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A cappuccino is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk.[1] The most striking thing about this drink is the milk foam on top. A soothing, consistent layer of foam is what sets a great cappuccino apart from lesser drinks. There's a greater part art than science in making the perfect cappuccino. Although it takes time to perfect the timing and method of pouring, having a firm knowledge of the basics will get you on your way towards the ultimate cup.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making the Foam with a Steam Pitcher

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  1. Although specifics will depend on the type of cappuccino and the person making it, cappuccinos are roughly one quarter espresso and three quarters steamed milk.[2] Pour your desired amount of brewed espresso into a large cappuccino cup before you steam the milk. That way, you'll have everything ready so you can pour out the steamed milk while it's still piping hot.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    Steam pitchers are specifically designed to heat liquid through steaming. Most traditional cappuccinos are served as 6 ounce portions, although many North American outlets prefer a 12-ounce version. Use 3/4 cup to 1 1/2 cups of milk, depending on your preference.
    • Non-fat milk is best if you're looking to get the most foam.[3] However, non-fat milk will lack the creamy taste of its fatty alternative. It's up to you whether you favor foam or flavor.
    • Alternatives to steaming with a steam pitcher include using a metal pitcher with a steam wand, using a frother or shaking up the milk in a jar. An authentic cappuccino will rely on steaming, however.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    Steaming milk gives cappuccinos their heat and bubbly quality. You should aim to keep your steamed milk between 140 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. For the sake of drinkability, it's important not to steam milk past 170 degrees. Depending on the steamer and the amount and temperature of the milk you're steaming, steaming can take between 10-40 seconds in most cases.[4] It's a really good idea to have a thermometer at hand to put in the milk. That way you can make sure it's the exact temperature you want without having to resort to guesswork.
    • If you don't have a thermometer, you can gauge the temperature increase by putting your hand up against the outside of the pitcher. Wait until the pitcher starts to get warm to the touch. When the outside of the pitcher gets uncomfortably hot, it should be an indicator that the milk has steamed long enough.[5]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    [6] The longer steamed milk is left out, the less palatable it will be in a cappuccino. Milk is very sensitive to heat, and should only be steamed right before it's injected into the cappuccino mug. If you're making a larger batch of cappuccinos at once, hold off from steaming a large quantity of milk at once. Milk that is heated and reheated gets stale and loses its potential for foam.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    [7] A cappuccino should be served in a coffee cup, and you'll ultimately need to combine the milk with the espresso. The trick here is to pour the milk in slowly. Any quick movements will risk compromising the foam. Level out your pitcher slowly as you pour.
    • One way to save the most foam for your top is to take a spoon and use it to trap in the foam at the top of the pitcher. When the pitcher is almost empty, you can pour out the foam.
    • Even out the foam with a spoon if it's poured out unevenly.
  6. [8] Getting a perfect foam ultimately depends on your skill. With that in mind, it may take a few times before you get the kind of foam you want. However, you'll need to be able to distinguish a failure from a success to do so. A proper cappuccino foam should be even and soft. A bad foam will look very foamy and might risk frothing off the sides.
    • There are two main reasons that could be the cause of a less-than-desired foam result. First, the steamed milk needs to be poured at the right depth. Secondly, the heat may of the steamed milk may have been too high to properly settle into soft bubbles.
    • Don't be discouraged if you get a bad foam the first time you try it. Perfect coffee beverages require a lot more skill that people give it credit for. Each time you try, you'll get a bit closer to figuring out the subtle movements involved in it.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Using Other Methods to Make Foam

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    [9] A steam wand will heat up your milk in a way doesn't affect the taste of the milk. Dip your steam wand into the milk until its approximately a centimeter away from the bottom of your pitcher. As heat tends to rise, steaming it from the bottom up will ensure that your milk heats evenly.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    Unlike a steamer, where the bubbles are a welcome side effect, an electric frother is specifically designed to give milk bubbles. They're relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online if need be.[10] Put your frother tip about a centimeter below the surface and hold it under for approximately 20 seconds while it froths. Move the frother slowly around the cup to make sure the bubbles are even.
    • If you use a frother, you won't need to use a steamer to heat the milk. In that case, milk can be heated on stovetop or in the microwave.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    If you're making a cappuccino, it's assumed that you're wanting to go for quality over convenience. All the same, you can get a functional froth by shaking milk up before heating it.[11] Put a cup of cold milk into a sealed jar or container. Shake it vigorously for up to a minute. Immediately after, throw it in the microwave and heat for 30 seconds. The heat is necessary for a proper cappuccino, but heating the milk will also stabilize the microbubbles you'll have formed from the shaking.
    • This is a good quick fix, and recommended if you're not particular about your cappuccinos. Keep in mind, however that your foam won't look nearly as good as if you steam it.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Presenting Your Cappuccino

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Make Cappuccino Foam
    Draw art on your cappuccino. Drawing a design atop your cappuccino can be done through purposeful movement as you pour the milk into your espresso cup. It is very tricky to do and can take months for some baristas to get the proper hang of it. However, leaving a simple heart or swirl pattern on the top of your cappuccino foam can make it look all the more professional and classy when it's served. There are lots of possible designs for all different skill levels.[12]
    • For a heart shape, begin pouring in the centre and let shift the pour from side to side.[13]
    • If your steamed milk is really foamy, latte art will be virtually impossible.[14]
  2. Cappuccinos are valued for their presentation almost as much as their taste. Cinnamon and chocolate flakes will help to add to both. Once you have your foam settled, sprinkle these on as an afterthought. Even if you're making it from home, this technique can make your cappuccino look like a professional delicacy.
  3. Cappuccino cups should be small, plain, elegant and handled. Depending on the size of your cappuccino, the cups you choose should hold up to 12 ounces. Cappuccinos take more effort to make than regular coffee, so you shouldn't use any old cup for it. Even if you think aesthetics don't matter, you may nonetheless find you enjoy the drink more if you put due respect into the way it's served.
    • Make sure the cup size matches the amount of cappuccino you're serving. Cafe culture tends to value smaller sizes in order to emphasize taste over gorging. Even if you only have a certain amount of cappuccino to drink, putting it in a cup that's too big will rob it of some of its visual appeal.
  4. Cookies, biscotti, brownies, muffins or other pastry snacks are a longtime friend of cappuccinos and other coffee drinks. Put a couple of cookies on a plate next to your cappuccino. In doing so, you'll elevate it from a drink to a multi-part cafe experience. Enjoy!
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    The milk gets hot but the lovely creamy foam is cold. What am I doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You probably need to clean your machine. If debris gets stuck in there the machine tends to mix up the heat formats.
  • Question
    Why do my coffees have lots of bubbles on top?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The barista most likely steamed the milk, creating microfoam (very small bubbles) and slowly poured it on the top of the coffee.
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  • The word "cappuccino" is derived from the Capuchin Monks. The drink got its name from sharing a similar color to the clothes they were known for wearing.[15]
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  • Coffee products shouldn't be served in larger portions than 12 ounces. Some cafe aficionados will snub their noses at sizes greater than 6 ounces. Depending on who you're trying to impress (if anyone) this may be something to keep in mind.
  • Cappuccinos are hot. Be careful not to burn yourself while you're making one.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh cold milk (at least one cup)
  • Brewed espresso
  • A pitcher
  • Cinnamon and other add-ons
  • A steam wand

About This Article

Rich Lee
Co-authored by:
Professional Barista
This article was co-authored by Rich Lee. Rich is the Coffee & Food Program Director of Spro Coffee Lab in San Francisco, a California-based company that specializes in craft coffee, experimental mocktails, and culinary food science. Together with his team, Rich strives to bring forth a uniquely transcendent experience, free of stereotypical eats and drinks. Prior to owning his own business, Rich was a barista for big name coffee retailers such as Blue Bottle Coffee and Sightglass. This article has been viewed 150,733 times.
35 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: October 10, 2024
Views: 150,733
Article SummaryX

To make cappuccino foam, start by pouring some cold milk into a jar or container. Then, put a lid on it, and shake it for 1 minute. Next, immediately microwave the milk for 30 seconds. Finally, add the foam to your cappuccino. If you're interested in making cafe-quality cappuccinos, consider investing in a milk frother or a steam wand. To learn how to make cappuccino foam with a steam pitcher, read on!

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  • Virginia Guglielmi

    Virginia Guglielmi

    May 30, 2017

    "It showed why I'm not getting a thick stiff, foam for coffee drinks, such as lattes and cappuccinos."
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