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T-shirts are an easy vacation wardrobe staple. However, they can be bulky, taking up more suitcase space than you expect. Use a standard folding technique to make your t-shirts into small squares, then stand them vertically in your suitcase to save space and see them all at once. To make the most of your suitcase space, roll your t-shirts into secure, compact rectangles. Or, to prevent wrinkles, consider bundling your t-shirts in stacks.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Folding T-Shirts Compactly

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  1. This way, if the t-shirt has a design or logo, you will be able to see it when you're done folding. Folding t-shirts on a flat surface will make the process easier and neater.[1]
    • To help prevent creasing, you can put a piece of tissue paper on top of the shirt before you start folding.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold in one of the sleeves. Then fold in the other side. This will create a long rectangle.[2]
    • If you are folding a long-sleeved t-shirt, fold the sleeve back towards the edge of the shirt. Then, fold any part of the sleeve that overhangs the edge down towards the bottom hem of the t-shirt.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold the t-shirt in half by bringing the collar all the way to the bottom hem of the t-shirt. The result will be a smaller rectangle.[3]
    • If you like, you can leave your t-shirt folded like this. At this point, your t-shirt will be flat. You can stack several t-shirts folded like this in your suitcase.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold the t-shirt in half again to make it smaller. Fold it once more to make it even more compact. Keep in mind that the more you fold your t-shirt, the thicker it will be.[4]
    • You can line up several t-shirts folded in this way vertically in your suitcase to save space and see them all at once.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Rolling T-Shirts

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  1. It's easiest and neatest to fold and roll t-shirts on a horizontal surface. A bed or a desk will work just fine.[5]
    • A horizontal surface at waist level is easiest to work with.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold up the hem of the t-shirt all the way around. This will create a "pocket" that the rest of the shirt will fit into.[6]
    • The bigger the "pocket," the flatter your final result will be. However, it will be wider.
    • Creating a smaller "pocket" will make your final result rounder but narrower.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold the t-shirt so that the edge of the sleeve lines up with the opposite edge of the t-shirt's collar. Then fold the sleeve back towards the edge of the t-shirt.[7]
    • Don't worry about making the folds perfect. As long as the t-shirt fits into the pocket, imperfect folds work just fine.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold the other half of the t-shirt so that it completely overlaps with the first sleeve. Then, fold the sleeve back.[8]
    • To make this even faster, hold the t-shirt at the shoulder seam and the bottom hem with 2 fingers. When you fold it in, the sleeve will automatically fall into place.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Starting at the collar of the t-shirt, begin to roll the fabric toward the pocket. When you reach the pocket, simply tuck the roll into it.[9]
    • Tucking the t-shirt into the pocket will help the t-shirt stay securely folded.
    • The more tightly you roll your t-shirt, the more compact it will be.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Bundling T-Shirts for Fewer Wrinkles

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Lay the t-shirts one on top of the other so that they line up. Use a flat surface to more easily fold your clothes. The larger the stack, the fewer creases there will be in the middle and lower layers.[10]
    • The shirt on the top of the stack will have the most wrinkles.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Lay the item flat on top of the pile. Topping the pile of t-shirts with another garment will help prevent sharp folds in your t-shirts, meaning they will have fewer creases. Use a garment that is less likely to crease on top of the pile.[11]
    • If there are other clothes you don't want to crease, such as dress pants, button-down shirts, or dresses, you can place them at the bottom of your t-shirt pile.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold T Shirts for Travel
    Fold one t-shirt sleeve over the top garment. Then fold in the other sleeve. Finally, fold the bottom of the t-shirt up to the collar.[12]
    • This keeps the top garment in place and creates a secure bundle of clothes.
  4. After you fold in the first t-shirt, fold in the second t-shirt in the same way so that it encloses the first t-shirt. Continue folding each t-shirt until you reach the bottom layer.[13]
    • After folding the last layer, you can place the pile directly into your suitcase.
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About This Article

Caitlin Jaymes
Co-authored by:
Closet Organizer & Fashion Stylist
This article was co-authored by Caitlin Jaymes. Caitlin Jaymes is a Closet Organizer and Fashion Stylist based in Los Angeles, California. With a background in Fashion PR and Fashion Design, she specializes in creating wardrobes for her clients with pieces they already own. She has experience working with celebrities, editorial shoots, and men and women of all ages. Caitlin uses fashion and organization to help instill and influence confidence, ambition, and stress-free lifestyles for all her clients. She runs her business by two guiding principles: “fashion has no rules, only guidance on how to look and feel your best” and “life has too many stressors, don’t let clutter be one of them.” Caitlin’s work has been featured on HGTV, The Rachael Ray Show, VoyageLA, Liverpool Los Angeles, and the Brother Snapchat Channel. This article has been viewed 103,672 times.
13 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 13, 2024
Views: 103,672
Categories: Folding Clothes
Article SummaryX

Folding your T-shirts correctly for travel can save you a lot of space in your suitcase, and you have a few different options. For a simple compact fold, start by laying your T-shirt on a flat surface with the front facing down. Fold in one of the sleeves, then fold in the other sleeve so you have a long rectangle. Next, fold the collar of your shirt down to the hem. Finally, fold your T-shirt in half one more time and you're good to go. You can also roll your T-shirts to save space. Start by laying your T-shirt on a flat surface. Then, roll the bottom hem up a few inches. Fold one-third of your shirt over, then fold the sleeve back towards the edge. Do the same thing on the other side. Finally, roll up your T-shirt from the top to the bottom and tuck the roll into the pocket you made with the hem. To learn how to keep your T-shirts wrinkle-free when you pack them, scroll down!

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