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Are you looking to reorganize your spring and summer wardrobe? With all the different folding techniques out there, you might not know the best way to put away your shorts. That’s okay! We’re here to answer your questions and walk you through some of the most popular folding techniques out there, so you can store your shorts in a way that’s easy and convenient for you.

Question 4 of 7:

How do you compactly fold shorts?

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  1. Fold vertically along the seam, so both back pockets of your shorts are touching one another. Smooth out the garment with your hands. Then, fold the fly into the middle of your shorts, transforming the garment into a narrow rectangle.[5]
  2. Line up the waistbands, folding your shorts into a small, compact square. Now, slip your newly-folded shorts into a drawer, where you can stack them on top of other garments![6]
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Question 5 of 7:

How do you roll shorts for packing?

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  1. If you can, fold the waistband at least 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) forward, so the top part of your shorts is inside-out. Then, smooth and straighten out the legs of your shorts, so the garment won’t be too wrinkly once it’s folded.[7]
  2. Fold your shorts vertically across the central seam, lining up both legs. Then, fold in the fly of your shorts, so they’re easier to roll.[8]
  3. Turn your folded shorts so the pant legs are facing you. Starting at the bottom of the legs, pinch and roll the material toward the waistband. Then, pull the folded waistband over the rolled fabric—it’ll act like a pocket for your folded shorts.[9]
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Question 6 of 7:

How do you fold shorts to save space?

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  1. Ultimately, it depends on your personal organization style and what best meets your personal needs. You might prefer the KonMari method if you like to view your clothes by color, or you might like the compact folding style if you prefer to stack your garments.[11] However, you might like rolling your clothes more if you travel frequently, since rolled clothes don’t take up as much space.[12]

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About This Article

Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO®
Co-authored by:
Certified Professional Organizer & Senior Move Manager
This article was co-authored by Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO® and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Marty Stevens-Heebner is a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) and Founder of Clear Home Solutions, a home organizing and senior moving management company based in Southern California. Marty is the President of the National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers (NASMM), with certifications in Senior and Specialty Move Management, Professional Organizing, and Aging in Place. Clear Home Solutions was the first nationally accredited firm in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Marty is the first Certified Senior Move Manager (SMM-C) in the United States and has been acknowledged as a Hoarding Specialist and ADHD Specialist through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. Marty also hosts How to Move Your Mom (and still be on speaking terms afterward), a podcast dedicated to later life and all its idiosyncrasies. She received her B.A. in History from Cornell University and an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles. This article has been viewed 172,224 times.
21 votes - 69%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: March 29, 2022
Views: 172,224
Article SummaryX

To fold shorts, first lay them face-up on a flat surface. Fold them in half once vertically. Then, fold them in half horizontally, lining up the waistband and the bottom of the legs. Store your folded shorts upright side-by-side in a drawer instead of stacking them on top of each other so they’re easier to find when you need them. To roll shorts so they’re more compact for packing, first fold the waistband down about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) over the front. Then, fold the shorts in half vertically. Finally, roll the bottom of the legs up toward the top of the shorts and tuck the roll into the waistband. For shorts made with wrinkle-prone fabric, like linen, try hanging them on a hanger instead of folding them to avoid wrinkles.

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