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Soundwave (G1)/Generation 1 cartoon continuity

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Can't touch this.

If you only remember two things from the Transformers cartoon, odds are one of them is Optimus Prime, and the other is that tape guy with the cool voice (or it's the animation errors but whatever).


The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Issei Masamune (Japanese), Lin Dongfu (Chinese), Albert Augier (European French), Georges Atlas (European French, "The Girl who loved Powerglide", "Hoist goes Hollywood", "The Key to Vector Sigma" episodes, "Cosmic Rust" & "The Return of Optimus Prime"), Unknown (European French, "Autobot Spike", "Attack of the Autobots" & "The Immobilizer"), Francis Lax (European French, "City of Steel" & "The Insecticon Syndrome"), François Leccia (European French, "The Core" & "Auto Berserk"), Michel Barbey (European French, "Webworld" & "Carnage in C-Minor"), Serge Bourrier (European French, "Atlantis, Arise!"), Edgar Givry (European French, "Enter the Nightbird"), Pierre Trabaud (European French, "A Prime Problem"), Bruno Magne (European French, "Child's Play"), Serge Lhorca (European French, "Sea Change"), János Bácskai (Hungarian, second "The Movie" dub), Mario Milita (Italian, seasons 1 & 2, first dub), Federico Di Pofi (Italian, seasons 1 & 2, second dub), Santo Verduci (Italian, season 3, second dub), Toni Orlandi (Italian, second "The Movie" dub), Giorgio Bassanelli Bisbal (Italian, 40th Anniversary Event dub), Alejandro Abdalah (Latin American Spanish), Miroslav Bijelić (Serbian), Michael Rüth (German, seasons 1 & 2), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, "Roll For It" & Generation 2 dub of "Fight or Flee"), Bernd Simon (German, most of season 3), Gerhard Acktun (German, "Webworld"), Thomas Rauscher (German, "The Movie" TV dub & Generation 2 season 1), Christoph Jablonka (German, Generation 2 dub of "War of the Dinobots", "Atlantis, Arise!" & "Auto Berserk"), Christoph Lindert (German, Generation 2 dub of "Kremzeek!"), Gerd Rigauer (German, Generation 2 dub of "Starscream's Brigade"), Gunnar Ernblad (Swedish), Charlie Elvegård (Swedish, Generation 2), Dario Lourenço (Portuguese), Garcia Neto (Portuguese, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1"), Marcos Miranda (Portuguese, "The Golden Lagoon"), Ulisses Bezerra (Portuguese, DVD dub), Ronaldo Magalhães (Portuguese, "The Movie" VHS dub), Gilberto Baroli (Portuguese, "The Movie" Fox Kids dub), Ladislav Cigánek (Czech)
Before the tape recorder, he was a lamppost. It's hard to take him seriously sometimes.

Nine million years ago, during the Golden Age of Cybertron, Soundwave was one of Megatron's first Decepticons and was seen flying through the planet's skies alongside his leader and Shockwave by Orion Pax. War Dawn When the Great War with the Autobots erupted not long after, Soundwave served as Megatron's intelligence officer and most loyal subordinate, and as keeper of the Decepticon Mini-Cassettes, diminutive robots designed for espionage. While Soundwave was a nigh-constant battlefield presence, he would himself often play no major role in combat, more regularly being present merely to deploy his cassette minions, and, off the field of battle, to replay for his fellow Decepticons the information they would gather for him.

After five million years of war, Cybertron found itself in the throes of an energy crisis, and Soundwave was charged with spying on the Autobots to learn how they were dealing with it. Using his unconventional alternate mode as a space-age "lamp-post" to position himself on the street outside Iacon, Soundwave was able to deploy Laserbeak to snoop even closer. Laserbeak discovered that the Autobots were preparing to depart Cybertron to search for new sources of energy on other planets, and Soundwave quickly took this news back to Megatron, prompting the Decepticons to pursue the Autobots' spacecraft when it left the planet. After navigating a treacherous meteor shower, the Decepticons intercepted and boarded the Autobots' ship, and battle erupted between the two factions, during which Soundwave displayed his prowess by holding his own against Jazz, Prowl, Sideswipe, Ironhide and Ratchet. However, the fighting was soon cut short when the Autobot spacecraft was caught in the gravity of the nearby prehistoric planet Earth and crash-landed. The ship impacted with the side of a volcano in a collision so violent that all the Transformers on board, Soundwave included, were knocked off line.

Soundwave auditions for a guest spot on Baywatch as Mitch's hot sister.

Four million years later, in the Earth year 1984, a volcanic eruption jarred the ship's computer, Teletraan I back on-line, and it reactivated and repaired the Transformers indiscriminately, reformatting Soundwave with the Earthly alternate mode of a portable cassette player. Before the Autobots were restored, the Decepticons pulled out of the ruined hulk of the ship, and Megatron immediately charged Soundwave with drawing up plans for a new space cruiser to return the Decepticons to Cybertron. Soundwave then deployed Rumble to help Starscream ransack a power plant to gather materials for construction, sent Ravage to scare off humans who came to investigate, and dispatched Laserbeak to search the planet for sources of energy. Laserbeak soon returned to report his discovery of an offshore oil platform, which the Decepticons promptly attacked, gathering oil and storing it in the energon cubes Soundwave generated from his chest. The Autobots soon arrived to stop the Decepticons, but Megatron collapsed the rig, forcing the Autobots to save the human workers and allowing the Decepticons to escape. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

Ugh Megatron, there's no one here...they just left the TV on. Hello? Anyone?

Seeking to exploit the data that Teletraan I had gathered on Earth in its short time on the planet, Soundwave positioned himself close to the Autobots' base, where he transformed into his cassette player mode and allowed himself to be found by the Autobots' new human friend, Spike Witwicky. Unaware of the true nature of the unassuming tape player he had found, Spike brought Soundwave into the Autobot ship and then left him unattended, allowing the Decepticon communicator to release Ravage. The feline felon interfaced with Teletraan I and located the computer's data on energy sources, which Soundwave then recorded. Soundwave was soon caught in the act by Spike, but managed to escape to report to Megatron. Using the information Soundwave obtained, Megatron decided to attack Sherman Dam, where Soundwave instructed Rumble to use his earthquake-generating powers to create a tidal wave that maximized the plant's energy output. More than Meets the Eye, Part 2

The Decepticons' raids continued apace, until only one more theft was necessary. As Megatron put his plan to attack an Air Force base together, Starscream attempted another of his infamous coups by trying to shoot him in the back, but Soundwave proved his loyalty to Megatron by warning his leader of the attack. The subsequent raid on the Air Force base went smoothly, and the Decepticons were at last poised to return to Cybertron when the Autobots made one last-ditch attack on their launch site. Soundwave and his tapes went into action, but Megatron soon called the battle off and ordered the Decepticons to board the completed space cruiser. Soundwave served as the ship's helmsman as it blasted off from Earth, but the flight proved a short one, as Soundwave discovered that the Autobot spy Mirage has used his invisibility powers to stow away. Before the Decepticons could react, Mirage had sabotaged the ship and sent it plummeting back towards Earth. With Soundwave unable to stop its descent, the ship crashed into the ocean, and the Autobots believed the Decepticons destroyed. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

Soundwave performs telepathy for children's birthday parties

In truth, however, Soundwave and the other Decepticons had survived the crash, and after months of working in secret, reconstructed their spaceship into a undersea headquarters. The villains revealed their continued existence to the world when Soundwave again used his inconspicuous tape player form to infiltrate a solar power plant and proceeded to take control of it, allowing the Decepticons to harvest its energy that they planned to send back to Cybertron over their new intergalactic "space bridge" transport system. Soundwave repelled an Autobot counterattack by wielding Megatron in pistol mode, but ultimately, the plan backfired when Megatron himself was caught in the space bridge's pull and believed destroyed, leaving Starscream to take control of the Decepticons. Transport to Oblivion Soundwave chafed under Starscream's inept leadership, and their first sortie with the air commander in charge ended in a comical defeat that saw Soundwave bowled over by Prowl as he ran away. Thankfully, Megatron soon returned, with a scheme to steal Doctor Alcazar's antimatter formula, and Soundwave happily latched back onto his master. After Alcazar deleted the formula from his own computer, Soundwave used his mind-reading talents to acquire the formula from the brain of Chip Chase. Roll for It

Soundwave was actually Starscream's understudy.

Soundwave participated in a Decepticon attack on Autobot Headquarters when Optimus Prime was mistakenly believed to be fatally wounded. Divide and Conquer Soon after, during a scheme to drain heat energy from the Earth's core, the Decepticons unearthed the frozen body of Starscream's old friend Skyfire in the North Pole. Soundwave helped reactivate him by delivering a million-volt shock to his systems, but Skyfire ultimately sided with the Autobots to stop the Decepticons' plan. Fire in the Sky Later, Soundwave and Reflector were sent on a data-gathering mission, acquiring information about the Great Falls to facilitate a Decepticon attack on the hydro-electric plant there. S.O.S. Dinobots

Soundwave's conscience is his guide, and he's not taking no crap offa nobody.

On a mission to the Peruvian Andes, Soundwave successfully proved that the legend of the Incan Crystal of Power was true when he deduced that the pyramid containing the fabled gemstone rested on a shaft leading to the Earth's core. On a mission to gather steel for a weapon frame to channel the crystal's power, Soundwave and Reflector were ambushed by Brawn and Windcharger in mid-air, and Soundwave found himself driven face-first into a mountain by the small Autobot in the first of several clashes that they would engage in over the years. Soundwave tried to fight back with his own rifle, and even tried blasting Brawn with Megatron in pistol mode, but the little Autobot took everything he had to give and escaped in one piece. Fire on the Mountain Later, Soundwave's mind-reading abilities came into use again when he scanned the brains of the Dinobots, Grimlock, Slag and Sludge, in order to determine their weaknesses. War of the Dinobots

Come to me, jungle friends.

When Megatron schemed to use the space bridge to transport Cybertron into Earth's orbit, he required human slaves to gather the energy that would result from the massive natural catastrophes such an action would cause. Soundwave and his cassettes were dispatched to capture Sparkplug Witwicky, who served as a guinea pig for the mind-controlling hypno-chips created by the Decepticons' new ally, Doctor Arkeville. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 The plan to transport Cybertron was subsequently accomplished despite Autobot interference, and Soundwave ensured that energy collection could begin quickly by forcing the Autobots to flee with a barrage of painful audio disruptor waves. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 Soundwave later transported a cache of energon cubes to the orbiting Cybertron, and was still there when a group of Autobots arrived, searching for the hypno-chip master control. In another encounter with Brawn, Soundwave was taken down by a single blast from his undersized rival, and then alerted the Decepticon forces on the planet to the Autobots' escape. It did little good, as the heroes were able to evade capture, find the hypno-chip control, free the slaves and blast Cybertron out of orbit.The Ultimate Doom, Part 3

Megatron was briefly thought destroyed by the explosion that pushed Cybertron out of orbit; Soundwave mostly kept himself above the fray though he took a shot at Thundercracker's inability to rein in their more tempestuous comrades. Once Megatron returned to Earth, Soundwave immediately informed him of Starscream's latest play for leadership. Countdown to Extinction Soundwave later accompanied Megatron and Thundercracker to Bali, where they met the Insecticons. A Plague of Insecticons Later still, when Megatron challenged Optimus Prime to a one-on-one duel, Soundwave and the other Decepticons contributed their power chip rectifiers to a machine built by the Constructicons that would transfer all their powers into Megatron, so that he could win the fight with ease. While Megatron never used Soundwave's powers in the duel,[1] he still claimed victory, but when his breach of the rules was revealed, he, Soundwave and all the Decepticons were sent tumbling into a river of lava by the fighting-mad Autobots.Heavy Metal War

God, I hate Vista so much!

As 1985 rolled in, Soundwave participated in a Decepticon attack on an Air Force base, Autobot Spike and helped in the construction of the Solar Needle in the jungles of South America. Changing Gears When Megatron sought to conquer New York City, Soundwave, Rumble and Frenzy battled a group of Autobots in Central Park, and Soundwave was later put in charge of the weapons systems of the so-called "New Cybertron" that New York was being turned into. That control was soon lost, unfortunately, when a stray blast from an irate Megatron destroyed Soundwave's console. City of Steel

Soundwave and his cassettes were next sent on a distraction mission, keeping the Autobots occupied while Megatron and Starscream snuck inside their base and sabotaged their recharging chambers with a Personality destabilizer device, narrowly avoiding another pounding from Brawn in the process. Attack of the Autobots After helping to steal electro-cells Traitor and the Autobots' new Immobilizer invention, The Immobilizer Soundwave was appointed to guard the captive Autobots after Megatron succeeded in trapping them in vehicle mode with the Transfixatron. The communications officer put his skills to work disabling the Autobots' communicators, but neglected to disable Hound's hologram projector, which the Autobot was able to use to summon the small number of his comrades who had not been affected by the Transfixatron. Wheeljack and Ratchet developed a grenade to undo the device's effects, and together, Spike and Chip Chase outran Soundwave and Ravage to detonate it and restore the Autobots. The Autobot Run

Let's see. Guitar, sound system and suspiciously plain brown box.

When Laserbeak and Buzzsaw stumbled upon the subaquatic city of Sub-Atlantica, Soundwave immediately summoned Megatron to view their findings. Megatron and the Decepticons set out for the city at once, and forged an alliance with its leader, the boastful telepathic King Nergill, in order to conquer Washington, D.C. Starscream, however, did not trust the fish-man, and had Soundwave put his own telepathic powers to use to decrypt the scrambled messages Nergill repeatedly gave to his underlings. Soundwave discovered that Nergill was planning to betray the Decepticons, leading to the breakdown of their alliance. Atlantis, Arise!

Soundwave and Megatron used their diminutive alternate modes to infiltrate Quantum Laboratories as part of a plan to take over the computer TORQ III. Day of the Machines Later, Soundwave helped steal the human-made robot ninja Nightbird (finally getting one over on Brawn in the process by collapsing a balcony out from under him), and aided Bombshell in reprogramming the femme-bot to serve the Decepticons.Enter the Nightbird

He bears the mark!

When the Decepticons discovered strange energy emanations coming from a crevice, Soundwave dispatched the Autoscout to investigate, discovering the crevice was filled with Korlonium crystals. Megatron schemed to create a clone of Optimus Prime as part of a plan to harness the crystals' power, and while the plan failed, the clone was at least impressive enough to completely fool Soundwave, and he was in on it! A Prime Problem Subsequently, Soundwave took part in the Decepticons' plan to drill to the Earth's core, The Core and was then made a mind-controlled pawn of the Insecticons, who used him to download data from the human military defense computer at Iron Mountain. Megatron and Optimus Prime were forced to team up to stop the Insecticons and destroy the cerebro-shell controlling Soundwave, erasing the data he had gathered in the process. The Insecticon Syndrome

While spying on Autobot Headquarters, Soundwave learned of the existence of the mysterious prehistoric Dinobot Island, and sent Laserbeak to follow the Dinobots as they travelled there. Dinobot Island, Part 1 Soundwave proceeded to join the Decepticons in raiding the island's energy sources, before the Autobots, Dinobots and the island's native dinosaurs saw them off. Dinobot Island, Part 2

Using his alternate mode to infiltrate a military testing site, Soundwave and his cassettes made a hard-fought but ultimately failed attempt to steal the Autobots' new Negavator weapon. Auto Berserk Later, when human archaeologists uncovered the wreckage of the Decepticons' old space cruiser in South America, Soundwave alerted Megatron to the news report about their findings, then accompanied him to the wreckage, where they removed the ship's power source, the Heart of Cybertron. Celebrating the new power that the Heart bestowed upon Megatron, Soundwave joined his fellow Decepticons in over-energizing on energon, leaving him too inebriated to do much of anything.Microbots

All the ladies love Soundwave!

When Megatron framed the Autobots for energy theft and had them exiled from Earth, Soundwave took part in the Decepticons' pretense of being heroes. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1 Soundwave was quite popular among the humans: a young child was heard cheering for him by name, and when he and his cassettes attended a disco, he acquired many female admirers. After Megatron revealed his deception, however, Soundwave was made the slave-master of the work camp that Central City was turned into. Thankfully, the Autobots soon returned to Earth to clear their names and rout the Decepticons. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2

He's good.

In one of his most impressible displays of sneakitude, Soundwave was able to position himself, in tape player mode, inside Ironhide's vehicle mode, right next to Blaster, and spy on the test run of the Ultra Plane, with neither Autobot noticing until he deployed Ravage. While Blaster wrestled with Ravage, Soundwave escaped to report to Megatron, after which he and Starscream joined their leader in attacking the lab containing the blueprints for the plane. The Autobots saw them off, but during their flight away, the Decepticons' systems began to malfunction as a result of cybertonium degradation. Soundwave's cassettes began ejecting without his command, and his flight powers gave out, sending him crashing to the ground. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1 Once repaired with fresh cybertonium from Cybertron, Soundwave joined the Decepticons on a mission to Great Britain. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court

Soundwave was among the Decepticons who were granted invincible electrum coating by the "Golden Lagoon". With their new power, the Decepticons captured Seaspray and Perceptor, but when Starscream attempted to have the two Autobots fight each other for the villains' amusement, Soundwave immediately ran off and tattled on him to Megatron. The Golden Lagoon

Soundwave forever regretted wearing the novelty cat pheromone spray.

Following the Decepticons' alliance with the Geddis brothers, Make Tracks Soundwave joined in the Decepticon attempt to create a space bridge in a baseball stadium, where he wickedly delighted in playing catch with one of the players (literally!). The Autobots soon arrived, and another brawl between Soundwave and Brawn erupted, ending when the small Autobot threw Soundwave into the space bridge. When a stray blast then activated the bridge, Soundwave and a small group of Autobots and Decepticons were inadvertently hurled to a world of alien giants. After being menaced by the huge cat Nitro and trapped in a toybox by Nitro's owner Aron, Soundwave was taken with the other Transformers to the planet's authorities for study and dissection. Ravage succeeded in freeing them, and the Decepticons all escaped back to Earth through a mock space bridge Perceptor created out of a telescope. Child's Play Upon his return, Soundwave was caught up in the menace of the Morphobots, Quest for Survival analyzed the energy of an alien asteroid, The Secret of Omega Supreme and helped operate the Decepticons' new energy magnet. Kremzeek!

That's not sound, it's Darkseid popping up in the wrong universe.

After joining Megatron on a mission to the planet of the Tlalakans, Sea Change Soundwave embarked on one of his most notable misadventures when, under the command of Starscream, he set about brainwashing humans with ultrasonic vibrations inside the Decepticon-built nightclub Dancitron in New York City. This led to his first major confrontation with his Autobot communications officer counterpart, Blaster, with whom he engaged in a sonic duel. Soundwave had the upper hand in the violent jam session, until Blaster used the club's sound system to magnify his own sonic attacks and win the fight. Auto-Bop

When the Decepticons captured Hybrid Technologies heiress Astoria Carlton-Ritz, Soundwave tried to use the psycho-probe to read her mind, but her innate ability to jinx machines made it a challenge, and eventually led to Soundwave and Rumble being electrocuted. When Powerglide subsequently caused the Decepticons' new sub-orbital base to crash, it fell to Soundwave to inform Megatron that the base didn't have any forcefields. Whoops! The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

Doesn't have the heart to tell Megatron it's just chocolate wrapped in gold foil.

On a mission to recover some incriminating footage taken by a movie studio of their activities, Soundwave showed up Starscream by pointing out that while the air commander had recovered the film reel, he had not destroyed the negative. Soundwave then helped Megatron track the negative down, but they were tricked into thinking it was destroyed by Hoist. Hoist Goes Hollywood Soon after, Soundwave accompanied Megatron to Cybertron to give life to his new Stunticons, helping him locate the key to Vector Sigma and unlocking the door to the mega-computer's chamber. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Upon their return to Earth with the now-living Stuncticons, Soundwave aided Megatron in analyzing the key to discover what other powers it possessed. By happenstance, its power to de-energize matter and turn it into metal was only discovered when Soundwave tripped and dropped it. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

"Soundwave, why always rings? I demand a parallelogram or two!"

Soundwave soon returned to Cybertron to take part in Megatron's plan to trap the newest addition to the Autobot ranks, the Aerialbots, in the distant past, War Dawn then went back to Earth and used his scanning powers to help Megatron locate the Pearl of Bahoudin. Trans-Europe Express Soundwave later had Laserbeak monitor the Cosmic Rust infection spreading through the Autobot ranks, Cosmic Rust, and had the cassette remove Starscream from Decepticon Headquarters after Megatron finally banished the perennial traitor from the Decepticon ranks. When Starscream returned with his own army, the Combaticons, Soundwave was almost able to shoot the traitor in the back until Swindle caused his shot to go wild. Soundwave tried to summon the Stunticons to help, and while they initially rebuffed him, they eventually arrived to tip the scales in Megatron's favor. Starscream's Brigade

Suspecting the Autobots had tampered with Megatron's new ruby laser cannon, Soundwave advised his leader to abandon the weapon, but Megatron was caught up in a battle-frenzy and ignored him. Predictably, the weapon promptly exploded. Masquerade For his final recorded adventure in the 20th century, Soundwave invented a device to control the flow of Earth's tides. Before the Decepticons could use it, however, it was necessary to blast the moon out of orbit to remove its controlling influence, so they developed an orbit disruptor cannon to do the job. Unfortunately, the cannon would only be operated by Bruticus, and all the Combaticons save Swindle had been destroyed, so Soundwave installed a bomb in Swindle's head to give him the incentive to gather up their parts and rebuild them. Bruticus was restored, and Soundwave participated in the Decepticon attack upon Autobot Headquarters that served as a test run for the disruptor cannon, but the complex plot was foiled when three college students used makeshift robot to destroy the cannon. B.O.T.

Do you think I'd leave you dying, when there's room on my horse for two?

Over the course of the following twenty years, the Decepticons withdrew from Earth and focused all their efforts on conquering Cybertron entirely. By the year 2005, they had accomplished this goal, and the Autobots were consigned to their new "Autobot City" on Earth, and to bases on two of Cybertron's moon. Thanks to Laserbeak and Soundwave, Megatron learned of an upcoming Autobot strike against Cybertron, and resolved to cripple their war effort by destroying Autobot City. During the subsequent battle, Soundwave was instructed to jam a distress call to Optimus Prime from Blaster, so he sent Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy and Ratbat to dismantle the communications array being used to broadcast it. Blaster's own team of cassettes fended Soundwave's off, and the call made it through, summoning Optimus Prime and a support team to aid the stricken city. A fateful final battle between Prime and Megatron ensued, which ended with Prime's death and Megatron mortally wounded. As the other Decepticons beat a hasty retreat, Soundwave demonstrated his loyalty to his leader by recovering his damaged body and carrying him aboard Astrotrain, but when it became necessary to jettison excess weight so that the Decepticons could safely make it back to Cybertron, Soundwave made no move to stop Starscream from setting Megatron adrift in space. In fact, with Megatron gone, Soundwave himself made a bid for leadership, declaring himself a superior choice to the Constructicons and deploying his cassettes to fight for his honor. Starscream ultimately emerged victorious in the fight for leadership, but during his coronation ceremony, Megatron returned, having been recreated by the giant transforming god-planet Unicron into Galvatron. Galvatron promptly killed Starscream, and Soundwave started cheering for his returned leader.

"I used to have that guy's job ya know".
"Suuure, gramps, suuuuure".

Galvatron's leadership did not get off to a great start, however: Unicron soon attacked Cybertron, and while he was destroyed by the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, Galvatron was lost to the depths of space, and the leaderless Decepticons, in a state of disarray after Unicron's attack, were easily routed and forced off Cybertron by the Autobots and their new leader, Rodimus Prime. The Transformers: The Movie

Soundwave’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series "Transformers: The Animated Movie" and the storybook "Transformers the Movie."

Low on energy, Soundwave and the other Decepticons were forced to relocate to the burned-out planet Chaar, where they eked out a miserable existence on the brink of death. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 When Rodimus Prime and Grimlock came to Chaar to investigate a mysterious attack on the Galactic Olympics, Soundwave and the Decepticons attacked them, Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 and were then later approached by the true instigators of the Olympics attack, the alien Quintessons, with the prospect of an alliance. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 Under the Quintessons' instructions, Soundwave and the other Decepticons launched an attack on the Autobots on the planet Goo 8739-B, during which Galvatron returned, having been found by Cyclonus and Scourge. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 With Galvatron back in charge, Soundwave was amongst the Decepticons who were sent to Earth to try and stop Metroplex's transforming cog from being delivered. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Disco! Disco!

In 2006, Soundwave went with Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps to search for isidrite in an asteroid belt. Soundwave dispatched Ratbat to search for the mineral, only for the cassette to discover that the Autobots were already mining it. Webworld Soon after, Soundwave accompanied Galvatron to the planet Eurythma to investigate a mysterious sonic weapon. They discovered that sound and music were the way of life on the planet, and Soundwave was entranced by the planet's perfect melodies, specifically the destructive harmony weapon, which was shared by three Eurythmans. One by one, Soundwave coerced from them each piece of the harmony, recording and combing them with the intention of turning the musical maelstrom upon Autobot City. He was defeated, however, when the Eurythmans countered the harmony with anti-sound, and Blaster erased his recordings. Carnage in C-Minor


Soundwave was among those transfixed by a hypnotic Quintesson signal The Big Broadcast of 2006, then later aided in the Decepticon conquest of the peaceful planet Paradron. Fight or Flee Later still, during a battle on Earth's moon, Soundwave was shocked when his ejection system activated on its own, releasing Ravage, Ratbat, Slugfest and Overkill, who departed with all the other "Primitive" Transformers present to follow a mysterious voice. An enraged Galvatron decided that punishing the deserters took priority over defeating the Autobots, and so Soundwave departed the battle alongside his leader and Cyclonus. As the three pursued the Primitives, Soundwave detected the very threat these Primitives had been summoned to fight, Tornedron, who having just drained the Autobots on the moon now turned his sights on the Decepticons; the immobilized Soundwave was left floating in space. Thankfully, the Primitives succeeded in defeating Tornedron and restoring everyone's energy. Call of the Primitives

Soundwave later played back a piece of information gathered by Ratbat: two human scientists had discovered the body of Optimus Prime, which Galvatron resolved to destroy once and for all. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Japanese cartoon continuity

The events of American cartoon continuity, as detailed above, occur in the Japanese timeline, except the events of 2006 are pushed back to 2010. The Japanese continuity proceeds to insert many new storylines and events in, around, before and after the events of the Generation 1 cartoon, as covered below.

e-HOBBY comics

Early during Megatron's attempted conquest of Cybertron, Soundwave was among his troops of Seekers and the Silver Company, raiding Autobot energy warehouses. Their attack was cut short by the unexpected arrival of a Guardian robot, who quickly trounced everybody. 64 Cybertron Urban Defense Robot GADEP

Unite Warriors

Moonheart trained under Soundwave as a medic. Unite Warriors Moonheart bio

Beast Wars Metals cartoon

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

Soundwave was one of the Decepticons who attacked New York City early in their conflict with the Autobots on Earth. Broadcasting on TV! Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

When Soundwave learned that the Autobots were keeping themselves in shape by having a friendly race, he set up a trap within a narrow canyon, walling the Autobots in and opening fire on them. Luckily, Hound arrived on the scene and delivered a powerful punch to Soundwave's chest, shattering his tape door once again. Soundwave immediately fled. Anime Theater 2: Sic' Em, Hound!

Blaster battled Soundwave in what seemed to be the foothills of the Alps, while Perceptor kept the Decepticon communicator's cassettes busy. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story page #5

Scramble City

Voice actor: Issei Masamune (Japanese)
" do know there are laws against exposing yourself, right?"

Before the 1980s were over, the Decepticons detected some unusual magnetic field fluctuations, and Megatron ordered Soundwave to send Ratbat, Laserbeak and Ravage to investigate. The cassettes discovered a hidden cavern where the Autobots were constructing a mighty battle fortress named "Scramble City", and Soundwave promptly took this information to Megatron. Scramble City: Mobilization

Legends comic (1)

In the early days of the Transformers' war on Earth sometime between 1985 and 2004, Soundwave was among Megatron's Decepticons, waging war against the Autobots. Bonus Edition Vol. 6 During an attack on the Autobots to steal their Transform Super Cog in the late 1980s, Soundwave sent Overkill and Slugfest to take out the Autobots' intruder alarm before deploying Enemy, Wingthing, Howlback, Garboil and Glit to join the battle. Slugslinger's Ambition He was part of a group of Decepticons who fell in a pitfall trap prepared by Twin Twist, but being Decepticons, they simply flew out. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons

The Battle of the Star Gate

Fear his Mickey Mouse ears.

In the 1990s, continued Autobot/human interaction led to a formal alliance being forged between the heroic robots and the American government and the construction of an interstellar teleport system called the Trigger. Naturally, the Trigger space station was a prime target for the Decepticons, and Soundwave was instrumental in taking over the device, as he hacked into its systems and placed it under Decepticon control. Unfortunately for the Decepticons, the sole surviving member of the Trigger's crew, Makoto, activated the system and blasted them into space before they could take control of it, and the Autobots soon arrived to send the Decepticons packing. First Contact

"You ever feel the magic has gone out of our relationship?"
"Shut up, Soundwave".

Three months later, while the Trigger was still undergoing repairs after the damage the previous battle had caused, Soundwave patched through a transmission from Laserbeak, who was spying on a test run of the new human-built C-X battle droid. When the droid ran amok during the test and tried to kill Optimus Prime, the amused Megatron thought Soundwave was responsible for hacking the robot's systems, but Soundwave denied it. Divided Views In truth, the drone had been possessed by the time-displaced ghost of Starscream from the future, and he was not yet through making mischief in the past. Starscream's ghost teamed up with his present day counterpart, and together, the two Starscreams took control of the repaired Trigger and possessed it, transforming it into a giant, twisted robot form. Soundwave was among the massive armada of Decepticons and Autobots who battled the giant Starscream-thing, which was ultimately defeated when Prime and Megatron combined their power to destroy the traitor's new body. Soundwave and all the other Transformers were caught in the backwash of the explosion and sent tumbling towards Earth in uncontrolled re-entry, not to be heard from again for many months. The Battle of the Star Gate

Music Label

In 2007, Soundwave created a series of diminutive clones of himself, disguised as portable MP3 players, and disseminated them among the populace of Earth as part of a plan to brainwash the youth of the world with hypnotic music.

While the 2007 Takara timeline placed the events of the Transformers Music Label storyline in the Generation 1 cartoon continuity, this is not without confusion. According to the Music Label story, Soundwave was foiled in this plan by Optimus Prime, who added a pair of speakers to his trailer that broadcast a frequency to stop the Decepticon's brainwashing. As Prime was dead at this point in the timeline, this can't have been how things went down in this version of events. However, "Bonus Edition Vol. 36" of Legends made reference to this event, did happen somehow?


At the trial of Primacron, Soundwave and the Decepticons interrupted the proceedings for their own gain. Soundwave battled Grimlock outside the Galactic Courts while sending his cassettes inside. Controverse

The Headmasters cartoon

Voice actor: Issei Masamune (Japanese), John Culkin (English, Omni Productions dub), Jesús Brock (Latin-American Spanish)
"Stop! I'm unarmed!"

The Decepticons went off the radar for the year that followed Optimus Prime's resurrection, but in 2011, they returned in full force. When Vector Sigma began to destabilize as a consequence of Optimus Prime releasing the energy of the Matrix, Galvatron led the Decepticons' newest troops, the Headmasters, in an attack on Cybertron in an attempt to secure the computer and restore a Decepticon power balance to the planet. To prevent Autobot reinforcements from Earth reaching Cybertron, Soundwave and a legion of other Decepticons under the command of the faction's new Earth commander, Sixshot, kept the Autobots on the planet busy in a large battle. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky In an attempt to learn the Autobots' plan of action, Soundwave and his cassettes infiltrated Autobot City, and although they were discovered by Blaster and his own cassettes, they were able to escape with the knowledge that the Matrix was hidden somewhere on Earth, and that the Autobots were preparing to search for it. Blaster and Hot Rod subsequently embarked on a search mission to the Arctic, where Soundwave and his cassettes attacked them. Blaster covered Hot Rod's escape, and he and Soundwave engaged in a one-on-one battle, with shattered chests and severed limbs aplenty. It momentarily appeared that Soundwave had won the battle when Blaster collapsed, but seconds later, the fatal damage Blaster had inflicted upon him made itself apparent, as Soundwave's body exploded. His cassettes scooped up as much of his remains as they could and beat a retreat, but Soundwave was triumphant in death, as Blaster too died seconds later. The Mystery of Planet Master

He's gone black. Will he go back?

Soundwave's remains were brought back to Chaar by his cassettes, where the Decepticon Headmaster leader Scorponok was able to use the super-science of planet Master to restore him to life. Reborn in a new black body, Soundwave was rechristened Soundblaster, and following a reunion with his delighted cassettes, immediately went straight back to working for the Decepticon cause. Soundblaster was, in fact, instrumental to the Decepticons' newest plan, as he used his broadcasting powers to send signals from a sonic control device implanted in his chest to direct the actions of the villains' newest weapon, the Madmachine, in another attack on Cybertron. As coincidence would have it, Autobot Headmaster leader Fortress had also used the science of Master to restore Blaster to life as "Twincast", and the two rivals clashed for the first time in their new lives when the Autobot destroyed Soundblaster's sonic control and foiled the Decepticons' plot. The Great Cassette Operation

Soundblaster was among the Decepticons who invaded and enslaved the planet Beast. Rebellion on Planet Beast Later, he dispatched Ratbat to spy on the Autobots and learn more about a mysterious blackmailer holding six countries to ransom, reporting his findings to Cyclonus and Scourge. Terror! The Six Shadows Later still, Soundblaster and his cassette force were able to infiltrate Cybertron's lowest levels and spy on Vector Sigma, discovering that the mega-computer had developed a powerful new alloy named cybertonuron. Acting on Soundblaster's information, Galvatron staged a massive attack on Cybertron, Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 but Scorponok plotted treachery, planting a bomb in Vector Sigma's chamber in order to destroy the alloy, rather than let Galvatron gain its power. When Galvatron discovered this, Soundblaster attempted to stop him from going to Vector Sigma's chamber, but Galvatron ignored him, and paid for his hubris when the bomb detonated in his face, destroying the cybertonuron and reducing Cybertron to a burnt out husk. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

Will the undead please stand up?

With Galvatron having disappeared in the destruction of Cybertron, Soundblaster met with the other senior Decepticons to discuss what should be done next. During their meeting, the shadowed figure of Galvatron appeared in the room, but Soundblaster quickly analyzed the newcomer's voice pattern, and realized it was not Galvatron, but Scorponok engaging in a bout of gallows humor. Shedding his disguise, Scorponok claimed that Galvatron was still alive, and that while he could not reveal where he was, he had commanded Scorponok to lead in his absence. None of the Decepticons were entirely convinced (in truth, it was a bold-faced lie), but Soundblaster, in need of a leader to follow, chose to accept it as truth, and followed Scorponok's command to send Ratbat to spy on the Autobot/human launch of the Sol 1 satellite. The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok Soon after, when Scorponok began scheming to keep the Autobots occupied on Earth with various threads, Soundblaster and his cassettes kept an eye on the Autobots' movements and were able to inform their leader that his plans were working. The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously EruptsHead On!! Fortress Maximus

Hey diddle diddle, what's there in the middle?

Following Scorponok's instructions, Soundwave directed the planting of plasma energy bombs beneath the surface of Mars, in order to destroy the planet and harvest even more of the energy. Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger At Scorponok's command, Soundblaster then recalled all available Decepticons to Chaar, where they all witnessed their leader's dramatic unveiling of his gigantic new Transtector. With this powerful new body, Scorponok kept the Autobots occupied while Soundblaster himself pressed the fateful button that detonated the plasma bombs and destroyed Mars. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

Soundblaster and his cassettes did not take kindly to the arrival of Scorponok's new intelligence officer, Counterpunch, who irked Soundblaster with his remarkable ability to dig up information that Soundblaster couldn't. Of course, Soundblaster had no idea that Counterpunch was able to do this because he was really the Autobot spy, Punch, and so he and his cassettes set out to prove themselves by going to Earth to see what Autobots secrets they could unearth. Unable to find any information, Soundblaster was moping around the Decepticon Earth base when a story suddenly dropped itself right into his lap: a glowing UFO descended from the sky and abducted Sixshot right before his eyes! Soundblaster attempted to report his findings to Scorponok during a battle with the Autobots on Earth's moon, but there and then, the UFO reappeared, and its owner was revealed to be Galvatron, who had survived his appeared destruction and retook leadership of the Decepticons. Return of the Immortal Emperor

Sound doesn't travel in space, moron.

Soundblaster and the Decepticon Headmasters were manning the scanners at the Decepticon base on Chaar when the Horrorcons arrived to join up with Galvatron's forces. Daniel Faces His Biggest Crisis Ever!! Soon after, Soundblaster joined the Decepticons on a series of interplanetary energy raids, helping to scan the spaceways and communications channels to keep his leader appraised of Autobot and alien activity as they went from planet Hive Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!! to Twin Star Battle for Defense of the False Planet to Daros. Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!! The Decepticons' quest eventually brought them to Pirate Planet, where they were stymied in their pursuit of the planet's fabled energy by their inability to enter the pyramid that held it. Soundblaster observed Highbrow and Daniel Witwicky departing for the field of debris near the planet, and, suspecting they knew something he didn't, followed them. Soundblaster proceeded to ambush the two heroes and demand they share their information, but Daniel was able to get the drop on the Decepticon with his video game light gun, which Highbrow had amped up into a real weapon. Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship

When the Decepticons returned to Earth, Sixshot proceeded to lead a series of major attacks upon the Autobot forces. Soundblaster reported to Galvatron on the departure of Fortress Maximus from Athenia, and suggested sending Scorponok to keep him busy. Galvatron was wary, knowing Scorponok had his own agenda, but Soundblaster vowed to follow him and keep an eye on him, and Galvatron agreed. However, Soundblaster was surprisingly lax in his duty, as Scorponok didn't bother engaging Fortress, and Soundblaster didn't report this at all! Ultra Magnus Dies!!

Grand Cybertron Hide N'Seek Champion, 7 million years running.

Following Galvatron's death at the hands of the Headmasters and Scorponok's subsequent re-assumption of Decepticon leadership, Soundblaster was among the Decepticons who travelled with his new leader to the planet Master. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) When the Autobots followed them there, Soundblaster boldly infiltrated their spaceship, the Maximus, and spied on them with Ratbat. When he was discovered, however, he leapt overboard and flew back to the surface of Master, inadvertently leading the Autobot Targetmasters to the Decepticons' hidden subterranean base. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide Soundblaster was able to repay them in kind after a later battle, though, when he stealthily followed the retreating Targetmasters and discovered that the Autobots had started working with the young warriors of Master. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons

After Scorponok successfully completed construction of his new Zarak Shield weapon, the Decepticons headed back to Earth, but as they were passing through the asteroid belt, Soundblaster noticed a malfunction in their propulsion system that required them to set down for repairs. While they were resting there, Soundblaster detected the approach of an object, which turned out to be Sixshot, who had become separated from the Decepticons on an earlier leg of their journey. Duel on the Asteroid

Finally, once the Decepticons returned to Earth, Scorponok began raising "Death Towers" of crysmagnetal at strategic points around the Earth, intending to use them to tear the planet apart. While on patrol in the Alps, Soundblaster observed the passage of the Autobots' battleship, and radioed the Decepticons in Egypt to let them know of their enemies' approach. Subsequently, with all the Death Towers in place, Soundblaster participated in the climactic battle between the Autobot and Decepticons armies at the South Pole, which ended when Fortress Maximus destroyed Scorponok's Transtector and saved the planet. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Soundblaster was at the second week of the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron, where he attempted to ambush Twincast and Rewind. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Legends comic (2)

In the year 2021, Soundblaster joined the revived Scorponok in a scheme to use a black hole to create plasma energy. The scheme backfired thanks to the interference of Fortress Maximus and his Autobots, causing the black hole to release smaller black holes called "Blackballs". Soundblaster was among the Decepticons struck by a Blackball, which began causing his body to shrink. To avoid destruction, the afflicted Autobots and Decepticons traveled to the Legends World to receive new Headmaster upgrades. Soundblaster and the other Decepticons sought their upgrades from Tarantulas, who gladly cooperated, though he seemed to have ulterior motives. Headmaster Chapter Prologue Targetmaster Chapter Prologue

The Decepticons joined forces with Tarantulas's employer, Tera-Kura Co., creating a "Decepticon Tera-Kura Co." in which Soundblaster once more served as communications officer. He had Laserbeak spy on their rivals, the Autobot Axalon Trading Company, and steal data the Decepticons could use to build transtectors. Bonus Edition Vol. 22 After Skullcruncher went on a rampage in his new body, Soundblaster attended a meeting during which the company's chairman, Megatron from another time period, chewed them out for resorting to violence. Bonus Edition Vol. 23

Soundblaster continued his rivalry with Twincast in his universe, but fell behind when the Autobot acquired a transtector that let him become Blaster again. Noting that the Zodiac had let Blaster reshape his body into a base mode, Soundblaster established a new Dancitron and hypnotized the guests into attacking Blaster, distracting him while Soundblaster stole the Zodiac and used its powers in reverse to transform the Dancitron into a transtector based on his original body. Reclaiming the name of Soundwave, he revealed that since Blaster had left the Autobot army to become an artist, he saw no value in besting him in battle and vowed to defeat him on the battlefield of his choice—the music industry. Devil Z disapproved of his resignation from Decepticon Tera-Kura Co. and attacked him using a transtector powered by a captive Megatron, but Soundwave freed his leader and bested Devil Z with help from Blaster, who shared data on the harmony with him. Their alliance was temporary, however, as Soundwave was enraged to learn that Blaster had made the harmony playable only once. Bonus Edition Vol. 36

Upon learning from Laserbeak that the Decepticons loyal to Scorponok were trying to overthrow Megatron by rebuilding Trypticon, Soundwave reported his findings to Megatron. He fought with Megatron's troops to defend Metroplex's transformation cog from the rival Decepticon faction, but they failed. Decepticon Civil War He was then knocked out during Slugslinger's anti-electron attack on all all Transformers in the city. Bonus Edition Vol. 55 When Quintessons invaded the Legends World in spite of having been defeated by 2021, Soundblaster theorized that they were likely time travelers from the past. Bonus Edition Vol. 59 During a Concurrence attack, he also explained how the attackers had used synthoid technology to turn Beast Megatron purely robotic. Bonus Edition Vol. 63 Soundblaster later witnessed Twin Twist remove the Zodiac from his transtector. Bonus Edition Vol. 65

Soundwave was among the Decepticons who defended the city from Majin Zarak's attack, Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One and stood by as Megatron ordered the evacuation of the doomed Legends World. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two Soundwave and the other Transformers from the Headmaster era returned to their own dimension in the year 2023, appearing on the planet Beast and assisting its Beastformers in their war with the Laser Beasts. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1

At some point returning to not being a Headmaster and as Soundwave instead of Soundblaster, he then waited until Megatron's own return in 2038, keeping mum about already having met his leader's future self in order to avoid causing a time paradox. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 2 The Decepticons aboard Broadside made contact with Optimus Prime, hoping to reinstate the Cybertron Alliance in order to pool resources for the reconstruction of the Legends World. However, they were attacked in transit by the mysterious Unicron Neo. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One In fact, "Unicron Neo" was Dark Nova, a malevolent entity that kidnapped Megatron and forced him to merge with it again to become the Star Giant. Soundwave and the Decepticons arrived on Zone to warn its Autobot defenders that Megatron was not a willing component of the Star Giant. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part Two The Decepticons were helpless to attack the Star Giant without hurting Megatron, but his old foes the Powered Masters had no compunctions against doing so. Sonic Bomber Chapter They tried to defend him, but Dai Atlas struck them down mercilessly to cut a path towards the Star Giant. At the last moment, however, Dai Atlas recognized Megatron was holding the Star Giant back. He still destroyed the threat, but agreed to lend the support of his Powered Engine to help restore the Legends World and, potentially with it, Megatron. Dai Atlas Chapter

On behalf of Megatron and in accordance with his last wishes, Soundwave lay down arms for the Decepticons and lent support to the Legends restoration project. With the Powered Engines, the Zodiac, proton energy, the Zamojin, and many other components, the Legends World was restored and its people rebuilt Megatron as well. He spent some time among them again as Mayor Megatron before returning to the G1 World. With Soundwave in attendance, Megatron formally reinstated the Cybertron Alliance in a handshake with Optimus Prime. Epiloge

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Soundwave was one of the Decepticons supporting the Selector revolt at Neo Scramble City. Volcanicus comic 1 He was overpowered by Grimlock when the Dinobots stood against the revolution. Volcanicus comic 2

TV Magazine comic continuity

It's like if Power Rangers had really cheap zords.

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

In the late 1980s, while Megatron and the Decepticons engaged the Autobots in battle in Arizona, Soundwave and his cassettes were dispatched to do something unspecified (but likely evil) in Tokyo. Optimus Prime dispatched a unit of Autobots led by Bumblebee and Kenji to track them down. He was ultimately defeated when Bumblebee got the drop on him with a patented "Bumble-Kick" and shattered his chest. This made it impossible for his cassette forces to return to him, leaving them to be captured as well. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2 When he next appeared, Soundwave hadn't quite got over his injuries, and was seen with bandages stuck to his chest-window. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #3

The Headmasters comic

Hm manga8 master chrome hurricane.jpg

After their 2011 defeat at the North Pole, the Decepticons were preparing to retreat from Earth entirely when Scorponok instructed Soundblaster to remain on the planet in secret to act as a spy for the Decepticons. Soundblaster proved that he wasn't up to the challenge by making his presence and intentions known almost instantly when he kicked Wheelie square in the face and took the Witwicky family hostage. Chromedome was left powerless to do anything but surrender, as Slugfest and Overkill brutalized Spike and threatened Carly. Daniel was propelled into action by his family's peril, leaped onto Slugfest, and tricked him into charging into Overkill. This left Soundblaster open to Chromedome's poorly named "Master-Chrome Hurricane Throw to the End of Hell!" Chromedome chucked Soundblaster over the horizon, and when he recovered from his fall, he found Sixshot staring down at him. Demanding to know what Sixshot wanted, Soundblaster was informed that the six-changer was no longer affiliated with the Decepticons, and wanted to travel from planet to planet, learning new transformations. One day, Sixshot told him, he wanted to learn how to transform into a human! Soundblaster was left absolutely dumbfounded by this, unable to even compute such a concept, and wagering it would be a few million years before he could. The Headmasters #8

Super-God Masterforce comic

The image of Soundwave was among the holograms of older Decepticons projected by King Poseidon to deceive and confuse the Autobots under Ginrai's command. Burn, Chokon! New Commander Super Ginrai!

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

My buddy!

Soundwave was present when the Decepticons terrorized the Earth with their new "Omega Wave Cannon" cannon and captured the Autobots' human allies Tōru and Jenny. When the two humans tried to escape, Soundwave released Ravage to stop them, but Blaster then appeared to dispatch the cassette. Blaster and Soundwave proceeded to grapple as more Autobots arrived and the battle grew bigger and bigger, and when Metroplex arrived, he actually collided with Soundwave and knocked the Decepticon for a loop. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Transformers Legends anthology

Soundwave was extremely amused by the footage Laserbeak and Ravage gathered of Starscream falling on his head. He let Megatron know, and they went to pick up Starscream, only to find him gone, taken by the Autobots. The discovery that Starscream appeared to be working with the Autobots only amused Soundwave more, and the Decepticons went to retrieve their former comrade. When it turned out that Starscream wanted to stay with the Autobots, Megatron was enraged, and Soundwave reflected that it was the most fun he'd had in years. Starscream eventually returned to the Decepticons, claiming it was all an act, and Soundwave suggested he should be more careful while mountain climbing in future. Redemption Center

Madman The Transformers comic

He's a good guy. Animals like him.

In 2001, Soundwave and his squad of cassettes were deployed to the construction site of Autobot City while the balance of the Autobot forces were engaged in an evacuation of Cybertron. He managed to record a secret conversation between Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus where the Autobot leaders discussed hiding the Autobot Matrix of Leadership in a bunker at the build site, against the chance Prime would be captured or destroyed while off-world. Soundwave returned to the not-so-secret bunker and deployed his minions to dig up the Matrix. Just as the artifact had been secured and Soundwave was about to call for retrieval, the young Autobot Hot Rod took the Matrix and defeated Soundwave's team. The Transformers

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

When Megatron captured Deathsaurus's base, Soundwave was by his side. After defeating Deathsaurus in single combat, Megatron ordered Soundwave to check the computers for information on Combiner technology, and sent Starscream with him. A week later, Soundwave was part of the Decepticon forces who entered Iacon after Devastator breached the city walls. Battle Lines, Part 5 He was still by Megatron's side when Devastator fell, and took part in the subsequent retreat. Battle Lines, Part 6

In 2012, Soundwave's face was on a computer screen in Jhiaxus's laboratory as Jhiaxus was creating a clone of him. A Flash Forward, Part 2

Circa 2013, Jhiaxus cloned Soundwave yet again to create a clone commander of him. Termination

Tornado disliked Laserbeak and Buzzsaw because as Soundwave considered himself superior, they considered themselves superior by extension. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, 2015/01/07

Mars Attacks: The Transformers

Mars Attacks The Transformers - Get him off me!.jpg

Following a defeat at the hands of the Autobots, the Decepticons were stasis cuffed and taken away by humans. A Martian invasion gave them the opportunity to slip their bonds and attempt to form an alliance with the invasion, but when the Martians trapped them in a force field, the Decepticons were forced to align with the Autobots instead. Soundwave and Blaster combined their power to bring the force field down. When Megatron was later reduced to the size of a toy by the Martians, Soundwave successfully reversed the effects of the shrink ray. Mars Attacks: The Transformers


Soundwave was one of several Decepticons who wound up on the receiving end of a beating from a Megatron from another universe, as he fought his way through them to get to his world's Optimus and the super-powerful entity SARA. TFC-A01

Ask Vector Prime

In one iteration of the battle of Autobot City, those dimensional hoodlums Sideways and Gong decided to spice things up by throwing some GoBots into the mix. Accordingly, the usual war for Autobot City became a contest for Guardian City instead; in this version of the battle, Soundwave and his cassettes were responsible for offlining Hi-Way and Street Heat. When Megatron fell in his duel against Leader-1, Soundwave, loyal as ever, carried him to safety. After history blipped again, Soundwave was replaced by Dr. Go and Warpath in the combined Decepticon-Renegade force. Thus aboard Astrotrain, it was Dr. Go who mocked Tic Tac's declaration of leadership, neutralized the gestalt Puzzler, and was tackled by Snoop. Later, after Galvatron killed the upstart Zero, Warpath was asked by Clutch what the new arrival called himself. Echoes and Fragments


In an alternate universe where Megatron died at Autobot City, Soundwave was one of the many Decepticons who were forced to retreat aboard Astrotrain. Back on Cybertron, Soundwave was present to witness Starscream's coronation. The ceremony was interrupted by Unicron, who chose to reformat Starscream into his new servant "Megascream." As part of Starscream's bargain, Soundwave was one of the warriors who received enhancements.

During Unicron's final attack on Cybertron, Soundwave accompanied Megascream when the Decepticon leader attacked Optimus, and merged with Megascream to form a massive combiner. Soundwave was presumably killed when Hot Rod opened the Matrix shortly afterwards. Deviations


"When I think about you, I touch myself."
  • The Generation 1 cartoon almost always depicted him as having to press all his own controls to eject minions or perform other functions, even though these are actually part of him. This resulted in many, many shots of Soundwave touching his crotch. What will the children think?
  • According to the original script[2] for "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1", "Sound Wave" transformed into "a LIGHT STANDARD - identical to the one that exists a short distance away, the perfect camouflage". So... yes, he really did turn into a lamppost on Cybertron.
  • Soundwave's distinctive voice proved to be one of Generation 1's most memorable aspects. The highly processed voice (processed by Scott Brownlee) began with Frank Welker basically doing his "Dr. Claw" voice from Inspector Gadget. Whether due to variations in the performance or the processing, the final result varied quite a bit across Soundwave's three seasons on the show. Occasionally, as in the episodes "Roll for It", "Carnage in C-Minor" and "Webworld", the processing was left out and Welker's actual voice can be heard. This Dr. Claw version of Soundwave's voice made a return when Welker reprised the role for Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon as the processing was, again, left out.
  • Similarly, he often emphasizes words at random, such as his well-known "RavAAAAAGE", or "LAAZABEEK". This may be a side effect of the voice doctoring in the cartoon.
  • In the Mandarin dub from China, Soundwave had a glorious, operatic voice. In the Spanish dub, which strangely had several characters with flat monotones, Soundwave's was the flattest and "monotoniest", and arguably the most hilarious.
"Hey, wait for me!"
  • The typically emotionally-barren Soundwave actually laughs on two separate occasions in the Generation 1 cartoon ("Quest for Survival" and "Auto-Bop"), while he is heard screaming only once ("Roll for It"). In "Call of the Primitives" he is heard to groan in pain as Tornedron attacks the Decepticons as they pursue Trypticon.
  • Soundwave has flown in his alt mode one time, in the episode "Masquerade." In Atlus's Transformers game, Soundwave can transform to tape deck mode and kind of bounces around to move in that form. No, really.
  • In the Japanese dub of the original The Transformers cartoon, as well as the supporting manga, all of Soundwave's cassette forces which could talk referred to him as "aniki" (兄貴) or "big brother". This is a fairly common way to refer to others you admire and such in Japanese. It's also a term that gang members use toward older, more experienced members who aren't actual gang bosses. Take it as you will. Whatever it says about his relationship with them, it does give new meaning to the phrase "Big Brother is watching over you".
  • After Blaster and Soundwave were rebuilt into Twincast and Soundblaster respectively in The Headmasters cartoon, their animation models weren't a simple recoloring as one might assume; to match the retooling found on the respective toys released in 1987 that allowed for two cassettes to be stored, their animation models were slighty modified to include bigger chest doors that protruded from their bodies. Soundblaster also featured a modified head design that had pointier horns.


  1. In the finished episode, that is. A scene deleted from "Heavy Metal War" saw Megatron use Soundwave's mind-reading abilities to deduce Prime's next attack move.
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