Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes
:1. Introduction
2. Study Site
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Materials
3.1.1. Auxiliary Data
- > library("sf")
- > roi.bbox <- st_bbox(c(xmin = -1.40, xmax = -1.30,
- ymin = 42.79, ymax = 42.88), crs = 4326)
- > roi.sf <- st_as_sf(st_as_sfc(roi.bbox))
3.1.2. Satellite Imagery
3.2. Methods
3.2.1. Searching
- > library("RGISTools")
- > sres.ls8 <- lsSearch(product = "LANDSAT_8_C1",
- dates = as.Date("2018-07-01") + seq(0, 304, 1),
- region = roi.sf,
- cloudCover = c(0,80),
- username = "USERNAME",
- password = "PASSWORD")
- > sres.sn2 <- senSearch(platform = "Sentinel-2",
- product = "S2MSI2A",
- dates = as.Date("2018-07-01") + seq(0, 304, 1),
- region = roi.sf,
- cloudCover = c(0,80),
- username = "USERNAME",
- password = "PASSWORD")
3.2.2. Downloading
- > wdir.ls8 <- file.path(wdir, "Landsat8")
- > lsDownload(searchres = sres.ls8,
- lvl = 2,
- untar = TRUE,
- bFilter = list("band3", "band5", "pixel_qa"),
- username = "USERNAME",
- password = "PASSWORD",
- l2rqname = "REQUESTNAME",
- AppRoot = wdir)
- > wdir.sn2 <- file.path(wdir, "Sentinel2")
- > senDownload(searchres = sres.sn2,
- unzip = TRUE,
- bFilter = list("B03_10m", "B08_10m", "CLDPRB_20m"),
- username = "USERNAME",
- password = "PASSWORD",
- AppRoot = wdir.sn2)
3.2.3. Mosaicking and Cropping
- > wdir.ls8.untar <- file.path(wdir.ls8, "untar")
- > lsMosaic(src = wdir.ls8.untar,
- region = roi.sf,
- = "ls8_itoiz",
- gutils = TRUE,
- AppRoot = wdir.ls8)
- > wdir.sn2.unzip <- file.path(wdir.sn2, "unzip")
- > senMosaic(src = wdir.sn2.unzip,
- region = roi.sf,
- = "sn2_itoiz",
- gutils = TRUE,
- AppRoot = wdir.sn2)
3.2.4. Cloud Mask Filtering
- > wdir.ls8.mosaic <- file.path(wdir.ls8, "ls8_itoiz")
- > lsCloudMask(src = wdir.ls8.mosaic,
- = "ls8_cldmask",
- AppRoot = wdir.ls8)
- > wdir.sn2.mosaic <- file.path(wdir.sn2, "sn2_itoiz")
- > senCloudMask(src = wdir.sn2.mosaic,
- = "sn2_cldmask",
- AppRoot = wdir.sn2)
- > wdir.ls8.cld <- file.path(wdir.ls8, "ls8_cldmask")
- > wdir.sn2.cld <- file.path(wdir.sn2, "sn2_cldmask")
- > wdir.all.cld <- list(wdir.ls8.cld, wdir.sn2.cld)
- > fils.cld.msk <- lapply(wdir.all.cld, list.files, full.names = TRUE)
- > imgs.cld.msk <- lapply(files.cld.msk, stack)
- > names(imgs.cld.msk) <- c("ls8", "sn2")
- > cld.coverage <- lapply(imgs.cld.msk,
- function(x){
- colSums(
- })
- > names(cld.coverage) <- c("ls8", "sn2")
- > ls8.clr.imgs <- which(cld.coverage$ls8 < 0.20)
- > sn2.clr.imgs <- which(cld.coverage$sn2 < 0.001)
- > ls8.clr.dates <- genGetDates(names(imgs.cld.msk$ls8))[ls8.clr.imgs]
- > sn2.clr.dates <- genGetDates(names(imgs.cld.msk$sn2))[sn2.clr.imgs]
3.2.5. Deriving the Ndwi
- > wdir.ls8.mosaic <- file.path(wdir.ls8, "ls8_itoiz")
- > ls8FolderToVar(src = wdir.ls8.mosaic,
- fun = varNDWI,
- dates = ls8.clr.dates,
- AppRoot = wdir.ls8)
- > wdir.sn2.mosaic <- file.path(wdir.sn2, "sn2_itoiz")
- > senFolderToVar(src = wdir.sn2.mosaic,
- fun = varNDWI,
- dates = sn2.clr.dates,
- AppRoot = wdir.sn2)
3.2.6. Detecting Water and Level Analysis
- > imgs.ndwi <- list(
- stack(list.files(file.path(wdir.ls8,"NDWI"), full.names = TRUE)),
- stack(list.files(file.path(wdir.sn2,"NDWI"), full.names = TRUE)))
- > names(imgs.ndwi[[1]]) <- paste0(names(imgs.ndwi[[1]]), "_LS8")
- > names(imgs.ndwi[[2]]) <- paste0(gsub("10m", "SN2", names(imgs.ndwi[[2]])))
- > imgs.ndwi[[2]] <- projectRaster(imgs.ndwi[[2]], imgs.ndwi[[1]])
- > imgs.ndwi <- stack(imgs.ndwi)
- > imgs.ndwi <- imgs.ndwi[[order(names(imgs.ndwi))]]
- Detection of flooded pixels: Pixels above the thresholds (Landsat-8) and (Sentinel-2) are considered as flooded in the NDWI series. The thresholds were selected by visual inspection.
- Shoreline identification: This aims at joining the flooded pixels into a single entity. The individual flooded pixels are transformed into polygons, a class object in R. This class allows removing the interior boundaries among them, merging all the flooded pixels into a single polygon. Isolated misclassified pixels or scattered polygons are dismissed. The edge of the largest polygon defines the main water body shoreline.
- Estimating water levels: We extract the shoreline elevations by intersecting the polygon with the topographic map. Elevations may contain some errors due to inaccuracies in the topographic map or the shoreline delineation. Hence, the elevations are used to derive a probability density distribution. The most likely elevation is the one with the highest density value.
- > shorelns <- lapply(as.list(imgs.ndwi),
- function(r){
- thrsh <- ifelse(grepl("LS8",names(r)), -0.16, -0.10)
- water <- rasterToPolygons(clump(r> thrsh), dissolve = TRUE)
- shors <- st_union(st_as_sfc(water))
- bodis <- st_cast(shors, "POLYGON")
- areas <- st_area(bodis)
- st_sf(st_cast(bodis[which.max(areas)], "MULTILINESTRING"))
- }
- )
- > shorelns.z <- lapply(shorelns,
- function(pol, altimetry.itoiz){
- line <- as(as(pol, "Spatial"), "SpatialLines")
- cell <- cellFromLine(altimetry.itoiz, line)[[1]]
- elvs <- getValues(altimetry.itoiz)[cell]
- dnst <- density(elvs, kernel = "epanechnikov", na.rm = T)
- dnst$x[which.max(dnst$y)]
- }, altimetry.itoiz)
- > level.est <- unlist(shorelns.z)
3.2.7. Evaluation
4. Results
4.1. Flooded Area and Level Estimates
Rgistools (V1.0.2) Performance
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ASTER | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer |
CPU | Central processing unit |
DEM | Digital elevation model |
EROS | USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science |
ESPA | EROS Center Science Processing Architecture |
ESA | European Space Agency |
GHz | Gigahertz |
IDENA | Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Navarra |
IDW | Inverse distance weighting |
MABEL | Multiple Altimeter Beam Experimental Lidar |
MAE | Mean absolute error |
MAPE | Mean absolute percentage error |
Mbps | Megabit per second |
MNDWI | Modified normalized difference water index |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
NDWI | Normalized difference water index |
NIR | Near infra-red |
RMSE | Root mean squared error |
ROI | Region of interest |
SAIH | Sistema Automático de Información Hidrológica |
SAR | Synthetic aperture radar |
STRM | Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission |
USGS | Unites States Geological Survey |
Appendix A. Inspection of a Built-Up Area
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© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Militino, A.F.; Montesino-SanMartin, M.; Pérez-Goya, U.; Ugarte, M.D. Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1934.
Militino AF, Montesino-SanMartin M, Pérez-Goya U, Ugarte MD. Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(12):1934.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMilitino, Ana F., Manuel Montesino-SanMartin, Unai Pérez-Goya, and M. Dolores Ugarte. 2020. "Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes" Remote Sensing 12, no. 12: 1934.
APA StyleMilitino, A. F., Montesino-SanMartin, M., Pérez-Goya, U., & Ugarte, M. D. (2020). Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes. Remote Sensing, 12(12), 1934.