Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas
:1. Introduction
2. Study Site
3. Data and Methods
3.1. Data
3.2. Methods: Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking (sPOT) Techniques
- For each data stack (2009–2010 and 2012–2013), the first acquisition was used as the master image. All the slave images were co-registered with respect to the same master to sub-pixel accuracy. Topographic distortions were modeled using a reference DEM (SRTM 1 arc-second global DEM) and precise orbital data and subtracted before the cross-correlation.
- Time series histograms of the range/azimuth deformation fields are plotted for the measurements derived on the landslide blocks and the measurements on the stable ground respectively.
- To correct the centroid shifts (mainly caused by the impact of vegetation) on every histogram, the time series histograms of the measurements from stable ground were all fitted by Gaussian functions. The centroid location of every Gaussian peak was taken as a reference to correct the centroid offsets for the corresponding histograms of range/azimuth offsets of the landslide area.
- From the change in histograms, the temporal evolution of the landslide is shown and the active period of the landslide can be identified, as well as the deformation scale.
- Using a correlation coefficient of 0.25 as the threshold, all pixels with correlation above this value are plotted to show the spatial distribution of azimuth and slant range offsets occurred in February 2009–April 2010 and January 2012–February 2013. The two maps can be plotted for each salve acquisition date in the data stack.
4. Results
4.1. Time Series Landslide Rates Derived from Corner Reflectors (CRs) Using Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking
4.2. The Correlation Between the Landslide Deformation and Water Level Variations
4.3. Assessment of Using Natural Scatterers with sPOT Techniques to Monitor Landslide Movement in Densely Vegetated Terrain
4.4. Statistical Analysis Combined with sPOT for General Use in Landslide Monitoring in Densely Vegetated Areas
5. Discussion
5.1. Performance Assessment of sPOT on Vegetated Surface
5.2. Accuracy Assessment of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking (sPOT)
5.3. Validation of Derived Shuping Landslide Rates
5.4. Landslide Mechanism Inferred From This Study
5.5. Potential and Limitations of sPOT to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Areas
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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TerraSAR-X High-Resolution Spotlight Data | ||
Annual time series | 2009–2010 | 2012–2013 |
First acquisition | 21 February 2009 | 2 January 2012 |
Last acquisition | 15 April 2010 | 23 February 2013 |
Satellite orbit heading (°) | 190.552 | 189.617 |
Wavelength (m) | 0.031 | 0.031 |
Incidence angle (°) | 43.690 | 43.602 |
Range pixel spacing (m) | 0.456 | 0.455 |
Azimuth pixel spacing (m) | 0.862 | 0.873 |
Range resolution (m) | 0.851 | 0.852 |
Azimuth resolution (m) | 1.100 | 1.100 |
Common Master | Slave (Perpendicular Baseline) | ||
20090221 | 20090304 (192 m) | 20090315 (125 m) | 20090326 (040 m) |
20090406 (028 m) | 20090417 (080 m) | 20090428 (050 m) | |
20090509 (040 m) | 20090520 (041 m) | 20090531 (051 m) | |
20090611 (052 m) | 20090622 (125 m) | 20090703 (074 m) | |
20090714 (072 m) | 20090725 (137 m) | 20090805 (071 m) | |
20090816 (120 m) | 20090827 (074 m) | 20090907 (040 m) | |
20090918 (156 m) | 20090929 (180 m) | 20091010 (046 m) | |
20091112 (085 m) | 20091123 (017 m) | 20091204 (089 m) | |
20091215 (043 m) | 20091226 (066 m) | 20100106 (105 m) | |
20100117 (145 m) | 20100128 (033 m) | 20100219 (150 m) | |
20100304 (097 m) | 20100313 (220 m) | 20100324 (102 m) | |
20100404 (111 m) | 20100415 (123 m) |
Common Master | Slave (Perpendicular Baseline) | ||
20120102 | 20120113 (035 m) | 20120124 (012 m) | 20120204 (094 m) |
20120215 (074 m) | 20120226 (055 m) | 20120308 (021 m) | |
20120319 (081 m) | 20120330 (029 m) | 20120421 (058 m) | |
20120524 (064 m) | 20120615 (191 m) | 20120820 (183 m) | |
20120922 (083 m) | 20121025 (002 m) | 20121127 (082 m) | |
20130110 (025 m) | 20130121 (040 m) | 20130201 (160 m) | |
20130212 (017 m) | 20130223 (029 m) |
Correlation Window Size | Processing Time |
16 × 16 | 30 min |
32 × 32 | 39 min |
64 × 64 | 78 min |
Mean (Pixel) | Std (Pixel) | Max (Pixel) | Min (Pixel) | |
Range offset | 5.000 | 0.022 | 5.497 | 4.503 |
Azimuth offset | −8.000 | 0.021 | −7.503 | −8.496 |
Mean Difference (m) | Standard Deviation (m) | RMS Errors (m) | |
Range offset | 0.006 | 0.031 | 0.032 |
Azimuth offset | 0.025 | 0.084 | 0.088 |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Sun, L.; Muller, J.-P. Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 659. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8080659
Sun L, Muller J-P. Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(8):659. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8080659
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Luyi, and Jan-Peter Muller. 2016. "Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas" Remote Sensing 8, no. 8: 659. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8080659
APA StyleSun, L., & Muller, J.-P. (2016). Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas. Remote Sensing, 8(8), 659. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8080659