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Specifics: fictional appearances
Magmatron is a Predacon from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Part robot, part 3 different prehistoric animals, and he can dance.

Magmatron (マグマトロン Magumatoron) seeks one thing: being crowned with the title of "Emperor of Destruction" after the failure of the insane Galvatron. Almost nothing else matters. His chosen means to attain that, unfortunately for him, are a bumbling group of Predacons who do nothing but disappoint him and leave him grumpy after their repeated failures at acquiring Angolmois Capsules. Nevertheless, he's still content to sit on his throne aboard the Dinosaur while his minions go out on missions—a tendency only broken by the chance to face down his nemesis, Big Convoy. But he's not interested in fighting fair, preferring to destroy his enemies through petty and underhanded tactics to assure complete victory. He's not without nuance, though, as even greater evils can prompt him into an all-consuming vendetta against those who nearly destroyed his ancestors and threaten the sanctity of the universe itself. For what is conquest worth if you have nothing to rule? Said vendetta can even call for the sacrifice of his subordinates, shaking even the ever-loyal Guiledart... One hopes, in the end, that Magmatron can learn to work with his enemies in taking down mutual threats and grow from it.

Magmatron possesses a unique anatomy which allows him to separate into three dinosaur forms called Landsaurus (ランドサウルス Randosaurus), Seasaurus (シーサウルス Shīsaurus), and Skysaurus (スカイサウルス Sukaisaurus),[1] or merge them into a single monstrosity called Magmasaurus (マグマサウルス Magumasaurus).



Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Show Ryuzanji (Japanese), Kwan-cheol Kim (Korean)
No, the toy isn't this cool.

Magmatron was fighting Big Convoy on a distant planet, up until he confronted him personally. Shocked by the legendary warrior's appearance, he attempted to stand against him, but was quickly disabled by Convoy's “Big Cannon”. Much later on, Magmatron and his troops were stationed on Gaia, where they caught a glimpse of five new Maximal recruits touching down on the planet's surface. In response, he immediately ordered his soldiers to crush their opposition. He then rendezvoused with the other Predacons, surrounding their hostage, Stampy, who told them where the Maximals were. Going off of this information, Magmatron found his way to Big Convoy and the other recruits, mocking the legendary Maximal warrior for being a teacher rather than a lone wolf like before. Convoy's students then formulated a plan to rescue Stampy, with Colada, Break, and Longrack taking on the other Predacons, and Heinrad freezing time for long enough to snatch the rabbit ‘bot away from Magmatron, and return back to his team unscathed. Enraged at having lost his hostage, Magmatron fired at Heinrad, who ducked, allowing the shot to instead hit Big Convoy in the chest. Demanding payback for his previous defeat, Magmatron prepared to launch another “Magma Rocket”, but was countered by Big Convoy's “Big Cannon” once more. Seeing how the battle was unfolding, Guiledart requested that DNAVI take them back to headquarters, which teleported all Predacons away from the combat. Back on his ship, Magmatron vowed to take the Angolmois Energy that rightfully belonged to the Predacons, before Big Convoy and his Maximals could. Big Convoy, Move Out

Magmatron received a transmission from Saberback, who was stationed on the planet Godbless, and had found a capsule of Angolmois energy. Saberback gloated to him about his abilities to create illusions, but Magmatron dismissed this, and was only concerned about the recovery of the capsule, and the plundering of the planet for natural resources. Later on, when Saberback asked to be teleported back to the ship with the capsule in tow, Magmatron told him that he couldn't teleport both at once, and that he'd have to make it back on his own. When Saberback told him that the Maximals were trailing him, and would complicate the situation, Magmatron ordered Guiledart, Dead End, and Sling, to assist their comrade. When the Predacons were defeated by Big Convoy, Magmatron had DNAVI teleport them off Godbless before they could be harmed any further. Chase the Mysterious Capsule

Magmatron was on the Dinosaur when Guiledart suggested touching down on Solid to retrieve the Angolmois capsule located there. Although Dead End had his doubts, Magmatron insisted, and had DNAVI teleport them down to the planet. Burning Heart Below Freezing

When Guiledart suggested outright attacking the Maximals on Maderan so that the Predacons could search for the Angolmois there unfettered, Magmatron agreed and gave him autonomy over the mission. He later had to come to the planet personally to recapture the Maximals when Guiledart was taking too long, dressing him down for failing at a supposedly simple mission. He did, however, allow his Predacons to torture their prisoners, himself taking great glee in seeing the Maximals in pain. Stampy was furious at the treatment of his friends and tried to attack Magmatron, but the Predacon leader swatted him away. When Big Convoy arrived soon after, Magmatron ordered a tactical retreat, and had DNAVI take the Predacons back to the Dinosaur. Hang in There, Stampy

The Sauroboros.

Magmatron was at the helm of the Dinosaur when the Predacons were in orbit of Donovan. He noted that the Maximals were likely there to find the Angolmois, just like them. When his troops managed to find the capsule located on the planet, he was there to listen to the transmission between them and DNAVI, during which they were told that both them and the capsule couldn't be teleported at once. Mirage of the Sand

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron Duel in the Labyrinth The Black Hole Crisis Sub-Commander Longrack Waa! They Got Eaten Planet of Time Lonely Hydra Break Is a Predacon? Ship's Log Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? Planet of the Ultimate Weapon Troubled DNAVI Attack! Randy Bump the Physicist Hardhead Is Hardheaded Personal Combat in the Deep Sea!! The Stolen Gung Ho Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor Assemble! New Warriors Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The Stolen Capsules Pursue the Blentrons! Angry Magmatron Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron Revived!? Unicron's Ambition The Final Battle Graduation Ceremony!!

BomBom comic continuity

Beast Wars II comic

Magmatron was a Giganotosaurus who led a gang of dinosaur rowdies on a primitive world in the 7th Cosmos. After exposure to the Angolmois Capsule that crashed on the planet, the gang became more ferocious and killed Big's friends. The gang attacked Lio Convoy, who had just arrived on the planet by accident, but failed because of Big's interruption. The gang followed Lio Convoy and Big's trails to the site where the capsule fell. Big pushed the gang into the valley, where the Giganotosaurus and its minions were caught in the explosion of the Angolmois Capsule and evolved into Transformers. The Giganotosaurus was fused with a Quetzalcoatlus and an Elasmosaurus, becoming Magmasaurus. The Magmasaurus transformed into Magmatron, commanding his just-evolved minions to attack Lio Convoy and Big. Lio Convoy managed to defeat the henchmen with ease, but Magmatron took him out with one blast. With the power he now possessed, Magmatron claimed they would travel to various planets to kill every living thing. The Beast Wars "Neo" Begin!!!

Beast Wars Neo comic


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The 5 Rookies There Are 7 Capsules 100000000000000000 Grains of Sandron!!

Later, Magmatron again met Big, now the Maximal Big Convoy. During a fierce battle, Magmatron indicated they had a history but Big Convoy couldn't remember and was surprised by Magmatron's words. When Magmatron thought he gained the upper hand, he was surprised by multiple blasts from his foe's Big Cannon. Mortal Combat! Twenty Thousand Meters in the Sky

The badly wounded Magmatron now had to separate himself into the three dinosaurs and stay in healing chambers. He ordered his henchmen to go to the planet Jörmungandr to retrieve an Angolmois Capsule. The group, however, failed and was sucked into space. The mysterious Black Ball, which had been retrieved by Big Convoy's crew, suddenly appeared in the Dinosaur, offering his troops, the Blentrons, to Magmatron. A Battle Fought Alone

Magmatron and Big Convoy were tricked to an amphitheatre where the last capsule was located by the Black Ball. Magmatron commanded the Blentron to attack Big Convoy's crew. During the battle, Magmatron was attacked from behind by a Blentron. It was revealed that both Magmatron and Big Convoy were the last Angolmois Capsule, and thus the Black Ball, who was actually Unicron, desired to consume them to regain the energy. Magmatron saved his old rival, who was despairing upon regaining his memory,and convinced him to team up to fight Unicron and the Blentrons. Magmatron was eventually chewed up and spat out by Unicron. A dying Magmatron, now reduced to only a head, left his Magma Blade to Big Convoy as a "parting gift" and asked Big Convoy to give him an honorable "warrior's death" with his own sword. Big Convoy conceded to the request. Double Cross

Big Convoy later struck the blow that finished off Unicron's physical body with Magmatron's sword, avenging his death. Return to Zero

Beast Machines toy bio


Magmatron was revered and reviled in equal measure as an "emperor of destruction". He had been on an intergalactic quest for energy capsules, but when he returned to Cybertron, he found it being overrun by Vehicon drones! There, he became part of the Dinobots led by T-Wrecks.

He split into "Skysaur", "Landsaur", and "Seasaur", and their combined beast mode was a "tri-dinosaur Fuzor". Beast Machines bio

3H comics

Magmatron and the other Dinobots were sent on a mission, given to them by the Oracle, Departure to the planet Arkus. The mission was a trap, however, and Magmatron and the others were attacked by energy vampires and their master known as the Dweller. Betrayal Magmatron fought off the Dweller long enough for the Dinobots to escape. When they returned to rescue him, they found nothing but his sword. The Wreckers: Finale Part 1

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Magmatron made his way to prehistoric Earth, with the intention of raising an army out of the protoforms left behind by the Axalon's crew. He watched from afar as Optimus Primal's team launched from the planet aboard an Autobot shuttlecraft, with Megatron as their prisoner. As one of his agents, Razorbeast, activated the stasis pods remotely, another one of his lackeys, Spittor, reported that one of the protoforms had been activated as a Maximal instead of a Predacon. Abandoning his cover as a Maximal double-agent, Razorbeast fled from Magmatron and into the wild. Shell Game #1

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Magmatron speech TheGathering1.jpg

According to one account, Magmatron was the result of one of many experiments conducted by the Tripredacus Council in the advent of protoform technology, after the signing of the Pax Cybertronia. Dawn of the Predacus

Another account has it that, during the early days of the Pax Cybertronia, Magmatron endangered the fragile peace, being an indomitable general who would not accept defeat. When he was finally brought to heel by the Tripredacus Council, he still chafed under the terms of the treaty and the council's apparent willingness to roll over for the Maximals. However, he accepted his change in status and maneuvered into a position on the Committee for State Affairs alongside his old enemy, Big Convoy. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Frustrated by the council's decision to bide its time, Magmatron recruited a small band of disenchanted warriors and fostered a professional relationship with the Tripredacus agent Ravage to keep abreast of the situation on Earth. With this information, he formed an elegant and tightly knit plan to travel backwards in time to prehistoric Earth and reprogram all of the remaining protoform Maximals into Predacons. Keeping his plans secret until the last moment, he revealed to his forces that the council had ordered him to pick up the task where their previous agent failed: capture the rogue Megatron.

Chronically displacing his crew so that they could not be detected by the beast warriors who are already there, they set to work. He ordered Razorbeast to begin activating the stasis pods while Spittor, Manterror, Transquito, and Iguanus reported on their progress. They witnessed the birth of three Predacons, but Spittor was greeted by the Maximal, Polar Claw. More Maximals were spotted, revealing Razorbeast as a spy, but the warthog escaped into the wilderness. The Gathering #1

Once his new army was assembled, Magmatron ordered them to hunt down the Maximals. Drill Bit and Spittor, however, accompanied Magmatron on his personal quest to find Razorbeast. He located the spy and quickly gained the upper hand with his three dinosaur modes, but Razorbeast pulled a fast one, and buried the Predacon leader beneath a mountainside. Magmatron soon recouped his losses by recovering the spark of the Tripredacus agent, Ravage. The Gathering #2

Insert "Megatron not pleased a BWN character is stealing his role" joke here.

Iguanus, having located a blank protoform, assisted Magmatron with rebirthing Ravage in a new, Transmetal 2 body. Magmatron ordered Ravage to hunt down and terminate Razorbeast's Maximals. Magmatron proceeded to set forth on his next mission; locating and capturing Megatron to ensure the Tripredacus Council didn't catch on to his real plans. He confronted Megatron, and the two engaged in battle. Megatron insisted that Magmatron was foolish for coming after him alone, as Ravage did, but Magmatron was not alone— Iguanus and Drill Bit ambushed Megatron and disabled him. The Predacons brought Megatron to a transwarp platform they had set up and prepared to send Megatron into the hands of the Council, but they were interrupted by the wandering Grimlock. The Gathering #3

MagmatronVGrimlock TheGathering4.jpg

Magmatron engaged Grimlock in a vicious beast mode battle, and despite the Maximal's resilence, Magmatron eventually overwhelmed him. Grimlock was enough of a distraction, however, to let Razorbeast and Optimus Minor enter the camp undetected and steal a chronal phase facilitator. When Razorbeast confronted Magmatron in the open, the Predacon general saw an opportunity to settle an old score. But with Razorbeast using the facilitator to shift out of his chronal phase, Magmatron was unable to land a single hit on his smaller opponent. Optimus Minor removed the facilitator attached to the unconscious Megatron, returning the rogue to his proper chronal state. Magmatron lunged to stop it, and ended up falling onto the transwarp platform just as it activated. Razorbeast blasted the device, causing it to malfunction and send Magmatron to parts unknown. The Gathering #4

Razorbeast's meddling in Magmatron's transwarp shunt caused the Predacon commander to be consigned to a temporal limbo, able to traverse the whole of history but unable to affect any of the events he witnessed. Through this, he saw the eventual end of Cybertron as its inhabitants set upon each other with beastly fury while Shokaract summoned Unicron to devour the planet. Knowing that the roots of this catastrophic event were already beginning in his time, Magmatron turned to the enemy who had consigned him to this fate. Exerting what little influence he could, he stabilized the Transwarp carrier signal sent by the Maximals weeks earlier, allowing the time-lost distress call to be received by Lio Convoy and the Pack. The Ascending #1

Magmatron Ravage TheAscending2.jpg

Magmatron's meddling effect on the timestream was noticed by Unicron, who dispatched Rartorata to Earth to deal with the assembling combatants there. His ability to change the future was increased further, however, when during the confusion of the battle on Earth between the Maximal and Predacon forces, a playing 'possum Ravage made contact with the chronal displacement bands. Magmatron was able to use his limited influence to hold Ravage inside chronospace, where he was able to make contact with the former Decepticon. Magmatron briefed him on the apocalypse that could yet come, urging him to call a truce with the Maximals in an effort to stop the end of all things. The Ascending #2

From his chronal prison, Magmatron watched his rival Big Convoy die at Shokaract's hands in the future, knowing that it was only a prelude to the destruction to come. The Ascending #3 A combined group of Maximals and Predacons returned with Ravage to present-day Cybertron to battle Shokaract, arriving before Big Convoy could be killed. Ravage again briefed with Magmatron, who instructed him to send a Maximal to attach a chronal-displacement device onto Shokaract's body. This was eventually accomplished at the cost of many lives and Shokaract was brought to Magmatron within chronospace. Magmatron showed him Cybertron's future and the realization that he was a pawn of Unicron caused a distraught Shokaract to commit suicide, causing a "time-lash" that freed Magmatron from limbo.

The restored Magmatron informed the assembled Maximals and Predacons that the threat had ended. He also reported that his old foe Razorbeast had died on Earth and respectfully declared the Maximal worthy of a momument. The Ascending #4

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime and his Time Warriors prevented Magmatron from falling prey to the X-Dimension. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/12

Waspscream continuity

In Primax 208.06 Zeta, Magmatron and the Dinobots were among the resistance groups against Obsidian's Vehicon rule of Cybertron. After the defeat of the Vehicons, Magmatron formed a new High Council with Waspscream, Icebird, and Rodimus Primal. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/16

Beast Wars: Uprising

BWU Magmatron.jpg

Magmatron was chief engineering specialist aboard the Dinosaur, overseeing junior engineers Crazybolt and Dead-End. During the launch of an away mission to LGC-8803, the Dinosaur was attacked by an Intruder craft, putting Magmatron to work maintaining the integrity of his ship.

He had little time to spare when Killer Punch came by with a tale of the hallways moving on him and Hydra possibly being killed. Still, the intelligence specialist's sensor logs were compelling, so Magmatron arranged for a localized brown-out so that Killer Punch could reach the laboratory the ship seemed dedicated to keeping from him. It was only due to Killer Punch's paranoid comms channel that Magmatron saw what happened next. The Builder political officer Synapse bragged about killing Hydra before having Killer Punch killed as well. An uprising had begun on Cybertron, and Synapse couldn't have the proto-former crew getting any sympathetic ideas.

Magmatron rallied the remaining members of the crew on board in a plan to reach the captain's chambers and disable the ship's internal defenses. He and Guiledart made their way to the captain, only to find Full-Tilt wasn't responsible for the attacks on the crew. He had been severed from control of the Dinosaur, actually the Megamaster war criminal once known as Trypticon. Additional damage done by the Destructon intruders only made the situation more perilous, forcing the chief back to engineering to keep the ship in the air long enough to seize control of it. Once Dead-End disabled Trypticon's higher consciousness, Magmatron and Full-Tilt were able to preserve the ship's integrity long enough to crash it on LGC-8803, opening the starship up into a new colony dubbed Dinosaur City.

Leaving Full-Tilt, first officer Longrack, and others behind on Dinosaur City, Magmatron manned a shuttle with a contingent of his crew who wished to return to Cybertron and fight in the Grand Uprising. Intersectionality

Magmatron's crew remained intact as a unit when they joined the Resistance. Guiledart, Bazooka, Crazybolt and Rampage were only joined by two additional resistance fighters named Archadis and Sling. Archadis was an arrogant lout, but his prior loyalty to Lio Convoy led to him being named second-in-command of Magmatron's squad. During a mission to eliminate a traitor named Snapper in the midst of a prisoner transfer, Magmatron's unit was separated from Rampage and got into a protracted shoot-out with the Constructicon guards. Rampage returned, uncharacteristically asking for help. He had been drafted into the defense of Cybertron by the Oracle against the Antares Eight, disguised aliens intent on exposing Cybertron to conflict with the Human Confederacy. Magmatron abandoned Lio Convoy's mission to help Rampage, even fighting alongside Snapper and the Constructicons in the process. Once the dust settled, these united Cybertronians mostly chose to remain together as the Ex-Bots, defending innocents in Proximax and beyond from the fallout of the Builders' war with the Resistance. Archadis and Sling left to return to Lio Convoy, but the others remained with Magmatron and Rampage. Cultural Appropriation

Magmatron and the Ex-Bots defended Proximax from the horrors of war over the next stellar cycle. Magmatron and the former MaxCop Stiletto rose to the top as co-leaders of the motley collection of bots from different factions. They captured a renegade Predacon scientist named Tarantulas intent on using a Robo-Smasher on the populace. The war between the Builders and the Resistance was soon overcome by the Vehicon Apocalypse, as the Builders latest weapon turned against them and the planet at large. The Ex-Bots joined the fight, and advanced with various armies on the Grand Mal, center of Vehicon activity. Magmatron and Guiledart found themselves fighting alongside the Legion of the Inferno, army of the Independent Predacus States. When the Mal fell (thanks to Rampage), Magmatron's three forms coordinated the various forces in corralling and eliminating as many disoriented but functional Vehicons remained.

In the aftermath, Magmatron's battlefield activities had impressed Ram Horn, last survivor of the previous Tripredacus Council. He was offered a place on the new council, joining Ram Horn and Ser-Ket, protege of the fallen founder of the Predacons, Preditron. Magmatron represented the Independent Predacus States at the Grand Summit orchestrated by Lio Convoy, as the Cybertronian Parliament was forged to lead Cybertron into the next millennium. Derailment

Legends World

Legends Epiloge Magmatron.jpg

The Magmatron of the Legends World was the principal at a school. When Big suggested changing the "HR" for "home room" to "TF" for "Transformers" during a staff meeting, Magmatron asked what he was going to do during "TF" period. When the teacher said he'd talk about Transformers, Magmatron noted that was he already was doing that and considered firing him. Very Strange

After the Legends World was destroyed, Magmatron ended up on Beast, where he became a full-fledged Beast Warrior through Transformers sickness and helped fight against Galvatron II and his Nemesis. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3 When the Legends World was restored, Magmatron returned to it, and saw Megatron announce he was leaving the universe. He later was present for the graduation ceremony of Big's class. Epiloge


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Magmatron and his followers battled Big Convoy for control of Dark Energon Capsules. Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars

My entire body is hinges!
  • Magmatron (Ultra, 1999)
  • Takara ID number: D-35
  • Takara release date: February ??, 1999
  • Sonokong ID number: D-05
  • Accessories: "Magma Blade" Sword-hilt/launcher, "Magma Blade" sword-blade/missile, left & right "Wing Missiles", 2 "Giga Missiles"
  • Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (Takara), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
Part of the second wave of Beast Wars Neo products in Takara's Beast Wars toyline, Magmatron is an Ultra-sized figure that transforms from a massive robot into three prehistoric reptiles: a Quetzalcoatlus ("Skysaurus"), a Giganotosaurus ("Landsaurus"), and an Elasmosaurus ("Seasaurus").
Each of his individual beast modes feature a spark crystal and a form of storage for all of his accessories: Skysaurus's wings house his "Wing Missiles"; Landsaurus stores his spring-loaded "Magma Blade" hilt in its throat and the blade itself inside the tail; and Seasaurus stores his two "Giga Missiles" inside its body. Each of the individual beast modes also feature a gimmick: Skysaurus's gimmick is activated by pulling on the tail to move the wings in a flapping action; Landsaurus's mouth can plug either of the Skysaurus's Wing Missiles, which are fired by pulling back on the top of the head; and for Seasaurus, pinching on the back flippers makes the front ones move in unison to simulate a swimming motion. All three components of Magmatron can combine to form his quadrupedal "Magmasaurus" mode.
In robot mode, Magmatron—like most Ultra-sized figures—features multiple gimmicks and weapons. His Magma Blade can be used in two different configurations: the first is the standard sword configuration, while a second handle can be flipped out that allows him to hold it as a blaster. Activating the trigger allows for any of his five missiles to be fired as his "Magma Rocket" attack. The lower section of Seasaurus becomes his "Magma Shield" that mounts on his left arm, and features the swimming gimmick from beast mode, which can now be used as his "Shield Crusher" pincer. As Seasaurus's neck is made up of multiple ball joints, its head can be maneuvered through the gap between his shoulder and his left wing to simulate the "Magma Attack" from the cartoon. Magmatron also features free-rolling wheels on his robot feet which don't serve much of a purpose, though, they can be flipped down on Landsaurus to somewhat replicate Transmetal Megatron's "third mode" if so desired. Magmatron's robot head is also mounted on a swivel joint, but due to Skysaurus' legs (which are attached to the sides of his head) being tabbed into the chest, this point of articulation becomes redundant. If one so chooses to untab said legs from the chest, the kibble on his shoulders ends up interfering with the wings on his head anyway, making this point of articulation just as redundant.
Pictured in the box just below Magmatron's Magmasaurus mode (in the image to the right), is a recommended configuration for Seasaurus's neck joints to be positioned that enables you to have its head pegged onto his left shoulder snuggly. It's not very appealing to look at from behind, but it reduces the amount of neck hanging from his back and cleans up his silhouette from the front. All of the curves of his back-kibble make everything sit nice and tight against each other too!
Sonokong released Magmatron in their Korean Beast-War Neo toyline. This release is identical to Takara's, with the only differences being the packaging and bio cards.

Big Convoy-VS-Magmatron-Boxset.jpg DX-05 Mammolike VS Magmatron Sonokong.jpg
Left: Takara packaging pictured
Right: Sonokong packaging pictured
  • Cosmic Showdown: Big Convoy VS Magmatron (VS pack, 1999)
  • Takara ID number: VS-35
  • Takara release date: Februray ??, 1999
  • Sonokong ID number: DX-05
  • Accessories: "Magma Blade" Sword-hilt/launcher, "Magma Blade" sword-blade/missile, left & right "Wing Missiles", 2 "Giga Missiles"
Magmatron was also available in the "Cosmic Showdown" (大宇宙の対決 Daiuchū no Taiketsu) vs-pack with Big Convoy, also released in wave two of Neo product. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
This vs-pack was also released in Korea by Sonokong. Much like the single release of Magmatron, both toys are identical to the Takara releases, the only differences being the packaging and bio cards.

Gold Big Convoy and Magmatron.jpg
  • Kinpika Big Convoy VS Magmatron (金ピカビッグコンボイVSマグマトロン, 1999)
  • Accessories: "Magma Blade" sword-hilt/launcher, "Magma Blade" sword-blade/missile, left & right "Wing Missiles", 2 "Giga Missiles"
This gold vacuum metallized Magmatron was featured as a Lucky Draw giveaway through TV Magazine and TV-Kun [2], in a two-pack with a similarly-gold-chromed Big Convoy, with an extremely limited run of 10 two-packs made and awarded.
Regrettably, the actual details of the giveaway are currently undocumented, including what issue the contest was in and the entry requirements.

  • Black Magmatron (Ultra, 1999)
  • Accessories: "Magma Blade" Sword-hilt/launcher, "Magma Blade" sword-blade/missile, left & right "Wing Missiles", 2 "Giga Missiles"
This mostly-solid-black redeco of Magmatron was a Lucky Draw item through Comic BomBom, with only ten pieces made and awarded.
Regrettably, the actual details of the giveaway are currently undocumented, including what issue the contest was in and the entry requirements.

Beast Machines

"HasLab Star Saber is the first Japanese Transformer to be introduced in the US? That's cute."
  • Magmatron (Ultra, 2000)
  • Accessories: "Magma Blade" Sword-hilt/launcher, "Magma Blade" sword-blade/missile, left & right "Wing Missiles", 2 "Giga Missiles"
One year after his Japanese release, Hasbro made Magmatron available to customers in the United States as part of the Beast Machines toyline. The toy itself was slightly changed from his original release, with his missiles and sword "rounded off" to better conform with United States safety laws, and overall has a less "metallic" sheen to his plastic. Another more prominent difference is a duller-mustard shade of yellow paint being present on the pelvis of the robot mode, whereas the original has bright yellow.
Hasbro's version of Magmatron was available exclusively through Target stores in the USA. For the most part, the packaging bore little resemblance to its Takara counterpart; however, it did feature a few elements in Japanese, meant to emphasize the "exotic" origin of the figure, namely a small version of the official Japanese Transformers logo (トランスフォーマー), the names of the toy itself, its combined beast mode and its three individual components in katakana, as well as a promotional blurb advertising the toy's features in Japanese that was lifted verbatim from the packaging of Takara's original Beast Wars release.
The instructions for Magmatron incorrectly name two of his individual beast modes: the Quetzalcoatlus is referred to as a "Pteranodon", and the Giganotosaurus is referred to as a "raptor" (that is one biiiiiig raptor). The Elasmosaurus is referred to as a "Plesiosaur", which is kinda correct, just not as specific. The instructions also label his combined beast mode as a "monster mode".
His bio card describes him as a Maximal, and also places him on Vehicon-dominated Cybertron. However, his separate beast modes still retain their Predacon spark crystals. His bio card also knocks the "-us" suffix off of the end of each of the individual beast mode names, making them "Skysaur", "Landsaur" and "Seasaur", and calls his combined beast mode a "tri-dinosaur Fuzor".


Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur (and pterosaur and sauropterygid)
  • Beast Wars Universe Magmatron (Commander Class, 2024)
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Transformers brand, Legacy: United "Beast Wars Universe Magmatron" is a Commander Class figure that retains his central gimmick of splitting into three prehistoric creatures: "Beast Wars Universe Skysaurus" (Quetzalcoatlus), "Beast Wars Universe Landsaurus" (Giganotosaurus), and "Beast Wars Universe Seasaurus" (Elasmosaurus); like most organic beast mode toys since Kingdom, this time they're all rendered a bit more "realistically", more closely based on modern models for the beast modes. Also like modern Beast Wars remakes, he lacks any of the old toy's spring-loaded gimmickry. Oh well. Also, while Landsaurus has hinged jaws, they have very limited range of motion and can't open any wider than shown in the stock photos, despite how much detail was given to the inside of his mouth. Stock photography shows Magmatron slightly mistransformed in his robot mode: he has a pair of blades on each foot that are supposed to be extended up between each of his toes for his robot mode.
All three components can combine to form his "Magmasaurus" mode. The toy's design is so faithful to the original that it includes three Beast Wars-style spark crystals—the first new ones created in over twenty years. The package art on the side of the box is drawn to mimic the animation style used in the cartoon when the three beasts start to combine. The side of the box has "Skysaurus", "Landsaurus", and "Seasaurus" written in Ancient Autobot. The box also depicts the tusks of Big Convoy.
Included with Magmatron are seven Fire Blast effects parts, which are redecos of the set that came with Siege Omega Supreme. In spite of this, the figure is remarkably free of blast effect-compatible ports- only his sword is capable using them.
Magmatron was teased on the Legacy: United poster art and the toy proper was officially revealed in the Hasbro Pulse 1027 Premium Event on October 27. The TakaraTomy release of Magmatron includes a sleeve for the package that harkens back to the original Beast Wars toyline. A second sleeve with fully original art was released in limited numbers as an exclusive to Chinese retailer TMall.[5]
Designer commentary on Legacy Magmatron from Mark Maher on Instagram


Beast Wars Real Figure Kit

RealFigureKit Magmatron.jpg
  • Magmatron (1999)
    • Accessories: Stand
A non-transforming PVC prize figure kit of Magmatron. It comes packaged with the unassembled figure and a stand. The stand has two attachment points for other Real Figure Kit stands to connect.

Super Beast Wars Choco

Beast Wars Ramune

Beast Change Kit

Collect them all!

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He's pretty much every vehicle in this image.
  • Magmatron's Magmasaurus mode was frequently shown to be his primary alternate mode throughout most of Magmatron's cartoon appearances and Japanese profiles, while the individual dinosaur modes were his secondary alternate modes. It also appears from the Beast Wars Neo production materials that have made it into the wild, that his individual dinosaur forms were never given full character models, just rough outlines depicting what the individual dinosaur modes are supposed to be when separated, if the animators were to split them up, while the Magmasaurus mode was given a full, detailed model with front and rear views. Some sourcebooks from the time that show off the Neo characters' animation models simply use toy production artwork for Magmatron's individual dino modes.
  • Magmatron's Maximal on-package bio gives his quotation as "Til all is won", an obvious reference to a similar phrase that pops up in numerous other places in Transformers lore.
  • The Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Magmatron is a "virtual redeco" of the revived Diaclone line's Dia-Battles V2 (ダイアバトルスV2) toy. You can thank Jesse Wittenrich for that idea. A transformation video of the 2016 toy can be seen here.

Foreign names

  • Korean: Magmatron (메그마트론 Megeumateuron)
  • Mandarin: Yán Chōng Tiān (炎冲天, "Soaring Flame")



  1. Referred to as "Landsaur", "Seasaur", and "Skysaur" in Magmatron's Beast Machines Dinobots bio.
  2. Transformers Beast Wars: Beast Generations
  3. Process images from Hasbro China brand manager NOTRAB on Weibo
  4. October 27, 2023's 1027 Hasbro Pulse Premium Event on YouTube, with Mark Maher and Ben MacCrae.
  5. Thread unboxing the TMall-exclusive variant of Legacy Magmatron on Baidu.
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