- Die North British Locomotive Company of Schottland (NBL oder North British) wurde im Jahre 1903 durch die Fusion der drei Glasgower Unternehmen, Sharp, Stewart & Co., Neilson & Company und Dübs and Company gegründet und wurde größter Lokomotivenhersteller Europas. Die Hauptfabriken befanden sich in . 1918 produzierte die Fabrik den ersten Prototyp des anglo-amerikanischen Mark VIII Panzers für die alliierten Armeen, welcher aber auf Grund des Waffenstillstandes nicht in Serienproduktion ging. Die zwei anderen Eisenbahnfabriken in Springburn waren die und . (de)
- The North British Locomotive Company (NBL, NB Loco or North British) was created in 1903 through the merger of three Glasgow locomotive manufacturing companies; Sharp, Stewart and Company (Atlas Works), Neilson, Reid and Company (Hyde Park Works) and Dübs and Company (Queens Park Works), creating the largest locomotive manufacturing company in Europe and the British Empire. Its main factories were located at the neighbouring Atlas and Hyde Park Works in central Springburn, as well as the Queens Park Works in Polmadie. A new central Administration and Drawing Office for the combined company was completed across the road from the Hyde Park Works on Flemington Street by James Miller in 1909, later sold to Glasgow Corporation in 1961 to become the main campus of North Glasgow College (now Glasgow Kelvin College). The two other Railway works in Springburn were St. Rollox railway works, owned by the Caledonian Railway and Cowlairs railway works, owned by the North British Railway. Latterly both works were operated by British Rail Engineering Limited after rail nationalisation in 1948. In 1918, NBL produced the first prototype of the Anglo-American Mark VIII battlefield tank for the Allied armies, but with the Armistice it did not go into production. (en)
- La North-British Locomotive company limited, fut de 1903 à 1962 l'une des plus grandes entreprises britanniques de construction de matériel ferroviaire. (fr)
- La North British Locomotive Company (NBL or North British) fu un'azienda inglese produttrice di materiale rotabile ferroviario attiva dal 1903 al 1962. Nacque nel 1903 attraverso la fusione di tre aziende di Glasgow che producevano locomotive: la Sharp, Stewart and Company (Atlas Works), la (Hyde Park Works) a la Dübs and Company (Queens Park Works). Da tale fusione nacque la più grande industria costruttrice di locomotive d'Europa. I suoi stabilimenti principali erano le Atlas and Hyde Park Works nel centro di Springburn e le Queens Park Works, a Polmadie. Nel 1909, per iniziativa di James Miller, lungo la strada dalle Hyde Park Works a Flemington Street fu costituita la direzione commerciale e gli uffici di progettazione. Il complesso divenne poi il maggior campus universitario del . Le altre due officine di produzione di materiale ferroviario a Springburn furono quella di St. Rollox, di proprietà della , e le Cowlairs railway works, di proprietà della . Nel 1918 la NBL costruì il primo prototipo del carro armato anglo-americano per le forze degli Alleati, ma l'armistizio ne interruppe la produzione. (it)
- ノース・ブリティッシュ・ロコモティブ(英 NBL: North British Locomotive)は、イギリススコットランドのグラスゴー(Glasgow)にある3つの会社、シャープ・スチュアート・ニールソン・ダブスが1903年に合併して誕生した、ヨーロッパ最大の機関車製造会社である。主な工場は、アトラス(Atlas)近辺とスプリングバーン(en:Springburn)中心部のハイド・パーク工場(Hyde Park Works)にあった。合併した会社の新しい本社と設計事務所は、1909年にハイド・パーク工場の道路向かいに完成し、現在ではその場所はノース・グラスゴー大学のメインキャンパスになっている。1918年には連合軍の戦車マークVIII(en:Mark VIII (tank))の最初の試作車がこの工場で造られているが、休戦協定が締結されたために量産されなかった。スプリングバーンにあった他の2つの鉄道工場は、(en:Caledonian Railway)のセント・ロレックス鉄道工場(en:St. Rollox railway works)と、ノース・ブリティッシュ鉄道(en:North British Railway)のカウレア鉄道工場(en:Cowlairs railway works)がある。 (ja)
- Die North British Locomotive Company of Schottland (NBL oder North British) wurde im Jahre 1903 durch die Fusion der drei Glasgower Unternehmen, Sharp, Stewart & Co., Neilson & Company und Dübs and Company gegründet und wurde größter Lokomotivenhersteller Europas. Die Hauptfabriken befanden sich in . 1918 produzierte die Fabrik den ersten Prototyp des anglo-amerikanischen Mark VIII Panzers für die alliierten Armeen, welcher aber auf Grund des Waffenstillstandes nicht in Serienproduktion ging. Die zwei anderen Eisenbahnfabriken in Springburn waren die und . (de)
- La North-British Locomotive company limited, fut de 1903 à 1962 l'une des plus grandes entreprises britanniques de construction de matériel ferroviaire. (fr)
- ノース・ブリティッシュ・ロコモティブ(英 NBL: North British Locomotive)は、イギリススコットランドのグラスゴー(Glasgow)にある3つの会社、シャープ・スチュアート・ニールソン・ダブスが1903年に合併して誕生した、ヨーロッパ最大の機関車製造会社である。主な工場は、アトラス(Atlas)近辺とスプリングバーン(en:Springburn)中心部のハイド・パーク工場(Hyde Park Works)にあった。合併した会社の新しい本社と設計事務所は、1909年にハイド・パーク工場の道路向かいに完成し、現在ではその場所はノース・グラスゴー大学のメインキャンパスになっている。1918年には連合軍の戦車マークVIII(en:Mark VIII (tank))の最初の試作車がこの工場で造られているが、休戦協定が締結されたために量産されなかった。スプリングバーンにあった他の2つの鉄道工場は、(en:Caledonian Railway)のセント・ロレックス鉄道工場(en:St. Rollox railway works)と、ノース・ブリティッシュ鉄道(en:North British Railway)のカウレア鉄道工場(en:Cowlairs railway works)がある。 (ja)
- The North British Locomotive Company (NBL, NB Loco or North British) was created in 1903 through the merger of three Glasgow locomotive manufacturing companies; Sharp, Stewart and Company (Atlas Works), Neilson, Reid and Company (Hyde Park Works) and Dübs and Company (Queens Park Works), creating the largest locomotive manufacturing company in Europe and the British Empire. In 1918, NBL produced the first prototype of the Anglo-American Mark VIII battlefield tank for the Allied armies, but with the Armistice it did not go into production. (en)
- La North British Locomotive Company (NBL or North British) fu un'azienda inglese produttrice di materiale rotabile ferroviario attiva dal 1903 al 1962. Nacque nel 1903 attraverso la fusione di tre aziende di Glasgow che producevano locomotive: la Sharp, Stewart and Company (Atlas Works), la (Hyde Park Works) a la Dübs and Company (Queens Park Works). Da tale fusione nacque la più grande industria costruttrice di locomotive d'Europa. Nel 1918 la NBL costruì il primo prototipo del carro armato anglo-americano per le forze degli Alleati, ma l'armistizio ne interruppe la produzione. (it)