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If you enjoy walking outside, then it's inevitable that you are going to encounter dogs. Most dogs will be accompanied by their owner, but you may occasionally cross paths with a dog that's off its leash. Whether a dog is leashed or not, they can sometimes pose a danger to people they don't know. You can protect yourself from dogs while walking by dealing with an approaching dog, avoiding encounters with dogs, blocking an attack, and approaching a dog the right way.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Dealing with an Approaching Dog

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  1. Depending on where you are walking, choose a way to protect yourself. You may choose to carry a large stick, a dog whistle, dog deterrent spray, or a stun gun.[1]
    • You can purchase commercial products that are proven to deter dog attacks.
    • Look for a whistle that irritates dogs. You can blow the whistle and most dogs will run away from you. A traditional whistle can also work by startling the dog.[2]
    • In addition to the traditional stun gun, you can find stun batons that not only work on dogs but may frighten them away before you have to use it. The dog will see the baton and hear its electric charge, frightening it.
  2. Don't make eye contact because the dog could see it as a challenge.[3] Instead, watch the dog in your peripheral vision.
    • Turn at a 90 degree angle to the dog to communicate to it that you mean no threat.
  3. Baring teeth is a sign of aggression for dogs, so smiling or having your mouth open can signal to the dog that you are a threat. Instead, press your lips together to hide your teeth.[4]
  4. While commands might not work as well for stray dogs, yelling a firm, one-word command can get a dog to back off. Try commands such as “Stop”, “No,” and “Back”. Don't use a friendly voice when speaking to the dog, and avoid screaming or shrieking.[5]
  5. Carry a spray bottle or a water bottle that has a nozzle. If you are approached by an aggressive dog, spraying it with water can get it to run off.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Blocking an Attack

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  1. If you run, the dog will instinctively try to catch you. It will see you as prey to chase down.[7] Instead, you want to make yourself seem like you aren't a threat and aren't prey.
  2. Protect your torso and face by lifting your knee in front of your body. If the dog does bite or scratch, it won't be able to reach your stomach, neck, or face.[8]
  3. Larger breeds instinctively go for your face, so block them with your arms. Crossing your arms will put up a stronger barrier than just flailing your arms in front of your face.[9]
    • Further protect your head by tucking it under your arms. Lean your head forward and fold your crossed arms backward so that your head is covered.
  4. Since dogs have prey instinct, curling into a ball can end the dog's urge to attack.[10] While you may be afraid to lay on the ground, it's the safest option during a dog attack. Just play dead.
    • Don't move or try to scoot away. Just curl as tightly into a ball as you can.
    • Remove any items of clothing that may be around your neck since the dog may pull on it to play tug-of-war, which could strangle you.
    • Fight back only if the dog is small. Fighting back can make the dog fight harder, especially if it's a larger breed that can overpower you.[11]
  5. Don't try to engage the dog at all while you're on the ground. That means don't look at the dog, don't try to talk to it, and don't try to sooth it by petting it. The dog is in attack mode, and engaging with it will only antagonize it more.
    • You can continue to shout commands if you've chosen to do so.[12]
  6. The dog will only struggle to bite harder and hold on if you try to pull away.[13] Additionally, you can rip the skin more and make your wound worse.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Avoiding Encounters with Dogs

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  1. If you know that dogs frequent a particular area, choose another path for your walk. This is especially important if the dogs are strays as they are more likely to be hungry or territorial.
    • While it's common for dogs to share walkways with people, think about how comfortable you are around dogs before you go to an area that is popular for dog walking. Dogs can sense emotions and will know if you're uncomfortable, which could trigger a stressed dog.
    • Be on guard while walking on country roads. Unwanted dogs are often dumped in the country and left to fend for themselves, which leads to roaming dogs along country roads.
    • Always carry a big stick and other protective items such as a stun gun while walking alone on a country road.
    • If you are going on a walk to explore a new area, ask the locals about the likelihood of dog encounters. Dogs roam in packs in some countries or rural areas, so get information about how to stay safe before you go exploring.
  2. Dogs are very territorial and will aggressively defend their home. If you see a dog or know that a dog lives at a particular house, change up your route to avoid the dog. Large dogs can jump fences if they're agitated.[14]
  3. If you see a dog that is walking near you or is engaged in an activity nearby, don't walk up on it. It's best to quietly walk in the opposite direction. Surprising a dog can make even the gentlest dog act out aggressively because it's afraid.[15]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Approaching a Dog the Right Way

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  1. Some dogs aren't ready to meet new people, so don't assume that a dog that is out for its walk wants to be petted.[16] The owner can also offer advice on how to best engage the dog if it is friendly.
    • Don't run or move quickly toward a dog.
    • Never approach or pet a dog that is nursing her puppies.
  2. A flat hand will keep you safe and show the dog that you aren't a threat.[17] Extend your hand but don't touch the dog until it's ready.
  3. If the dog is open to you petting it, then it will come to you. Keep your hand extended so that the dog can smell you and decide if it wants you to pet it.[18]
    • If you are afraid, don't reach out to the dog. Dogs can sense your emotions and might get scared.
  4. A friendly dog will perk his ears and lower his head. A dog that tilts his ears back, growls, or cowers does not want to be petted, so slowly back away. If the dog shows that it's okay with you, gently pet it.
    • Pet the dog only on his head or upper back. Lightly pet the dog in his safe spots, avoiding his belly, tails, ears, and feet.[19]
  5. If you know that there are a lot of dogs where you like to walk, consider carrying treats, such as a milk bone. Giving the dog a small treat can make you instant friends.[20]
    • Ask the dog's owner before giving it a treat. The dog may be on a special diet or may have already had treats.
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What Should You Do If a Dog Attacks You?

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  • Question
    Can I scare a dog off with a certain sound?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on the dog as they all have different personalities. Some may be frightened from loud banging or yelling while others may become more aggressive.
  • Question
    What will happen if I make eye contact with a barking dog?
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    Community Answer
    It depends on the dog and your relationship to it. If it is an unfamiliar dog, it may view this as a threat or invitation to attack.
  • Question
    Can I shoot a dog if it's trying to attack me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Laws vary depending on your area, but in general if you believe your life is in immediate danger you are allowed to defend yourself. Pepper spray might be a better option if you live in an area with very strict gun laws, or have little experience with gun safety. Check your local laws and ordinances before carrying a gun outside your home.
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  • Report any animal attacks that happen to you.
  • Seek treatment from a doctor immediately if a dog bites you, as animal bites can quickly become infected. Get the owner's information if the dog has an owner because they should pay your medical costs.

Tips from our Readers

  • Try carrying a pop-out umbrella. You can defend from dogs that may try to attack you by opening the umbrella towards them—the movement and the popping sound can startle them.
  • Never try to aggravate a dog. Calmly leave a situation before trying to defend from a dog in any way.
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  • Check to see if stun guns or pepper spray are legal where you live. Learn to use these devices in a safe manner.
  • A wagging tail may not be friendly, so don't try to play with a dog just because its tail is wagging.[21]
  • If a dog is attacking you, don't assume that a yawn means that it's tired. It can mean that the dog is stressed and about to escalate the situation.[22]

About This Article

Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC
Co-authored by:
Canine Behavior Consultant
This article was co-authored by Colleen Demling-Riley, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Colleen Demling-Riley (CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, CDBC) is a Canine Behavior Consultant and the Founder of Pawtopia Dog Training. With more than 20 years of experience, she specializes in creating and customizing dog management programs for dog owners. She is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Behavior Consultant Canine-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, and American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. Colleen is a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals and has been a featured expert in national media including the New York Times, Woman’s Day, Readers Digest, Cosmopolitan, and Yahoo.com. This article has been viewed 327,021 times.
16 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: June 7, 2024
Views: 327,021
Article SummaryX

The best ways to protect yourself from dogs while walking are knowing how to act around them and carrying some protection. If a dog comes near you while you’re walking, avoid looking in its eyes, since some dogs may take this as a challenge. If it gets aggressive with you, calmly yell, “Stop,” “No,” or “Back,” to make it back off. Never run away from an attacking dog, since this will encourage it to chase you. Consider carrying a dog whistle or regular whistle while you walk, which should frighten it and make it run away. Alternatively, carry a spray bottle of water, which can get it to retreat. For more tips, including how to safely approach a dog, read on!

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