
Conv-3_2*/3 × 3 × 256 | 256 | ||
Cat-3 | - | 75 × 100 × 512 | |
Conv-3_3*/3 × 3 × 256 | 256 | 75 × 100 × 256 | |
Cat-4 | - | 75 × 100 × 768 | |
Transition layer-3 | B-Conv-3/1 × 1 | 256 | 75 × 100 × 256 |
Pool-3/2 × 2 | - | 37 ×50 × 256 | |
Dense Block-4 | Conv-4_1*/3 × 3 × 256 | 512 | 37 ×50 × 512 |
Conv-4_2*/3 × 3 × 512 | 512 | ||
Cat-5 | - | 37 ×50 × 1024 | |
Conv-4_3*/3 × 3 × 512 | 512 | 37 ×50 × 512 | |
Cat-6 | - | 37 ×50 × 1536 | |
Transition layer-4 | B-Conv-4/1 × 1 | 512 | 37 ×50 × 512 |
Pool-4/2 × 2 | - | 18 × 25 × 512 | |
Dense Block-5 | Conv-5_1*/3 × 3 × 512 | 512 | 18 × 25 × 512 |
Conv-5_2*/3 × 3 × 512 | 512 | ||
Cat-7 | - | 18 × 25 × 1024 | |
Conv-5_3*/3 × 3 × 512 | 512 | 18 × 25 × 512 | |
Cat-8 | - | 18 × 25 × 1536 | |
Transition layer-5 | B-Conv-5/1 × 1 | 512 | 18 × 25 × 512 |
Pool-5/2 × 2 | - | 9 × 12 × 512 |
Method | |
Excessive data augmentation | 0.00729 |
Data augmentation by changing the contrast and brightness of iris image | 0.00761 |
Proposed data augmentation in Section 5.2 | 0.00695 |
Method | |
Luengo-Oroz et al. [69] | 0.0305 |
Labati et al. [70] | 0.0301 |
Chen et al. [71] | 0.029 |
Jeong et al. [26] | 0.028 |
Li et al. [72] | 0.022 |
Tan et al. [73] | 0.019 |
Proença et al. [74] | 0.0187 |
de Almeida [75] | 0.0180 |
Tan et al. [76] | 0.0172 |
Sankowski et al. [77] | 0.016 |
Tan et al. [35] | 0.0131 |
Haindl et al. [78] | 0.0124 |
Zhao et al. [79] | 0.0121 |
Arsalan et al. [45] | 0.0082 |
SegNet-Basic [57] | 0.00784 |
Proposed IrisDenseNet | 0.00695 |
Method | ||
Hu et al. [30] | Sub-dataset by iPhone5 | 0.0193 |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy S4 | 0.0192 | |
Arsalan et al. [45] | Sub-dataset by iPhone5 | 0.00368 |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy S4 | 0.00297 | |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy Tab2 | 0.00352 | |
SegNet-Basic [57] | Sub-dataset by iPhone5 | 0.0025 |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy S4 | 0.0027 | |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy Tab2 | 0.0029 | |
Proposed IrisDenseNet | Sub-dataset by iPhone5 | 0.0020 |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy S4 | 0.0022 | |
Sub-dataset by Galaxy Tab2 | 0.0021 |
Method | |
Tan et al. [73] | 0.0113 |
Liu et al. [44] (HCNNs) | 0.0108 |
Tan et al. [76] | 0.0081 |
Zhao et al. [79] | 0.0068 |
Liu et al. [44] (MFCNs) | 0.0059 |
SegNet-Basic [57] | 0.0044 |
Proposed IrisDenseNet | 0.0034 |
DB | Method | R | P | F | |||
CASIA V4.0 Interval | GST [85] | 85.19 | 18 | 89.91 | 7.37 | 86.16 | 11.53 |
Osiris [86] | 97.32 | 7.93 | 93.03 | 4.95 | 89.85 | 5.47 | |
WAHET [87] | 94.72 | 9.01 | 85.44 | 9.67 | 89.13 | 8.39 | |
IFFP [88] | 91.74 | 14.74 | 83.5 | 14.26 | 86.86 | 13.27 | |
CAHT [89] | 97.68 | 4.56 | 82.89 | 9.95 | 89.27 | 6.67 | |
Masek [90] | 88.46 | 11.52 | 89 | 6.31 | 88.3 | 7.99 | |
IDO [25] | 71.34 | 22.86 | 61.62 | 18.71 | 65.61 | 19.96 | |
IrisSeg [84] | 94.26 | 4.18 | 92.15 | 3.34 | 93.1 | 2.65 | |
SegNet-Basic [57] | 99.60 | 0.66 | 91.86 | 2.65 | 95.55 | 1.40 | |
Proposed Method | 97.10 | 2.12 | 98.10 | 1.07 | 97.58 | 0.99 | |
IITD | GST [85] | 90.06 | 16.65 | 85.86 | 10.46 | 86.6 | 11.87 |
Osiris [86] | 94.06 | 6.43 | 91.01 | 7.61 | 92.23 | 5.8 | |
WAHET [87] | 97.43 | 8.12 | 79.42 | 12.41 | 87.02 | 9.72 | |
IFFP [88] | 93.92 | 10.62 | 79.76 | 11.42 | 85.83 | 9.54 | |
CAHT [89] | 96.8 | 11.2 | 78.87 | 13.25 | 86.28 | 11.39 | |
Masek [90] | 82.23 | 18.74 | 90.45 | 11 .85 | 85.3 | 15.39 | |
IDO [25] | 51.91 | 15.32 | 52.23 | 14.85 | 51.17 | 13.26 | |
IrisSeg [84] | 95.33 | 4.58 | 93.70 | 5.33 | 94.37 | 3.88 | |
SegNet-Basic [57] | 99.68 | 0.51 | 92.53 | 2.05 | 95.96 | 1.04 | |
Proposed Method | 98.0 | 1.56 | 97.16 | 1.40 | 97.56 | 0.84 |
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Share and Cite
Arsalan, M.; Naqvi, R.A.; Kim, D.S.; Nguyen, P.H.; Owais, M.; Park, K.R. IrisDenseNet: Robust Iris Segmentation Using Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks in the Images by Visible Light and Near-Infrared Light Camera Sensors. Sensors 2018, 18, 1501.
Arsalan M, Naqvi RA, Kim DS, Nguyen PH, Owais M, Park KR. IrisDenseNet: Robust Iris Segmentation Using Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks in the Images by Visible Light and Near-Infrared Light Camera Sensors. Sensors. 2018; 18(5):1501.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArsalan, Muhammad, Rizwan Ali Naqvi, Dong Seop Kim, Phong Ha Nguyen, Muhammad Owais, and Kang Ryoung Park. 2018. "IrisDenseNet: Robust Iris Segmentation Using Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks in the Images by Visible Light and Near-Infrared Light Camera Sensors" Sensors 18, no. 5: 1501.
APA StyleArsalan, M., Naqvi, R. A., Kim, D. S., Nguyen, P. H., Owais, M., & Park, K. R. (2018). IrisDenseNet: Robust Iris Segmentation Using Densely Connected Fully Convolutional Networks in the Images by Visible Light and Near-Infrared Light Camera Sensors. Sensors, 18(5), 1501.