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You can transform the dull, everyday experience of showering into a much more enjoyable one with the simple addition of music. But you should be careful when doing so. The steam from your shower can negatively impact your electronics, shortening their shelf life or causing them to malfunction prematurely. To prevent this and save yourself an unnecessary expense, you can use waterproof audio equipment, you can listen to music playing outside your shower, and you can make use of secondary measures to protect your technology from moisture.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Waterproofing for Music in the Shower

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  1. You can find these at most general retailers, technology stores, and similar stores. Once you do, you can keep your phone somewhere dry in the bathroom and connect it to the speaker in the shower. Start a playlist on your phone to play music in the shower on the speaker.
    • In some cases, you may be able to find speakers equipped with suction cups to make the speaker more stable in the shower.
    • Some speakers may have waterproof straps you can use to hang the speaker from the shower curtain rod.
    • Read the description of your waterproof speakers carefully. Some may be fully splash resistant, but unable to be immersed in water.[1]
  2. Some phones have cases that are naturally resistant to water. Some may even be safe to take in shallow water, though check your phone’s detailed manual description before attempting this. In some cases, certain “waterproof” phones may only be spill or splash-resistant.
    • Some phones are actually marketed for their usefulness as music players in the shower. Some of these you might consider include the Galaxy S7, iPhone 7 Plus, the Caterpillar Cat S60, and more.
  3. These are many times a cheaper alternative than waterproof Bluetooth speakers or a waterproof phone. Even though you won’t be able to use playlists saved to your mobile device, you’ll still be able to enjoy the tunes broadcast by your favorite radio station while showering.
    • Some of these shower radios also have the ability to pair your phone with Bluetooth or an AUX cord connection to turn the radio into a speaker.
    • Some bathrooms may get poor reception due to the interference of walls, piping, and more. Because of this, you’ll likely want to prioritize radios that are highly rated for their reception.[2]
  4. If you rise earlier than others in your household, you might not be able to rock the tunes on high volumes through a speaker. In this case, you might make use of a waterproof MP3 player and waterproof headphones. This way, you can listen to your favorite music at whatever volume you desire while enjoying your shower.
    • Three models you may want to consider if a waterproof MP3 sounds like it might suit your needs are: Sony's Walkman NWZ-W273S, the Speedo AquaBeat 2, and the KitSound Triathlon.[3]
  5. Many waterproof cases claim to be 100% waterproof. While these very well may limit the majority of moisture from coming into contact with your phone, it’s not uncommon for trace amounts of water to enter the case. For this reason, you should use a waterproof case as added protection for your technology, but try to avoid exposing these to moisture.
    • Read the label description of potential “waterproof” cases you’re considering buying. In some cases, these may only be water-resistant and not able to be dunked in water.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Hearing Music Played Outside the Shower

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  1. In some cases, you might not have time to set up speakers in your bathroom. In other cases, setting up speakers might not be worth the effort. You don’t need speakers to listen to music while showering. However, if you do plan on using speakers, select durable, small- to mid-sized speakers.
    • Large speakers will create more volume and will be the easiest for you to hear over the sound of the shower running. However, these tend to be more delicate, and will likely be more sensitive to steam.
    • Speakers that can be oriented to broadcast music directly at the shower should be prioritized. These kinds of speakers will be easier to hear over the running water.
  2. If you’re playing music straight from your phone without external speakers, it may be difficult to hear the music. It’s a good thing you can create an emergency amplifier by inserting the speaker end of your phone into a cup or glass.
    • You may want to try several different glasses, as the shape of the glass will influence the application effect.
    • Generally, you can expect wide-mouthed glasses or bowls to produce a richer, fuller, deeper sound than small-mouthed glasses.[4]
  3. The more you focus the sound of your phone and (potentially) your speakers on the shower, the easier it’ll be for you to hear the music over the sound of the water. If you made a cup-amplifier, you may be able to hear the music best from the shower if you angle the mouth of the cup to face the shower.
    • Water can sometimes spray through gaps in the curtain, especially after you enter the shower. Take extra care to keep your equipment from getting unnecessarily wet. Generally, moisture is bad for electronics.
    • The acoustics of your bathroom may also influence the best placement of your audio equipment. Generally, sound waves spread through a room, bouncing off hard surfaces and being absorbed by soft ones. The more concentrated these waves, the easier to hear they are. Angle speakers and cup-amplifiers to emit sound in your shower area.
  4. When you’re in the shower, especially if you don’t have the benefit of having a waterproof phone, it may be impossible to skip a bad song. Wet hands can get damaging moisture on your phone, so instead, consider setting a rockin’ playlist of your own ahead of time so you aren’t tempted to use your phone while wet.
    • If you absolutely must change the song while you’re in the shower, try to use the voice activation feature of your phone to prevent getting your phone wet. Speak clearly and distinctly; it may be difficult for the voice recognition software to recognize your voice over the shower.
    • Even your favorite songs can become old after a while. Why not come up with many different shower playlists that capture common feelings you have? For example, you might have a playlist for encouraging yourself, one for focusing on work, one for puzzling out a difficult problem, and so on.
  5. Pair your phone to or plug in the AUX cable for your speaker if necessary. Start your playlist on your phone, and if using the cup-amplifier, insert your phone into the cup. Turn the volume up fully, then hop in the shower and enjoy music as you get clean.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Protecting Technology from Moisture with Secondary Measures

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  1. There may be some cases when you’re away from home and in dire need of some tunes while showering. Take a re-sealable plastic baggie, insert your phone into it, and seal the baggie. Then use a durable waterproof tape, like duct tape, to reinforce the seal of the baggie.[5]
    • Even if you lack a suitable waterproof tape, so long as you’re careful to keep the sealable part of the baggie closed, your phone should be protected from water.
    • Some plastic baggies will be thin enough for your phone to read your taps and swipes. It may take you some time to find the best plastic baggie for your phone.[6]
  2. Moisture can build up in the air and saturate the enclosed atmosphere of your bathroom. When the air becomes saturated, moisture has a tendency to work its way into even well-protected cases. You can prevent the buildup of air moisture by turning on a fan before showering and running it for the duration of your shower.
    • If your bathroom doesn’t have a fan, you might want to crack a window or leave your door propped slightly open to give moisture an escape point.
  3. Certain parts of your bathroom may accumulate water more easily than others. In some cases, you may have noticed that some places seem to be wet every time you take a shower. These are spots that should be avoided when setting up and positioning your technology.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I do it so that I can hear it, but no one else in my apartment can?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make it quieter. Muffle it. You can put something over it, or move the music source so the sound of the shower itself is a barrier between the music and anybody else.
  • Question
    What if I'm nine years old so I can't buy a speaker?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Persuade your parents to buy you a speaker, or anything that plays music. Use it wisely, as not everything is water-proof. Provided you ask politely, they may say yes. You could also do chores to help pay for it, or you could ask for the speaker for a Christmas or birthday present.
  • Question
    I don't want to risk putting it in a sealable bag in the shower, I have no speakers, and my phone doesn't play music loudly. How can I make it louder? It's as close to the shower as possible.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are many great waterproof Bluetooth speakers you could buy, such as ShowerMate. You also could use a set of regular computer speakers in the headphone jack (outside of the shower, of course) to give you more volume.
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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 77,806 times.
79 votes - 58%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: December 3, 2023
Views: 77,806
Categories: Music
Article SummaryX

Listening to music through your phone or a portable speaker is a great way to make your showers more enjoyable. If your phone isn't water-resistant, get a waterproof speaker or a waterproof case for your phone so you can take it into the shower with you. Alternatively, place your phone or a regular speaker outside of your shower and set it loud enough so you can hear it over the running water. Make sure it’s a few feet away from your shower just in case any water splashes out. If your phone is too quiet, try placing it in a glass to amplify its volume. For more tips, including how to control your music when you’re in the shower, read on!

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