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Known as the “hermit kingdom,” trips to North Korea are extremely limited, but can spark curiosity in foreign travellers. Many countries have active travel bans advising their citizens not to travel to North Korea. Tightened travel restrictions followed the death of Otto Warmbier in 2017, an American student who was arrested during his trip in North Korea. After his release, he returned to the U.S. in a coma and then passed away.[1] Travelers can usually visit North Korea only in very special cases. If you are allowed to travel to North Korea, research its laws and culture, and prepare in case of emergencies.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Completing Necessary Paperwork

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  1. Visit your country’s official government site to see if there are special requirements or any travel bans. You may not be able to use a regular passport, or you may need a special visa. The site might be under the Foreign Affairs or Travel section on your country’s website.
  2. Tourists can only participate in activities hosted by these tour groups and supervised by North Korean guides. Tour group operators usually book hotels within the country’s capital as well, so choose an active tour operator that also includes accommodations.[3]
    • Some tour operators like Koryo Tours and Mir Corporation have stopped leading trips for citizens in certain countries (like the U.S.) until travel bans are lifted, so check their websites to make sure you can join.[4]
  3. Traveling to North Korea is fairly inexpensive, and easy to organize since tours are usually all-inclusive. Tours may start from a city close to North Korea like Beijing, so airfare to the tour’s beginning location should be factored in. Depending on the length of your trip, tours range from $500 to $2,500 USD or 1,850 euros. [5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Taking Precautions Before Your Trip

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  1. Since the threat of arrest or detention in North Korea is high, travelers should prepare their family before their trip. Draft a will, plan funeral arrangements, and discuss care or custody of children and pets. Share important documents with your family or close friends in case you cannot return home.[6]
  2. Your home country may not have an embassy or consulate in North Korea. In an emergency, you might need to contact another country’s embassy, or your country’s embassy in Seoul, South Korea. Check your country’s official government site for embassy contact information.[7]
    • The Embassy of Sweden Pyongyang acts as the protecting power for U.S., Australian and Canadian citizens.[8]
  3. Check your country’s official site to see if you can register your information with them for your trip. Your country will have your details on the official record and will allow them to contact you and possibly help you if needed in an emergency.[9]
    • For example, citizens in Ireland can register with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade if they’re traveling outside Ireland or Great Britain.[10]
    • U.S. citizens can enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at https://mytravel.state.gov/s/step.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Staying Safe While in North Korea

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  1. If you’re traveling to North Korea on an officially-sponsored mission, make sure your work or organization is kept up to date on your location. Choose a person within the organization to contact first. Let them know what they should do if you cannot be contacted or in the event of an emergency.[11]
  2. Laws concerning behavior can be strict in North Korea. It’s illegal to perform any religious activities, and to possess any items that criticize North Korea. Your tour group will likely give you advice or literature on how to behave during your trip, so be sure to follow it.[12]
    • You cannot take Korean money out of the country when you exit.[13]
  3. Since a North Korean guide will be at your side for most of your trip, be careful of what you say to them. It’s best not to discuss subjects like politics with the guide or anyone else during your trip. It’s illegal to have unauthorized conversations with North Koreans, or to question the nation’s leaders.[14]
    • Don't fold or dispose of newspapers that have the image of the Kim dynasty's members on them. It can be taken the wrong way by North Korean officials.
    • Speech is extremely restricted in North Korea so it's best to avoid saying anything.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I leave North Korea once I am there?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you can. However, please note that if you are missing your exit visa, you will likely be trapped there for some period of time. You could potentially be arrested as well. Don't lose your exit visa.
  • Question
    Can a US passport holder travel as tourist?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. First, you will need a special validation passport from the US Department of State. Second, you will need a North Korean entry and exit visa, which you can obtain at the North Korean consulate in Beijing. If North Korean and/or US officials find out that you are missing either of those, you can be arrested. In North Korea, you would be sentenced to hard labor camps. In the US, you would likely face federal prison.
  • Question
    Can I go to North Korea without a tour guide?
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    Community Answer
    No, you cannot go to North Korea without a tour guide. Generally, you’ll need a guide to travel through North Korea, but there are some exceptions.
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  • Remember that even for minor crimes, you could be imprisoned for several years or for a life sentence, or even be executed.
  • Do not disrespect any of the past or current leaders; it is a crime.
  • Traveling to high-risk areas like North Korea raises the risk of kidnapping, theft, rape, injury or hostage-taking.[15]
  • The risk of arrest and detainment is high, even if you are adequately prepared.[16]
  • Getting used to the culture can be difficult: what might not be considered a crime in your home country can be considered a crime under North Korean law enforcement.[17]
  • If you travel without a special validation passport, then you can be arrested by either North Korean officials or your home country's officials.[18]
  • It is illegal to call the country North Korea while you're there.
  • It is best to stay silent, not to touch anything, and to view everything with your eyes. You can share your experiences afterwards.
  • If you visit the Demilitarized Zone from either North or South Korea, you also should remain silent. Both North and South Korean guards can arrest or hurt you if you do not obey their orders.
  • Don't try to overthrow the government; you will be punished in the same manner as if you were to overthrow your own government. As obvious as it may sound, someone actually tried it and did not get away easily.[19]
  • Breaking any law in North Korea can result in being taken to a labor camp where you will face horrible conditions and torture. Always be extremely careful not to break any laws.

About This Article

Stef Katz
Co-authored by:
Travel Agent
This article was co-authored by Stef Katz. Stef Katz is a Travel Agent and the Founder of The Travel Superhero. She has helped clients enjoy convenience, access, personal attention, and ease in their travel planning for 6 years. Stef specializes in elevated social travel and finds ways to bring peace of mind to her travelers with open communication, genuine care, and professional support. She holds an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts from Miami Dade College and a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing from the University of Florida, as well as numerous certifications with destinations, tour companies, and cruise lines in the travel industry. This article has been viewed 36,667 times.
50 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: February 14, 2025
Views: 36,667
Categories: Asia Travel
Article SummaryX

Before you can travel to North Korea, you'll need to check your country's official government site to see if they restrict or ban travel to North Korea. Once you're certain you can travel there, book a tour by looking up a tour operator that's been approved by the North Korean government. Although you should be able to find a package with airfare and accommodations, you may still need to book plane tickets to the city where your tour starts. Since the threat of arrest or detention in North Korea is high, make sure you know how to contact your government in case of an emergency. You should also adhere to North Korea's strict laws and cultural regulations on behavior, which make it illegal to perform religious activities or possess items that criticize North Korea. For more tips, like how to stay safe while in North Korea, keep reading.

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