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Guiledart is a Predacon from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
No, despite what some people would tell you, Rhinoceros is not really descended from Triceratops.

A scheming, nasty bunch of 'bots, the Predacons aren't typically renowned for being loyal–except for Guiledart (ガイルダート Gairudāto). See, this Triceratops field commander is incredibly committed to the Predacon cause, and is always at the beck and call of his leader, Magmatron. Don’t let this fool you into thinking that Guiledart isn't a free thinker, however–he's always looking to climb the chain of command. Like his peers, Guiledart is ambitious, unlike his peers, he makes sure that he advances in rank honorably and without undermining his leader's authority. He's always sure to complete a mission flawlessly, or keep more crooked Predacons in line, in an effort to gain Magmatron's favor, and hopefully a promotion, too.

Even though Guiledart cares about honor, this gets thrown out the window when dealing with Maximals. He's more than willing to play dirty to get the outcome he wants on the battlefield, and when push comes to shove, he’s a ferocious warrior. Armed with his electricity-releasing Thunder Horn blast and the cripplingly destructive Tail Shooter, woe be to any Maximal that encounters the brutal Guiledart in combat.



Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Holly Kaneko (Japanese), Jong-deok An (Korean)
Go home and be a family man.

Guiledart was among the Predacons stationed on Gaia, along with his commander Magmatron. When they noticed five new Maximal recruits landing on the planet’s surface, he was ordered, along with the others, to deal with them. They immediately began to fire on the inbound Maximals, destroying their transport vessels and sending them crashing down. He then rendezvoused with the other Predacons, surrounding their hostage, Stampy. When the Maximals tried to rescue their teammate, Guiledart, along with his teammates, confronted them, but were suddenly frozen in place by Heinrad’s freezing of time. Held still for long enough for Heinrad to take back Stampy, once things returned to normal, he proclaimed that the Maximals must have used magic on them. Once Magmatron and Big Convoy began to duke it out, Guiledart took precautionary measures and demanded that DNAVI teleport them back to HQ before things got messy, taking all Predacons away from combat. Guiledart, along with the other Predacons, was lectured by DNAVI for their failure in combat. Big Convoy, Move Out

Guiledart was with the other Predacons when they listened to Saberback, via transmission, describe his “magical” powers that he had used to disable the Maximals. Sling was shocked by the prospect of wizardry, while Guiledart saw through Saberback’s actual illusion, claiming that the only real special power the charlatan had was to transform into a flower. Later on, when Saberback called for reinforcements against Colada and Longrack, Guiledart and the others answered the call. He lauded Saberback for his efforts in retrieving the Angolmois capsule, before telling him to hand it over so that he could be the one to give it to Magmatron-for safety, of course. Saberback wasn’t buying it, and called him out on just wanting to be the one who looked successful. In the middle of their bickering, Maximal reinforcements arrived, and the Predacons had the snot beaten out of them by Big Convoy. Like their last encounter with the Maximals, DNAVI had to teleport them away so that they weren’t harmed any further. Chase the Mysterious Capsule

Guiledart was on the Dinosaur, and proposed to Magmatron that the group teleport to Solid to retrieve the Angolmois capsule located there. When Dead End pushed back, thinking that it wasn’t honorable to pursue the Maximals in such a way, Guiledart fired back that he best shut his mouth. Magmatron took Guiledart’s side in the affair, and had DNAVI teleport them to Solid. Burning Heart Below Freezing

When DNAVI was unable to give the Predacons the exact location of the Angolmois capsule located on the planet of Maderan, Guiledart suggested waiting for the Maximals to arrive, then outright attacking them so that they had more time to search for the capsule on their own. Magmatron agreed, thinking it to be a good plan, and gave Guiledart control of the mission to Maderan. While Dead End and Saberback went to take care of Heinrad and Colada, Sling and Guiledart set an electric trap for Break, Longrack, and Stampy. Though the trap was successful on the latter two, Stampy managed to escape. Guiledart wasn't too concerned, though-he noted that cowardly 'bots like Stampy could manage to run away for a time, but would end up destroyed all the same. He later found himself eating his words when Stampy disabled the traps and freed the Maximals... for a time. Magmatron then showed up and recaptured them once more, dressing down Guiledart for taking too long on a supposedly simple mission. Stampy escaped again, but came back to attack Magmatron, with the Predacon leader swiping him away. Guiledart was enraged at the attacking of his commander, and then blasted Stampy with electricity, critically injuring him. When Big Convoy arrived, Guiledart was teleported away from the battlefield by DNAVI. Hang in There, Stampy

When the Predacons were in orbit of Donovan, Guiledart immediately placed responsibilities regarding finding the Angolmois capsule located there on Saberback. Saberback then shifted it to Dead End, who shifted it to Sling, who was upset at having to do the work. Guiledart asked what was bothering him, to which Sling responded that he felt like he was always bossed around, but Guiledart assured him that there was a reason the Predacons had him do so much. According to the triceratops 'bot, Sling was an invaluable "trump card", and that's why he was chosen to go to Donovan. Once Sling bought into it and left, it was revealed that Guiledart really had little faith in him and just wanted to get him to do the job. Later on, Guiledart had to beam down with the other Predacons to find the capsule themselves, as Sling was preoccupied with fighting Colada. When he and Saberback discovered it, they tried to ask DNAVI to teleport them back to the ship, but the AI was unable to transport the capsule and the pair at once. Upon hearing this news, the Maximals attacked, trying to take the Angolmois for themselves, causing a brawl to break out. When it just seemed like Guiledart and Saberback had gained the upper hand against the group, Big Convoy showed up and blew them all away with his "Big Cannon", resulting in a Maximal victory. Mirage of the Sand

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Duel in the Labyrinth The Black Hole Crisis Sub-Commander Longrack Waa! They Got Eaten Planet of Time Lonely Hydra Break Is a Predacon? Ship's Log Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? Planet of the Ultimate Weapon Troubled DNAVI Attack! Randy Bump the Physicist Hardhead Is Hardheaded Personal Combat in the Deep Sea!! The Stolen Gung Ho Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor Assemble! New Warriors Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The Stolen Capsules Pursue the Blentrons! Angry Magmatron Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron Revived!? Unicron's Ambition Fight! Maximals End of the Maximals!? The Final Battle Graduation Ceremony!!

BomBom comic continuity

Beast Wars II comic

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The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!!

Beast Wars Neo comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The 5 Rookies There Are 7 Capsules 100000000000000000 Grains of Sandron!!Mortal Combat! Twenty Thousand Meters in the Sky A Battle Fought Alone

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Bison's ass is mine!

He's not loyal, he's a distrustful schemer! Shun him! Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

During one of Magmatron's astral journeys to Cybertron's apocalyptic future, Guiledart was seen crushing Halfshell's eye socket, before being choked by the larger Predacon. The Ascending #1

Beast Wars: Uprising


The weapons and senior security specialist aboard the Dinosaur, Guiledart was borderline-insubordinate at the best of times, not appreciating the Builders' command structure of Maximal officers overseeing enlisted Predacons. He frequently disrespected the first officer, Longrack.

When half the crew was dispatched in a shuttle to recover some missing prisoners from planet LGC-8803, the Dinosaur came under attack from an unknown ship. Guiledart commanded the tactical weapons array long enough to drive the attackers off, but the ship suffered serious damage in the process.

Worse, internal strife overtook the ship as well. Word of the Grand Uprising back home had reached the Dinosaur, and the Builder political officer Synapse killed two of the crew trying to contain the information. When Chief Engineer Magmatron reported the circumstances to the bridge, Guiledart immediately signed up for the mutiny against the Builders. Magmatron and Guiledart made their way to the captain's quarters, hoping to disable the living ship's efforts to fight back.

Once they met the captain, however, the Predacons learned he wasn't the problem. Captain Full-Tilt had refused to kill his crew, and so Synapse severed his link to the Dinosaur, really the war criminal Trypticon, so the Megamaster could eliminate the others without interference. Magmatron hooked Full-Tilt back up to the ship, and left Guiledart to protect the captain while the chief engineer tried to salvage the ship and disable the ship's consciousness at the same time.

Guiledart was confronted by Medusa, one of the Destructons who lured them to the planet in the first place. He killed her, but lost an arm in the process and Full-Tilt's life support tubing was severed in the fight. Guiledart was forced to hook himself into the exchange to get the captain back on line and save the tumbling ship.

The Dinosaur would never fly again, but it managed to land with the best of them. Dinosaur City became a new, stable colony on the planet. Once the troops had settled in, Guiledart chose to accompany Magmatron back to Cybertron aboard the shuttle, in order to lend their arms to the Grand Uprising. Intersectionality

Magmatron was welcomed into the Resistance and given command of his comrades as an independent unit, although Lio Convoy named one of his own troops Archadis as Magmatron's second-in-command over Guiledart. During a mission to eliminate the traitor Snapper in Builder custody, Rampage drew Magmatron's unit into a separate struggle between the Terrans and the alien Antares Eight. Afterwards, both the Builders and Resistance forces involved decided to stay together as the Ex-Bots, protectors of Proximax. Archadis refused to abandon the Resistance and departed, restoring Guiledart as Magmatron's official right hand 'bot. Cultural Appropriation

Guiledart remained Magmatron's right hand as the former chief engineer led the Ex-Bots in Proximax. When the Vehicon Apocalypse began, they joined the march on the Grand Mal to bring an end to the infectious entities. Afterwards, Magmatron received a prestigious appointment to the Tripredacus Council, ruling body of the Independent Predacus States. Guiledart remained at his side as bodyguard and personal security for his "chief". Derailment

Legends World

Guiledart of the Legends World was a teacher at the school where Magmatron was the principal. He attended a staff meeting where Big suggested changing the "HR" for "home room" to "TF" for "Transformers". Very Strange

2005 IDW continuity

Are you 'bot enough to fight with me?

Guiledart was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals who fell under the command of Unicron. When Optimus Prime led a force against Unicron to prevent him from eating Caminus, Guiledart was sent out to attack, engaging Javelin. Last Stand


Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

When the super-powerful Energon Quartz was discovered on Gaia, Guiledart was one of the several combatants to join the brawl to take possession of it.

Guiledart could also partake in various other tasks, such as a mission to break a boulder to reveal an energon crystal hidden within before sundown, using a block in a mission to defend himself against various incoming projectiles, and missions to run across a pit-riddled field, sometimes involving hideously large bacteria he had to fend off.

After defeating every opponent that stood in his way, the last of which being Megatron, Guiledart gained possession of the Quartz. He decided not to use it immediately; such a powerful object could be used later during the war as a trump card. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars

Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if Single Battle was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages; see the other characters' pages for Guiledart's fate in those outcomes.

Move list

This move list presumes the player is facing right; when facing left, reverse the left and right inputs.
Robot Mode Beast Mode
Erstknock[1] ←↓→B Prôton Wave[2] ↓→B
Zweitpress[1] ←↓→A Deúteron Tackle[2] ↓→A
Drittblow[1] →↓→B Tríton Threw[2] →↓→B
Viertreflector[1] ↓←B Tétarton Press[2] →↓→A
Megatic Black Hole (super) ↓→↓← B (grapple) Black Hole Cluster (super) ↓→↓← B
Changing Drain (desperation) ↓←↓→ A Changing Drain (desperation) ↓←↓→ A


Beast Wars

I said go home to your wife and daughter!
  • Guiledart (ガイルダート, 1999)
  • ID number: D-29
  • Release date: 1999 January
  • Accessories: "Tail Shooter" launcher, 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept art)
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars Neo products in Takara's Beast Wars toyline, Guiledart is a Deluxe-sized figure that transforms into a mustard-yellow/gold organic Triceratops. As with most of the Beast Wars Neo Destron dinosaurs, he can assume a "Fake Death Mode" configuration in which he looks like a dead, decomposing Triceratops, complete with rolled-up eyes and tongue sticking out. To activate the eyes and tongue, one simply pushes back on his nose-horn. To complete the dead dinosaur mode, his side panels fold down to reveal his beast mode ribs, and his robot feet and "Tail Shooter" can be pulled out to reveal more torn flesh and musculature details.
In robot mode he's a stocky yet heavily armed little dude. He is armed with his spring-loaded "Tail Shooter" missile launcher (which also features his spark crystal), with the projectiles stored underneath his giant left shoulderpad. His dinosaur forelegs (also located on his left shoulderpad) feature flip-out, non-firing lasers.
Beast Wars mold: Guiledart

Version 1:

  • SonokongBeast War Neo DX-01 Trikero

Version 2:

BWN-toy VS-29-box.jpg
Takara packaging pictured
DX-01 Giraffot VS Trikero Sonokong.jpg
Sonokong packaging pictured
  • Savanna no Taiketsu: Longrack VS Guiledart (サバンナの対決 ロングラックVSガイルダート, 1999)
  • Takara ID number: VS-29
  • Sonokong ID number: DX-01
  • Takara release date: January ??, 1999
  • Accessories: "Tail Shooter" launcher, 2 missiles
Guiledart was also available in a "Savannah Showdown" two-pack with his Maximal adversary Longrack, also released in the first wave of Neo toys. Both toys are identical to their individual-box releases.
Sonokong also released this vs-pack in Korean Beast-War Neo markets. "Trikero" is identical to the Takara releases of Guiledart other than the packaging and Tech Spec cards.


Beast Wars Gum

See kids, I'm not really dead!
  • Guiledart (candy toy, 1999)
A snap together model kit of Guiledart was available as part of Kabaya's Beast Wars Gum, sculpted from blue and yellow plastic. He could transform from robot to beast mode by being broken down into its component parts, then rebuilt into a new mode. It came with a stick of gum.

Beast Wars Real Figure Kit

RealFigureKit Guiledart.jpg
  • Guiledart (1999)
    • Accessories: Stand
A non-transforming PVC prize figure kit of Guiledart. It comes packaged with the unassembled figure and a stand. The stand has two attachment points for other Real Figure Kit stands to connect.


Foreign names

  • Korean: Trikero (트리케로 Teurikero)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Attacks take their name from the first four German ordinals: erste, zweite, dritte, and vierte.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Attacks take their name from the first four Ancient Greek ordinals in their neuter nominative forms: prôton (πρῶτον), deúteron (δεύτερον), tríton (τρῐ́τον), and tétarton (τέτᾰρτον).
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